Natural resources of mexico.

I have always been attracted to Mexico, and I hope I will someday see this country with my own eyes. In the meantime, it remains for me to read and watch programs about her, so I know the peculiarities of this country quite well. Today I will talk about the natural resources of Mexico.

Minerals of Mexico

The abundance of underground resources in this country is due to geological factors. First of all, these are volcanoes, and some are still active. As you know, most of the rare fossils are of a volcanic nature, and therefore the places of the outpouring of magma become rich deposits. Volcanism is a manifestation of active geological processes, which leads to the formation of geological structures of a different nature, which also contain valuable elements. Mexico is rich in geological units such as:

  • folding;
  • blocks;
  • deflections.

The largest are areas of folded volcanic rocks. They are rich in silver and gold, zinc, lead, copper and other elements. In general, Mexico can be called a country that has reserves of almost all minerals. I will especially note the large oil and gas basin of the Gulf of Mexico.

Mexico: the country's natural resources

The main problem is scarce water resources, but groundwater is many times greater than surface water. Actually, due to this, it is possible to somehow stabilize the water supply. Water problems have become an obstacle to the plowing of new land, so much of the center and south remain untouched.

Forests cover up to a fifth of Mexico's territory, but are concentrated in that part of the country, which is located in the tropics. The wood is exported to other countries and used in the domestic market, but the main wealth of the local forests is chicle juice - the main component of chewing gum. More than 85% of this raw material is produced in Mexico.

I would like to note the huge energy potential of Mexico in the field of alternative energy supply. Today, projects are being implemented that will help implement it in the near future.

Mexico ranks among the largest countries in the world according to several criteria. It ranks 11th in the world in terms of population and 14th in terms of area. One fifth of the population of Latin America lives here.

Mexico boasts rich natural resources that are properly mined, processed and used to the benefit of all.

Water resources

One of the main problems of the country is the complexity of water supply. Half of Mexico's population lives in cities and villages with terrible water supplies. Despite the impressive area of \u200b\u200bthe country, most of its territory can be used for agriculture only with the help of constant irrigation. The main savior of the northern arid regions is considered to be the Rio Bravo del Norte, the largest river in Mexico.

Also, the country is rich in groundwater. Their number is twice as many as land. The presence of groundwater greatly facilitates the life of the Yucatan Peninsula and the northern part of the country, being the main sources of water supply.

Land resources

Mexico is considered an industrial-agrarian country, despite the fact that two-thirds of the country's territory is occupied by highlands. The plains are mostly found in the Yucatan Peninsula. Mexico boasts more than 106 thousand hectares for agricultural purposes. Over the past 40 years, this figure has grown from 97 thousand hectares. However, a large area of \u200b\u200bthe central and southern parts of the country is very difficult to cultivate due to irrigation problems.

Forest resources

Forests cover a large area of \u200b\u200bthe country. A fifth of it is covered with forests. Basically, these forests are located in mountainous areas and on the plain of the tropical part of the country. More than 55% of forests are mixed and coniferous forests, the rest is tropical. Mexico exports oak, pine and red cedar wood. Also, these species are used in the wood chemical industry and the pulp and paper industry. About 80% of chicle juice is sourced directly from Mexico.

Mineral resources

Mexico is rich in mineral resources. Mexico accounts for about 15% of the mineral resource potential of Latin America. On the territory of this country, oil and natural gas are produced, the reserves of which are large and amount to about 50% and 30%, respectively, of the reserves of all Latin American countries.

There is mining of coal and iron ore. Their reserves are quite small, but these minerals are of excellent quality. Also, on the territory of the country are mined: manganese (takes the second place in the region in terms of reserves), lead-zinc ores, copper ores, sulfur and mercury.

Mexico boasts 25% of the region's gold reserves and almost 50% of the silver reserves. Quite large uranium deposits have been discovered in the country.

Alternative energy sources

Their use is not very common in Mexico, despite the huge potential of some regions. However, the Green light for 37MW Mexico PV project has received government approval for the construction of a solar power plant in San Luis de la Paz, Guanajuato.

Mexico is the second most populous country in Latin America; occupies an exceptional geostrategic position, located between two oceans and two continents: North and South America. In the north, it borders the United States, in the south - with Belize and Guatemala.

Natural conditions and resources.The nature of Mexico is diverse.

This is largely due to the country's complex geological history and relief structure.

Relief.Mexico is a mountainous country; more than half of its territory lies at an altitude of over 1000 m above sea level; about 2/3 is occupied by the Mexican Highlands, bordered from the west, south and east by mountain ranges.

The coastal lowlands are located along the Gulf of Mexico; the largest in terms of area is the karst lowland of the Yucatan Peninsula. There are many volcanoes in the country.

The complexity of geological structures and volcanic activity determine the richness and diversity mineral.

Mexico possesses numerous reserves of ore minerals confined to the world's greatest Pacific ore belt. She firmly holds the first place in the world in the extraction of silver, the abundance of which at one time so amazed and attracted the Spanish conquistadors; the main deposits are Las Torres (Guanajuato State) and Lampasos (Sonora State).

Mexico is one of the world's leading producers of polymetallic, copper ores and mercury. The richest deposits of lead-zinc and copper ores are located in the north of the country; Mexico is one of the world's leading exporters of zinc and lead. The reliable and probable reserves of iron ore with an iron content above 60% are 350 million tons.

The main fields being developed are Las Truchas (Michoacan State), Cerro de Mercado (Durango State) and La Perla (Chihuahua State). There are gold resources in the country. Among non-metallic ores, it has large reserves of sulfur (Tehuantepec Isthmus), fluorspar ores (Muskis deposit, Coahuila state); graphite, bismuth, antimony.

The presence of balneological and hydrothermal resources is associated with volcanic activity. But the largest natural resources in Mexico are oil and natural gas. With the opening in the 70s of the XX century. the largest oil fields in the states of Chiapas and Tabasco, offshore in the Campeche Bay, Mexico has taken one of the leading places in the world in terms of oil reserves and production. Its reliable and probable reserves are estimated at 14 billion tons; Mexico is second only to Venezuela in Latin America (17 billion tons).

Coal reserves are estimated at 3 billion tons. Coal deposits are overlain by strata of sediments formed as a result of marine transgressions and regressions, which complicates the operation of the deposits. The main coal deposit - Sabinas - is located in the northern part of the country. Sabinas coal contains a lot of ash and other impurities, but it is suitable for burning out coke.

Several significant uranium deposits have been explored (states of Chihuahua, Nuevo Leon, Durango).

In terms of antimony reserves, Mexico is second only to Bolivia in the Western Hemisphere.

For mercury reserves estimated at 250 thous.

t, Mexico in the capitalist world is second only to Spain and Italy. There are over 200 mercury deposits, most of which are located in the northern part of the country.

Political system.Mexico is a federal republic. The head of state is the president, directly elected for a term of 6 years.

The constitution prohibits the re-election of the president. Legislative power is exercised by the National Congress, which consists of two chambers - the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

Administratively, Mexico is divided into 31 states and the federal metropolitan area.

General characteristics of the economy.Mexico is one of the most economically developed countries not only in Latin America, but also in the entire Third World, with a diversified economy and a rich mineral resource base.

It ranks second in Latin America (after Brazil) in terms of GDP, although in terms of per capita GDP it is inferior to a number of countries on the continent (Argentina, Venezuela, Chile).

GDP is distributed as follows: 6% is in agriculture and forestry, 33% in industry and construction, and 61% in services.

Several features of economic development distinguish Mexico from other Latin American countries. Mexico is the only country in Latin America, in which, as a result of the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1910-1917. a fairly radical agrarian reform was carried out. It did not eliminate large-scale landholdings, but cleared the way for the development of capitalism in agriculture.

Mexico is one of the first Latin American countries to take the path of nationalizing natural resources and creating a public sector. According to the 1917 constitution, state ownership of land, its subsoil and water was proclaimed.

  • Mexico (Spanish Mexico.) Official name of the United Mexican States - a country in North America, bordered in the north of the United States of America, in the southeast by Belize and Guatemala in the northwestern waters of the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean in the east - by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean pool.
  • The highest legislative body is parliament. This is called the National Congress, which has two chambers: the Senate, which is 6 years old (two senators from each state and federal district) and popularly elected election commissions, which are elected for 3 years. All citizens over 18 years of age have the right to vote. The government includes the president, ministers, the attorney general, and the heads of 4 departments.
  • Mexico has a pretty strong army. The bodies are a very active foreign policy in many international and regional organizations. In particular, he is actively involved in the work of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, UNESCO, FAO, ILO and other UN specialized agencies. The foreign policy of Mexico is traditionally aimed at strengthening the political and economic independence of the country, in particular from its northern quarter.
  • The characteristics of the terrain due to the presence in Latin America in its geological structure of two different structural elements are determined: the ancient South American platform and the younger one actively developed until the modern era of the mobile group of the Cordilleras (the so-called Andes in South America), a subsidiary of the Antilles arc. The first match of the ancient mountains and plateaus - Guyana, Brazil and Patagonia (in places where the basement platform rises) and the lowland and plain - Llanos in Orinoco, Gran Chaco, Pampa and others occupying the area of \u200b\u200bdeformation. Among them is the largest Amazon rainforest in the world. The Cordillera - Andi is the world's longest mountain, and the matrix of the system stretches almost to Meridia from North America through Mexico, Central America, and then along the Pacific coast of South America up to 11,000 km. This system reaches an altitude of 6,960 m (Aconcagua is the highest point in the western hemisphere). In the southern part of the mountain building, in the Cordillera Andes region, there are frequent devastating earthquakes (similar to those that caused serious damage in Mexico in 1985) and active volcanism; The last major outbreak occurred in Colombia in 1985-1986. (Volcano Ruiz). Mexico is a mountainous state, more than 50% of its territory is located at an altitude of more than 1000 meters above sea level. The only plane is the Yucatan Peninsula, and narrow plains stretch along the coast. The reefs of the Mexican Highlands, the Sierra Madre and the Sierra Sierra volcano with a number of active volcanoes, incl. the highest point in the country is Orizaba (5700 m), Popocatepetl (5452 m), etc.

