It is correct to use mounting foam without a gun. How to use mounting foam without a gun

Craftsmen began to use polyurethane foam without a gun long before manufacturers launched the production of special, so-called "household" cylinders. Some were forced to do this by the price of the device, while others had to get out of the situation due to a breakdown, but in the end, demand nevertheless gave rise to supply, and now the market, along with the usual mounting foam, sold one that does not require additional components for operation.

The end result is the same as with a gun

Whatever type of material is used, the main nuances that must be considered are always the same.

  • Determine at what temperature the work will be performed. This is necessary in order to choose the right foam, because if the thermometer is less than +5, then a special winter composition will be required. On average, the normal temperature for using foam is +20 degrees.
  • You will have to abandon work if the temperature in the room is above thirty degrees or the air is noticeably humid. Both of these factors have a bad effect on adhesion (setting). IN normal conditions(at normal temperature and humidity) before working with foam, it is even recommended to spray a little water on the surface of the seam - this accelerates the reaction with oxygen.
  • After being removed from the cylinder, the foam increases in volume by about 3 times, therefore, the foamed areas are filled by no more than a third.

Over application
  • If the gap to be sealed is wide (8-10 cm or more), then the use of foam will not work. The resulting surface will be brittle and break easily. In addition, do not forget about the cost of this material, so it is important to weigh it - you want to get expensive and unreliable seam, or it is easier to preliminarily reduce it with bricks or large gravel and after that foam it.
  • The correct position of the cylinder, with or without a gun, is upside down. Otherwise, the foam will come out of the wrong consistency, and there is a chance that not all of it will be used, because the pressure is created by compressed air, and if it comes out immediately, further work with this cylinder will become impossible.
  • If the foam has not expanded enough and has not captured all the necessary space, then after the initial hardening, which takes about half an hour, add a second layer on top. Full solidification occurs after about eight hours.

Front further work the excess is cut off
  • When the mounting foam completely hardens, this material will not be susceptible to either moisture or temperature, but in any case, the seam will have to be protected from direct sunlight, because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation the material will shrink, become brittle and fall off the surface.

How to work with foam if there is no gun for it

There is no difference in the work itself - the question is how to extract the foam from the cylinder. There are two options here - there is an ordinary “household” cylinder at hand, or one designed for use with a pistol.

In the first case, the issue is resolved in advance, because manufacturers supply containers with special valves and tubes. It remains to connect and use everything.

Don't forget to protect your eyes and hands

If you have to use a professional cylinder designed for a pistol, then the question is more complicated, because you have to find a tube for the foam to come out and decide how to press the valve. Figuratively, this can be represented as follows - you need to release air from the bicycle chamber so that it all gets to the right point (without catching your hands).

In such cases, the tube is stripped from three parts: flexible-solid-flexible. The valve is pressed with the strong part, the first soft part does not allow the foam to splatter, and the tube already brings it to the processing site.

For any work, do not forget about the protection of hands and face, because the foam is difficult to wash. It's cheaper to buy an extra pair of gloves than it is to buy solvent or walk around with dirty hands.

This design will have to be assembled for a professional cylinder

When and why you have to look for toluene-free foam

When working with concrete walls or brickwork, the presence of this substance in the composition does not play any role. Problems will begin if you foam the areas insulated with foam plastic, because the latter begins to melt under the influence of toluene. As a result - a layer of foam "eats" a hole for itself and falls into it - the work will have to be redone.

If you need to glue the foam to the surface, then this property of toluene is only at hand, because it literally “welds” the sheet to the wall. By the way, this is widely used when leveling walls with drywall without a frame - gluing the sheets directly onto brick or concrete with a “montage”.

That's the whole difference - if you want to work with foam-like materials, then you need to choose - you need to melt it or it's better to look for foam without toluene, the choice of which is represented by polyurethane and similar compounds.

Mounting foam is one of the most difficult materials to remove: if it has already got on fabric, leather or other surfaces, it is quite difficult to clean them. But it's worth a try.

