How to make a birdhouse with your own hands from wood and scrap materials: drawings and dimensions in the photo. We make a birdhouse with our own hands according to drawings, photos and videos. An original do-it-yourself birdhouse made of wood, drawings

The sounds of spring are cheerful drops, iridescent trills of birds returning home. Who doesn't love the aroma of fresh grass and first flowers?

Friends! Hi all! I started our conversation by “inviting” you to spring! And all because today we will learn how to meet birds, we will talk... The starlings have flown in from distant lands and have a family arrangement and joyful chants on schedule. So let's help them by making a house for birds, and then all their songs will be for us!

Let's clarify a few points:

  • What are the requirements for garden structures?
  • What can you construct a bird house from?
  • What can be done by the hands of a child?

Now let's talk about all this in more detail. And at the end of the conversation I will share one design idea! So, go ahead!

Photos of birdhouses made from scrap materials are clickable:

Requirements for birdhouses

We don’t have to wait for our little ones to be given a task. to school or in kindergarten bring a birdhouse. An activity like building a birdhouse can be very interesting and worthwhile to devote your attention to without any outside encouragement. But to make the winged ones comfortable, we must take into account important factors:

  • Suitable dimensions;
  • Material;
  • Fastening system for secure fixation.

Dimensions. First of all, you need to understand that, although this garden craft will hang on the street near the house, and therefore should also have the function of decorating the territory, we we do it is primarily for the convenience of the birds. Otherwise, all she will do is decorate the garden. No birds will live in it. This means we take into account the size of the winged aircraft for which we are building. But, if we start from the standard, then the height is 30-35cm; width - 15-17, and depth 13-15cm. Hole diameter 4-5cm.

Materials. You can use not only traditional wood, but also unusual materials. What can you build from: from willow vines, from newspaper tubes, from wine corks, from plastic bottles, plywood, cardboard, etc. The main thing is that if you use wet materials like cardboard, it is good to cover it with varnish in 2-3 layers so that it is not afraid of either snow or rain.
We secure the birdhouse. It’s worth thinking in advance about what to attach our craft to and with what. For example, you can nail a board to the back. Either nail it or tie it to a tree or pole.

Our birdhouse from a bottle - MK video

My son and I made it from an ordinary plastic bottle. Just need to paint with acrylic paints.

Video - birdhouse made of cardboard

Video - birdhouse made from jars

Master class edible feeder - cookies for birds

Master class OSB birdhouse in the shape of a rocket

The most common and most unusual birdhouses

When I look at photo birdhouses that are on the Internet or someone posted on their social networks, I’m surprised how beautiful they look and how creative they are ideas coming to people's minds. There is such a variety of shapes: round, diamonds, polygons... And what colors there are! Some people don’t paint them, while others paint them to look like Gzhel. Other options include apartment buildings. And near some it is attached feeder. This is also a very convenient option if you want birds to settle next to you for a long time and delight you every spring.

I really liked the teapot birdhouse.

What is the help of kids?

If it's all about gluing, for example if you're making a birdhouse from boxes, then the children can participate in the very process of designing, cutting and assembling. But, if the house is traditionally wooden, and the baby is too small, do not refuse his help when he gives you nails or non-sharp and not heavy tools.

Another option to make the craft unusual is original drawing. Give your little one a brush and some paint and let him create! Such a birdhouse can safely be called a joint product.

A few more photo ideas - original, but also more time- and effort-intensive birdhouses.


According to the drawings, you can make not only wooden, but also cardboard birdhouses. Even a birdhouse is made from twigs or newspaper tubes according to drawings. All pictures are clickable.

Next time there will be a master class on making a wooden birdhouse.

I really want to believe that now we will all look forward to spring, and the birds will not have to look for where to settle and raise their winged offspring. I hope you and your kids enjoy designing and making! I think this is not the last time you show your creativity. And in the future, other interesting articles await us all, where we will build something. Therefore, don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss any of our fruitful conversations! And don't forget to invite your friends. I think they will also be curious to learn and share their knowledge!

That's all for today! Bye!