Geographical location and natural resources of Mexico

Until the reforms of the 80s and 90s of this century, Mexico stood out in Latin America for its strong position of the public sector and its active participation in the country's economic life, especially in the oil industry. Mexico was the first in the capitalist world to nationalize the oil industry (in 1938); the oil company PEMEX has become the backbone of the public sector.

This is especially important due to the high role of the oil factor in the country's economic history.

Mexico ranks second in Latin America (after Brazil) in terms of industrial potential, and together with Brazil and India, it is one of the three developing countries with the largest and most diversified industry. Its share in the industrial production of Latin America is about 1/4 and continues to grow. Mexico has a fairly diversified industry based on a rich raw material base and has a large pool of cheap labor.

In the 80s-90s, its scientific and technical component has grown significantly.

The structure of the Mexican industry is characterized by a relatively high share of the extractive industries. Heavy industry accounts for over 70% of the value of industrial products; its main industries are oil refining and petrochemical, as well as metallurgy and mechanical engineering. Large enterprises equipped with modern technical equipment prevail in these industries.

Most of them belong to foreign capital (mainly the United States, Japan, Germany).

But in Mexico there are many small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly owned by national capital, and this is one of the characteristics of the Mexican industry due to the demographic factor: they provide a significant number of jobs and help solve the employment problem, therefore they have always enjoyed the support of the state.

In addition, the problem of small-scale industry is closely related to the need to decentralize production.

The public sector has always had a strong position in Mexican industry, but in connection with the new reforms, many enterprises have been transferred to private hands.

The so-called "maquiladoras" - enterprises for the export processing of semi-finished products from the United States in the north of the country - have become a specific phenomenon in the Mexican industry. They are based on American capital and cheap Mexican labor: capital-intensive, complex operations are carried out in the United States, labor-intensive operations in Mexico.

These are mainly enterprises for the production of units for cars, electrical household appliances, electronic, as well as footwear, clothing, furniture industries.

Almost 90% of their production goes to the US market. Mexico is the largest partner for the United States in assembly operations due primarily to its geographic location.

Agriculture. Natural and climatic conditions in most of Mexico are not very favorable for agriculture.

About 40% are deserts and semi-deserts, 40% - mountains and forests, on the rest of the land, agriculture is possible almost exclusively with artificial irrigation.

In terms of the area of \u200b\u200birrigated land - more than 6 million hectares - Mexico occupies one of the leading places in the world (over 1/4 of the sown area, amounting to 23 million hectares, 1994).

A characteristic feature of the agrarian system of Mexico is the combination of large-scale landholdings with communal ones.

In this respect, it differs from other countries in Latin America. Communal land ownership is inherited from the Indians. In the communities - ejidos - land, water and forests are in common use; cultivated land can only be inherited, while pastures and forests are shared.

Mexican agriculture developed under the influence of the agrarian reform of 1910-1917, as a result of which the positions of large land tenure were undermined, part of the land was transferred to the ejidal sector.

But at the present stage, ejidal farms cannot compete with capitalist farms, the importance of which is increasing in the country's agricultural production. They became the basis for the creation of the agro-industrial complex. The capitalist system occupies a dominant position in modern agriculture in Mexico.

Mexican United States

1. Natural recreational resources - geographic location, relief, climate, water resources, types of landscapes and their characteristics, protected areas.

Their appreciation for tourism and recreation.

2. Socio-economic tourism and recreational resources - population (size, characteristics of reproduction, ethnic composition, religious composition, characteristics of population settlement, level of urbanization, customs, traditions, social and demographic problems), world heritage sites and their geography.


Tourist centers of the country and their specialization.

4. List of used literature.

Natural recreational resources

Mexico (Spanish Mexico.) Official name of the United Mexican States - a country in North America, bordered in the north of the United States of America, in the southeast by Belize and Guatemala in the northwestern waters of the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean in the east - by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean pool.

Administrative, Mexico is divided into 29 countries, a federal district and 2 territories.

Mexico is a federal republic. The current constitution was adopted on February 5, 1917. The head of state and government is the president, who appoints senior officials, governors and the federal district, decides on all important domestic and foreign policy issues, and is the commander of the armed forces.

The highest legislative body is parliament.

This is called the National Congress, which has two chambers: the Senate, which is 6 years old (two senators from each state and federal district) and popularly elected election commissions, which are elected for 3 years. All citizens over 18 years of age have the right to vote. The government includes the president, ministers, the attorney general, and the heads of 4 departments.

The standing committee consists of 29 members between sessions of the national congress.

Of these, 15 are deputies, and 14 are senators appointed by the respective assembly at the last session before the dissolution. Members of Parliament cannot be re-elected for the next term.

Each country has its own constitution and unicameral convention (legislature), executive bodies ruled by the governor and courts.

Current President Felipe Calderon (elected 2006)

Mexico has a pretty strong army.

The bodies are a very active foreign policy in many international and regional organizations. In particular, he is actively involved in the work of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, UNESCO, FAO, ILO and other UN specialized agencies. The foreign policy of Mexico is traditionally aimed at strengthening the political and economic independence of the country, in particular from its northern quarter.

Geographical position of the state

Mexico is one of the largest countries in Latin America.

Its territory is 1958.2 thousand square kilometers. In the territory between the countries of the Western Hemisphere, Mexico ranks fifth. Mexico is the northernmost state in Latin America and the most populous country.

The state washes the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. The country borders the United States in the north, and Belize and Guatemala in the southeast.


The characteristics of the terrain due to the presence in Latin America in its geological structure of two different structural elements are determined: the ancient South American platform and the younger one actively developed until the modern era of the mobile group of the Cordilleras (the so-called Andes in South America), a subsidiary of the Antilles arc.

The first match of the ancient mountains and plateaus - Guyana, Brazil and Patagonia (in places where the foundation platform rises) and the lowland and plain - Llanos in Orinoco, Gran Chaco, Pampa and others occupying the area of \u200b\u200bdeformation.

Among them is the largest Amazon rainforest in the world. The Cordillera - Andi is the world's longest mountain, and the matrix of the system stretches almost to Meridia from North America through Mexico, Central America, and then along the Pacific coast of South America up to 11,000 km.

This system reaches an altitude of 6,960 m (Aconcagua is the highest point in the western hemisphere). In the southern part of the mountain building, in the Cordillera Andes region, there are frequent destructive earthquakes (similar to those which caused serious damage in Mexico in 1985) and active volcanism; The last major outbreak occurred in Colombia in 1985-1986.

(Volcano Ruiz). Mexico is a mountainous state, more than 50% of its territory is located at an altitude of more than 1000 meters above sea level. The only plane is the Yucatan Peninsula, and narrow plains stretch along the coast. The reefs of the Mexican Highlands, the Sierra Madre and the Sierra Sierra volcano with a number of active volcanoes, incl.

the highest point in the country is Orizaba (5700 m), Popocatepetl (5452 m), etc.

The complexity of the geological structure and the presence of structures of different ages in it determine the richness and diversity of minerals in Latin America.


Latin America is located in the subtropical, tropical and subequatorial bands of the Northern Hemisphere; equatorial dog; subequatorial, tropical, subtropical and temperate zones in the southern hemisphere.

Due to its geographic location, especially in low latitudes (with the largest land near the equator), Latin America receives a lot of solar heat - 120-160 kcal / cm per year. Consequently, in most regions, hot climate types are characterized by average monthly temperatures of more than +20 ° C, and seasonal climate change is mainly reflected in precipitation changes rather than temperatures.

Grand-Chicago is the highest air temperature in South America (+48.9 ° C in January). The prevailing hot climate creates favorable conditions for year-round plant growth and allows the cultivation of all tropical plantations and consumer goods.

Seasonal temperature fluctuations are pronounced only in the extreme north and south of Latin America, landed in subtropical and temperate latitudes (in Santiago, Chile, for example, the average temperature of the warmest month is + 20 ° C, the coldest + 8 C, and in Tierra del Fuego - respectively + 11 and +2 C), as well as in mountainous areas of mainly tropical zones.

Frosts are annual in the north of the Mexican Highlands, and flights are also carried out in Patagonia. Short-term sharp drops in temperature are observed in the case of intrusion from high latitudes of cold air (which is mainly associated with the meridian effect of mountain ranges). For example, cold diapers winds can cause frost in southern South America to tropical southern zones.

There are large differences in the amount of precipitation and its distribution in seasons between different regions of Latin America.

They are caused by the general laws of air circulation (the location of high and low pressure, the predominance of individual winds), the influence of ocean currents is constant (for example, warm Brazil, cold Peru), the nature of the relief, and other reasons.

On the Pacific slope of the equatorial means (in Colombia and Ecuador) and its adjacent coasts, the annual rainfall, for example,

mm, and in the Atacama Desert - one of the most uninhabited in the world in the world - -1-5 mm. If the rainy season in the Amazon lasts almost all year, in the extreme northeast of Brazil, it is no more than 3-4 months, and on the Pacific coast of Peru and northern Chile, you do not hear rain.

Areas of low humidity typically include at least 20% of Latin America. Agriculture depends on artificial irrigation.

The climatic conditions of Latin America have had a significant impact on the process of its settlement and economic development. Today and until today there are significant difficulties in the development of new territories, for example, in the Amazon basin.

Water resources

The reconstruction network is denser in the southeast, very rarely in the northwest.

