Ancient India Facts. Cumbhea Mela is the largest meeting of people in the world

During traveling in India, we saw a lot of interesting and unusual - something impressed more, something less. Here we give the facts about India (mainly about the south and east) who remember most.

1. As gesture "yes"(Instead of the nod head, like us), the Indians shake their heads on the parties, like our I-Ai-ah. The first time subconsciously arose a feeling that they would scarcely swing their heads in response to the question, they say "Well, you have a question, white." Also at the meeting - often begin to chat heads from side aside, like non-masses, very funny))

2. The movement here is left-sided, such a concept as traffic rules if there is something very conditionally, the main rule on the road is a beep. Moreover, as opposed to the example from the signpost, the beep is rather a warning character, i.e. I broke and immediately starts turn, and if I did not give up - your problems, you warned you \u003d) Especially mad movement in major cities - Delhi, Chennai, Calcuta, handled by an incredible number of Tuk-Tukov, driving here and there - the hum of signals is not stopped there for a minute.

3. Men is common to close friendship, To such an extent that it is often possible to meet them, walking by holding a hand or hugging. We were first surprised, but then I read that it was just such a friendship, without sexual subtext.

4. Indian food, especially south, very sharp, with large quantity Spices. Requests "No Spicy", "No Chilly" rarely lead to the expected result, despite the zili of the waiter's head. There is a certain set of dishes, initially not very sharp - they can be eaten with the full rejection of acute food.

5. In most cases To refer to the place where you can eat, the word is used Hotel.. At the same time, most hotels are called LODGE, but some, especially large also in the title use the Hotel.

6. The most common fruits - Papaya, pineapples, tangerines and bananas, and the latter, a huge amount of varieties are large and small, thick and thin, yellow, red and green. Apples are also sold, but incredibly expensive.

7. Many products have MRP marking (Maximum Retail Price) - the maximum retail price for which this product can be sold. This is especially noticeable on bottled water, which is sold at every corner and costs almost everywhere 15 rupees per 1 liter both in stores and in a cafe.

8. In many small local restaurants No Menu - People come and order long-famous dishes.

9. Dishes for different meals As a rule, it is clearly divided for breakfast (up to 11), lunch (from 12 to 15) and dinner (from 19 to 21). The time, however, is quite conditional and can vary, but order something day from the Breakfast menu, and during the day from Dinner it will not happen. Moreover, from 15 to 18-19, part of the cafes are generally closed.

10. The most common lunch Among not strongly secured residents are " meals ": Rice Mountain, as a rule on a banana leaf (very convenient, free disposable dishes, and even more profitable in disposal of waste) with several sauces and seasonings in bowls. Most often it is a dish without restrictions - sauces poured almost always, sometimes rice is placed, cheap and angry. Meals are more popular in southern India.

11. Tips in cafes It is customary to leave at will from 3-10%, but most often it is 10-20 rupees.

12. There is no alcohol in free sale. those. He is not prohibited, but it is not particularly welcome - you can only buy in specially rejected places. In most cafes, it is also officially not officially (sometimes they sell "from under the floors"), there are only in restaurants.

13. Personnel in Guesthouses and Cafe, especially inexpensive, rarely friendly. They are not aggressive, but they talk, as if they had this work in the liver sits, perhaps it was. Moreover, local residents are often very smiling and friendly.

14. Rickshaw and other "helpers" The client's drive to the hotel usually receive a fixed amount, and for each night, conducted by the client in this hotel. So from the room for 250 rupees Rickshaw 50 rupees, and for 300 already 75 and so on. Each city has its own fees. By this secretly, the owner of the guesthouse in Allepi shared the owner \u003d)

15. Central hot water supply Nowhere not. In the cheapest guesthouses hot water In principle, in some it is brought in the morning in the tank (sometimes for extra money), in more advanced boilers.

16. Toilet paper Hindus do not useInstead, in advanced places near the toilet, a small soul is hanging, and in places simpler - a crane with water and a bucket.

