The period of incubation of chicken eggs in an incubator. Egg incubation modes - stages and periods

Incubation chicken eggs- difficult process. It includes constant observation, knowledge of the rules for storing and disinfecting eggs, as well as the ability to use an ovoscope to select material. The incubation process consists of four stages. Each of them requires a certain humidity and temperature conditions. Often, novice poultry farmers make mistakes that subsequently lead to unhealthy and few offspring.

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    Preparing eggs and equipment for incubation

    For successful breeding of offspring, it is necessary to prepare the source material for incubation. To do this, you need to be able to disinfect and store eggs, know the temperature regime and the necessary humidity indicators.

    The ability to select the source material for incubation will greatly facilitate the preparation for it. For error-free selection, you should use an ovoscope.

      Selection of source material

      Due attention should be paid to the selection of material. Its quality determines how successful the hatching of chickens and the productivity of future laying hens will be.

      The age of laying hens for hatching chickens should be from 1.5 to 2 years. In addition, the laying hen must be productive and healthy. Bad heredity is passed on to offspring. The health of roosters also affects heredity.

      The optimal egg weight for hatching chickens is 55–65 grams. Since each gram of weight adds several minutes to the development of the chick, it is necessary to make a bookmark from eggs of similar weight. This is necessary so that the chickens hatch at the same time.

      in eggs correct form clearly defined sharp and blunt ends. The transition between them should be smooth, barely noticeable. The shell should not have cracks, chips or growths. Large eggs should not be incubated as they are poorly ventilated and have a very low hatch rate.

      Using an ovoscope

      Visual inspection of the eggs will not give a good result. For successful selection, you must use an ovoscope. Checking with this device will increase the hatchability of chickens at home. When checking, you should pay attention to several factors:

      • Defects. There should be no cracks or dents on the shell.
      • Air chamber. The thickness of the air chamber can be in the range from 2 to 4 millimeters, this value indicates the freshness of the material.
      • The position of the yolk. The yolk should be located closer to the center, a slight offset to the edge is allowed.
      • Spots. There should be no foreign bodies, blood clots or inclusions on the shell.
      • Yolk mobility. You should smoothly turn the egg 180 degrees in order to track the mobility of the yolk. An egg with a mobile yolk is not suitable for incubation.

      You can make an ovoscope for checking eggs with your own hands at home. In specialized stores, it is sold for a small price.

      Egg storage and disinfection

      The freshness of the material directly affects the number of future offspring. Material older than 5 days should no longer be used for incubation. On the 7th day of storage, the percentage of hatchability will greatly decrease.

      During the first three days, the storage temperature should not exceed 18 degrees. In the next three days, the temperature should be lowered to 8-13 degrees. From the fourth day, you should turn the egg once a day. The optimum humidity for storage is 70–80 percent. Temperature and humidity affect egg weight changes. The lower the humidity, the faster the weight is lost. With temperature, the opposite is true - the higher it is, the less the egg will subsequently weigh.

      Ventilation plays an important role in egg storage. The room must be well ventilated. There must be clean air at all times, because environment the shell absorbs trace elements.

      For home disinfection suitable conditions bleach solution or potassium permanganate solution. When disinfecting, eggs are either wiped or dipped in water. It is strictly forbidden to wash the material under running water, as a jet of water can damage the shell. This procedure is applied 2 hours before bookmarking.

      When disinfecting with a solution of potassium permanganate, the egg is wiped with a cloth moistened with this mixture, or dipped into the solution for 5 minutes. The optimum solution temperature is 30 degrees. A solution of bleach is prepared by adding 20 grams of this substance per liter of water. Eggs should be dipped in the solution for 4 minutes, then removed and dried on a piece of cloth. All these procedures will be enough to remove dirt from the shell.

      Incubator preparation

      Before you start working with the incubator, you should understand its settings and operating modes. All parts of the device must be clean and dry, if necessary, disinfection can be carried out. The unit is installed on a flat and dry surface in a well-ventilated area away from windows and doors in order to avoid drafts.

      After installing the incubator, it must be configured and transferred to the desired mode of operation. This should be done a day before laying the eggs in order to create the necessary microclimate inside. Premature switching on of the incubator and its operation during the day serve as a test of the operation of the device.

      laying eggs

      After selecting the material, disinfecting it and setting up the equipment, you should start laying eggs in the incubator. Before laying, the eggs are placed in a dry, ventilated room with a temperature of 20 degrees. This is necessary so that after laying the eggs in special trays in the incubator, the temperature and humidity do not change and condensation does not appear.

