What to do with azalea after purchase. How to transplant an azalea at home? The most cardinal way to clean the root

For a long time my house was filled with plants from all over the world. Indoor "exotics", hybrids of garden plants and shrubs that are familiar to us, coexist perfectly with me. There are among them simple and unpretentious, capricious and demanding.

One of these flowers "with character" is the azalea, which has been decorating my indoor garden for several years. In this article, I will share tips on how to transplant an azalea correctly so that it delights you with its beautiful flowers.

As soon as you have purchased a plant, immediately pick up another pot for it! As a rule, flowers are sold in shipping containers with poor soil.

Hoping that the shrub was in the hands of professionals, received the right care and has healthy roots, is not worth it. Therefore, it is necessary to transplant the azalea immediately after its acquisition.

If you bought it at the time of flowering, then it is better to wait with a transplant, as the plant may drop inflorescences. But only if the land does not cause you concern.

Azalea transplantation is mandatory if the plant is waterlogged, there are traces of mold and salt. In this case, before the procedure, it is necessary to remove the main part of the opened flowers.

Home-grown azalea should be repotted regularly in the future. Young bushes - every year, adults - once every 3 years.

Remember, a special microflora is created around the roots of the azalea, the violation of which can lead to its death. Therefore, do not disturb the plant during flowering and in winter. The ideal time to renew the soil is spring.

Soil selection

As I mentioned earlier, the azalea is a very vulnerable and demanding plant. Unlike many others, she prefers acidic soil. It is best to take a ready-made soil mixture designed for this species.

If it is possible to cook it yourself, then take two parts of pine needles and three parts of high-moor peat, as well as equal parts of river sand and leafy soil. For looseness of the soil, as well as to increase its moisture permeability, charcoal or perlite must be added to the mixture.

Choosing a pot

We choose a capacity for a flower wider and larger than the previous one. It is also necessary to take into account the drainage layer, which will take up to 5 cm. For an azalea, the width of the pot is of great importance, since the roots of the plant develop precisely in width.


And so, the planned transplantation of azaleas is carried out after mass flowering. This perfectly stimulates the azalea, refreshes and provides a basis for further growth. This procedure for azalea has its own nuances. First of all, it is necessary to pay special attention to the root system of the plant.

When we take the shrub out of the pot, we see a dense clod of earth, all shrouded in small and large roots, and in the unfilled areas, the remains of dead roots and salts are visible. At this stage, the azalea always undergoes processing, which includes:

  • removal of remnants of old soil;
  • rejuvenating root pruning;
  • processing with "root" and "zircon".

All equipment that is necessary to work with the plant is treated with alcohol or ignited by fire.

Due to the density of the roots, the plant lacks nutrients, the access of moisture and oxygen becomes difficult. To fix this, the root ball is cut to a centimeter from all sides, from below and at the root collar.

After that, the azalea should be placed in warm clean water, to which we added a growth stimulator and zircon. So we leave the azalea while we prepare the new soil ourselves. This will allow the roots to be well saturated with moisture.

Shrub division

If your shrub has grown strongly and it is no longer alone in a pot, then they must be divided. Division should be carried out after pruning the roots. The bushes are planted in separate pots. If there is a need, then they make a crown pruning, pinching young shoots, leaving several pairs of leaves.

Transplant stages

As already mentioned, the azalea pot should be spacious enough for the plant's root system to be comfortable:

  1. Pour a little substrate on the drainage layer.
  2. We install a shrub in the center, gradually falling asleep in a circle with fresh soil so as not to affect the root collar.
  3. We compact the soil and water it with water in which our plant was located.

After all the manipulations, it is best to install the plant in a well-lit place, without sunlight. The first three to four days after transplanting, the shrub is not watered, later watering is resumed.

Water must be defended or filtered. The period of acclimatization and recovery lasts from one to two months.

Azalea breeding

Azalea is propagated by cuttings. It is best to carry out the procedure in the summer. For this purpose, semi-lignified cuttings with buds are placed in the ground and covered with jars or bags. Watering, like spraying, should be plentiful and daily.

Formed flower buds should be removed immediately. Rooting cuttings, as a rule, takes two months, after which they are planted in a pot. To form a beautiful crown, pinch the elongated shoots on the cuttings.