Surface fresh foam hardened foam
Hand skin Carefully removed with a sponge, the remains are removed with improvised means - scrub, acetone, thinner, gasoline, saturated saline Removed only mechanically. Usually loses its properties and falls off after 2-3 days
Textile It is collected with a stick, the residues are removed with a cleaner.
Important! When processing the fabric, stains may remain!
Large pieces are cut off whenever possible, and the remains are treated with a special solvent to hardened foam, white spirit or gasoline. Stained spots are removed with stain removers.
PVC (frames, window sills) Carefully removed, the surface is wiped with a special cleaner for PVC Carefully cut off, the surface is wiped with a special cleaner for PVC (usually marked - for installing windows)
Floor covering (linoleum, laminate, parquet) Remove the foam with a spatula, collect the rest with a sponge moistened with a cleaner. Spots may appear! FROM wooden surfaces they are removed by grinding, while varnished coatings cannot be cleaned off - they will have to be replaced. After cutting off the foam, the residues are carefully dissolved with a special cleaner or Dimexide preparation (sold in pharmacies). It is necessary to work with such substances with gloves - potent components can cause burns!

As you already know, mounting foam is not designed to seal holes smaller than 1 cm - it is better to fill such gaps with silicone sealants.

Alexander Birzhin,

The problem is how to correctly use polyurethane foam without a gun over time can become relevant for everyone. This question arises very sharply when it is time to repair the dilapidated or build a new building. During this period, very often there is an urgent need to remove gaps and cracks, if necessary, or doors. Mounting foam - the best remedy which solves this problem.

Mounting foam says no to cracks!

Among the various types of sealant, polyurethane foam is the most popular. This material will help very well in the wall, cracks and joints that are more than three centimeters wide.

The packaging in which the foam is sold is an aerosol spray can made of metal. Despite the small weight, the concentration of contents inside is very high. From the capacity of one package, you can get more than 40 liters of foam in order to close up various gaps. With the help of video instructions, you can learn how to competent work with this sealant.

Before you start using mounting foam without a gun, you need to take into account that this substance becomes solid under the influence of a humid environment, and also increases noticeably in volume after the balloon has been used. It has a porous structure and has excellent thermal insulation properties. Due to the fact that the foam has a possible long service life, it is indispensable for repair and construction works Oh. With its help, you can close up gaps, fasten structures, ensure the fixation of joints, heat and soundproof these places.

This solution has several categories - semi-professional with the use of a plastic tube and professional (pistol type, you can read in detail,), winter, summer and all-weather. Such a cylinder device was invented with the aim of easily displacing the foam from the cylinder with a special gas. As a result, the formation liquid polymer its solidification and the formation of polyurethane foam.

So, polyurethane foam is a universal tool that has heat and sound insulating properties, connects, fastens and glues different parts, is convenient for installation work, and has practical packaging. With its expansion, it is possible to repair joints and seams with high quality, after solidification, you do not need to pay attention to it in the future.

Previously, cement mortar served as an alternative to this material, but its production is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. For simplicity, convenience and combination in working with, metal, wood, concrete and stone, foam mortar can be preferred.

What you should pay attention to when purchasing mounting foam:

  1. First of all, you should pay attention so that the product does not turn out to be a fake. The main criterion here is the country of origin.
  2. When buying a product in a store, you need to pay attention to the production date and specified period storage.
  3. It is necessary to check the weight of the cylinder before buying, as well as the cleanliness of its valve, in order to avoid purchasing a used product.
  4. The purchase of polyurethane foam occurs depending on the time of year.
  5. It should be borne in mind that the volume of the substance released from the cylinder has the same dimensions, does not differ in consistency.
  6. Main criterion good product- after it has been applied to a vertical surface, it should not slip, including from walls and window surfaces.
  7. The application of sealant to the surface is done by uniform extrusion of the substance and at a constant speed.
  8. Foam is sold in aerosol cans made of metal. They are lightweight, easy to use and have a high concentration of content - more than 40 liters of foam are obtained from one package during use.
  9. This design was invented by foam manufacturers not by chance - with its help, the material comes out when there is a special gas inside. As a result, the polymer successfully hardens at the gaps and joints and a fairly rigid base is formed.

Working with mounting foam is a process that does not require much effort. It is characterized by simplicity and convenience. But, in order not to worsen the quality of work, you need to know certain subtleties.

