Heating wire for pipes. Heating cable for water pipe: types, role, application

In regions with cold winters, the water supply may freeze. The consequences will not be long in coming: lack of water in the house and burst pipes will bring a lot of trouble. But there is a way out - a self-regulating heating cable. If you select it correctly from the entire range, it will prevent the water from freezing. It can be mounted both inside and outside pipes.

Heating cable device

Heating cables for water supply systems are far from new. Previously, they were actively used for heating industrial communications. Currently, the use of such systems is widespread in private and communal households, since it is not always possible to lay water pipes below the soil freezing level.

Installation of heating cable for water supply

Self-regulating cable for heating communication pipes, multilayer, consists of:

  • two current conductors - copper conductors;
  • polymer matrix connecting the cores;
  • two layers of seamless insulation;
  • copper screen - heat reflector;
  • external insulating coating.

The self-regulating water supply heating system also includes a repair kit with parts for sealing the cable when connecting.

Operating principle of a self-regulating cable

The polymer matrix connecting the current-carrying conductors is the main heating element. It is heated continuously. A cable with such “internals” can be cut into separate fragments with a length of 20 cm. The main feature of the matrix is ​​a spontaneous change in heat transfer depending on the external temperature. How it works? As the external temperature increases, the resistance of the matrix polymer increases proportionally, and heat transfer, accordingly, decreases.

Heating cable

The property of self-regulation manifests itself in various sections of the pipeline. Thus, under favorable conditions, the underground part of the pipeline will not heat up, without interfering with the heating of open sections of the pipe by the same cable.

Advice. Such technical characteristics completely eliminate cable burnout due to overheating, and normalize the energy consumption for its operation.

To turn on the heating of the water supply when the temperature drops, simply plug the cable into the socket. Turn on the cable when the temperature drops to +5° in order to be prepared for sudden night frosts.

The heating cable is very easy to use. With proper installation, its service life is unlimited. Reliable overheating protection makes the cable absolutely safe.

Advice. For drinking water supply, the use of such a cable is quite acceptable.

Selecting a heating cable

The choice of a self-regulating heating cable should not be spontaneous. Manufacturers have clearly defined the characteristics of the cable for various conditions of its use.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the power of the cable. For private homes, a cable with a power of 5 to 25 W/m and higher is used. Moreover, the parameters are determined for each specific case:

  • underground water supply with internal heating installation - a power of 5 W/m is quite enough;
  • underground water supply with external heating - a cable with a power of 10 W/m is required;
  • open water supply - a cable with a power of less than 20 W/m will not cope with heating pipes.

Advice. In private homes, the use of a self-regulating cable with a power above 50 W/m is not advisable. Energy will be wasted, and the cost of such a cable will be considerable.

When choosing a heating cable for a pipeline, such a parameter as operating temperature is always unchanged. Only low temperature ones are used (up to 65°).

Depending on the area of ​​application, the heating cable is classified into food and technical.

Attention! Only food cable can be installed inside a household water supply. Outdoor installation allows the use of any cable.

Installation inside the pipe

A heating cable is often installed inside when the water supply system is already laid and in use, and its thermal insulation cannot cope with low temperatures.

Attention! A cable with a fluorine-containing polymer is laid inside the pipe. It must have a certificate confirming food approval for use.

Entering the cable into the pipe from above does not require any additional clamps, while the bottom connection must be securely fastened to prevent the heater from slipping.

Diagram: heating cable connection

The procedure for installing the heating cable inside the pipe is as follows:

  1. Measure the section of the pipeline that needs additional heating.
  2. Unravel one edge of the tape (cable) according to the instructions and install the coupling with gaskets for sealing.
  3. The second edge of the cable is securely insulated.
  4. Place the cable with the insulated edge into the pipes. This must be done with extreme caution so as not to damage the cable insulation.
  5. Connect the cable with the coupling to the power supply using a plug or directly to the distribution box.
  6. The section of pipe with cable is marked with a bright color inscription.

Attention! Passing the cable through stopcocks and other components is strictly prohibited.

Installing the cable outside the pipe

External installation of a water supply heating system is quite simple. The cable is attached to the pipe with aluminum tape or special adhesive tape according to the following schemes:

The choice of installation scheme depends on climatic conditions and the method of laying pipes. It is worth understanding that the larger the area covered by the cable, the more intense the pipes will heat up.

Before installing the heating tape, it must be wrapped in foil. This way the pipes will heat up more evenly and not waste heat in vain.