  1. Azalea is a dwarf flowering shrub from the genus of rhododendrons.
  2. Capricious and very sensitive plant.
  3. Regular transplant required.
  4. The nuances of transplantation include root treatment, pruning and preventive measures against rot and mold.

Luxurious azaleas conquer most flower growers. A variety of flowers, similar to the rhododendron, which is grown in parks, can become the main decoration of the apartment. Consider what is the right care for azalea at home.

In order for the azalea to grow well after purchase, it is necessary to qualitatively adapt it to new conditions. Immediately after the store, the azalea is inspected for mold in the ground. If it is found, the soil is treated with antifungal drugs. Further, the plant must be gradually accustomed to a different habitat. You can not immediately put the azalea in a sunny place, as it should get used to the new quality of lighting.

Quarantine conditions

An azalea flower brought from a store should not immediately fall into house plants. Even if it looks good, it does not always mean that the flower is healthy and will not infect others. In order to avoid possible infection, the azalea should be quarantined for 2 weeks in a room where there are no other plants. If there are no problems with her during this time, you can install a flower for the rest of the pets. Infection from it cannot occur, and all the problems that may arise will no longer apply to the azalea.

Do I need an azalea transplant after the store?

After buying an azalea, a transplant is very desirable, since in the farms where plants are grown, in order for a small sprout to begin to bloom actively, special chemical stimulants are used. Their action not only pushes the bush to open a maximum of buds, but also inhibits the development of the root and green mass so that they do not take strength. As a result, the flower simply becomes a living bouquet. To change this, it is necessary to transplant the culture and provide it with the opportunity for normal root development. Transplantation should be carried out 10-14 days after purchase, when the azalea has adapted to new conditions.

Soil and pot requirements

The soil is best used from a flower shop, one that is specifically designed for growing azaleas. If it is impossible to purchase such soil, then heather land or a mixture of peat and needles is used.

Plant pots need wide and deep enough. Plastic and clay containers are equally suitable for azaleas. Their size must necessarily exceed the one that her pot has. A drainage layer is necessarily placed at the bottom, which prevents the roots from rotting.

During transplantation, it is very important not to damage the roots of the plant and at the same time, as far as possible, remove the old substrate.

Azalea: post-purchase care

Azalea is very difficult to tolerate stress, one of which is a change of place. In order for this period not to ruin a flowering bush, it needs especially high-quality care. It is best to cut off all the flowers from the plant, as a lot of effort is spent on them, which does not allow the bush to fully develop. It is not a pity to do this, such a measure is necessary to preserve the viability of the plant. The same will need to be done if a garden azalea is bought, which today is sometimes found in large garden centers.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

For a plant, the optimum temperature will be 11-15 degrees during the day and 7-9 degrees at night. In warm apartments, it is almost impossible to provide such conditions, and therefore it is worth abandoning the azalea. She will be able to endure temperatures up to 20 degrees only if the rest of her care is organized very competently.

  1. The plant needs increased humidity, and therefore, if the air in the apartment is dry, expanded clay should be poured into the pan and water should be poured. Evaporating, it will create the necessary moisture around the bush. The main thing is to ensure that the expanded clay does not dry out.
  2. Azaleas need a lot of light and choose the most illuminated window for it.

So that a sharp change in conditions does not lead to a serious deterioration in the state of the flower, at first it must be shaded a little and only after a couple of weeks put on the window without protection.

Due to the peculiarities of the temperature regime and high humidity, azaleas are often recommended not as indoor plants, but as greenhouse plants. Only there can optimal conditions for growth and development be created for them.

Watering Azaleas

If the room temperature for the flower is too high, then 2 waterings per day will be required. Under normal conditions, azaleas are watered once every 3-4 days. This should be done through the pallet. It is recommended to spray the plant every other day, which will prevent the leaves from drying out. This is especially important for the conservation of azaleas.

The quality of water for irrigation is of great importance. It should be soft and cool. It is optimal to use melt water.

Top dressing and fertilizer

From spring to the end of summer, the plant is fed every week. In September, top dressing becomes less frequent and is carried out only 1 time in 2 weeks. In winter, they completely stop. It is necessary to use formulations specially designed for azaleas to feed the plant. When the process of bud formation begins, top dressing with superphosphate is applied, while 20 g of fertilizer is required for 1 bucket of water.

