A lady with a dog beat a child in contact. A woman hit a three-year-old child with a disability, she was sent under house arrest

08 May 2018

30-year-old Nadezhda Fedorova and 34-year-old Barno Khudaykulova had a fight over a dog in the playground. As a result, one of the women was arrested and then convicted.

Nadezhda Fedorova received a year in prison for hitting a child on the playground / Photo: social networks

In the fall of last year, an outrageous incident took place in St. Petersburg. Two women had a row on the playground: 30-year-old Nadezhda Fedorova and 34-year-old Barno Khudaykulova. As a result of the scuffle, Fedorova sprinkled pepper spray in Khudaykulova's face and hit her three-year-old son. As it turned out later, the dog was the cause of the conflict. One of the women asked to remove the animal from the playground, while the other showed aggression.

Nadezhda Fedorova previously stated that she did not beat the child, but accidentally pushed him, but the video from the surveillance cameras shows that the woman did it on purpose. In addition, after the impact, the baby could not get up on its own. After several months of house arrest, Fedorova was convicted under the article "Hooliganism" and sent to a colony-settlement for a year, she will also have to pay a fine to the family of the injured boy in the amount of 500 thousand rubles, the news agency reports.

She kicked a 3-year-old cancer patient in the chest and is awaiting trial under house arrest. The woman faces up to 5 years in prison, but the suspect herself does not admit her guilt. According to her husband Fedorova, his wife kicked the baby and sprayed pepper spray into his mother's eyes solely for self-defense purposes. The neighbors claim: Nadezhda has already become famous for her inappropriate behavior and hooligan antics and deserves the harshest sentence in court.

Hit the baby while protecting the dog

This story took place on a playground in St. Petersburg in broad daylight. Two women, 30-year-old Nadezhda Fedorova and 34-year-old Barno Khudaykulova, played with their children. At the same time, Fedorova was walking her dog - a dwarf pinscher named Richard. Barno made a remark to the woman - they say, an animal has no place in the playground. At this time, the pinscher jumped to the child of Khudaykulova. The boy got scared and hit the animal in the face with a balloon. To this the dog lover reacted extremely inadequately.

Further events were captured by a surveillance camera in the courtyard. The footage shows that Fedorova is simply infuriated. She takes out a pepper spray and sprays it in Barno's eyes, and kicks her rival's son, a 3-year-old toddler, in the chest. The child falls backward and lies motionless. It is not known what would have happened if it had not been for the guard who came to the rescue, who holds Fedorova and does not allow her to continue the attack.

Despite severe pain in her eyes, Khudaykulova rushes to her son and tries to bring him to his senses. The mother's excitement can be understood: with one kick of the leg, an adult can easily kill such a crumb. Three-year-old Marat is in an increased risk zone - the boy is struggling with a cancer of the blood, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome.

House arrest

From the playground Marat was taken to the hospital. It turned out that the blow hit exactly the place where the baby has a catheter and a gastrostomy tube - a tube through which the child feeds: the child has been recovering from bone marrow transplantation for a whole year. Doctors say: only a miracle saved Marat from rupture of internal organs.

Barno still reproaches herself for not saving her son from an aggressive woman. “I tried to tell her that Marat was diagnosed,” recalls Khudaykulova. “But she didn't want to hear anything. She screamed that she also had a diagnosis. It was clear that it was useless to explain something to her. "

Fortunately, the boy was not injured as a result of Fedorova's attack. In relation to the inadequate dog lover, a criminal case was initiated under the article "Hooliganism", and now she faces up to 5 years in prison. The woman is awaiting trial under house arrest.

War with neighbors

During the investigation, it turned out that Fedorova had already acquired a reputation in the courtyard as a brawler and a rowdy. According to the woman's neighbors, she has used pepper spray more than once. An outwardly exemplary mother, a lawyer by training and a photographer by vocation, is quite easy to piss off. So, last year, the tenants of the house noticed that the pinscher Fedorova relieves its needs directly on the flower beds under the windows of the house, and the hostess does not even think to clean up after her pet. The neighbors reprimanded the woman.

“In response, Nadezhda used to swear at the whole yard,” says Elena, a resident of the house. - I saw what was happening from the window. Then she also sprayed a can on the faces of people and wrote a statement on them the next day. Of course, then the law enforcement agencies figured out the situation, but they did not take any measures against Fedorova herself. " The activists united and created a petition on the Internet demanding to prevent the woman from being punished. Currently, more than 11 thousand people have signed the document.

The Fedorovs are sure that all the accusations from their neighbors are blatant slander, because they are not loved at home and envy of their well-being. The husband of hooliganism suspect Nadezhda says that his wife's actions were self-defense. “That woman insulted and humiliated my wife,” says Nikita Fyodorov. - Then she began to kick the dog and be my wife. As a result of such an attack, Nadezhda allegedly lost consciousness: in a state of passion, she kicked the child in the chest - who does not happen to!