The cable fixed to the pipes is again wrapped with a continuous layer of profile tape on top. It will serve not only as cable protection, but also as an additional layer of cable insulation from the insulation.

Attention! The use of plastic tape, as an alternative to aluminum, when installing a self-regulating cable is prohibited.

The pipe with the cable securely fixed is insulated. To do this, use foil, wrapping it tightly around the pipes. The external heating cable is connected to the power supply in the same way as for internal installation.

A self-regulating cable for heating a pipeline will certainly be an excellent solution where it is not possible to ensure reliable thermal insulation of pipes. Its installation will not cause any difficulties. This cable can also be used for additional protection of sewerage and drainage systems or roof heating.

Heating cable for water supply: video

Using a heating cable in a water supply system: photo

Water has one interesting property - when it freezes, it does not compress, but rather expands. Thanks to this, water pipes burst in winter, and jars of cucumbers explode in cellars in bitter frosts.

Therefore, pipes running along street areas or shallow underground are emptied for the winter so that they do not burst. To protect them, a variety of means are used, including a self-regulating heating cable for water supply.

In this review we will tell you:

  • How does a self-regulating heating cable work?
  • How to choose it;
  • How to install a self-regulating cable;
  • How to choose its length.

After reviewing the material presented, you will be able to protect your home water supply system from ruptures.

What is a self-regulating cable

A self-regulating cable is a unique invention, which is a flexible wire that heats up under the influence of electricity. At the same time, it has the ability to regulate its own power, focusing on the ambient temperature. That is, the colder the atmosphere, the hotter the self-regulating cable. It seems to adapt to the characteristics of its environment, and not along its entire length.

The principle of operation of a self-regulating heating cable lies in its internal arrangement. Roughly speaking, it consists of three main parts:

Multi-layer construction provides unmatched protection and impact resistance

  • Metal conductors – provide electricity supply;
  • “Smart” polymer matrix – it is this that adapts to changing conditions and generates heat;
  • Insulation – a whole “sandwich” of several materials is used here.

The key link here is the polymer matrix. It is she who is responsible for self-regulating properties. Moreover, literally every centimeter of it lives its own separate life.

That is, one segment may be colder or, conversely, hotter than another. And all this without any electronics, without any sensors and everything else - just a polymer base made of “smart” material.

The self-regulating heating cable for water supply has another interesting property - it is of arbitrary length. We can take strong scissors, cut it and plug it back in - it will work as if nothing had happened. Literally every millimeter works here, so its length does not really matter. Unlike the New Year's garland, it will continue to work even if it accidentally breaks.
However, the self-regulating heating cable has a fairly robust design that prevents emergency breaks.

Other properties of the self-regulating heating cable:

The “smart” polymer in the cable itself regulates power consumption, which allows you to significantly save electricity

  • High mechanical strength - it runs on electricity, which means that it needs strong multi-layer insulation;
  • Resistance to moisture - it works quietly in the water column. The main thing is to insulate its end part using a special shrink film;
  • Efficiency in energy consumption - ensured due to self-regulating properties (up to complete shutdown).

The strength of the self-regulating heating cable is ensured by its multilayer nature. The first two layers are copper conductors and a “smart” polymer. An insulating layer of polyolefin or fluoropolymer passes over them.

The next layer plays the role of armor - copper braiding is used here. Our “sandwich” is completed by another layer of polyolefin insulation. Thanks to this design, the self-regulating heating cable is very durable and durable.

The copper braid simultaneously acts as protection against electromagnetic radiation - it is weak, but still there.

How to choose a suitable self-regulating wire

We talked about the principle of operation of a self-regulating heating cable. Let's move on to the next section - we will tell you how to choose a heating wire based on power. For installation inside and outside the pipe, we will use low-temperature samples that heat up to a maximum of +60 degrees. When calculating the heating cable, focus on the following indicators:

It is the number of conductive paths in a cable that affects its maximum output power.

  • Internal arrangement when pipes pass underground - the optimal power is 5 W per linear meter;
  • External location when pipes pass underground - depending on the depth, you can use samples with a power of 10-15 W/m;
  • Any location for outdoor pipes - choose a thin heating cable with a power of 20-30 W.

The low-temperature heating self-regulating cable for protecting pipelines from freezing is thin and flexible, so it can be wrapped around water supply pipes without any problems.

Let's now see how long a self-regulating heating cable can be cut. We have already said that its length is an arbitrary indicator. But there are still some restrictions. The maximum recommended length is 80-100 meters, the minimum is 20-30 cm. As for the bending radius, it ranges from 6 diameters.

