India Interesting facts about the country. Interesting facts from the life of Indian society

India is an amazing country. But what do we know about her? Let's turn a little curtain and learn about her strange customs, culture and traditions.

Below are 12 interesting facts about India that will probably surprise you!

1. All major world religions are represented in India

Although 80 percent of Indians are followers of Hinduism, an interesting fact is that a large number of major communities and all world religions live in the country. Christian communities and churches can be found in Kerala and on Goa. Judaism in India is presented in the Fort of Kohl in Kerala.

Also in different fields of India, followers of Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism and other religions are adjacent.

2. In India, the largest number of vegetarians in the world

Although not all indulgences of vegetarians, and not all Indians Hindus, vegetarianism is an important part of the traditional views and views of the traditions of Hinduism. Approximately 20-40% of Indians are vegetarians, thanks to which India is the largest vegetarian country in the world.

3. India - the second largest English-speaking country in the world

The number of people speaking in English is a little less here than in the United States. Another interesting fact about India is that english is one of the 22 official languages \u200b\u200bof India, and auxiliary official language Governments along with Hindi. Only 10% of Indians know English, and a small minority knows him as a native language, but in the country with such a large population you can almost always find what you can communicate with.

Attractions of India

4. Kumbha-Mela is the largest meeting of people in the world

Kumbha-Mela is the rite of Hindu pilgrimage, which is becoming more and more every year. It is carried out every three years in one of the cities of Allahabad, Haridvar, Nashin and Ughane, but the meeting in Allahabad, which is carried out every 12 years, is the largest and sacred. Interesting fact: In 2013, the festival gathered about 100 million people.

5. India for a long time is the fashion center

Among the interesting facts about India, there is also something that since ancient times, Indian fabrics were sold worldwide, and the country was known for a long time, as a manufacturer of better cotton and silk. One of the consequences of British colonialism was the depletion of manufacturers of Indian textiles.

To date, the Indian Fashion Industry again thrives, and fashion weeks are constantly carried out in Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore. Also in India, many traditions have been preserved, such as manual weaving and handbill.

6. In the whole desert you can find speed wells

In the dry climate of the northern and western part of India, water is not always publicly available, and often it has to be mined from under the ground. Many stepped wells in Delhi, Rajastan and Gujarat were carved and decorated with temples with zigzag steps with a variety of tunnels and balconies that lead to water.

Some of the most beautiful stepped wells are Chand Boryz not far from Jaipur and Ajalage outside Ahmadabad.

7. Meghala is the most rainy settlement in the world

Although Rajastan's arid deserts in the West are more famous, the North-West state in Meghala is the most rainy settlement in the world, and this is quite an interesting fact! So, for example, the village of Mausinram receives 11,871 millimeters of precipitation annually.

8. Bridges made from alive trees

In Meghala, you can find amazing bridges that were created by nature more than 500 years. Such bridges made of roots and curly stems are much stronger than wooden bridges that would quickly rotted in the humid climate of Meghalai.

9. In India there are the largest sundial in the world.

The Jantar Mantar Observatories complex in Jaipur and Delhi, built in the 18th century, were once a place where astronomical tables were preparing and predicted the movements of the Sun, the moon and the planets with the naked eye.

Jantar Mantar in Jaipur is the largest, and equipped with 19 architectural astronomical instruments, including the largest sundial in the world. Observatory in Delhi is less, but not so crowded, and you can even climb into some structures.

10. There are more than 140 species of traditional Indian desserts.

Interesting fact: In each region, India has its own distinctive desserts: Pethe dessert from the boiled pumpkin from Agra, Dulat Key Chat, made of milk foam, which is sold in Delhi only in winter, Rasagolla - Bengal Balls based on milk in syrup, Gazar Khalva Made from grated carrot and popular in the north, rice pudding khir or jalesibi - Curls from the test, impregnated in syrup.

Indian desserts are very sweet, made with large quantity Fine oil and seasoned cardamon, cinnamon, saffron, coconut, pink water or nuts.

