Reverend Seraphim of Sarov - patron of what? What does Seraphim of Sarov help with - what to ask, pray for.

Born under the name Prokhor, Saint Seraphim grew up in the simplest family living in the city of Kursk. His parents built a church in the city when Seraphim was still a boy. Miracles began to haunt the boy Prokhor from childhood. Once he fell from the bell tower of the church, but did not die. And not only did he not crash to death, he was not injured at all. No fractures, just a couple of bruises.

After this incident, Prokhor became interested in the study of religion, and a little later he decided to give his life to the service of God. His name, under which he became famous, Prokhor received in the Saratov region, working as a priest.

Seraphim of Sarov, canonized as a Saint, is respected not only by Christians, but also by other religions. He could heal people and foresee the future. On the first of August, the people celebrate the acquisition of the relics of the great Russian Saint.

Every Saint in afterlife has certain skills to help people praying to him. This is connected with real facts from the life of the saint. Seraphim came from the common people, like most of the Saints. From early childhood, he was accustomed to hard work. To construction and craft.

Working for the good of the family, Seraphim wanted to be closer to God. He wanted people to stop envying each other. He rejoiced in the little things, in what he had, urging everyone to do the same, not losing heart, moving forward as far as possible.

True believers, sacredly honoring the person of Seraphim, in front of his icon in order not to forget themselves in life, not to succumb to the craving for sin, to be able to overcome their temptation. Saint Seraphim helps people lost in life who are looking for their own path, helps them find peace of mind. By praying to him, you will cope with your temptation.

Most people ask Higher powers- health. For this reason, many are interested in the answer to the question: for what diseases do prayers help Seraphim of Sarov? As you already know, even as a little boy, Seraphim helped people, having the gift of healing people from deadly diseases. To perform charitable deeds, he used water from holy springs and prayers addressed to God.

After ascending to heaven, Seraphim did not stop helping people. addressed to the Saint, help with diseases of the internal organs. But not only the body heals Seraphim, he heals the soul from wounds inflicted by other people. You can pray to Seraphim if someone has greatly offended you or if you are hard and sad.

As you know, sincere appeals to the Saints will certainly be heard. Seraphim of Sarov assisted in finding family happiness not just one girl. But do not ask that the Saint helped you take your husband away from the family. It is a sin. You can only ask for the person you truly love.

If you are already married, and the appeal to the Saint is a request to strengthen relations, then you should pray sitting on your knees near the icon of Seraphim and a lit candle. It is best to pray in the corner of the room so that the light aura lingers much more strongly.

Also, a prayer to the great Seraphim of Sarov can help support your business.. Only your work should be charitable, useful to society and the church. Before turning to the saint for help in this matter, go to church and light a candle. Do something useful, help someone.

You will only send a signal to heaven that you are going to do something good. Christian church, as, in fact, the Catholic one, believes that you should not turn to a specific saint for a specific request. The main thing is to do it sincerely, with a pure soul, then you will get everything you dream of.

Seraphim of Sarov is widely known among all church parishioners. But it is also known outside the church. The story about the miracle boy who remained alive after falling from a bird's eye view spread instantly. Today, Orthodox Christians from all over the world pray to the Saint. Seraphim, in turn, appreciates this and does not refuse to help people.

Seraphim dedicated himself to the Lord. The incessant glorification of God and work to please the weak and disadvantaged became the meaning of his life.

By nature, Seraphim was modest. He did not consider himself a great savior of people, although he was. He said of himself that he was nobody and had nothing. At the same time, he was so spiritually rich that in ordinary people, you and me, there is not even a tenth of the spirituality of Seraphim. great person, a true ideal for any Christian.

Seraphim of Sarov can be at any time. There are no restrictions in this regard.

First Prayer for Help

O wonderful Father Seraphim, the great wonderworker of Sarov, soon an obedient helper to all who come running to you!

In the days of your earthly life, no one is thin and inconsolable from you when you leave, but for everyone in the sweetness there was a vision of your face and a benevolent voice of your words. To this, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of weak souls of healing is abundant in you. When God called from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love is not simple from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplied like the stars of heaven: behold, at all ends of our earth, you are the people of God and grant them healing.

Even so, we cry out to you: O quiet and meek servant of God, daring to pray to Him, never call on you!
Lift up your pious prayer for us to the Lord of strength, may it grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may it protect us from sinful falls and teach us true repentance, in a hedgehog, without fail, enter us into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, even if you now shine in glory beyond your reach, and sing there with all the saints Life-Giving Trinity till the end of time. Amen.

