Ayurveda. Ancient wisdom and modern science for perfect health

What causes this attack? Nobody knows for sure, but, apparently, a mysterious factor is involved here, which can be called "master control". This means that although we give shelter to many bacteria, we somehow open or close the "gate" for them. More than 99.99% of the time the "gates" are closed, which means that each of us is much closer to perfect health than we realize.

The leading cause of death in the United States is cardiovascular disease, which is mainly caused by plaque buildup blocking the coronary vessels that carry oxygen to the heart. When cholesterol and other residual substances begin to settle in these vessels, oxygen deprivation threatens the heart muscle. However, the course of heart disease is different for everyone. Someone, with a very small plaque, can be incapacitated by angina, pressing chest pain, symptomatic of cardiovascular diseases. Another person, carrying a lot of plaque that can block the flow of oxygen to the heart, may not feel anything. It is known that people whose blood vessels are 85% blocked ran a marathon, while others, with absolutely clean vessels, fell dead from heart attacks. Our physical ability to ward off disease is incredibly powerful and flexible.

In addition to bodily physical immunity, we can all provide strong emotional resistance to disease. An old patient of mine once put it this way: “I have read enough books on psychology to understand perfectly well that a normal adult must come to terms with the fact that he will get sick, grow old and eventually die. At some level of consciousness, I understood and accepted this, but emotionally and instinctively I do not believe in it. Growing old and physically weak seems to me a disgusting mistake, and I always hoped that someone would come and fix it. "

Now this woman is about 70, but her physical and mental condition is fine. When asked about the future, she replies: "You can consider me crazy, but my attitude to it is this: I'm not going to grow old and die." Is it really that unreasonable? People who think they are "too busy to be sick" tend to have above average health, while those who worry a lot about disease are much more likely to fall prey to it. Another person told us that he was interested in the idea of ​​absolute health because it contained creative solution perhaps the only solution is the insurmountable problems that medicine constantly faces. A gifted leader in electronics, he likened absolute health to "breakthrough thinking" that transforms corporations.

“Breakthrough thinking” is a unique form of problem solving: first, you improve the situation by setting the bar of your hopes much higher than you can believe, and then you look for a way to realize your vision. “If people continue to think and act in the old way,” the person explains, “they can improve something by 5-10% by working harder than before. However, in order to improve the result from 2 to 10 times, the bar must be overstated so that people say: "Well, if you want such an improvement, for this you need to choose a completely different path."

"Breakthrough Thinking" has been used by cutting-edge computer companies in Silicon Valley. So, for example, if for development modern model computer or software took 48 months, the next generation had to be done in 24 months. If manufacturing defects were reduced to 5%, then in the future it became the rule of "zero defect rate". This is how the principle of absolute health works - it sets itself the goal of "zero defect rate", and then opens the way through which this goal can be achieved. When it comes to computers, it sometimes costs 8 to 10 times more to fix a broken machine than to fix the defect right from the start. For this reason, it is so attractive to “extract the quality of the source” (ie, initially correct performance), which gives more results than just further development of the “well-known”.

The same is true in medicine, where prevention is significantly cheaper than cure, both humanly and economically. A 1988 poll shows that Americans fear serious illness more than anything else. The reason for this fear has nothing to do with pain and suffering - it has to do with the monstrous costs of long-term hospital treatment and the ruinous costs of any surgery or medicine. Even death frightens a person less than the ability to leave a family without a livelihood. It is clear that we need a medical approach that relies on “extracting the quality of the source” and helps to develop it in humans.


The first secret we want to reveal to you regarding ideal health is that you must strive for it yourself. You can only be as healthy as you think possible. Absolute health does not differ for the better from good by 5 or 10%. It presupposes a complete shift and perspective that avoids disease and frail old age. Can we really believe in a "zero defect rate" for an organism as complex as the human body? According to the National Institute of Aging, no amount of diet, exercise, vitamins, medication, or lifestyle change has ever been proven to be a reliable source of continued life. It is now easier to prevent the inevitable ailments of aging, such as heart disease, paralysis, cancer, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc., than ever before, and yet unrealistic. Although in public speeches, medical scientists are optimistic about fundamental discoveries in the treatment of cancer and other major intractable diseases, they are much more pessimistic among themselves. The most they hope for is a tactic of slow, gradual, tiny steps to solve the problem. (Lowering cholesterol levels, according to statistics, reduces the number of heart attacks in a huge number of people, but is not a guarantee of salvation for everyone.)

For health to be twice or ten times better, a new kind of knowledge is needed, based on a deeper concept of life. This book presents a unique source of such knowledge - the system of medical prevention and health care called Maharishi Ayurveda. Ayurveda originated in India over 5000 years ago; this word comes from two Sanskrit roots: ayus - life and Veda - knowledge, or science. Therefore, "Ayurveda" is often translated as "knowledge of life." Another, more accurate translation is "knowledge of the duration of human life."

The aim of Ayurveda is to show us how it is possible to change human life, influence it, prolong and completely control it, avoiding the interference of disease and old age. The main principle of Ayurveda is that consciousness has the strongest effect on the body, and liberation from illness depends on whether we come into contact with our own consciousness, bring it into balance, and then communicate this balance to our body. This state of balanced consciousness raises your health a notch higher sooner and better than any immunity.

Ayurveda- the fruit of collective wisdom, which began to emerge many centuries ago, long before the construction of the Egyptian pyramids, and was passed down from generation to generation. The modern system, Maharishi Ayurveda, based on the insights of the ancient sages, was not known in the West until 1985. It is named after Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the doctrine of transcendental meditation who began to revive Ayurveda in the early 80s. I had the good fortune to become one of the first doctors to take up new medicine. Over the past five years, I have treated more than ten thousand patients with this method, and almost a hundred doctors have learned from me. Following Maharishi Ayurveda, I did not negate my previous professional experience, but only pushed its boundaries. The combination of Maharishi Ayurveda and Western medicine embodies the unity of ancient wisdom and modern science, which have proved to be completely compatible. As a physician, I continue to compile medical records and information about the physical condition of my patients, relying on objective tests to help make a diagnosis; but in addition, I lead my patients to deep introspection so that they can find in themselves the most powerful and most curative of all means - balanced consciousness.