Rules for care after flowering

Azaleas go dormant after flowering. Care for indoor azalea at this time comes down to regular watering. Also, after flowering, sanitary and formative pruning is carried out. For early-flowering plants, such manipulations are carried out in March, and for late-flowering plants - in May. All last year's branches are shortened a little, and those that grow deep into the bush are cut off completely, as they only shade the plant and do not allow flower buds to form normally.

If you want the azalea to form like a tree, only the central branch is left in the plant, which serves as the basis. All other shoots must be cut off. It is important in the process of growing such a tree to turn it regularly so that all its shoots receive the same amount of light and grow evenly.

Reproduction of azalea at home

At home, it is possible to breed azaleas by cuttings or layering. The first method is complicated and rarely gives positive results. Only very experienced flower growers will cope with it. Cutting and planting cuttings is carried out from May to August.

It is much easier to propagate a bush by layering. To do this, simply dig a small hole on the edge of the pot and, bending a branch into it, sprinkle it with earth and fix it with a hard wire. After about 6 months, the cuttings will take root. After that, it is cut off with secateurs from the mother plant and transplanted into a separate pot. This method gives 100% results.

The main problems when growing a plant

The main difficulties in growing the discussed flower are in creating optimal growth conditions for it. In an ordinary apartment, in order for the plant not to overheat, it is necessary to constantly put crushed ice in the pan.

It is also not always possible to provide sufficient lighting for azaleas without backlighting. Most often, it needs to be illuminated, because without this the bush does not give high-quality flowering.

The high susceptibility of the plant to stress complicates the maintenance of azalea in the apartment. A plant can become seriously ill simply by moving from one window to another in a room. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately determine a permanent place for the azalea, as soon as it has passed the quarantine.

Azalea pests and methods of dealing with them

The plant can be easily attacked by pests, which, if not taken in a timely manner, will lead to the death of the bush.

Most often, the azalea becomes a victim of such pests:

  • strawberry mite. It affects the tops of the shoots, buds and buds. Their development stops. The process of extinction of a flower affected by such a pest is long, and usually the grower manages to take action. To get rid of the tick, the leaves of the plant are wiped with a cotton pad dipped in a solution of laundry soap. After the plant is sprayed with a special preparation against the pest.
  • spider mite. Appears when the air in the room is too dry. It is necessary to eliminate the problem as soon as possible, using special formulations from the pest.

Azalea is a beautiful plant that is intended mainly for a winter garden, not an apartment.

Transplantation and care after it is one of the most time-consuming procedures. As soon as it comes down to it, every gardener faces a difficult test that can ruin a plant. Azalea transplantation at home is a laborious procedure - both for the flower and for the gardener. Our goal is to tell you how to do it correctly. The article will address such issues: when is it better to transplant a plant, how to choose a pot and soil, how to care for a plant.

It is best to transplant azalea after flowering - in the spring. It is undesirable to subject the flower to tests during flowering and budding. Otherwise, the plant can drop leaves, flowers and buds, and it will be very difficult to get it out of this state.

Choosing a new container and soil

The earth and the pot play an important role in transplanting. Features of the root system and their microflora, which helps the plant to fully feed, should be taken into account when choosing a container and soil. The substrate should have a pH of 4.5–5.5 - this is exactly the acidity of the soil that rhododendrons require. Soil for azaleas can be purchased at specialized stores or made by yourself.

What is needed for a homemade composition? It will take 1 part of peat and 2 parts of rotted needles. Or an equal amount of peat, humus, sand, sod and leafy soil and 5 parts of coniferous soil. Or you can do this: 1 part sand, 1 part dried and crushed sphagnum moss, 2 parts rotted needles. Choose a new azalea pot based on the size of the old one, but only 5 cm higher, wide and shallow. You can choose both a planter and any other pot that is suitable in terms of parameters.

Step-by-step instruction

The first layer should be drainage drying, about 3 cm, in the form of broken shards. Pour pine bark on top, which will increase the acidity of the soil, and then sprinkle with prepared soil. You can add special tools to prevent the development of fungus and rot. Remove all unnecessary: ​​dry branches, buds, etc.