In some parts of the Aryan Mexican Highlands, as well as the Yucatan Peninsula, which lies in limestone, there is no surface drainage. In the southeast, the rivers are short, have a fast flow, a significant amount of water, especially in summer, and have large energy reserves. The rivers in the northwest are longer, but shallow, most of them, due to the dry climate, reduce the flow of water in the lower reaches and are used for irrigation. Their regime depends on irregular rainfall.

The largest rivers: the United States border Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) with a tributary of the Conchos, the Lerma downstream (at the outlet of Lake Chapala) is called the Rio Grande de Santiago, the Balsas Grihalva-Usumacinta system.

The largest lake is Chapala.

Mexican waters in the northwest are dotted with the waters of the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean, and in the east with the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.

Rivers in Mexico:

Balsas is a river in North America that forms large basins in central southern Mexico.

It is one of the longest rivers in Mexico (724 km). It begins in the southern part of the Mexican plateau at the confluence of the San Martin and Zahuapán rivers in the state of Puebla. It runs southwest and then west through the state of Guerrero, which forms the border with the state of Michoacan.

It takes place in the Pacific Ocean near the town of Lazaro Cardenas.

Coatzacoalcos - The Mexico River flows from south to north in the Tehuantepec Strait. The river is located 201 km from the mouth. The name of the river, which translates from nahuatl as "the place where the serpent is the serpent", is associated with a legend according to which the river is the Aztec god of Quetzalcoatl.

Colorado is a 2330 km long river in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, originating from the arid slopes of the Western Rocky Mountains. It enters the Gulf of California, but due to the excessive consumption of water for agricultural purposes, the water does not always reach the sea.

The Rio Grande is a river in North America, leading the border between the United States and Mexico (in Mexico, the river is called the Rio Bravo, more specifically the Rio Bravo del Norte).

The Rio Grande is the third (3,034 km) longest river in the United States. (Photo 1)

Usumachinta - The Usumachinta river is located near Piedras Negras. Left - Mexico, right - Guatemala. The name in the local Indian language means "Monkey River". Its length is 560 km, and the river belongs to the fullest flowing river in Central America.

On the coast of the village of Usumasinta are the ruins of the ancient Mayan city Yashilyan.

The water is blue-green and very pleasant to the eyes.

A thick wall of bushes is located above the rocky rocky banks.

Types of landscapes

Mexico is a huge mosaic of ecosystems: after all, it is the country with the fourth highest biodiversity in the world. In Mexico, there are 58 national parks and biosphere reserves, not many beautiful corners of nature.

On a large central plateau is one of the continent's highest peaks.

Ten million royal butterflies fly to Mexico every winter to escape northern colds.

Natural conditions and resources of Mexico

Only one of its reserves located near Sitakuaro (Michoacan) is allowed.

South of Mexico is the largest rainforest region north of the Amazon. There, the entire Yucatan Peninsula is a miracle of nature. Rainforests and grasslands close to the Caribbean Sea, this is the second largest coral reef in the world.

Protected Areas

There are more than 50 national parks in the country with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 800 thousand people.

ha, including the world famous Boshenevs and Cambre de Monterrey parks from the mountain spruce forests of La Molincha and Pico de Orizaba to the famous volcanoes, the nature reserve of rare birds and other celestums.

South of Mexico is the largest rainforest region north of the Amazon.

There you can visit the Biosphere Reserve in Montes Azules (Blue Mountains), explore the city of Tenosica (Tabasco state) or Palenque. Don't miss the opportunity to head to Montebello Lagoon or take a trip to the Chiapa de Corso archaeological site in Sumidero Gorge, Chiapas State. This is not at all like the dark cloud forest of the El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, located near the city of Escuintla, Chiapas. This is one of the few places where you can see a bird's quetzal - the most beautiful in the world.

The entire Yucatan Peninsula is a real miracle of nature.

With rainforests and grasslands close to the Caribbean, this is the second largest coral reef in the world. All of these ecosystems are located in the Sian Kaan Biosphere Reserve (Quintana Roo State), south of Tulum.

In the Cancun area, underwater national parks Garrafon, Contoy, Shel-Ha and Chankanab Lagoon and Crocotown Crocodile Park are a protected area inhabited and reproduced by Yucatan crocodiles, pink flamingos and many other species of animals and birds.

Shel-Ha (or Kel-Ha, 122 km.

from Cancun) is a national park, a natural aquarium that naturally appeared in a mountain cave, partly used up by sea water, partly by fresh water from underground rivers. Amazingly clear and clear water allows you to see exotic fish of unusual colors, and lush vegetation affects the range of hues.

Eco Park Shkart (Ashkarat) is located 72 km. from Cancun to the bay. It is a well-equipped recreation center with many tropical animals, beaches, a zoo, water attractions, underground rivers, aquariums, caves, bars and restaurants, a small museum and much more.

One of the main "grown" Scale - one of the best pavilions in the world.

Canyon del Rio Blanco National Park is located in the heart of Mexico's Veracruz region (east of Toledo), about 5 km from Orizaba. Part of the canyon, covered by the park's boundaries, stretches from the slopes of Cambrys de Acultzing to Fortin. The walls of the canyon are very steep and high, their highest height is 1311 m. The tracks of the Rio Blanco canyon are covered with rather dense vegetation, the variety of which is simply impressive.

You can find many groups of plants at different heights. Among them, the most important cacao nurseries, avocado, guava, giant fern.

Water resources of Mexico

Mexico in the northwest is washed by the waters of the Gulf of California and the Pacific Ocean, in the east - by the waters of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea.

Rivers of Mexico:

Balsas is a river in North America that forms a vast basin in central southern Mexico.

It is one of the longest rivers in Mexico (724 km). It begins in the southern part of the Mexican Highlands at the confluence of the San Martin and Zahuapan rivers in the state of Puebla. It flows southwest, then west through the state of Guerrero, forming the border with the state of Michoacan. It flows into the Pacific Ocean near the city of Lazaro Cardenas.

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Coatzacoalcos - a river in Mexico, flows from south to north along the Tehuantepec isthmus.

The river is navigable for 201 km from the mouth. The name of the river, which is translated from the Nahuatl language as "the place where the serpent hides", is associated with the legend, according to which the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl sailed along the river on a raft made of snakeskin.

- a river in the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, about 2,330 km long, originates in the arid regions of the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains. It flows into the Gulf of California, however, due to the excessive consumption of water for agricultural purposes, the river water does not always reach the sea.

Rio Grande - a river in North America, along which the border between the United States and Mexico passes (in Mexico, the river is called Rio Bravo or, more precisely, Rio Bravo del Norte).

The Rio Grande is the third longest river (3,034 km) in the United States. (photo 1)

Usumacinta - the Usumacinta river flows near Piedras Negras. On the left is Mexico, and on the right is Guatemala.

Can not understand anything?

The name in the language of the local Indians means “monkey river”. Its length is 560 km, the river itself belongs to the most full-flowing rivers in Central America. On the banks of Usumasinta are the ruins of the ancient Mayan city of Yashchilan.

The water is blue-green in color, very pleasing to the eyes. A thicket stands over the rocky stone banks as a solid wall.

All articles: Articles about geography:

Geography of Mexico: relief, soil, vegetation and animal life

Mexico is located in the south of North America and occupies most of Central America.

In northern Mexico, it borders the United States (with the states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas), the length of the border is 3141 km. To the east of the city of Ciudad Juarez to the Gulf of Mexico, the border runs along the meandering Rio Grande River. Several natural and artificial markers have established the border with the United States in the west of Ciudad Juarez to the Pacific Ocean.

From the west and south of Mexico, the Pacific Ocean was washed out, and in the east - the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.

In the southeast of Mexico, it borders on Guatemala (871 km) and Belize (251 km). Mexico is the northernmost part of Latin America and the most populous Hispanic country.

Almost all of Mexico is on the North American Plate, only Baja California is on the Pacific Plate and Coconut Plate.

In terms of physical geography, the area east of the Tehuantepec Strait, which makes up 12.1% of the country's land area and consists of the five Mexican states Campeche, Chiapas, Tabasco, Quintana Roo and Yucatan, is located in Central America. In terms of geological structure, the transboundary volcanic belt separates the northern region of the country. Geopolitically, Mexico is considered a North American country.

The total area of \u200b\u200bMexico is 1,972,550 square meters.

km, including about 6 thousand square meters. km of islands in the Pacific Ocean (including the island of Guadeloupe and the Revilla-Hichedo archipelago), California and the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. Mexico is ranked 14th in Mexico.

The coastline of Mexico is 9,330 km - 7,338 km from the Pacific side and 2805 km from the Atlantic Ocean.

The Exclusive Economic Zone of Mexico, which stretches 370 km from both coasts, covers an area of \u200b\u200b2.7 million square meters. km. The Mexican land width decreases as it travels south of the US border, and then turns north in the shape of the Yucatan Peninsula for 500 kilometers, so the capital of the Yucatan city of Merida is north of Mexico City and Guadalajara.

Relief of mexico

Iztaxihuatl is a volcano located near Mexico. Mexico is crossed from north to south by the two mountains Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre Occidental, which is an extension of the Rocky Mountains of North America.

From east to west, in the center of the country lies the transboundary volcanic belt, also known as the Sierra and Sierra Nevada transverse volcanoes.

These are the highest mountains in Mexico: Mount Orizaba (5700 m), Popocatepetl (5462 m), Istaxiatl (5286 m) and Nevado de Toluca (4577 m).

The Mexican Highlands are located between the western and eastern Sierra Madre regions, from the US borders in the north to the transverse Sierra volcano in the south.

A low ridge divides the high mountains into two parts - the northern and central grids. V has employees from Northern Mesa in Zacatecas and San Luis Potosi, with an average elevation of this part of the Highlands - 1100 m. The Northern Mesa Plateau, intersecting narrow individual reefs and depression, the largest of which are. Mapimí Bolsón. The height of the central Mesa is 2000 m, and on its territory there are many valleys formed by old lakes.

