What people buy every day. What do people buy most often on the Internet?

Our age of high technology is good because many things can be done without leaving the computer. For example, today it is not at all necessary to spend time shopping - all purchases can be made on the Internet. This makes it easy for a novice entrepreneur to start and successfully develop a business selling goods online. Before creating an online store, you should carefully study the sales statistics for last years. If you understand what is popular with consumers in 2019, your business will be profitable. However, you should not rely only on popularity, because bread, alcohol and tobacco products are very popular, but their sale will not bring much profit. So what is profitable to sell? So, according to statistics, we can assume that in 2019 the best-selling products on the Internet will remain:

  • Smartphones, tablets, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners and other small household appliances;
  • Shoes and clothing;
  • Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts;
  • Perfumes and cosmetics;
  • Medicines;
  • LEDs;
  • Books;
  • Chinese products.

Depending on the size of the starting capital, you need to choose the price category of what will be sold in your online store.

According to statistics in 2019, the most sold goods on the Internet are cheap goods. In times of crisis, cost becomes a more important criterion than quality. Therefore, budget furniture, inexpensive clothing and food are beginning to be in demand. In addition to ordinary buyers, former representatives of the “middle class” are also interested in this price category.

What should you not sell?

Among the best-selling products on the Internet in Russia in 2019, there are categories that should not be sold due to fierce competition. These include gadgets and household appliances. If you still decide to sell the most popular goods on the Internet in 2019, then your competitors will be not only well-known and little-known trading platforms in Russia, but also Chinese online stores.

Clothes and shoes

Although buying clothes and shoes usually requires trying on, these are the best-selling items online today. Why? – yes, because a quality item on the Internet costs much less than in a boutique. In addition, people need to dress and put on shoes regardless of the economic situation in the country. Therefore, there will always be a demand for “clothing” goods. Online clothing store – different. The main thing is to choose the right assortment, take high-quality photos and product descriptions. Of course, there is a possibility that the item will not suit the buyer, so the risks of returns must be taken into account. To minimize such risks, you should carefully approach client consultations. With the right approach, selling clothes and shoes will bring good profits. Statistics show that, for example, last year dresses became the best-selling product for women.

Tickets for transport, cinema, theater, concerts

The times of resellers earning fabulous money are gradually gone. New technologies, including e-commerce, make it possible to purchase a ticket for any type of transport, as well as for all kinds of events, without leaving the couch. Electronic tickets can be called one of the best-selling products on the Internet. Of course, it will not be easy for a newcomer to this business, since competition in this segment is quite high. But if you are committed to serious work on the promotion and promotion of your ticket resale resource, then your business will be successful. Those who have potential partners – event organizers – can also make good money on tickets.

Perfumes and cosmetics

These categories are undoubtedly in demand among buyers even in difficult times. When opening an online perfume and cosmetics store, it is important to have a good website, conduct regular advertising campaigns and, of course, sell only high-quality products from well-known brands. If you think about what products are the most sold on the Internet during the holidays, then perfumes and cosmetics are one of the first options that come to mind. This product makes a wonderful gift for New Year, Valentine's Day and March 8th.


Medicines, herbs, medicinal teas and dietary supplements are also among the best-selling products in Russia. These categories, despite their popularity, can be harmful to human health. When reselling such products, be careful to sell only high-quality products. Pay special attention to the expiration dates of the product and the authority and reliability of the manufacturer.


LED lamps can be considered the best-selling products in online stores in 2019. First of all, this is due to the fact that they consume half as much electricity as conventional lamps and last several times longer. The demand for these products is growing every day, as during the crisis people strive to save energy. The LED resale business is profitable, although competition in this area is already quite strong.


Rapid market development e-books could not completely replace traditional ones. Are books among the best-selling products on the Internet, how to find out? – It’s very simple: take a closer look at what many people are doing on public transport. – They read paper publications! Finding a bookstore that sells the necessary literature is a troublesome task. Therefore, buyers look for books on the Internet. Therefore, the resale of traditional books is profitable business, despite the fact that many of us consider the electronic form of publications and documents more convenient. The markup for this category of goods can reach 50–60%, the payback of the business is at least a year.