To understand what it is, you need to look deeper into the body itself. According to Ayurveda, the physical body is the gateway to what I call the "quantum human body." Physicists claim that the basic structural level is quantum, not atomic or molecular. Quantum, which is defined as the basic unit of matter or energy, is 10,000,000 to 100,000,000 times smaller than the smallest atom. At this level, matter and energy become interchangeable. In all quanta, invisible vibrations occur, which are, as it were, light traces of energy awaiting the birth of a physical form. Ayurveda claims that the same applies to the human body - at first it takes the form of strong but invisible vibrations, which are called quantum fluctuations, and then begins to combine into impulses of energy and particles of matter.

The "quantum" body underlies everything: our thoughts, feelings, proteins, cells, organs - any of our visible or invisible parts. On a quantum level, your body sends out all sorts of invisible signals waiting for you to receive them. At the heart of your physical pulse is the quantum one generated by the quantum heart. In essence, Maharishi Ayurveda states that all organs and processes in your body have a quantum equivalent.

A "quantum" body is of little use to us if we cannot locate it. Fortunately, humans are able to sense these weak vibrations thanks to the incredible sensitivity of our nervous system. A single photon of light striking the retina of the eye affects it much weaker than a speck of dust on a football field. However, special nerve endings on the retina, rods and cones, are capable of detecting a single photon and sending a signal to the brain, making you see light. Rods and cones are like giant radio telescopes, powerful structures that can pick up signals to the very limit of their physical capabilities, and then amplify them in such a way that our senses can perceive them directly.

By dealing with a deep "quantum" body, Maharishi Ayurveda can make changes that are inaccessible to conventional medicine, which still stands at the level of simple physiology. This is because energy at the quantum level is infinitely superior to the energy found at more primitive levels. Explosion. atomic bomb Is one example of a giant quantum effect. A more telling example is a laser, which uses the same light as the one emitted by a flash. By creating coherent quantum vibrations, it amplifies their energy so much that they are able to pierce iron.

The quantum principle is at work here, which reveals to us that the most elusive levels of nature have the greatest potential energy. The void of intergalactic space, although it is a normal vacuum, contains an almost incredible amount of latent energy, one cubic centimeter of which would be enough for a star to flare up. It is only when a quantum leap occurs that this so-called "latent energy" is converted into heat, light, and other forms of radiation.

It is well known: burn a log - and the energy output will be much less than when its atoms are split into nuclear reaction... But we forgot about the creative part of the same equation: creating something new at a quantum level requires the same amount of energy as destruction. Only nature creates rocks, trees, stars and galaxies, and we are in a hurry trying to create something no less complex and precious than a star - a human body. Whether we realize it or not, we are all responsible for creating our own body. In the winter of 1988, a San Francisco-based cardiologist, Dr. Dean Ornish, proved that forty patients with severe heart disease could avoid coronary blockages. When the arteries of these patients began to open, fresh oxygen entered the heart, relieving their fear and chest pains and reducing their risk of death.

Without relying on conventional medications and surgery, Dr. Ornish's group resorted to simple exercises yoga, meditation, and a strict cholesterol-lowering diet. Why was this discovery considered so extraordinary? Because conventional medicine has never before admitted that the course of heart disease can be stopped and reversed. A purely medical view of this problem is as follows: arterial disease follows a certain pattern; no matter what you believe, what you think, eat, do, these arteries are haunted by an unforgiving fate; every day they wear out more and more, in the end they turn out to be blocked and pinch the heart muscle.

However, at the quantum level, no part of the body exists independently of the rest. There are no wires to connect molecules in your arteries, just like there are no visible connections connecting stars in the galaxy to each other. However, both arteries and galaxies form a single whole, as if constructed according to an integral perfect plan. Invisible bonds that cannot be seen under a microscope are quantum in nature; without this "hidden physiology" your visible physiology could not exist. It would never be more than a random combination of molecules.

From the point of view of Maharishi Ayurveda, the breakthrough method used by Dr. Ornish to treat heart disease will be correct for any disorder as long as you know how to use the “quantum” body. Cholesterol plaque build-up seems like a serious symptom, like rust on an old mouthpiece, but plaque lives and changes just like the rest of the body. New large molecules penetrate into them, then leave them, oxygen and nutrition are supplied to them through new capillaries. A truly new word in Ornish's research is that we can destroy in the body what is already built in it. A person who dies of a heart attack at the age of fifty has countless opportunities to build new arteries. A woman in her 70s who develops osteoporosis of the spine has had countless opportunities to cure it. (In reality, we cannot count them on our fingers, since the process of change is constantly ongoing, but a damaged artery or bone can be healed in a few weeks or months.) We are constantly creating new bodies. Why not build a healthy artery, a healthy spine, a perfect and healthy person?

According to the ancient Indian Vedic tradition, the intellect is the fundamental force of nature. After all, the Universe is not an "energy soup", not just chaos. The incredible harmony of our world, where everything is adjusted to each other, and the amazing fact of the existence of DNA testify to the infinitely great intelligence in nature. As one astrophysicist put it, the likelihood that life came about by accident is almost the same as a hurricane sweeping through a littered landfill and creating a Boeing 707. One of the most significant changes in modern science is that suddenly models began to appear in which intelligence is seen as the vital force of the universe. (For example, in physics there is the so-called principle of entropy, which assumes that all creation, since the Big Bang, clearly led to the emergence of man.)

Why is this important to us now? Because Maharishi Ayurveda, considered in a broad context, is nothing more than a way that helps to get in touch with the quantum level within us. To penetrate into it, a special technique is needed, which we will consider in great detail and which will help you to throw off the "mask" of the physical body; besides, you have to cross the border and go beyond the constant activity in which consciousness resides, activity comparable to the noise of a radio that cannot be turned off. Behind this shutdown lies a streak of silence that turns out to be as empty as the quantum field between the stars. However, like the quantum field, our inner silence is very promising.

The silence within us is the key to our "quantum" body. This is not chaotic, but organized silence. It has a form and composition, purpose and processes, exactly the same as those of the physical body. Instead of seeing your body as a collection of cells, tissues, and organs, you can turn to quantum theory and see it as a silent stream of intelligence, constantly generating impulses that create, control, and finally become your physical body. The secret of living at this level is that anything in your body can be changed with the help of desire.

You may find this far too implausible, so let me tell the story of a perfectly ordinary six-year-old boy named Timmy who suffers from an extremely strange mental illness - "multiple personalities." Timmy feels more than a dozen separate personalities in himself, with different emotions, intonations and addictions. However, people with multiple personalities are not just a psychological phenomenon: while they lose one personality and acquire a new one, dramatic changes can occur in their bodies as well.