Second prayer

O great servant of God, reverend and God-bearing Father Seraphim!

Look from the Mountain of glory on us, humble and weak, burdened with many sins, asking for your help and comfort. Come close to us with your mercy and help us to keep the commandments of the Lord immaculately, keep the Orthodox faith firmly, repentance for our sins diligently bring God, in the piety of Christians prosper gracefully and worthy of being your prayerful intercession to God for us.

Hey, Holy One of God, hear us praying to you with faith and love, and do not despise us who demand your intercession; now and at the hour of our death, help us and intercede with your prayers from the evil slanders of the devil, may those forces not possess us, but may we be worthy of your help to inherit the bliss of the abode of paradise. We now place our hope in you, good-hearted father, truly be our guide to salvation and lead us to the non-evening light of eternal life by your God-pleasing intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, may we praise and sing with all the saints the revered Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen.

Third text

Reverend Father Seraphim, filled with Divine love, unceasing servant of Divine love, beloved of the Mother of Divine Love, hear me, who loves you little and grieves you.

Give me now to be a diligent servant of God-pleasing Love. That love, which is long-suffering, does not envy, does not exalt itself, is merciful, is not proud, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, does not rejoice in injustice, but rejoices in something else, beseech Original Love, but having served Her love on earth, with your intercession, prayers I will reach the Kingdom of love and glory and light, and I will fall at the feet of my Lord, who gave us the commandment of true love.

Loving Father, do not reject the prayers of the heart that loves you, and pray for the forgiveness of my sins from the loving God. Help us to bear each other's burdens, not to do to others what we don't want for ourselves, loves everything, in truth; He loves everything, he accepts faith in everything, he endures everything, even if he falls away in no way!

This love to be a servant to me and all my relatives, and known, and to cover with love, and with a hearty song of love, having ended earthly life, to begin with her joyfully eternal life in the country of true love. Pray for us, Father, our beloved Father, who loves us! Amen.

Where are the relics of Seraphim of Sarov located?

The last refuge of the Mother of God is often called the village of Diveevo. Legends say that all the shrines in this village were created at the command of the Queen of Heaven. At first, Alexander's mother was the conductor of God's will, after her death, the place went to Seraphim of Sarov. According, again, to the legend, as soon as Seraphim took office, on the very first day he dug the first arshin of the future Kanavka inheritance.

But she did not separate Seraphim and the village of Diveevo. His relics were left here and still attract believers from all over the world, because they give people a good mood and spiritual enlightenment. Being close to them allows you to feel the joy of knowing that you are a child of God.

The relics of Seraphim of Sarov were transported to a large number of churches and monasteries throughout the country so that believers who could not escape from their cities could touch them. They were returned to Diveevo in 1991. In honor of this, a religious procession was organized near the cathedral, which was headed by Alexy II himself, thus honoring the honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov.

In 2003, it was one hundred years since Seraphim was enrolled as a saint. Thousands of believers came to Diveevo to experience healing and come to the true path. After all, St. Seraphim of Sarov still continues to give people faith and happiness, as well as to bring them to God's Temple.

In Christianity, there are a large number of legendary icons. One of the most popular is the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, the significance of which is very difficult to overestimate. The saint was born in the 18th century, but over the years of his life he contributed to the formation of the Christian faith with righteous deeds. During his lifetime, he managed to help a large number of people. And today, prayers are addressed to his image.

In the article, we will consider some facts from the life of the saint, the meaning, what the icon of Seraphim of Sarov helps with, and what miracles are performed today.

Life of the Reverend

Seraphim was born in the middle of the 18th century in Kursk. The family of the saint was prosperous.

When the boy was three years old, his father died. Shortly before the death of Seraphim, he began the construction of the temple. After his death, all responsibilities fell on the boy's mother. One day she took her son with her to a construction site. The child, playing, fell from the bell tower. The woman was very frightened, but, going downstairs, she saw her son safe and sound. In this she considered God's care.

The second time the boy's life was in danger, when he was 10 years old. He became very ill. There was no hope of recovery. But one night little Seraphim dreamed of the Mother of God, who promised to heal him.

At that time, a procession was going along Kursk with the miraculous icon of the Sign of the Mother of God. Agafya, that was the name of the mother of the child, attached her son to her and asked for his speedy recovery. After that, Seraphim, or, as he was also called after baptism, Prokhor, went on the mend.