Cheap goods from China

Chinese businessmen have successfully implemented ideas for producing in-demand items. The purchasing cost of Chinese goods is ridiculous. And in 2019, the best-selling goods from China on the Internet remain counterfeits or, more correctly, replicas of things from famous brands:

  • Adidas;
  • NIKE;
  • UGG Australia;
  • Timberland;
  • iPhone from Apple;
  • Converse;
  • Lacoste.

Many of the best-selling items on the Internet are not original, but are made by the Chinese of very high quality. Consumers do not see the point in overpaying “for the name” of the manufacturer. In addition, many brands locate their production in China, so local craftsmen learn the secrets of the masters and successfully use them in their technological processes.

First of all, find suppliers. To avoid dependence on one supplier, keep several wholesalers in stock in order to quickly reorient yourself in the event of a sharp increase in the purchase price of the items being sold. You can search for them on specialized forums, ad sites, and at thematic exhibitions.

Depending on your capabilities, you need to choose a scheme for working with a supplier. There are several interaction options.

Today, the TOP popularity among entrepreneurial projects for beginners is an online store. A scheme that seems ideal for those who want to make money, which includes free template, found in , best selling item and cash flow from grateful customers, pouring into the pocket of a businessman, is advertised and discussed everywhere. Many people are trying to start working on it. However, for all its apparent benefits, it does not give the effect that it promises.

But trading through a virtual platform has many advantages:

  • you can get by with minimal starting capital;
  • there is no need to solve problems with a “real” retail outlet, that is, to look for and rent premises, obtain various permits for it, repair it and register it;
  • an online store does not require hiring numerous qualified personnel;
  • here you can apply the approach of independently implementing the idea, which will give a start to the entire project and save money;
  • when using the online platform, there is no need to purchase goods and store them in a warehouse;
  • market coverage is not limited to a certain area and a specific number of consumers who can physically visit the store; the format allows you to expand the boundaries and time frame of work.

Statistics also confirm the prospects of this direction.

Internet commerce in numbers: development dynamics

Many studies conducted by both international analytical organizations and domestic ones show a sharp increase in the share of online commerce. This surge began in 2009 and was catalyzed by the 2008 global economic crisis. This was facilitated not only by the fact that the decline in income forced people to look for options to save money when shopping (as you know, online stores offer more low prices in comparison with “real” stores), but also the fact that many companies have transferred all or part of their retail trade to the virtual space, and this has allowed them to save on consumables. The latter, in turn, made it possible to offer competitive prices to the end consumer. That is, an online store is a profitable “vicious circle” where both the buyer and the seller have advantages. Statistics only confirm this:

  • over the past five years, the pace of development of online commerce has significantly exceeded the growth rates of global trade;
  • sales volumes of goods using remote access, according to forecasts, in 2017 will reach 2.36 trillion. dollars;
  • The number of people using the Internet to make purchases is growing steadily, exceeding 1.321 million in 2016.

Similar trends are also observed in Russia. Despite the fact that the share of the total retail volume in the Russian Federation is very small (they account for only about 5% of all retail sales), it is constantly increasing. And this growth is very noticeable, annually it amounts to almost 25%. That is, according to forecasts, by 2025 it could account for almost 10% of the entire market, and this is incredible progress. Several factors contribute to the popularization of e-commerce:

  • competitive prices;
  • ease of use;
  • expanding the buyer’s capabilities in terms of using various payment systems;
  • related services and their improvement.

However, if everything is so rosy, why aren’t all of us “raising millions” in e-commerce yet? To the question whether it is possible with the help of i/m, one can only give a clear answer - no. And not because to launch an i/m you need serious start-up capital, but because this concept is sometimes perceived one-sidedly. Without investing time and effort, no project can be realized.

On the other hand, with a competent approach and investment of your own time, effort, and, albeit a small, but still significant amount of money, this promising direction in retail.

Brief overview of online trading in Russia

Domestic statistics confirm the high pace of development of e-commerce. In 2013 alone (compared to 2012), the number of i/m increased by 20%. Unfortunately, there are no statistical data to date, but forecasts from past years suggested a sharp positive trend. On the other hand, there is no information about those projects that were closed or “quietly died.”