Who is right in this situation - Barno Khudaykulova or Nadezhda Fedorova - will be decided by the court. In any case, Fedorova will not be able to walk her Pinscher for almost two months: her house arrest will last until November 5.

The court sent under house arrest a suspect in beating a child in a playground

The Petrogradsky District Court of St. Petersburg on Friday chose a preventive measure in the form of house arrest until November 5 In relation to Nadezhda Fedorova, suspected of hooliganism and beating a 3-year-old boy on the playground, the RAPSI correspondent reports from the courtroom.

The investigator presented to the court the essence of the request for the detention of the suspect. She said that on September 4, Fedorova walked with her 2-year-old child and at the same time walked the dog on the playground in the courtyard of the house on Divenskaya Street. And, as the case file says, during a walk, Fedorova had a conflict with Barno Khudaykulova, who was walking with her 3-year-old son: the owner of the dog sprayed the mixture from a gas can into the woman's face and kicked her child into the chest area. The investigator noted that the boy, who was hit by Fedorov, had a weakened immune system and, as a result, bleeding, as well as a catheter was installed in the chest area.

“I am applying for the arrest of the suspect, since Fedorova came to St. Petersburg from Staraya Russa and does not have registration and work here - she lives with her husband in an apartment that belongs to his parents. I believe that a suspect, remaining at large, can hide from the investigation, and also influence witnesses. If Fedorova is arrested, her young child will be able to remain in the care of her father, ”said the investigator.

Then the judge read out the case file. They contained information that neighbors often complained to the 43 police department about Fedorova, who, according to them, constantly uses a gas canister in the front door during a showdown, directs it at people, and once sprayed gas in the face of a district police officer, and there are corresponding records in the incident report book.

The judge also read out an excerpt from the interrogation of Fedorova, in which she said that during the conflict "was evil." At the trial, the suspect added that she had a state of passion and asked for a preventive measure in the form of house arrest, saying that she was now on maternity leave and could not leave the child.

"Will you also ask for the right to walk with your child on the playground where the conflict occurred?" - clarified the judge. "Of course, you need to walk with the child," - said the suspect.

Fedorova's lawyer opposed the granting of the investigator's petition.

“For the hooliganism that she is charged with, detention is a very tough measure of restraint. I understand that due to the public outcry, a meeting with a punitive accent is underway. I ask you to understand that it is cruel to take a mother away from a young child. I ask you to choose a preventive measure in the form of house arrest "

The prosecutor also did not support the investigator's petition, asking the court to send Fedorova under house arrest.

The court rejected the investigator's motion and upheld the positions of the defense and the prosecutor.

An emergency on the playground, as a result of which one child was kicked, and another's mother may be behind bars. It all started with a conflict between two mothers, who either did not share the swing, or quarreled over the dog. The women fought, one of them hit someone else's son. She was detained, the investigation speaks of a possible arrest.

Elite multi-storey building in the very center of St. Petersburg. A gate at the entrance, dozens of video cameras and a security post in the yard. It seemed safer to look for this playground in the city. But it was with these swings that it came to a fight. When two children could not divide the territory, their mothers began to sort things out with their fists.

It is difficult to make out who started this fight on the footage from CCTV cameras. Here are two women arguing about something, then they grab their hair and begin to roll on the ground in front of the children. And when the guard comes running to separate, one of the mothers sprays pepper gas and knocks down the rival's son with one, obviously not accidental, blow.

“The dog bit me on the hand. It hurt me, then my aunt kicked me in the stomach, and I fell, ”says Marat Kharin.

Three-year-old Marat does not immediately agree to show where they hit. Not because it hurts, just doesn't want to look again. The blow struck a central catheter and a gastrostomy tube - a special tube through which the child feeds. A very rare genetic disease - Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome - this boy was once helped to treat the whole country.

Marat is a ward of Rusfond. Together with his mother, he moved to St. Petersburg from the Moscow region to be closer to the hospital, where just a year ago he underwent the second bone marrow transplant. And in this difficult recovery period, any blow or fall threatens the child not just with severe bleeding - rupture of organs. But that day, Marat was just trying to sit on the swing, the neighbors were already going to leave. But barely had time to approach, the dog suddenly rushed towards the boy, his mother instinctively hit her in the face with an ordinary balloon. In response, shouts, abuse, fists.

“I tried to explain to her that it is impossible for us to have any injuries, we have a very serious diagnosis, to which she shouted that she also had a diagnosis. She did not elaborate on the diagnosis, but she screamed in such a way, and her eyes were such that I would not try to explain something to her, ”says Barno Khudaykulova, the mother of the injured child.

Nadezhda Fyodorova was diagnosed by her neighbors - she is absolutely inadequate. A young mother, a lawyer by training, is fond of photography. The same pinscher, because of which she had a fight with a neighbor, often gets into her lens. Family and children's photography is generally Fedorova's profile, and between filming she, as it turned out, regularly finds out relations with neighbors.

