The most common types of heating devices. Heating devices in modern construction

Heating devicescentral heating systems are called heat transfer devices from the coolant heated room. Heating devices should best transmit heat from the coolant to the room, to ensure the comfort of the thermal environment in the room, without worsening its interior at the lowest costs of funds and materials.

Types and designs of heating devices can be the most varied. The instruments are performed from cast iron, steel, ceramics, glass, in the form of concrete panels with tubular heating elements laid in them, etc.

The main types of heating devices are radiators, ribbed pipes, convectors and heating panels.

Simplest is heating appliance from smooth steel pipes . It is usually performed in the form of a serpentine or register. The device has a high heat transfer coefficient, withstands the high pressure of the coolant. However, devices made of smooth road pipes and occupy a lot of space. They are used in premises with significant dust secretions, for heating light lamps of industrial buildings, etc.

The greatest distribution of heating devices received radiators . Their various types differ from each other with dimensions and shape. Radiators are collected from the sections, which allows you to collect devices of different areas. Typically, the sections are cast from cast iron, but they can be steel, ceramic, porcelain, etc.

Pretty widespread in heating systems received cast iron ribbed pipes . The ribs on the surface of the pipe increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe heat pumping surface, but reduce the hygienic qualities of the device (the dust accumulates, which is difficult to clean) and give it a rough appearance.

Convectors present steel pipes with fins from sheet steel. The most perfect among convectors is a convector in a casing made of steel sheet. The device is equipped with a cap to regulate heat transfer. Between the finned surfaces of the device and the casing under the influence of gravitational pressure, an intensive circulation of air occurs. This increases the heat unit from the finned surface by 20% or more. Convectors in the casing are compact and have a good appearance. In some designs, convectors are supplied with a special type fan that provides intensive air movement. Artificial motion motion of the air significantly increases the heat unit from the device. Some lack of convectors is needed and difficulty cleaning from dust.

Concrete heating panels they are plates with sewers embedded in them from steel pipes. Such panels are usually in the designs of the premises fence. Sometimes they are freely installed near the walls.

Currently, the heating of large industrial workshops was distributed suspended panels with reflective screens .

The use of panels for the heating of buildings satisfies the requirements of full-blood construction and allows you to save metal consumed on the heating devices. The disadvantages of panel heating include: greater thermal inertia complicating heat transfer regulation; the inability to change the heating surface; Danger of clogging pipes and the complexity of its elimination; complexity of repair systems; The possibility of the appearance of internal corrosion and, due to the disruption of the hydraulic density of pipes.

Depending on the different design features, the heating devices presented on the market have different characteristics. The main thing when they are installed is the correct selection of the desired model, which is optimally suitable for a particular case.


Most often, the classification of heating devices is carried out according to the following features:

  • used heat carrier, which can be heated water, gas or even air;
  • manufacturing material;
  • operating characteristics: sizes, power, installation method and the possibility of adjusting the heating rate.

The optimal option is better to select, given the features of the building heating system, operating conditions, observing all the requirements for heating devices.

In addition to the performance of devices, it is worth considering the possibility of installing them. For example, in the absence of gas supply and the impossibility of organizing water heating, electrical devices will be the only option.

Water system

Most often used and therefore have the widest range of heating devices of water heating systems. This is explained by their good efficiency and the optimal level of acquisition costs, installation and maintenance.

Constructively devices are not too different from each other. Inside each there are channels for the flow of hot water, heat from which the surface of the device is transmitted, and then, with the help of convection, air room. For this reason, they are called convection.

In water systems, heating can use the following types of radiators:

  • cast-iron;
  • steel;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic.

All these heating devices have their own characteristics, thanks to which they are selected for each specific case depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the nuances of the installation, quality and type of heat carrier (which sometimes happens antifreeze).

The power of each instrument is regulated by the number of sections that can be selected with almost any. Although at the calculated length of one battery, more than 1.5-2 m is recommended to install a number of two smaller devices.

The cast iron was one of the most popular materials in domestic heating systems. Its choice is usually due to a relatively low cost. Later, such devices began to be used less often, since they have a small heat transfer coefficient (only 40%), due to which the power of one section is approximately 130 W. Although they still can be found in the systems of the old sample. In the modern interior, the designer models of cast-iron radiators sometimes use.

The advantages of such devices is a large surface area that gives heat to the room, and a long operational period (up to 50 years). Although there are still no more disadvantages - it includes a relatively large amount of coolant used (up to 1.4 liters), and the difficulty of repair, and the heating inertia, due to which the increase in the temperature of the device is carried out relatively slowly, and even the need for periodic (minimum in 3 years) cleaners. In addition, heavy sections are very difficult to install.

The use of aluminum radiators allows to ensure the maximum level of heat transfer - the power of the section can reach 200 W (which is sufficient for heating 1.5-2 sq. M).

Their cost is quite accessible, and low weight allows you to install yourself. True, the exploitation of the device is possible throughout the entire 20-25 years.

To their advantages include the presence in the design of convection panels that improve air circulation over the surface, ease of installation of devices for adjusting the intensity of the coolant consumption, as well as ease of installation. The radiator section having a power up to 180 W is capable of measuring about 1.5 square meters. m Square.

Despite the advantages that have such heating devices, there are also problems of using them. For example, for bimetallic radiators, water is not recommended for antifreeze, which, although they do not allow the system to freeze, adversely affect the inner surfaces of heating devices.

In addition, these options are the most expensive of all, which are used in the water heating system.

Electrical heating devices

All electrical appliances used in the case of the impossibility of installing the water system of heating, have different features and characteristics - from power to the principles of heat generation. At the same time, the main disadvantages of any such equipment are the high cost of operation and the need for a power supply device capable of withstanding large loads (with the total power of the electric heaters, more than 9-12 kW is needed by a network of 380 V voltage. The advantages of each variety of their own.

The design that has electrical heating devices of this type, it allows you to quickly heat the room with the help of airflow moving through them.

Air entering the inside of instruments occurs through the holes at the bottom, its heating is carried out using a tan, and the output is provided by the presence of the upper gaps. To date, there are electrical convectors with a capacity of 0.25 to 2.5 kW.

Oil devices

Oil electrical heaters also use the convection method of heating. Inside the housing contains special oil, which is heated by the Tan. At the same time, heating can be adjusted using a thermostat that turns off the device when the air is reached by air.