Today, almost a third of the population of our country already has experience of shopping on the Internet, more than half use the Internet and are not against “using” it to purchase goods.

Cash payments are the leading form of payment in RuNet, followed by cards, then offline payments and the use of electronic payment systems such as Yandex.Money.

By commodity structure The Russian online market differs significantly from the global one. Cardinally - in the position of e-books, discs, music, films and other products with copyright. If in other countries it is seriously protected by law and the consumer is forced to pay for this kind of product, then we can get it for free. Copyright control in the Russian Federation is not reliable enough, so much is in the public domain.

TOP best-selling products on the Internet in Russia

Between experts and statistical calculations obtained through consumer surveys, positions on the issue of constructing a rating diverge. It is worth analyzing several positions of the best-selling products online and finding out who is right.

Electronics and technology

It’s worth noting right away that there are big differences within this niche. You can select large and small household appliances, as well as electronic devices. Overall, this group accounts for almost half of all sales (44%) on the Internet. Because both the advantages and disadvantages are similar, several subtypes of goods can be combined here. In various studies, they are given several first ranking positions.

Small household appliances, which can include kitchen appliances, irons, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, electric shavers and the like, are very popular. The share of these products in the total number of purchases through e-mail is almost 15%.

There is also great demand online for small electronics, which include smartphones, Cell phones, players, cameras. There are also computers and components for them.

Large home appliances, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioners, hoods, etc. are also in demand. In total, they account for almost 8% of purchases.

Demand is determined by several factors:

  • the price on the Internet is always cheaper than in stationary retail outlets;
  • the opportunity for relaxed shopping without effort;
  • can choose best model according to the provided descriptions, technical characteristics, photos, reviews.

Product niche for the seller and its advantages:

  • high margin allows you to do work more efficiently, that is, you can earn money on one operation more money, spending less effort on it;
  • justification of the ratio of delivery costs to the purchase price - the consumer more easily agrees to purchase.

Disadvantages of the niche for i/m:

  • high competition, often too much, which simply will not allow a newcomer to break into it;
  • massive currency risks - even with a time difference of several days from the moment of purchase and payment by the end buyer, you can lose a significant amount due to the difference in rates;
  • potential dangers of models becoming obsolete and a sharp decline in demand for them;
  • the need to keep prices low, which is often problematic for small companies;
  • the need for deep knowledge of the topic, a kind of “advancement” when you can cover any technical detail in detail for the client;
  • the risk of product returns, the need to deal with after-sales service and similar issues;
  • cooperation with delivery services that guarantee the safety and integrity of goods in transit.

Clothes and shoes

According to statistics, this product niche in online trading occupies about 13% of the sales structure. The main contingent of buyers are women of different ages. A business offering this type of product must adhere to several rules in order to attract a client:

  • high quality of goods and a well-known brand manufacturer;
  • convenient store navigation;
  • excellent photos with correct color rendition and detailed descriptions each model;
  • services for delivery of several models, fitting “on the spot”.

Many today offer their partners exactly these terms of cooperation. By doing this, they not only expand their sales markets, but also help them develop and increase sales volumes.

Advice: if you decide to start selling products from this group, create not just a beautiful showcase, but also give your customers maximum opportunities. Only by providing the client with a guarantee that he will be able to try on the model he likes in the photo, find out whether he is comfortable in it, whether it fits well on his figure or leg, and return the one that does not fit, will you have a chance to return again. This will be your essential competitive advantage On the market.

Disadvantages of the niche:

  • seasonality of the product;
  • the transience of fashion trends;
  • the need to obtain high-quality photos from the manufacturer or supplier;
  • complexity organizational issues in i/m activities (requires synchronous work with professional services delivery, additional agreements with suppliers on the return of unredeemed models when several are sent to the buyer for trying on);
  • often it is necessary to buy back goods for a certain minimum amount, and this can lead to “deposits” in the warehouse if the products are in little demand;
  • You need to have taste, an understanding of fashion trends, and a feel for the market.

