The origin of coal. Stone coal: formation of deposits

Periods of accumulation and active use of fossil coal are incommensurable with the period of existence of humanity. The age of coal deposits accumulated over millions of years is tens and hundreds of millions of years; Active coal use began less than 270 years ago. Under the current rates of coal mining, coal reserves are enough for about 500 years.

The combustible stone is the fossil stone coal - was known in antiquity. His primitive mining was carried out in ancient China and antique Greece, where it was used as fuel. The ancient Roman villas were heated by carbon deposits of Greece and Italy. Although the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle compared some of the properties of wood and fossil coal, many centuries told the opinion of the mineral origin of fossil coal. So, in 315, BC, the student of Aristotle Theophrast called their "burning stones" - "Anthrax" (from where the name "Anthracite" appeared). In the XVI century, our era, the doctor and alchemist Paracels considered natural corners as "stones changed by the action of volcanic fire", and the naturalist of agriculture (Fig. 7.1) said that the stone coal was hardened oil.

Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov in his treatise "On the layers of the earth" (1763) put forward a hypothesis on the origin of fossil coal from peat, and peat - from the clusters of plants residues at the bottom of the swamps. The organic origin of fossil coal was finally proven only in the nineteenth century by microscopic studies, discovered in the structure of the coal substance charred or partially decomposed residues of plant tissues, grains of resin, seeds, dispute.

All continents of the Earth and most of the world's oceans are coal deposits. The discovery of each of them has its own history.

There are various information about the extraction and use of coal in Ukraine. Thus, during geological studies, dumps of ancient coal development were found in the area of \u200b\u200bBakhmut (now Artyomovsk), testifying that already in the IX-X centuries. The local population mined and used it as fuel in the production of various household items.

In Western Europe, coal began to be used later. Until the XVII century, solely charcoal was used to smelter metal. Stormy development of metallurgy in

George Agrikola (1494-1555), real last name Bauer (Bauer), - German scientist in the field of geology, mining and metallurgy, naturalist. In 1527-1530 He worked in St. Joachymstal (Bohemia) by a doctor and pharmacar. Here he met a mountain assay and smelting technique, acquired extensive knowledge in mineralogy, geology, mining and metallurgy. In 1530, Agrikola published his first book written in Latin Bermannus. Talking about a mountainous business ", in which it was mostly about the mining of silver and" experience with minerals. " In the next scientific work, Agrikola is told mainly on the development of ore deposits, the smelting of metals, salt mining and mining machines. This monograph, consisting of 12 books, was published in 1556, a few months after his death, entitled "On Mountains and Metallurgy" (De Re Metallica, Libri XII). More than two hundred years of this work in a mining, richly illustrated with excellent drawings (see, for example, Fig. 7.2) - almost three hundred engravings in the tree, - was the main textbook for miners and metallurgists.

The XVIII century demanded a large amount of fuel, so the stocks of industrial wood declined sharply. Fossil coal could be replaced by charcoal.

By this time, enhanced search for fossil coal deposits in various countries. Interesting the history of the beginning of coal consumption in Veli

The beginning of the development of Donbass is associated with the turnover of Peter I, which drew attention to the samples of local coal during the Azov campaign in 1696 by legend Peter I said: "This mineral, if not for us, will be useful to our descendants." In 1722, he signed a decree on the establishment of the Donetsk Coal Basin. Interestingly, by the end of the XVII century, the coal in the European industry has not yet been used, and no more than 150 people were employed in the whole English coal, so Peter's decision was ingenious guessed.

kinganiya. As one of the English newspapers a hundred years ago: "The case was at the beginning of the XIV century. London brewers, blacksmiths and locks, seeing more and more growing high-cost firewood, tried to burn stone coal instead, which turned out to be very comfortable and very profitable. But the superstitious townspeople found the burning of stone coal by the wicked thing. A special petition was submitted to the king, and the use of coal was prohibited by law. However, in view of the high cost of firewood, many secretly continued to violate the law, so the townspeople demanded draconian measures. It is reliably known that one violator of the law in London was executed, but they say that there were many such cases. Then strict laws were canceled, but for a long time against the stone coal, there was a strong prejudice due to the "ilthousness of this type of fuel."

Anti-stone coal was especially rebelled; Many London ladies refused to appear in the houses who were heated not to firewood, and did not touch any dish, if it was cooked on a stone coal, considering such food unclean.

And now the stone coal is the strength and wealth of England, the inevitable condition of the present civilization itself. "

The times changed and the attitude of the British to the corner changed, as a result of which the next tradition appeared. The British (especially the Scots) in the New Year's Eve is the first one who will cross the threshold of the house should be a high black-haired man with a silver coin and a piece of coal. And then in the house in the new year there will never be a shortage of food, it will always be warm and cozy.

In Russia, the industrial use of stone coal in return originated at the beginning of the XVIII century. The first reliable information about the search and exploration of fossil coal in Russia also belongs to the beginning of the XVIII century.

Under Peter I, which paid great attention to the development of mining, special expeditions were organized into various areas of the country.

In the Donetsk pool, the deposits of stone coal were opened in 1721 in the districts of Bakhmuta, Lisichansk, mines.

Between historians there is a dispute about coal discoverers in the Donbas. For a long time it was believed that Grigory Kapustin was considered for a long time in the Donetsk pool (Fig. 7.3), which in 1721 opened the deposit in the Don, Kurdyysh rivers and a sperst.