The peculiarities of the work of the heaters are their high inertia. Due to this, the heating devices are very slowly heated, however, even after turning off the power supply, their surface continues to emit heat over a long period of time.

In addition, the surface of the oil equipment is heated to 110-150 degrees, which is much higher than the parameters of other devices and requires special circulation - for example, installations in a distance from objects that can ignore.

The use of such radiators makes it possible to conveniently regulate the heating intensity - almost all of them have 2-4 modes of operation. In addition, taking into account the performance of one section in 150-250 kW, select the device for a particular room is quite easy. And the range of most manufacturers includes models with a capacity of up to 4.5 kW.

Choosing the heating devices, the principle of operation of which is based on the radiation of heat waves in the infrared range, the owner of a private house or other destination receives the following advantages:

  • a noticeable reduction in electricity consumption compared with traditional electrical equipment (within 30%);
  • the absence of a decrease in the oxygen content in the air, which eliminates those in the room of people from headaches;
  • very high heating rate (even the cold room warms up within a few minutes).

Usually use electrical infrared heaters. Much less often there are gas devices, intended mainly for heating streets, production workshops and platforms or cottages.


The classification of instruments for infrared heating is made according to the method of emission of waves. There are film devices that transmit radiation to the surrounding items from resistor conductors located on the surface of a special film. Power - within 800 W per 1 sq. M. m.

The second type is carbon. In them, radiation comes from the spiral inside the hermetic glass flask. Household appliances of this type have a power from 0.7 to 4.0 kW.

The advantage of the first is the ability to use them as electric warm floors. While carbon heaters are much more powerful, although they require compliance with elevated fire safety measures.

Gas heating

In order to reduce heating costs, heating devices operating on gas are often used. One of the most simple types of such equipment is a gas convector, which is attached either to the gas supply system, or to a cylinder with liquefied propane. At the same time, the burner is not in contact with the surrounding atmosphere, and oxygen falls into it through a special pipe (which can be laid out to maintain normal air quality).

Such types of heating devices have high power (up to 8 kW and more), relatively cheap in operation due to low energy carrier.

The disadvantages include: the need for registration in regulatory organizations, the arrangement of high-quality ventilation and the need for periodic cleaning nozzles. In addition, in the event of a malfunction of equipment in the room may increase the amount of carbon dioxide health. Therefore, in apartments and other premises with a permanent stay of people, such devices are rarely used - while, for example, for the cottage or garage, they can be simply indispensable.

In the heating system, heating devices are used, which serve to transfer heat to the heat. The manufactured heating devices must comply with the following requirements:

  1. Economic: a small cost of the device and a small consumption of material.
  2. Architectural and construction: The device must be compact and correspond to the interior of the room.
  3. Production and assembly: mechanical strength of the product and mechanization in the manufacture of the device.
  4. Sanitary and hygienic: low surface temperature, small area of \u200b\u200bhorizontal surface, ease of cleaning surfaces.
  5. Heat engineering: maximum heat transfer to the room and heat transfer controllability.

Classification of devices

The following indicators distinguish with the classification of heating devices:

  • - the magnitude of thermal inertia (large and small inertia);
  • - material used in the manufacture (metal, non-metallic and combined);
  • - method of heat transfer (convective, convective radiation and radiation).

Radiation devices include:

  • ceiling emitters;
  • sectional cast iron radiators;
  • tubular radiators.

Convective radiation devices include:

  • floor heating panels;
  • sectional radiators and panel;
  • smooth-tube devices.

Convective devices include:

  • panel radiators;
  • ribbed pipes;
  • lamellar convectors;
  • tubular convectors.

Consider the most applicable types of heating devices.

Aluminum sectional radiators


  1. high efficiency;
  2. low weight;
  3. simplicity of radiators installation;
  4. effective operation of heating element.


  1. 1. Not suitable for operation in old heating systems, since the salts of heavy metals destroy the protective polymer film of the aluminum surface.
  2. 2. Durable operation leads to disrepair of cast design, to the rupture.
  3. Mainly applied in central heating systems. Working pressure of radiators from 6 to 16 bar. Note that the greatest loads withstand radiators that were cast under pressure.

Bimetallic models


  1. low weight;
  2. high efficiency;
  3. the possibility of operational installation;
  4. heated large areas;
  5. hold pressure up to 25 bar.


  1. have a complex design.

These radiators will serve longer than others. Radiators are made of steel, copper and aluminum. Aluminum material is well conducted warm.

Cast iron heating equipment


  1. not subject to corrosion;
  2. well transmit heat;
  3. withstand high pressure;
  4. there is a possibility of adding sections;
  5. the quality of the thermal carrier does not matter.


  1. considerable weight (one section weighs 5 kg);
  2. the fragility of fine cast iron.

The operating temperature of the thermal carrier (water) reaches 130 ° C. Cast iron heating devices serve long enough, about 40 years. The heat transfer indicators do not affect mineral deposits within sections.

There is a wide variety of cast iron radiators: single-channel, two-channel, three-channel, embossed, classic, enlarged and standard.

In our country, an economical version of cast-iron devices received the greatest application.

Steel panel radiators


  1. increased heat transfer;
  2. low pressure;
  3. easy cleaning;
  4. simple installation of radiators;
  5. a small mass compared to cast iron.


  1. high pressure;
  2. metal corrosion, in case of use of conventional steel.

The steel radiator of the present time heats up better cast-iron.

In steel heating devices, thermostators are built-in, which provide permanent temperature control. The design of the device has thin walls and quickly responds to the thermostat. Untile-free brackets allow to mount the radiator on the floor or wall.

The low pressure of steel panels (9 bar) does not allow them to connect them to the central heating system with frequent and significant overloads.

Steel tubular radiators


  1. high heat transfer;
  2. mechanical strength;
  3. aesthetic view for interiors.


  1. high price.

Tubular radiators are often used in the design of the premises, because they decorate the room.

Due to corrosion, ordinary steel radiators are currently not released. If the anti-corrosion processing steel is exposed, this will significantly increase the cost of the device.

Radiator from galvanized steel rolling is not subject to corrosion. It has the ability to withstand the pressure of 12 bar. The radiator of this type is often installed in multi-storey residential buildings or organizations.

Heating devices convector type


  1. small inertia;
  2. small mass.


  1. low heat transfer;
  2. large requirements for the coolant.

Convector type appliances quickly heat the room quickly. They have several manufacturers: in the form of a plinth, as a wall block and in the form of a bench. There are also intolerant convectors.