Advice: if you decide to focus on this product niche, then pay attention to the high demand that exists in small towns and rural areas, deprived of large shopping centers and retail chains offering high-quality and fashionable clothing. Expensive items, winter boots and jackets, sheepskin coats, demi-season shoes and outerwear. Since there are few “real-life” offers, buyers are using the Internet, especially since confidence in the format has increased in recent years.

Auto parts

These products account for almost 10% of total electronic sales. By the way, over the past few years the group has shown positive growth dynamics, displacing children's products. Niche Features:

  • There is a long line of items that are difficult to obtain. Here we're talking about not even about “original” parts for imported or vintage cars, for which the demand is not very high, but about those things that are used everywhere, for example, sun screens for the rear window. It is much easier for a motorist to find such a product in an online store and not have to travel to all the auto shops and markets in the city.
  • Narrow specialization. By using this approach when forming an assortment, you can count not only on a constant flow of interested customers, but also on optimizing advertising costs.
  • Small dimensions and weight of many auto parts, which makes delivery easier and cheaper.
  • No need in most cases service. If this is required, then many manufacturers have an extensive network of centers where the warranty card issued in your i/m will be accepted.

Cosmetics and perfumes

According to various studies, this group is ranked 6th and 8th in the TOP 10 best-selling products via the Internet. However, there is a nuance here - every unknown brand of product arouses suspicion among a potential buyer. It is better to form your showcase from branded products that are well known to consumers and are also widely represented on the market. That is, offering a lower price than landline outlets and boutiques, you give your client the opportunity to purchase perfume or cosmetic product with profit. The scheme works approximately like this:

  • the consumer has already tried the cream, lipstick, hair mask, wants to buy it again and gets an interesting price from you;
  • or he found an item in the i/m that was attractive to him, went to the store, smelled/used a sample and purchased it online, saving on the purchase.

IN necessary conditions i/m working in this niche:

  • excellent display window design, photos, competent descriptions;
  • compliance with product sales deadlines;
  • proper storage of cosmetics if they pass through a warehouse;
  • mandatory updating of the assortment, constant replenishment of new products and trendy products.

Home goods and furniture

There are also some differences in expert opinions on this position. Some put it in 4th place and give almost 6% of the online market. Some believe that furniture is not included in the TOP 10 at all due to the fact that buyers prefer personal tactile acquaintance with the item that they are going to purchase. The perfect combination for this kind of sales - the presence of an exhibition center and/or where you can place an order cheaper.

With the household goods subgroup, everything is a little simpler. Their choice does not have to be associated with the need to visually and “live” assess the dimensions. This is why small pieces of furniture, many household goods and personal plot order via the Internet.

Particularly worth noting are the interior items from the exclusive category. Picture frame self made, wall mosaic panel, vintage dressing table– all these things are very expensive, but they will almost always find their buyer. Even in times of crisis, no one cancels anniversaries, celebrations, or gifts. And such exclusive things are the best present, and they are usually chosen on the Internet. In addition, competition in this segment is low.

Advice: if you are attracted to the niche of exclusive interior items, then you should initially start looking for suppliers of such products. It is from this point that you need to start your project.

Products for children and toys

This group is given 4% of the online market and 5th place in the TOP, although, most likely, such an assessment is subjective. The figures are based on surveys of Internet users, where the cross-section of the target audience was not fully taken into account. Young parents, busy with household chores and caring for their baby, will prefer to order the necessary goods on the Internet and will not waste precious time on shopping trips. Online shopping not only saves time and money, but also effort. Therefore, goods for children are increasingly being purchased in i/m, and the market share of this niche is only growing. Moreover, the age of parents is precisely within the limits that coincide with the indicator of the most active Internet users.

Nuances important for the i/m niche:

  • high quality of goods;
  • mandatory certification of each unit of production;
  • compliance with established sanitary standards the goods themselves, the conditions of their storage and delivery, packaging, etc.;
  • the possibility of returning some items for various reasons;
  • convenience and versatility of payment and receipt of goods.

CDs and books

Experts give only 2% to this product niche. The lack of copyright protection in our country makes much of this category available without payment. Although the situation is slowly changing, and there are fewer and fewer free services for downloading music and books. Perhaps in the future such goods will begin to be purchased more actively.