Birds are invariably an indispensable assistant in the fight against all kinds of pests of green spaces. To attract them to your garden plot, you should make a house for them. If you give the birds a comfortable home, then there will be no need to worry about the safety of the harvest. Although a birdhouse is usually called a birdhouse, not only starlings, but also other birds can live in it. Such apartments are home to sparrows, flycatchers, tits, blacklings and swifts.

The location and size of the bird house must be chosen in accordance with the characteristics of different birds. For example, it is more convenient for tits when the height of the birdhouse is about 30 cm, the bottom is 12 cm, and the diameter of the entrance is 3–3.5 cm. As for wagtails, these birds do not have the necessary tenacity of their paws, so a small one should be installed before the entrance ladder. Such a house is suspended under the roof of buildings, at a height of 3 to 5 m. The pika bird feels comfortable in a house with two through holes located on the right and left. The presence of additional entrances allows the bird to hide from predators.

Selection of materials

When thinking about how to make a bird house, you should first take care of preparing the necessary material for construction.

Coniferous wood is not suitable for building a birdhouse because it releases resins, causing the interior to become sticky.

Toxin-releasing materials are also unacceptable for the construction of a bird house, including fiberboard and chipboard. Plywood is also not an option, because it practically does not allow sound to pass through, and feathered friends need very good audibility to avoid danger. In addition, plywood does not retain heat well, so it will be difficult for birds to hatch their brood. The best material for a birdhouse is larch wood. The inner surface of the boards should remain rough. This will make it easier for the birds to get out. On a smooth surface, you can make horizontal notches using a chisel.

Drawing and dimensions of a wooden structure

A drawing of the product can be made directly on the boards. They need to be laid out on the table. For marking you will need a pencil and a square. Particular care should be taken to lay out the boards for the front and back walls, as well as for the side surfaces. For these purposes, boards of different widths are needed. At the end you should get 7 blanks with preset parameters:

  • 2 side parts 15 cm wide, made from edged boards;
  • 3 parts for the front, back wall and lid, with a typical size of 30x20 cm;
  • 2 pieces measuring 15x15 cm, used for the bottom of the roof and the bottom of the birdhouse.

To simplify the connection of parts, they need to be cut out as carefully as possible, and then signed with a pencil.

The typical size of a bird house is 20 cm wide, 15–20 cm deep and 30 cm high. Spacious bird quarters are not always the best idea. Of course, a large house will house more chicks, but feeding a brood consisting of many individuals is not always within the power of the feathered parents! If the chicks do not receive the necessary care and are poorly fed, they will not be able to make long flights and will grow up sick. And, conversely, a compact house can accommodate only 3 chicks, but they will grow up healthy and capable of maintaining the strength of the population of their species.


Assembly sequence

Initially, the front wall is connected to the side ones. Nails should be driven in along the edges and center of the board. It should be a U-shaped structure. Before further connection, it is important to check the reliability and rigidity of the elements that are already connected. To strengthen it, you can hammer in a few more nails between those that were hammered in earlier.

To avoid driving a splinter into the skin, it is better to work with wood while wearing gloves.

The back wall and bottom of the structure are assembled using the same method. To round the internal corners, you can nail a wooden bead to the bottom. All elements are fixed with nails. If necessary, you can strengthen the structure with additional nails. Now you need to prepare the roof, which must be removable. This will allow you to clean the birds' home if necessary. The edges of the roof should protrude beyond the dimensions of the birdhouse itself. This is especially important to do on the façade side. This way you will protect the bird house from rainwater and other precipitation.

The roof must consist of two parts - a sleeve and a main part. The roof is held in place by a second piece. It needs to be adjusted to size and the two parts connected with nails. Now a board or perch is installed on which the birds will sit before entering their comfortable home.

When painting a finished birdhouse, it is better to use soft colors. Dirty green and brownish tones are perfect. In this case, it will be more difficult for predators to detect the bird’s house.

Economy version of the birdhouse

In some cases, you can make a temporary birdhouse using available materials, such as cardboard. Although this type of construction cannot be compared with its wooden counterpart, it may well become a haven for birds for the season. Thick corrugated cardboard is used as the starting material. The following materials are needed for work: corrugated cardboard, starch, self-adhesive paper with a laminated coating and twine. Tools: scissors, ruler, cardboard cutter, pencil, square, compass.