17. Hindu temples start working at 5 am And this, as a rule, is accompanied by loud upwards (prayer) into the microphone on the entire district, huge speakers are exhibited outside)) Especially fun if such a temptel turns out under the bows of the bosschus \u003d)

18. Most Indians are very devout, believers. In the temples everywhere, there are many pilgrims everywhere and, as a result, business is widely developed for the sale of offering - as a rule it is a set of flowers and fruits (bananas, coconuts). Some even at home have a small prayer room with Altar and Deities, visiting one of the Kauratsurfers witnessed the evening prayer of his daughter - called the bell and swung with chopsticks with incenses.

19. In most Hindu templesor in separate prayer parts of them, the entrance is allowed only to Hindu (Hinda), despite the fact that the Indian priest can also bless Europeans (put the point on the forehead, washed with holy water), just paid money)

20. Apparently due to heatHere most people get up in 5-6 in the morning. So at 7 am of the usual weekday, we witnessed the pussy on the beach - the local played football, volleyball and just sat with a handful or walked, the same thing in the evening - after 5 hours.

21. Indians in the main mass do not like to swim in the sea, prefer lakes with freshwater And without waves. Women never bathe at least in public places.

22. Often local, mostly young people, from not tourist areas asked to take pictures with us. Children simply greet and make hands or ask them to photograph. People aged also willingly positive in front of the lens, and then with innocent eyes are asked for "Mani Mani".

23. Typical procedure for meeting local Consists of two questions "HIV Country?, Neim?". Sometimes they just ask "Neum?" And satisfied with go further.

24. Children, envy us, often asking "sculpen". At first they did not understand, and then disassembled - School Pen (school handle), apparently tourists often give them.

25. The most common clothing among women is a sariYoung men walk in jeans and t-shirts, and the older pod often prefers Lunga - a rag wound around his legs, wounds on a naked body.

26. In trains, in common wagons (Class gENERAL.), if not free seatsPeople quietly go on the luggage shelves. Tested on its own experience - up to 3 people are placed on the luggage shelf + baggage \u003d)
In class cars sleeper. On two side shelves, up to 5 people can be located - two on the top, 3 on the bottom, and in a placentar where our four people go in Russia, here 6 shelves are sleeping and sitting on them not six, but 9-10 people and sleep A bunch, also sleep in the aisles right on the floor and in Tamburas from toilets and inputs. In each car on 2 types of toilets - Western style (toilet) and Indian (hole in the floor).

27. Prices for visiting various parks, palaces, nature reserves are often different for local and foreign tourists as a rule in 10, and sometimes 15 times, for example, 10 and 150 rupees.

28. Yoga and Ayurveda - these are two big myths about India. In Russia, many believe that in India, all the Hindus are engaged in the yoga and are treated with Ayurveda, but both are more common outside of India, and here is popular mainly among tourists.

P.S. Most of the above observations are unfair for large and developed cities like,. They are very highly Europeanized with all the resulting from here

consequences \u003d)

P.P.S At the end of our journey in India, we published ""

Useful articles:

India - Truly dreamlandAfter visiting which any traveler for life will remain amazing memories for life. One day, having acquainted with this country, everyone will become her prisoner and will forever lose peace. In this unique country, everything is unusual, in a different way, everything is new and special. India conquers guests with its exotic, richest culture and magnificent nature. Here lives a large number different species Animals: Nimble monkeys, hollow with a bright plumage of peacocks, tigers and crocodiles. Gorgeous beaches, gentle water of the Indian Ocean, ancient memo one of the most ancient civilizations and spicy smells on the streets, a large number of diverse saints and prudillary rickshes, which differ in the colorful sari and the whiteness of smiling locals are all the signs of India, full of mysteries and open for guests!

The official name of the state: Republic of India.

Location - South Asia. The northern border separates the country from Afghanistan, China, Nepal and Bhutan, Eastern - from Bangladesh and Myanmar, and Western - from Pakistan.

The form of the Board is the Federal Republic. Included in the British Commonwealth.

The total area is 3.29 million square kilometers.

The capital of India is New Delhi City.


Geographically, India is located in three large orographic areas: the Himalayan Mountains, on Indo-Ganga Plain and on the Dean Plateau (Industan Peninsula). Dean is an extensive ancient sushi array consisting of Precambrian crystalline rocks, mainly Gneisov, shale and granites. Most of the surface overlaps the volcanic lava, the highest power of the cover of which is observed in the north-west. Once dean was part of an ancient mainland Gondwana, in which Africa, India and South America. About two hundred million years ago, this mainland broke up into several separate blocks. There is a spacious Indo-Ganga Plain between the Himalayas and Dean.