Later, when the boy grew up, the older brother, who was engaged in trade, began to teach Prokhor his skills. The boy didn't care at all. His soul longed for God. He visited the temple every day and prayed all the time. To do this, he had to wake up early in the morning in order to be in time for the morning service. Prokhor quickly learned to read and write and began to read Holy Bible. Mom drew attention to her son's desire to be closer to the Lord and rejoiced at this, so she did not force him to go help his brother.

Already in adolescence, the young man decided to devote his life to serving God. His mother did not object to her son and gave her blessing.

His first teacher was the recluse Dositheus from the Kiev Caves Monastery. It was he who considered the true servant of Christ in the guy and blessed young guy for life in the Sarov desert.

At the age of nineteen, in Sarov, Prokhor was received as rector in the desert by the elder Pachomius. Thus began the service of the reverend Lord. After that, they began to call him Seraphim of Sarov. Throughout his life, he carried his special relationship to the Mother of God.

Death of Seraphim

Seraphim of Sarov's icon "Tenderness" was in his cell all his life, near which he smeared the parishioners with oil from the lamp. And it was near this icon, praying, that the elder gave his soul to God. Before his death, the Mother of God came to him in a dream and announced his imminent death. Knowing that he would soon be gone, the elder prepared a grave for himself and gave his last orders.

The elder awaited his death with joy. It was an opportunity for him to be reunited with the Lord.

And Seraphim of Sarov bequeathed his main legacy - the icon of "Tenderness" to the sisters of the Diveevo monastery. And he gave the order to arrange a separate cell for her, for which he allocated funds.

"Tenderness", a favorite icon of Seraphim of Sarov, in the photo below.

Finding relics

Only at the beginning of the last century was the canonization Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky. On the day of his birth, the relics were transferred to the Sarov monastery. The procession with the relics and the icon, according to historians, was grandiose and lasted all day. They also claim that such a holiday in Russia was the first time. During the opening of the coffin with the relics, all those present fell on their knees, including the emperor, who also participated in the procession.

In the same year, a book was published with the teachings of the monk, which he managed to write before he passed away.


The icon of Seraphim of Sarov for Orthodox people is of great value.

The portrait of the elder was painted during his lifetime. Today it is kept in America.

Below is a photo of the icon, Seraphim of Sarov is depicted on it younger than the years in which he passed away.

His gaze is confident, happy and intent. The face expresses calm, thin in shape, hair combed back. Generally appearance reverend radiates kindness and grace.

Near the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, the feeling that he is looking straight into the soul does not leave.

Iconographic images of the saint

Often on icons, Seraphim of Sarov is presented in 4 guises:

  • The most common is an old man with a staff.
  • The feat of standing. The period when Seraphim stood on a stone in a prayer position for about 1000 days.
  • An image with a rosary in one hand, and the other blesses those in need.
  • Prayerfully folded hands crosswise on the chest.

History of the icon

Before talking about how the icon of Seraphim of Sarov helps, let's look at its history.

The first was written immediately after the death of the elder. He was awarded this thanks to his bright deeds during his lifetime. Seraphim constantly received parishioners, saved them from illnesses, and helped with advice. He was merciful and generous.

The next and one of the largest icons was painted a little later, at the beginning of the last century. In the year when the relics of the monk were transferred. This happened thanks to Nicholas II, who initiated the canonization of St. Seraphim.

On these icons, the elder is depicted both to the waist and in full growth. In one hand he holds a cross, and the other raises up, fingers crossed. With such a gesture, he directs everyone who looks at the icon towards the sky.

Where is the icon?

As noted above, one of the first icons is in America. In general, today, perhaps, there is not a single Orthodox church, wherever there is an image of Seraphim of Sarov.

And, of course, the oldest icon is located in the Sarov Monastery in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

The miraculous face is located in Old Peterhof at the Serafimovsky cemetery.

The miraculous image is kept in Estonia in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

One of the most famous images of an old man with a stone is kept in the Yelokhov Epiphany Cathedral.

Part of the elder's relics remained in the Danilov Monastery. Two miraculous lists are also kept here.

Icon of Seraphim of Sarov. Meaning, what helps

Often, many of us, coming to the temple, do not even know where which icon is and how it helps. We mistakenly approach the first one that we like, and ask for ourselves, relatives. This does not mean that our hopes will not come true, and requests will go unnoticed. After all, if we come with faith in our souls and truly need help, the Lord will not leave us.