First, all the blanks are marked; they all must be duplicated. You need to make a paste from starch. Finished parts need to be glued in pairs. All walls will be double, which increases their strength. A hole for the tap hole is cut in the front wall. 4 small holes are made in the back wall for twine, thanks to which the house can be tied to a tree. The walls of the birdhouse are glued end to end at right angles. The end result should be a box. While drying, it should be wrapped with thread.

The roof should consist of two parts glued together. Its outer part must be made with allowances. This product will be more durable if you paste it on the outside with laminated paper.

From a box or plastic bottle

If there is nowhere to get lumber, then you can make a bird house from a ready-made box, for example, from juice or milk, with a capacity of more than 1 liter. It must first be washed and dried. After this, the taphole is cut out. To strengthen the bottom, you can use thick cardboard. Small holes are made on top of the box so that the wire on which the birdhouse will be attached can be threaded through. The outside of the product can be covered with decorative laminated paper.

Another option uses very few materials: a plastic bottle, paint to color the bottle or laminated paper, wire and a knife. A hole for the tap hole is cut in the upper part of the 5-liter bottle. Two holes should be drilled in the roof for the wire on which the structure will be attached. Birds feel uncomfortable in a transparent house. Therefore, to create coziness, the bottle can be painted or covered with laminated paper.

As you can see, making a simple version of a birdhouse is not at all difficult. However, in order for the bird house to fully perform its tasks, it is important to install it correctly.

Installation rules

It is necessary to follow some installation rules. It is commonly read that birdhouses need to be installed in early April, but birdhouses can be installed at any time of the year. The installation height is on average 3–5 m, this applies to cottages and villages. In cities, such structures are mounted at a height of 8–10 m.

The inlet should be on the side with minimal wind. The birdhouse should be installed in the shade or partial shade; it should not be exposed to direct rays of the sun. The structures need to be suspended at a certain distance from the branches. This will protect birds from domestic cats and other predators.

The position of the birdhouse should be strictly vertical. A slight forward bend is acceptable, but no backward bend is allowed. If the structure is made of durable materials, then you need to provide access inside for annual cleaning.

Not every person is an inquisitive naturalist, but almost everyone is crazy about the magical singing of birds. Since ancient times, people have tried to attract these wonderful musicians to themselves, and the fruit of these attempts was a product called a feeder. Many people are still thinking about making a birdhouse with their own hands, but due to ignorance of the technology for its simple and quick production, they abandon this idea.

This article provides a comprehensive guide that explains step by step how to make a birdhouse with your own hands, without any outside help...

Selection of materials

First, you will need to prepare the materials necessary to build a birdhouse, which will later make up the structure. Coniferous wood, processed and presented in the form of edged boards, would be ideal for these purposes.

To avoid unnecessary work later, it is recommended to select two boards of different widths, about one meter long each. It is better to take a board 200 mm wide for the front and back sides of the future birdhouse, and 150 mm wide for the flanks. It is best to fasten the birdhouse with self-tapping screws, but you can also use nails.

When constructing a home for birds, both mechanical and electronic devices will be useful. For obvious reasons, using the latter will make the work faster and more efficient.

You must have the following tools: a jigsaw or hacksaw, a drill with a 5 mm drill, a screwdriver or a Phillips screwdriver, a hammer, a square and a simple pencil. In one form or another, all of these devices, if desired, can be found practically in your home or borrowed from neighbors.

Now that you are “armed to the teeth,” you can safely get to work, having previously determined the desired dimensions of the birdhouse. It must be remembered that a standard birdhouse reaches a height of 300 mm and a width of 200 mm.

Step-by-step instruction

A wider board should be cut into three parts: 30 cm for the back wall and 25 cm for the pediment and top cover. The narrow board should be divided into two square-shaped parts, which will be needed to construct the floor and roof (15x15 cm), as well as into two shaped parts for the side walls.

The parts intended to create side walls should have an uneven top and sawn at a slight angle so that the roof of the birdhouse, placed on top, forms a slope for rainwater.

Creating such an angle is simple; just step back 5 cm from the top of a 30 cm long board and draw a line perpendicular to the length. In the end, all you have to do is connect the edge of this line to the opposite corner of the top of the board, and then cut off the excess.

If you did everything correctly, the front end of the flank board is 25 cm long, like the front wall, and the rear end is 30 cm, like the back wall.