11. In India, 6 times of the year

According to the Hindu Calendar in India, 6 times of the year: Summer, autumn, winter, spring, monsoon season and winter run-up season.

12. The largest family in the world

Among the interesting facts about India there is another - Zona Chan is the head of the most big family in the world. He has 39 wives, 94 children and 39 grandchildren. They live in a 4-storey 100-bedroom house in the village of Butvang in Mizoram.


About ancient india written a lot research work, artwork and scientific treatises. And yet it remains one of the most uncharted countries, which still is a riddle for any historian - let him dedicated her to study all his life! What interesting facts are able to surprise us ancient India?

  1. The name India received from the Indian River, where the tribes settled, originally constituted the core of this state. Then, when the Aryans came to these lands, they renamed the river in Shindu.
  2. The world's very first granite palace was built in ancient India. It is the Palace of Brahidesswarr, which is located in the city of Tanjur.
  3. In the XI century, square equations have already used mathematics of India.
  4. Ayurvedic medicine is from ancient India. In ancient times, Indian doctors knew how to apply anesthesia, had extensive knowledge of the structure of the human body. In addition, they originated embryology. Information about the existence of the immune system in the ancient Indians also had.
  5. In ancient India, there was his own writing, however, it was lost after this state education was declining. Aryans came to the change of civilization. They brought with them a new division of society - on Varna or caste. Since then, the caste division has grown firmly and acts up to the present times, although, of course, it is already more conventionally.
  6. Indian castes in antiquity are brahmans (higher class), Ksatriya (military), Vaishi (merchants and remorse), shudras (servants). The lowest stage was untouchable. All higher castes belonged to the "twice born", and the shudrs were called the name "once born" and had to devote all of their lives to devote to the ministry to representatives of the Higher Cast. In fact, the caste division organized society and replaced the political device that existed from other peoples.
  7. The oldest work of written literature in the Indians - Vedas. This collection century wisdom It was born in the interval between 1500 and 1000 BC. It was the Vedes that became a source, the beginning of the two great religions of the East - Hinduism and Buddhism.
  8. In ancient India, the position of the woman was far from the most profitable. There are some historical information that at first the woman enjoyed considerable property rights and was almost equal to a man social Regulations. However, later, gradually she lost almost all the advantages. Her life began to flow at the family hearth, and the main goal All its existence was to ensure the health and well-being of the spouse. If the husband died - in this, the unfortunate woman vinyl, who failed to protect her earthly lord. She should have had the rest of his life to eat pitiful crumbs from someone else's table, sleep on the floor and indifferent to praying to make it easier for his fate in heaven.
  9. Ancient Indians worshiped water. Until now, Gang is considered a sacred river where rituals are alive and where they wash the dead. The ancients believed that the man, dying, loses moisture - as if dries, and the required water goes to the sky, and then falls in the form of precipitation. And so it was an endless cycle in nature.
  10. Special sanctuary of the ancient inhabitants of India - Stupa. They were built by 100 years. The basis served the hill, and the spire went to heaven. Inside there is a chamber with the remains of the Buddha. Sometimes they were supplied with a gate, on which it was possible to read the entire history of India in pictures.

Ancient India is the homeland of chess and mathematics, major discoveries in medicine and achievements in architecture. Here were born the greatest religions, today have the status of the world. Immersed in a strange and full of mysteries, the world of Ancient India, feel all the increasing attraction. Well, will, open the Vedas to draw a little wisdom from this source of mantras?

Thinking about India, we draw picturesque paintings in our imagination - fabulous silk, sari, national outfits, bright hats, fascinating dancing, extraordinary collections of jewelry, embroidered with gold luxury handmade carpets.

In India, there are all - fabulous wealth and poverty, majestic palaces and hubars, ancient masterpieces and modern luxury.

India is an ancient independent state in South Asia. As for the number of population - the second in the world, the seventh - in terms of the size of the territory. Countries bordering India - Pakistan, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar. In the period from the XVIII to the 20th century, India is a colony of the British Empire.