But after all, it is much better to understand which saint, angel, archangel is responsible for what, asking for protection and blessing purposefully.

Seraphim of Sarov differs from all other saints in his great love for the Almighty, for which he was gifted with the ability to heal and the ability to predict the future.

He knew almost all the questions and answers with which the afflicted came to him. Therefore, to this day, the icon of the elder brings grace and blessing to the house.

Of course, not everyone believed him and often questioned his words, but later they were convinced that they were wrong. Especially the icon helps those who truly believe in its power of healing.

Healing Methods

Its methods are quite simple. He helped only with the help of prayer and holy water. Nothing has changed today. It is better to ask the saint for help, turning to him with a prayer.

Despite enough simple methods, Seraphim could heal even seriously ill people, often already incurable. There are plenty of such cases in the world today.

Water from the holy spring is considered healing. It is located in the Diveevo Monastery. Many people come there to bathe in the sacred spring and be cured of illnesses.

With the help of prayer, he asked the Lord to help everyone who asked for help during his lifetime, and after death he prays for all those in need.

The meaning of the icon of the Monk "Tenderness", or as it is called the "Seraphim-Diveevskaya Icon"

It was believed that the icon brings health. The reverend called her "Joy of all Joys."

The Mother of God often appeared to the elder. Once she cured him of a deadly disease.

Today, the original is kept in the Church of the Vladimir Icon in Moscow.

On the image, the eyes of the Virgin Mary are humbly lowered, which indicates that she is waiting for the coming of the Son of the Lord. Both hands are crossed on the chest.

It is believed that this icon patronizes the female half of humanity:

  • Girls seek help in personal matters. So that the husband is good and faithful, the children are healthy.
  • The Mother of God helps in everyday life problems.
  • It instills in a person confidence and strength to cope with everyday troubles.

The Virgin Mary demonstrates by her example how to overcome despair and at the same time remain humble.

Seraphim's "Tenderness" is considered the purest and most sublime image of the Virgin Mary.

What do they pray for before the face of Seraphim of Sarov?

Since the priest was revered during his lifetime, immediately after his death, many prayers and akathists were written. And this despite the fact that Seraphim had not yet been canonized at that time.

Often they pray before the icon:

  • On the preservation of the family.
  • About healing both one's own and loved ones.
  • In case of difficult childbirth.
  • If a girl wants to get married successfully.
  • About getting rid of bad habits.
  • In case of difficulties, get rid of temptation.
  • About help at work.
  • Women apply when they cannot conceive a child.
  • In moments of grief and despair.

When addressing a saint with the help of prayer or from oneself, it is very important to have open heart and pure thoughts. Otherwise, the request will not be fulfilled. It is very important to sincerely believe in what you are asking for.

How to pray?

It is not often that people who come to the temple understand how to pray correctly and why they should do it.

Prayer is a conversation with God. She shows us our sins. But what is the right way to do it?

The correct reading of a prayer is a hard work that needs to be learned.

  1. Reading it requires full concentration. Memorization and automatic reading will not bring any result. It is important to focus on what you are saying. A technical reading of a prayer can cause “prayerful” pride, which is also considered a sin.
  2. Sincere repentance and true awareness of their sins.
  3. Humble yourself. One of the important factors that does not allow a sincere reading to imperceptibly go to hypocrisy.
  4. While reading the prayer, you can light a church candle. And it doesn't matter where you pray - in a church or at home in front of the image.
  5. Before reading any prayer, it is necessary to read "Our Father".
  6. Turning to one or another saint, it is important to take into account real events from their lives. And if we talk about Seraphim, then he spent his whole life in work and believed that this was the only way to get closer to the Almighty.
  7. He said to be happy with what you have.
  8. Turning to him helps to find peace and peace of mind.

Remembrance Day

The saint's day is celebrated twice a year.

These days, solemn services are held in churches throughout the country in honor of the memory of the saint. And the men who bear the name Seraphim celebrate their name days.