The cost of a self-regulating heating wire depends on its power, the range is quite large. For example, the price per meter of heating cable 30GSR2 with a power of 30 W/m is about 210-230 rubles. And the 16GSR2 modification with a power of 16 W will cost 180-190 rubles/m. You can buy it in plumbing and heating stores in your city, including construction hypermarkets.

When choosing a self-regulating heating cable, you must remember that it comes in two types:

Special double insulation allows heating cables to be installed directly inside the pipes. However, this option requires more labor-intensive work.

  • Technical purpose - it is used for heating water pipes from the outside;
  • With safe insulation - it can be laid inside the pipe, as it uses safe fluorine-containing insulation.

When purchasing this or that sample, be sure to check with the seller about the possibility of using a heating cable inside the water supply pipe.

Also on sale are universal heating cables in silicone insulation, suitable for heating pipes and working as part of heated floors.

Laying and connection

We have considered all the most important issues, starting from the principle of operation of a self-regulating heating cable to issues of its choice. It remains to find out how to install it. First, let's discuss the most interesting method - inside the pipe.

Hidden installation inside the pipe

The most interesting task before us is to lay a self-regulating heating cable for water supply inside the pipe. Being in a heated state, it will prevent the pipe from freezing and bursting. Let's see how it's done. We will need the following materials and tools:

Such a connection scheme requires much more effort, but gives a disproportionate increase in efficiency

  • Self-regulating heating cable of suitable length;
  • Sharp knife for removing insulation;
  • Heat shrink film for insulating conductors;
  • Rubber seal;
  • Tee for installing a self-regulating cable inside the pipe;
  • Hair dryer for shrinking the film;
  • Electrical wire with plug.

First, we determine the insertion location - it can be an internal or external area (everything is individual here, we look at the situation).

The end section is located where the pipe goes into the ground or enters another building.

Remember that there should be no taps or valves throughout, as they can damage the self-regulating heating cable.

All work is carried out before the onset of frost, at positive temperatures - do not wait until the first frosts appear. Don't forget to turn off the water in advance!

A special coupling used for connection. You can buy it at any plumbing store

If the water pipe rises from the floor and goes further horizontally, this will make the installation easier - we cut the pipe and install a tee in this place.

Next, we place a heat-shrinkable tube on the tip of the self-regulating heating cable and heat it with a hair dryer - this tip must be reliably sealed to avoid contact of water and live parts.
Through the upper outlet we insert a self-regulating heating cable into it, not forgetting to put the gland on it.

Next, we push the cable to the required length - it needs to be calculated in advance and with a small margin. At the other end we need to mount a wire with a plug. Carefully remove the insulation and braiding so that we can see two conductors - we solder the wire to them, not forgetting to put a heat-shrinkable coupling on it (after soldering, we put it on and blow it with hot air from a hairdryer).

After you have made all the electrical connections, you need to check the resistance with a multimeter - it should be several tens of ohms. If the multimeter indicates a short circuit, remove the self-regulating cable and inspect it for damage. Pay special attention to the farthest end part.

Now we fix the oil seal, open the water supply, and check for leaks in the place of our work. If all is well, we plug the wire with the self-regulating heating cable connected to it into the network. Even though the water supply is now protected from freezing, it is highly recommended to wrap the pipe with insulation. Remember that good protection is multi-layered protection.

Open outdoor installation

If necessary, you can lay a self-regulating heating cable outside the water supply. It is used to wrap not only the pipes themselves, but also the flanges, couplings and valves installed on them. The simplest option is to lay several self-regulating cables parallel to the pipe, securing them with aluminum tape. Laying in a spiral or double spiral is also possible, which only increases the heating efficiency.

Attaching the heating cable with this connection is a real pleasure. The main thing is not to skimp on aluminum tape.

You can also use a double installation method - lay one heating cable in parallel, and wrap the second around the pipe in a spiral. It is attached to the pipe using the same aluminum tape, with rings every 20-30 cm. After the winding is completed, we apply tape to the cable along its entire length - this way we will achieve maximum efficiency of the system.

Some experts advise increasing the efficiency of heat transfer by pre-wrapping the pipes with foil or the same tape.

After you have laid the self-regulating heating cable on the water pipe and made all the necessary electrical connections, wrap the resulting equipment with a layer of thermal insulation - this will prevent heat from escaping into the atmosphere. There are also recommendations for installing protective circuit breakers on the heating system of the water supply system - they will prevent electricity leakage when the insulation is depressurized.