      The optimal time for placing eggs in the incubator is the second half of the day. In this scenario, the chicks will hatch at noon or a little earlier.

      Incubation process

      Incubation of chicken eggs lasts an average of 21 days. At a low temperature in the chamber, this period may increase by 1-2 days. After 25 days, the chance of hatching a chick is very low.

      The hatching of chicks is divided into four incubation periods. Each of the periods requires a certain temperature and humidity. These indicators should be closely monitored throughout the hatching process:

    1. 1. The first period lasts 6 days after laying. The optimum temperature is 38 degrees. Humidity - 65 percent. On the 4th day, the temperature drops to 37 degrees and humidity to 55 percent. Eggs should be turned every 6 hours.
    2. 2. The second period lasts from the 7th to the 11th day after laying. Humidity can be reduced to 40 percent, the temperature is still 37 degrees. At this time, the skeleton is formed in the chick.
    3. 3. The third period lasts from the 12th to the 20th day. The temperature in the incubator is 37 degrees. Humidity needs to be raised to 75 percent. If necessary, you can spray the eggs with water to increase humidity. On the 15-16th day, the development of the embryo is checked on an ovoscope. From the 18th day, ventilation should be increased, chicken incubator open for 10-15 minutes once a day for ventilation.
    4. 4. During the final stage, pecking takes place, followed by hatching of chickens. First you need to wait until all the chicks finally hatch and dry, and only then should you open the chamber.

    The hatching process lasts about a day, after which the incubation is considered complete. A chick can be considered healthy if it is active, responds to sounds, and has a neat coat.

Kira Stoletova

If you are planning to start a broiler poultry farming business, incubation of chicken eggs is the only possible way receive monthly required amount young. For artificial hatching of chickens, hens are not required. The main task of the farmer is to create the right microclimate in the incubator.

What you need to know for successful incubation

Many novice poultry farmers think that it is enough to buy, bring it into the house, put eggs there, and after some time the chicks will hatch, grow into healthy and beautiful chickens, as a result, it will be enough just to sell them and enjoy wealth.

But this does not happen, in order to grow viable young animals, certain skills and a theoretical knowledge base are needed. At each stage of incubation (there are four in total), unforeseen problems can arise, as a result of which the embryos die before they have time to turn into a bird.

Breeding chickens even in a domestic incubator is difficult technological process, in which the key role is played by the temperature regime:

  • If the incubation climate is warmer than expected, the embryos will begin to develop faster than usual, all the chicks of the brood will turn out unnaturally small size, in addition, many will experience the presence of an umbilical cord that has not yet had time to overgrow. Having managed to reduce the heat supply in time, the situation can be saved.
  • If the incubator is too cold, the chicks will be born the next day after the scheduled time. The mobility of frozen chicks will be significantly lower than that of their relatives hatched under normal conditions. But as soon as they warm up, everything will return to normal.

Very strong overheating or cooling of eggs can lead to the death of embryos, so you need to constantly monitor what temperature is in the container and adjust it if necessary.

Humidity is also important:

  • If the air in the chamber is dry, pipping will occur earlier than the set time, due to which the weight of the chickens will be less than usual.
  • If the humidity is high, the birth of chicks, on the contrary, will be slightly delayed. And if at the same time it is also cold in the chamber, there is a risk that the hatched chicks will be glued to the shell with their skin and beaks.

At artificial breeding chickens at home, it should be borne in mind that household incubators cannot always maintain the same temperature in all parts of the container, even if the instructions for the device contain other information. To ensure that all embryos develop evenly, the order of the eggs in the tray is periodically changed.

To ensure the necessary humidity in the incubator, you can install trays of water in it. room temperature. If the incubation air becomes sufficiently humid, simply covering the jar will be enough to lower this setting when needed, so that you can always move the lid a little to the side or remove it completely.

The optimum humidity for small appliances that are used at home is 50-65%. Its excessive increase is often accompanied by low air temperature, and with a decrease in this indicator, the air in the container, on the contrary, is excessively warm.

Requirements for incubated eggs

The incubation of goose or chicken eggs should be made only from the best samples, which should be selected and stored, following special recommendations.

Weight and appearance of the shell

At home, you need to take the scales and find out the mass of each egg. When breeding broiler chickens, this indicator is not the most important, but, if possible, these features should also be taken into account.