He is called the "guru of the stars". He replies: "I am not a guru, I am a doctor. So-called celebrities make up 0.1% of those who attend my seminars." Deepak Chopra is an endocrinologist who seeks scientific evidence for the connections between body, brain and spirit. Time ranked him in the list of 100 icons of the 21st century as the "poet-evangelist" of Ayurvedic medicine. Chopra has published 42 books, the latter on the "Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga" and published in Italy by Sperling & Kupfer. In this book, the author gives advice on how to balance the mind and body in order to improve a person. Cognition of oneself and the world around us in close interconnection reveals to the reader the secret of ideal health. "Now that you know that along with the physical body there is also a 'quantum' body, many things that seemed mysterious before appear in a new light. Here are two amazing facts from the practice of cardiovascular medicine. Fact 1: Mondays at 9 o'clock in the morning happens more ...

Publisher: "Tree of Life" (1992)

Format: 84x108 / 32, 431 pages

ISBN: 5-873928-003-9

Deepak Chopra

Deepak Chopra


Chopra was born in New Delhi, India. His father, Krishna (Krishnan or Krishnan) Chopra, was a cardiologist who served as a priest at a local hospital and a lieutenant in the British Army. Chopra's grandfather practiced Ayurveda.

Chopra emigrated to the United States in 1968 with his wife Rita. In 1993 he moved with his family to La Jolla, California. They currently live in San Diego with their children Gautam and Mallika.

Chopra's younger brother, Sanjeev, is a professor of medicine and dean of the Faculty of Continuing Medical Education at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.


Chopra received his primary education at St Columbus School in New Delhi, then graduated from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) .He completed his clinical practice and residency at the Muhlenberg Hospital in Plainfield (New Jersey), in Lahey Hospital in Burlington, Massachusetts, and the University of Virginia Hospital, Chopra passed the exam for Doctor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology upon completing his residency.


  • "Vital energy"
  • “How to know God. The journey of the soul to the secret of secrets "
  • "Life after life"
  • "The Mystery of Secrets. The Journey of the Soul"
  • "Fulfillment of desires"
  • "Third Jesus. Jesus We Don't Know"
  • "Timeless body and mind"
  • "Spontaneous fulfillment of desires"
  • "Kama Sutra"
  • "Life after death"
  • "Strength, Freedom and Grace"
  • "Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents"
  • "The path to love. Renewal of Love and Strength of Spirit in your life"
  • "Pregnancy and childbirth: a magical start to a new life"
  • "Adequate sleep. A complete program to overcome insomnia"
  • "Perfect digestion. The key to a balanced life"
  • "Boundless Energy"
  • "Book of Secrets"
  • "Fire in the heart. Spiritual laws of growing up"
  • "Delivering the Soul from Fear and Suffering"
  • "10 Steps to Rejuvenation. Get Younger, Live Longer"
  • "Merge of Souls"
  • "The path of the wizard"
  • "The Return of Merlin"
  • "Lords of Light" in collaboration with Martin Greenberg
  • "An Angel Nearby" co-authored with Martin Greenberg
  • Freedom From Habits, co-authored with David Simon
  • "BUDDHA"

Notes (edit)

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    Manufacturer: "Future of the Earth"

    Series: "Health"

    Deepak Chopra needs no introduction. He, without a doubt, is one of the outstanding educators of our time. The knowledge set forth in his books, connecting physics and philosophy, proven over the centuries eastern wisdom and perfected to the millimeter Western science, lead to unique results. The book "Perfect Health" has made a real revolution in the consciousness of an entire era. Thanks to her, the West for the first time became available to the intimate secrets of ancient oriental medicine - Ayurveda, a unique system of diagnostics and healing. If you really care about own health and the health of your loved ones, then this book is the best gift you can give yourself.

    Publisher: "Future of the Earth" (2005)

    Date of Birth:


    Chopra was born in New Delhi, India. His father, Krishna (Krishnan or Krishnan) Chopra, was a cardiologist who served as a priest at a local hospital and a lieutenant in the British Army. Chopra's grandfather practiced Ayurveda.

    Chopra emigrated to the United States in 1968 with his wife Rita. In 1993 he moved with his family to La Jolla, California. They currently live in San Diego with their children Gautam and Mallika.

    Chopra's younger brother, Sanjeev, is a professor of medicine and dean of the Faculty of Continuing Medical Education at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.


    Chopra received his primary education at St Columbus School in New Delhi, then graduated from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) .He completed his clinical practice and residency at the Muhlenberg Hospital in Plainfield (New Jersey), in Lahey Hospital in Burlington, Massachusetts, and the University of Virginia Hospital, Chopra passed the exam for Doctor of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology upon completing his residency.


    • "Vital energy"
    • “How to know God. The journey of the soul to the secret of secrets "
    • "Life after life"
    • "The Mystery of Secrets. The Journey of the Soul"
    • "Fulfillment of desires"
    • "Third Jesus. Jesus We Don't Know"
    • "Timeless body and mind"
    • "Spontaneous fulfillment of desires"
    • "Kama Sutra"
    • "Life after death"
    • "Strength, Freedom and Grace"
    • "Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents"
    • "The path to love. Renewal of Love and Strength of Spirit in your life"
    • "Pregnancy and childbirth: a magical start to a new life"
    • "Adequate sleep. A complete program to overcome insomnia"
    • "Perfect digestion. The key to a balanced life"
    • "Boundless Energy"
    • "Book of Secrets"
    • "Fire in the heart. Spiritual laws of growing up"
    • "Delivering the Soul from Fear and Suffering"
    • "10 Steps to Rejuvenation. Get Younger, Live Longer"
    • "Merge of Souls"
    • "The path of the wizard"
    • "The Return of Merlin"
    • "Lords of Light" in collaboration with Martin Greenberg
    • "An Angel Nearby" co-authored with Martin Greenberg
    • Freedom From Habits, co-authored with David Simon
    • "BUDDHA"

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      The article contains errors and / or typographical errors. It is necessary to check the content of the article for compliance with the grammatical norms of the Russian language ... Wikipedia

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      - - a famous poet. ?. CHILDHOOD (1783-1797) The year of birth of Zhukovsky is determined by his biographers in different ways. However, despite the testimony of P. A. Pletnev and J. K. Grot, indicating the birth of J. in 1784, it must be considered, like J. himself ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

      Collection of books

      Deepak Chopra is a famous doctor-edocrinologist, specialist in Ayurveda, writer.

