The simplest DIY pool. We build a pool at the dacha with our own hands from scrap materials

The July heat evokes thoughts of water, swimming, cool rivers and lakes. It is difficult to imagine a person who, in such weather, would refuse to have his own swimming pool for relaxation and cooling. Especially if he has a personal plot or works in the country.

However, not every yard has room for a large swimming pool, just as not every owner has the means to build one from scratch. Therefore, in this article we have collected 6 of the best modern ideas for a small but inexpensive pool that will turn this heat into your best relaxation partner.

Frame, inflatable and made by yourself - then you will get acquainted with the simplest and most economical options for swimming pools today, and also see them in 40 photos in the design of a summer house or a small courtyard!

1. Best choice of 2016 - frame pool (10 photos)

Modern frame pools are available in a wide range of sizes and prices. A simple children's version measuring 2.5 by 1.5 m and a volume of 1200 liters costs about $60 (1500 UAH or 4000 rubles).

A more spacious model with a volume of 6500 liters and a diameter of about 4 meters will cost twice as much. But you must admit: this is an inexpensive price to pay for such pleasure, especially when you consider the following advantages of frame pools:

  • Quick and easy installation (the pool is folded, not inflated);
  • Reliable, stainless metal frame;
  • Dense walls made of heavy-duty PVC and polyester;
  • Additional support for the walls with thick tapes;
  • The presence of a drain valve that can be connected to a garden hose to carefully empty the pool of water;
  • No need for maintenance (only keeping the surface clean and sometimes checking the water filter);
  • Warranty (length depends on the manufacturer).

Many frame pool models come with a cover that will protect the pool from leaves and other debris on days or times when you won't be using it.

Since the pool can safely stand all summer, it is sometimes additionally equipped with a body or even a podium so that this entire structure fits beautifully into the design of your dacha or plot. Here's how some craftsmen design a frame pool (photo below):

2. Children’s and family inflatable pools - photo on site

Children's and "adult" inflatable pools are considered the main competitors of frame ones. They are easy to transport and relatively quick to install, although you will need to tinker with the pump for some time. The walls are also made of dense PVC and polyester + most manufacturers complete inflatable pools with a protective cover against debris.

Perhaps the main advantage is the cost of such pools - they are 1.5 times cheaper than frame ones. At the same time, they also have one serious drawback - the lack of water drainage. In addition, if the inflatable pool is large, you will need to purchase an additional electric pump.

We attach beautiful photos of inflatable pools on personal plots.

3. Concrete pool to order or do it yourself

Of course, this option is not feasible for everyone, and the cost will be decent, but there are craftsmen who managed to build a concrete pool with their own hands. So we decided to include it in our list of inexpensive ideas.

The most problematic aspect in this matter is digging a hole. You can only handle this on your own if you are planning to build a small and shallow pool. Renting a crane today is extremely expensive, and it is only advisable when creating a luxurious swimming pool, and not just for relaxing in the heat.

Unlike frame and inflatable pools, the concrete version is stationary, but at the same time one of the highest quality and most durable. To make such a pool with your own hands, you usually use a mixture of concrete and sand, which is sprayed onto a metal frame. The general procedure is as follows:

  1. Dig a hole for the pool. Its depth and width should be 23-31 cm greater than the expected dimensions of your pool. This distance will be filled by the form.
  2. Install water supply. Typically this will include a drain pipe that will be located at the bottom of the pool, as well as all the necessary structure (pipes, filters and pumps) to ensure a safe flow of water through the pool. It is acceptable to use PVC pipes with a strong binding material.
  3. Cover the walls and bottom of the pool with a steel frame, which will maintain its shape and strength over a long period of use.
  4. Spray the concrete and sand mixture onto the steel mesh using a powerful sprayer. The most popular mixture for building a pool today is Gunite (sprayed dry) or shotcrete(mixed with water). When applying, it is recommended to keep the sprayer nozzle at a distance of about 1 m from the steel mesh, direct the jet perpendicular to the surface and move it in a circular motion.

Then you just have to wait until the concrete hardens, after which you can begin decorating the walls of the pool with tiles or paint (optional).