It is also worth considering that in the regions and areas remote from the center there is a “book hunger” and there is still a steady demand for paper media.

In addition, special scientific and technical literature, educational materials, and children's books are actively purchased. By choosing a direction of this nature for your business, you can get a steady flow of buyers.

It is also worth noting that the profit on book products is quite high, and all the difficulties in organizing delivery are absent. This product is small-sized, light in weight, does not require special packaging (a fairly thick cardboard box of suitable size) or service. And returns in this category are extremely rare, the only reason being damage during transportation, which is easily avoided.

Other and its features

Almost 4% of the online market is occupied by the “other” category, under which many products are hidden that are successfully sold and are in constant demand. For many beginning entrepreneurs looking for their niche, this is of great interest, because the originality of the product can attract a potential consumer, and the competition will be extremely low.

If you are not very attracted to the opportunity, but want to try yourself in online trading, then pay attention to the following product groups:

  • Author's jewelry and costume jewelry. By concluding a cooperation agreement with craftsmen, you can sell their products. The conditions for receiving income can be different - either a trade margin, or a buyout at a wholesale price, or a format.
  • Souvenir products and gifts. There are also interesting things here that are original, handmade, folk crafts, and artisans. They are unique and always in demand. These are not widely used products, so the approach to their implementation must be original, as well as to advertising campaigns. Finding such products in reality takes a lot of time, so potential buyers prefer to look for them on the Internet.
  • Stylish leather goods, belts, wallets, bags, handmade purses. Finding them within walking distance is problematic, but buying them on the Internet is convenient. No fittings are required here; you can choose an item based on the photo. The popularity of the product is at high level, and/or with such products only need a well-constructed advertising campaign.
  • Goods for pets. Litter litter, food, leashes, dog clothing, collars and much more. The Internet is more convenient for buyers of this type of product due to several criteria: lower prices, free delivery to the door (you don’t have to “lug” heavy bags, because you often have to purchase packages of several kilograms at once), there is not always a specialized store nearby with the required product , and it’s inconvenient to travel halfway across town to get the necessary food.
  • Collectibles and hobbies. A huge separate topic with incredible big amount possible positions. Here it is necessary to understand that trading in this product group requires from the owner and his staff passion for the subject of sale, deep knowledge of the subject and complete dedication. Among the disadvantages of a niche is a limited number of buyers, but this can develop into an advantage if the buyer proves himself with positive side and will have constant repeat appeals. One of the indisputable advantages is that a passionate person will pay for his hobby in a crisis situation, that is, this factor will not greatly affect the profitability of the online store.
  • Goods for tourism and recreation. This niche slightly overlaps with the previous one; people’s passion also plays an important role here, although many of the goods on the market are imported, which means there are currency risks. On the other hand, outdoor recreation is increasingly gaining popularity, and the demand for the product niche is increasing.
  • Intimate products and goods from sex shops. Anonymity is highly valued in this category. Agree, it is much easier for a client to hide behind an email and a nickname than to go into a real boutique and choose something “strawberry”. Such a product will always find its buyer, because sex toys and intimate products are already an integral attribute of our lives. And they will always pay for pleasure. And this is already a significant prospect for development.
  • When choosing a product range, rely on your knowledge. It is impossible to successfully sell tablets or auto parts without completely understanding what is written in the technical data sheet, or without any idea of ​​how one router model differs from another.
  • When deciding on a niche, consider your preferences. Any failure, routine work, or fatigue can only be overcome if you really love the product you offer your customers. Otherwise, your project will certainly be doomed to failure.
  • Focus on creating an accompanying service that can make any purchase in your store as convenient as possible for the buyer. Only then can you count on positive feedback and customer return.
  • The future of e-commerce does not only belong to capitals and megalopolises. The format is slowly moving to the regions, capturing small towns and rural areas. Give the customer from there what he needs that he cannot buy in nearby stores. This way you can conquer this market.

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One more trick - it allows you to select the hottest products!