In this heating device, a copper tube is used. It moves the coolant. The tube is used as an air stimulator (hot air rises, and cold drops down). The process of air shift occurs in a metal box, which does not heat up.

Convector-type heating devices are suitable for rooms with low windows. Warm air from the convector window installed near the window is hampered.

Heating devices can be connected to a centralized system, as it is designed for pressure at 10 bar.

Heated towel rails


  1. a variety of forms and colors;
  2. high pressure indicators (16 bar).


  1. it may not carry out its functions due to seasonal interruptions in water supply.

Steel, copper and brass are used as manufacturing material.

Heated towel rails are electric, water and combined. Electrical are not so economical as water, but allow buyers to not depend on the availability of water supply. Combined heated towel rails are forbidden to use if the lack of water in the system.

Choosing radiator

When choosing a radiator, you must pay attention to the practicality of the heating element. Next, you need to remember about the following characteristics:

  • overall dimensions of the device;
  • power (by 10 m2 of 1 kW area);
  • operating pressure (from 6 bar - for closed systems, from 10 bar for central systems);
  • acidic characteristics of water, as a thermal carrier (for aluminum radiators, this heat carrier is not suitable).

After clarifying the basic parameters, you can move to the choice of heating devices by the aesthetic indicators and the possibility of its upgrades.

The composition of the heating system includes several key components: boilers, radiators, pipes, control and safety devices. In the aggregate, they must compile an effective heat transfer system from the heated coolant air indoor. This function is performed by heating devices of heating systems: gas, electric. What is their peculiarity and how to choose the best model for specific heat supply?

Appointment of heating devices

In the overwhelming majority of cases, air heating in the rooms at home occurs due to heat transfer from the surface of heating elements - radiators, batteries. They may differ constructively, have a different design and method of raising the temperature on the surface. Thus, steel heating devices Kermi are designed to complete the water system.

However, despite all the variety of types, several key features of these elements of heat supply can be distinguished. All types of heating devices of the heating system can be classified according to the following features:

  • Used coolant - hot water, electric or gas heating element;
  • Material of manufacture: steel, cast iron, aluminum or bimetallic design;
  • Performance: Rated power, sizes, installation method and the ability to adjust the heating intensity.

The choice of a certain type directly depends on the specific heat supply scheme. Bimetallic heating devices are installed for the water system. In rare cases - when used as a hot steam coolant. The wrong choice may noticeably reduce the efficiency of the heating. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the features of the design and the technical qualities that the instruments for the heating of the premises are possessed.

Regardless of the type of radiator or any other heating heating device, it must be harmoniously combined with the common interior of the room. It is important to pay attention to the design design.

Types of water heating devices

The highest range has heating devices of water heating systems. This is explained by the high efficiency of such heat supply schemes, as well as optimal maintenance costs.

All heating devices for the house of this type have a similar design. Inside there are channels for which the coolant flows. Heat from it is transferred to the surface of the radiator (battery) and then with the help of natural convection air indoor.

The main difference, which is characterized by convectable heating devices, is the material of manufacture. It is in many respects that defines the design of the heating element. Currently there are 4 types of radiators:

  • Cast-iron;
  • Aluminum and bimetallic;
  • Steel.

Each of them has a number of functional and operational features. They are selected depending on the calculated indicators - each type of heating device of water heating systems must correspond to the characteristics of heat supply.

An important factor is the type of coolant used. For many bimetallic heating devices, antifreeze is prohibited.

Cast iron batteries

This is one of the first heating components that were used in heating systems. The choice of manufacturing material is due to the relative cheap, and most importantly - the large heat capacity of the cast iron.

This type of heating device for the heating system is currently not particularly popular. The reason for this is the lowest thermal conductivity coefficient. However, designer cast iron radiators are often used to create a classic interior in the room.

It should also be borne in mind that to consider them as convectable heating devices is inappropriate. The design does not provide additional plates that contribute to the best circulation of air masses. In addition, it is important to know such features of the operation of cast-iron radiators:

  • Large coolant. On average, this indicator is 1.4 liters. This contributes to the rapid cooler of hot water, but efficiently for a small heating system;
  • Cast iron for heating rooms is hard to repair and disassemble at home;
  • Big heating inertness. An increase in temperature on the surface occurs much slower than that of electrical heating devices.

Despite this in many houses of the old type, this type of radiators is still installed. The replacement is performed only by the tenants at their own expense.

Cast iron radiators need to be cleaned from the accumulated dirt and lime departure at least 1 time in 3 years.

Steel and bimetallic heating devices

Modern steel and bimetallic heating devices came to the change of pig-iron structures. Their main differences from the above-handed models is a relatively small channel for the coolant.

However, this does not affect the decrease in heat transfer. Thanks to used modern materials with a high heat transfer coefficient, the inertia of the entire system is significantly reduced when installing the heating devices Kermi. In addition, the factor should take into account other features of the operation of steel and bimetallic radiators for water heat supply:

  • The presence of convection panels to improve air circulation over the surface of the radiator;
  • The ability to install adjustment and heat metering devices;
  • Available cost and easy installation that can be made independently.

However, with these positive qualities, it is necessary to know the specifics of the operation of a specific model of a steel or bimetallic radiator. First of all, these are the requirements for the composition of the coolant.

When choosing a battery should be clarified - it is collapsible or not. This will help independently adjust the number of sections in a specific heating device.

Electrical heating devices

If the installation of full-fledged water heat supply is inappropriate or impossible - mounted electric heating devices for heating. They differ from the traditional autonomy of work and compactness. In addition, there are several types of electrical appliances who have a different principle of heat generation. The main disadvantage of electric heating is high energy costs. To minimize this, modern metering devices are needed - multitarithic electricity meters. In the evening and at night there are preferential tariffs for electricity consumption.

Wiring in the house must be adapted to maximum loads from electric heating devices for heating.

Heating convectors

If there is no autonomous (centralized) heating in the house or apartment, electrical heating devices are most often installed. Externally, they are similar to standard radiators, but have significant differences in the design.

Almost all electrical heating devices are used as a heating element of the Tane. Inside there is an element with a high electrical resistance. When the current passes through it, the electrical energy is converted into thermal. For greater efficiency, the Tanes are combined with heat exchange plates of steel or aluminum alloy.