Photos of finished projects on the topic of how to build a swimming pool with your own hands:

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4. Swimming pond or natural pool

Another option for an inexpensive stationary pool that you can build with your own hands. Instead of concrete, gravel and clay will serve as walls, and natural aquatic plants (reeds, sedges, lilies, etc.) can serve as decorations.

The principle of building such a pond-pool is similar to creating a concrete pool, but can be done without a steel frame - just try to ensure that the walls have a good slope and are not perpendicular to the bottom. When the walls turn out to be perpendicular, then for stability they are covered with a layer of clay or bentonite.

It is believed that a natural pool can do without expensive filters and pumps if it is planted with natural plants. However, in order for them to truly purify the water, approximately 50% of the entire surface needs to be planted with them.

In a natural pool, the water must be constantly circulated and aerated, otherwise it will stagnate and become filled with unpleasant-smelling bacteria. To direct the flow of water through the pool, flexible PVC pipes that are not afraid of cold weather are best suited. They are buried in the soil approximately 45 cm deep. For underwater aeration, you can use an air compressor and high-strength pipes that connect to a diffuser. Note that aeration devices consume little energy and should operate only 4-8 hours a day (depending on the size of the pool).

Also read:

5. Metal containers as an inexpensive pool for a summer residence

Cargo containers and other large containers can easily serve you as a swimming pool for your garden or a children's pool on your property. The only problem with their use is that some metal containers are not protected from rust. To solve the problem, they are painted or covered with another waterproof finishing material. If you don’t want to do this, then use galvanized tanks as a pool, which are not in danger of corrosion.

6. Simple ideas on how to make a swimming pool with your own hands (photo on the site)

Tarpaulin is another material that is widely used for creating simple DIY pools. All you need to do is make a reliable body from scrap materials and cover it with a tarpaulin. We invite you to look at the latest photos in this article and evaluate what a pool made of wooden pallets, haystacks or other materials looks like in a country house or garden.

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Inexpensive pool for a yard or cottage: 6 ideas + 40 photos updated: March 12, 2017 by: Margarita Glushko

On a hot summer day, it’s difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of cooling off in a cool pond. Not everyone has a country house on the banks of a river or lake, and building a permanent pool requires space, time, and material costs.

Is there an alternative to capital expensive construction? Fortunately, people's ingenuity did not ignore this issue. We have selected not just the most interesting and simple ideas, but also the most viable ones that can be realistically implemented on a summer cottage without special skills.

The presented structures are not designed for 10-year use; they do not comply with all swimming pool construction standards. But the authors set completely different goals: cheap, fast, seasonal. Nevertheless, certain rules must be followed during such construction, so first we will familiarize ourselves with the general recommendations.

Important points when planning and building a homemade pool

Regardless of the choice of material for the construction of a seasonal pool, we recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • the place for the pool should be in direct sunlight, and not in the partial shade of the garden: the water will heat up faster and there will be less debris in the form of falling leaves and insects;
  • the area must be leveled and compacted;
  • the bottom and walls of a homemade bowl should not have sharp protrusions or a hard surface;
  • you need to immediately think about how and where the water will be drained during regular replacement (especially if installing filters is not provided);
  • the frame needs to be strengthened so that the structure does not fall apart under water pressure;
  • when purchasing a waterproofing film (tarpaulin), take into account the size of the container with a margin of 50 cm around the entire perimeter.

When installing a budget pool, do not forget about landscaping the area around it. You can make an embankment of pebbles or river sand around the perimeter, decorate the approaches with decking boards, or simply knock down wooden flooring from old pallets. Also, for comfort, it is advisable to consider a towel rack.

Just dig a hole and cover it with film

The first stage is the most labor-intensive - digging a hole of suitable size and depth. When the pit is ready: the bottom is leveled and compacted, the walls are perpendicular to the bottom and do not crumble, proceed to the second stage - preparing the surfaces.

Cut cardboard boxes are laid on the bottom to make it soft to step on. The walls are covered with bags so that the film does not tear on uneven surfaces and plant roots.

At the third stage, the pit is covered with waterproofing film. The upper edge is pressed with stones, which additionally plays the role of decoration.