But the shell must be looked at very carefully. It will not work to hatch healthy chickens in an incubator if the eggs are initially with big amount light and dark streaks on the outer surface. As a rule, this happens if the laying hens are fed with a low-quality product.

Defects revealed after candling

A universal way to check chicken eggs is to highlight them with an ovoscope. If you do not want to spend money on purchasing a device, you can easily make it yourself from improvised means. There are many articles, photos and videos on the network that show the technology.

With the help of a directed light beam, you can see where the egg has a build-up, depression, crack and unwanted inclusions. Even one identified defect indicates that the source material is not subject to incubation:

  • If a cracked egg is placed in a container, it will not be possible to grow a bird out of it, since the material will lose all moisture and the embryo will die very quickly.
  • Instances with a notch on the shell will lead to about the same, but there is no need to rush to reject them: you can try to get rid of the defect with starch glue.
  • The embryo develops incompletely in an egg with a deformed shell.

An ovoscope can show the state of the air chamber, indicating the freshness of the original product. When viewed through the light, the camera looks like a dark spot near the blunt side of the egg, it stands out strongly from the rest of the contents:

  • if the chamber is small, the product is fresh,
  • if stain big size, the product is not fresh.

In the second case, the eggs are not suitable for incubation, as the embryos in them will develop very slowly.

During translucence, the eggs need to be twisted from all sides. If it became noticeable that the yolk shifted sharply either to a blunt or to a sharp end, then the cord (chalaz) holding it broke and this specimen is not suitable.


SECRETS OF INCUBATION OF EGGS! Modes of incubation of chicken eggs. Temperature and humidity in the incubator


How to disinfect

Before placing the product in a container, it should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt with a rag soaked in a manganese solution. Then the eggs must be disinfected.

Industrial processing is usually carried out with formaldehyde vapours. To do this, formaldehyde, water and potassium permanganate are mixed in equal proportions. To process one cubic meter, it is enough to take 30 ml of each substance.

The container with the solution is quickly placed in a special chamber, the selected eggs should already be there. After a few seconds, as a result of a violent reaction, caustic gas, formaldehyde, will begin to be released from the vessel. Can be used as a camera wooden box, which has no gaps and closes very tightly. The procedure lasts approximately 30 minutes.

This method is suitable if the farmer has a large production of young animals. If the farm uses a small household incubator, you can do without formaldehyde by carrying out wet disinfection with a 30 percent aqueous solution bleach. Immediately before placing the eggs in the incubator, you need to place them for a few minutes in the prepared disinfectant liquid.

How to save eggs for incubation

For storage, it is required to lay out the material in the cells with the blunt side up. The room where the product is to be stored must be clean and cool (optimum t - 18°C). At the same time, air humidity should be constantly maintained in the range of 80-85%. If long-term storage is necessary, it is better to lower the temperature slightly.

Maximum storage time source material- 6 days after the laying hen laid it. But best of all, the fruits develop in specimens whose age is no more than 2 days.

How to properly lay eggs in an incubator

Each incubation always begins with the laying of the starting material in the trays. You can do it at any time of the day, although most farmers prefer to do this in the late afternoon.

Having taken the eggs from a cool storage, be sure to place them in a warm place for 1-2 hours and only then transfer them to the incubator.

Scheme of laying and chicken eggs:

  • Very large specimens are laid first, as the chicks hatch later.
  • after 6 hours, a medium-sized product is laid.
  • After another 6 hours, the turn of small eggs.

If everything is done correctly, the chicks will hatch at the same time. To simplify the process, it is better to immediately select all medium-sized eggs as starting material.

Incubation stages and temperature conditions

Before laying the product, each tray of the incubator must be heated to room temperature (25-27°C).

Incubation should take place in four stages:

  • Stage 1 - period from 1 to 7 days,
  • Stage 2 - the period from 8 to 11 days,
  • Stage 3 - the period from 12 days to the first squeak of chicks that have not yet been born.
  • Stage 4 - the period from the first squeak to the bite.

Table of modes of incubation of chicken eggs at home.

The table clearly shows the conditions under which the eggs must be incubated in order for the embryos to develop correctly. If you are afraid to forget something or miss an important deadline, you can get an electronic calendar on your phone and mark the time and days there for the necessary procedures.

First step

The first 3 stages need to keep the eggs at a temperature of 37.7 ° C and a humidity of 50% or a little more. These days, you need to turn the eggs every 60 minutes (hens do this all the time in natural conditions).