  • Firstly, installation work is carried out in the absence of low temperatures. According to expert advice, the hardening process occurs more efficiently at temperatures from plus 5 to plus 30 degrees. Similar work is carried out from mid-spring to mid-autumn. The exception is winter types of foam.
  • Secondly, you need to work only with gloves. They allow you to avoid contamination of the hands and, as a result, a long process of cleaning from the foam solution. Workers often miss this rule, which is quite dangerous. Therefore, questions often arise.
  • Thirdly, do not try to work with foam everywhere, anywhere. If you need to fill a gap with a width of 1 to 8 cm, then using mounting foam is acceptable and approved. In the event that the gap size is larger, it is better to use alternative materials, such as plastic, brick or foam. If less than a centimeter, putty can be applied. It should be remembered - after completing work with the sealant, the excess amount of foam is cut off with a knife (do not remove the excess with your hands).
  • Fourthly, before applying the foam, it is advisable to water the area to be sealed with water. The foam cures and cures much faster and more efficiently when the ambient humidity ranges from 60 to 80 percent.
  • Fifth, shake the bottle well before starting work. This should last not a couple of seconds, but about a minute. This is enough for the solution inside the container to turn into a homogeneous mass.

We take the bottle in hand. Shake the contents of the bottle before removing the protective cover. After we have screwed the supplied tube onto the adapter, we turn the cylinder upside down. It is in this position that the balloon is used when installation work. This subtlety is very important because the foam displacing gas is very light and the whole mixture is more efficiently mixed when the cylinder is upside down.

Now we apply foam, taking into account the fact that it increases in volume. Therefore, it is necessary to apply foam into the hollow space by no more than a third. After some time, there is an increase in volume by another 2-3 times, and after that it is already possible to cut off all the excess with a knife. When applying foam not horizontally, but vertically, the solution should be directed from bottom to top. This provides ease of application and the appearance of a base for fixing, not yet cured sealant.

After applying the foam, it is sprayed with water to improve and more efficient the curing process. When we see a shortage of foam at the joints, we need to wait a little time, about half an hour, for the bottom layer to harden, and then we can add it to the same places. But do not try too hard, the surplus will no longer be needed.

In one pass, the foam layer, when applied, has an allowable value of three, four centimeters. In the case when the gap is larger, then the application of the foam occurs sequentially, the layers are applied one after the other.

After 8 hours have passed since the foam was applied, it will dry completely. You should not try to start arranging furniture, wallpapering, installing shelves immediately after applying the foam. In the sealed joints, remove excess foam, cover with leveling agents ( best options- this is plaster, paint or cement).

You can also use polyurethane sealing tape as a protection. This helps to increase the service life and prevent from UV rays. You can use the spray gun for whitewashing, and then proceed to other stages of finishing work.

Quality control - saving time and money

The foam solution must have elasticity, stick well to the treated surface. High-quality foam, after it sits down and hardens, it will not dry out into small crumbs. To avoid unnecessary problems, before the material has completely hardened, you can not touch it and start processing it, in order to avoid changes in the very structure of the material and not interfere with the polymerization process.

Available good quality work performed only if the material meets the relevant standards. Then you do not have to do the work of sealing the joints again. It should be borne in mind that there are cans on sale in various price categories and which have different foam output capacities. In this case, it is better to buy aerosol can at a more expensive price, so that it is enough for all the cracks, than to buy several cheaper ones.

Polyurethane foam - excellent repair quality

When buying foam, you need to remember that the use of the balloon is designed for only a single use. Based on this, you do not need to use the balloon twice. If you know how to use mounting foam without a gun, then it is not difficult to calculate the volume required to complete this work. Otherwise, it is better to get advice from those who work in this field, or consult with the seller in the store.

The repeated use of the container with foam takes place only when the operation is carried out with the sealant through a short time. In this case, upon completion of the first stage of work, treat the tube (gun), valve with a specially designed liquid to remove foam. But, as a rule, this method is not used by workers on construction sites.

  1. To remove excess, you need to prepare a water sprayer and a knife to cut off excess in advance.
  2. If the foam is in unnecessary places, you can remove it with a soft acetone sponge.
  3. Economical consumption of mounting foam will help to avoid additional costs for cylinders.
  4. It is necessary to treat the surface after applying the foam after 4 hours. At the end of 7-8 hours, it will become more difficult to cut it, the hardening process is completely over.
  5. Work should be done using a respirator, it will protect the human body from unnecessary chemicals. It also does not hurt if the worker has glasses, gloves and overalls. So it's not easy.
  6. You should not wait until the foam becomes dark in color, as this indicates that the reaction to ultraviolet exposure has begun (initially it has a light yellow tint).
  7. It is forbidden to use polyurethane foam near an open fire and store the cylinder under the influence of open sunlight (this is a common rule, but it is often not followed, there is a risk of running into the consequences of a fire and the arrival of firefighters). The composition of the sealant uses various components that can ignite. This can lead to very sad consequences. Foam has classes: fire-fighting, self-extinguishing or combustible (this must be known in advance).
  8. The occurrence of problems is also associated if the foam is applied to a dirty surface. To solve this problem, the treated surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  9. If the temperature outside the window is below plus 5 degrees, then the viscosity of the product may not be suitable for use due to non-compliance with the standards. Also, the normal structure of the foam can be disturbed by an increase in ambient temperature up to 30-35 degrees Celsius (an exception is all-weather foam, which is suitable for use at temperatures from minus 10 to plus 40 degrees).
  10. If you take a chance by applying summer foam in winter, then there is a risk of getting foam that crumbles and has vitreous bubbles. She begins to crawl down, which means money thrown to the wind. For your information, the all-weather solution has temperature limits up to minus 10 degrees, the indicator of the contents of the cylinder and minus 5, the temperature of the container