You can bury a bowl made of scrap materials, covered inside with film, into the soil. This will require a lot of effort, but it will be possible to increase the depth of the pool. Since the edges of the bowl protrude above the soil surface, the soil will not be washed into the water.

We are sure that you will like the idea of ​​​​having a swimming pool. And by next season you won’t want to build temporary structures. The optimal solution would be to organize a pleasant vacation spot for many years to come. To build a private pool, it is best to contact professionals who will help at all stages of its construction. The company "POSEIDONSTROY" has already received many good reviews. They will be able to make a pool according to your wishes or offer standard projects for implementation.

Frame pool made from pallets

To begin, choose a flat area and cover it with a thick tarpaulin (perhaps an old banner or canopy). Next, take 9 pallets and fasten them with screws and slats. Pallets are placed on edge, connected by a ring. When the round frame is ready, it is secured with tie straps for additional rigidity.

At the next stage, the inner surface of the “bowl” is covered with thick greenhouse film, and old towels, bedspreads or blankets are placed on top at the junction of the pallets and on the bottom. This is done to soften the surface so that while swimming it is comfortable to press against the stacks and walk along the bottom.

The final layer is a waterproofing film. If it is blue or blue, the water in the pool will always be bright. Some advise using black film to improve water heating. It is important that under the film there are no open sharp corners, protruding boards or rough surfaces on which the film will quickly tear.

The film is secured to the top edge of the pallets using a special adhesive tape. For decorative finishing of the outside of the pool, you can use reeds or bamboo. Narrow boards are nailed on top to hide the pallets.

The frame can also be made rectangular by connecting the pallets at right angles. The bottom can also be lined with pallets.

To create the most comfortable area, you can attach a lighting stand to the corner and make steps from pallets.

These pools are filled with tap water from a garden hose and drained manually or using a low-power pump. If chemicals were not used for disinfection, then vegetable beds and flower beds can be safely watered with water.

Pool made from old boxes

The frame of the pool can be made from old wooden or plastic boxes. They make up a rectangular box, fasten each one together and additionally wrap it around the perimeter with plastic tape.

The structure is assembled on a tarpaulin. The inside of the box is covered with a thick waterproofing film, pressing the top edge with wooden boards.

A pond made of hay - simple and cool

Looking for available materials for the construction of a swimming pond in the dacha sector, enthusiasts turned their attention to hay, which is an indispensable attribute of agricultural land.

It is spread out on a prepared area, and sides are built from rectangular compressed bales. Further, everything is according to the already shown scheme: a thick film is covered in the resulting bowl, the structure is tightened with belts. To protect the waterproofing film from damage, cardboard or a thick tarpaulin can be placed on the hay as the first layer.

Pool on a metal frame

For those who are familiar with welding, it will not be difficult to make a simple pool with your own hands from metal.

Each wall is made separately from a profile pipe and galvanized sheet. The structure can be assembled by welding or made dismountable with bolts.

An insert made of waterproofing film is installed inside, which, if desired, can be made to order according to the dimensions of the resulting structure. You can decorate such a pool using flooring from pallets, and also make a cover.

To increase ease of use, it is recommended to install a pump with a filter and use disinfectants for regular use. Thanks to this, your pool will not turn into a muddy swamp in a few days, the water from which will need to be completely pumped out and replaced with new water on a regular basis.

Mini-pool made from a large tire

Our selection will be completed by a very simple idea for making a pond from a large diameter tire from heavy special equipment.

To expand the future pool, the first step is to trim the sidewalls of the tire. The resulting workpiece is installed on a previously prepared concrete platform and filled with concrete. Thus, the tire and concrete form a bowl, which, after the concrete has dried inside, must be painted with a special paint.

As a result, you will get, albeit small, but not requiring much effort in maintenance and a very cozy pond that will help you cool off on hot days.

A pool at the dacha becomes an indispensable attribute. They can be large, small, concrete, inflatable, frame and so on. It often happens that you want to have a swimming pool in a suburban area, but you don’t have enough finances. It is in this case that it is worth turning on your imagination to its full potential and coming up with what available materials can be used for its construction. Thanks to this, you can build a pond on your site without spending a cent.

