What causes bedbugs in the house. Where do bed bugs come from in an apartment?

And here begins the “eternal battle, we only dream of peace” in the literal sense of the word. Bloodsuckers will not let anyone sleep peacefully, especially babies with delicate skin.

How to detect their presence

The insect has a round body shape with a diameter of 4 to 8 mm. On the triangular head there is a proboscis with 2 channels, one introduces an anesthetic substance, and through the second blood is sucked out. Bedbugs - babies are translucent and light yellow. As they grow, they darken. A well-fed bloodsucker can be dark burgundy in color. The insect's body has segmentation and 6 legs. During the year, one female lays up to 500 whitish oblong eggs.

They multiply exponentially, i.e. extremely fast. The bug has adapted to bed life: due to its flat structure, in a hungry state it is impossible to catch and crush it.

It is of course important to understand where bedbugs come from in an apartment, but it is even more important to understand where to look for them. Everything is clear with sofas - this is a favorite place for blood-sucking neighbors. In addition, during their lightning-fast reproduction, bedbugs can hide:

  • Under the baseboard;
  • Under the joints of wallpaper;
  • In sockets and hoods;
  • Under carpets;
  • Behind the paintings;
  • Behind and inside furniture;
  • Under window sills and between frames;
  • Inside household appliances;
  • Among things and linen.

Bedbugs occupy all possible places in the apartment and appear literally everywhere. Getting rid of them is difficult, but possible.

Methods of disposal

Here are time-tested means of combating furniture bugs:

  1. Branches of strong-smelling herbs (wormwood, etc.) are laid out in areas of accumulation or a solution is prepared for treating furniture, baseboards, etc.;
  2. Treating premises with liquids with a pungent odor: kerosene, vinegar, turpentine, mothballs, etc.

All this “aromatherapy” will only scare away bloodsuckers, but will not kill. And if the linen bug is very hungry, no fragrant grass will stop it.

In order to completely destroy bedbugs, you can:

  1. Treat rooms with insecticides specifically designed against bedbugs;
  2. Place all household items, pillows, shoes, etc. in the dryer, setting the maximum power or, if there is none, iron it hot steam iron(treat with a steam generator);
  3. Using a heat gun, warm the room to +50°C for 2 – 3 hours. This will help get rid of not only adults, but also their larvae;

Bedbugs can be destroyed by their enemies: cockroaches or centipedes, but then you will have to fight with them;

The most in an effective way will call the pest control service. They are experts in this matter and in the event of a repeat outbreak, they guarantee their work.

Treatment with chemicals

It’s good if you manage to remove the infection on your own, otherwise specialists will help. Before treating with chemicals, the apartment must be prepared.

  1. Find your family shelter for the next 24 hours, taking your pets with you. Close the aquarium tightly.
  2. Under no circumstances should you take blankets or linen with you. Otherwise, “reward” your relatives with bedbugs, a good thank you for spending the night.
  3. Clean up the apartment by clearing out all the rubble and throwing away old items.
  4. Wrap dishes and equipment in plastic bags.
  5. Move furniture away from the walls, open all drawers and doors.
  6. It is better to remove old bulging wallpaper so that bedbugs have nowhere to hide.


Korean folklore advises removing bedbugs in a radical way: “It’s okay that the house burned down, but the bugs died.”

And the poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky perfectly reflects the love of bedbugs for old things and junk:
The unbroken junk that was brought in is inspected by the arriving bug from the closet: “The furnishings are fine - they’re fine. Let’s begin to multiply and be fruitful.”

Folk remedies are good only as an auxiliary to the main one chemical method struggle. If you are unable to remove the bloodsuckers yourself, call an exterminator immediately. Let their services cost more than buying a can of aerosol yourself. The most precious thing is the health of your family.

If there are bedbugs in a private home or apartment, you need to take a number of measures to get rid of them. First, they determine where the insects came from, which will reduce the likelihood of re-infestation of the object. Then you should find their habitat (nest), after which you select suitable way destruction. Performed periodically in the future preventive measures, since there is a possibility that bedbugs live with neighbors and can crawl to a new territory.