There are several types of electrical heating devices for home:

  • Convection. The design is designed for relatively fast air heating in the room due to the movement of streams through special slots, located at the top and bottom of the design;
  • Oil. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe hot surface, the radiator is filled with a high energy intensity fluid. The temperature increases is much slower than those described above. However, even after turning off the electric heating heating device, its surface remains hot.

Almost all models have modern management systems. An mandatory element is an electronic thermostat that has a temperature sensor for automatic adjustment of the convector heating. Also, the safety of operation was not ignored. When tipping the device, the circuit breaker is activated. There are special models of heating radiators designed to work in wet rooms - bathrooms, kitchens. They have a moisture-proof housing.

However, for the heat supply of the Big House, electrical convectable heating radiators are not impractical due to the extensive costs of electricity. In this case, it is best to mount a more economical heating of PLEN or IR heaters.

If the total power of electrical convectors will exceed 9 kW - the connection of a three-phase power grid with a voltage of 380 V.

Infrared heating at home

To improve the efficiency of maintaining a comfortable temperature in the room, electrical heating devices are installed, radiating heat waves in the IR range. Their principle of operation is not in the heating of the air, but the surface of the objects falling into the action zone.

The undoubted advantage of such a technique is to reduce power supply costs. This is explained by the fact that the consumption of IR heaters is 20-30% less than that of similar models with Tanni.

Currently, there are 2 types of heating devices of the heating system operating in the IR range:

  • Film heaters. A resistor conductors are applied on the surface of the polymer film, which radiate infrared waves when the electric current is passed. May be mounted both as a warm floor and on the ceiling of the room - PLEN;
  • Carbonic heaters. A carboxyral spiral is placed in a special hermetic glass flask. When the device is turned on, it generates IR waves that heated objects. For efficiency, such devices are equipped with a reflector of stainless metal or aluminum.

It is noteworthy that the last type of room for heating rooms can be installed anywhere in the room. Often they are used to maintain normal temperatures outside the house in a certain zone.

However, for the data of IR, private house heating devices have a number of restrictions on use. First of all, it is impossible to close the surface of the film. This can lead to overheating and failure.

Gas heating air in the room

Analyzing the efficiency of the work of the above devices remains relevant to the issue of reducing heat supply costs. Therefore, as their alternatives, it is recommended to consider gas heating gas devices. These include not only traditional boilers, but also other, no less productive designs.

The simplest types of this type of heaters are the gas convector. It can be connected both to the main gas and to the cylinder with liquefied. The burner is located in the housing, which does not contact the air in the room. The oxygen supply to maintain the combustion process occurs through a two-channel pipe. Curly gas is removed through it.

If a mobile radiator model is needed - the Catholic gas heating gases are of particular interest. They have a slightly different principle of work. Gas comes from the matrix of small nozzles on the ceramic surface where it flammifies. As a result, a catalytic reaction occurs, which is the main source of heat.

What should be considered when choosing a gas heater?

  • Be sure to comply with security rules. Before connecting the device to the gas highway, you must read the instruction manual;
  • Organization of carbon monoxide gases. The most common consequence of the faulty operation of the heater is the excess of the CO2 level in the room;
  • Periodic cleaning of nozzles from accumulated soot.

It must be remembered that all heating devices must be adapted to specific operating conditions. First of all, this refers to the safety regulations and compliance with the work mode.

In the video material you can see an example of manufacturing an IR heater with your own hands:


The master class consisted of three blocks. The first block was devoted to the problems of using heating devices in modern construction. The issues of the classification of heating devices, their main characteristics, methods for determining these characteristics in Russia and abroad, the problem of harmonization of test methods of heating devices and requirements for them are considered.

Heating devices in modern construction

Avok Master Class "Heating Instruments in Modern Construction" held Vitaly Ivanovich Sasin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Head of Heating Devices and Heating Systems OJSC Niizantekhniki, Director of the Scientific and Technical Firm Vitatem, Member of the Presidium of NP " Avok. "

Specialists from Moscow, Veliky Novgorod, Dmitrov, Zhukovsky, Ryazan, St. Petersburg, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Electrostali took part in the master class.

The master class consisted of three blocks. The first block was devoted to the problems of using heating devices in modern construction. The issues of the classification of heating devices, their main characteristics, methods for determining these characteristics in Russia and abroad, the problem of harmonization of test methods of heating devices and requirements for them are considered. In the second block, new heating devices presented in the Russian market were considered, their main technical characteristics, recommendations for use, installation and operation. The third block was devoted to the thermostatic and shock fittings used to regulate the heat flux of heating devices.

This article summarizes the issues discussed during the first and second blocks of Avok master class.

The classification of heating devices and basic technical requirements for their designs, control, installation and operation methods are given in the Avok Standard "Radiators and convectors heating. General technical conditions "(STO NP" Avok "4.2.2-2006).

I would like to draw the attention of designers on the features of testing heating devices and the existing methods of these tests. In Russia, the test technique differs from the methods adopted in Europe and China. For example, in our country in a climate chamber, walls should be cooled in the climate chamber in order for the process to be stationary, but the floor is forbidden to cool. As a result, the instruments experienced by different methods give various indicators. European indicators are usually somewhat overestimated compared to domestic. Previously, when the temperature difference is 90/70 ° C, this overestimation was about 8-14%, now, when switching in European countries to a drop 75/65 ° C, the difference decreased, but still amounts to 3-8%.

On average, thermal heating instruments, defined according to the European standard EN 442-2, were exceeded with a single and the same temperature pressure of domestic by 6-14% at a previously used calculated parameters of the coolant 90/70 ° C and air temperature 20 ° C and 3 -8% with new parameters (75/65% and air temperature 20 ° C). However, it should be noted that most of the calculated data in foreign directories and prospects are recalculated from the "old" standard temperature pressure θ \u003d 60 ° C to the "new" θ \u003d 50 ° C, defined after all the errors of up to 14%.

In addition, there is a difference in the methods of hydraulic testing. Foreign techniques provide for testing a new instrument, domestic - already contaminated device, corresponding to about three years of operation. The hydraulic characteristics obtained by foreign techniques on "clean" devices are lower than 10-30% of those defined according to domestic instruments with approximately three-year service life.

The requirements of domestic and foreign standards are also distinguished. On the other hand, some domestic manufacturers in order to save ways use the so-called "calculated" method of determining heat transfer of heating devices, which is unneavited unnecessary. As a result, instead of the estimated temperature of 18-22 ° C in rooms, only 13-14 ° C is ensured.