It is very good if your incubator model has a built-in turn function, if not, you need to open the container and carefully turn each egg over. We must always try to follow these simple rules and the scrolling schedule in a timely manner. It is necessary to change the position of the eggs so that the embryos do not adhere to the walls of the eggs and die.

Periodically throughout the entire period of incubation, it is necessary to understand whether the embryo is developing correctly. At the first transillumination, a developed circulatory network covering more than half of the yolk surface should be clearly visible. The embryo itself is still hidden inside the plasma. If abnormally developing eggs or those in which the embryo is absent have become noticeable, it is required to remove them from the tray.

Second and third stages

From the second week, the next stage of incubation begins, on these days the embryo needs the maximum amount of water. Too dry air has a detrimental effect on the development of future chicks. The embryo is already visible in the light in the egg, and the allantois has closed at the blunt end.

On the days of the third stage, good air circulation should be ensured, which will promote active gas exchange and metabolism. We must continue to monitor the development of the fetus.

By this time, the embryo will fill almost the entire space, with the exception of the air chamber, under which (under normal conditions) a third of the egg should be allocated. At the end of the third period, the chicks will begin to squeak inside the egg and reach towards its sharp end, trying to break through the film of the air chamber first, and then the shell itself.

Fourth stage

And finally, the last, fourth stage. At this time, the chicks are ready to be born and your task is to help them with this. For easy biting, it is important to ensure that the temperature in the chamber is constantly maintained at around 37.2 ° C, and the humidity is at least 78%. If the device has a ventilation function, you should turn it on twice a day, if not, you need to ventilate the incubator yourself (the process should last about 20 minutes). From day 18, eggs can not be turned over, they should always lie on their sides at a good distance from each other.

Among other things, it is important to pay attention to how the chicks squeak. With the normal development of the fetus, the sound from the shell should come out even, gentle, not too loud. If the chickens start screaming with all their might, then they are cold.

Before hatching, the chick begins to turn clockwise and peck at the shell. For healthy young animals, this work is not difficult, the shell breaks off in large pieces and after 3-4 pipping a crack forms in the egg and the chick is born. If you have never seen how chickens appear, you can watch videos on this topic, which you can find on the Internet as much as you like.

Incubation lasts an average of 3 weeks (21 days). Chicks from eggs loaded simultaneously into the device should all hatch on the same day with a difference of several minutes to several hours. After the chicks have hatched, you need to carefully examine and select the bird.

For healthy chicks:

  • strong strong legs
  • shiny fluff,
  • bulging eyes,
  • clear look,
  • short beaks.

Pets must actively move and respond to extraneous sounds. It is important to carefully examine the bellies of chickens, check the umbilical cord for softness. If a slight increase in the abdomen is noticeable, on which there are small dried blood clots near the umbilical cord, there is no need to rush to reject the broiler chick, in the future the situation may return to normal. The same applies to babies, whose feather color is not too ideal (pale, dull).

If the chickens are very weak, they must be killed immediately. It is not worth wasting precious time on a bad brood, it is better to pay more attention to viable individuals. Hatched lumps should be kept in the incubator until they dry out, then you need to move them into (a box or cardboard box is suitable for this purpose).

The main mistakes of poultry farmers during incubation, which can cause high mortality of young animals, are as follows:

  • low quality of selected chicken eggs,
  • wrong mode of incubation,
  • too long storage of the source material.

The main task of incubation is, taking into account all the subtleties, to create the right microclimate in which the development of embryos will occur in a timely and harmonious manner. For any, even a fully automated device, constant monitoring is required at least 3 times a day. It should be remembered that even if all the parameters are set correctly, no one is immune from failures in the operation of equipment.

Until the incubation process is brought to automaticity, it is better to keep a brief reminder in front of your eyes (a kind of technological map). Let's put it together.

Egg collection

Incubation starts with proper collection and selection of material. There are many nuances in this process that should not be ignored.

  1. Inspect nests and take eggs from them at least three times a day. It is better not to send eggs collected after six in the evening for incubation.
  2. Hands must be clean when picking up. Hold the egg with two fingers.
  3. Keep the bedding in the coop and nests clean.
  4. Calibration. If you are going to breed egg chickens, then the weight of the egg can range from 52 to 65 grams. If meat, then from 54 to 67 grams. Do not lay eggs of greater or lesser weight.
  5. External examination of eggs. It checks for:
    • egg shape (non-standard are rejected);
    • shell cleanliness;
    • its flaws and strength.