Considering that the size of insects is small, their appearance in the apartment will go unnoticed. Where can bed bugs come from? There are many possibilities:

Sometimes even buying new things does not solve the problem, since the warehouses where equipment, furniture and interior items are stored are not always clean and sterile. In order to save money, these premises may not be processed. No one will search for a bedbug nest on their own either. For this reason, you should inspect furniture, appliances and items when purchasing. If you pay attention to the main signs of infestation, you can find out whether there is a nest inside or not.

They settle in furniture, under window sills, in bookcases. If heavily infested, they can be found literally anywhere

Factors indicating the presence of insects

Finding bedbug eggs in an apartment is very difficult. The female leaves where she herself is during daylight hours.

Nest of bedbugs in the sofa

If husks (the shells of larvae) are found on the floor, in the bed or in things, it means that there is a nest of insects in this room.

Can bed bugs pass from neighbors?

If there are no other obvious causes of infection, then bedbugs come from ventilation shafts, move along external wall apartment building and penetrate windows, for which it is enough to open the sash or leave a small crack in the frame or between the profile and the wall unfilled.

How to remove pests on your own?

Watch the video: Getting rid of bedbugs in the house

Further steps to get rid of adults, larvae and eggs:

To get rid of pests by fighting them folk remedies, we must not forget about prevention. In this case, strong-smelling herbs are used (wormwood, tansy), which need to be placed next to the sleeping area, inside the structure of the sofa/bed, or ventilation mixture. Such measures will temporarily prevent pests from appearing at night. This way you can only fight them for a while.

It is more effective to use substances like turpentine, kerosene, vinegar and solutions based on them. This will help

They were considered an attribute of poverty and unsanitary conditions. Therefore, having discovered characteristic bite marks blood-sucking insects, people involuntarily wonder where bedbugs come from in the apartment, because the cleaning is carried out in a timely manner, and the furniture is updated, and the renovation is fresh. Parasites do not show particular selectivity when choosing a habitat. For them, the main determining factors for their appearance are the presence of a power source and secluded places, and the status of the owners of the apartment, their financial situation and attitude to cleanliness do not matter.


The most common routes of entry

IN apartment buildings There are all conditions for the expansion of blood-sucking insects; it is not difficult for them. If they appear in at least one apartment, they can very quickly spread throughout the entire living space. Thanks to small size and the peculiarities of the geometric structure of the body, insects are able to crawl through microcracks, any gap, channels for electrical cables, ventilation holes, door and window openings.

Things get much worse when neighbors try to get bed bugs out old-fashioned ways. Waving a tansy broom, treating walls and baseboards - all these methods of struggle lead to the fact that crowds of “refugees” are forced to settle in other apartments. Illiterate disinfestation is the most common reason, what causes bedbugs to appear in the apartment.

Bloodsucking travelers

Very often, the appearance of bedbugs in a house is unwittingly provoked by the homeowner himself.

People are carriers of bedbugs

Bedbugs in the house are the owners

Bedbugs don’t always come from somewhere; they can live in the apartment even before you move in. A reasonable question arises: “How is this possible? I bought a living space, lived there for several months and there were no bedbugs.” The explanation lies in the physiological characteristics of bloodsuckers. It is common for them to fall into a state close to suspended animation in the absence of food. Sensing the appearance of food sources, dormant insects wake up and continue their activities.

The reasons for the appearance of bed bugs are very diverse and it is almost impossible to completely insure your apartment against their penetration. We won’t check everyone who comes to visit for bedbugs. But there are a number of measures that can minimize the chance of insects appearing:

It seems like a simple question: where do bedbugs come from in an apartment?

After all, we have been flying into space for a long time, conquering mountain peaks, using mobile phones and the Internet. In some areas, science has reached almost perfection, but there are things that even modern chemistry and physics cannot cope with.

For as long as humanity can remember, it has been fighting annoying domestic insects.

A real war is being waged against them. Moreover, the improvements are temporary.

Everyone is familiar with bedbugs, cockroaches and ants.

According to some scientists, bedbugs appeared almost before humans. There is information about how they fought with them in the ancient world.

Time has passed and bed bugs are believed to be not afraid of either radiation or chemicals.

They can more than a year live without food, so it is not surprising that even in long-abandoned rooms or furniture, especially in sofas, under favorable conditions, bedbugs begin to conduct vigorous activity.

Where do bedbugs appear and come from in an apartment?

  1. If you have these unpleasant insects, then there is a very high probability that you never clean up! Or you do the cleaning carelessly!