How to make a swimming pool at your dacha with your own hands from scrap materials

Using a shipping container is one of the most optimal options for building a pool on a summer cottage. It will be large enough to swim in. For a small pool, you can consider a huge tire bowl as the main material, which is used for heavy special equipment. A tree or a regular pit is suitable as a building material for a seasonal pool. The most optimal and durable option is concrete.

Shipping container

Of course, not everyone has such a thing, but still, for those who have it, you can breathe new life into it and build a pool out of it. Or you can purchase it. The price for it is small. Such a structure has many advantages:

  • First of all, it’s worth mentioning the price. This is a really cheap construction option.
  • Building a pool from a container will take a little time and will not cause any difficulties. There is no need to attract additional labor; everyone can handle all the work independently.
  • The metal frame of the container will make the future structure durable. The container will keep its shape and there is no need to dig a pit for it. You can simply place it on the ground and build a ladder to the top. The simplest and most budget option is a regular stepladder. The staircase can be attached to a metal frame by welding.
  • If you still decide to deepen it, then this can be done halfway. This way, you won't have to deal with complex excavation work.
  • It is quite easy to embed all communications into the container. Connecting all the necessary pipes can be done without using a welding machine.
  • At any time, the container pool can be moved to another location. Dismantling the structure is easy.

This container will be too big for children. Therefore, you can build a “paddling pool” for them from a container from a car.

Porcelain tiles will help make such a pool attractive from the inside, and if you build a wooden formwork, from which you take steps and make a place for changing clothes under them, then the structure will turn into a real masterpiece.

The container can be decorated to your liking. It all depends on the owner’s imagination. It can turn into a real swimming complex if you try.

Check the container carefully if it is old. It may have cracks and holes. They need to be sealed. It is also necessary to carefully examine it for the presence of rust. If one is found, the container must be thoroughly cleaned, coated with primer and mastic, and covered with waterproofing.


The wheels of heavy special equipment (tractor, combine harvester or truck) have large and heavy tires. They can be used to build a wonderful pool for children. Financial investments for such construction are practically reduced to zero.

Such a pool has a number of advantages. For example, you already have the walls of the pool ready, that is, the water tank is almost completely ready. The thick rubber that makes up the wheel is capable of holding water perfectly. In addition, the tire will last a very long time and is not afraid of temperature changes.

The main disadvantage of such a pool is its small size. That is why it will most likely be more suitable for children, since adults will not be interested in it.

Nitro paint dries very quickly. In order to transform the surface, it is enough to apply just one layer. The enamel is applied in two layers. Painting the surface with an aerosol, of which there are a large number of shades on the market, is also quite simple.

By choosing oil paint, you will get an opaque and durable paint job. And if you add a little 40 percent laundry soap to it, the surface can be made matte (0.1 kilograms per 3 liters).


Concrete is one of the most affordable building materials. It is made from crushed stone, gravel, sand, cement and water. Using the tips described below, building a concrete pool at your dacha will not be difficult. There are some economical options for such construction.

Experts recommend not starting to build a complex large pool if you do not have any construction experience. It is better to practice a little first and build a small simple reservoir or pond. To build it, you will need to do the same work as to build a large pool. Just in a smaller volume.

Advantages of a concrete pool

  • Durability is one of the main trump cards of such a structure.
  • If you use high-quality building materials during construction, the resulting structure will be very durable.
  • Such a pool can be placed both inside the house and in the area around the house.
  • Finishing work for a concrete pool can be done using completely different materials: ceramics, mosaics or decorative plaster.
  • Composite products sold on the market are much more expensive than a concrete pool.

Disadvantages of a concrete pool

  • If the spillway or water supply system is installed incorrectly, the water supply will have to be completely redone.
  • If the sealing is done poorly or low-quality building materials are used, water leakage may occur.
  • If finishing technologies are not followed, the decoration elements may fall off.
  • Mold can form in your pool if you don't care for it and clean it regularly.

Before you start building a pool, carefully analyze your strengths. This process requires a lot of time and effort.

You can always turn to specialists for help.