Miracles created through prayers to Seraphim of Sarov

It is impossible to list all the miracles that took place during the life of the saint and after his death. But we can recall the most famous and first:

  1. The first and most famous miracle is when he fell from the bell tower as a child and remained safe and sound. This case has already been discussed above.
  2. The next miracle happened to the saint in his youth, when he was in a monastery. His body was swollen with dropsy. In a dream, the image of the Virgin Mary appeared to him, who touched his leg with her staff. Since that time, Seraphim has been on the mend.
  3. Seraphim predicted the exact date of his death brother 48 years before it happened.
  4. He had the gift of insight. He always knew in advance the content of the letters that came to him, without even revealing them.
  5. Even animals listened to him. One of the ministers who lived with Prokhor, after his death, said that he had witnessed how the old man fed the bear from his hands, which initially tried to attack him.

In the article, we reviewed short description the life of the saint, the miracles that happened to him, the description of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, its meaning, which helps. And also how to read prayers correctly so that they have their power. We hope that our article will be useful for you.

The Monk Seraphim of Sarov, in the world Prokhor, was born on July 19, 1759 in the city of Kursk into a pious merchant family. His whole life is marked by the signs of God's mercy. When, as a child, his mother took him with her to the construction of the temple and he fell from the bell tower, the Lord preserved him unharmed. During the child's illness Mother of God in a dream she promised her mother to heal him. Soon, the Kursk Root Icon of the Sign was carried with a procession near their house. Holy Mother of God, the mother carried the patient out, he venerated the icon and after that quickly recovered (kontakion 3).

At the age of seventeen, the young man had already firmly decided to leave the world, and his mother blessed him for the monastic feat with her copper cross, with which the monk did not part until the end of his life (kontakion 2).

The Elder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Dositheus (Reverend Dosithea) blessed Prokhor to go to the Sarov Assumption Hermitage, on the border of the Nizhny Novgorod and Tambov provinces, known for the strict observance of monastic statutes and the ascetic life of the inhabitants (ikos 3). After two years of monastic labors and deeds of obedience, Prokhor fell seriously ill and long time refused medical help. Three years later, the Mother of God appeared to him with the apostles Peter and John and healed him (kontakion 5).

On August 18, 1786, the novice took monastic vows with the name Seraphim (“Flaming”), and in December 1787 he was consecrated to the rank of hierodeacon. Already at that time, the young ascetic was honored during divine services to see the holy angels and our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, coming through the air surrounded by Heavenly Forces (ikos 6).

In 1793, Saint Seraphim was ordained to the rank of hieromonk and laid the foundation for the feat of hermitage and solitary prayer in a forest cell on the banks of the Sarovka River (kontakion 6). The devil intensified the battle against the ascetic, and the monk took upon himself the feat of pilgrimage. For a thousand days and nights he prayed on the stone with uplifted hands: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner” (kontakion 8).

Powerless to spiritually depose the ascetic, the devil sent robbers upon the monk, who inflicted mortal wounds on him, but the Mother of God appeared and healed him for the third time (ikos 5).

Upon his recovery, the Monk Seraphim labored the feat of silence for three years, and in 1810, after a 15-year stay in the desert, he opened himself in the monastery cell. For love for God, humility and deeds, Saint Seraphim was vouchsafed the spiritual gifts of clairvoyance and miracle-working. On November 25, 1825, the Mother of God with Saints Clement of Rome and Peter of Alexandria appeared to the ascetic and allowed him to complete the retreat. The venerable elder began to receive those who came to him for blessing, advice, and spiritual consolation, lovingly calling everyone: “My joy, my treasure” (kontakion and ikos 9).

The Monk Seraphim invariably based the word of edification, as throughout his life, on the word of God, the works of the holy fathers and examples from their lives, while especially honoring the holy champions and zealots of Orthodoxy. He liked to talk about Russian saints. The monk urged all those who turned to him to stand for the unwavering faith, and explained what the purity of Orthodoxy consists in. He convinced many schismatics to leave their errors and join the Church. The reverend plentifully reinforced his teaching word with prophecies, healings and miracles. Many soldiers who received a blessing from the Monk Seraphim testified that, through his prayers, they remained unharmed on the battlefield. The Monk Seraphim took care of and led the sisters of the Diveevo monastery and, at the direction of the Mother of God, founded a separate Serafimo-Diveevo mill community for the girls. The Queen of Heaven announced to the ascetic in advance of his death, and on January 2, 1833, the Monk Seraphim surrendered his soul to the Lord, during a kneeling prayer before the icon of the Mother of God (kontakion and ikos 10).

Through the prayers of St. Seraphim, numerous signs and healings were performed at his grave. On July 19, 1903, the saint of God was glorified.