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“Availability” is a rather ambiguous indicator in this regard, because... if there is a lot of product, then it has either just been replenished and is selling quickly, or vice versa. The same can be said if there is not enough product...

And the “Landing” tab is an additional signal! Let me explain. You can quickly create a one-page page using a standard design for all products in the system. And for some products (there are also a lot of them) there are separate landing pages made specifically for this product! And this says something.

Teaser networks

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How can you find out what product is on sale?, and not just tested by someone and the advertising budget is wasted?!

It's actually quite simple!

You need to look at the TOP teaser networks. It contains the most clickable and popular teasers, on which a significant budget is spent! And if the advertised product were not on sale, naturally they would not spend money on it... After evaluating and observing the tops for several days, it is not difficult to find the product being sold in exactly this moment time!

The Russian market is considered the most favorable for the sale of all kinds of products. Beginning businessmen are often interested in what the best-selling products are in Russia and whether they are bought around the world. Therefore, the article will present products that will be purchased in the Russian Federation and other countries.

Raw materials

It is easy to guess that the most sold goods on planet Earth are raw materials. They usually involve large transactions and, as a rule, the parties involved are large companies. The TOP best-selling raw materials products look like this:

  1. Oil. It is considered an expensive product due to the high demand for final products. Crude oil is the world's most traded commodity.
  2. Coffee. This ancient culture, it is grown in more than 70 countries around the world.
  3. Natural gas. It is an important source of energy used for heating and electrification.
  4. Gold. From ancient times to the present day, gold has been used as a currency (however, now it is not exchanged for essential goods, but funds are invested in it for resale and capital increase).
  5. Copper. It is mainly used for trade purposes - now in the form of alloys, thousands of years ago - in its pure form.
  6. Silver. Exists in nature in its pure form, mainly used for making jewelry, devices, widely used in industry.
  7. Sugar. Used by all people in everyday life.
  8. Corn. Oddly enough, the eighth place of the most sold goods in the world is corn as the oldest crop on the planet.
  9. Wheat. It is the main food product among grain crops.
  10. Cotton. Its use is not only limited to clothing, paper and coffee filters - it is also used to make cosmetics, medicines, oil, fishing nets and fire hoses.

Other global sales products

But although raw materials are considered the most traded commodity in the world, the average office clerk will not buy a barrel of oil. Therefore, the most popular products are usually intended for entertainment, they are small and accessible to everyone, and they are also well advertised:

  1. Rubik's Cube. It was invented by the Hungarian sculptor and architect Erne Rubik in 1974. After 6 years American company I bought the copyright for this toy and began producing it. Very quickly the puzzle became a worldwide sensation, which is why the cube has been considered a best-selling product for many years.
  2. iPhone. This phone is considered the best-selling product even in Russia. In just 5 years, more than 290 million models were purchased worldwide.
  3. "Harry Potter". The book first saw the world in the 90s of the last century and has not left bookstore shelves since then. The total profit from book sales was $8.1 billion.
  4. "Thriller". Another top-selling product is Michael Jackson's Thriller album. In just a year after its release, it received 8 awards.
  5. "Mario." This video game first appeared in 1981 and has been featured regularly in gaming products since then. Each copy sold over 1 million copies.
  6. iPad. It was first seen by the world in 2010 and immediately became the best-selling product of the year.
  7. "Star Wars". In 2009, Avatar was recognized as the highest-grossing film; according to other sources, Gone with the Wind (1939) is considered the highest-grossing film. But if we take into account the category of “series”, then none of the existing ones can compare with “Star Wars”.
  8. Toyota Corolla. No matter how strange it may sound, a car also made it into the list of best-selling products. Corolla has been on the market for more than forty years, and during this time more than 11 models have seen the world.
  9. Lipitor. This drug is used to lower cholesterol levels in the body. The total profit from the sale of the drug is $126 billion.
  10. PlayStation. The first model of this game console was released in 1995. After 5 years, consoles of the second and third generations - PS2 and PS3 - entered the market. Over the entire period, more than 310 million copies have been sold.