      For 2014, more than 30 books by Deepak Chopra have been published in Russian.

      Pregnancy and childbirth. A magical start to a new life

      This book is addressed to future mothers and fathers, as well as to everyone who wants to be related to the birth and upbringing of children.

      Despite its inspiration and sublimity, it has a very practical character. Her ideas, techniques and exercises will help the mother-to-be to listen to the wisdom of her body. You will naturally develop skills to neutralize stressful situations, balance nutrition, strengthen muscles, increase the firmness and elasticity of your tissues, find inner balance and comprehensively prepare for childbirth.

      Guided by the principles of this book, you will learn a lot about yourself and about the secrets of your inner harmony and happiness.

      Lords of light

      You can rest assured that this is no ordinary romance. The protagonist, an American doctor, sees the Middle East with its constant tension - the place where the three great world religions arose; in the center of the novel are the mysterious Thirty-six, who hold on their shoulders this illusion, assumed by the familiar world of man. The Emergence of a New Messiah - or a False Prophet? Fighting Good and Evil? No, everything is much more complicated, because the most important thing is BALANCE.

      Ideal energy

      Fatigue is defined as a lack of physical, mental, and emotional energy, and chronic fatigue is its long-term absence. However, living in modern Western society, you hardly need to define fatigue. Chances are, you are already fairly familiar with this problem. And, it is likely that at this very moment you are experiencing chronic fatigue.

      Although fatigue is widespread in modern life, from the point of view of nature as a whole, it is a true phenomenon. First of all, because nature is replete with energy and creative activity. Birds wake up early in the morning, they sing, tirelessly build nests, get food for their chicks; squirrels scurry up and down the trees, jumping from branch to branch; and when spring comes, it seems as if the grass and flowers are about to burst out of the ground and stretch upward in abundance, full of vitality.

      Perfect health

      Perfect health is more than the absence of disease. The book "Perfect Health" made a real revolution in the consciousness of an entire era. Thanks to her, the West for the first time became available to the innermost secrets of the ancient eastern medicine of Ayurveda - a unique system of diagnosis and healing.

      The healing power of the mind. A spiritual path to solving life's most important problems

      Deepak Chopra is a renowned endocrinologist, Ayurvedic specialist and writer who has written many books on spiritual self-improvement and alternative medicine.

      By 2011, he wrote over 57 books, which have been translated into 35 languages, with a total circulation of over 20 million books worldwide.

      The main point of this book is that life is not a series of accidents. Each creature has its own script and purpose. And the reason for the problems is simple: they should help you realize your inner goals, your purpose.

      How to know God. The journey of the soul to the secret of secrets

      This amazing little book covers step by step process development of the Divine consciousness in a person.

      Each step brings us closer to full interaction with the highest secret - the Divine Mind. In these pages, Deepak Chopra seeks to equip us with the tools to help us meet our Higher Self.

      How to overcome bad habits

      Dr. Deepak Chopra offers a completely unexpected perspective on bad habits, what they are, and the people who succumb to them. Despite the fact that bad habits bring us both physical and emotional suffering, this book is about pleasure and prosperity, love and hope, health and happiness.

      Book of Secrets: How to Know the Secret Areas of Life

      Our life is a book of secrets that is just waiting to be revealed. The secret of true love can be found only within oneself, as well as the secrets of healing, compassion, faith, as well as the most incomprehensible secret of the universe - who we really are. And while the answers to all these questions may seem simple, we are still a mystery to ourselves, and everything we yearn to know is still hidden deep within us.

      Each person strives for a personal breakthrough, everyone is looking for a turning point, a revelation that can give life a new meaning. All this you, the reader, can find in the "Book of Secrets" - this quintessence of deep thoughts and wise ideas, which crystallized throughout the life of one of the greatest spiritual thinkers of our time.

      Fire in the heart. Spiritual Laws of Growing (excerpt)

      "That's how it all started: the boy and the old man set out to hunt for something invisible that will remain real even after everything else has disappeared."

      An amazingly kind, light and wise book about the human soul: a particle of the unchanging spirit that underlies the universe - a particle of God.

      Nutrition by intuition without rules and diets. Chopra's revolutionary method

      Deepak Chopra is a famous Indian naturopath who opened the healing power of Ayurveda to the Western world and laid the foundations for the world movement of intuitive nutrition. Do you want to have a perfect figure without suffering from malnutrition? Do you want to follow the course of intuitive eating without rules and exhausting the body and the nervous system of diets - to gain and consolidate your natural weight?

      Before you is a unique technique that will allow you not only to lose weight quickly and permanently, but to discover a new pleasure from food, to find general harmony of mind, body and soul.

      Adequate sleep. Complete program to overcome insomnia

      SLEEP, as well as health in general, is perceived by people as something self-evident. As long as it is easy, no one has a reason to think about it. But to millions of people good night sleep is not given at all simply, and the reasons for this are much more serious and complex than one might suppose.

      Today in our society, insomnia is so widespread that millions of us lie awake at night, worrying, mentally balancing our debts and receipts, or reproducing arguments and misunderstandings in our heads until, in the end, all that remains is to get up and turn on the TV. ...

      We are definitely a nation of restlessly sleeping people nowadays. Insomnia is by far the most prevalent problem in terms of the number of sleeping pills prescribed and the unimaginable variety of drugs to help sleep.

      You will find the solution to this problem in this book.

      Why can't the universe exist without God?

      My answer to the militant atheism, pseudoscience, and delusion of Richard Dawkins.

      Does God exist? Do you agree with Richard Dawkins, who believes that God is just an illusion? And maybe it's time to forget about God? After all, the concept of God contradicts common sense, discoveries of modern science in the field of biology, evolution, physics, astronomy ...

      Not! It is today, against the background of scientific advances, when humanity is gaining more and more knowledge about the microcosm, explores deep space, conducts operations on genes, the concepts of "faith", "God" are relevant as never before. The world is much more complex than Dawkins' sterile picture. And in this world there is a place for God!

      Let's find out why this is exactly the case.

      Seven Spiritual Laws for Parents

      The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success was a phenomenal success with over two million copies sold in the United States.

      This book, after a general discussion of the role of parents and the gift of the spirit, reveals a specific way of applying the Seven Spiritual Laws to your family and teaches how to pass these laws to children and how they should take part in the daily life of the family, depending on their age.