Building a concrete pool

In general, there is nothing complicated in the construction work of constructing a concrete pool. You just need to find time to study all the nuances and directly to the construction itself.

Wooden container or pit for a seasonal pool

At the end of the summer season, the water from the pool must be removed and the waterproofing material removed for the winter. A unique tub or tub can be designed with your own hands. The surface of the made tub must be covered with waterproofing material and secured along the edges.

There is an alternative. You can dig a pit. Thus, the pool can be made of any shape. To do this, compact the walls and bottom of the pit thoroughly and cover it with waterproofing material. To do this, use a special film or tarpaulin. Cover the waterproofing with a margin of at least 50 centimeters. The material is secured with wooden blocks or pebbles. To prevent the waterproofing from rising, sprinkle it with a 10-centimeter layer of sand.

If the angle of inclination of the pit is steep, then soil spillage cannot be avoided.

To remove such a pool when the season is over, first drain it, then sweep away the sand and remove the waterproofing.

Wooden pallets as pool material

Wooden pallets can be an excellent material for building a pool. Their size and shape are perfect for building pond walls. By increasing the number of pallets, the pool can be made more round. Most often, there are enough pieces for its construction. It can accommodate from one to six people. This pool has its advantages:

  • It has fairly high sides, so the volume of water will be quite large.
  • A staircase or slide can be added to it without any problems.
  • The structure does not require digging a deep pit.
  • Mobile pool. If necessary, you can either remove it altogether or move it to a new location at any time.
  • The main material of the structure is wood, which is known to be an environmentally friendly raw material.
  • If one of the sections is damaged, it can easily be replaced with a new one. To do this, simply drain the water.

If we talk about the disadvantages of this option, then they also have their place. The wooden structure of the pool must be strengthened. This can be done using a textile tie-down strap or stops. Another nuance of the construction of such a pool is its mandatory finishing. Well, in the end, wood is an easily perishable material. It requires special treatment with special impregnations against fungus.

To create this design, purchase:

  1. Shovel and bayonet shovels.
  2. Hammer.
  3. Screwdriver.
  4. Concrete mixing machine.
  5. Containers where you can store garbage, water and concrete.
  6. Jigsaw.
  7. Grinding machine or sandpaper.
  8. Roulette.
  9. Rope and pegs.
  10. Large size square.
  11. Level and plumb.
  12. Pliers.
  13. Fastening elements (screws and nails).

Construction works

Stock up on a sufficient number of pallets measuring 1.2x0.9 meters. First of all, it is necessary to treat all wooden elements with antifungal impregnations. Then dig a round pit, the diameter of which should be slightly larger than the future pool. Level the bottom of the hole and evenly fill it with a layer of gravel of at least 200 millimeters. Inside the pit, construct the skeleton of the future pool, turning the solid part of the pallet into the pool. The pallets themselves are connected to each other by boards that are fastened along the side of the future reservoir. To strengthen the structure, secure the bars at the joints with self-tapping screws.

Make holes in the frame for the drainage system.

Insert pipes into them through which water will be supplied to and drained from the pool. The finished structure must be additionally secured with two tightening straps.

To further strengthen the frame, drive wooden wedges in between the joints of the pallets.

Now you need to pour a 100-millimeter layer of concrete mixture onto the bottom and give it 5–7 days to harden. After this, you can start waterproofing the pool. For this purpose, PVC film is used.

To hide the not-so-attractive areas of the frame from the front side, you can trim it with OSB boards. Decoration is carried out depending on the taste preferences of the owner. The fastest way to do this is with rolls of reeds.

Plastic bottles as a building material

It would seem, how can such incompatible things be combined? It turns out that anything is possible. Skilled dreamers and summer residents have figured out how to use plastic bottles to their advantage.

A pool made from plastic bottles has its advantages. First of all, it is accessible material. Almost every day we receive used bottles. Moreover, their cost is a pittance. Plastic itself is a waterproofing material, since moisture does not penetrate through it and does not spoil it. The undoubted advantage of a plastic pool is its durability. And, of course, you can build a pond of any size and shape from this material.