Seraphim of Sarov - the patron of what? To answer this question, you first need to know life path old man. After all, the name of this saint is widely known throughout the world, he is especially revered in Russia. The Lord gave him the ability to heal, as well as to talk about the past, to predict the future. Prayers with requests to the saint work wonders: they fulfill the most cherished desires, heal, help find a way out of a difficult situation.

Heavenly patron Seraphim of Sarov comes from Kursk. The exact date of his birth is known - July 19, 1759. At baptism, the baby received the name Prokhor.

Miracles began to happen to the boy from the very early age. There was a case when Prokhor could not resist and fell from the bell tower of the temple. Everyone saw a miracle in the fact that the boy remained absolutely unharmed.

In 1776, in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, a fateful meeting took place between the young Prochorus and the elder Dositheus, who indicated to the young man that he should take tonsure in the Sarov wasteland.

After 2 years, the young man ended up in the Tambov province, where he became a novice in the Sarov Monastery. And 8 years later, in 1786, he did what Dosifey told him - he took tonsure and became a monk Seraphim.

Seraphim did not need rest at all, the Lord himself gave him the strength to serve. In 1794, he accepted a silent feat and settled in the forest so that he could pray without ceasing.

Father Seraphim spent 16 years in the desert, and in 1810 he returned to the monastery to take another seclusion, which lasted until 1825. Everything changed on November 25 of the same year. In a dream, the Mother of God appeared to Seraphim of Sarov and ordered him to stop fulfilling his vows and start receiving people in order to help them with her advice, guidance and healing.

Miracles through the prayers of Father Seraphim

For his love for God and the exploits of asceticism, Father Seraphim received from the Lord the gift of healing people, as well as predicting important events. He knew everything about the past and the future, gave wise advice helped to overcome difficulties. Sometimes what he advised seemed strange and incomprehensible to people, but those who exactly fulfilled what was predicted later became convinced that everything that Father Seraphim said made sense.

Seraphim of Sarov - patron of what? They went to him for advice and with a request, he helped in the treatment of bodily and mental ailments, and sometimes with advice he prevented trouble.

He helped everyone who turned to him with prayer and water from a miraculous spring. Many cases of curing hopeless patients with the healing water of Father Seraphim have been recorded.

After the death of the saint, the healing spring continues to work miracles. Its water is truly healing, it brings back to life, gives health and peace of mind.

However, the main miracle that remained after St. Seraphim of Sarov is prayer. It has long been known that people endowed with certain abilities do not heal themselves, they send their requests to God through prayer, who, loving them, fulfills the petitions. Saint Seraphim of Sarov and now prays for all of us before God, so the miraculous prayer of this elder fulfills wishes, saves in difficult moment helps to overcome adversity.

Icons of Seraphim of Sarov

Now there are many revered icons of the holy elder Seraphim of Sarov. His image is painted not only on icons, but also on frescoes.

There are picturesque icons that were painted by skillful artists shortly after the death of the venerable elder, with the involvement of people who personally knew him. A well-known portrait of Seraphim of Sarov has been preserved, which is now kept in the Moscow Theological Academy.

In the Christian world, the face of Seraphim of Sarov is revered, they pray to him, they turn to him with requests for help.

Seraphim of Sarov - patron of what?

Here we come to the main question. The memory of the Holy Father Seraphim is revered by believers twice a year: January 15 and August 1. But this does not mean that the saint is prayed only on these days. Sincere prayer will be effective at any time, the main thing is to believe and think about good.

Whose patron is Seraphim of Sarov? They turn to him with requests for help, as well as in despondency under sinful circumstances, they pray to save him from demonic temptations. He is asked for the grace of giving love. It helps in the development of memory, relieves diseases of the spirit and body, helps in solving problems of a material nature.

Prayers to Seraphim of Sarov are effective, if you forgive not only for yourself, you can pray for your loved ones and for your enemies.

Prayer for a Happy Marriage

Seraphim of Sarov is the patron saint of marriages. This saint is approached with a request to arrange the fate of lonely girls. It has long been known that in order to receive help, one prayer is not enough. Prayer will be effective if it is read into the water. And for that, it's best living water- spring.

Taking a liter of water, read a prayer on it, while placing a lit church candle and an icon of Seraphim of Sarov near the vessel. Water prepared in this way should be drunk, as well as sprinkled on your bed and room.

Of course, one should not forget that the main attribute of such a request is faith in God and confidence that a miracle will happen and you will meet your destiny.