In the territory of India, the part of the eastern Himalayas are noted in large heights, however, the structure of the mountains is relatively simple. The north of the Gang Valley prostered the swampy strip of terrays covered with the jungle (so local call her natural vegetation cover). Through it gradually raise merging proluvial loops at the foot of the Salymk Mountains. In the northern direction, the ridges of the mining system of small hymalayas (up to 3000 m) rise (up to 3000 m). The next level at the height of the level represents large Himalayas (up to 5800), the most striking heights of which are in Nepal Everest (Jomolungma - 8848 m), and in India - Kanchenzhanga (8598 m).

Animal world

According to the fauna represented in India, this country is considered to be related to the Indo-Malay region. The most widely represented by mammals here are monkeys (gibbons, thin-tales, macales), antelopes, deer (black, spotted and lamps), bulls (dwarf and Indian buffaloes, gaur), there are panthers, tigers, Indian elephants, Himalayan bears. To date, leopards, lions, Kashmir deer are almost completely exterminated. Fauna India is very rich in reptiles, birds and fish.

On the territory of India there are 47 national parks and reserves, the largest Girsky Forests located in Gujarat (under the Asian Lion Guide), in Assama - Kaziranga and in West Bengal - Jaldapara (under the Protection of Indian Rhino).


In South India, mostly tropical climate, and the northern part of the country is characterized by temperature drops from values \u200b\u200bbelow zero to 50 ° C. In addition, the northern part of the country is distinguished by pronounced seasons. Here the winter lasts from December to February, March and April are considered spring months, the summer months include May and June, the Mussons period from July to September and the autumn months are October and November.


The time zone of India UTC + 5: 30, the time is ahead of Moscow by 1.5 hours (when moving to winter time The difference is 2.5 hours).


The official currency is Indian Rupee, which is equal to 100 Paies. In broad walking, coins in 1 rupee, 2 rupees and 5 rupees are used. Nominal banknotes 5-10-20-50-100-500-1000 rupees.


By the number of citizens, India is located in second place in the world ranking after China, the population is 1.2 billion people. Most of the Indians (almost 70%) live in rural areas, although in the last 10-20 years migration in large cities, due to which the number of urban population has increased dramatically. The largest cities of the country are Delhi, Kolkata (formerly Calcutta), Mumbai (former Bombay), Hyderabad, Chennai (former Madras), Bangalore, Ahmedabad. The Indian population has an average literacy rate of 64.8%. In India, there is an exemption of the amount of male population over the number of women. Annual population growth in the country averages 22 children per thousand people. Average age Citizens of the country are defined about 25 years.


According to the country's constitution, state languages, that is, the languages \u200b\u200bon which the National Government works are Hindi and English. English Everywhere distributed in business and administrative management, its status - auxiliary official languageAlso, he plays a big role in the education system, especially in the middle and highest school.


Most of the inhabitants of India (more than 80%) confess Hinduism. Also, the significant number of followers is characterized by Islam (believers - 13.4% of the population) and Christianity (2.3%). There are also adherents of Sikhism (1.9%), as well as Buddhism (0.8%) and quite a bit - Jainism (0.4%). In addition, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Bahá'ís and some other religions are presented in a small number of believers in India. In addition, animism among the population belonging to the aborigines of this area (8.1% of the population) is spread.

Administrative division

India - Federation of the republics, it consists of Delhi National District (Metropolitan), 6 Union Territories and 28 states. Own government in all states, the national metropolitan district Delhi and the Allied territory of Puddlechari - elected, the remaining 5 allied territories are managed by administrators who are appointed by the central government, so that they are in the immediate subordination of the president. All allied territories and states in turn have division into administrative units - districts. In total, the country includes 600 such districts, each of which consists of even smaller administrative units - Talukov.

State device

This country refers to sovereign, socialist, secular liberal-democratic republics. State power consists of three branches, which include legislative, executive and judicial.

At the head of state, India is the president elected by the electoral college by indirect voting for a period of 5 years. The head of the government of India is the Prime Minister, in the hands of which is the executive.