The only downside to using plastic bottles as pool building material is that in order for them to hold their shape, each one needs to be filled with sand. And it will take a lot of it.

To carry out construction work, you will need almost the same tools as in the previous case.

It is more convenient to dig a pit for a large pool using a mini-excavator.

Construction works

  1. Select the location where the future pool will be located. The smoother it is, the less work you will have to prepare it. Clear it of debris and vegetation.
  2. Installing a slab foundation for this type of pool would be best.
  3. Dig a hole 4x2 meters. Its depth should be 15 centimeters. Level the bottom and compact it.
  4. Build a sand cushion that needs to be moistened and compacted well. The layer should be 15 centimeters. You can pour gravel on top.
  5. Build a formwork where the concrete will be poured. To do this, use wooden boards. Its width should be 200–250 millimeters.
  6. The next stage is the construction of a lattice from 8 mm reinforcement. The size of the grid cells is 100X100 millimeters, and the total area is 8 square meters. Secure the intersections of the rods with wire.
  7. Place the reinforcement frame on the bottom. It should not come into contact with sand. To lay it like this, place several halves of bricks on the bottom.
  8. Then it is necessary to install all pipes and communications.
  9. Pour the concrete solution and level it using a rule or a long, level board.
  10. Leave the concrete for a week to harden.
  11. After this, you can begin to build walls from bottles.
  12. Fill each bottle with sand and close the lid.
  13. Apply cement strip. It should be equal to the height of the plastic container.
  14. The connecting link between the rows will be a reinforcement frame made of 0.3 mm rods. The dimensions of this frame should be equal to the strip of bottles.
  15. Place bottles of sand on the cement and fill all the cracks with concrete mortar.
  16. After laying the first row, fill the bottles with cement and place the reinforcement cage on top.
  17. Remove the formwork and continue laying out the bottles as described above until the height of the pool reaches the planned point.
  18. Leave everything until completely hardened.
  19. When the structure has hardened, plaster it.
  20. Creating a reliable waterproofing layer will help you cover the inner surface of the pool with bitumen.
  21. The final stage of work is giving it an aesthetic appearance. PVC film is laid inside. Exterior decoration is left to the taste preferences of the owner.

Care and operation

A pool located in the fresh air is always exposed to dirt, branches and leaves. To prevent this from happening, it is covered with a special cover with a fine mesh. If the pool is small, you can make your own cover from vine branches to cover it when not in use. If, nevertheless, debris gets into the water, it can be removed with a special juice, and algae growths can be removed with a brush.

Don't neglect changing the water. It is best to do this every 2–3 days. Water does not have to be disposed of aimlessly. At your dacha you probably have plants that need watering. Use this water for them.

For watering plants, water that has not been subjected to chemical treatment is suitable.

The bottom of the reservoir can be treated with a vacuum cleaner.

You must remember that the lifespan of the pool directly depends on how you care for it. If you do not want it to become an ugly, bad-smelling swamp, then do not neglect this event.

Methods of water purification (table)

Name Description
Physical This is the easiest way. The one mentioned a little above. It is characterized by the use of juices, a vacuum cleaner, and brushes. The installation of water filters can also be attributed to this cleaning method. Filters come in sand, cartridge and diatomaceous earth. The main component of the first is quartz. It is crushed into small particles. Water passes through these particles and is purified. This filter is the most budget-friendly. Most often it is installed in inflatable pools. The second option purifies water better, but is also more expensive. The filter element in it is cartridges that have a cylindrical shape. The latter option is made from compressed plates, which are made from the remains of fossil microorganisms. This filter purifies water best, and its price is the highest.
Chemical Special water purification products are used. They disinfect water, maintain a normal pH level, and remove the smallest dirt and grease particles that filters cannot handle. Plus, thanks to this method of purification, algae will not grow in the water.
Electrophysical This method uses ozonizers, ultraviolet rays and equipment that releases silver and copper ions. Chemical cleaning is not necessary in this case. No one will have an allergic reaction from this cleaning method. There will be no smell. This method is the most effective.