      Spontaneous fulfillment of desires

      The Seven Principles of Synchro-Fate, simply and clearly stated in this book by the famous author, together with simple exercises, will help you learn to read the signs of the Universe, which are called coincidences. You just need to realize the presence of coincidences in your life and understand their meaning. So you get into the world of the Divine Mind, where you can create your own luck. These are not just coincidences. This is the path to fulfillment of desires.

      Supergens. What is your DNA capable of?

      How often have you heard this phrase: "I have such genes, what can I do?" Many people pronounce it when they talk about their illnesses, excess weight, addictions ... But what if the genes given from birth can be changed? What if it's not genes that control our lives, but we control our genes?

      This is the conclusion reached by the authors of the unique book that you are holding in your hands now - Deepak Chopra and Rudolph Tanzi. They are confident that everyone can direct the activity of their genes in a positive direction and achieve a state of "radical well-being": to find harmony in body and mind, to improve their health. But how? The answer to this question, as well as the revolutionary discoveries, good advice and useful practices you will find in this book.

      Timeless body and mind

      Old age! The body is decrepit, the mind is weakening ... We are used to thinking that we are subject to time. However, Deepak Chopra, the “poet-prophet of alternative medicine,” claims the process is reversible.

      If you do the exercises in this book, you will significantly slow down and even reverse the aging process - towards the years of youth, enthusiasm and good health. This book is for all those who do not want old age and are looking for ways to go beyond linear time.

      Shadow effect

      How to use power for good dark sides your soul.

      For the first time in the world, the outstanding spiritual teachers of our time - Deepak Chopra, Debbie Ford and Marianne Williamson - have joined forces to shed light on the dark sides of our soul. On what we prefer to hide, deny and drive into the depths of ourselves. On the gloomy shadow of our "I".

      This book is an irreplaceable practical and spiritual guide for those who want to honestly look into the face of their "shadow", understand, accept and love it and turn the "shadow effect" - all the colossal power of the dark sides of their soul - for the benefit of themselves, their loved ones and your future.

      Down with extra pounds! Fast and forever!

      Many Hollywood stars manage to stay in great shape and at the same time indulge in nothing at parties and in fancy restaurants! Do you think it's all about diets and exhausting sports? Not! These stars follow a very simple methodology of Deepak Chopra, who is called the "teacher of the stars" all over the world.

      Deepak Chopra is a famous Indian naturopath who opened the healing power of Ayurveda to the Western world. Do you want to have a perfect figure without suffering from malnutrition? Before you is a unique technique that will allow you not only to lose weight quickly and permanently, but to find general harmony of mind, body and soul.

      Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

      This book is one of the greatest bestsellers of our time. Its success and circulation is incredible.

      Based on the laws that govern the entire universe, it shatters the myth that success is the result of hard work, accurate planning, or the ambition that drives you.

      Perfect brain

      A fun "hands-on brain user guide" powered by cutting-edge research!

      The famous physician and writer D. Chopra and the prominent neurobiologist R. Tanzi have combined their knowledge and experience to innovatively boldly approach the issue of improving the human brain. The authors believe that the "basic brain" that performs the tasks of daily life can be taught to go far beyond its current boundaries through increased self-awareness and conscious intention.

      Combining the latest advances in science and spiritual practice, dispelling the five most common myths about the brain, the book shows you how to use your brain 100% optimally; create the ideal lifestyle for a healthy brain; reduce the risk of aging; achieve happiness and well-being through the mind-body connection; overcome problems such as memory impairment, depression, anxiety, obesity.

      Control your destiny

      A mentor to world celebrities about success and the meaning of life.

      One of the world's most famous spiritual leaders, Deepak Chopra, tells the story of his success.

      Once he was an immigrant, one of hundreds of thousands of "guest workers" - and he managed not only to "break out into the people." He proved: an immigrant is not a scourge of the economy, but a person behind whom stands a powerful spiritual tradition that can become a source of strength and renewal for all who wish to follow their destiny.

      Current page: 1 (total of the book has 22 pages) [available passage for reading: 15 pages]

      Deepak Chopra
      Ayurveda. Ancient wisdom and modern science for perfect health

      © 1991, 2000 Deepak Chopra M.D originally published by Three Rivers Press, trademark of Random House Inc.

      © Naumenko E., translation into Russian, 2017

      © Design. LLC "Publishing house" E ", 2018


      With heartfelt gratitude I dedicate this book: to my family - for the great love and support in all my affairs;

      David Simon, my friend and colleague, for his help with the work on the book and for giving this matter more attention than we agreed with;

      to wonderful agent and dear friend Lynn Franklin, for her faith in my success;

      To Huntley Dent, a close friend of mine, for valuable comments that helped me complete the literary processing of the first edition;

      to my editor Peter Gazzardi, who helped me publish the best of what I have written with valuable advice;

      to all Chopra Wellbeing Center staff - doctors, nurses, educators, support workers - for their continued dedication perfect health.

      Part I
      A world of perfect health

      If our inner strength are in harmony and balance with the world around them, we are invulnerable for diseases.


      The first draft of this book was written almost ten years ago, and since then the world has changed dramatically. In our time, there is no longer any objection to the teaching that health is something more than the absence of disease. And the statement that the human body is not only a mechanical anatomical structure, but also a powerful network of conductors of energy and information does not seem extreme to anyone. These views are a very important part modern views about health and illness, life and death.

      As reported Journal of the American Medical Association(Journal of the American Medical Society), over 40% of Americans regularly use therapies and treatments that go beyond the simplistic materialistic model of the human body. More than 60% of medical educational institutions offer courses in complementary medicine 1
      Complementary medicine - all types of informal medicine used for public health purposes in conjunction with conventional medicine. Complementary medicine is considered to complement formal medicine by contributing to the overall goals of maintaining health and meeting demand not provided by mainstream medicine. - Hereinafter, the translator's note.

      More and more health insurance companies and hospitals recognize that patients' needs are expanding and allocate funds for holistic medicine 2
      Holistic medicine is a direction that considers the individual as a whole, and not a set of organs, while the treatment of patients is carried out taking into account their physical, emotional, mental state and spiritual characteristics.