In some situations, it becomes necessary to lay a heating cable for the water supply inside the pipe. In those regions where the temperature reaches very low levels in winter, people justifiably ask the question: “At what depth should the water supply be laid, because conventional insulation in cold regions does not protect it from freezing.”

To avoid this, the line is equipped with heating from the inside. These actions make it possible to maintain the desired temperature regime of the pipeline with a significant decrease in temperature.

In the article we will look in detail at what a cable for heating a water pipe is, the principle of its operation, characteristics, what types there are, which cable to choose depending on the situation and how to install it inside or outside the pipe.

What is a heating cable, how does it work?

Heating of external pipelines is very common in many regions of Russia. A heating cable for water supply can be installed both inside and outside the pipe, and is essentially a simple wire. And thanks presence of resistance, one of the possibilities is used metal conductor– passing an electric current through the metal has the ability to heat up.

As the current increases or decreases, the temperature of the cable increases or decreases accordingly. Thus, the presence of these physical properties makes it possible to regulate the temperature norm.

Accordingly, the higher the resistance level, the more the device heats up. It is clear that the self-regulating electrical wire must be protected by good waterproofing, because it is located in water.

Turn on the heating cable at a temperature of + 5 degrees inside the water supply. As the ambient temperature decreases, the resistance on the wire increases, thus maintaining the desired water temperature in the water supply.

This cable can be purchased in various lengths. These can be species from two to twenty meters. They allow you to heat part of the water supply with a wire, or the entire main if it is located in a freezing zone.

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At first glance, such a cable seems to be a very simple device that you can install with your own hands and effectively heat the water supply. But, in order to correctly select and install the heating cable inside the pipe, you must carefully study all the information that will be presented below.

Let's consider the design of heating electrical wires

The heating cable for pulling inside the network is produced in the form of a strip electric heater. In the context of the heating device, it has the following components:

  1. Metal conductor for heating.
  2. Heating electric cable cores covered with heat-resistant PVC (polyvinyl chloride) insulation.
  3. The inner layer of insulation is covered with fluoroplastic protection.
  4. All conductors are enclosed in a screen in the form of a copper mesh.
  5. The last outer layer of insulation on the heating device is also made of heat-resistant PVC coating.

The outer insulation layer on the heating cable has the following characteristics. It is resistant not only to influence of moisture and high temperature, absolutely not afraid of impact aggressive chemical environment.

Also, the warm cable for pulling inside the water supply system is made from materials whose composition is approved for use in the food industry. Therefore, it can be installed in the drinking water pipeline.

In addition, the heating cable is equipped with a temperature regulator, as a result of which it becomes self-regulating and gains the ability to independently set the temperature regime. This allows you to control the temperature inside the water supply without human intervention. If the temperature exceeds the specified parameters, the system is turned off automatically. These features of the device help prevent overheating and save energy.

A heating cable for installation inside a pipe has the following advantages:

  1. Reliable performance.
  2. High security.
  3. Possibility of using a heating cable both internally and externally.
  4. Easy installation and operation.
  5. The ability to save energy through automation is a self-regulating ability.

Perhaps the only drawback of these heating units is their dependence on electricity. For these reasons, it is recommended to install additional power supplies along the main pipeline routes.

Types of heating cables – resistive and self-regulating

Internal or external heating of the pipeline depends on the method of heat generation and is performed by the following types of devices.
1. Resistive– consist of one or more metal cores. Single-core Due to the complexity of installation, they are used much less frequently. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to loop the circuit around the power source, and this is not always possible.

Two-core– at one end we connect to the power source, at the other, to ensure the circuit is closed, we install a contact coupling.

Either one core can heat up (the second only provides conductivity) or two. In the latter case, the power becomes much higher.

2. Self-regulating– heating cable designed for installation both inside and outside the water supply system. The operating principle is similar to the previous type of device. A distinctive feature is the ability to independently regulate the level of heat supply when the temperature changes, which results in significant savings in electrical energy consumption.

For these reasons, it is excellent for installation on small sections of the highway. It is not necessary to install a thermostat. Self-heating cable-type devices come not only with a thermostat, but also with various elements for installation and special seals - adapters for pulling inside the water supply.

Self-regulating heating cable has become more widespread. The disadvantages include it high cost.

Selecting a cable by power and manufacturer

Internal self-heating cable for heating water supply according to type of use is divided according to power indicators.

The power indicator depends on the following parameters - the average annual temperature of the region, the method of laying the pipeline (external, internal) and its insulation, how the heating will be carried out - inside the pipe or outside. The diameter of the pipe will also be an important factor.