Photo gallery: pools made from scrap materials

With the right approach, use and good imagination, scrap materials can turn into a wonderful pool
The concrete pool can be decorated
The pool will be a wonderful attribute of the children's playground Some approach this issue with humor Children will enjoy splashing in the water on hot summer days And if the container is refined and decorated, then relaxation will be doubly pleasant A pool made from an old container can be quite spacious. You can give new life to an old bathroom The walls of the pool can also be made of bricks Having a swimming pool on your property will make relaxing at your dacha much more enjoyable

Video: building a pool

Building a swimming pool at your dacha can be a completely inexpensive process. If you correctly use the materials you already have on hand, you can build a wonderful recreation area for yourself and your loved ones. On hot summer days, the cool water in the pool will bring you great pleasure. Good luck!

If your dacha area is more than 10 acres, then place an outdoor pool on it. In summer it will be especially useful as a relaxation option and will replace spending time at sea. Today we will consider the option of building a mini pool and a small selection of photos.

Planning the construction of a swimming pool at the dacha

Initially, you should decide on the location of the pools. The construction process, selection of materials, size and size of the pool will depend on this. If the soil is rocky, gravel or sandy, and the groundwater is deep, then there is no need to further strengthen the protection against water. On such soil you can install any country pool, even if its walls are made of brick or concrete.

Clay soil requires stronger reinforcement using impermeable and heat-insulating materials to prevent groundwater from deforming our dacha structure. For such soil it is necessary to build DIY pool in the form of a rectangle.

  • Before construction, decide on the size and shape of the pool. And also with the type of soil and area of ​​the territory.

  • Prepare a design template for the future pool and the required materials for construction.
  • Mark the contours on the ground and determine the area for drainage.

  • Using the template, start digging a hole, the base of which should have a slope towards the drain. The pit should be larger than the pool itself by 0.5 m in width and 40 cm in depth.

  • Lay a drain pipe and a sewer pipe on a slope before pouring concrete into the hole.

A pit is a well 1 meter by 1 meter, the base of which should be 35 cm below the bottom of the pool. Fill the bottom of the pit with crushed stone, and lay out a drainage pipe. Place stones or crushed bricks on top of the pit and cover the pit with a lid. A cover must be installed on the edge of the drain to prevent debris from entering.

At the same moment, concrete the walls.

Finishing a swimming pool at the dacha

Decorating the area next to the pool

It is not recommended to plant many plants near pools to prevent foliage from getting into it. Change the water in the pool once every 3 weeks or earlier as it becomes clogged.

You can decorate it with tiles, and plant a lawn next to it, on which sun loungers and tables are placed. Provide water slides for children.

Beautiful pools in the photo

Game with a pool, photo

Read more useful information in the section.

The desire to have an artificial pond in their own home is familiar to many owners of country real estate. It's so nice to splash around in the clean and cool water of your own pool on a hot summer day. Water perfectly relaxes the body and relieves fatigue after a hard day at work.

Building a swimming pool with your own hands will help solve this problem. It has long been recognized that swimming treats many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, improves immunity, helps get rid of excess weight and simply improves well-being. Having your own body of water emphasizes the wealth of its owner and serves as a sign of well-being.

Determining the location of the pool

At the first stage of building a pool, you need to decide where to place it. In solving this issue, an important condition is an elegant combination with the overall design of the house and the entire site as a whole. It is also necessary to ensure that the pool is located near the water supply and drainage well, which is necessary for regular cleaning and water supply of the artificial reservoir. After all, long hoses throughout the area will cause a lot of inconvenience.

It is recommended to build a swimming pool with your own hands in an open, sunny area. This is necessary for constant heating of the water. To partially protect the pond from the wind, you can place it next to the house or along a high concrete fence. But the pool cannot be located very close to the house. Firstly, no one is immune from leaks. Secondly, when water overflows, it can enter the basement and even erode the foundation of the house.

The best site for a pool will be clay soil. If the waterproofing is damaged, clay will stop water leakage.

You should also not place the pool near trees and bushes. Constantly falling leaves will clog the water. This will cause constant cleaning of the pool.