It’s just that the bedbugs have become “crowded” with your neighbors, and they decided to look for a new habitat and food.

They will quickly adapt to your home, find secluded habitats and begin to reproduce.

This is the main reason why bedbugs come from in an old person’s apartment. After all, it’s quite difficult for grandparents to clean.

  1. They don’t have to come to you themselves.

You can run over your clothes or bag. We visited somewhere, at work, and brought home a “surprise”.

You can even bring them back from travel. These insects really “love” to travel themselves, moving from place to place on bags, suitcases, wheels, and who knows what else.

  1. Having purchased new furniture, many are perplexed and tormented by the question of where bedbugs come from in an apartment.

But in a store, warehouse or factory it is not sterile! And the linen bugs were waiting for the right opportunity to show themselves.

But what can we say if the furniture was bought second-hand?

  1. Many of us rent houses.

Therefore, when moving from one apartment to another, it is advisable to process everything, since you can inadvertently bring bedbugs into your new home from your old one.

  1. Neighbors can also “help” with displaced people.

As soon as you start repairing or persecuting, the insects will unanimously want to change owners.

They move very quickly and reproduce just as quickly. Therefore, it is not surprising that in a short time bed bugs become visible and invisible.

  1. Pets can also be to blame for the appearance of insects by bringing them on themselves. After all, you never know where they hang around!

How to find out and notice that they have started up in the apartment?

How can you guess that you are sharing a room with insects?

  1. You need to inspect the furniture: where bedbugs have settled, everything around is always dotted with black dots.

You can even find insect larvae and eggs. The most interesting thing is that these insects live not only in sofas and beds.

They also do not disdain places under wallpaper, wardrobes, all kinds of cracks, and do not disdain household appliances, the main thing is to be calm.

They will choose their own time for active activities.

  1. Bedbugs, like cockroaches, are nocturnal animals.

Usually they can only be noticed at night, and only if the light is suddenly turned on. Although completely insolent or hungry, they can crawl out during the day.

  1. With the appearance of insects, the apartment begins to smell specifically: either almonds or stale raspberries.

Everyone has their own associations regarding smell. Therefore, if there is an odor in the apartment that was not there before, this can only indicate that bedbugs have settled next to you.

  1. If you also begin to sleep poorly, feeling someone’s presence, experiencing an itch that has come from out of nowhere, this is bad.

The same thing means the appearance of strange red spots on the body, which are arranged in the form of paths. Here . Small spots similar to blood are possible, both on bed linen and on night clothes.

  1. The remaining cover after the molting of nasty insects.

All this should make you think about bedbugs. At this point, no amount of general cleaning will help.

It is necessary to use chemicals, the best remedies for bedbugs, and you can also use traditional methods.

How to prevent them from appearing

So that you don’t wonder where the bloodsuckers came from, you need to do simple things:

  • Frequently clean the dustiest places in your apartment, where you very rarely look. The more places where people do not look, the better for bedbugs;
  • go through all the old things, soft toys;
  • Ventilate the room often. Insects do not like drafts;
  • arrange sunbathing in the rooms;
  • try to eliminate moisture;
  • carefully inspect new large items. If necessary, wash them before placing them at home;
  • Wash your pets frequently.

Bedbugs. Where do they come from and how to get rid of them is a question that many face in their lives. In this article we will look at the reasons for the appearance of bedbugs in the house.

A bug is a representative of the order of insects. It carries out its vital functions with the help of piercing-sucking mouthparts. Its dimensions, depending on the type, vary from 3-4 mm to 12 cm. You can read more about what house bugs look like.

Information about bedbugs has come to us from ancient manuscripts. The ancient Greek thinker Aristotle, who lived in 384-322 BC, and is the founder of writings on the origin of animals, expressed the idea that “bugs originate and are born from the juices or sweat of animals.” This is what people thought in ancient times, which, of course, is incorrect.
Bed bugs. Photo

These nasty insects are known to have lived in caves in Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan around 400 BC. They fed on the blood of bats, birds, rats and annoyed other inhabitants, including people. In those days, people often used caves as their main home, where they took refuge from bad weather and hid from enemies and wild animals.

These nasty bloodsuckers have spread throughout to the globe. A contributing factor was the migration of people and animals.