Transillumination with an ovoscope

Ovoscope allows you to identify flaws that cannot be determined with the naked eye. In the absence of it, you can use an ordinary flashlight.

What can be seen with it?

  • Consider foreign inclusions;
  • Assess the condition of the yolk;
  • Check the correct position, size and shape of the air chamber;
  • Better reveal hidden defects shells.

The table shows what exactly to look for.

Object of study



blood clots

There was a hemorrhage in the ovary

dark spots

mold colonies


two yolks

Genetic disorders

Doesn't budge

stuck to the shell due to proper storage

free to move

Broken cord (chalaz)

Not visible but content color red-orange

Spilled and mixed with protein

Air chamber


Long term storage

Wrongly placed

Damaged shell membranes


light stripes

Hidden damage that masks the additional substance


different thickness. May break down on incubation

Table number 1. List of possible disadvantages when examining eggs with an ovoscope

How to store eggs before incubation?

For proper storage, the following conditions must be observed:

  1. The room temperature during short-term (up to three days) storage should not exceed 18 degrees. After two days, the temperature is reduced to 8–12 degrees and stored for a maximum of 6 days.
  2. Humidity during storage of eggs should not be lowered below 80%.

To raise the hatchability percentage, it is considered optimal to use eggs that have lain for two days.

When storing chicken eggs, they are placed in plastic cassettes, making sure that the blunt end is pointing up.

Preparing the incubator for work

Before laying the incubator must be prepared for work. For this, the following activities are carried out:

Table number 2. Measures to prevent the operation of the incubator

Bookmark incubation material

It must be carried out according to such rules.


8 hours before laying, take the eggs out of the cold room into warm room(up to 25°С).

For quick and simultaneous start of the incubation process. At a lower temperature, the eggs will not have time to warm up, and at a higher temperature, the embryo may not develop properly.

Heat the water in the pan to 42°C.

When you turn on the incubator, it will begin to evaporate faster, increasing the humidity in the incubator.

Bookmark to produce at 6 pm.

  1. Then the chickens will start to appear in the morning. And the whole brood will pass in a day. Convenient for you.
  2. When checking the development of the embryo (on the 6th and 17th day) with an ovoscope, no darkening is required.

If the eggs are not sorted, the larger eggs are laid first. After 6 hours - medium, after the same period of time - the smallest.

This contributes to the friendly pecking of chickens.

Can be installed both horizontally and vertically. When laying vertically, the blunt end is directed upwards.

Determined by the design of the incubator.

Table number 3. Egg laying rules

Phases of incubation

The process of turning an embryo into a chicken is usually divided into four stages.

No. Steps


All organs begin to form. The heart is already working on the second day. By the end of the seventh day, the size of the embryo reaches 1.5 cm.

The skeleton, beak, claws, sexual characteristics are formed. Ovoscope checks the maturity of the circulatory system.

12 - until the first squeak of the chick inside the egg

The embryo already has fluff, and the cornea is on the claws, the protein is used up, the yolk sac is retracted.

Final stage, chicks hatch (20-21 days)

The eyes open, the lungs work, the umbilical ring closes. The chicks break the shell and gradually come out.

Table No. 4 Stages of development of the embryo

Activities that are performed at each stage of embryo development

  1. In the first week, the task is to warm the eggs well.
  1. You can set the temperature to 38.8 ° C, which is 0.5 ° C higher than usual.
  2. Ventilation holes as long as they can be closed.
  3. Install additional tray. Pour into it warm water.
  4. If the design of the incubator does not provide for a coup mechanism, then after 12 hours this must be done manually. Swap the extreme and central eggs. Otherwise, the embryo may stick to the walls and die.
  5. On the sixth day, an ovoscope checks how the circulatory system of the embryo develops.
  1. After the seventh day, the second stage of embryo development begins.
  1. The temperature is set at 37.6 - 37.8 degrees.
  2. Humidity - 45%.
  3. The ventilation holes must be open.
  4. Remove the added pallets with water poured into them. As a result, the humidity will decrease, the water from the eggs will begin to evaporate faster, the metabolic processes will accelerate, and the development of the chicken will go faster.
  5. Turn eggs twice a day.
  6. After the eleventh day, the eggs are again checked with an ovoscope. Frozen in development are removed.
  1. Starting from the 12th to about the 20th day, there is a third period of development.
  1. The temperature drops to 37.2 degrees.
  2. Humidity is maintained at around 75-80%.
  3. Turn on all fans inside.
  4. During this period, it is necessary to “harden” the eggs, that is, cool them 2 times a day to a surface temperature of 32 degrees. To do this, you can get the pallets from the incubator and hold them for half an hour in a room with a temperature of 18 to 25 degrees. At the end of the procedure, put the trays back into the incubator, making sure that the temperature in the incubator rises again to the set temperature in no more than 30 minutes. temperature regime.
  5. On the 19th day, they stop turning the eggs, lay them on their side and lay them out freely.
  1. Finishing stage - 21st day. The chicken opens its eyes, pierces the shell and crawls out. Usually, a day passes from the withdrawal of the first to the last chick.
  1. It is not necessary to immediately take the chickens from the incubator. They must dry out. But keep them there for a short time (about 8 hours), otherwise they will overheat and weaken. Chickens that are not dried out are also bad - they get cold and get sick.
  2. After drying, the chicks are taken and transferred to a hen or brooder.