Finally, the domestic workers' strength characteristics of heating devices are determined with a large reserve compared to testing with an overestimation by 1.5 times, and not 1.3 times as abroad. Requirements for domestic devices are additionally imposed on the ratio of the values \u200b\u200bof the minimum destroying instrument of pressures and their maximum allowable operating pressures.

The comparison of the domestic and European (EN 442-2) methods of thermal testing of heating devices shows that the domestic technique is more than foreign, meets the real operating conditions of heating devices and does not allow overestimation of thermal characteristics. Hydraulic and strength tests of heating devices, carried out according to Russian requirements, are also more in foreign ones, reflect the realities of the operation of heating devices in domestic construction.

Thus, it can be concluded that domestic test methods are clearing more clearly than foreign, determine the main technical characteristics of the heating devices in relation to the domestic conditions of their operation. The problem of using heating devices is determined largely the possibility of obtaining complete and reliable data on their heat-hydraulic, strength and operational characteristics. Foreign methods, taking into account the methods of testing techniques adopted in Europe, overestimated thermal (usually 4-8%) and strength indicators (by 12%), and also underestimated hydraulic characteristics by 5-20%. Domestic manufacturers are often used to obtain basic technical data. Calculations and tests on non-accredited and intovestrated stands, dried, in particular, thermal indicators by 20-50%, and in some cases twice.

The use of copper pipes in the heating systems is possible if the content of dissolved oxygen in water is no more than 36 μg / dm 3, i.e., in European conditions, copper pipes can be used with certain restrictions. Almost they can be applied everywhere, but the specified regulatory limitation takes place. In our country, the parameter in question does not limit the use of copper pipes in heating systems.

In domestic practice, the following classification of heating systems was adopted:

By the method of attaching the central heating systems to the source of thermal energy: according to the independent scheme (autonomous or heat carrier, the heat supply system), according to the dependent scheme with the mixing of the hot water of the heat supply system with reverse (chilled) water heating system and by the dependent direct flow scheme.

According to the method of encouraging the movement of the coolant: with natural circulation (gravitational) and with artificial circulation (pumping or elevator).

According to the diagram of the addition of heating devices to heat pipelines: two-pipe and one-tube. In two-pipe systems, the heating devices are attached in parallel to two independent heat pipes - hot water supplying into the device, and the opposite, reducing it from the instruments; In single-tube, devices are connected sequentially to one general heat pipelines.

According to the method of laying heat lines (pipes): Vertical and horizontal, open or hidden (in channels, strokers).

By the location of the supply and return highways: with the upper placement of the highway highway and with the lower reverse or with the lower placement of the feed line and the upper reverse, as well as with the lower or upper placement of both the feed and return highways.

In the direction of the movement of the coolant in the laying trunk heat pipes and the latter diagram: deadlock (with the opposite direction of movement of the coolant in the feed and return highways) and the passing (with the movement of the coolant in both highways in one direction).

At the maximum temperature of hot water entering the heating system: low-precision (up to 65 ° C), low-temperature (up to 105 ° C) and high-temperature (over 105 ° C).

One of the most successful variants of the heating layout scheme is a two-pipe layout system of the main risers with a liner through a collector to the consuming wiring. The quarter wiring is performed either by two-pipe perimetral, or by radiation scheme. Pipes in the floor are paired either in a corrugated pipe, or with thermal insulation with a thickness of at least 9 mm. The last option is preferable. In both options, there are no influence on the normal operation of the system as a result of thermal expansion.

Abroad Recently, a single-pipe system of the consumption of heating devices is becoming increasingly distribution. One of the advantages of this scheme is the ease of gasket highways along the walls of the served room.

Vertical heating systems are with lower feeding highways and with upper feeding lines. Both systems have both advantages and disadvantages. For example, in order to realize the heating system with the upper feed line, it is necessary that the attic or the upper technical floor is provided in the building. At the bottom wiring, the supply lines are located in the basement of the building or on the lower technical floor.

In this case, all shut-off and regulatory fittings are easily accessible, you can easily balancing, location of accidents, etc.

Unfortunately, currently in multi-storey residential buildings, especially municipal, the practice of replacing the heating devices provided for by the project, on devices of a completely different type, are widespread. When replacing the heating device, it is necessary to drain the riser (the case is known when it was necessary to replace the heating device to drain the water from the heating system of three residential buildings connected to this CTP). There are many cases when the tenants made heated loggias with the transfer of heating devices. There was also a case when an open balcony was converted into a closed, and for its heating, five radiators connected to one riser were used, while the circulation of the coolant was almost stopped. Very often, with two-pipe heating systems with thermostats, the tenants remove these thermostats (not a thermostatic head, which in extreme cases is permissible, namely the thermostat itself), as a result of which water ceases to enter the upper floors. In this regard, more stable is the single-tube heating systems due to the presence of a closing area.

In one of the cities of the Moscow region, four fairly large residential 14-storey buildings were equipped with panel radiators. The addition of heating systems was carried out on an independent scheme through ITP. Houses with a warm attic, the diagram of the movement of the coolant "bottom-up". In the upper part of the system in the warm attack there is a manual air valve. All four buildings provide an expansion tank sufficiently large volume. Three buildings were connected in a normal way, but in the fourth building due to an error service error, the system was not connected to the overall closer area (to the expansion Baku). As a result, panel radiators in the apartments of the upper floors turned into air collectors, and the heating devices simply swollen under the action of overpressure.

If it is possible to equip a two-pipe system in the desired way, and then it is qualified to operate it, you can apply this scheme. If there are no such features, it is still safer to use a single-pipe system. In addition to reliability, such a system will still be cheaper.

If you do not produce thorough heat insulation of risers, then with a two-pipe heating system, the temperature of the coolant in each heating device will be different. Thus, in a two-pipe heating system on the last two floors of a 16-storey residential building, the temperature of the coolant is not 95/70 ° C, and 80/65 ° С, which causes the complaints of tenants.

Now it is sometimes borrowed by a technical solution adopted in European countries when the circulating pump of the heating system is established on a direct highway (hot). Here you need to keep in mind that earlier in these countries, with the parameters of the coolant 90/70 ° C, the pumps were installed, as a rule, on the return highway. Then, when switching to parameters 75 /

65 ° C, it became possible to install the same pumps and on a direct line, since they fully maintain the specified temperature, and in the system, at the expense of such an installation, an additional pressure is provided, in which the heating system works more stable. But in high-rise buildings in the upper geometric point, the pressure must be at least 10 m of water. Art. In this case, the installation of the pump on the return highway practically does not affect the operation of the heating system, since the pressure itself is large enough.