Azalea, together with the formed earthy clod of roots, is dipped into boiled or filtered water with special biostimulants for plants. It will not remove all the earth, but it will cleanse it of excess salts. In order for the transshipment to be successful, for better absorption of moisture, it is necessary to make cuts of 0.5 cm in a clod of earth from above, below and on the sides - this will allow the plant to be saturated with the necessary elements for taking root in the new earth.

Having got rid of some amount of land, the plant is ready for transplanting. After allowing the water to drain, the plant is placed in the center of the chosen pot, and then the roots are sprinkled with an even amount of earth. We tamp a little. We transplant so that the root neck does not go deep into the ground.

If the bush is too large, it is divided. To do this, cut the earthen ball into several parts. The bushes are placed in separate pots.

Further care

Home care involves helping to restore the plant. You need to put the plant in a warm, bright place, protected from direct sunlight and drafts. Water with the same water in which the plant settled. Water again after 4 days. In such a place protected from the sun, the plant should be kept for about 12 days. A flower that is weak after transplantation can be treated again with biostimulants. You can also look for other means for these purposes.

Transplanting an azalea after purchase has some differences from a regular azalea transplant. It is better not to transplant the purchased azalea immediately. Let the plant adapt for a while. You also need to pay attention to the fact that azaleas are often sold in bloom.

As it was written earlier, during this period they cannot be transplanted. But in case or if the pot becomes too small, as an exception, you can transplant into a new soil and pot. This is done carefully to slightly clean the earthen ball around the root. Care is the same as above. A well and properly transplanted plant will bloom for a long time and delight the gardener.

Now you know how to transplant an azalea at home.

Video "Azalea Transplant"

From this video you will learn how to properly transplant an azalea.

In the heather family, there is an exotic flowering shrub called the azalea. It grows wild in Asia, Europe and North America. The Japanese have a special attitude towards him. They call it the "lust-intoxicating" plant for its alluring and sensual scent. Thanks to the work of breeders, azalea is grown not only in botanical gardens and nurseries, but also at home, resigned to its capriciousness.


The shrub is heavily branched. It has lanceolate, elliptical, ovate leaves. They are pubescent on both sides. Depending on the type of azaleas, they can have single colors - white, pink, red, purple, purple, dark red - or variegated buds. They can be terry or simple.

Azalea is one of the plants that are finicky and capricious. In warm regions, it is grown in the garden, and in cold regions, on the window. Flower growers breed it to enjoy an unusually beautiful flowering.

A representative of the genus rhododendron is a valuable ornamental plant, which is formed as a standard tree or as a dwarf tree. It has a long flowering period. Florists use azalea when making bouquets.

Plant care after purchase

It depends on how the adaptation period passes, whether the azalea will grow and bloom well. To make it go well, they inspect it at home. Find out if there are traces of mold on the ground. If they are, treat the soil mixture antifungal drugs("Fundazol", paste "Fitosporin-M", "Trichodermin").

After examining the plant and making sure that there is no fungus, the pot is placed to the north or east window. Shade it from direct sunlight

In a new place, where the temperature should be up to + 18 ° C, the azalea should not have “neighbors” at first: a good appearance does not indicate its health and the absence of pests. Maintain high humidity by spraying the flower with a spray bottle or placing a humidifier in close proximity to it.

In order not to infect all indoor plants, Azaleas are kept in quarantine for 14 days. If mites, whiteflies and aphids have not appeared during this time, the pot is moved to other crops.

Transplant Features

When growing azaleas for sale on farms, chemical stimulants are used. Shrubs planted in cardboard cups with a small amount of peat mixture are treated with a synthetic substance called a retardant, which puts them into hibernation. In addition to them, long-acting fertilizing is added to the soil, thereby maintaining the blooming and fresh look of the azalea for two to three months.

With this approach to growing, buds are obtained even on small sprouts, but the roots and leaves do not develop. After the purchase, flower growers do not use these drugs.

So that the azalea does not die in a couple of weeks, and the root system develops normally, it is transplanted at home, but after a period of adaptation. In this case, do not wait until she drops the buds. Some of the blooming corollas and buds are cut off, and then the flower is transferred to a new substrate. Otherwise, he will experience severe and irreparable stress. For the same reason, further transplantation is carried out after flowering.