This completes the incubation process.

Numerous breeds of chickens, which are very long time passed a thorough selection selection, unfortunately, almost completely lost any manifestations of the maternal instinct.

But, despite this, young chickens are bred in poultry farms and households.

This is done through incubation breeding of birds, which consists in breeding chickens without a mother hen.

The main advantage this method hatching is the fact that incubation can be carried out at any time during the year, and the age of the chickens will not exceed a day.

This process has its own characteristics, and must also proceed under strict control and supervision so that the material is not wasted.

The key to the success of incubation hatching of chicken chicks is the choice of the right, good eggs, the probability of the appearance of chickens from which is close to one.

When choosing eggs for an incubator, you first need to pay attention Special attention on the shape and weight of the egg, and using special devices- on the condition of the inside, the shell and the size of the air chamber.

You need to choose the largest eggs, the weight of which must be measured using sensitive scales. Accuracy is taken up to 1 gram. Why big eggs? Because they contain the most nutrients to help the embryo survive.

As for chickens that are raised specifically for slaughter, the requirements for eggs of these breeds are not so strict.

It is precisely because of the low egg production rates that it is difficult to hatch the chicks of these chickens, which led to the high value of the eggs.

The shell must be intact, hard enough, since it is this barrier that protects the embryo from various factors environment, and also takes an active part in the processes of heat exchange and gas exchange. You can not take those eggs, the shell of which has cracks, various growths, cavities or other mechanical damage and disadvantages.

The shape of the egg must be correct, otherwise the embryo will not have enough air. In order to make sure the quality of the egg, experts use a device such as an ovoscope.

This device is used to detect even the smallest defects, due to which the development of a chicken from a given egg becomes impossible. In the event that the eggs are of particular value, some flaws can be neglected.

In particular, small cracks can be removed by filling them with a special adhesive based on starch.

Also on the ovoscope, you can examine the condition of the yolk and the air chamber. If the yolk freely "roams" through the egg, then this indicates the presence of gusts in the hailstones. A chick will not come out of such an egg.

The air chamber should not be too large, otherwise birds cannot be obtained from such an egg either.

Eggs must be disinfected so that no harmful microorganisms penetrate the shell into the egg.

In conditions household disinfection can be done with iodine. To do this, you need to take 10 g of iodine in crystals and 15 g of potassium iodide, dissolve in 1 liter of water and place eggs in this solution for 1 minute. Then the whole shell will be disinfected.

As for the storage of eggs before laying in the incubator, their age should not exceed 6 days. Optimum temperature for them it will be + 18 ° С.

Duration incubation period for chicken eggs is 21 days. These 3 weeks are divided into 4 stages:

  • the first stage (lasts 7 days and is counted from the moment the eggs are placed in the incubator)
  • second stage (8 - 11 days after filling the incubation chamber)
  • third stage (from day 12 until the first chicks squeak)
  • fourth stage (from the moment of the first squeak until the moment when the shell is pecked)

First step

Before placing the eggs in the incubation chamber, they must be heated to +25°C. In the incubator, eggs must be placed strictly horizontally.

The temperature regime should be maintained at + 37.8 ° С. Humidity should not exceed 50%.

Eggs need to be turned over on their own, if the incubator itself “does not know how” to do this. During the first 24 hours, all eggs must be quickly and extremely carefully turned over 2 times a day, and at the same time.

On the second day, eggs can be disturbed 1 time in 8 hours. They need to be rotated 180°. The purpose of this turning is to prevent the growth of the embryo to the wall of the shell.

If this still happens, that a chicken will not appear from such an egg.