The legislative branch of power in India is represented by the Parliament consisting of two chambers: the top, called the Council of the States (Rajary Sabha), and called the People's Chamber (Lok Sabha) of the Lower Chamber.

The executive authority includes the president and vice president, as well as the Council of Ministers (Chapter - Prime Minister). Each ministerial should be part of any of the Chambers of Parliament. In the republic, the executive power is subordinate to the legislative.

For India is characterized by three-stage unitary judicial branch, consisting of the Supreme Court, twenty-one Supreme Court and the number of smaller judicial authorities.

Economy of India

Currently, individual sectors of the Indian economy are open to private business, as well as for foreign capital. In the past three decades, an annual GDP growth has been observed on average almost 5.5%, which brought the Indian economy into the discharge of the fastest growing on a global scale. Among the important resources of India is the second working force in the world. The distribution of workers on the areas of activity is: in agriculture 60% involved, in the field of services - 28%, and in industry - 12%. The main agricultural crops include rice, potatoes, wheat, sugar cane, tea, cotton. The main industries includes automotive industry, cement, chemical, mechanical engineering, consumer electronics, spraying, pharmaceutical, oil, textile, metalworking and mining. Among the countries of the world, India is located in the sixth place for oil consumption, and in consumption coal - on the third.

For India, a significant social bundle of the population is characterized. Although there is an economic growth in the country, the fourth part of the population of India is forced to live below the subsistence minimum established by the state.

India refers to software exporters, technological and financial services, jewelry and textiles. The main imported articles are oil, chemicals, fertilizers and machinery. Among the main trading partners - the United States, China and the European Union. To the mainstream natural resources India includes arable land, diamonds, iron ore, manganese, chromites, coal, bauxite, mica, limestone, titanium ores, natural gas and oil.


Indian culture is distinguished by an amazing variety. All the historical development of this country has been preserved in ancient cultural traditions, in addition, some new traditions were borrowed from other countries and peoples. The cultural influence of India is quite strongly in other regions of Asia.

Special respect in this country enjoys the worship of the elders and other traditional family values, which is mainly due to socio-economic relations established on the relevant traditions of an expanded family system.

Kitchen India

Indian culinary traditions are considered one of the most ancient and popular in the world. At the heart of the local cooking - a variety of vegetables "Sabji" (most of the meat Indians do not eat, and guests are better to wait for the house), rice, fish, various flour products, Puri's cakes and a large variety of dairy products. Count how much in Indian national Kitchen Original dishes will probably fail to anyone. The visit card of Indian food are spices added to almost any dish, even saline, even sweet, and in the most unpredictable combinations for other peoples. The widespread "Curry" seasoning in this country is a large selection of a wide variety of recipes that, when applied, allow them to turn into an unusual even the most common dish.

There is a special popularity of tea here, which traditionally drink with spices or hot milk, as well as coffee, fruit waters and fresh juices. Drink alcoholic beverages here is not accepted here, most of the dishes are drunk cold clean water. It is worth noting that the use of alcoholic beverages in trains and public transport is strictly prohibited in India.


There are no duties regarding vaccinations before a visit to India. So, to do or not there is no personal matter. Of course, some vaccinations will not be superfluous, especially if you are going to India for a relatively long time (at least three months) and are going to go to the environmentally unfavorable areas of the country, but there is no extreme necessity in these vaccinations. It is only elemental to observe hygiene and safety measures, and this is the maximum probability of probability will allow tourists to avoid any diseases.


India has a fairly developed network of internal airlines, and airports here are almost all major cities and district centers. Most often, tourists arrive at Delhi Airports, Goa, Bombay, Calcutta or Chennai. As a rule, airports have toilets, restaurants, banks, bus stops and a taxi. Some airports have equipped recreation rooms. It is also worth considering that small airports are usually closed for the night.

India is one of the oldest countries on the planet. The history and culture of India are rooted in such a deep past that even professional scientists, culturalists and historians still cannot fully understand them. True, the real picture is less iris. India is a rejected, poor and places a rather polluted country, which is not very reminded that the wonderful place is usually described in fairy tales and is shown movies.