However, as historical materials are evidenced, in the same 1721, the Bakhmut Solevary Nikita Verevaysky and Semyon Chirkov found in the beam in a skiller 25 km from Bakhmuta stone coal and began to use it in the forge. And in a filling beam, where in 1796, the first mine in the Donbas Mine, opened the coal deposit in December 1722. Nikolai Avramov - one of the leaders of the Black Sea Mining Expedition.

Grigori Grigorievich Kapustin - the Council of the village of Danilovsky, the former Kostroma county. Surveying the areas of the upper and middle don, Kapustin produced the reconnaissance of coal in the coastal strip of the Seversky Donets (Fig. 7.4). Local midranges, mainly from Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, told him that they had long used a flammable stone in the forge, and showed their coal copy. In early January 1722, Grigory Kapustin reported on the results of the expedition:

"Runes your ore deeds to the Council of Gregory Kapustin that I am removed from the Donetsk land coal near the Kundewish river. Please accept and try it in the laboratory. "

Berg-College, on the task of which the expedition was carried out and in the composition of which were mainly foreigners, did not attribute the opening of Kapustin to the number of industrial importance.

But in January 1724, Peter first receives Donos Bakhmuta ruler Nikita Venresky and Captain Seeds Chirkova, in which they reported that on the corner, enhanced in the vicinity of fox beams, the Bakhmutian workshops are booked and make various blacksmiths, and residents of nearby settlements use Fuelstone for housing heating.

Then, in terms of Gregory Kapustina Berg-College and sent an urgent dispatch, which changed the next expedition route and was prescribed to visit the banks of the North Donets and the Upper Belenka.

Testing flaws in food and money, the expedition of Grigory Kapustina in the fall of 1724, overcoming all the difficulties, studied near the river Belenka, in fox beam, unprecedented before the coal layer in 1.14 meters high. It was "Eureka" in coal excavations, which surprised foreign mining engineers.

The message of Grigory Kapustin on the deposits found by them in the Donbass in the conditions of disadvantageous Russia did not immediately become the basis for the industrial development of rich deposits in the south of the country, although he persistently fought for the fastest use of his discoveries.

Only after seventy years later, the first coal mining mine was laid in the Donbas. Here, in Lisichansk, for the first time, industrial coal development began.

Expeditions sent to other areas of Russia have also made a number of discoveries. In 1721, a coal deposit on the Tom River (Kuzbass) was discovered. By the same year, the opening of the pool near Moscow, as well as deposits in the area of \u200b\u200bKizel in the Urals. In 1722-1723 In the St. Petersburg Berg College received many reports on coal films in the areas of Don and Dnipro rivers.

The development of the metallurgical industry in many countries has enormous influence on the intensive search and development of coal deposits. In particular, the development of the Donetsk basin is closely connected with the construction of the Lugansky cast iron factory processing local ores, which was put into effect in 1799. Simultaneously with the beginning of the plant's construction, coal developments were laid primary near the village of White, and then on a richer field on the right bank Seversky Donets in Lisric Beach (Lisichansk). The Lisichansky Mine remained the main coal-mining company in the Donbas until the end of the 60s of the XIX century, i.e. Before the construction of larger mines in its central regions.

Preserved Decree of Peter I dated December 7, 1722: "For the digging of stone coal and ores, which declared an adhesive cabbage, from the Berg-Collegia to send a dotted and in those places of the coal and ore in the depth to dig a soot of three and more and, accumulating Pood up to five, to lend to Bergcollegia and try out. "

Coal deposits in other coal mining countries began to be mastered similarly.

Ancient naturalists considered the main distinctive feature of fossil coal the ability to burn. Therefore, the chronology of the opening of coal by mankind is associated with the chronology of the development of technological processes in which coal is used primarily as fuel. Probably the first coal as the fuel used the ancient Chinese: according to some information, in one of the largest coal regions of China, it was used to smell copper 3 thousand years ago. Chinese treatises II century BC, which is mentioned on the use of coal in the production of porcelain, for the residue of salt solutions, etc. According to the famous traveler Marco Polo, visiting China in 1310, coal was widely used in industry and for heating. Approximately the same time refers to the use of coal as fuel in England and Germany and about the bookmark of the first coal mines in England.

However, at the end of the XVII century, the size of the production and use of coal in Europe was insignificant. Thus, in the coal-mining area of \u200b\u200bEngland (Bristol), only 123 people worked on 70 mines. This was due to the fact that, significantly exceeding firewood on the heat of combustion and developed temperature, the coal is still inferior to them in a number of technological characteristics - the temperature of the ignition, the content of sulfur - and, unlike dry wood, smokes. Therefore, while forests in Europe have enough, and the population density and the level of industry development were small, preferred to manage firewood for heating, woody tar and resin as binders and charcoal as fuel and reducing agent of ores in metallurgy.

It is believed that the beginning of the use of coal in the chemical and technological direction was carried out by the work of Chemist I. Bekhera, who in 1681 received a patent for the "new method of manufacturing coke and resin from peat and stone coal, nobody never before open and not applied." It was a heat treatment of coal without air access with distillation of bats and sulfur, turning it into coke. I. Boher describes his invention as follows: "In Holland there is a peat, in England, stone coal, but also one, and the other is almost not used for burning in domain furnaces and for smelting. I found a way to turn the same and the other in a good fuel, which not only does not smoke and does not stink, but also gives an equally strong fire necessary for smelting, like charcoal ... At the same time, attention is worthy: how the Swedes get their A pine tree resin and I got my resin in England from coal, which is the same with Swedish quality, and even some coals above it. I made samples both on a tree and on the ropes, and the resin showed itself quite good ... In the same XVII century, the Englishman D. Dodley conducted experimental domain melting at the fossil corner, but he kept the details of the process in secret and taken with him grave.