Experienced flower growers do not transplant a flower in winter due to the fact that it is at rest. All natural processes are inhibited in him. The right time for transplanting is the resumption of vegetation processes. The best way is to transfer the flower to a new soil.


The growth and appearance of buds on the azalea depend on how scrupulously the grower prepared for the transplant.

Soil selection and preparation

The optimal level of soil acidity for azalea - 3.5-5.5 pH. There are two ways to prepare it: buying ready-made soil for azaleas in a flower shop and preparing the substrate yourself.

Ready soil

Beginners in floriculture transplant azalea into soil purchased at the store: Fasco, Udmurttorf or Permagrobusiness. This method of transplantation is safe for the flower, but on condition that, in addition to other components, coniferous earth is present in the composition. Ready-made soil for azaleas has all the necessary components for healthy root development and flowering.

Read the label carefully before buying. If the composition of the substrate includes a complex of trace elements and minerals, do not fertilize the flower for 2-3 months after transplantation. This soil mixture is suitable for an adult plant. In the ground, where there are few nutrients, young or vegetatively propagated flowers are planted.

According to the inscriptions on the label, the date of manufacture is recognized. This information will not hurt if the grower buys soil for the future: the fresher it is, the better.

Do-it-yourself soil preparation

Experienced flower growers plant azalea in a soil mixture prepared on their own. It should be crumbly to allow air to pass to the root system. There are three recipes for good soil:

  • 1 part of sand and peat, 2 parts of coniferous land;
  • 1 part of sand and leafy humus, 2 parts of humus from fallen needles of spruce, fir, larch, pine and 3 parts of peat collected during the decomposition of sphagnum or cotton grass moss with the participation of moisture;
  • in equal proportions take a special soil for azaleas, sphagnum moss, steamed bark, vermiculite, charcoal, perlite.

Whatever method of preparation of the substrate is chosen, before transplantation, everything superfluous is removed from it (twigs, pebbles, pieces of polyethylene) and disinfected. To do this, use "Fitosporin", fry it in the oven or steam it in a water bath for 30 minutes with occasional stirring. Without disinfecting it, they face plant damage by pests and fungal diseases.

Without taking care of the cleanliness of the soil in advance, you can either face the death of a flower, or treat it for a long time.

Pot selection

Choose it according to the size of the root system. It should be wider and larger than the previous one.

Step-by-step instruction

So that the azalea takes root in a new place and does not dry out, transplanted in the following order.

  • Before transplanting, holes are made in the pot to drain water. A 3-5 cm drainage layer is placed at the bottom. To do this, use pebbles, gravel or broken shards. Pine bark is poured on top to increase the acidity of the soil mixture, and prepared and disinfected soil.

  • They pull out an azalea from an old container. The soil mixture in it must be dry. If the container is plastic, make it easier to take it out by crushing the walls.

  • After removing from the pot, the roots are cut one centimeter from the bottom, on the sides and at the root collar. To do this, scissors are disinfected in alcohol. This is done to improve the access of water and oxygen to the roots. They also remove broken, rotted or rooted roots in an old container. The cut sites are treated with folk remedies (crushed charcoal) or purchased biostimulants ("Kornevin" or "Heteroauxin").

  • The plant with a root ball is placed in boiled or filtered water using a jug filter. A growth stimulator is added to it. After holding the flower in water, the old soil is partially removed. This is done to remove excess salt deposits.

In order for the transshipment to go well and the water to be absorbed, in a coma of earth - from below, from the side and from above - cuts of 5 millimeters are made. Useful components from the stimulant will saturate all parts of the plant.

  • Take the azalea out of the water. Waiting for all the water to drain.

  • If necessary, the plant is divided. This is done if it has grown, or different types of culture grow in the same pot (during flowering, they interfere with each other). The bushes are divided after cutting the roots.

  • The bush is placed in the center of the new pot. The crown is pruned, young shoots are pinched and a few pairs of leaves are left. The roots are sprinkled with a pre-prepared soil mixture and gently tamped with your fingers. Make sure that there is no soil on the root collar - it should be on the same level with it.