The transition in European countries on the parameters of the coolant from 90/70 ° C at 75/65 ° C led to the fact that the flow rate of the coolant immediately increased twice, the surface area of \u200b\u200bheating devices was increased, the pipe diameter, which led to an increase in the cost of heating equipment. However, in such a decrease in the parameters there are some specific advantages. First, the useless non-reflective heat loss is reduced (all the risers are well insulated). Secondly, in systems with autonomous sources of heat supply, such as electric boilers, these boilers work better at lower temperatures of warm water (or antifreeze).

The heating systems with overturned circulation appeared in the 1960s when one-tube heating systems began to be widely used. With this scheme of the organization of heating, the coolant circulates "bottom-up". This scheme was proposed to compensate for heat loss due to infiltration.

Currently, when calculating the heating system, only ventilation load is often taken into account. This value is constant for all floors of a multi-storey residential building. Infiltration depends on the height. On the lower floors, the load on the heating system from heat loss due to infiltration is higher than on the top. But at the overturned circulation to the heating devices of the lower floors, a coolant with a higher temperature is supplied, which allows you to compensate for a slightly higher heating load. Another advantage of such a scheme is improved air expenditure. There is such a scheme and disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is a slight decrease in the flushing coefficient, as a result of which heating devices work worse, and the flux factor varies depending on the type of heating instrument.

The characteristics of the heating devices according to our norms are determined at a barometric pressure of 760 mm Hg. Art. This is due to the fact that our domestic heating devices, even radiators, a fairly large proportion of heat transferred to the room through convective heat exchange. The convective component depends on how the amount of air is washes the heater. This volume depends on the density of air, which in turn depends not only on temperature, but also from barometric pressure. Therefore, for example, when designing an object heating system located in Red Polyana, where barometric pressure is below 760 mm Hg. Art., It should be borne in mind that heat transfer of convectors will decrease by 9-12%, and radiators are by 8-9%.

Traditional heating devices - cast iron radiators (Basically sectional) - differ in high reliability during operation in domestic conditions, can be used in the dependent systems for the heating of buildings of various purposes, with the exception of heating systems with antifreeze. The fact is that due to not very high quality processing of places connecting the radiators sections in these nodes instead of paronit gaskets, rubber seals are applied. These rubber seals change their structural properties when interacting with antifreeze.

Currently, the market contains iron radiators, designed for working pressure not 9, and 12 atm. It should also be noted that, according to the Avok Standard, Radiators and Heating Convectors. General Technical Conditions "(STO NP" AVOK "4.2.2-2006), there are more stringent requirements for strength indicators of heating devices: test pressure of cast heating devices (including cast-iron, and aluminum radiators) should exceed the working on 6 atm. or 1.5 times, and the pressure pressure is to exceed the working at least 3 times. It follows from this that radiators that are tested by 9 atm., Can operate at a pressure of 3 atm., Not 6, which is often declared by the manufacturer. Also, radiators experienced on the pressure of 15 atm are also designed for working pressure 9, and not 10 atm. This moment must always be borne in mind, since there are cases when imported cast-iron cast radiators were destroyed due to high pressure.

To a large extent, the high proportion of cast-iron radiators (the share of consumption in Russia is 46-48%) is determined by the realities of our operation, since the coolant (water) often does not respond to the requirements. The only document in which the requirements for water is formulated is "the rules for the technical operation of electric stations and networks of the Russian Federation" (earlier this document had the number of RD 34.20.501- 95). Clause 4.8 of this document is called "water treatment and water-chemical regime of thermal power plants and thermal networks", and in this paragraph there are requirements for water used in heat supply systems and, accordingly, in heating systems, especially if the heating system is connected by dependent Scheme. It is necessary to note several important points from these rules for technical operation, relevant from the point of view of the use of heating devices. So, according to this document, the oxygen content in water should not exceed 20 μg / dm 3.

In Europe, the specified requirement is less rigid - the amount of dissolved oxygen in water should not exceed 100 μg / dm 3, and this norm is almost always observed. Suggestions were made to harmonize in this part domestic standards with European. However, the experience of operating domestic heating systems showed that these norms are often not respected, overcome sometimes 10-100 times. If you take a less rigid European standard and overstate it at the same time, the consequences can be very serious.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that cast-iron sectional radiators before installing should be remontable, experience, and after installation - to paint. All these operations cause additional costs that can be estimated at the rate of $ 20 per 1 kW. This additional cost should be included in the estimate. There are cases where only the cost of the radiators themselves is laid in the estimate, and then, to compensate for unaccounted additional expenses, thermostatic and balancing valves provided in the project are replaced by cheaper ball valves. A number of manufacturers offer their radiators already fully painted and prepared for installation, respectively, the cost of such radiators is slightly higher. Regarding the cost of pig-iron radiators, it can be noted that the specified value is subject to sufficiently noticeable sharp fluctuations. In particular, some time ago there was a sharp increase in the cost of such devices, although by now the situation has stabilized.

The cost of domestic models of cast iron radiators is currently 1,400-1,500 rubles / kW. Additional cost of rearrangement, tightness tests, installation and coloring is 400-500 rubles / kW.

Cast iron radiators have a rather large proportion of heat, about 35% is transmitted by the room by means of radiant heat exchange. However, cases are known when an unqualified service service during the repair of premises produced the color of such paint radiators based on the powder aluminum powder ("Silver"), thereby immediately reducing the heat transfer of heating devices by about 10-15%.

Steel tubular radiators and design radiators (Sectional, columns, block and block-section) are distinguished by a wide range and good appearance. These devices are supplied in complete construction readiness. The steel thickness for the radiator head is usually 1.5 mm, and the walls of vertical pipes are 1.25 mm, although the instruments with the walls of the pipes with a thickness of 1.5 mm are sometimes supplied. A number of manufacturers have devices with a special coating of inner walls focused on the use of low quality water as a coolant.

In addition to modern design, hygiene and injuries can be mentioned as the advantages of these devices. Models with built-in thermostat are presented. However, the instruments of this type require harsh compliance with the rules of operation. Panel and tubular radiators often fail due to dissolved oxygen dissolved in water, but due to submal corrosion due to the deposition of dirt.