The opening of I. Bekhera and D. Dodleya, with their lives, did not get distribution. In the meantime, forests were predicted to ensure domain furnaces and forges of wood coal. In order to preserve the English Parliament in 1558-1584. issued a number of decrees that limit the growth and placement of metallurgical enterprises. Nevertheless, the needs in metal rapidly increased, and by the beginning of the XVII century many forests in Europe were completely destroyed. In industrially more developed countries - England, Germany, Holland, France - firewood and charcoal were literally on the weight of gold, which dramatically slowed down the development of the industry and forced to intensively search for alternative fuel.

The first reliable information on organized searches and exploration of minerals, in particular coal, in Russia refer to the period of the reign of Peter I.

By the decree of Peter I in 1719, the Berg-Collegium was organized (Berg-Privilege), which was instructed by the leadership of the country's mining industry and intelligence minerals. Berg-College attracted the population "both their own and on other people's lands to search, dig, melting, cook and clean all sorts of metals ... and all sorts of ores of the earth and a stone."

The first statistics on coal mining for 1796-1801. It is evidenced that 2.4 thousand tons were produced during these years, in 1810 - 2.5 and in 1820 - 4.1 thousand tons of coal.

Back in 1757 M.V. Lomonosov in his "Word of the Birth of Metals" expressed a hypothesis about the vegetable origin of coal and the first put forward the idea that the stone coal was formed from the peat. This thought later went into the basis of the generally accepted theory of transformations. The first work on the study of stone coal under the microscope belongs to the Mining Engineer-captain Ivanitsky (1842), which wrote: "The vegetable origin of coal is undoubtedly and can almost be considered proven. It is based on the grades of transition from peat and brown coal to the most crystalline species of coal and anthracite. "

The beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe is quite fairly associated with the "discovery" of fossil coal for use in industry that occurred in 50-80 years after the discoveries of I. Becher. In 1735, in England A. Derby applies coal, or rather, the coke obtained by the alignment of stone coal in the so-called "piles", where about a third of the coal was burned and two-thirds turned into coke, as fuel and reducing agent for metal smelting in the domain furnaces. In 1763, J. Watt in England, and 20 years after that, I. Pollunov in Russia invent a steam machine, where fossil coal is used as fuel. In the same 1763, French Metallurgists of the heat in Luttyhe (Belgium) and Zhanzen in the Saaric region are building the first coke batteries with the production of metallurgical coke and capturing the coking resin. Finally, in 1792, British V. Mordok not only repeated 180 years ago, experiments of the Dutch natural scientist Ya.B. Van Galmont to obtain a fuel gas out of stone coal, but also equipped his house in the radite gas lighting. So the main directions of use of fossil coal were determined: fuel (for steam boilers and household needs); fuel and reducing agent (coke for metal smelting); Raw materials for the production of liquid and gaseous products, in turn used as fuel or chemical raw materials.

The leading role in the implementation of gas lighting in the cities was played at the beginning of the XIX century Englishman F.-A. Vanzor. Perhaps it was easier for him to solve technical issues than to overcome the prejudices of society. So, the famous English writer V.Skott wrote about Vanzore: "One crazy suggests to highlight London," what would you think? Imagine - smoke ... "Newspapers Natrey statements that artificial lighting violates divine laws for which at night should be darkness; that the illuminated streets will contribute to the growth of drunkenness, depravity of the population and colds (there were in mind the nighttime walks); With a new lighting, a horse will be afraid and thieves stuck ... Despite this, in 1812, the English Parliament approved the institution of the world's first "London and Westminster company for gas lighting and coke production", in 1816 the first gas plant in the United States was opened , in 1820 - in France, in 1835 - in Russia. In 1885, about 2.5 billion m 3 luminaires and slightly less coal gas as home fuel for cooking are consumed in England.

By the beginning of the XIX century, the development of coke production for metallurgy, on the one hand, and the light gas, on the other, even more increased the number of coal target resins and strengthened work on the study of its use. In 1815, an English chemist of the battery began to receive light oils from the resin - essences, found the use as solvents and tripidar substitutes. In 1822, in England, the first smoldering plant began to produce a light coal resin - naphtu - for impregnation of waterproof tissues and raincoats. In 1825, the Great English Physicist and Chemist M. Faraday allocated benzene from coal processing products than laid the foundation of the chemistry of aromatic compounds. In 1842, Russian Chemist N.N. Zinin discovered the methods of industrial production of coal aniline - an important intermediate product in the synthesis of artificial dyes. This discovery was practically used only in 1856, when the English student V. Perkin, treating Aninilin, received the first artificial organic dye - Movein - and quickly organized in his homeland production of a number of synthetic dyes.

It would seem what effect on the carbon may be an invention of incandescent grid in gas luminaires? But the fact is that before that, benzene from raw gas did not remove: only its presence provided satisfactory brightness of lighting. And after this invention, which allowed the use of gas for lighting and "depleted" gasoline, the possibility of industrial extraction of raw benzene from coal gas appeared. The "father" of industrial raw benzene consider the German Brunk. In many ways, due to him, over the past decade of the XIX century, Germany has increased the production of raw benzene during a coal-drift of 50 times.