Provided that you have taken into account all the tips on how to use polyurethane foam without a gun that have been mentioned here, you can proceed with complete confidence to construction work that involves the use of polyurethane foam. With the help of foam material, it is also easy to fill the extra voids in the walls with seals with different widths of joints and cracks. So you can safely proceed to quality repairs!


At present, practically, with any type of construction or repair work mounting foam is widely used. This convenient material is widely used in the arrangement of door and window openings, installation of plumbing fixtures, sealing window sills and in the case of other similar manipulations.

In addition, a universal sealant is often used in the manufacture of heat-insulating panels, it is filled different kind cavities and cracks building structures. The main advantage of this building material is its versatility. Using it is easy and convenient.

Foam, gun and cleaner - the main attributes of working with polyurethane foam

What is mounting foam

This sealing material comes in household and professional varieties. Them performance characteristics comparable, the main differences are in the volume of containers in which one or another type of packaging is packaged. Household foam is produced in cylinders with a capacity of up to eight hundred milliliters, equipped with a small section tube. The internal pressure does not reach large values, this helps to reduce the consumption of the active substance even when using the canister without special devices.

Professional foam is labeled accordingly

Sealant for professional use is available in cylinders with a capacity of one and a half liters and is designed to perform large-scale work on sealing doors, windows, filling large cavities, and so on. The pressure inside the container is very high, so it is difficult to apply the material correctly without special tools. The exit opening of the professional capper is supplied with a mount for installing a pistol sprayer.

Preparation for applying the material

The elements to be processed must be prepared before applying the mounting foam. To do this, perform the following manipulations:

  • The surface is thoroughly cleaned of building dirt and degreased. If the width of the cavity exceeds eight centimeters, it is recommended to fill it with foam to reduce the consumption of mounting foam and improve the heat-insulating properties.
  • The treated area is moistened. To do this, it is better to use a spray, then the surface will be wetted evenly.
  • Temperature tracked environment. Foam can be applied in the range of positive temperatures from five to twenty degrees Celsius. The upper limit is thirty degrees. In case of frost, a material resistant to low temperatures is used.

Winter foam is designed to work with low temperatures

When working, you must comply with safety requirements. All manipulations are performed with goggles and gloves. The respirator is used in the presence of toluene in the composition of the active substance.

Working with a can with a straw

You can work without a gun as follows. Shake the foam can vigorously before starting. Then the tubing included in the kit is screwed onto the adapter, and the container is turned upside down. This is done due to the fact that the displacing gas is much lighter than the active substance, and with this position of the cylinder, all the components of the material are better mixed and exit the container.

Rules for applying foam with a straw

When applying foam, it must be taken into account that the material increases significantly in volume during solidification, and therefore the cavity should be filled no more than a third of its depth. The resulting excess can always be cut off with a long sharp knife.

It is necessary to moisten with water not only the surface to be treated, but also the sealant itself, so it will set faster.

The thickness of the applied material should not exceed four centimeters. Before continuing work, it is necessary to wait about thirty minutes for the previous layer to harden. Final curing will occur after eight hours. It must be admitted that using mounting foam without a gun is not always convenient. The following video will help resolve the remaining questions.

Benefits of using gun foam

The use of pistol foam compared to the use of household cans has several advantages. The main one is the precisely adjusted amount of sealing material supplied to the treated surface. In addition, quite long breaks in work are possible. The mounting foam in the pistol device does not harden much longer than in a can with a straw.

Pistol foam is easier to work with

The long barrel of the gun allows processing hard-to-reach places, the flow of foam through the nozzle is much smoother than through a plastic tube. This is very important when layer-by-layer filling of large cavities and, if necessary, vertical application of sealant.