In the valleys of central Mesa, Mexico City and Guadalajara are the largest cities in Mexico.

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The reefs of the Baja California Peninsula stretch along the California coast to the southern end of the peninsula at a distance of 1,430 km.

The height of the mountain ranges from 2200 m in the north to 250 m in the south, near the city of La Paz.

There are several large mountainous regions in the south and southeast of the country. The Sierra Madre South stretches for 1200 kilometers along the southern coast of Mexico in the southwestern part of the Trans-Volcanic Belt to nearly straight straits at Tehuantepec. The average height of the mountain ridge is. 2000 m south of the strait, the Sierra Madre de Chiapas ridge stretches 280 km along the Pacific coast from the border of the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas to the border of Guatemala.

The average height of the ridge is 1500 m, the maximum height is 4000 m (Takuma volcano)

Geological structure and seismic activity of Mexico

Mexico lies almost entirely on the North American Plate.

The Mexican territory is located on three large lithospheric plates and is one of the most seismically active regions on the planet. The movement of the plates is caused by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

The North American Plate, on which most of Mexico is located, is moving westward. The Pacific Ocean floor to the south of Mexico lies on the Cocos Plate and heads north.

Natural resources in Mexico

In the event of a collision, the heavy ocean floor sinks beneath the lighter granite rocks in the country, creating a deep medieval trough along Mexico's southern coast. The North American Plate is slowing down and the bread that forms the mountain ranges of southern Mexico.

Duplication of the coconut plate causes frequent earthquakes in southern Mexico. As it falls, the ocean floor melts and is then pushed through the plate defects that create the volcanoes of the cross-volcanic belt in central Mexico.

The coast of the Gulf of California, including the Lower California Peninsula, is moving towards the Pacific Northwest on the Pacific Plate. Moving against each other, the Pacific and North American plates form a turning curve that is the southern extension of California's San Andreas fault.

Continuous movement on this error occurred in the Gulf of California, which separates Baja California from the continent and is the source of earthquakes in western Mexico.

There have been many devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions in the history of Mexico.

In September 1985, an earthquake of 8.3 on the Richter scale, whose epicenter was in the subduction zone near Acapulco, demanded more than 4,000 people. People in Mexico City located more than 300 km away. Colima volcano south of Guadalajara is the most active volcano in Mexico, its last outbreak in 2005 to force the evacuation of nearby villages. In 1943, in the northwestern part of the country, the Parikushin volcano appeared, which formed in a corn field, and within 10 years it grew to an altitude of 2700 m.

Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl ("smoking warrior" and "white lady" in the Nahuatl language) rest and sometimes emit smoke, reminding Mexico City residents of any outbreaks. Popocatepetl continued its operations in 1995 and 1996, with the result that residents and seismologists and the government evacuated to comprehensively study possible outbreaks of the outbreak.

Mexico Hydrography

River basin in Mexico: blue indicates the Pacific Ocean, Brown indicates the Gulf of Mexico and the Yellow Caribbean Sea. Gray indoor (drainage) pools are marked.

There are about 150 rivers in Mexico, two-thirds of which flow in the Pacific Ocean, and the rest are in the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean.

Despite the apparent abundance of water resources and their distribution throughout the country, this is very uneven. Five rivers - Usumacinta, Grijalva, Papaloapan, Coatzacoalcos and Panuco - account for 52% of the average annual volume of surface water, with four of them (excluding Panuco) flowing into the Gulf of Mexico and located in the southeast of Mexico (15% of the territory and 12% population).

The northern and central parts of the country (47% of the territory and almost 60% of the Mexican population) have access to less than 10% of water resources.

The Balsa Basin, located in the south of the country, is home to about 10% of the total Mexican population. The largest freshwater lake in Mexico is Chapala, located 45 km southeast of Guadalajara.

Prior to this, Lake Texcoco had a large area, but was released in 1967 due to constant flooding.

Yucatan has a large number of so-called cenotes - natural wells that occur during the erosion of rainwater from the limestone crust, which then merges with underground rivers.

Climate of mexico

Tropical cancer divides Mexico into a tropical and temperate zone. Temperatures in the regions north of the 24th parallel are lower in winter (average temperature is 20 ° C to 24 ° C), and in the region below the temperature is relatively constant and depends mainly on altitude - at an altitude of 1000 m (the southern part of the two coastal plains and Yucatan Peninsula), the average temperature is from 24 to 28 ° C.

At an altitude of 1000-2000 m, the average temperature is from 16 to 20 ° C.

Over 2000 meters the temperature drops to 8 ° C to 12 ° C. In Mexico City, located at an altitude of 2300 m, the average temperature is 15 ° C. Rainfall in Mexico is highly dependent on the season and area.

Dry climate: Baja California, northwestern Sonora, north and part of the southern highlands. The level of precipitation in these regions is 300-600 mm / year or less. In most of the inhabited areas of the southern highlands, including Mexico and Guadalajara, the average annual rainfall is 600-1000 mm / year.

The low coastal areas of the Gulf of Mexico receive over 1000 mm of rainfall per year.

In the wettest region - in the southeastern part of the country Tabasco - about 2000 mm of precipitation falls annually. In the north of the plateau and in the mountains of the eastern and western Sierra Madre, there is sometimes heavy snow.

Mexico is located in a hurricane zone and all coastal areas are impacted from June to November.

On the Pacific side, hurricanes are less frequent and not very strong. Several hurricanes cruise along the east coast of Mexico every year, resulting in high winds, rain and destruction. Hurricane Gilbert passed directly over Cancun, destroyed many hotels, and then reached the northeast coast in September 1988 and caused floods in the city of Monterrey, resulting in loss of life.

Soil, flora and fauna of Mexico

In the north and northwest of Mexico there are deserts (Chihuahua, Sonora) with primitive Sierras.

Wetlands have gray-brown soils suitable for irrigated agriculture. Growth: creosote shrub, various acacia and mimosas, several hundred species of cacti, 140 species of agave and yucca, sedum, dazirion and other succulents. The typical form of vegetation is chaprar.

The wind of the southern parts of Central Mesa is the fertile red-brown, brown, red and red-black soil grown in the traditional consumer culture: beans, corn, tomatoes and sesame seeds, peanuts and others.

Before that, the region was dominated by conifers, which were very thin. At present, at the Middle Mass, the soil is subject to intense erosion, which threatens up to 90% of agricultural land in general.

Mixed and coniferous forests of the subtropical type grow on the mountain ranges around the plateau.

At an altitude of 1200-1400 m below, oak forests grow mainly of evergreen species, more than 1700 m are dominated by various types of pines. In the rocky forests at altitudes up to 4000 m, fir trees, cypresses and the famous long Montezuma blueberry pine grow. There are black bears, lynxes and other animals in the mountain forests. Alpine meadows bloom above the forests on volcanoes.

Best of all, Mexico has preserved forests in the mountainous regions and the Yucatan Plains in the eastern Tehuantepec Strait, despite declines in the most valuable species, better slash burning and an increase in plantation area.

These forests make up 15% of the territory of all forests in the country (before the arrival of the Spaniards, they were about 70%).

In the southern forests and forests, mainly neutrophilic animals live.

There are monkeys, jaguars, tapir, anteater, marsupial possum, and in the north - raccoons and porcupines. The bird world is especially rich: hibiscus, variegated parrots, toucans, umbrella, hawks and many others. There are also numerous reptiles - iguanas, turtles and snakes.

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02.December.2016, 14:50

Capital: Mexico City (22 million in 2015)

Area: 1958.2 thousand km 2

Mexico is one of the twenty largest countries in the world in terms of both area and population, ranking 14th and 11th in the world, respectively. It is home to 20% of the population of Latin America. In the region, in terms of the size of the territory, it is second only to Brazil and Argentina, and in terms of population - only Brazil.

Large reserves of oil, gas, fluorspar, are coal, sulfur, antimony, silver, iron ore, non-ferrous metal ores (copper, zinc, mercury).

Population. 103.4 (140.2) million. Mestizos (60%), Indians (30%), descendants of Europeans. Density 53 people / km 2. Average annual growth 15 people. per 1000 inhabitants. Migration balance -2.65 people per 1000 inhabitants. Unemployment 3% (among urban residents), as well as significant underemployment. Age composition is 33-60-7, average age is 23.8 years, life expectancy is 73 years.

Religion: Christianity (Catholics - 89%, Protestants).

Official language:spanish.

Mexico is located in the southern part of the North America mainland. The length of its borders and coastline is about 13 thousand km. The land border with the United States has a length of 2.6 thousand km. Much of this border runs along the country's largest river, the Rio Bravo del Norte. In the south, the land border of Mexico, 200 km long, passes with Belize and Guatemala.
Mexico has access to two oceans - the Pacific and the Atlantic. The western coast of the country is washed by the Pacific Ocean, and the eastern coast is washed by the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. The length of the coastline is 9.2 thousand km. Its largest islands are located off the northwestern coast of Mexico: Angel de la Guarda, Cedros, Tiburon.

An important feature of the economic and geographical position of Mexico is its proximity to the United States. The main railways and highways from the interior of the country approach the US borders. The territory of modern Mexico has long been inhabited by Indian tribes - the Aztecs, Maya, Toltecs, Olmecs, etc. The name of the country comes from the name of the Aztec god - Mexitli.
In the 20s of the XVI century. Mexico was colonized by Spain. In 1810, the Mexicans began the struggle for independence, which was proclaimed in 1821. At present, the country occupied an area of \u200b\u200b5 million km 2, and its southern borders reached the Isthmus of Panama. In 1824 the federation of the republics of Central America seceded from Mexico. Continuous political struggle weakened the country, which the United States took advantage of. As a result of the war of 1846-1848. Mexico lost another 2,200,000 km 2 of territory from the USA.
In 1910-1917. A democratic revolution took place in the country. In 1917, a constitution was adopted - one of the most advanced for its time.