These insects feed on blood, so they are forced to migrate in search of food. The ability of such tiny creatures, just a few mm in size, to crawl vast distances is amazing. Bedbugs don't like light and noise, so their activity increases at night, when the lights are off, there is silence and no one scares them.

During migration, he may encounter some unfavorable conditions on his way, for example: lack of food or sudden cold snap. But this does not frighten him. At low temperatures he becomes numb, but does not die, but without food he can live up to a year. And when a flock of bedbugs reaches the destination of their journey, the owner of the house stays there!

Having found secluded places in cracks on the floor, behind torn wallpaper, in the grooves of the legs of a chair or sofa, they begin to multiply. You can find out more about how to determine whether there are bedbugs at home.

REFERENCE. The life of a bug is not long - only 13-14 months. But during this time the female can lay 200-300 eggs. The developmental stage from larvae to adulthood lasts one to two months. The first stage larva and the adult bedbug drink more blood when they bite than they weigh themselves.

More information about bedbug eggs and larvae can be found by clicking on.

What causes bedbugs in the house

They do not differentiate between good and bad premises: it does not matter to them whether the apartment has been renovated using expensive materials or whether it is a small apartment that has not been renovated for decades, whether the apartment is furnished with expensive furniture or whether it only has two chairs, a table, iron bed with mattress.

Methods of appearance. Where do bedbugs come from in the apartment?

They may appear outside of your desires, due to a wide variety of circumstances. No one is immune from the appearance of bedbugs, and there are plenty of ways why bedbugs appear in an apartment. So, bedbugs, why do they start? Causes of bedbugs some, here are the most common ones:

They can penetrate from neighbors through balconies, through grooves in the walls where wires are laid and installed electrical sockets. Another reason for their appearance may be the treatment of premises with anti-bedbug compounds by the same neighbors.

PECULIARITY. When fighting bloodsuckers in apartments located in the same entrance, treatment should be carried out simultaneously by everyone, at the same time. And, even better, the treatment should also be carried out by neighbors from adjacent entrances. Then the bedbugs will have nowhere to run and hide.

Where do they appear first?

The life-activity features of the bloodsucker and its small size make it difficult to fight it and search for it throughout the apartment. After all, he can hide so unnoticed that he cannot be found even during the day with a flashlight.

First of all they appear where they can easily and simply feed. Therefore, you need to inspect the bed - the mattress itself, under the mattress, the grooves of the sofas. Be sure to inspect the crib. These insects are very fond of the baby's delicate skin.

In hard to see places you can shine a flashlight. It wouldn’t hurt to inspect the cat’s or dog’s bedding, or the bird’s cage if they live in the house. Bedbugs are attracted to heat, and may choose a running computer unit or other heat-emitting equipment during the daytime.

Various floor crevices can serve as hidden places, doorways, where they hide during daylight hours, and at night they go out hunting and sting people. And there is nothing more disgusting than waking up at night from bites, and in the morning discovering bitten areas of skin and blood stains on the pillow or sheet.

Slow crawlers may also end up in a clean pile of laundry after they have been ironed. The warmth of matter attracts them.

How are bedbugs transmitted to another person?

How are bedbugs transmitted to another person? This question interests many. The answer can be reassuring. They are not transmitted to humans, like worms, lice, scabies mites. This bloodsucker is on the human body for only as long as it takes to pierce the human skin, drink and crawl away. Theoretically, it is possible that another person will wear a sweater with a bug that has not yet crawled away. And there is no guarantee that another person will not be bitten by the same bug.

It may also happen that a bug crawls from one bed to another and bites another person. But this happens as a result of moving it - from one place to another.

On the other hand, a bug can feed on the blood of a person suffering from some infectious disease. Then it becomes a carrier of the virus, especially if the causative agent of the disease persists on the insect’s mouthparts, intended for sucking blood.

The bites of this pest provoke itching of the skin, which leads to scratching. Opens the way for infection through open wounds.

Useful video

You can find out where bedbugs come from in new furniture from the video below:


Living next to bedbugs in the same apartment does not make anyone happy. It will not improve your mood or improve your health. On the contrary, it will bring a lot of the most negative emotions. In order to prevent this hostile gang from entering your apartment, you should conduct thorough inspections of furniture and bedding.

If any signs indicating the presence of this insect are detected, immediately carry out special treatment apartments.

If you are interested in more information about bedbugs, you can read other articles.