The cost of steel tubular radiators is 2,500-3,000 rubles / kW. The share of consumption in Russia is 1.5-2%.

Aluminum Alloy Radiators (Aluminum radiators), as a rule, are distinguished by very good designer solutions. Among their advantages, in addition to modern design, broad nomenclature, supply of complete construction readiness.

For the manufacture of aluminum radiators, silumin is usually used (aluminum-based alloy and 4-22% silicon). This material does not interact very well with a coolant, in which a multi-dissolved oxygen or a high pH (can be reminded that the neutral medium corresponds to the pH value of 7, sour - below 7, alkaline - above 7). Aluminum and its alloys are not very afraid of acidic medium. Manufacturers of such devices usually declare among the requirements for the coolant pH indicator, equal to 7-8. However, according to the requirements of the above-mentioned "Rules for the technical operation of electric stations and networks of the Russian Federation", the pH value for open heat supply systems is 8.3-9.0, closed - 8.3-9.5, while the upper limit is allowed only when Deep softening of water, and for closed heat supply systems, the upper limit of the pH value is allowed not more than 10.5 while reducing the value of the carbonate index, the lower limit can be adjusted depending on corrosive phenomena in the equipment and pipelines of heat supply systems. In real conditions operating, the pH of the coolant is usually from 8 to 9. It follows from this that formally in our conditions aluminum radiators cannot be applied, with the exception of cottages. In the cottages, the coolant circulates along a closed contour, as a result of which a chemical equilibrium is installed in the system, in addition, in the heating systems of such objects, the pressure is relatively low.

Recently, some dealers indicate the requirements for the coolant Advanced pH indicator from 5 to 11. However, testing and actual exploitation shows that with a pH, equal to 10, in aluminum heating devices there is intensive destruction of the thread. Thus, during hydraulic tests, due to the destruction of the thread from such radiators, traffic jams were departed. To prevent such situations in recent years, manufacturers began to apply a special protective coating on the inner surface of such heating devices. In addition, aluminum alloys of special composition became used for the manufacture of heating devices, insensitive to high pH. This is the so-called "marine" aluminum - an aluminum alloy, characterized by high corrosion resistance and durability.

Sometimes the situation is aggravated by the fact that galvanized pipes are used in heating systems, as a result of which the rate of flow of the electrochemical reaction increases sharply. To prevent it, you can use for transitions of shut-off-regulating reinforcement in a brass or bronze case.

Problems also arise in cases where, in the heating system with aluminum heating devices, heat-carrying machines made from copper are used on any plot. For example, copper tubes can be used in heat exchangers installed in ITP. In this case, not aluminum radiators are destroyed, namely copper products.

In systems with aluminum radiators, as operating experience showed, automatic air vents are not always steadily. It is better to use manual air vent, and in order to avoid the ignition of an explosive mixture, when performing this operation, it is strictly forbidden to use open fire.

As already noted above, aluminum radiators can be used in cottages. Another possible area of \u200b\u200bapplication of such heating devices - the office buildings of large companies, in which there is their own highly qualified service, which does not allow the replacement of individual heating devices to instruments with different characteristics, strictly withstands the specified operating modes, etc.

In multi-storey residential buildings, aluminum radiators are usually not recommended. In general, all models of aluminum radiators require harsh compliance with the rules of installation and operation.

The cost of radiators from aluminum alloys 2 000-2 600 rubles / kW. The share of consumption in Russia is equal to 16%, including 6% amounts to the share of bimetallic and bimetallic with aluminum collectors.

To prevent possible problems characteristic of aluminum radiators, gas divisions, electrochemical corrosion, etc. - bimetallic radiators were developed. These heating devices are more expensive aluminum by about 20-25%. Bimetallic radiators are two types. The radiators of the first type (section, columns and block) are fully steel collector. This steel collector then under high pressure is poured by an aluminum alloy. As a result, such radiators are formed well-developed external fins, as in conventional aluminum. Sections are collected on steel nipples. As a result of the coolant, there is no contact of steel and aluminum. These devices for operational indicators are equivalent to cast-iron radiators. However, such devices are quite complex in the manufacture. For example, steel blanks of a linear thermal expansion are twice as fewer than aluminum fins. As a result, even a small error when pouring an aluminum alloy may result in the installation height of the section will differ from the nominal, which makes the assembly of the heating device it is impossible in principle. There are other technological difficulties. Because of these difficulties, some manufacturers use only individual steel parts, and the collectors themselves are made from aluminum. In the instruments of this type, gas formation as a result of electrochemical corrosion is not fully prevented, although significantly decreases.

The cost of bimetallic radiators of the first type is 2 500-3 000 rubles / kW, second type - 2 400-2 800 rubles / kW. The share in the Russian market is indicated above.

Abroad the most common type of heating devices are steel panel radiators. Their advantages are modern design, broad nomenclature, complete construction readiness, high hygienicity (models without fins). Models with built-in thermostat are supplied.

Several variants of the instruments of this type of domestic production are made of steel with a thickness of 1.4 mm and are designed for the maximum working overpressure of the coolant of 10 atm. The minimum test pressure in this case is 15 atm. It takes into account the fact that for panel radiators, the minimum allowable normalized destruction pressure increases by no 3 times, compared with the maximum working pressure of the coolant, as for cast heating devices, and 2.5 times, since the heating devices of this type are carried out by increasing pressure ourselves are somewhat different. Already at 9-10 atm. They begin crackling the colorful layer. Then, after exceeding the pressure of more than 15.5-16 atm. Panel radiator begins to swell. The destruction of the device usually occurs at a pressure of 25-30 atm. Thus, these devices are withstanding all the stated parameters. Moreover, due to the spring properties of the structural material, these heating devices allow to some extent to extinguish hydraulic blows.

All models of steel panel radiators require harsh compliance with the rules of operation. Their cost is 800-1 300 rubles / kW, the share of consumption in Russia is 15%.

Convectors (Wall, floor, with a casing, without casing, steel, using non-ferrous metals) are characterized by high reliability in operation in domestic conditions, can be used in the dependent systems for the heating of buildings of various purposes. In addition, among their advantages - small inertia, broad nomenclature, modern design, low temperature of the exterior elements of the convector design, eliminates burns. The devices are supplied in complete construction readiness, there are models with a built-in thermostat.