Currently, the world need for benzene cheese and other liquid products of carboni do not overlaps their production from coal coal and semi-cycle. Therefore, a number of countries (Austria, Estonia, Israel, etc.) receive them from their combustible shale. The cost of products of the coalchimia derived from a combustible slate is several times the cost of the initial raw material. Shale oil contains a gasoline-kerosene fraction even more than a coal resin, in connection with which, for example, Australia plans to fully replace imported brine oil in the future.

As a fuel for energy installations, coal rooted up to the invention of internal combustion engines using oil refining products and significantly more convenient for mobile operation. By the end of the first third of the 20th century, coal was not only completely suppressed by oil products from the air transport, but also significantly gave way to its position on water and railway transport. However, in the conditions of the oil blockade, which was subjected to Germany during World War II, and in the post-war years - South Africa, coal turned out to be raw materials capable of replacing liquid motor fuels. Synthetic liquid fuels were obtained from coal by hydrogenation (direct vengeance), pyrolysis, coal gasification, followed by the catalytic synthesis of Fisher-Tropsch. Although on economic indicators, synthetic fuels were more expensive than oil and with the removal of the blockade, their production, as a rule, was terminated, the gradual exhaustion of oil reserves and the steady increase in prices for petroleum products are forced to continue developing in this direction. In particular, in Ukraine, the most favorable for the production of synthesis fuel Dnipro brown coals, Lviv-Volyn sapropelitis and bolt combustible shale.

Despite all the variety of directions for the use of fossil coal, their main consumers to this day are thermal power, metallurgy, and in rural areas and developing countries - and housing sector. And the more grew the consumption of coal in the specified sectors, the sharper the contradiction between the ratio of the required coal, and the exit of the extraction and consumption of varietal fractions and low coal trifles. Therefore, since the end of the XIX century, the search for methods of eliminating these contradictions was intensively conducted, and not without success.

For example, from all brands of coal with coking properties, i.e. The ability to heated without air access, not only to give the volatile substances and sulfur, but also to sink into a monolith with a given porosity and mechanical properties, only the coals of brands are (fat) and K (coke), whose share in the total production volume is relatively small and not Provides the needs of coke production. Studies of the nature and nature of plasticization and subsequent coal solidification, started in the 20s of the 20th century F. Fisher and subsequently developed by G. L. Stadnikov, D. Van Krevelen, N.S. Mudnovo, allowed not only to create a slender theory of plasticization, but also to establish the possibility of obtaining coking mixtures (mixtures) from the coal of a smaller (gas, long gas) and a larger (sintering) degree of metamorphism, which almost doubled the raw material base of the production of metallurgical coke.

From coal, poisoning gases were obtained, so terribly manifested themselves in the fields of the battles of the First World War. But on the basis of coal, the truth is first wood, a means of protection against them was made. Therapeutic quality of charcoal was also described by hippocrates for 400 years BC, but only in 1785 a prominent Russian chemist and pharmacist academician ie. Lovitz showed that they are a consequence of its absorbing, or adsorption, properties. Fatizers not only laid the foundations of adsorption teachings, but also effectively applied charcoal for cleaning and discoloration of sugar syrups and molasses, drinking water, raw nitrates and even alcohol.

During the First World War, Russian Professor N.D. Zelinsky invented ways to activate charcoal with water ferry and organic substances and successfully applied activated carbon in gas masks. Currently, the industry consumes many thousands of tons of technical activated coal, mainly to clean wastewater. These technical adsorbents are obtained by activating no longer wood, but fossil coal.

The coal burning method, which was the only one for furnaces, fireplaces, steam engines and early steam boilers, required the use of pieces of coal (a very slight share of little things was allowed). This is due to the fact that with a natural product between coal particles in the layer, there should be enough space for free access of the oxidant, and with a forced rod (dirt), small particles should not be carried out of the layer. In the period when coal was produced manually, the necessary proportion of pie coal during mining was provided by miners. In this case, the reservoir was not completely chosen, and the labor productivity of miners was low. An increase in production caused by the increase in consumption, which became possible only in the mechanization of mines, sharply increased the share of the little things in the amount of coal mined. But the burning of solid fuel, which in terms of its size does not meet the optimal requirements, reduces the effectiveness of its use by 15-20%, and in some cases the combustion process is generally terminated. In this regard, there was a task of ocked (briquetting) of coal trivia for technologies based on the consumption of cousing (varietal) coal, and in parallel - the task of developing technologies, where it is possible to use coal trifles and dust without sinking them.

Typically, briquetting is subjected to peat, brown coals, edges of stone coals and anthracite, fine-grained half-beds and coke. The main consumers of briquettes are the utility sector and the coke industry. Historically, two ways of producing briquettes were first arose: without binding substances (due to their own binding properties of peat and brown coals) at a temperature of 40-80 ° C and pressing pressure of 80 MPa and more; With the addition of a binder (petrochetum or coal feed), which is necessary to ensure adhesion between particles of stone coal, anthracite, semi-bed and coke trivia, at a temperature of 80-100 ° C and pressing pressure 15-25 MPa.

The history of domestic coal products originates from the middle of the XIX century. In 1870, the first factory was built in Odessa, which produced anthracite briquettes for vessels of the merchant fleet. In the twentieth century, the Briquetting Factory of Anthracite Shtybov in Donbasse (Mospinskaya, Donetsk, etc.), as well as large briquette briquette factories on the Alexandrian Burya Coal deposit was put into operation.