  1. India ranks second in the world by the number of people living in its territory after China (the country's population is about 1.3 billion people).
  2. The territory of modern India was populated by the ancestors modern people About 500 thousand years ago. Just think - half a million years ago!
  3. At the elections of 2014, 668 women and five transsexuals took place in the Indian Parliament.
  4. India has an amazing variety of species of animals and plants. At the same time, about 33% of the varieties of plants growing in Indian forests are no longer found anywhere on the planet.
  5. Indians first began to season with black pepper.
  6. National sport in India - hockey on the grass, and the most popular - cricket, which gotten by Indians from British colonialists. The national team of India won more Olympic medals in hockey on the grass than any other country of the world.
  7. India is the birthplace of yoga.
  8. In the Indian capital of New Delhi, the International Mango Festival is held every year.
  9. One of the main architectural symbols of India, the Taj Mahal Mausoleum, more than 20 thousand workers and artisans were built for almost 30 years. Now this unique structure is gradually covered with cracks and yellowing due to extremely dirty air - the complex has to be regularly cleaned with a special white clay.
  10. In 2010, between New Delhi and Mumbai began to run a luxurious railway train, called the "train Maharaj". Train passengers can admire the most famous attractions of India, sitting in the coolness of the five-star wagons.
  11. India is leading among all countries of the world by the number of murders and abortions per thousand population.
  12. The inhabitants of India are talking in 780 languages \u200b\u200band more than a thousand dialects formed from these languages \u200b\u200b(see).
  13. India's authorities legally banned to carry out its national currency across the border - Indian rupees. It is prohibited both import rupees in India and the export of local money from it. True, anyway, nobody checks anything.
  14. In India, it is customary to celebrate weddings - even not too rich families invite to marriage to one and a half thousand guests and organize a festive festival for them.
  15. Indians consider cows with sacred animals, so they do not eat beef and allow the livestock freely in the city streets and beaches. However, it does not apply to the state of Goa - the beef here is very much eaten, since the vast majority of the inhabitants of Goa are Christians, and not Hindus.
  16. Dollar millionaires are over a million inhabitants of India.
  17. In India, almost no one uses washing machines - Weissious Indians prefer to hire a housekeeper, which takes washing on themselves, and poor families simply erase their underwear in the nearest reservoir.
  18. Indian women do not turn to their husbands by name, as this is considered disrespectful.
  19. In India, there is more vegetarians than in any other country in the world.
  20. Indian mail has the largest delivery network of correspondence in the world. On the territory of the country there is a post office located at an altitude of 4400 meters above sea level, there is also floating mail, and several decades ago of Indians served mobile postrooms on camels.
  21. The Holy City of Varanasi is one of the oldest constant towns of the world.
  22. India ranks second after the United States in the number of English-speaking residents.
  23. The Indian town of Cherapundy is considered one of the most rainy and wet places on Earth.
  24. In Jaipur, the world's largest sundials.
  25. Indians are preparing over 140 species of traditional national desserts.
  26. In the Indian village, Butvang lives the biggest family on Earth - it consists of the head of the family, 39 of his wives, 94 children and 39 grandchildren.

Interesting Facts About India that you might not know.

1. India is the most multilingual country in the world. It speaks more than 400 languages \u200b\u200band dialects.

2. In India, you can often see men going by hand. This is only a sign of close friendship and has no sexual subtext.

3. Many are called India residents - Hindus, which is incorrect. Hindu is a person whose religion is Hinduism. And since the significant number of Muslims, Christians and representatives of other religions are also living in India, which the terms "Indian" are correctly used.

4. Approximately about a third of the population of India - pure vegetarians, excluding even eggs from the diet. In this regard, restaurants (Pure Vegetarian), feeding exclusively vegetarian food.

5. In India, cows are considered to be sacred animals. Therefore, they are completely loosely walking through the streets of Indian cities.

6. Sometimes, as a gesture "Yes", some Indians can swing their heads from side to side, which can confuse foreigners who took it for denial.

7. In India, there are no traffic rules as such. Cars, motorcycles, pedestrians, carts and cows are mixed on the roads into a single mass. At first glance, a foreigner may seem complete chaos. However, between all participants road It reigns some segless mutual understanding, which does not allow to form road to the traffic.