Second phase

At the second stage, the temperature in the incubator must be lowered to 37.6 °C. Strong fluctuations in air humidity during this period should not be allowed, as this will lead to the death of the embryos.

Humidity should be in the range of 35-45%.

Third stage

At this stage, the temperature in the incubator should be within +37.6 ... +37.8 ° С. During this period of time, all eggs must be enlightened to check the embryos for development.

If you saw that all the contents are filled with blood vessels, then the embryo develops well. If the fact of the presence of vessels is not revealed, then such eggs must be removed from the incubator.

When the eggs are translucent, the chick stretches its neck from the side of the blunt end of the egg. First of all, the integrity of the air chamber will be violated, and then the shell. When the chick breaks the air chamber, the first sighs and squeaks will already be heard.

Fourth stage

During this period, the temperature in the incubator must be increased to a level of 38.1 - 38.8 ° C. The humidity level should reach 80%. If in your incubator it is possible to increase the level of heat transfer and the speed of air movement, then this is better done.

Illumination at this stage must be repeated. If the chick develops normally, then there will be no gaps in the egg. The size of the air chamber will be equal to a third of the internal volume of the egg. The boundary of this chamber will resemble a curved tubercle.

Necessarily you need to ventilate the incubator for 20 minutes 2 times a day.

At the beginning of the fourth period, all eggs must be laid on their side and not turned over. It is necessary to leave as much space as possible between adjacent eggs. The ventilation level of the incubation chamber should be at the maximum level.

Many farmers who breed chickens at home use special incubators to hatch chickens. In order for the percentage of hatching of young animals to be high, you need to know everything about the mode of incubation of chicken eggs, and how to use the incubator correctly. About this and others important points egg incubation, we will describe in detail in our article.

Eggs for hatching chickens can be bought at farms, but if the poultry farmer himself keeps chickens, then raw materials need to be collected in a timely manner. The productivity and number of young animals directly depends on the quality of the eggs selected for incubation.

Before picking up an egg from a hen's nest, wash your hands thoroughly and hold it carefully by the edges. Incubation material should be:

  1. Pure. Severe contamination can interfere with air access and even corrode the shell.
  2. Medium sizes. Chicks with deviations often hatch from eggs of large sizes, and if chick eggs are used, the hatchability of young animals will be low.
  3. Correctly shaped with a smooth shell without damage. From raw materials with uneven shells, on which there are bumps, roughness, growths and large pores, ugly non-viable offspring is most often obtained.

IN warm time of the year collection takes place twice a day, and in winter every one and a half - two hours. Eggs laid by hens at night are not recommended for breeding chicks. It is best to carry out the selection in the afternoon, immediately marking the sharp end with a pencil. Write the section number and collection date.

Eggs should be removed from the nests in a timely manner, otherwise the chicken will begin to incubate them, as a result of which egg production will decrease.

The material, pointed end down, is placed in wicker baskets or special trays. Otherwise, the contents of the airbox will press on the shell and it may move.

Storage and disinfection

When storing material, it is recommended to adhere to the rule that the fresher it is, the better. The hatch rate is starting to drop already after 5–6 days of storage. The maximum shelf life in cool conditions is 15 days.

Less than three days, raw materials can be stored at a temperature of +18 degrees. For longer storage, air humidity of 75–80% and air temperature from +8 to +12 degrees are required. Once a day, the material must be turned over.

Air humidity is of great importance for weight:

  • at a humidity of 60% in ten days, the weight will decrease by 2.5%;
  • at a humidity of 80% - by 0.8%.

Raw materials quickly lose weight even at high temperatures.

The shell is able to absorb trace elements from the environment, so the egg storage room should be clean and well ventilated.

In order for the incubation to be successful, the material is recommended to be disinfected. To do this, it is wiped with a damp cloth soaked in a 1% or 1.5% solution of hydrogen peroxide or in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

It is necessary to very carefully remove the dirt, and then spread the eggs on a cloth so that they dry out. Do not wash the shell, as you can damage the protective film.

Experienced farmers before incubating chicken eggs for exact definition their qualities are used by the ovoscope:

In order to better examine the insides of the material, it is recommended to use an ovoscope use in a dark room.

Bookmark in the incubator

Before use, you should carefully read the instructions for the drug, because different models may have different functions and differ significantly from each other.

The incubator must be placed on a stable, level surface and all parts must be clean and dry. Pallets and trays must be disinfected with a bleach solution. After that, they are thoroughly rinsed and dried well.