To avoid confusion, all wooden parts of the future birdhouse must be signed, or better yet, a preliminary drawing must be made.

Before assembly, make sure your birdhouse has an entrance hole. If you forgot about it, then urgently correct the situation. To do this, you will need to find the middle in the upper part of the front board and measure down 50 mm from it, then draw a horizontal line perpendicular to the longitudinal section. The intersection point of the vertical and horizontal lines will become the center for the future entrance.

Having marked the place where the entrance to the birdhouse will be located, proceed to form a round hole in this place, which will be convenient to make using a drill. Dot the perimeter of the future hole with frequent holes made with a drill, and then knock out a wooden circle with a hammer or squeeze it out with your hands (use it carefully).

Depending on the location where your piece of art will be displayed, it may or may not be equipped with a special bird perch. If the birdhouse is located near the window opening of a city apartment, away from dense vegetation, the birds will simply need a perch for resting. But if the feeder is attached to a tree, then the accessory in the form of a perch will be of no use to the birds.

You should pay attention to the surface of the bird's house. It definitely should be rough. Otherwise, your craft, from a cute house, can easily turn into an insidious trap that can kill many birds.

If, suddenly, you come across sanded wood, it is recommended to “spoil” it with notches, at least on the outside of the feeder.

When all the parts are made and ready for assembly, first of all you will need to alternately combine the front wall with the right, and the back with the left. A hammer with nails or a screwdriver with self-tapping screws can handle this task best. When the “corners” are ready, all that remains is to fasten them together.

The birdhouse is almost ready. The only thing missing is the bottom and the roof. This is where 15x15 cm wooden squares come in handy. The floor of the birdhouse should be carefully inserted into the bottom hole, then securely fastened, and the ceiling should be combined with the roof.

The resulting structure will have a roof canopy extending forward about 5 cm from the gable, providing protection for birds from the weather and cats scurrying around everywhere.

Rules for installing a birdhouse

Separately, mention should be made of the rules for placing a birdhouse. It is usually installed on hills (trees and poles). For these purposes, a relatively long beam or board is attached to the back surface of the feeder, with the help of which the house is tied with wire to a surface of suitable height.

Those who want to make their own birdhouse do not have to wait for spring. By making it in advance, you will act more wisely, since in this case your product will lose bird-repellent human odors and acquire natural aromas that do not disturb birds.

As you can see, making a birdhouse is not such a difficult matter. Just look at the instruction picture (the dimensions on it differ from those indicated in the article) and it immediately becomes clear how to make a birdhouse with your own hands.

Photo of a birdhouse with your own hands

Birdhouses are special houses for birds that adults and children make with their own hands. Previously, birds independently found a place to live, but today many summer residents and animal lovers make feeders and birdhouses from scrap materials. If you want birds to settle in your summer cottage, try doing it yourself creative houses and attach them to trees. Birdhouses are a real salvation for urban birds, because in big cities there are practically no hollow trees left.

How to make a birdhouse

A bird house must be suitable for a certain type of bird, be comfortable and environmentally friendly. If you decide to build a birdhouse on your own site, then take into account the landscape design. Wood is most often used as materials, since materials such as fiberboard, chipboard or thick cardboard do not tolerate moisture and exposure to precipitation. However, they can be used to make seasonal houses. Also, such houses can be installed in corners protected from wind and rain.

Birdhouse drawing

A birdhouse is made from plywood in a similar way. First, decide on the drawing and dimensions of the birdhouse. Mark all parts on the material. All parts must be of such a size that the bottom is the largest. Don't forget to leave corrections. All sections are polished, and then the parts are glued and fastened with self-tapping screws. Screw the bottom with self-tapping screws and the roof so that it is removable. In the future, it will be necessary to carry out general cleaning in the birdhouse.

Creative birdhouse made of cardboard

Start building a bird house by developing sketches. Carefully cut out all the parts and connect them using wood glue. You can protect the birdhouse from moisture if you coat it with varnish. To make the house original, decorate it with acrylic paints together with your children. Such a birdhouse will definitely last the season and will appeal to little birds.