Everything has changed in 1947, when the country has gained independence. As India has developed great success in many directions. By the end of the 20th century, thanks to the correctly chosen strategy, India's economy became one of the fastest growing in the world.

« Earth Great and romance, unheard of wealth and unprecedented poverty, luxury and poverty, palaces and shacks, hunger and plague, spirits and gigids, lamps of Alladina, Tigers and Elephants, Cobra and Jungle, Country of Peoples and Languages, Thousands of Religions and two million gods ..."- These words belong to the brand of tween, they are said over 100 years ago, but, in truth, has since changed a little.

Live and learn

West knowledge - distinctive trait Indian civilization. Logic, ancient philosophy, psychology, astronomy, chemistry, religion - all these directions of Ancient Indian thought are embodied in the Vedas, theories, textbooks.

Mathematics ancient India It was represented by such thinkers as Aryabhatta and Varachamihir (5-6th century AD). They are ancestor decimal system Calcules, primer discovers of geometry and algebra, trigonometry.

India's medical practices are valued all over the world. Treatments of Old Indian drugs on surgery, diagnosis, anesthesia and medicinal plants have been preserved to this day.

Indian builders, decorators, architects, architects, artisans made a huge contribution to the treasury of world culture. It was they who created sculptures, ensembles, temples, museums, palaces, mausoleums, massive fortresses, which for centuries amaze all their greatness.

Yoga was born here

It was in India that yoga originated. In India, you can start doing yoga with a real teacher - guru. In India, the Guru is an indisputable authority. There are quite a few centers in this country as a fairly deep immersion of a person in yoga and familiarizing learning in master classes. Each center has an individual style of teaching and uses its methods in the preparation of students.

Rest in India

India gives us at the time of rest your chic beaches on the oceanic and sea coasts, cozy bays with clean water, unforgettable dating, meeting with history.

Selection of material: Iris Revu

In details.

In India there is everything - from Sari to spicy dishes, beautiful beaches and heavy snowfalls! In this article we will tell you interesting and amazing facts about India, which will give you a more complete picture of the various cultures and the style of life of this country.

  1. Mobile factory for the production of environmentally friendly fuel briquettes

But will continue the description of interesting features of India.

India is famous for rich culture and numerous traditions that in different regions Countries have their own characteristics. India, by area occupying fourth, survived the development process in many areas, its inhabitants belong to various religions and cultures. Currently, India's economy takes 12th place in the world, and, although this magnificent state is developing quite rapidly, big problem here still remains poverty and illiteracy of the population. India is proud of its glorious history and famous variety, and the residents of this country themselves are especially known to hospitality and friendly character! India is a unique country.

In the south, India is surrounded by the Indian Ocean. The western part of the country is washed by the Arabian Sea, and the East - Bengal Bay. In the West, it borders with Pakistan, in the northeast - with China, Bhutan and Nepal, and in the East - with Bangladesh and Burma.

The earliest traces human life In India, Bhimbetka, lying on the territory of the Indian state of Madya Pradesh (Madhya Pradesh) found in India. Experts say that the most ancient settlements appeared in India in the time of civilization of the Indian valley.

To the largest rivers flowing through the territory of India, applying Brahmaputra (Brahmaputra), Ganga (Ganges), Godavari, Krishna, Kaveri, Mahanadi, Indus (Indus), Narmada (Narmada) and Tapti.

India is famous not only by a diverse culture, but also Contrast climatic conditions. While staying in India, you can witness different types Weather conditions. In the West of India there is a desert area, in the north - glaciers, in the south-west - tropical forests forming wet tropical areas, etc. Therefore, in India, you can catch all four seasons: warm summer, wet monsoons, postmussess period and cool winters.

Indian musicvery diverse and includes many styles. Classical Music of India is traditionally transmitted from generation to generation. It is based on certain religious ideas and beliefs. In addition to the traditional classic genre in India, there is a very interesting merger of folk and pop music.