According to this constitution, with some amendments valid until, Mexico is a federal republic. The head of state and government is the president, who is elected for six years without the right to be re-elected. Legislature - National Congress, consisting of the Senate (64 senators) and the Chamber of Deputies (500 members), who are elected for three years.
Main political parties: Institutional Revolutionary Party (IRP), Democratic Revolution Party (PDA), National Action Party (MHP). Other parties are few in number and not very popular among the population. The IRP, which was founded in 1929, has been in power since its inception.
Geographically, Mexico is divided into 31 states and the metropolitan federal district. States have their own constitutions, legislatures, and governors.
Mexico is one of the most developed countries in Latin America. In terms of GDP, it ranks second in the region (after Brazil). According to this indicator, it is ahead of other countries, ranking 13th in the world. In 2000. Mexico's GDP was 875 billion dollars, or 25% of the total GDP of Latin America.
In terms of the main macroeconomic indicators, Mexico is an industrial and agricultural country. In terms of the level of socio-economic development, as well as the nature of economic and social problems that still need to be solved, it belongs to the group of developing countries. According to the UN classification, Mexico belongs to the newly industrialized countries.
The rich and varied natural conditions and resources of Mexico are favorable for the development of the mining and manufacturing industries, as well as diversified agriculture.
Relief. Mexico is a mountainous country. Most of its territory lies above 1000 m. Above sea level.
About 2/3 of the country's territory is occupied by the Mexican Highlands. The mountains of the Western and Eastern Sierra Madre stretch from the west and east, and from the south it is surrounded by mountain ranges of the transverse Volcanic Sierra Madre.

Economy. GDP per capita USD 6150 (9000) m GDP structure 5% - 26% - 69%. Industry: mining (including oil, natural gas, non-ferrous metal ores, fluorspar), petrochemical, metallurgy, mechanical engineering (including transport, radio electronics), light (including textile, footwear), food ... Agriculture: crop production (cotton, sugarcane, coffee, corn, beans, tomatoes), livestock (cattle, sheep, goats). Tourism (17 million tourists a year).

International trade. Exports: +158.4 billion USD (per capita USD 1532). Manufacturing products (including mechanical engineering and light industry), oil and oil products, silver, fruits, vegetables, coffee, cotton (USA 88%, Canada 2%).

Imports: +168,400 million USD (per capita USD 1,629). Equipment for metallurgical and machine-building plants, components and spare parts for the compilation of mechanical engineering products (including transport), chemical products, food (USA 68%, Japan 5%).

Den. units: peso. 10.1 per US dollar (2003).

The territory of Mexico is distinguished by high seismic activity. In the volcanic Sierra Madre there are the volcanoes Orisava (5700 m) - the highest peak in the country, Popocatepel (5452 m), etc. In the southern part of the Pacific coast of Mexico, earthquakes often occur.
Plains occupy about a third of the country's territory. The most extensive plain is located on the Yucatan Peninsula. The lowlands stretch in narrow strips along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean.
Mineral resources of Mexico are characterized by different component structures. In Latin America, it is distinguished by large reserves of oil and natural gas, manganese, silver, sulfur, lead and zinc ores. Mexico accounts for 15% of the region's mineral resource potential. Ore minerals are genetically related to the Pacific ore belt, which crosses the territory of Mexico. They are located in remote mountainous or desert and semi-desert areas, which complicates their exploitation. Ores of non-ferrous and noble metals are of high quality.
Fuel minerals. Among the explored fossil fuels, Mexico stands out for its oil and natural gas reserves. Oil reserves in the country are estimated at 7811.0 million tons, which is 43% of its total reserves in Latin America. The main deposits are confined to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. New fields have been discovered in the states of Tabasco and Chiapas, as well as on the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico.
Natural gas reserves in Mexico are estimated at 2.1 billion. M3, which is 28% of its total reserves in the region. It is the third largest in America (after the US and Canada) and tenth in the world. The main deposits are located in the northeast, on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, as well as in the southeast of the country.
The explored reserves of coal are small and are estimated at 5 billion tons. The main deposits are located in the north of the country in the Sabinas basin. Several large uranium deposits have been explored.
Metallic minerals. Iron ore reserves are insignificant and are estimated at 0.7 billion. T., which is about 1% of the total reserves of the region. The explored deposits of iron ore are of very high quality (60-65% iron), are located at a shallow depth and are available for opencast mining.
In terms of manganese reserves, Mexico ranks second in the region (after Brazil). It accounts for about 40% of the total reserves of Latin America. The largest manganese ore deposit is located in the state of Hidalgo.
In Latin America, Mexico is distinguished by reserves of lead-zinc ores. Explored reserves of lead ores are estimated at 8 million tons, which is half of the total reserves of the region. The country ranks first in the region in terms of their reserves. A quarter of the total zinc ore reserves of Latin America are also concentrated in the north of the country. In terms of their reserves, Mexico is second only to Peru in the region.
The explored reserves of copper ores in the country are small. They are estimated at 8 million tons, which is only 6% of the total reserves of the region. The main deposits of copper ore are located in the California Peninsula and in the northwestern part of the country.
There are about 200 known mercury deposits in the country. In terms of its reserves, Mexico ranks third in the world. The largest of them are located in the north. Mexico's pipe reserves in the region are second only to Bolivia.
In Latin America, Mexico is distinguished by reserves of precious metals - silver and gold. Silver reserves are estimated at 65 thousand tons, which is almost half of the region's reserves. They are located all over the place. Most of the silver is found in a complex with lead-zinc ores, although there are also independent deposits. A quarter of Latin America's gold reserves are concentrated in Mexico.
Proven reserves of sulfur are estimated at 89 million tons (about 40% of the total sulfur reserves of Latin America). The main sulfur deposits are associated with the salt domes on the Tehuantepec Isthmus.
The climate of Mexico is determined by its location in tropical and subtropical latitudes between two oceans. The northern tropic divides the country's territory into approximately two equal parts. Mountain systems prevent the penetration of humid oceanic air masses into the interior. Consequently, the Mexican Highlands are characterized by an arid climate. The absence of high mountains in the north allows cold air masses to penetrate into the interior regions of the country.
In northern Mexico, the average temperature in July is + 25 ° C, and in January - 10 ° C. In summer, the heat here reaches + 45 ° C. In the Mexican Highlands, sharp drops in temperature in winter and night frosts in summer damage agriculture. In the tropical part, the average annual temperatures do not exceed + 25 ° ... + 27 ° C.
The distribution of precipitation is extremely uneven. The northern and inland regions lack moisture. There falls from 100 to 200 mm. precipitation per year. The minimum amount of precipitation falls on the California Peninsula (20 mm.), And the maximum (5000 mm.) In the southeast of the country. On the Mexican Highlands, an average of 300-500 mm falls, and on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico - more than 4000 mm. in year.

The southern part of Mexico, which is constantly exposed to humid air masses from the ocean, is characterized by excessive moisture. The main amount of precipitation falls in April - October.
Soil resources. The soil cover of Mexico is very diverse and varies from east to west, due to the decrease in precipitation in this direction.
About a quarter of the country's territory is occupied by soils of tropical and subtropical deserts - sierozem. their development for agriculture is possible only with irrigation. They occupy the California Peninsula, large areas in the north and northwest of the country. In the steppe regions with a moderately humid climate, brown soils are common, and in the steppe regions with an arid climate, chestnut soils. In the central regions of the country, fertile red-brown and brown-red mountain soils, formed on volcanic rocks, prevail. they are used mainly in traditional consumer cultures. In the southern lowland areas, red-yellow red lateritic soils are common, formed in a humid tropical climate. Swamp soils occupy waterlogged areas in the southeast of the country. About a quarter of the territory is occupied by low-fertile soils of high-mountainous regions, which are almost never used in agriculture.
Half of the country's territory and almost all of the cultivated land is highly eroded.
Water resources. The problem of water supply is one of the most important. About half of the people live in settlements with poor water supply conditions. In most of the territory, agriculture is impossible without irrigation.
A dense river network is developed only in the south. There are few large rivers in the country. their length does not exceed 200 km. The largest river, the Rio Bravo del Norte, flows mainly through arid regions.
Navigable only small sections of rivers in the plains. However, they are essential for irrigation, especially the Rio Bravo del Norte, the lower reaches of the Colorado, etc.
The rivers are rich in water resources. their hydropower potential is estimated at 15 million kW. More energy is used year of the Eastern Sierra Madre.
There are many small lakes in the country. The largest of them is Chapala.
Groundwater resources almost double the surface runoff of all rivers. In the northern part of the country and on the Yucatan Peninsula, they are the main source of water supply.
Forest resources. Forests cover 20.2% of the country's territory. The largest tracts of forest are preserved in the mountains and in the flat part of tropical Mexico.