The plasticity indicators of professional foam are better than those of household foam, due to this and a more accurate dosage, the material is consumed more economically.

The productivity of labor with the use of a gun is greatly increased. This is especially important when performing large-scale construction work.

How the gun works

The foam gun is quite simple to set up. Main constituent parts his designs are:

  • Threaded or snap-on mounting on containers with polyurethane foam. It has a valve with a pin.
  • Foam opening mechanism. It is made in curd form.
  • Material supply control device. It is made in the form of a screw.
  • outlet tube. Through it, foam is supplied.
  • Pistol grip. It should fit comfortably in your hand.

The quality of the gun determines the ease of use

The more metal parts in the gun, the more reliable it is to use. In particular, this applies to the details of its design, which are subjected to the greatest operational loads.

Preparation and replacement of the cartridge, installation of the gun

Before you install the can on the gun, the material must be prepared. For this, the following procedures are performed:

  • The container is heated in water to operating temperature and vigorously shaken to bring the active substance to a homogeneous consistency. This is done for a uniform output of the material.
  • The pistol device is located down with the handle, the cylinder is screwed on top or snapped into place with the protective cap previously removed. A hissing sound indicates the beginning of the foam exit process.
  • With the adjustment screw, when the trigger mechanism is pressed, foam of normal density is achieved. The first portions are sent to a plastic bag to bleed excess air from the system.

Even with a small amount of work, it is difficult to do without a foam cleaner

Before replacing the cylinder, the design details of the pistol device must be cleaned of contaminants. For this, the following manipulations are performed:

  • the trigger mechanism is pressed to relieve excess pressure in the system;
  • a container with a cleaning solution is installed on the pistol device;
  • several times for about ten seconds, washing is carried out until a clear solution comes out;
  • structural elements are lubricated.

Rules for working with gun foam

Pistol foam is applied to the treated surfaces evenly in the direction from the left to the right or vertically from the bottom to the top. The cavity is filled by half or a third of the volume in accordance with the coefficient of expansion of the material. If it is necessary to seal the seams on the ceiling, the barrel of the gun is extended with a flexible tube so that the cartridge is placed under the ceiling. The length of the applied layer should not exceed ten, and the thickness - four centimeters. The next layer is applied after the initial hardening of the previous one.

When grouting ceilings, the benefits of using a gun are even more noticeable

Pistol foam expands as it cures and presses on adjacent planes, which can cause them to deform. As a result, if there is a need to fill through gaps, mounting foam is poured only on one side, and on the opposite side, a different sealant is used, most often based on silicone.

In the process of performing work, it is necessary to ensure that the end of the gun barrel is always placed inside the applied layer of sealing material. The cured foam is cleaned with a rag moistened with acetone or other solvent. A specially selected video clearly demonstrates the described process.

Curing time and seams

Complete curing of the mounting foam occurs eight hours after its application. All this time, it is not necessary to exert a mechanical effect on its surface, since the internal structure of the sealing material may undergo undesirable changes. After this time, the excess mounting foam is cut off with a sharply sharpened cutting tool or a hacksaw for metal. If this is done prematurely, the quality of the seam itself may be impaired, it may sag and fall inward. To accelerate the hardening of the sealing material, it is recommended to moisten it with a spray gun.

Stages of processing, protection and finishing after applying mounting foam

Mounting foam has excellent heat and sound insulating properties. operational qualities, but the surface of the seams formed by this material does not look very nice. As a result, in most cases, their decorative processing is carried out with putty, cement mortar, paint or other finishing building material.

The cured sealant withstands significant temperature fluctuations in the environment, but decomposes under the influence of ultraviolet radiation when exposed to direct sunlight. As a result, the surface of the joints formed by the mounting foam is painted, plastered, covered with architraves or protected from solar radiation in some other way.

IN modern world used in almost all types of repair and construction work. It is used during the installation of doors, windows and window sills, plumbing fixtures. Also this construction material has found wide application as a heater - they close cracks and cracks, sandwich panels and various heaters are made from it.

The main advantage of polyurethane foam is the convenience and ease of use.

Types of mounting foam

In order to figure out how to use mounting foam correctly, consider its varieties. Today, modern industry produces three types of this material: professional and household cylinders, as well as two-component mounting foam (we will not consider it in this article, since it is used only in production conditions). What is their difference? What type to give preference? How to use a balloon with polyurethane foam The main criterion for choosing this material is its purpose.