In recent decades, the world is actively developing the direction of briquetting with heat treatment of source coal trivia or briquettes at temperatures of 400-500 ° C. These technologies allow us to obtain the so-called "smokeless" household fuel of increased environmental purity (with a reduced sulfur content and less smoking when burning), as well as molded coke, which is even more expanding

eats the fuel base of the coke industry.

The use of fossil coal as fuel increased immeasurably with the advent of steam machines and, especially with the advent of machines capable of transforming the thermal energy of burning coal into electric (the first thermal power plants - TPP). On thermal power plants, the heat energy of coal is used to generate a steam in the boiler, which rotates the steam turbine rotor connected to the electrical energy generator rotor - the most convenient for the consumer of the variety of energy. The first TPPs appeared at the end of the XIX century (in 1882 - in New York, in 1883 - in St. Petersburg, in 1884 - in Berlin, in 1895 - in Kiev). They were equipped with layer floors, which have long been the main devices for burning large amounts of fuel and widely used for boilers with steam-capacity 20-30 t / h. However, in addition to limiting the scale and low efficiency associated with a relatively low flue gases, their main disadvantage was the requirement for coal supply in the form of pieces and limiting the share of the trivia, which resulted in large carbon carbon deposits.

The situation has changed at the end of the 20s of the twentieth century, when in a number of countries, fireboxes for the torch burning of solid fuel were developed and introduced, which allowed the coal trifle to be involved in the fuel base of the TPP, including increased ash content (up to 25-30% - for anthracite and skinny, up to 30-40% - for stone coal), earthy brown coals, shale, and also increase to 35-40% of the efficiency of power units. Thus, at present, low-grade coals are sent to the energy sector and incorrent trifle, which releases varietal corners for other types of use.

Although dust-carved, or chamber, the furnaces are most common in thermal power, they are increasingly displaced in the 60s in the 60s of the twentieth century in Germany with circulating boiling layers (CCS), also using a coal trifle, but having a number of technological and environmental services.

mobs Circulating boiling boilers are distinguished by low emissions of nitrogen oxides (due to the reduced process temperature and the organization of the intra-optical reducing zone) and sulfur (due to intra-propelled binding of sulfur coal with limestone), a wide range of load regulation, and most importantly - reduced coal ash content, which allows To be used for burning not only high-voltage ordinary coals, but also coal waste. The first power unit with a circulating boiling layer of a 210 MW with a circulating boiling layer, using anthracite sludge as fuel, is commissioned at Starobashovskaya TPP.

Ghost city without coal. Such became Japanese Hasima. In the 1930s, he was recognized as the most populous.

5,000 people fit the tiny block of land. All of them worked at coal production.

The island turned out to be literally folded from a stone source of energy. However, by the 1970s, coal reserves were depleted.

All went away. Only a conversion island and buildings on it remained. Tourists and the Japanese are name Hasima Ghost.

The island clearly shows the importance of stone coal, the impossibility of mankind to live without it. There are no alternatives.

There are only attempts to find it. Therefore, we will pay attention to the modern hero, and not foggy prospects.

Description and properties of stone coal

Coal - This is a rock formation of organic origin. This means that the stone is formed from the decomposed remnants of plants, animals.

So that they formed a dense thickness, it takes permanent accumulation and scope. Suitable conditions at the bottom of the reservoirs.

Where there is coal deposits, once there were seas, lakes. Memorial organisms fell on the bottom, put the thickness of water.

So formed peat. Coal - The consequence of its further compression under pressure is no longer only water, but also new layers of organic.

Maintenance stone coal reservesrefer to the era of Paleozoic. From its ending passed 280,000,000 years.

This is the era of gigantic plants and dinosaurs, abundance of life on the planet. It is not surprising that it was then that organic deposits accumulated particularly actively.

Most often, coal formed in the swamps. There are little oxygen in their waters, which prevents the full decomposition of the organics.

Externally deposits of stone coalremind the burnt wood. The chemical composition of the breed is a mixture of carbon aromatic compounds of high molecular weight type and volatile substances with water.

Mineral impurities are insignificant. The ratio of components is not stable.

Depending on the prevalence of those or other elements, allocate types of coal. The main one belongs to the brown and anthracite.

Burai a variety of stone coalsaturated with water, and therefore, it is distinguished by low heat combustion.

It turns out that the breed is not suitable as a fuel as stone. And brown coalfound a different application. What?

This will be paid to individual attention. In the meantime, we'll figure it out why the water-saturated breed is called Bura. Cause in color.

Corrug brownish, without, loose. From a geological point of view, the mass can be called young. That is, it does not complete the processes of fermentation.

Therefore, the stone has a low density, many volatile substances are formed during combustion.

Fossil stone coalanthracite type - fully formed. It is tight, harder, black, glitters.

In order for the drowning breed to become such, 40,000,000 years are required. In Anthracite, carbon fraction is about 98%.

Naturally, the heat transfer in black coal at the height, and therefore the stone can be used as fuel.

The brown look in this role is used only for heating private houses. They do not need record energy indicators.

It is only necessary for the simplicity of fuel treatment, and anthracite in this regard is problematic. Tell stone coal is not easy.

Production officers, railway workers, adapt. Main costs are worth it, because anthracite is not only energy-intensive, but also does not sin.