8. If in India, you decided to use the city bus, be prepared that your bus may not stop at the bus stop, or dwell on the middle of the road, or 100 meters further, closer stop. Also often you have to jump, jump out of buses on the go. Here urban buses have their own rules of movement, understandable only to Indians.

9. The most popular transport in India is motorcycles and mopeds. They are ideal for moving on overloaded Indian roads. They are very easy to buy and sell even a foreigner, while you will never ask the driver's license.

10. The most comfortable and inexpensive way Travel in India - Trains. This is a great way to contemplate all the beauty of the country.

11. In the cheapest classes of Indian trains can sell tickets without space. As a result, so many people can be cut into these cars as they are not able to accommodate physically. In the most extreme cases, people can hang out of the doors of the car or even ride on the roof. Any tourist can also experience this "attraction" on itself by buying a ticket to the appropriate class.

12. In India, they love sharp food very much, sometimes you can suck something sharply and at the same time the selected pair of chili pepper pods. Indians themselves can easily eat without difficulty, since since childhood they use such food and their taste receptors to sharpness are somewhat dulted.

13. India is the largest population of democracy in the world: 1 billion, 200 million people.

14. Indians love foreigners very much. You will often try to get acquainted with you and take pictures on the streets.

15. Indian streets can be very dirty, as the Indians are not careful about their purity. Despite this, they are very clean in relation to their own homes. In the house of Indians is always clean and cleaned.

16. India is the most multinational country. More than 400 ethnic groups live in it.

17. In India, prices for visiting many tourist attractions can be released 10-15 times for tourists and for local. The record of this difference is the famous Taj Mahal (the entrance costs 10 rupees for the local, 750 for foreigners).

18. India produces more than 1000 films annually.

19. Indians love to sing and dance. That is why this is so reflected in their cinema. Indian films without songs and dances practically does not happen.

20. In Indian calendar, 6 seasons: Spring, Summer, Rainy Season, Autumn, Winter, Early Spring.

21. Mumbai - the richest and the poorest city in India. Nowhere in the country you will no longer find such a contrast of sparkling skyscrapers and whole quarters from slums.

22. Shampoo was first invented in India. But not as a commercial product, but as a means of caring for hair. The word "shampoo" comes from Sanskrit "Champu", which means to massage.

23. India is the second country in the world (after the USA) by the number of English-speaking.

24. Alcohol in India is sold exclusively in specially intended for this stores. Just like cigarettes.

25. The most popular taxi in India is a car rickshaw, or as local, - Tuk-Tuk. They are ideal for moving through the narrow crowded streets of India, and they can be caught absolutely anywhere.

26. In India there are more than 300,000 active mosques. This is more than any other, even an Islamic country.

27. The figures we use now have been invented in India. Also in India, the concept of zero was invented.

28. In India, very cheap hotels, especially in tourist sites, where there are high competition between them. In some cities, you can remove a great room with all the amenities for just 500 rupees (8 dollars).

29. In India, there is no separation on time zones. The whole country lives in one time.

30. The symbol of the swastika, which in the modern world is firmly associated with the Nazi regime, from ancient times was used in India, as a symbol of life, happiness and prosperity. And today, the image of the swastika can be seen everywhere on the streets of Indian cities.

31. According to the law from India, it is forbidden to export national currency in an amount exceeding 5,000 rupees.

32. In Eastern Bengal, by law, each cow must have an identity card with a photo.

33. 70% of all spices in the world are exported from India.

34. In India, the population is more than in North and South America, combined.

35. The Indian boair airline hires staff for their aircraft only from women, as they are lighter than men, which saves more than half a million dollars on the fuel.

36. It is assumed that by 2050, India will be released in the first place in the population, overtaking China.

37. Indian women own 11% of the entire global stock of gold, and this is more than the golden stock of the US, Switzerland and Germany, combined.

38. 70% of young Indians prefer to marry by agreement, instead independent choice his chosen one.

39. The term "India" comes from the name of the ind river. Ancient Greeks called Indian Indians (Indus People).

40. Chess were invented in India in 5-6 centuries of our era.

41. Before the start of the British invasion of the 17th century, India was one of the richest countries of the world.

42. India exports software In more than 90 countries of the world.

43. The history of yoga in Indian culture has more than 5 thousand years.

44. 100 million years ago, India was an island, which was then faced with the Eurasian mainland, forming the Himalayan mountains.