Foam for professional use (pistol)

This material is sold in cylinders from 1.5 l and differs in that it can only be used with professional builders, because this design allows you to easily and quickly get the job done.

The use of a gun greatly facilitates the dosage of the material. For one-time work at home, the material is not very convenient, because after application it is necessary to wash the gun, and this is an additional financial cost. There are manufacturers who complete the cylinders with a spray tube. But it is not economical to apply professional foam from it, since strong pressure increases its consumption.

Foam for home use

It is sold in tubes, the capacity of which is 0.6-0.8 liters, and is completed with a straw. It is intended for single use. Convenient for filling small spaces and correcting various installation imperfections. Household polyurethane foam is endowed with the same properties as professional use. There is a tubing included. If necessary, you can use both a cylinder and a gun.

The cost of professional foam is much higher than household foam, and this is mainly due to the difference in their volume.

Gun design

Before we learn how to use a spray foam can, let's first look at the design of the gun. Regardless of manufacturer? its device is the same and quite simple:

  • If the supply of household foam occurs through a PVC tube, then in the gun it is carried out through a metal one with a special tip - a nozzle. The tip opening is 5 times smaller than the cross section of the feed tube, thereby increasing operating pressure mixtures.
  • The cylinder is connected through an adapter - an adapter, which is fixed on the gun body.
  • The purpose of the adjusting screw is to control the output of the mixture.
  • The handle of this tool is aluminum or plastic. It is attached to the barrel with a nut. Thanks to the collapsible design, the gun is easy to clean from frozen residues.
  • The trigger serves to supply the mixture from the cylinder.

How to install a cylinder on a gun

In order to learn how to properly use a foam gun, let's first look at how to insert it:

  • The first thing to do is to warm up the foam balloon in hot water before room temperature and shake thoroughly for 20-25 seconds to bring the polyurethane foam substance to a homogeneous state. The foam will come out of a homogeneous consistency and in full.

  • The container is closed on top with a protective cap, which must be removed before installation. Then place the gun with the handle down. When connecting, firmly hold the device with one hand by the handle, and with the other, rotate the cylinder onto the adapter. Evidence of connection will be a hiss, which indicates the flow of foam. If this sound was not there, this indicates a malfunction of the inlet ball valve or the expiration date of the foam itself. To eliminate such a problem, the gun will have to be disassembled and cleaned of dried old material.
  • After shaking, the device is placed in the working position with the handle down. The adjusting screw is turned a quarter of a turn and the trigger is pulled, directing the barrel into the bag. When the consistency of the foam is normal, get to work.

Mounting foam: how to use a can with a gun?

To work with polyurethane foam does not require special skills. It will be enough to try to foam something once or twice, and everything will work out. Consider the order of work and some of the nuances:

Polyurethane foam is a material sensitive to ultraviolet rays, which, under their influence, is destroyed, changes color and crumbles. If used outdoors, then after complete drying and removal of excess, it is necessary to cover it with cement mortar.

How to use mounting foam with a tube?

If a gun is not provided for the cylinder (in household foam), then instead of it a PVC tube is included in the kit, which is screwed onto the adapter. The principle of operation is identical to professional foaming. It is not always convenient to work with such a balloon, but for one-time use it is great. This option will be ideal in that situation, if you plan to close up small seams.

So, what are the disadvantages of polyurethane foam? How to use it, we have already found out. Now let's look at the cons of such material:

  • It is impossible to dose the supply of the contents of the container, which increases the consumption of mounting foam.
  • The inconvenience of working with this tool. Holding the balloon upside down by hand is quite tiring and even inconvenient. The arm often gets tired and constant breaks are needed.

Using mounting foam without a gun and a straw

Sometimes professional polyurethane foam can be used without a gun. How to use the balloon? In this situation, you will have to pick up the foam tube yourself and figure out how to press the valve. Figuratively, this process can be represented as follows: you need to let the air out so that it can all get to the right point and at the same time not catch your hands.

In this case, a tube of 3 parts is chosen: the first and third are flexible, and the second is solid. The valve is pressed with the middle part, the first prevents the mounting foam from splashing, and the third already brings it to the place of processing.


So, we have considered mounting foam. How to use such material, we also studied. But do not forget about the protection of hands and face, since the foam is rather difficult to wash off. It's much cheaper to buy an extra pair of gloves than it is to buy thinner or walk around with dirty hands.