When purchasing a heating cable for a water supply system, you must ask the seller to provide information on cable consumption per 1 meter of pipeline (provided by the manufacturer for each power).

For use in a short household line, it is better to install low power heating kit. For example, for a country house and cottage, a power of 5 to 25 W/m is used for heating. But again, everything is individual here.

The amount of heat loss depends on the volume of the pipe and the quality of the insulating layer. So, for example, a 50 mm metal pipe with 20 mm insulation is effectively heated by a device with a power of 20 W/m.

A high-power cable system is installed on an important main line for heating. Before installing such a system, you should know that the power in the heating wire is selected in accordance with the diameter and length of the main line. But, the energy consumption for heating in this case will be noticeable.

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The most popular among specialists are the products of “Raychem” (Germany). This trade line is represented by a variety of models that are used not only in industrial enterprises, but also in household pipelines.

Any cable set that this manufacturer offers has a higher price than similar options from other manufacturers. But this is fully compensated by the quality of the products.

Professional craftsmen also include the Russian company Yulmart in their line of high-quality goods, which quickly gained popularity among consumers.

The “Underlux” pipe heating kit made in Germany deserves special attention. This kit, which is intended for installation within the network, is most often used in everyday life.

This system has received an expert opinion on hygienic safety, which is evidence that it is allowed to be installed in the network supplying drinking water. The heating temperature of the “Underlux” kit along its entire length is under constant control.

Installing Underlux products is not difficult. This is done using fittings made by casting. The main advantage of this self-regulating device is the ability to independently change operating parameters, depending on the ambient temperature.

This advantage ensures long and reliable operation. The kits provided by this manufacturer are characterized by high operating efficiency and the ability to save energy. They can be installed in the water supply and drainage systems, in gutters, etc.

The review of various manufacturers can be continued for a long time. The main thing to do when choosing is to carefully study the pros and cons of the proposed options. Also, each model comes with instructions from the manufacturers. It also needs to be carefully studied before work.

Watch the video - insulating the water supply from the trench to the house

You can buy a good and high-quality product from many manufacturers, but it is better to contact a trusted company. If difficulties arise in determining the amount of wire to be purchased, then consultants will help you make this calculation.

They will also help you choose the right product at a reasonable price. By the way, it must be added that the best place to buy electrical wire for pipes is the Leroy Merlin construction hypermarket. There is always a large selection of products of high quality and reasonable prices.

Cable prices

The price of a heating cable kit is influenced by a number of factors:

  • length of the heating product;
  • equipment;
  • the cost of the gland, which is necessary to insert the thermal cord into the water supply;
  • model of power cord with plug;
  • sockets;
  • price list for assembly services of all components.

At this point, the work on insulating the heating cable is completed; if all actions are performed correctly, the unit will be completely sealed.

Attention! The self-regulating design fails faster if it is turned on and off frequently. Also, its incorrect connection to the power source and poor termination have a negative impact on the operation.

Connecting the power cable to the main one

This action is required to supply the heating wire with power, which is necessary for the operation of the entire device:

The process of connecting the heating element to the power element is as follows:

  • the protective insulation layer is removed;
  • the cores are freed from the matrix;
  • A heat-shrinkable tube is placed on the thermal cord;
  • the supply and main wires are connected using a crimp sleeve;
  • the wires are insulated with HDPE pipe;
  • the braid is spliced ​​with the core of the supply wire;
  • The final isolation of the node is done.

Note! These steps will only be needed when making a homemade unit. When purchasing a ready-made kit for heating a water supply system, there is no need to carry out this work.

Placing the cable inside the pipe

Insertion can only begin after the couplings have cooled, by pushing the insulated end of the cable into the water pipe. It starts through the installed tee. Actions should be carried out without jerking, sharp corners should be avoided, as this can damage the product.

After the entire wire is inside the water supply, the entry point should be sealed; for this, a penetration will be needed. All fasteners are tightened well by hand and then tightened with a wrench. At the same time, the rubber insulation inside is flattened, thereby sealing it.

Note! When placing a heat cable inside a water pipe, make sure that the electrical wire does not pass between the shut-off valves, this will lead to damage.

Power connection

Upon completion of installation work, you can proceed to connecting the heating system to the power supply. It is better if a separate source is used. You should consider the safety of the line and equip it with a 10 mA RCD. This will protect against current leakage if the cable is damaged. The device will de-energize the line, thereby protecting the owner from electric shock if it malfunctions.

The procedure for connecting the heating system is simple. You need to insert the Euro plug located at the end of the power cable, which is connected to the heating wire, into the socket.