Before building a pool, it is not enough to decide only on its location. The choice of the shape and size of the reservoir is also an important point. The ideal size for a country pool would be a small pond of 4x4 m. Regarding the shape, it is better to give preference to simple options: square, circle, rectangle. After determining the necessary parameters, equipment, tools and materials for building the pool are purchased.

What materials are needed to build a swimming pool:

  • Fine gravel.
  • Sand.
  • Cement.
  • Ruberoid.
  • Fittings.
  • Boards for formwork.
  • Wire.
  • Sealant.
  • Bars.
  • Hydrophilic rubber.
  • Plaster mortar.
  • Facing tiles.


To build a pool, it is necessary to calculate the following systems:

  • heating water (optional);
  • disinfection;
  • filtration;
  • water supply and drainage.

Based on the filtration system, pools are divided into two types:

  • skimmer;
  • overflow.

In the first case, special devices are installed in pools - skimmers, which are capable of taking the top layer of water, which is the dirtiest. To replenish the tanks with water, holes are located along the perimeter of the walls.

Overflow systems involve pouring water from the pool into side gutters, which are at the same level with the sides. Purified and disinfected water in this case comes from the bottom of the tank.

When using high-quality filtration stations with additional filters, their installation is carried out immediately. Such filtration systems take up a lot of space; their location is thought out in advance.

Antibacterial water treatment is a prerequisite for maintaining a healthy pond environment. Active oxygen, chlorine, bromine and hydrogen peroxide can be successfully used to kill bacteria. Ultraviolet installations and ozonation also purify water efficiently.

To build a swimming pool, you can also use the following decorative elements:

  • sculptures;
  • handrails;
  • stairs and so on.

Step-by-step instructions for building a swimming pool with your own hands

The construction of a swimming pool consists of several stages. In order for a concrete pool to be safe, comfortable and beautiful, all stages must be thought out in advance. To do this, as a rule, they draw a drawing and carry out the work strictly according to the diagram.

Pit preparation

Internal waterproofing of the pool

Since water has a destructive effect on materials, the entire resulting structure must be protected from moisture. There are many different materials and methods for internal waterproofing pool walls. But studying their advantages and disadvantages prompts us to give preference to the most economical and reliable method of protection - coating insulation.

But before applying the insulating material, it is necessary to plaster the walls of the pool and apply a self-leveling mixture to the floor surface. After all surfaces have dried, the concrete bowl is cleaned of debris and dirt.

To install internal waterproofing during the construction of a swimming pool, it is not enough to simply apply a coating material to its surface. Much attention is paid to the joints between the walls and the bottom of the tank. To prevent leaks in these areas, hydrophilic rubber is used, which is secured with a sealant. The material can expand when exposed to moisture.

Before applying the waterproofing material, the bottom and walls of the pool are treated with a primer. Next, water is added to the dry waterproofing mixture and the solution is mixed well. The resulting material is applied to the inner surface of the pool using a brush. The thickness of the waterproofing layer should be approximately 3-4 mm.

Lining the walls and bottom of the pool

The following materials are used for lining the internal surfaces of the pool:

  • ceramic tile;
  • mosaic;
  • porcelain stoneware

If you build a wooden deck with railings at the exit from the pool, you can place sun loungers on it. Attach folding seats and tables to the railings. A landscaped area next to the pool in this way will become an excellent relaxation place for guests and owners. And if you add kebabs and soft drinks to all this delight? Your vacation will be unique.

Construction of a pool from a finished bowl

  1. The bowl sinks to the bottom of the pit.
  2. The necessary communications are installed. The protective sleeve is put on the pipes and fixed with tape (to avoid displacement during concreting).
  3. To prevent the composite or plastic bowl from bending under the weight of concrete, spacers are installed inside it.
  4. Reinforcement is installed along the entire perimeter and formwork is installed.
  5. Concrete is poured as follows: the bowl is filled to 30-40 cm with water, the concrete is poured to the same height. After the solution has hardened, water is poured into the bowl again and the formwork is filled with concrete. The concrete layer must be brought to the surface of the earth.
  6. The formwork is removed one day after pouring.
  7. The voids left after removing the formwork are filled with sand and compacted with water.

All that remains is to fill the pool with clean water and enjoy the warm, pleasant water.