India is home to many traditional dance styles. Kathak (Kathak), Bharattnath (Bharatnatyam), Odissi (Odissi), Kathakali, Kuchipudi, Kuchipudi, Manipuri (Manipuri), Stryy (Sattriya) and Mochiniatites (Mohiniattam) - here are some of the styles of Indian classical dance. Along with these main types of classical dance, no less interest is the folk dances of India, which are traditionally performed in a variety of colorful costumes.

Here's another interesting feature India. From the point of view of architecture, in India there are many historically significant attractions that vividly indicate about rich history This diverse land. Hindu temples are rooted in the 5th century of our era. Many Hindus and Buddhist temples were carved in rocks, especially during the Middle Ages. In Indian architecture, it is possible to notice the features of such religions as Islam, Buddhism and Jainism.

India has many significant attractions that are today considered UNESCO World Heritage Site. Among such monuments should be allocated to the cave temples Ajanta (Ajanta Caves), cave temples on Elephant Island (Elephanta Cave), Ellora Caves, Taj Mahal (Taj Mahal), Numerous beautiful churches in the city of Goa, Hampi Monuments (Hampi) , Kutub Minar (QUTUB MINAR), etc.

And of course, Kama Sutra in stone: "Temples of love in India".

Along with the official language of Hindi, they speak many other languages \u200b\u200bhere. Interesting is the fact that the spread of millions of local languages \u200b\u200bdepends on a certain region of the country, but, according to the Government of India, Sanskrit and Tamil language are classic. In addition, in India there is about 22 officially recognized languages.

One of the highly charged Bengal writers is Rabindranath Tagore (Rabindranath Tagore), in 1931 it was he who was awarded Nobel Prize on literature. He is also the author of the State Hymn of India - Jana Gana Mana ("Soul of the People").

In 1947, the National Flag of India was adopted. Orange color Symbolizes the courage and sacrifice of people who did not regret their lives for the good of the country, white symbolizes the world, and green - faith and prosperity. The central place on the flag is the national emblem of India "Ashok Chakra" (Ashoka Chakra).

In Indian cuisine, many different spices, spices and herbs are traditionally used. Therefore, Indian food is considered the most diverse, since each country has its own unique technology and methods of cooking unique dishes. The main foods include rice and round bread ROTI (ROTI) as well different kinds Beans and pickled vegetables. Such a dish as curry has a truly unique taste and enjoys the greatest demand in India.

As you know, the Indian film industry is considered to be the largest in the world. It is called "Bollywood" ("Bollywood") (the merger of the words "Hollywood" and "Bombay"). Bollywood is a synonym for the film industry Indian city of Mumbai, where an amazing number of movies (about 800 films per year) is produced annually. Bollywood films spread from India to other countries, including Pakistan, where a government ban on the films of Indian production is introduced.

The traditional clothing of India, no doubt, left its mark on the world market, where the demand for typical Indian apparel is constantly growing. The traditional view of the female Indian clothing is SAREES (SAREES) - a long piece of fabric, wrapped around the body. By the way, another interesting fact is that the style of Indian sari changes depending on the region. In addition to sari, women also wear Salwar Kameez Dress with a head cape of Dupaatta (Dupatta), this type of clothing is most often used in everyday and even official situations. Another type of traditional clothing worn in solemn events is Hhagra (Ghagra), long skirt With multiple folds, and short cochetic chole (Choli).

Traditional men's clothing consists of a loin bandage of Hindi (Dhoti) and jacket-pajamas (Kurta), and in South India - even a wide lungle skirt (Lungi). In solemn cases, men can wear Sherwanis (Sherwanis) - a lung coat of knee-length or lower with a front closure. Currently, the streets of the inhabitants of India is a curious mixing of the Western and Indian style, in everyday situations youth prefers to wear jeans and other types of stylish western clothes.

Thus, the culture of India combines the merger of traditional and modern values. This information about India is only a brief view of an incredible country by visiting which you can discover much more interesting and exciting!