Stone coal - fuel, whose combustion remains ash. What is it from what if the organ is becoming energy?

Remember the note about mineral impurities? It is the inorganic component of the stone and remains at the bottom.

A lot of ashes remained at the Chinese field in the province of Lukhaango. Anthracite's deposits burned there without a small 130 years.

The fire was extinguished only in 2004. Every year 2,000,000 tons of rock were burned.

So consider how many stone coaldisappeared in gift. Raw materials could be useful not only as fuel.

Application of coal

Coal is called solar energy enclosed in stone. Energy can be converted. It does not have to be heat.

The energy obtained during the combustion of the breed is translated, for example, in electricity.

Coal combustion temperaturebrown type almost reaches 2,000 degrees. In order to get electricity from anthracite, it will take about 3,000 on the Celsius scale.

If we talk about the fuel role of coal, it is used not only in its pure form.

In the laboratories from the organic rock, learned to obtain liquid and gaseous fuel, and at the metallurgical factories have long been used to coke.

It turns out when heated coal to 1 100 degrees without access of oxygen. Cox - smokeless fuel.

Important for metallurgists and the possibility of using briquettes as ore reducing agents. So, the coke is nailed when casting cast iron.

Coke is used and as a bustle of the charge. So refer to the mixture of the initial elements of the future.

Being a loose coke, the charge is easier to blame. By the way, some components are also obtained from anthracite.

As impurities, Germanium and gallium can be contained in it - the metals are rare and few where else occurred.

Stone coal to buythey strive, as well, for the production of composite materials of the asticrafite sense.

Composites are called masses from several components, with a clear boundary between them.

Artificially created materials are used, for example, in aviation. Here, composites increase the strength of the parts.

Carbon masses are kept, both very high and low temperatures, are used in the support racks of contact networks.

In general, the composites are firmly entered into all spheres of life. Railway workers will resist them with new platforms.

From nationodified raw materials make structural supports. In medicine with the help of composites, it is proposed to fill the chips on the bones and other damage not subject to metal prosthetics. Here what a stone coalmoligious and multifunctional.

Chemists have developed a method for producing plastics from coal. At the same time, waste does not disappear. The low grade fraction is pressed into briquettes.

They serve fuel, which is suitable for both private houses and production workshops.

In the fuel briquettes there is a minimum of hydrocarbons. They, in fact, there are females valuable in the corner.

It is possible to obtain pure benzene, toluene, xylenes, courage resins. The latter, for example, serve as the basis for paint products and such a material of the interior decoration of premises as linoleum.

Part of hydrocarbons aromatic. People are familiar with the smell of naphthalene. But, few know that they produce it from stone coal.

In Surgery, naphthalene serves as an antiseptic. In the household, the substance is struggling with mol.

In addition, naphthalene is able to protect against the bites of a number of insects. Among them: flies, wanders, blind.

Total, coal Stone in Bagspurchased to produce more than 400-on products.

Many of them are by-products obtained on coke-chemical production.

Interestingly, the cost of additional lines is usually more than the coke.

If we consider the average difference between coal and goods from it, it is 20-25 times.

That is, the production is very advantageous, quickly pays off. Therefore, it is not surprising that scientists are looking for more and more new sedimentary breed processing technologies. The growing demand should be a sentence. Get acquainted with him.

Coal mining

Coal deposits are called pools. In the world of their over 3 500. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe pools is about 15% of the sushi. Most coal in the United States.

23% of world reserves are concentrated there. Stone coal in Russia- It is 13% of total stocks. in China. 11% of the breed is hidden in its depths.

Most of them are anthracites. In Russia, the ratio of brown coal to the black is approximately the same. In the US, the brown type of rock prevails, which reduces the value of deposits.

Despite the abundance of brown coal, the US deposits are affecting not only volumes, but also scale.

The reserves of the Appalachian coal pool of 1,600 billion tons are 1,600 billion.

In the largest basin of Russia, for comparison, only 640 billion tons of rock are stored. Speech about the Kuznetsky field.

It is in the Kemerovo region. A couple of perspective pools were found in Yakutia and Tyva. In the first region, the departments were called Elginsky, and in the second - Elegetski.

The deposits of Yakutia and Tyva belong to the closed type. That is, the breed is not at the surface, at a depth.

You need to build mines, gallery, trunks. It raises price of coal. But, the scale of deposits cost costs.

As for the Kuznetsky basin, it works on a funny system. About 70% of raw materials are removed with the depths of the hydraulic way.

30% coal mined openly using bulldozers. They are enough if the breed occurs at the surface, and the covering layers loose.

Open coal is mined in China. Most PRC deposits are far beyond cities.

However, this did not prevent one of the deposits to deliver the inconvenience of the country's population. This happened in the 2010th.

Beijing has sharply increased requests for coal from inner Mongolia. It is considered the province of PRC.

So many trucks went on the road with the goods that the 110th highway rose almost 10 days. The traffic jam began on August 14th, and only the 25th reasoned.

True, it was not without road work. Trucks with coal aggravated the situation.

The 110th highway refers to the roads of state importance. So, not only coal delayed, but other contracts were at risk.

In one can find videos, where drivers who have built in August 2010 on the highway report that the 100-kilometer segment overcame about 5 days.

Coal - This is a solid exhaustable non-emergency mineral, which a person uses to obtain heat by burning it. By classification refers to sedimentary rocks.

What it is?