It's even easier to make a cardboard birdhouse from a box. Select a suitable cardboard box, make a hole in it, and figure out how to secure the roof. Since the cardboard is lightweight, before gluing the parts, think about the mounting for the tree house. All that remains is to decorate and the birdhouse is ready.

Bird houses made from plastic bottles

The outside of the bottle can be wrapped with twine. The inside of the house needs to be insulated and given additional comfort using yarn or sisal. If you want to show your creativity, try decorating your craft with acrylic paints. All that remains is to come up with devices to hang the birdhouse from a bottle so that it does not sway too much from the wind.

Ideas for birdhouses made from scrap materials

Once your birdhouse is ready from scrap materials, it’s time to figure out how to attach it to the tree. To easily hang the birdhouse, a special bar is attached to its back side.

You can hang it with wire, but try to hang it either straight or with a slight tilt forward.

creative birdhouse

Together with your children, you can make different birdhouses and look forward to the birds settling in your garden.

Birds are indispensable helpers in the fight against harmful insects. But in order to “agree” with the birds to provide all possible assistance, you need to attract them to your site. And for this we will learn the basics of building a birdhouse. By the way, the ability to build such bird houses will also be useful for introducing a child to caring about the world around him. So, if the age and development of motor skills of the baby’s hands allow it, take him as an apprentice. In the article you will find different ideas for making bird houses from wood.

What you can do: birdhouse, titmouse and other houses

Much is known about the benefits of birds on the farm, but some figures are still impressive: during the season, a small starling destroys up to a thousand cockchafer larvae. This allows you to keep root crops safe and sound.

If your main goal is to attract birds to the site, then, depending on the planned result, the birds should be of a specific species. But even if the birdhouse is built simply as a feeder, you must take into account that not only starlings populate hanging apartments. So it’s worth first familiarizing yourself with the types of these dwellings, and at the same time some of the engineering features of their construction.

Dimensions for drawings of wooden houses for different birds

Its shape, size and some other nuances will depend on what birds you are building a house for.

  • Nesting. A house with a vertical wall at the rear, a long roof slope that joins this wall at an angle of 30–40 degrees, and triangular sidewalls, as well as through entrances. Such structures are built no higher than 1–1.5 m from the ground and are intended for pikas.
  • wagtail. This house should be located horizontally at a height of 3–5 m from the ground, since the birds do not fit in a classic birdhouse, the dimensions of the bottom of which range from 14–16 cm, and the walls from 20 to 30 cm.
  • Titmouse. This is a habitat for small birds. Height 30 cm, dimensions 10 x 10 cm, entrance 3–4 cm.
  • Duplyanka. A kind of “tourist” house for different birds, 2 m from the ground, which can be made from a log with two plugs on top, bottom and an entrance hole in the middle. Outer deck diameter - from 15 cm
  • Poluduplyanka. Built for flycatchers. Outwardly it looks like a smaller copy of a birdhouse - 12 x 12 cm and 15 cm high. This house needs to be equipped with a wide rectangular entrance and a sloping roof overhanging it.
  • Birdhouse. It has a square bottom 14 x 14 cm and sides in the shape of a rectangular trapezoid. Moreover, the back board should be higher than the front so that the roof rests on them at an angle. It may also have a gable roof.

Photo gallery: types of wooden houses for different birds

Gable birdhouse Single-pitched birdhouse Titmouse House for small birds Nesting area for owls Nesting area for small birds Duplyanka

Materials and tools

To make a classic birdhouse you need:

  • boards, preferably pine, or a log of suitable width;
  • screws, nails of different sizes;
  • acrylic weather-resistant paints - if you will paint the product;
  • wood putty - fill cracks if necessary.

As for tools, you need:

  • hand hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • drill with a cutter for cutting out a taphole;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • pencil, ruler, protractor, compass.

Safety precautions

When designing a birdhouse, you will have to deal with piercing and cutting objects. So you can’t do without following safety rules.

Let's list the main ones:

  • When deciding on the housing issue for birds, you need to be focused, attentive and not be distracted by extraneous matters.
  • You should work at a comfortable and sturdy table so that you can place all the tools and materials on it.
  • If you decide to trim a tree before marking, do it with glasses so that sawdust does not get into your eyes, and with gloves so that you do not have to remove splinters.
  • After assembly, make sure there are no nicks left in the bird house, otherwise your feathered guests may be injured. For the same purpose, you need to bend or file the protruding ends of nails or screws.