Successful investments

So, what is the best-selling product in Russia? As a rule, it all depends on the category. Beginning entrepreneurs usually work with several products, because with a large assortment it is very difficult to track the popularity of the product. If you choose only one direction, then later you can expand the line with related products. This trend brings good profits if you use the Internet space for implementation.

Also, when starting to work with sales, it is important to understand that during a crisis, the list of best-selling products in Russia will certainly change. This will especially affect the wealthy segments of the population, who will prefer to save money and begin to invest in things. Mainly in precious metals, real estate, art or antiques.

But since there is a priori no middle class in the country, and society is divided into two categories of people: some skim off the “cream”, others are below the poverty line. Due to this feature, goods for sale are usually selected. But here you also need to think: if you choose cheap products, you can quickly win an audience, but here there is a lot of competition from online platforms and more well-known organizations. As statistics show, the best-selling product in Russia in 2016 was gadgets, but it is almost impossible to grab your market share in this segment.

Clothes, shoes, accessories

It is this group that heads the top 10 best-selling products. The desire to express oneself and stand out is almost in the first place for a person. This group of products will be in demand in any economic conditions. Despite the fact that people are accustomed to choosing things by trying them on and by touch, today more and more buyers are ordering the necessary goods via the Internet.

The Internet provides information regarding size, color, fabric composition, and there are also photographs showing the item from all sides. Although for a client buying a product online is a real pig in a poke, the buyer will never guess what exactly he will receive in reality. But in terms of searching, the Internet is very convenient.

The best-selling products on the Internet are clothing and shoes. According to statistical results 12% of consumers buy goods in this category online. This is done mainly by women, and the most popular product is, of course, dresses.

Quadcopters, smartphones and accessories

Similar aircrafts were originally created for military purposes, but after a while they were enthusiastically used in everyday life and for entertainment. Marketers believe that 2018 will be the most profitable business There will be a trade in drones. The demand for this product is growing all the time, so you can make a lot of money on resale. Apparently, people have already satisfied their need for smartphones and now want something new.

By the way, about smartphones. These gadgets have been the best-selling products on the Internet for several years now. This category includes any item whose cost exceeds $600 (34.5 thousand rubles). According to statistics on best-selling products, about 10% of Russian residents can afford to constantly change their mobile phones to new models.


Also among the 10 best-selling products on the Internet are household appliances. Even if we take into account the fact that most buyers are afraid to shop online, the demand for these products is growing every day. No matter how you look at it, the cost of household appliances in stores is much more expensive than on the Internet, even if you take into account delivery, you can save a decent amount.

Basically, people buy large household appliances from stores to preview them in person. Therefore, small household appliances such as an iron, kettle, blender, etc. are more popular. Beauty products are also popular in this product category: epilators, electric razors, curling irons, flat irons, etc.

Green tea and medicine

As for 2018, then great idea There will be trade in green tea. Statistics show that the average buyer is increasingly focused on healthy eating(more precisely, the fashion for healthy eating). In any case, green tea, like green coffee, is now very popular.

IN Lately They are worthy of competition from healthy nutritious products, in other words, detoxes. In first place are herbal teas and decoctions, in second place are detox juices. Despite the fact that many detoxes turn out to be fakes, the demand for them is not decreasing.

Healthy image life is good, but medications are still more popular. No matter how you look at it, people will always get sick; there are pharmacies at literally every step in the country. When purchasing pharmaceutical products, the buyer is mainly guided by blind trust. Even dietary supplements and herbs, which do not always have a positive effect on the body, are in demand.

Books, toys, gifts

Even in an age when people have begun to use electronic devices to read books, regular paper copies are still in demand. Be that as it may, ease of use cannot overcome the desire to sniff the newly printed publication. According to statistics, the best-selling products on the Internet are books (this is if we take into account only online transactions). On websites, printed publications are much cheaper, and you can get good discounts.

Also, the modern buyer cannot do without toys and gifts. After all, every person has many relatives, friends and acquaintances, and no one has yet canceled holidays and the rules of good manners. In addition, there are now many services that can make a gift personalized, original and unique. And toys are popular among people of all ages.