Coal, as a source of energy, people began to use in ancient times along with firewood. The "combustible stone" was found on the surface of the Earth, later it was purposefully mined from under it.

Stone coal appeared on Earth about 300-350 million years ago, when the tribal fans grew lifestyle, the first gifted plants began to appear. Huge trunks have fallen into water, gradually forming thick layers of an indecomposable organic mass. Wood with limited oxygen access was not rotten, but gradually plunged under its weight deeper. Over time, thanks to the displacement of the blocks of the earth's crust, these layers fell to a significant depth and there, under the influence of large pressure and elevated temperature, a qualitative change in the tree in coal occurred.

Types of coal

Today, various types of stone coal are mined.

  • Anthracites are the most solid varieties with great depths and having a maximum combustion temperature.
  • Stone coal - many varieties extracted in mines and in the open way. It has the widespread distribution in many areas of human activity.
  • Brown coal - formed from peat residues, the youngest kind of coal. He has the lowest combustion temperature.

All types of coal are placed on the formation and location of their location are called coal basins.

Coal mining

At first, the stone coal was simply assembled in the places of the reservoir to the surface. This could happen as a result of the displacement of the layers of the earth's crust.

Often after the collaps in the mountainous area, the deposits were taken away, and people got the opportunity to get to pieces of "fuel stone".

Later, when a primitive technique appeared, coal began to develop in an open way. Some coal cops plunged at a depth of more than 300 meters.

Today, due to the presence of complex modern technology, people fall under the ground in the mines, a more kilometer depth. From these horizons, the highest quality and valuable stone coal is produced.

Where coal is used

All types of coal can be used to obtain heat. When combustion, it stands out in much more than you can get it from wood or other solid fuels. The hottest varieties of coal are used in metallurgy, where high temperatures are needed.

In addition, coal is valuable raw materials for the chemical industry. Of it, many of the necessary and useful substances are mined.

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"How a stone coal has formed" a brief message set out in this article will help you prepare for the lesson and expand the area of \u200b\u200byour knowledge on this topic.

The message "How Stone Coal"

Stone coal is an unbalanced exhaustable solid mineral resource used by man to obtain heat in the process of combustion. It refers to mountain sedimentary rocks.

What is needed for the formation of coal?

First, a large amount of time. When peat is formed from plants at the bottom of the swamp, then chemical compounds occur: plants fall apart, partially dissolve or turn into methane, carbon dioxide.

Secondly, all sorts of fungi and bacteria. Thanks to them, vegetable tissue occurs. Peat begins to accumulate a resistant substance called carbon, which becomes more and more.

Third, no oxygen. If he accumulated in the peat, then the stone coal could not form and simply disappeared.

How is the stone coal in nature formed?

Stone coal deposits were formed from a huge amount of plant mass. Ideal conditions - when all these plants have accumulated in one place and did not have time to fully decompose. The swamps are suitable for this process as it is impossible to: the water is poor on oxygen and therefore the vital activity of bacteria is suspended.

After the plant mass has accumulated in the swamps, it, not having time to fully join, is pressed by soil sediments. So the original coal material is formed - peat. Soil layers seal it in the ground without access of oxygen and water. Over time, peat turns into coal reservoir. This process is long - more than 300 million years ago, a significant part of the coal reserves formed.

And the longer in time, coal lies in the layers of the earth, the stronger the fossil is exposed to the action and pressure of the deep heat. In the swamps where peat accumulates, sand, clay and solutes that are deposited in the corner are accumulated. The impurities data give to be asked for minerals, separating it to the layers. When cleaning coal, one ash remains from them.

Several types of coal are isolated - stone coal, brown coal, lignit, God, Anthracite. Today there are 3.6 thousand coal basins in the world, which occupy 15% of the earthly sushi. The greatest percentage of the world's fossil stock belongs to the United States (23%), Russia (13%) occupied the second place, and the third is China (11%).

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Since ancient times, stone coal, humanity uses as one of the sources of energy. And nowadays, this mineral is used quite widely. Sometimes it is called solar energy, which is canned in stone.


Coal burned, getting heat that goes for hot water and heating houses. Useful fossil apply in technological processes of metal smelting. In thermal stations, coal by burning is converted into electricity.

Scientific achievements made it possible to use this valuable substance otherwise. Thus, in the chemical industry, technology has been successfully mastered that allows liquid fuel from stone coal, as well as rare metals such as Germanium and gallium. From the valuable fossil is currently extracted by carbon concentration. Also worked methods for obtaining plastic and gaseous fuel high calorie content from coal.

A very low fraction of low-grade coal and its dust after processing is pressed into briquettes. This material is great for heating of private houses and industrial premises. In general, more than four hundred items of various products after chemical processing are subjected to coal. The price of all these products is ten times more than the value of the feedstock.

Over the past few centuries, humanity actively uses stone coal as a fuel required for obtaining, as well as energy conversion. Moreover, the need for this valuable fossil recently increases. This contributes to the development of the chemical industry, as well as the need for valuable and rare elements obtained from it. In this regard, in Russia today there is intensive exploration of new fields, mines and careers are being created, enterprises are being built for the processing of this valuable raw materials.

The origin of the fossil

In ancient times, there was a warm and wet climate on Earth, in which diverse vegetation was growing rapidly. From it later, a stone coal was formed. The origin of this fossil lies in the accumulation of billions of tons of dead vegetation at the bottom of the swamps, where they were covered with the nanos. About 300 million years have passed since that time. Under a powerful press of sand, water and various breeds, vegetation slowly decomposed in an oxygen-free medium. Under the influence of high temperatures, which gave a closely located magma, the solidification of this mass occurred, which gradually turned into a stone coal. The origin of all existing deposits has only such an explanation.