  • Water the plant with the solution that was used for soaking.


The growth, development and flowering of the azalea depend on whether the florist completed the steps from the step-by-step instructions or not, and whether he organized high-quality care for successful acclimatization.

After transplanting, the flower is placed on a window where there is enough sunlight.. It is not placed on the south window, as it will die from the onslaught of direct sunlight, if there is nowhere to put it, the azalea will be shaded from them.

Azalea is a capricious plant, so often beginners face numerous difficulties in growing it. One of the prerequisites for annual flowering is a regular transplant of azalea at home. This must be done correctly so as not to harm the plant.

If possible, it is better to transplant an azalea immediately after purchase.

In flower shops, plants are sold in shipping pots with poor soil. It is impossible to be sure that the plant has received proper care and has a healthy root system. Ideally, the first transplant of not only azaleas, but also of another flower, is best done immediately after purchase.

However, if the azalea is in bloom or is in the budding period, transplanting may cause the inflorescences to drop. In this case, the transplant can be postponed until it fades. Of course, when the condition of the soil is not suspicious. If the soil in the pot is too flooded, there are traces of salinity and mold, it is better to transplant the azalea into fresh soil. Before this, most of the blossoming buds should be removed.

Healthy azaleas that are grown at home are then transplanted regularly. Young - annually, adults - once every 2-3 years. When transplanting, it must be taken into account that a special microflora is formed around the root system of the azalea. Its violation can lead to the death of the flower. Azaleas are not transplanted in winter and during the flowering period. The best time to change soil is spring.

Soil selection

Special soil for rhododendrons and azaleas.

Azaleas require soil with an acidity level of 4-5 pH. You can buy special soil for azaleas or rhododendrons. If you are going to cook it yourself, then mix pine needles and high-moor peat in a ratio of 2: 3, add a little river sand and the same amount of leafy soil. You can use heather soil.

To make the soil more loose and moisture permeable, vermiculite or perlite, charcoal or sphagnum moss are added to the mixture. To prevent the occurrence of rot and fungal diseases, you can add Trichodermina to the soil.

Pot selection

The container for the azalea is selected based on the size of the root system. The drainage layer is also taken into account, which should be 3-5 cm. Drainage holes are needed at the bottom of the pot. It should be wide and slightly larger than last year's.

Azalea pot should be wide enough.

Transplant Features

Azalea transplantation is accompanied by the following actions:

  • Extracting the plant along with the earthy clod from the pot.
  • Partial removal of old soil.
  • Renewal pruning of roots.
  • Treatment of the root system with a growth stimulator.

Pruning the root system

Azaleas have very fragile and thin roots that entangle an earthen ball. After removing from the pot, the root system is cut with disinfected scissors by about 1 cm from the bottom, at the root collar and on the sides. This is done to improve the access of oxygen and moisture to the roots.

You should also make several longitudinal cuts in the earthen coma. In order to minimally injure the roots, after pruning, the plant with an earthy clod is soaked in clean water with the addition of a growth stimulator and zircon. When the soil gets wet, it will be easier to remove from the roots.

Thin roots need to be cut.

Azalea division

If the flower has grown and several bushes are adjacent in one pot, they need to be divided. Plants growing in the same pot will interfere with each other. The division is carried out after pruning the root system. Each bush is planted in a separate container. If necessary, the crown is pruned - young shoots are pinched, leaving 2-3 pairs of leaves each.

Planting process

A layer of drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot. It can be pebbles, expanded clay, fragments of broken bricks. Pine bark is optionally placed on this layer - it will increase the acidity of the soil, and the azalea loves it. Next, the plant is carefully placed in a pot and sprinkled with prepared soil.

The root neck is not deepened. It should be flush with the ground. The soil is compacted and watered with the solution in which it was soaked.

When planting, do not bury the root collar.

Azalea care after transplant

When the plant is transplanted, it is better to put it in a well-lit place without direct sunlight. The first 3-4 days you do not need to water the azalea, and then you should gradually return to the usual conditions of care, adding zircon to the water for irrigation. Azalea usually adapts in 1-2 months. Then you can resume feeding.

By following the simple transplant rules, you will ensure the normal development of the azalea. The flower will thank you with a lush bloom.