      For a long time, attempts to use unconventional approaches in treatment did not provoke anything but ridicule and criticism in the scientific community. However, today many serious scientists are studying and applying these techniques. The catalog of the National Library of Medicine contains over forty thousand works from the field of alternative 3
      Alternative medicine - methods that are opposed to mainstream medicine (sometimes anti-scientific, used instead of medicine). Complementary medicine and alternative medicine are different concepts. While complementary medicine is used in conjunction with mainstream medicine, alternative medicine is used instead of mainstream medicine.

      And complementary medicine, and almost half of them are associated with herbal medicine. The increasing popularity is gained by such remedies as yoga, meditation, various types of massage and nutritional techniques. Almost any American pharmacy can offer you their own set of drugs. natural origin... Most often they include St. John's wort, ginkgo biloba and echinacea.

      Nowadays, the Internet, books and magazines are available anywhere in the world. As a result, people can get health information very quickly and use it as they see fit. Few will agree with me, but I believe that when someone is engaged in self-improvement and the development of self-awareness, it improves the health of the person himself and his loved ones.

      When you see and feel how effective thousands of years of healing therapies are, you will experience real joy.

      At the Chopra Wellness Center in La Jolla, California, we have created a wonderful environment for those seeking healing and wanting to dive deeply into Ayurveda and psychosomatic medicine. We have developed health preservation courses based on holistic medicine techniques. The Magic Beginning program provides moral and informational support for couples who will soon have a baby. These children receive the makings of supernormal abilities even before birth. Our instructors have undergone special training and are now looking for new program participants around the world. We dream that thanks to our instructors, a generation of healthy personalities, striving for knowledge, will appear.

      On all continents, alumni of the Chopra Wellbeing Center teach the main course in psychosomatic medicine and Ayurveda - "Creating Life". We have trained over 500 instructors in Basic Sound Meditation, a program that teaches you how to deal with stress. It allows people to find a source of internal energy and unleash their creative potential. We have a special course for those fighting cancer - Return to Integrity. He truly transforms people. Thousands of men and women have consciously changed their lives when they went through programs to combat chronic fatigue and obesity.

      Since the release of the first edition of this book, I have seen many times how the lives of my readers have changed. Following specific people, changes took place in society. We are now on a revolutionary path that will forever change the way we perceive the world and ourselves. Like the discoveries of modern physics, the eternal wisdom of Ayurveda points to the deep essence of the universe. The world hides an endless field of possibilities, and they can only be used by those who strive for self-healing and transformation. This is the main idea of ​​our book.

      I have made major changes to the new edition. We have added new wellness treatments that we have tested with patients at the Chopra Wellness Center. The updated book introduces the technique of controlled visualization and meditation. It allows you to achieve a deep understanding of reality and change the perception of your own body. We tell you how to consciously establish a psychosomatic connection with your cells, tissues and organs. The book also describes the autonomic and vegetative functions of the body, without which perfect health is impossible.

      In new chapters, we talk about health food and herbal medicine and place particular emphasis on a balanced, wellness diet. A balanced nutrition system can be the first step towards recovery. The Ayurvedic diet in our book is simple and elegant. We have also selected for you materials on how the mind and body interact during periods of illness and health.

      When you see and feel how effective thousands of years of healing therapies are, you will experience real joy. We will discuss proven treatments that involve the five senses: sound, touch, sight, taste, and smell. Ultimately, all of this helps the work of the internal self-healing system.

      To show the connection between our inner and outer worlds, as well as the fact that the world around us is an extension of our body, we have included some fun exercises in the book. Finally, we tried to make the book understandable and accessible to a wide range of readers.

      The more I learn about health, the more I am convinced that true health means much more than the absence of pathologies and negative tests. And even more than the optimal union of mind and body. At its core, health is the highest form of self-awareness.

      For thousands of years, the great prophets of the Vedas have said that the main purpose of caring for the body is to provide the material basis for a state of enlightenment. When a person achieves enlightenment, his inner reference point moves from the ego realm to the spiritual realm. At the same time, he understands that the knower himself, the process and the subject of knowledge are one whole. The boundaries of time and space disappear when we see ourselves as free entities who have become ordinary people only for a short time. This state of wholeness, unity is the basis of all healing, its goal is perfect health.

      And I am very happy to help you achieve this goal.

      Chapter 1
      An invitation to a new level of reality

      Every person has this internal state when he does not feel pain, cannot get sick, grow old or die. When you enter this state, the outer limitations completely disappear.

      This state is called perfect health. This state can last for many years or a couple of seconds, but even in a few moments, profound changes will occur in your consciousness. At the same time, your ideas about life will change, and you will understand that you have moved to a new, higher level of existence. This book is written for those who want to know and accept this new being on a permanent basis.

      It is often difficult to determine the causes of an illness, but no one has yet proven that illness cannot be avoided. In fact, just the opposite is true. Every day we are faced with millions of viruses, bacteria, allergens, fungi, but we rarely get sick. Many doctors talk about cases when terrible meningococcal bacteria live in the respiratory tract of a person and do not do any harm. Only in rare cases they become active and cause meningitis, an infection that attacks the central nervous system and can lead to death. People who have had chickenpox become carriers of the chickenpox virus. When a person is stressed, the virus can become active, and then herpes zoster appears on the skin. What causes such an attack? No one knows the exact answer, so scientists have introduced such a concept as "specific host resistance." This means that we, as carriers of microbes, can suppress or activate them. During 99.99% of human life, microbes are in a passive state, so each of us is much closer to perfect health than we imagine.

      Most Americans who have died of heart disease have their coronary arteries blocked by plaque and other debris. As a result, oxygen starvation began and the work of the heart was disrupted. However, in different people heart disease proceeds in different ways. A person with a single plaque, or even a small piece of it, may suffer from angina pectoris and compressive chest pain. Another, who has accumulated enough plaque to completely shut off the flow of oxygen, may feel great. There are cases when people whose coronary arteries were blocked by 85% ran a marathon, while others died of a heart attack with clean vessels. Scientists recently found that many elderly people who died from heart attacks suffered from coronary artery disease. All this suggests that the ability to resist disease depends on the characteristics of a particular organism.

      The physical immunity of our body is complemented by a strong emotional resistance to disease. This was clearly stated by one of the elderly patients: “I have read enough books on psychology to come to terms with the fact that an adult can get sick, grow old and eventually die. But emotionally and instinctively, I totally disagree with this. Getting sick and breaking down physically is like a terrible mistake, and I always hoped that someone would fix it. "

      You can be as healthy as you think you can. When you completely rebuild your consciousness, you will forget about illness and old age.