According to the materials

From the Internet, you can learn absolutely any information regarding India. But even he will not be able to tell in detail about this amazing country. In general, India is the only state in which national traditions have never been interrupted from the moment of creation. If you remember, all known civilizations disappeared the millennium back, but the Indian flourishes so far. It makes no sense to look for something interesting in it, you should just come, and something unusual and amazing will be expected on every corner. Many tourists note that coming here is a feeling outdoor world with completely strange rituals and traditions. What is only an ancient Indian language - Sanskrit and Kamasutra, about which any person heard.

In India, the deserts and fertile plantations are adjacent to the desert and fertile plantations, magnificent residence of rulers and poor shacks and so on.

  • In the Indian city I was bare in 700 BC, the world's first university was created. In this place in those days, 60 items were taught. In the 4th century, our era has opened another educational institutionwho became the beginning of education in India.
  • India Ayurveda became famous for the first medical school created by man. Open this institution was two thousand years ago by Charakom. There were operations such as cesarean section, extracting foreign objects, cataract treatment. At that time it was a strong breakthrough in the field of medicine.
  • At the beginning of our era, Indian Astronomer Brarscharia spent counting the time of our planet around the sun.
  • A century later another scientist calculated the so-called number pi. And he was ahead of Arab mathematicians. It was in India that the trigonometry and its derivatives appeared. Indian mathematicians also created the greatest amount of calves, covering the period from the creation of the Universe before its disappearance.

These facts and many others are currently hidden. The thing is that if all the secrets are revealed, the civilized Europe will have to explain how they found enlightenment. After all, the whole process was passing through violent action. Graves looted, and valuable relics were exported. It was at that time that India reached his heyday: important discoveries took place and the most complex operations were held, and at that time the British slept in the sheds. So, if humanity saves deeper, they will open such facts that are not in the best of Europe, but at the same time will explain all the wars and conflicts with Asia.

Well, will continue?

Facts about India for children

A few thousand years ago yoga teachings appeared in India. Arriving here, each, from Mala to Great, will want to see the great yogis sleeping on nails or walking bitched glass. And if you are very lucky, you will see cases of levitation.

Each of us, probably, read a fairy tale about Mowgli. So, in India, cases of education of a human child, animals are not rare, there are even places where this one can see in the middle.

India's eyes of a tourist

  • Everyone considers India to be a hospitable country, and this is true. Another amazing fact is that during the last ten thousand years, this country has invaded other people's possessions.
  • Did you know that India is the homeland of Chess? Many years ago, this game was called "Chaturanga" and translated as "four types of troops".
  • In terms of population, India ranks second after China, but in the area it is less than the United States and stands in the seventh position in the ranking.
  • According to calculations, here the most big number post offices in the world, and the largest employer is considered local railway, ensuring the work of more than a million people annually.
  • Until the end of the 19th century, India was the main diamond minider.
  • Hinduism is recognized by the main religion, and in second place you can see Islam.
  • Most travelers believe that the inhabitants of India are called the Hindu, but it is completely wrong. Hindus are people who are confessing Hinduism, simply speaking, monks. But citizens living in the country are customary called Indians.
  • Despite the large number of landmark, India is a big garbage. It is even such that the mountains of garbage towers next to some ancient temple. And things before that there is no one.

More interesting facts about the country

  • The name of the Industan appeared after the Persians invaded the Indian territory. If you disassemble, "Industan" is translated as "Shinda" and "Hind". These are land of India, which turned out to be drawn into conflict.
  • The world's first granite facility was built in India. This is the Temple of Brachideeswarr in the city of Tanjura, built in just 5 years.
  • In India, in 1982, the largest bridge in the world was built.
  • Ancient Indian doctors have been known for anesthesia for many centuries ago. Numerous documents confirm this fact.
  • The state has built more than 300 mosques.
  • India is a multinational country. More than 400 nationalities live on its territory.
  • In many restaurants in cities you will not find the menu. All visitors are ordered what is already known.