The species composition of forests is very diverse. The most widespread are coniferous and mixed forests, which occupy 60% of the forested area, and tropical forests - about 40%. The main species from which wood is harvested are pine, red cedar, oak. They are the main timber exports and are used in the pulp and paper and wood chemical industries. Colorants and tannins are extracted from some tree species. Medicinal and other wild plants are collected in the forests. Mexico provides 80% of the world production of chicle juice.
Reserves and national parks are open for nature protection. Now in Mexico there are more than 50 national parks with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 1 million hectares.
Population. The largest ethnic group of the population in the territory of modern Mexico is the mestizo. They make up 60% of the total population. There are about 45 Indian tribes in the country, among which the Aztecs and Mayans prevail. Indians live mainly in the central and southern regions, in the Yucatan and the northwest Pacific coast. Europeans make up 9% of the total population and live mainly in large cities.
The first estimates of the population in the country date back to 1521. According to the data collected at that time, 9 million Indians lived in New Spain. By the end of the XVIII century. their number dropped to 5 million. In 1803 A. Humboldt estimated the population of the country at 5800000 people. During the first census, which was conducted in 1895, Mexico was home to 12.6 million. People.
At the beginning of the XX century. the number of population in the country began to increase rapidly, mainly due to natural growth, and for the period 1920-1950. doubled. High rates of population growth were observed in the 50s and amounted to 3.5% per year. For the period 1950-1970. The country's population has doubled again.
In 2001. The population of Mexico was 99.6 million. People. According to this indicator, the country ranks second in the region and eleventh in the world. The population of the country grows annually by about 1,800,000. People. Over the past five years, the country's average population growth rate has been 2.1% per year.
Fertility rate in Mexico in 2001 It was 24 people per 1000 inhabitants, and the mortality rate was 5 people per 1000 inhabitants. The main reason for the high natural population growth in the country was the decrease in mortality, especially among children. The infant mortality rate in Mexico is 25 people per 1000 births, which is almost half the global average.
The age structure is dominated by young age groups. Children under 15 years old make up 34% of the total population, and persons over 65 years old - only 4% (2000). In terms of average life expectancy in the region, Mexico lags only behind Costa Rica. Average life expectancy for men is 70 years, for women - 76 years.
The population is distributed very unevenly throughout the country. The average population density is almost 50.9 people per sq km (2001). According to this indicator, the country occupies only 111 place in the world.
The population lives in the form of isolated areas, which is primarily due to the mountainous relief, problems of water supply in arid regions, as well as difficult conditions for the development of tropical regions. The highest population density is observed in the federal district - about 6,000 people per km 2 in the state of Mexico City - about 300 people. The least populated tropical forest and desert areas of California, where the population density does not exceed 2 people per km 2.
Mexico belongs to the countries with a high level of urbanization. If in 1900 only 12% lived in cities, in 1950. - 29%, then at the end of the 90s - 75% of the country's population. The growth rate of the urban population is 1.5 times higher than the average growth rate of the country's population as a whole.
Mexico has about 50 large cities, of which four are millionaire cities, which are home to more than a quarter of the country's population. The capital, Mexico City, stands out in terms of the number, significance and variety of functions. The city was founded on the site of the destroyed capital of the Aztecs, Tenochtitlan. At the beginning of the XVI century. According to scientists, it was one of the largest cities in the world, where about 300 thousand people lived. The city is located in the Mexican Valley at an altitude of 2240 m. Above sea level. In Greater Mexico City, 16,900,000 live. People (1996). Mexico City forms one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world. In terms of population, it is the second city in Latin America and the second city in the world. More than 3 million people live in Guadalajara - the largest city in the country on the Pacific coast. The cities of Monterrey and Puebla have over 1 million inhabitants.
Mexico is characterized by a largely homogeneous religious population. About 95% of the population is Christian. Catholics predominate among Christians. In addition, many Indians adhere to traditional beliefs.
Features of development and general characteristics of the economy. Even in ancient times, agriculture developed on the territory of Mexico, gold and silver were mined. The indigenous people of the Indians have reached a fairly high level of social development. However, their distinctive civilization was destroyed by the Spaniards.
During the colonial period, the mining industry began to develop in the country, mainly the extraction of precious metals. Mexico has become an important supplier of gold and silver to the metropolis.
In the post-colonial period, the structure of the mining industry expanded - copper, lead, zinc, coal, iron ore and oil began to be mined. Foreign capital, mainly British and American, played an important role in the development of this industry.
From the middle of the XIX century. the manufacturing industry began to develop - food and textile. With the participation of American capital, the construction of railways began, which linked the country from the United States and were intended for the export of extractive industry products.
By the end of the 19th century, three types of land tenure had developed in the agriculture of Mexico: latifundia, livestock farms - ranches and communities. The importance of agriculture as an export industry has grown. The Gulf Coast and northern states became the main areas for cotton production. For export, they grew tropical crops - sugar cane, coffee, bananas, and in the northern states - cattle for transportation to the United States.

By the end of the XIX century. In Mexico, two important cells of economic life were formed - the Northern States and the Gulf Coast, where plantation and mining were developed.
In the 30s of the XX century. the industrialization process began in Mexico. The manufacturing industry developed at a rapid pace for the needs of the domestic market. Its share in the creation of GDP was gradually increasing, while that of agriculture was decreasing. In the post-war period, the country turned from an agrarian into an agrarian-industrial one.
In 1983, Mexico moved to an open economy. Important economic reforms were carried out in the country - privatization of state-owned enterprises, reorganization of property in agriculture, liberalization of foreign trade, and attraction of foreign investment. At the end of the 1980s, the government revised the basic principles of agrarian policy - it completed reforms in agriculture and created conditions for market relations in the countryside. In 1991, the country adopted a law according to which the peasant became the owner of the land and could sell it or lease it.
In the early 90s, Mexico embarked on an intensive development of a market economy. Over the past three years, the GDP growth rate has already outstripped the population growth rate and amounted to 3%. Inflation dropped to 8%.
Industry is the most dynamic sector of the country's economy. It creates 29% of GDP and employs 26.3% of the country's economically active population. In terms of industrial production, Mexico ranks second in Latin America (after Brazil) and third among developing countries (after India, Brazil).
The industrial structure is dominated by manufacturing industries. Such modern industries as electrical engineering, instrument making, the production of synthetic fibers, etc. are developing. Since the 70s, the role of the extractive industry has been increasing due to the inclusion of oil in the structure of the country's export.
Among the most pressing problems in the development of industry in Mexico is the hypertrophied concentration of industry in three centers: Mexico City, Monterrey and Guadalajara.
The mining industry is a traditional industry that developed back in the colonial period and was represented mainly by the extraction of precious metals.
Mexico accounts for 15% of the value of the gross output of the extractive industry in Latin America. It creates 7.2% of the country's GDP. In the structure of the industry, the leading place is occupied by the fuel industry, in which the oil industry dominates.
For local needs, oil began to be produced in the middle of the 19th century. in the state of Tabasco. In 1901. An American company began developing oil fields in the area. Tampico, the so-called "Golden Belt". In the 20s of the XX century. this area was one of the most important areas for world oil production. Mexico became the second largest oil producer in the world after the United States. And the oil fields were exploited by foreign companies and for over 20 years Mexico could not use its oil wealth to develop the national economy.
In 1938, the country's oil industry was nationalized and transferred to the state-owned Pemex company. Since that time, oil in the country has been extracted mainly for domestic needs.
In the 70s, new oil fields were discovered in Mexico on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The main area of \u200b\u200boil production was the "New Golden Belt", which stretches from the city of Reynosa in the north to the states of Campeche and Tabasco in the south, as well as the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico. Since 1975, Mexico has become an oil exporter.
In the mid-90s, the country annually produced about 140 million tons of oil, which amounted to 38.6% of its total production in the region. Almost half of the oil produced is exported. The US is the main importer of Mexican oil. The increase in oil production in the 90s is associated with an increase in domestic consumption. Mexico is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPEC. Moreover, it coordinates with OPEC only its oil policy and is not associated with the restrictive quotas of this organization for the production and sale of oil.
A modern oil refining industry has been created in Mexico. The production capacity for oil refining has reached 70 million tons. The Pemex oil company has about 200 oil refineries. About 2/3 of these businesses are located on the Gulf Coast, far from many major consumption areas.
Natural gas. In Mexico, mainly associated gas is produced - annually about 30 billion m3, which is one third of its total production in the region. In terms of natural gas production, the country ranks second in Latin America (after Argentina). About 2/3 of natural gas production comes from the southern regions of the Gulf Coast. Significant deposits have been discovered in areas bordering the United States.
The coal industry in the country began to develop in the second half of the 19th century.
Major coal deposits are located in the Sabinas Basin in Coahuila State. The coal is of low quality and is developed only for our own needs.
The uranium industry began to develop in the early 1980s in connection with the development of nuclear energy in the country. The main uranium mining area is the state of Sonora.
The mining industry is a traditional industry that dates back to the pre-colonial period. For its development in Mexico are a variety of mineral resources. And the share of the mining industry in the creation of GDP is only 1%. American capital plays an important role in the development of the industry.
The traditional branch of the mining industry is the extraction of precious metals (silver and gold). The main share of gold is obtained from the processing of lead-zinc and copper ores, and silver - from the processing of polymetallic ores.
Mexico ranks first in the world in silver mining. The country produces 2.5 thousand tons of silver annually, almost half of its total production in the region.
Iron ore is mined exclusively for domestic needs. Annual production is about 8 million tons. The main fields are the Sierra de Mercado near Durango and La Perla near Monclova. Iron ore with a high sulfur content, making it difficult to use.
Mexico ranks among the top manganese producers in the region. About 500 million tons of manganese ore are mined in the country annually.
Significant positions not only in the region, but also in the world are occupied by Mexico in the extraction of lead and zinc ores. The country continues to hold the sixth place in the world in terms of sulfur production. Since the 1980s, Mexico has developed into a fairly large phosphate producer thanks to the development of deposits in Baja California. Tin is mined for the needs of the domestic market.
Manufacturing industry. The share of this industry in GDP creation is 25.5%. The structure of the manufacturing industry is dominated by the heavy industry: oil refining, petrochemical, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering. The metallurgical and petrochemical industries are highly concentrated.
Ferrous metallurgy is a traditional branch of heavy industry. For its development, the country has a well-developed raw material base - iron ore, coking coal and manganese.
Ferrous metallurgy in Mexico emerged at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1903, the first metallurgical plant was built in Monterrey. For four decades, it was the only enterprise of this type, not only in Mexico, but also in Latin America.
During the Second World War, the production capacity of the iron and steel industry expanded. The main enterprises smelt ferrous metals, located in the Northern and Central regions. Electrometallurgical plants have been built near the capital, which use imported raw materials. In the 70s, a metallurgical complex in Las Truchas on the Pacific coast was put into operation in the country, which operates on local iron ore and imported coking coal.
The largest centers of ferrous metallurgy are Monclova, Monterrey and Piedras Negras.
Despite the growth in production, the ferrous metallurgy of Mexico does not meet the country's needs. Mexico imports a significant part of ferrous metals.
Non-ferrous metallurgy. Precious metals - gold and silver in Mexico began to be mined in the early years of colonization. From the second half of the XVI century. Mexico occupied the leading place in the world for the extraction of silver, and at the end of the XX century. took first place already.
About 2/3 of the silver produced is exported mainly to the USA. In the domestic market, silver is used in folk arts and crafts, as well as for the release of coins.
Since the end of the XIX century. in Mexico, the smelting of heavy non-ferrous metals - lead, zinc, copper and tin - is developing. After the Second World War, in connection with the development of new branches of technology, light metals - titanium, beryllium, aluminum and magnesium - became increasingly important. Mexico occupies the most positions in the region in the production of lead and zinc.
In the non-ferrous metallurgy of Mexico, incomplete-cycle enterprises prevail. For example, zinc in Mexico is smelted only a quarter of its total production, the rest is exported to the United States in the form of concentrates.
Mechanical engineering is a new branch of the manufacturing industry. In the sectoral structure of mechanical engineering, the leading place belongs to transport engineering, especially the automotive industry.
In terms of the rate of development of production and export of products, this is one of the most dynamic industries. 350 thousand cars are produced annually in the country. In terms of the volume of the automotive industry, Mexico ranks second in Latin America (after Brazil) and is among the top ten countries in the world.
The first automobile warehouse appeared in Mexico in 1925 and belonged to the American company "Ford". In the post-war period, American, German and Japanese companies opened their branches here.
In the 1970s, the rate of development of the auto industry in Mexico was twice the rate of development of the economy as a whole. Its share in the creation of GDP.
Mexico's automotive industry is divided into two sectors: modern, export-oriented and traditional, producing less competitive products for the domestic market.
The automotive industry in Mexico is characterized by a high concentration of factories in Mexico City, Puebla and Toluca.
Enterprises of the electronic and electrical industry are located in the border zone with the United States. These are mainly factories that produce simple products from imported parts. The main centers are Mexicali and Tijuana. The modern shipbuilding industry emerged after the Second World War. This industry produces fishing vessels, tankers, bulk carriers. The main centers of shipbuilding are Veracruz and Mazatlan.
The chemical industry originated during the Second World War. Mexico's natural resources can support the development of many chemical industries. With the participation of foreign capital, enterprises have been created in the country that produce sulfuric acid, mineral fertilizers, pesticides, and artificial fibers.
In basic chemistry, the main place is occupied by the production of sulfuric acid, which is used for the production of mineral fertilizers. Mexico entered the top ten largest producers of nitrogen fertilizers in the world, annually producing 1.3 million tons of these products.
The largest centers for the production of sulfuric acid and mineral fertilizers are Monclova and Cuautitlan.