45. India has a third army in the world (after the United States and China).

46. \u200b\u200bThe Holy City of Varanasi is one of ancient cities World. It is believed that he is more than 3,000 years old.

47. In India, a huge bundle of society on income. It lives about one million millionaires, while 35% of the country's population lives less than 2 dollars a day.

48. Officially, the name of India in many Indian languages \u200b\u200bis Bharat (भारत).

49. The President of India performs only executive functions and in the management of the country participation does not almost accept, in fact the head of state is the Prime Minister.

50. The most famous Indian resort - Goa, until 1961, belonged to Portugal and was annexed by India as a result of a military operation.

Interesting facts O. Ancient India . Magic and fabulous country, one of the most ancient. India is full of secrets and mysteries, many facts about this state seem incredible. It is from India that many human achievements take their launches. We learn about some of them in more detail.

  1. Many favorite game Chess came to modern world from India.
  2. Back in distant times, the inhabitants of India made crystalline sugar from the cane. Many people who lived at that time were amazed to make honey without bees, it was artificial honey from sugar.

  3. India - Motherland of the world famous hookah. They taught smoking the Persians, the Persians of the Egyptians, and so gradually recognized this world.

  4. So many religions as in India, there is not in any civilization. In religion, Indian culture does not know equal. Since the most ancient times, the Hindus worshiped many gods, composed a lot of legends and stories about the origin of humanity. Religion India left a trace in many modern creeds.

  5. The people of Ancient India did a lot to develop science. Indian sages have achieved tremendous success in mathematics, medicine, astronomy, as well as in linguistics. They knew the values \u200b\u200bof the number "PI", and invented decimal system Accounts whom we use, also their merit. Many mathematical terms also invented residents of India. In astronomy, they guess the rotation of the Earth around their axis. In those distant times, doctors conducted operations, using special tools. Doctors treated with vegetable means serious diseases. While in other civilizations did not even have a concept.

  6. Hindus are not inferior in literature. Vedas are the most ancient literary heritage. They were created 2 thousand years ago BC. Later Ramayana and Mahabharat appeared. Then the punchatra appeared. It was a collection of fables, fairy tales, parables and legends, its content was instructive.

  7. Surely, all India is associated with songs, and dancing, without this it is impossible to present this culture. Indian dancing, the theater is taken in the ancient rites of Indian tribes in the ancient rites. Hindus consider king dance, also prefer Krishna.

  8. Not much achievements and chemistry. Ancient Indians dealt with various metals and alloys. They knew how to create dyes, glass, jewelry, aromatic substances, and even poisons.

  9. In ancient India, they knew the human anatomy well. Doctors knew all organs of the human body. Spelled correctly make a diagnosis, and assign treatment.

  10. Hindus were able to tame a huge animal - an elephant. These animals served to transport gravity, wore logs. They also took part in the battles, soldiers sat on them, and shot on the enemies arrows. Elephants slapped enemies. The Indians believed that elephants had a divine origin, one of their gods was with an elephant head. The buffaloes served them for the jumping of the field, and the cow was considered to be a sacred animal, she was called the mother and feed. The killing of the cow was considered a sin.

  11. People built their homes along the rivers, or on the edge of the jungle. Conventional Hindus growing wheat, vegetables and barley. They knew how to grow cotton from which they did yarn, and made comfortable clothes. Over time, this clothing has been colorfully transformed.

  12. In the cities of Ancient India there were sewage. The sewage system was simply exemplary in those times. She was collected from the channels of the channels. It was all done very thoughtfully and carefully. Channels from time to time cleaned. During the city they did drain from the brick.

  13. In history there is information that the Hindus led unusual wars. They used some "god weapons". What is the most interesting, the effect of this weapon looks like nuclear, at that moment mankind was still very far from such achievements.

  14. In the last century, a unique archaeological discovery was made. Near the ind river, excavated a huge city. Its length was 5 km, the city itself is divided into 12 parts. The streets were smooth and straight. Houses are built of clay and bricks.

  15. In Ancient India, existed schools on sculptures. The biggest ones are Gandhar, Mathurskaya, and Amaravati. India's sculptures are religious and cultural. Hindus came up with a special manual for the manufacture of sculptures.