Due to the fact that the design has a matrix, there is no need to monitor the temperature and turn off the system; the self-regulating cable is “smart”, it will monitor this process itself. This completes the connection work.

The heating electric cable is activated if the temperature of the liquid inside the water supply reaches +5 °C, and the system turns off at a temperature of +15 °C.

However, it is important not only to connect the heating device correctly, but also to operate it correctly so that it lasts for a long time:

  • do not unplug from the socket unless absolutely necessary - this will reduce the “life” of the cable and the self-regulating matrix will fail;
  • if the water supply is laid on the surface, then you should consider additional heating of the pipes from the outside, in the form of a heat-insulating casing, this will reduce heat loss in winter.

A heating cable for water supply and its use to protect pipes from freezing is a guarantee of reliable protection and long-term operation of water pipes even in harsh climatic conditions. Everything can be done with your own hands. The plumbing is one of the most basic communication systems in the home, so it is extremely important to secure the pipes in a timely manner and protect them from icing. Otherwise, freezing of pipes can lead to interruptions in water supply and even ruptures.

Heating cable for water supply

To prevent this from happening, electrical heating is installed inside or on top of the pipes, which provides a heating cable for the water supply. An easy-to-install water heating system can prevent many problems.

Even further south, where there are only short-term sharp drops in air temperature, measures to protect the water supply from freezing will also not be superfluous. To fully enjoy the coming of winter, you need to take care of the comfort and serviceability of all heating systems before the onset of cold weather.

Heating cable for pipes: operating principle and advantages

Heat is generated thanks to electricity passing through the cable, which prevents the pipe from freezing during frost. When choosing a wire, it is a good idea to pay attention to its thermal conductivity coefficient (W/m), which indicates the power of the electrical cable and the unit of its length.

You can install this heating element yourself. If you decide to purchase a ready-made cable, you should take into account that a single-core wire does not have protection against electromagnetic radiation, while its two- and three-core counterparts have it, as well as protection for the current-carrying core.

The heating cable consists of:

  1. inner core (made of high resistance material);
  2. shielding braid (aluminum or copper);
  3. insulating material;
  4. general protective shell.

Internal structure of single-core and two-core electrical cables

Installing this heating element has many advantages:

  • With proper calculations, the water in the pipes will not freeze even at significant sub-zero temperatures.
  • Internal and external installation of the cable on the pipe is allowed in any location of the system: underground, outdoors, indoors.
  • Protection against burnout and the possibility of installation for drinking water systems (there are special heating electric cables made from environmentally friendly materials).
  • Easy installation and comfortable operation.
  • Possibility of adjusting power depending on changes in air temperature.

There are two types of heating cables - self-regulating and resistive.

Resistive heating cable

It can be placed inside the pipe or outside along the entire length of the water pipe. Thermal sensors installed on the pipes monitor the temperature: when the set limit is reached, they start heating the system, and after a decrease they automatically turn off.

For more efficient operation of the heating cable, it is recommended to use additional insulation. This can be mineral wool or foam rubber (Merylon).

The principle of laying this cable depends on the desired power: spiral, waves, in one or several rows. It must be laid without active tension, and to enhance the heating effect, you can subsequently wrap the pipe with aluminum foil.

Self-regulating heating cable for water supply

A self-regulating cable has a semiconducting matrix that changes its resistance depending on temperature changes in the environment. The colder the pipes, the greater the heat generation.

Initially, the self-regulating heating cable is fixed “in place”, and after installation it is connected. You can cut the cable in any required place without fear of the appearance of cold zones. The wire can be of any length.

Heating cable for water supply outside or inside the pipe - installation features

A heating or heating cable inside the pipe is installed if the water supply system is already in use and freezes when severe cold occurs. This cable is installed inside the pipe through a gland.

An important nuance is that if the heating cable is installed outside the pipe from above, then additional fixation is not required. If the heating element is installed from below, then it must be securely fixed to prevent it from slipping.

If you plan to heat a pipe through which drinking water passes, then the sheath of such a wire must be made of a polymer that meets all food safety parameters.

Installation of a self-regulating cable inside the pipe from above

To install the cable inside, accurate measurements of the length of the section of water supply that needs heating are required. The heating cable must be inserted into the pipe very carefully to avoid damage to the protective sheath. Cables are not routed through shut-off valves.

The cable is secured over the pipe using aluminum adhesive tape (regular tape cannot be used). During the installation of the heating cable, it is necessary to ensure that the wire is not pinched, stretched, or chafed by sharp elements. First, the electrical cable is attached to the pipe with separate pieces of aluminum tape, and then more radically, along the entire length.