“Last year, neighbors made a remark to her that her dog was shitting on the flowers planted by their child, to which citizen Fedorova burst into a three-story mat, took out a canister and sprayed it in the face of these people, and then wrote a statement against them. She claims that she is kicked, that they are all insulted, she is constantly attacked, although if she had any proof, I think we would all be here for a long time, ”says neighbor Arina Beda.

“When everything happened, I generally felt bad and my head was spinning; when you are beaten, a person generally has a nervous system, and, naturally, a person cannot feel himself adequately; and she beat me for a very long time, and I generally vaguely remember what, ”Nadezhda Fedorova explains her actions.

Nadezhda Fedorova wrote a statement about the next attack by her neighbors this time too. They were severely beaten for several minutes, allegedly for refusing to give up a seat on a swing. The footage really shows how a passerby either slaps her in the face, or, it is true, hits her hard in the face after the woman started kicking her neighbor, already blinded by pepper gas, with her feet.

But the husband of Nadezhda Fedorova insists: the wife is just a victim.

“She began to insult and humiliate my wife. Threatening with murder. She said that she would kill the dog now, kill my wife and child. After that, she began to kick the dog. After that, she grabbed my wife by the hair, began to drag her, kick her on the head, ”says Nikita Fedorov.

Law enforcement officers are now understanding the details of this scuffle. Fedorova was detained, the investigators will insist on a measure of restraint in the form of detention. She could face a large fine or imprisonment for up to five years for hooliganism. Although the article could be much more serious.

Right from the playground, the child was taken to the hospital, after a thorough examination, the doctors reassured him - a kick in the stomach was softened by the jacket, three-year-old Marat was only miraculously not injured.

At the playground at 5 Divenskaya Street, two ladies met with children. 34-year-old Barno Khudaykulova went for a walk with her three-year-old son.

30-year-old Nadezhda Fedorova, in addition to her son (he is older), also took a lap dog of the Pinscher breed.

What exactly happened between the ladies is not exactly known now. Either Barno asked to remove the animal from the playground, or the pinscher himself showed too much interest in the baby. There is another version: the child hit the dog with a balloon.


It seems incredible, but on that day the police did not take any action against Nadezhda. No, of course, they took her to the department, took her testimony and ... let her go home.

Nadia even managed to give interviews to journalists! She assured that the mother of the three-year-old was the first to start a conflict, and she, they say, was simply on the defensive.

The main question was also asked - why did she kick the child? The answer was discouraging. Without batting an eye, Nadya said that she had long legs (which is true), and in general, she was a tall girl. And whom she accidentally touched with her foot, she supposedly did not see.

Only this is hard to believe. On the video from the surveillance camera, which scattered all over the web, it is clearly visible: having shoved Barno away, Nadia quickly walks towards her child and punches him with a kick.

A powerful kick literally knocked over the child - he lay on the ground for several minutes. Barno could not help him physically: Nadya sprinkled pepper spray in her face.

Her own son stood aside and watched with horror.

The guard tried to stop the female fight, but where there! Fedorova did not calm down until she scattered everyone around the playground.


Meanwhile, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" made inquiries about the identity of the hooligan. It turns out that Nadezhda Fedorova is professionally engaged in photography, she has her own studio.

Nadia herself loves to be photographed. Delicate, a little shy - this is how she looks in the pictures. And you can't say that she kicks children.

According to "KP", Nadya got married successfully - her husband's father heads the enterprise, which regularly receives contracts from Smolny.

According to her neighbors, Nadezhda drives a Porsche Macan crossover, the cost of which starts at 5 million rubles. Judging by the photos on the web, this "Porsche" has been seen more than once parked in places for the disabled.

Nadia herself brags on the Web with a standard set of "happy women": a bouquet of scarlet roses, Chanel shoes, jewelry and stuff like that.

Meanwhile, there were those who recognized their classmate in Fedorova. It turns out that Nadya grew up in the small town of Staraya Russa in the Novgorod region. And it is still registered there.

I studied with her. She was always so tough, - admitted one of the residents of Staraya Russa.


After being kicked, the little boy was hospitalized. Now he has already been released home. However, the baby's health, alas, is not all right.

According to unconfirmed information, the boy has a serious congenital disease. Barno, his mother, was forced to seek help from a large charitable foundation.

By the way, Barno also needed the help of doctors on September 4 - she has a retinal burn. We have not been able to contact her yet.


On the eve it became known that the Investigative Committee took the materials from the police. This, in general, is logical - it is the UK that deals with crimes against children.

The suspect still does not admit his guilt, the press service of the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee for St. Petersburg told KP.

A criminal case under the article "hooliganism" appeared rather quickly. And the investigators went to the Fedorovs' home. Nadia was brought in for interrogation, and this time it seems to be for a long time.

On September 6, the suspect was detained. The investigation intends to apply to the court with a petition to impose a preventive measure on her in the form of detention, - said in a message on the website of the Main Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee in St. Petersburg.