Since the 60s, the organic synthesis industry has been developing in Mexico, represented by the production of synthetic rubber, plastics, and synthetic detergents. The main area of \u200b\u200bthe chemical industry has become the Gulf Coast, with abundant resources of oil, natural gas and sulfur.
The food industry is one of the most important industries in terms of both the cost of production and the number of employees. Its oldest branch is the sugar industry, the first enterprises of which appeared in the colonial period. Until the 60s, the sugar industry worked mainly for the domestic market and only a small part of the sugar was exported to the United States. In the second half of the 1960s, a "sugar boom" began in Mexico, associated with the fact that the United States stopped importing sugar from Cuba. Sugar has become one of Mexico's most important exports. Canned food and coffee are also important for export. Mexico is among the top ten largest coffee and sugar producers, ranking third and seventh in the world, respectively.
The largest center of the food industry is Mexico City, where half of the industry's enterprises are concentrated.
The textile industry in Mexico began to develop earlier than in other countries in the region. The first enterprises appeared in the 30s of the XIX century. It works mainly with local raw materials - cotton, artificial and synthetic fibers. Only woolen fabrics are partially produced from imported raw materials. The main centers of the textile industry are Mexico City and Puebla.
Agriculture. The level of agricultural development of the territory in Mexico is low. The share of agricultural land is 50.7% of the total land fund. In the structure of agricultural land, cultivated land accounts for only 12.9%.
The level of land insecurity per inhabitant is low, especially given the rapid population growth. If at the beginning of the XX century. there were 0.38 ha for every person in Mexico. of cultivated land, then in the 90s this indicator decreased by 2 times and is 0.2 hectares.
Agricultural land is distributed very unevenly throughout the country. A high level of agricultural development of the territory is observed in the Central, Central Pacific and South Pacific states, where 3/4 of the rural population lives. In the Northern States, half of the area is grassland. Land development on the Gulf Coast is held back by unhealthy climatic conditions and wetlands.
Irrigation, which has a long history in Mexico, is essential for increasing the area of \u200b\u200bcultivated land. The indigenous people of the country were engaged in irrigation agriculture even before colonization. Today in Mexico a quarter of the cultivated land is irrigated. In terms of the area of \u200b\u200birrigated land, the country ranks first in the region and is among the top ten countries in the world.
In the postcolonial period of development, the sectoral structure of agriculture has not undergone significant changes. The leading branch of agriculture continues to be agriculture. It accounts for 2/3 of the value of gross agricultural production.
Agriculture is specialized in cotton, coffee, sugarcane and tomatoes. For the needs of the domestic market, corn, rice, sorghum, beans and sugar cane are grown. Vegetables and fruits are grown for domestic needs and for the foreign market. Cotton, coffee, tomatoes and heneken are of great export value.
The structure of sown areas is dominated by food crops - corn, wheat, rice, sorghum and beans. they are grown in small areas throughout the country. Cereals prevail among food crops. The main grain crop is corn.
Corn is grown in Mexico everywhere up to an altitude of 3000 m. It occupies almost 2/3 of the total sown area. The bulk of the crops are located in the central states. Mexico is second only to the United States in terms of maize sown area.
Wheat ranks second in the structure of the sown area of \u200b\u200bgrain crops. It is grown in areas of non-irrigated agriculture and on irrigated lands in the northern and northwestern regions of the country.
Rice began to be grown back in the colonial period in the mountain valleys in the central regions. Today, 2/3 of the gross rice harvest comes from the North Pacific states and the Gulf Coast.
The grain industry in Mexico is characterized by a fairly high level of development. Wheat yield is the highest in the region - an average of 42.0 c / ha. More than 25 million tons of grain are harvested annually in the country, which is one third of the gross harvest of Latin America. Mexico ranks 15th in the world for grain production (1996). However, grain farming does not meet the domestic needs of the country.
Beans are the second most important food crop in Mexico. In terms of the cultivated area, the country is second only to India and Brazil. The main crop of beans is concentrated on land in the central and southern states.
Potatoes have been cultivated since ancient times in the mountain valleys. Areas of potatoes are also found in the central states at an altitude of 2000 m. The low yield of potatoes is explained by unfavorable climatic conditions for growing this crop. In tropical regions, sweet potatoes are grown.
Mexico is the birthplace of tomatoes. they are grown for domestic consumption and for export, mainly in the United States.
Various varieties of pepper are grown everywhere. Its largest cultivated areas are concentrated in the central states, where pepper is grown at an altitude of up to 2000 m. Most of the crop is exported to the United States.
The technical ones are grown on plantations and on peasant farms. They occupy about a third of the sown area.
Cotton is Mexico's main industrial crop and has been cultivated in Mexico since ancient times. Even before colonization, the indigenous people were able to make fabrics from cotton fiber. During the colonial period, cotton was grown only in tropical coastal areas. Since the 30s of the XX century. the main area of \u200b\u200bits cultivation in the country became irrigated land in the northern and northwestern states. In the postwar period, cotton growing has become the leading branch of agriculture. An average of 150 thousand tons of fibers are collected in the country annually, accounting for 10% of the total gross harvest in Latin America. According to this indicator, Mexico is second only to Brazil in the region. Mexican cotton varieties are common in many countries around the world, primarily in the United States. The domestic market consumes only a third of the total gross harvest of this crop.
Agaves take their place in agriculture in Mexico. It is a versatile crop, from the leaves of which coarse fiber is obtained, used for roofing and for feeding livestock. Baked agave stems are eaten, and the juice is used to make an alcoholic drink pulque.
Coffee is an important plantation crop, which gained market value as early as the 19th century. Mexico is the second largest coffee producer in Latin America and the third in the world, after Brazil and Colombia. Every year the country produces on average more than 300 thousand tons. Coffee makes up 10% of its total production in the region.
The coffee tree in Mexico is grown in the shade of other trees. The main area for growing coffee is the southeast of the country. On the tropical coast, coffee varieties are grown, which are consumed in the domestic market. Export coffee varieties are grown on plantations located on mountain slopes with a height of 500-1000 m.
Mexico has favorable conditions for the cultivation of sugar cane. This culture was brought to the country at the beginning of colonization. Sugarcane is grown in irrigated land and in the state of Veracruz on the Gulf Coast.
Sugarcane is Mexico's second most exported crop. By its production, the country ranks second in Latin America. About 40 million tons of sugar cane is harvested annually. Sugar factories are located near sugar cane plantations.
Sesame nuts and soybeans are grown from oilseeds in Mexico. The most widespread oilseed crop in the country is sesame. It is grown mainly in the Pacific states. About 170 thousand tons of sesame seeds are collected annually in the country. Mexico is the third largest producer of this seed in the world after India and Sudan.
In the post-war period, peanut and soybean acreage was expanded in Mexico. A significant amount of edible and technical fats is obtained from the processing of palm fruits.
Plantation fruit growing in Mexico began to develop at the end of the 19th century. The most important fruit crops are bananas, pineapples and oranges.
Much attention is paid to viticulture. More than 500 thousand tons of grapes are harvested in the country annually. Mexico is the fourth largest producer of grapes in Latin America after Argentina, Chile and Brazil.
Livestock is a traditional branch of the country's agriculture, accounting for a third of the value of agricultural products.
Natural fodder lands in the north and north-east of the country create favorable conditions for the development of grazing. However, animal husbandry in Mexico is still underdeveloped. The low purchasing power of the population hinders the production of meat and dairy products.
In Mexico, extensive pastoralism predominates, which specializes in raising cattle.