Installing a heating cable over a pipe

If the pipe is plastic, then before installing the cable it would be useful to cover it with aluminum tape or foil. The thermostat sensor, coupling, heating section and other additional elements are also attached using aluminum tape.

DIY heating cable for water supply

If you have basic technical skills, you can try making a homemade analogue of a heating cable.

An alternative to the electrical cables described above can be the power telephone wire P-274M (“vole”). This cable has high rigidity and reliable insulation; it can be used for internal and external installation on pipes. It is not suitable for drinking water pipes (no food insulation), and it does not have the ability to self-regulate.

Such a system is optimally suited for cyclical heating of pipes, for example, in a country house where the owners come periodically and do not live permanently.

To expose the “vole” veins, they are initially separated, and then the resulting single cable is folded in half and twisted again. To ensure a sealed entry of the electrical cable, a flange from a flexible hose for water supply is ideal. Special attention should be paid to sealing the input: after inserting the cable into the fitting, it is best to fill it (the input) with epoxy resin and secure the connection with a nut.

If you are installing a heating electric cable outside the pipe, then you should not unravel it, but should connect it to the back side of the heated area. All connections must be carefully insulated.

External view of a water pipe with a heating electric cable

In general, heating pipes not only protects them from icing, but also extends the service life of the water supply system. The absence of temperature changes and condensate accumulation has a positive effect on the general condition of pipes of any type. The use of heating or heating electric cables guarantees comfortable use of the pipeline even in harsh climates.

Useful video on installing a heating cable:

Effective thermal insulation of an autonomous water supply system ensures that the optimum temperature is maintained and prevents freezing of the pipeline in winter. For these purposes, a special cable is provided for heating pipes, the installation of which is carried out in the cavity of the pipe or by winding along the outer surface. An easy-to-install heating cable system can provide reliable protection for a private water supply when operating in special climatic conditions.

Operating principle and advantages of the device

The heating cable operates on the principle of a heating element or a spiral element, when the electricity conducted through it is converted into heat, which ensures the heating of water pipes at low temperatures.

Thermal energy is sufficient to maintain the optimal temperature inside the pipeline and prevent crystallization and freezing of the liquid.

The heater material has high hydro-, electrical insulating and strength characteristics, which eliminates the possibility of deformation, damage and melting.

Important! When choosing a device, it is worth considering that only two- and three-core wires have increased protection from electromagnetic radiation of the conductor.

The heating element for water supply has a number of advantages:

  • High thermal conductivity and different lengths of products ensure effective heating of pipes when exposed to low temperatures.
  • Possibility of indoor and outdoor cable installation for any pipe installation - underground, street, indoors.
  • Built-in protection against melting and overheating when used in extreme conditions.
  • Safety and durability of the heating system.
  • Availability of operating power adjustment taking into account temperature conditions.

Types of cables for heating pipes

Heating cable for pipes is available in two types: resistive and self-regulating. Each of them differs in operational features and area of ​​use.

Resistance heater

Externally, the design is a boiler with an elongated base consisting of a heating element - a single-core or two-core wire. From the outside, the device is protected by durable and wear-resistant thermal insulation.

The resistive heater ensures fast and uniform heating in each area of ​​the system. Ready-made devices of a certain length for pipes for sewerage, water supply and heating are available for sale. Single-core cables are intended for external installation on the surface of pipes, two-core devices are suitable for external and internal installation.

The operating principle of a heating device for water supply is determined by the design features of the products:

  • In a single-core wire, heating is carried out by only one core, so it is connected to the power supply at both ends.
  • In a two-core wire, one conductor passes electricity, the other conducts thermal energy, creating a closed heating system.

The main advantages of a resistive heater are affordable cost and ease of installation.

The disadvantages of a device of this type include the following:

  • Uniform heating of pipes along the entire length eliminates the possibility of increased heating of individual sections of the water supply system.
  • Susceptibility to deformation and overheating in places where individual elements intersect.
  • Inability to change the length of the finished product.
  • The inability to adjust the operating power of the device, which leads to a decrease in efficiency.
  • Inability to repair or replace the damaged area. In this case, the device must be completely replaced.

Self-regulating heater

A universal type of heating device for water supply and sewerage systems. It allows you to intensively warm up the freezing areas of the pipes, while the warm areas are not exposed to heat.

A distinctive feature of a self-regulating cable is the regulation of operating power and the rate of supply of thermal energy. When the set temperature drops, the device provides automatic heating.