Birdhouses with step-by-step manufacturing descriptions

Let's consider options for bird houses from traditional to original.

The first attempts to build houses for birds were made by the Hindus in the last millennium. Gradually, this innovation moved to Europe, from where it came to Russia through the efforts of Peter I, who appreciated all sorts of funny things.

Classic birdhouse with a gable roof

Materials and tools:

  • 2 rectangular pieces for the sides, 15 cm wide and 22 cm high;
  • 3 parts 19X37 cm for the front and back walls;
  • 2 pieces 15x15 cm as the floor and one part of the roof;
  • pole stick;
  • roof part 15x17 cm;
  • nails, hammer;
  • glue for fixing the pole;
  • drill with an attachment for cutting round holes 5 cm in diameter;
  • ruler, pencil.


  1. We draw out all the details on the board and cut them out.
  2. Don't forget to cut an entrance hole in the middle of the front wall with a diameter of 5 cm at a distance of 19.5 cm from the bottom.
  3. On the front and rear parts we make a 15 cm bevel under the roof with an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. We connect the facade and walls.

    If necessary, we bend the protruding parts of the nails so that they are pressed tightly against the walls and, to seal, treat the joints with hot wax or a special putty for wood.

  5. We attach the roof parts to the back wall and facade, joining them well to each other (it is worth puttingtying the seam). Only so that the roof can be raised and the birdhouse cleaned. To do this, it is better to use self-tapping screws that can be unscrewed and then screwed in again.
  6. We check again to see if there are any protruding nails or screws inside the birdhouse. We fasten the bottom.
  7. Glue the pole.

Attention! The same model can be made with an easily removable bottom. To do this, we fasten it not with screws, but with long wooden “studs”. By the way, the remaining parts can be attached with wood glue.

Birdhouse made of rectangular parts

A simplified variation of the classic birdhouse, which a schoolchild can make on his own, assumes that all the details of the house are cut out in the shape of rectangles.


  1. We cut out the details. Please note that all vertical parts are the same, and the bottom is equal in length to the width of one vertical part + two board thicknesses, and the length is equal to the width of the facade. The roof has the shape of a square with sides equal to the length of the bottom.
  2. In the front part we cut out a taphole with a diameter of 5 cm and a small hole for the pole.
  3. We connect the vertical parts with nails or self-tapping screws.
  4. Attach the bottom and roof. Glue in a pole stick.
  5. We nail the birdhouse onto a long narrow board, using which we will attach it to the tree.

Video: boy makes a birdhouse with a flat roof with his own hands

The original version without a diagram - a bird house from a deck

Materials and tools:

  • a deck of suitable size;
  • chainsaw;
  • drill for removing wood.


Video: log birdhouse - folk method

Light house made of wood and tube

Materials and tools:

  • tube;
  • a small board with a width no less than the diameter of the tube, a length of at least two diameters;
  • jigsaw;
  • pencil, compass;
  • drill and screws or hammer and nails, long and short.


  1. Cut off about ¼ of the tube.
  2. We measure the inner diameter of the hole.
  3. We make 2 circles of this diameter from the board.
  4. We fix the first circle on the tree with screws or nails.
  5. In the second we cut out a round hole-tap.
  6. We drill a hole in it just below for the pole and insert the pole.
  7. We place the façade in a tube. We nail it around the circumference with small nails, “drowning” it slightly into the depth, so that the house has a canopy.
  8. We put the workpiece on the second circle fixed to the tree and also nail it with nails.

If you do not want to damage the tree, you can try not to cut out the back wall from the board, but simply leave the bottom of the tube and then thread a belt or wire through its hole for the handle and secure it to the trunk.

Photo gallery: bird houses made of other materials

Birdhouses made from plastic bottles can be painted with acrylic paints so that the house is not transparent, but even then there is no guarantee that birds will settle there Birdhouses can be made from the most unusual things, for example, from a propane tank Birdhouse boots can be decorated with a bright pattern This model can only be a feeder, birds will not feel comfortable in a transparent house The disadvantages of cardboard “apartments” are their extreme impracticality, as well as their low weight, which creates problems in rainy or windy weather