Fossil stocks and its prey

Our planet has large deposits of stone coal. In total, according to experts, earthly subsoil keeps fifteen trillion tons of this mineral. Moreover, the mining of stone coal in its volume is in the first place. In the year it is 2.6 billion tons, or 0.7 tons per resident of our planet.

Coal deposits in Russia are located in different regions. Moreover, in each of them, mineral resources has different characteristics and has its own depth. Below is a list that includes the largest coal deposits in Russia:

  1. It is located in the southeastern part of Yakutia. The depth of coal in these places allows you to extend the fossil extraction. It does not require special costs, which affects the reduction of the value of the final product.
  2. Tuvinian field. According to experts, about 20 billion tons of mineral is located on its territory. The deposit is very attractive for development. The fact is that eighty percent of its deposits is located in one layer, which has a thickness of 6-7 meters.
  3. Minusinsk deposits. They are located in the Republic of Khakassia. These are several deposits, the largest of which are Montenegrin and Zhowskoe. Pool stocks are small. According to experts, they range from 2 to 7 billion tons. Here are very valuable in its characteristics coal stone. The properties of the useful fossil are such that when it is combustion, a very high temperature is recorded.
  4. This deposit located in the west of Siberia gives the product used in ferrous metallurgy. Coal, which is mined in these places goes for coking. The volume of deposits here is just huge.
  5. This deposit gives the product of the highest quality. The greatest depth of the reservoir of mining reaches five hundred meters. Mining is conducted both in open cuts and in mines.

Stone coal in Russia is mined in the Pechora coal basin. Deposits and in the Rostov region are actively developed.

Coal selection for production process

In various industries, there is a need for different brands of minerals. What differences has coal stone? Properties and qualitative characteristics of this product fluctuate widely.

This is happening even if the coal has the same marking. The fact is that the characteristics of the fossil depends on the place of its production. That is why each enterprise, choosing coal for its production, should become familiar with its physical characteristics.


Coal varies on the following properties:

The degree of enrichment

Depending on the purpose of use, a varied coal can be purchased. The properties of fuel at the same time become understandable, based on the degree of enrichment. Allocate:

1. Concentrates. Such fuel is used in obtaining electricity and heat.

2. Industrial products. They are used in metallurgy.

3. Small coal fraction (up to six millimeters), as well as dust, resulting from fragmentation of rock. Blicts have a good operational properties for household solid fuel boilers form from the sludge.

Degree of carbon

According to this indicator distinguish:

1. Brown coal. This is the same stone coal, only partially formed. Its properties are somewhat worse than a better fuel. Brown coal issues low heat when combustion and crushes during transportation. In addition, he has a tendency to self-burning.

2. Stone coal. This type of fuel has a large number of varieties (grades), whose properties are different. It is widely used in energy and metallurgy, housing and communal services and chemical industries.

3. Anthracites. This is the most qualitative type of stone coal.

The properties of all these forms of minerals are significantly different from each other. Thus, the lowest heat of combustion is characterized by brown coal, and the highest is anthracite. What best to buy coal? The price should be economically appropriate. Based on this, the cost and specific heat in the optimal ratio are in simple stone coal (within $ 220 per ton).

Classification in size

When choosing coal, it is important to know its dimensions. This indicator is encrypted in the brand of minerals. So, coal happens:

- "P" - slab, which is large pieces of over 10 cm.

- "K" - large, the dimensions of which are from 5 to 10 cm.

- "O" - Walnut, it is also quite large, with sizes of fragments from 2.5 to 5 cm.

- "M" - small, with small pieces of 1.3-2.5 cm.

- "C" - seed - cheap fraction for durable with dimensions of 0.6-1.3 cm.

- "Sh" - Shtyb, which is mostly coal dust intended for briquetting.

- "P" - ordinary, or intense, in which there may be fractions of various sizes.

Properties of brown coal

This is the least high-quality stone coal. He is the lowest price (about a hundred dollars per ton). Food was formed in ancient swamps by pressing peat at a depth of about 0.9 km. This is the cheapest fuel containing a large amount of water (about 40%).

In addition, brown coal has a rather low heat of burning. It contains a large amount (up to 50%) bats. If you use brown coal for furnace furnace, then it will remind you of raw firewood in its quality characteristics. The product is heavily flared, heavily smokes and leaves behind a large amount of ash. Often briquettes are prepared from this raw material. They possess good operational performance. Their price is located within eight to ten thousand rubles per ton.

Properties of coal

This fuel is better quality. Stone coal is a rock, having a black color and a matte, semi-wave or brilliant surface.

In this type of fuel, only five to six percent of moisture is contained, which is why it has a high heat combustion. Compared to oak, ohlhov and birch wood, stone coal gives heat 3.5 times more. The minus of this type of fuel is its big ash content. The price of stone coal in the summer and autumn is within 3900 to 4,600 rubles per ton. In winter, the cost of this fuel increases by twenty-thirty percent.

Carbon storage

If fuel is supposed to be used for a long time, it must be placed in a special shed or bunker. There it must be protected from direct sunlight and from precipitation.

If the heaps of coal are large, then when stored, you need to constantly monitor their condition. Small fractions in combination with high temperature and moisture may be self-turn.