      This lady is now about eighty years old and in excellent physical and mental condition. When asked about her plans for the future, she replies: "You might think that I am out of my mind, but I am not going to grow old and die." Is it really that pointless? It is known that people who think they are too busy to get sick have much better health than those who worry too much about their bodies. Another person told us that he got carried away with the idea of ​​perfect health because it was the right and sometimes the only solution to many medical problems. To achieve perfect health, he said, you can use the brainstorming method that has been used successfully by entire corporations.

      Brainstorming is a unique way that allows you to quickly get a solution to a problem. It is as follows. First, a goal is chosen - much more difficult and higher than the attainable result. Then you need to come up with everything possible ways to get as close to your goal as possible. “If people continue to think and act out of habit,” the man said, “even if they work long and hard, they can achieve no more than ten percent growth. However, to achieve a two- or tenfold advantage, you need to set goals so high that everyone understands that different results require different actions. ”

      Cutting-edge Silicon Valley companies use brainstorming techniques when developing software. For example, if it took two years to release the first version of a program, then only one is allocated for the next version. If you managed to reduce the number of errors in the product code to 5%, then the next bar will be an error-free code. Those who want to get perfect health need to act in a similar way: determine the ideal result and ways to achieve it. In complex industries, you will have to pay eight to ten times more to fix a mistake than to eliminate possible problems from the very beginning. That's why when high quality the result is put in the first place from the very beginning of work, this gives the company a much higher profit compared to usual practice.

      The same approach applies to medicine. It is much cheaper to prevent illness than to cure it. A recent poll found that Americans have the greatest fear in their lives of chronic illnesses with dire consequences. At the same time, the financial costs of patient care and treatment worry them more than pain and suffering. Many of them fear not so much death as that the family will not be able to pay for their treatment. Obviously, in medicine, the quality of treatment should come first, and we can apply this principle on a case-by-case basis.

      Possibilities of Ayurveda - a new medicine

      The first secret that you should know if you are determined to achieve perfect health is that you must consciously choose this path. You can be as healthy as you think you can. To get perfect health, it is not enough to improve good health by 5-10%. When you completely rebuild your consciousness, you will forget about illness and old age.

      Can we achieve perfect results when dealing with such a complex object as the human body? According to the National Institute on Aging, no one has yet proven that a person will live longer if they change their lifestyle, exercise, diet, medications and vitamins. Today, scientists are successfully carrying out the prevention of atherosclerosis, arthritis, diabetes, osteoporosis - diseases that affect the elderly. But doctors still cannot cure all these diseases completely. Often, experts publicly declare that they were able to cope with cancer and other serious illnesses, but in reality this is not entirely true. The best they can do is conduct experiments and try with their help to approach the cure of the disease. For example, when scientists observed a large group of people, they found that they had a reduced risk of heart attack if they were able to lower their cholesterol levels. But statistics for a group does not at all guarantee the same result for any person.

      If you want to improve your health by two or ten times, you need to deeply study the characteristics of your body. You can do this through Ayurveda, a system designed to promote health and avoid disease. The name originated over five thousand years ago in India, and it comes from two words in Sanskrit: Ayus- life and Veda- knowledge, science. Thus, Ayurveda is usually translated as "the science of life". Another, more accurate translation sounds like "the doctrine of the limits of life, the doctrine of long life."

      The aim of Ayurveda is to show how we can influence our life, control it, avoid the influence of disease and old age. The main principle

      Ayurveda is that the mind controls the body and the health of a person depends on whether they are in balance. This equilibrium state provides more health benefits than any known immunity.

      Ayurveda combines the experience and knowledge of sages who laid the tradition of teaching long before the Egyptian pyramids and kept them for many generations. At Chopra Wellness Center, we have created modern system, which combines the eternal truths of Ayurveda and the achievements of modern science.

      Over the past fifteen years, my colleagues and I have cured more than ten thousand patients and trained about three thousand instructors in Ayurvedic medicine. We studied Ayurveda and at the same time deepened and expanded our knowledge in traditional medicine. We have combined Ayurveda and Western medicine and have managed to bring ancient wisdom and modern science closer together. When doctors at the Chopra Wellness Center look at medical histories and patient examinations, they rely on observation of the sick person. We help our patients to turn on their inner vision and achieve balance of body and mind.

      Quantum Mechanics of the Human Body

      We must study our body deeply in order to better know its capabilities. From the point of view of Ayurveda, the physical body of a person has a quantum mechanical structure. Physicists say that the very essence of our nature is at the quantum level much deeper than atoms and molecules. Quantum is an indivisible particle of matter or energy, tens and hundreds of millions of times smaller than any atom. At this level, it is impossible to distinguish between matter and energy. Quantums are composed of invisible vibrations - waves of energy that can easily take a certain shape. Ayurveda teaches that the same is true for the human body: initially it takes the form of invisible but intense vibrations (quantum fluctuations), which are then transformed into impulses of energy and material particles.

      The quantum mechanical structure underlies the entire life of a person: his thoughts, emotions, proteins, cells and organs. Our body sends us invisible signals at the quantum level and waits for a response. At the heart of our physical being is the quantum pulse that counts the quantum heart. Ayurveda claims that all organs and processes in our body have analogs in the quantum world.

      There would be no benefit to us from quantum body mechanics if we could not experience it. Fortunately sensitive nervous system helps our consciousness to perceive these weak vibrations. When a photon of light hits the retina, it acts on it much weaker than a speck of dust on a football field. But the retina has special nerve endings - rods and cones - that can sense a single photon and send a signal to the brain that allows us to see light. The rods and cones are like a giant radio telescope that picks up signals from the Big Bang. 4
      This refers to the relict radio emission that arose in the first moments of the life of the Universe.

      And amplifies them so that we can feel them.

      Since Ayurveda acts on the quantum mechanical structure as such, it can achieve more with its help than with the help of conventional medicine, which is limited by gross physiology. This is possible because there is much more energy at the quantum level than at more high levels... A great example is the explosion of an atomic bomb - a large-scale event that has a quantum nature. Another example - a laser uses the same light as a camera flash, but due to the effect that coherent 5
      Coherent fluctuations - fluctuations in which the minimums and maximums coincide in time. In this case, the increase in the luminous flux occurs for this very reason.

      Quantum vibrations add up to each other, its energy is enough to burn through a steel sheet.