Now you can set the desired humidity and temperature in the incubator. Be sure to check the operation of the cranking mechanism and the fan.

Rules for laying material for incubation:

  1. Raw materials must first be heated to +25 degrees, so it should be kept in a room with room temperature for some time.
  2. Bookmarking is recommended in the evening. This is necessary for the chicks to start hatching in the morning. During the day, all the babies will be born.
  3. For uniform breeding of chicks, first of all, the largest eggs should be laid, after 4 hours the medium ones, and after another 4 hours - the small ones, from which the chicks hatch the fastest.
  4. Water for pallets should be 40-45 degrees. It should be heated in advance, since all bookmarking actions must be carried out quickly.

When incubating chickens, eggs are recommended to be laid on their side, that is, in the same way as they lie naturally in the nest. However, if the incubator is equipped special turning mechanism, then laying should be done with a blunt end up. Only large eggs are laid on their side.

Incubation periods

The embryo in the incubator develops gradually. The entire period of incubation of chicken eggs is 21 days.

Period from 0 to 7 days

These days, the embryo increases in size and all organs are laid in it. Therefore, in the first week it is very important to set the correct temperature in the incubator for chicken eggs. Raw materials should be evenly heated, for which the incubator is equipped with an additional tray with warm water.

Every four hours, the material must be turned over, and the eggs from the edges and from the center should be interchanged. This procedure is carried out quickly so that the air in the incubation device didn't have time to cool down. If the incubator is equipped with a turning mechanism, then the farmer will not have to do this.

The usual temperature during the incubation of chicken eggs is 37.5–37.8 degrees. But in the first three days, the temperature is set at 38 degrees. The ventilation holes are closed. Humidity should be 60-80%.

On the fourth day, the humidity is set to 55%, and the temperature is 37.6–37.8 degrees.

Period from 7th to 11th day

During this period, claws and a beak appear in the embryo, the skeleton is actively formed, and the first sexual characteristics begin to appear. In order for waste to be removed from the egg, nutrition processes to improve and metabolism to increase, it is necessary to accelerate the evaporation of water from it. For this it should remove extra pallets and reduce the humidity in the incubation chamber. At the same time, the ventilation openings open.

The temperature regime remains the same, and the eggs are turned over six times a day.

Third period

It lasts from day 12 until the first peep of the embryo. The embryo already has claws with a cornea and down cover. At this time, the yolk is drawn in, and the albumen is completely used.

In the third period, the chicks inside the eggs need to be hardened. To do this, during the day, once or twice, the pallets are taken out of the incubator and left in a room with an air temperature of 18–25 degrees. After 15–30 minutes, they should be placed back in the incubation chamber. During this time the material should cool down to 32 degrees.

The fourth period

IN last days before birth, the lungs begin to work in the chicks, the umbilical ring closes, and the eyes open. Humidity is maintained at 70%, and the temperature is reduced by 0.3 degrees. It is not necessary to turn the eggs at this time, as the chicks gradually begin to peck through the shell. After a while they hatch. The chamber must not be opened until all the chicks have hatched and dried out. Young animals should be taken from the incubator at the same time.

During the day, all the chickens should hatch and the incubation process can be considered complete. Healthy chicks should be neat, responsive to sounds and active. A slight increase in the abdomen and a slight tarnishing of the down are allowed. Weak chicks are immediately disposed of, since the probability of their full development is small.


For the first time, eggs were checked with an ovoscope when they were selected for storage. During incubation, candling should also be carried out in each of the periods in order to understand which embryo is developing normally, and which egg should be removed:

The fact that the chick is strong and healthy can be found out by watching how it hatches. The chick must quickly break off large shells and also quickly get out of the egg.

Incubator selection

The level of hatchability of chickens from chicken eggs directly depends on the quality of the apparatus for their incubation. Incubators are divided into mechanical and automatic. mechanical equipped manual device for turning eggs, therefore, when using them, constant monitoring is necessary. The poultry farmer himself must turn the eggs on time, otherwise the embryos will die. IN automatic devices mode is set, and the trays turn over by themselves.

When choosing an incubator, pay attention to the following points:

These criteria should be given special attention. Most farmers choose domestic devices Cinderella-A98, Layer77 and incubators I-48 Chinese production. The most affordable are fully manual incubation chambers.

It is not so difficult to hatch chickens from chicken eggs in the incubation chamber. The main thing is proper preparation material and microclimate control throughout the incubation period. As a result, at home, you can get healthy young animals, which will make an excellent chicken herd.

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