The economic core of the region is the city of Monterrey - the second most important city in Mexico after Mexico City, with a developed ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, electrical and chemical industries, as well as food and textile industries.
Other important cities in the area are Monclova, Durango, Saltilbo, Chihuahua, and the Gulf Coast region has five states. Occupies 12% of the territory, where 12.5% \u200b\u200bof the population lives. The highest population density is in the state of Veracruz, where half of the region's population is concentrated.
The territory of the region is predominantly flat. The climate is humid tropical. Its territory is crossed by rather large rivers that flow into the Gulf of Mexico. The area has large potential hydro resources. A significant part of the territory is covered with tropical forests. Dense forests, vast swampy areas and frequent flooding of rivers complicate the development of the area. Of the mineral resources, oil and sulfur are of the greatest importance.
The area's specialization is determined by the extraction and processing of oil and natural gas. Large oil refineries and petrochemical complexes operate here. Agriculture specializes in the cultivation of tropical plantation crops - sugar cane, coffee, tobacco, citrus fruits. Heneken is grown on the Yucatan Peninsula. Rich natural pastures contribute to the development of animal husbandry. Almost all types of transport are well developed in the region. Wide roads leading from the interior to the coast are prevalent.
The economic core of the region is formed by Cape Veracruz. It remains today the main sea gateway on the east coast. This is one of the oldest ports in the country, built by the Spaniards for the export of precious metals. It developed such industries as shipbuilding, ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, textile and food industries.
Important cities of the region: Minatitlan, Coatzacoalcos, Xalapa, Campeche, Meride, Ciudad Pemex, etc.
The North Pacific region includes five states and occupies 21% of the territory, where 8.4% of the country's population lives.
The territory of the region is predominantly flat, mountains occupy a significant part of the California Peninsula. The climate is arid, the amount of precipitation gradually decreases in the direction from the south. east to mon-west. The territory is crossed by rivers flowing into the Pacific Ocean. Water resources are widely used for irrigation. The most important mineral resources are manganese and copper ores, table salt.
The region's specialization is determined by irrigated agriculture, which provides marketable products for the domestic and foreign markets - cotton, wheat, tomatoes, tobacco, and sugar cane. In addition to agriculture, the region is developing a mining industry, mainly the extraction of non-ferrous metal ores.
A manufacturing industry is developing in the areas bordering the United States. There are so-called "maquiladoras" - assembly plants that depend on major US factories and specialize in the production of export products.
The main cities of the region are Mexicali, Tijuana, Yermosilbo.
The South Pacific region includes four states and covers 12% of the territory, where 11.4% of the population lives. The area specializes in fishing, a significant part of which is exported, mainly to the United States. Most of the inhabitants of the area are Indians. Half of all indigenous people of Mexico live here.
The territory of the region is mountainous, the plains stretch in a narrow strip along the Pacific coast. Oil and iron ore are of great importance for mineral resources. This is one of the most backward areas. Plantation agriculture specializes in the cultivation of coffee, sugarcane and tropical fruits. Fishing is developing on the coast. The construction of one of the largest metallurgical complex in Mexico in Lazaro Cardenas was of great importance for the region's economy. Rich oil fields discovered in the state of Chiapas open up broad development prospects for the region. The region has great opportunities for the development of tourism. The center of foreign tourism is the seaside resort of Acapulco.

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Mexico is a country rich in fuel and mineral resources.

Remark 1

The country is actively producing oil. It is one of the largest oil producing states, it ranks seventh in the world and third in the Western Hemisphere.

The main oil fields of oil include:

  1. Kantarel. A super-giant field located in the Campeche Bay. The complex includes several fields: Chak, Nooch, Akal, Kuts, Ikstok, Siil. Oil reserves are estimated at 5.7 billion tons.
  2. Noxal. Located on the shelf of the Gulf of Mexico, one hundred kilometers from the state of Veracruz. The depth of the oil is about 1 km. Initial oil reserves are estimated at 1.6 billion tons.
  3. Chicontepec. Supergiant field located on the east coast of Mexico. The total oil reserves are estimated at 2.6 billion tons, natural gas - 1.1 trillion. cub. m.

Natural gas is the most important resource. The total gas reserves are more than 13 trillion. cub. feet. Natural gas is produced in the same regions as oil. The main gas fields are located in the north and south of the country (about 60% of the total volume), the remaining 40% are in the Campeche Bay.

The largest deposits of minerals are located on the territory of the state. The main mining is carried out in four states:

  • Sonora. Leading in the production of gold, graphite, wollastonite, copper, molybdenum. Extraction of coal, iron, bismuth, celestine and silver is of great importance.
  • Zacatecas. Extraction of gold, silver, copper, zinc, iron, mercury, tin.
  • Chihuahua. Gold, silver, mercury, uranium, lead-zinc ores are mined.
  • Puebla. Deposits of silver, gold, copper, iron, lead have been developed. There are mineral and thermal springs.

In the northwestern regions of Mexico, copper is mined (deposits of Cananea, Caridad, Mariquita, Milpias), in the northeastern regions - coal. In the west, reserves of gold (El Sauzal, Ocampo, Dolores, Mulatos), silver (Fresnillo), lead and zinc (Charkas, La Negra, Zimapan) have been identified. The Pacific coast is rich in iron deposits (Las Trujas, Las Enkinas, Pena Colorada, Aquila). The largest manganese deposit in North America is Molango.

A gold belt passes through the states of Oahaha and Guerrero (the Sero Limon, Philos, Ixuatlan deposits).

Remark 2

Mexico occupies a leading position in the world in terms of reserves of gold, silver, copper, molybdenum, zinc.

Water resources

About 150 rivers of various sizes flow in Mexico, most of which flow into the Pacific Ocean, and the rest into the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. About 80% of the runoff is formed by 39 rivers, whose basins occupy 58% of the country's continental territories. The distribution of water resources across the country is uneven.

Most of the rivers are located in the southeastern regions of the country. 65% of the runoff is formed by the largest rivers: Panuco, Coatzacoalcos, Papaloapan, Grihalva Usumacinta, Balsas, Tonala and Santiago. The total drainage area of \u200b\u200bthese rivers is 22% of the entire territory of Mexico. The central and northern regions of the country have access to less than 10% of all water resources.

To the southeast of Guadalajara is the country's largest lake, Chapala. Large lakes also include lakes: Quitseo, Patzcuaro, Yuriria, Katemako, Tekeskitengo, Set Carillo.

Groundwater plays an important role, accounting for 64% of the total water supply.

Remark 3

A characteristic feature of Mexico (Yucatan Peninsula) is the presence of cenotes, natural wells that were formed when limestone rocks were washed out by sediments.

Soils. Flora and fauna

The presence of soil diversity in Mexico is predetermined by the features of the relief.

In the north and northwest of the country are the Sonoran and Chihuahua deserts. Primitive gray soils prevail here. In more humid areas, there are gray soils, chestnut and gray-brown soils, which are more suitable for agriculture. On such soils grow: creosote bush, mimosa and acacias, cacti, agaves, sedums, yuccas, dazilirions. The characteristic feature is chaparral, a subtropical stiff-leaved shrub vegetation.

In the northern regions of the Mexican Plateau, there is a secondary center for the formation and dispersal of cactus vegetation. The cactus succulent desert occupies the north of the Mexican Highlands, the Sonora Plateau and the California Peninsula. There are up to 500 species of cacti. Cereus are characteristic - giant cacti up to 20 meters high.

In the humid southern territories of the Central Mesa, fertile brown-red, red-brown, reddish-black soils are widespread. The local population grows tomatoes, corn, legumes, peanuts, sesame and other crops. Previously, coniferous-stiff-leaved forests dominated here.

Coniferous and mixed forests of the subtropical type grow on mountain ranges around the plateau. Up to an altitude of 1200-1400 meters, low-growing oak forests are common, consisting mainly of evergreen species. Pines dominate at an altitude of 1700 m and more. Cypresses, fir, long-coniferous Montezuma pine grow in coniferous forests up to a level of 4000 meters. Alpine meadows prevail on the cones of volcanoes, above the forests.

Figure 1. Nature of Mexico. Mexican cactus. Author24 - online exchange of student papers

The best preserved forests are on the plains and in the mountains of Yucatan, located east of the Teuantelek Isthmus.

Lynx and black bear live in mountain forests. In the southern woodlands and forests, non-tropical animals are mainly found: jaguars, monkeys, anteaters, tapirs, marsupial opossum, porcupines and raccoons, kamitsli, many reptiles - snakes, gila-teeth, turtles, iguanas. The cactus and thorny shrubs of the northern regions of the country are an excellent haven for prairie dogs, wild cats, hares, kangaroo rats and other rodents. Sometimes there are coyotes, wolves, cougars, pronghorn antelopes and wild boars.

Rich avifauna: parrots, hummingbirds, toucans, vultures, umbrella bird, etc.

The entire coastline is teeming with lobsters, shrimps, oysters and crabs. Among the fish, sardines and tuna are mainly found.