      The examples in the previous paragraph can be explained with the help of quantum theory, which says that at the deepest levels of matter there is a huge amount of energy. Space contains a huge amount of latent energy, and even a small particle of it is enough to burn a star. It is only when there is a quantum leap (transition from one energy level to another) that this so-called dark energy is released in the form of heat, light, and other forms of radiation.

      Everyone knows that when a tree is on fire, much less energy is released than when its atoms are split during a nuclear reaction. But we did not take into account that if we want to create something at the quantum level, we will receive as much energy as if we wanted to destroy something. 6
      For example, thermonuclear fusion.

      Only nature creates rocks, trees, stars and galaxies, and we actively build our own body every day. Each of us is responsible for the body in which he lives.

      Several years ago, Dr. Dean Onish, a cardiologist in San Francisco, showed that forty patients had decreased deposits of fatty plaques that nearly blocked their coronary arteries. When the arteries of these patients were cleared and oxygen began to flow to the heart, their constricting chest pains disappeared and the risk of clogging of the arteries, which could lead to death, decreased.

      In addition to conventional medications and surgery, Dr. Onish's group actively used yoga, meditation and a strict vegetable diet to free the arteries. Dr. Onish recently confirmed that such lifestyle changes can help treat heart disease. Why are these results considered so significant? Because the official medicine did not recognize before that the development of advanced heart disease can be stopped and reversed.

      Traditional medicine believes that nothing will help a diseased artery and every day it will be destroyed more and more until it becomes clogged and causes the death of the heart muscle.

      Meanwhile, at the quantum level, there are no body parts that exist separately from others. No wires bind the molecules of our arteries, just as there are no visible links between stars in the galaxy. Despite this, both arteries and galaxies are securely held in a solid structure. Invisible connections are quantum in nature - without this "hidden basis" our body would be a random collection of molecules.

      The main principle of Ayurveda is that the mind controls the body and the state of human health depends on whether they are in balance.

      From the standpoint of Ayurveda, we can safely say that the experience of Dr. Onish can help all patients, since now we know how to use our quantum-mechanical nature. The cholesterol plaque appears to be hard, like a layer of rust inside an old pipe, but the plaque lives and changes just like the rest of the body. New fat molecules enter it, and the old ones are removed to the outside, new capillaries are formed for supplying oxygen and nutrition. Dr. Onish showed everyone for the first time that we can consciously get rid of what we ourselves have "grown" in our bodies. A person who died of a heart attack at the age of fifty could create new arteries. A seventy-year-old woman who suffers from osteoporosis could have her back cured for a long time. We don't really know how many times we might have been cured, because the process of change never stops. But perhaps we could repair an artery or a broken bone in a few weeks or months. We are constantly building a new body. Why not build a healthy artery, a healthy back, a healthy person? ..

      In Vedic philosophy Ancient India the mind is considered the main force of nature. The universe, like ourselves, is not an “energy soup” or chaos. Much says that everything in nature occurs under the control of the mind, and this is confirmed, in particular, by the structure of DNA. As one astrophysicist put it, life was as likely as a hurricane could accidentally assemble a Boeing 707 from parts in a junkyard.

      Nowadays, many serious scientists consider the mind as the basis of the universe. In physics, there is the so-called anthropic principle, which assumes that from the moment of the Big Bang 7
      The Big Bang is the very first moment in the life and expansion of the Universe. It is assumed that there was an explosion-like release of all the energy existing in the universe from the starting point.

      Everything happened in such a way that a person appeared.

      Why is this important to us? Because Ayurveda is a technology that allows you to work with your body at a quantum level. In order to penetrate this level, special techniques are needed, which we will describe in detail in the book. In addition, you need to free your brain from extraneous work that fills it with background noise, like interference clogs the radio air. Outside this background, there is a region of silence that appears to be emptiness, like an interstellar field of a quantum nature. However, like this quantum field, our inner silence hides many possibilities.

      The silence within us is the key to our quantum mechanical nature. This silence is not chaos, but order. Like the physical body, it has form, structure, and purpose. Instead of seeing our body as a collection of cells, tissues and organs, we can use quantum vision to represent it as a silent stream of mind, a set of impulses that shape and govern our body. The secret to living at this level is that everything in our body can be changed by the impulse of the mind.

      Perhaps Timmy's example will help me convince you of my words. Timmy was a typical six-year-old boy who suffered from multiple personality syndrome. Twelve personalities lived in his brain, each with a unique set of emotions, tone of voice, likes and dislikes. It is worth noting that when such people change their main personality, then not only their minds, but also their body changes.

      For example, one of the individuals may have diabetes, and while it is prevalent, the body will lack insulin. When other personalities become in charge, a person can have normal level insulin and show no signs of diabetes. The same goes for high blood pressure; even warts, ulcers and other skin defects appear and disappear with a change of personality. The literature describes cases of patients who could instantly change the appearance of their encephalogram or eye color. One woman had three separate menstrual periods, corresponding to her three different personalities.

      The peculiarity of Timmy is that one of his personalities, and only she, suffers from an allergy to orange juice - a rash appears on the body. Journalist Daniel Goleman wrote in The New York Times: “A rash occurs when Timmy drinks orange juice and an allergic person appears at the same time. What's more, if a personality change occurs during an allergic reaction, the itching associated with the rash immediately stops and the fluid-filled blisters begin to dissolve. ”

      This is a prime example of how signals from the quantum mechanical level cause instantaneous changes in the physical body. It is important that allergies arise and disappear in an incomprehensible way at the command of the brain. How is this possible? Leukocytes of the immune system, coated with antibodies that cause an allergic reaction, wait for contact with the antigen. When contact occurs, a chain of chemical reactions is triggered.

      In Timmy's case, it turns out that when orange juice molecules approach his white blood cells, they take solution- to react or not. This suggests that individual cells are endowed with intelligence, which is at a deeper level than the molecular one: in the case of antibodies and juice, the most common atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen collide.

      Claiming that molecules are capable of making decisions is contrary to modern physics: it's like claiming that sugar chooses whether it's sweet or not. But it’s not just that Timmy’s personality swapping produces such dramatic results that amazes us. Once we have learned the fact that he himself decides whether to be allergic (how else could he turn the rash on and off?), Then it follows that we ourselves choose the disease. We are not aware of this choice, since it occurs on a deeper level than our daily reflections. But since we have such an ability, then we can control it.