Among the convectors you can select two types of structures. In the convectors of the first type, the casing contributes to the formation of the "thrust effect". When removing the heating device, the heating device decreases by 50%. In the second-type convectors, the casing performs a purely decorative function, its removal not only does not reduce heat transfer, but can even increase the efficiency of the device. In addition, the removal of the casing helps to reduce the contamination of the heating device, improves the conditions for cleaning it. However, in order to determine what type of convector is installed, it is possible to remove the casing, the owners of the apartments should be consulted with specialists.

The cost of steel convectors is 500-750 rubles / kW, convectors with a copper-aluminum heating element - 1,500-2,300 rubles / kW. The share of consumption in Russia is 16%.

Separately, special heating devices can be allocated - convectors embedded in the structure of the floor, fan convectors. These devices are intended mainly for the buildings of the "elite" class and cottages. Their cost is 3,000-10,000 rubles / kW, the share of consumption in Russia is 0.5-1%.

From the experience of the operation of the heating devices, there are cases when, due to the local hit of the cold air jet from the window, open in winter ventilation mode, the heating devices were burned locally. Typically, such freezing is also subject to iron and, to a lesser extent, aluminum radiators. Convectors in this case almost never freeze. Therefore, carrying out the sash of the window from the position of protection of heating devices from the break during freezing is quite dangerous. It is preferable to use for ventilating traditional for our country.

To save thermal energy, heating devices can be equipped with thermostats. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the thermostat is not a lockable, but only regulating fittings, so the thermostat installation in no way eliminates the need to install ball valves to disconnect individual heating devices.

However, to save thermal energy in heating systems alone alone the thermostats installation is not enough. The thermostat allows you to adjust the thermal load in accordance with the actual thermal balance of the room, especially the great effect of saving thermal energy is achieved in the transition period, when there are quite frequent frequencies in the warm time. However, in the absence of a heat metering, the installation of thermostats provides more comfortable conditions in the maintenance room, rather than savings of energy, which is only about 5-8%. When connecting each individual apartment through collectors is possible installation of the consignment heat meter. These heat meters are not intended for commercial metering of thermal energy, but allow us to carry out mutual settlements with the owners of each apartment, taking into account the testimony of the heat meter at entering the building: on comparison of the indicators of general and apartment heat meters, it is established, which share of the consumed thermal energy pays every vein. In general, Moscow decided to install the ITP in each building, and in each ITP, in turn, the heat meter is established.

With the installation of heat meters, many problems of different character are associated. For example, it should be borne in mind that abroad the payment procedure for consumed thermal energy according to the testimony of the heat meter is often set at the state level. In our country, this procedure is not legalized. The heat meters themselves are quite expensive, in addition, their periodic check is needed, which also requires financial costs. As a result, for a single tenant, the installation of the meter can be from an economic point of view in some cases inexpresentative, although the installation of the meter has already causes people to save thermal energy.

Another problem that is required to solve when installing the heat meter is the selection of apartments in which the installation of meters is generally inexpedient. In one of the regions of Russia, a whole urban residential quarter was reconstructed, during which tachometric heat meters were installed in all apartments ("turntables"). However, heat meters with a sensitivity of 36 kg / h were applied. This sensitivity is comparable to the estimated flow rate of the coolant for one-room apartment, and the counters in one-room apartments simply did not work. As a result, for one-room apartments imposed payment for thermal energy not by the indications of the meter, but in proportion to the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, but at the same time the price was laid and all the savings, which was achieved in 2-3-room apartments.

According to a number of foreign data, the experience of exploitation of apartment buildings in Europe showed that when calculating the heating system on the differential 90-70 ° C, the installation of heat meters is justified only in apartments, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich exceeds the value of 100 m 2 (of course, in this case, it is more correct to talk about the load Apartments, but, because here we are talking about the same type of apartments with good heat-stash, hermetic windows, etc., then it is possible to say about the area). In some countries, at the level of regulatory documents, it is allowed not to install counters in apartments of less than 100 m 2, and therefore relatively cheap municipal apartments are limited to this area.

If there is no possibility to establish a heat meter, taking into account the consumed thermal energy can be carried out by means of "thermal energy distributors", more precisely, the cost distributors of the cost of consumed heat. These devices are not counters that show the total amount of thermal energy consumed, but allow you to determine the cost of heat consumed by each individual apartment. However, the payment procedure should be clearly and uniquely defined here. It should be legally enshrined in which proportions are paid for the heating of a separate apartment and common areas. For example, in European countries, in contrast to Russia, legalized, what share should pay the owner of the apartment for heating of public areas - stair cells, lobby, facilities for strollers and bicycles, etc.

When installing distributors, certain difficulties arise with the definition of possible places of their installation (for example, at what level they must be installed - one third of the height of the device, in the middle, etc.). European-made devices are designed mainly to install on panel or tubular radiators. Installing these devices to convectors requires recalculation of readings. In addition, these devices are not designed for use in heating systems, in which the coolant movement is carried out according to the "bottom-up" scheme, since the distribution of the coolant in the heating device with such a scheme will differ from the distribution of the coolant in the device connected according to the top-down scheme " It is obvious that to calculate the consumed thermal energy in the latter case, special calculated coefficients are required, and its coefficient for each length of the heating device is required.

Distributors are two types - with an electronic temperature sensor and evaporative type, cheaper. When using evaporative type counters, it is necessary to access them a controlling organization. Because counters are installed inside the apartment, access to them is often impossible. Electronic meters allow you to organize data transmission by radio channel, so it is not required to remove readings to each apartment.

Another problem associated with the installation of heat meters and calculations for the actual heat consumption, as shown, including foreign experience, a number of apartment owners turn off heating, especially in the case of their absence in the apartment, and the heating of the apartment is carried out only at the expense of heat gain from neighboring apartments. Of course, in this case the cost of heating the owners of these apartments increase. One of the possible exits here is the procedure for payment, when a certain proportion is paid in proportion to the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment, part - on the heating of public areas and part - according to the readings of apartment heat meters or distributors.

Is it appropriate to install an automatic thermostat on heating devices when the heating system is addicted to thermal networks?

From the point of view of creating comfortable conditions in the premises and energy saving, the installation of automatic thermostators is suitable in any case. However, it is necessary to determine whether the quality of water circulating in thermal networks can use this regulatory fittings. If network water contains a large number of contaminants, it is preferable to use manual thermostators.