As strange as it may sound, the list of best-selling products online also includes tickets. If previously you had to go somewhere and stand in line, now you can purchase the required ticket without leaving your home: buy it, print it out and you’re done. True, novice businessmen should not focus on this segment of the market: not only is there pathologically high competition here, but they will also have to spend a lot of effort searching for potential partners.

Cosmetics and perfumes

These products were, are and will be popular. The peak of sales increases especially on the eve of the holidays. Cosmetics buyers are generally conservative; they will constantly choose a product that once suited them. So if you want to start a business in this area, then you can try your luck.

It is worth noting that profit will directly depend on the quality of the product and its advertising. Basically they can boast of a stable audience here famous brands, whose products have been tested both by time and experience. About 20% of buyers purchase cosmetics and perfumes online.

LEDs and furniture

Lighting that operate from diodes can also be considered one of the best-selling products in Russia. At the end of 2017, the new product became a real breakthrough, because the use of this product for household purposes is considered more economical. LED bulbs They consume 3-4 times less electricity and last much longer than conventional lamps.

It may seem that only wealthy people buy furniture, but this is not at all true: it is popular among the entire population. They buy it not only during renovations, but also to simply update their home.

East is a delicate matter

Buyer requests don't end there. Not long ago, Russian residents mastered a site like Aliexpress, and in most cases prefer it to domestic online stores. Goods from China have long flooded the world market, but now buyers can order things, equipment, toys, cosmetics and all kinds of accessories directly from manufacturers and suppliers, rather than overpaying the cost of the seller’s markup. Statistics show that Russian residents order the following products on Aliexpress:

  1. Tempered, protective glass for iPhone. This product takes first place in the ranking, and this is not a mistake: either everyone in the Russian Federation can afford an iPhone, or the glass is not very tempered.
  2. Gel nail polish. New fashion modern girls obliges him to buy it.
  3. Women's seamless cotton briefs. The top three are underwear, and although buying it online is a dubious proposition, consumers don't think so.
  4. Matte waterproof liquid lipstick.
  5. Cosmetic sponge.
  6. Metal headphones. They look stylish and sound good, it’s not for nothing that they made it into the top ten.
  7. Purifying black mask. It appeared on the market in 2016 and immediately became popular.
  8. Cotton blouse with buttons.
  9. Warm women's leggings.
  10. Silicone transparent case for iPhone.
  11. Xiaomi fitness bracelet. Similar products from other manufacturers are many times more expensive, but so far there have been no complaints about this company. People buy products literally for nothing.
  12. on a magnet or tape. Since they cost practically pennies, buyers from Russia do not miss the chance to decorate their home.
  13. Balaclava hat. This is a hat that is pulled over the neck, and only the eyes and forehead are visible. But this product is seasonal, and its popularity was apparently inspired by modern fashion.
  14. Lace bra with push-up effect.
  15. LED waterproof flashlight. Irreplaceable and useful thing in every house.
  16. Women's blouse with lace. Perhaps, women's clothing is the most popular product category on Aliexpress, so it appears more than once in the Top 20 most purchased products.
  17. Silicone nibbler for feeding children. This is a special device designed for feeding babies fruits and berries.
  18. Lithium battery charging module. The popularity of this product is questioned: according to statistics, 19,000 orders were made, but in fact, a rare buyer knows what it is and what it is eaten with.
  19. Seeds of flowers, fruits and vegetables.
  20. Faucet attachment to save water.

What is the world buying?

If you look at the situation with goods from Aliexpress in the world, the only thing that can be included in the Top most purchased products is women's clothing. It is equally actively purchased both in the Russian Federation and in other countries of the world. Abroad, people mainly focus on those goods that will be useful in the household or that are too expensive in their country. For example, on Aliexpress in 2018, the most ordered items abroad were baseball caps, sneakers, sweatshirts, vacuum packers food, quadcopters, 3D constructors, silver rings, LED devices and brushes for cleaning car air conditioners.

Purchasing needs are different for each category of the population, some are ready to give their lives for a Rubik’s cube, while others can’t wait to get a smartphone case from China. Just a few decades ago it was possible to make a rating of the best-selling products, but today there can be a hundred or even more such ratings. The world is changing, and if before there wasn’t much to choose from, now the range of goods is too wide.