A self-regulating heating cable for water supply consists of two cores, which are connected to each other by a thermoregulating matrix that controls the heating temperature conditions of the cable.

The main advantages of the device include:

  • Good efficiency thanks to spot heating.
  • Possibility of adjusting the required length of the product.
  • The possibility of overlapping winding, which eliminates overheating of areas.
  • Simple and affordable installation without the need for additional installation of temperature sensors.

Calculation of operating power of heating cables

Using a heating cable inside a pipe is rational if it is impossible to heat it from the outside. It can be used for pipes whose diameter does not exceed 3.2 cm, since the device itself has low power - from 9 to 13 W/m.

For outdoor installation, cables with a power of 17 to 32 W/m are used. If the pipeline is constructed from PVC pipes, then the permissible power should not be higher than 17 W per linear meter to avoid damage to the pipe.

Calculation of the required power of the heating device is carried out taking into account:

  • Pipe diameter.
  • Material for making pipes.
  • Thickness of the thermal insulation layer.
  • Heat losses in the pipeline.

Features of installation of cables for heating water supply

The warm cable can be installed inside water pipes or fixed outside. Each method involves the use of different types of heaters - some of them are intended only for indoor installation, others for outdoor installation.

Installation inside a pipe

For installation inside the pipe, a special heater is used that is resistant to humid and acidic environments. In addition, it must meet the following requirements:

  • Do not release hazardous components when heated.
  • Have a high degree of electrical protection.
  • Equipped with a sealed end coupling.

The cable is inserted into the pipeline system through a special tee - coupling into one of its branches using a gland. In this case, the other end of the wire must be connected to the power supply.

Important! The tee for connecting the heating and electrical wires should be located on the outside of the pipe and the inlet gland. It can have different cable entry angles - 90, 120 and 180.

The efficiency of a heating cable for water supply is doubled when installed internally, which allows the installation of a low-power device. In addition, this installation method requires minimal thermal insulation of pipes.

External installation method

In this case, the installation of the heating cable for the water supply is carried out from the outside and requires reliable fixation over the entire area.

Before installation, the water pipe is thoroughly cleaned of contaminants. This will prevent possible damage and deformation of the conductor. Next, the prepared heater should be laid on the surface in waves with fixation every 25 cm. Adhesive tape on a metallized base or plastic clamps are used as a fixator.

When using several cables simultaneously, they must be fixed parallel to each other on the bottom side of the pipe.

Another installation method is spiral. In this case, the heating cord is wrapped around the pipe in turns in increments of 5 cm. For reliable fixation, foil tape is used, which will provide additional protection for the pipe from excessive heating.

Determination of power for heating cables

This characteristic is important for the efficient operation of heating cables. It is determined taking into account the climatic conditions of the region in which the autonomous water supply is installed, the diameter of the water pipes, thermal insulation and the method of heating installation.

  • If the installation and connection of the cable is carried out inside pipes, a device with a power of up to 11 W/m is suitable.
  • When installing on top of a pipe, you should choose a product with a power from 17 to 55 W/m.

Powerful cables require significant energy consumption, which leads to a significant increase in system maintenance costs.

Thermostat for heating cable

The thermostat for heating cables automates the process of maintaining temperature conditions, reduces the cost of heating the pipeline system and increases the service life of the cables.

The device is mounted in the house electrical panel with a connection via an RCD, and the temperature sensor is mounted on a pipe with preliminary thermal insulation from the heating cable.

Important! A resistive cable requires the connection of a thermostat, which will allow high-quality heating of the surface of the pipes and reduce electricity consumption. A self-regulating heater can operate without connecting a thermal relay.

If water directly enters the water supply system from a well or well, then the water supply can be heated continuously throughout the year. The exception is the summer period.

To ensure long-term operation of the water supply heating system, the following recommendations must be taken into account:

  • If cables are used to warm household networks, the connection must be made through an automatic device or RCD.
  • When partially laying water pipes outdoors and indoors, it is safer to install self-regulating devices.
  • When wrapping cables around pipes, it is necessary to take into account the degree of possible bending of the material in order to prevent damage to the surface and difficulty in the passage of current.
  • High efficiency and reduced electricity costs depend on the correct choice of insulating material, cable length and power.
  • When installing the heater, you must follow basic fire safety rules.

Even novice craftsmen can organize high-quality and safe heating of the water supply with a heating cable. This is an effective and affordable option for solving the problem of freezing of water pipes, sewer pipes and other systems during cold periods and under extreme operating conditions.