It is believed that Seraphim of Sarov is the patron saint of late marriages, so those who have already lost all hope of arranging their fate often turn to him. If you are over 30 years old or more, and you are still single, contact Father Seraphim and be sure that sincere prayer will be fulfilled.

A very strong help will be the prayer of a mother who wants her daughter to get married, because the Lord accepts any request of a mother for her dearly beloved child.

How to pray to Seraphim of Sarov

This saint is very much loved and revered in Russia. From time immemorial, it has become so that people addressed him lovingly: Seraphimushka, an old man, a father, a saint of God, Father Seraphim, a miracle worker.

Address yourself in prayer in the way you like best, the main thing is that it comes from the heart, be pure with good thoughts.

So, Seraphim of Sarov is the patron of what? Probably, everyone will answer this question for himself, because it is known that faith and veneration of God by the elder worked true miracles.

After the saint died Orthodox people turned to him with faith, and a miracle happened. Back in 1895, a special commission recorded 94 miraculous healings that occurred after prayer to Father Seraphim. This is only a small part of the real cases of the help of a saint who is always ready to support a believer.

To understand what Seraphim of Sarov is the patron of, you need, first of all, to know his life, what he did and what mark he left in history.

Born in the city of Kursk in a family of ordinary workers. At birth, he received the name Prokhor. Since childhood, the boy was accustomed to physical labor. Parents were involved in the construction of the church.

Also in childhood strange things happened to the child. For example, once a boy climbed onto a church bell tower and fell from it to the ground. The height was high, but the kid survived and remained practically unharmed. He had no fractures or serious wounds, only small bruises.

After this incident, Prokhor realized that this was a sign of God, and began to get involved in religion. Growing up, he wanted to devote himself to the service of the Lord. In the Saratov region, he began to work as a priest and received the name Seraphim.

Seraphim of Sarov is considered a saint. According to legend, he had the gift of healing, so many people turned to him for help. According to legend, he could treat deadly diseases of the internal organs.

He is revered in the Orthodox and Catholic religions.

Seraphim of Sarov is the patron saint of helping those in need. Even during his lifetime, he was approached with a request to free the mind from sorrow, despondency or temptation. People pray to him in a state of despair and resentment. They ask for spiritual peace and satisfaction.

What they ask for and in what cases they pray to Seraphim of Sarov

Many believers turn to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov for help. He knew how to heal serious illnesses. Therefore, they pray to him good health both his own and those close to him.

People ask to be protected from sins and temptations. Prayers to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov heal both physical and spiritual wounds. If someone offended a person, or he experiences a feeling of despair and sadness, turning to a saint will help overcome this. Even during his lifetime, Seraphim of Sarov believed that despondency was the most terrible human sin, and tried to help people in the fight against it.

A prayer to the saint for marriage is quite popular. Young girls ask for help to find loving husband And happy family. However, there is one nuance here: you cannot ask the saint about the departure of a man from another family. This is a sin, since this happiness will be built on the misfortune of other people. If a woman wants to take her beloved away from another family, the prayer will not be heard and, on the contrary, may turn into a praying punishment from God.

Seraphim of Sarov should also pray in marriage. People ask him to strengthen relationships with their loved ones. They want to enhance tender feelings between family members. With such a prayer, one should read the text in the corner of the room so that the energy lingers longer in the house. You need to kneel in front of the icon, light a church candle and read a prayer.

Serafim Sarovsky also helps people doing business. However, he will not hear everyone and will not help everyone. The work must be related to church affairs. Business must be built on help ordinary people. If a person prays only for the purpose of getting richer, his work will only bring losses.

The prayer's intentions must be pure and sincere. Before prayer, you should go to church and put a candle there. The saint will be favorable if a person does some good deed.

Church ministers argue that it is not necessary to pray to a specific icon for a specific cause. It is enough just to “give a sign” about the beginning of work. Most importantly, prayer must be sincere and come from a pure heart.

What is the dream of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov

In all religions, the icon is a symbol of the highest spiritual power. Before you start interpreting a dream with an icon, you need to remember a few things: firstly, how the icon appeared in the dream (it stood on the table, fell to the ground, was held on its hands, etc.), and secondly, who was depicted on the icon.

The second point is more important, since each saint is the patron of this or that business. Interpretation becomes more complicated if a person does not remember the image or does not know who was depicted on it.

Unfortunately, the image of Seraphim of Sarov in dreams does not carry good news. The saint warns that soon a person will be overtaken by failure and misfortune. However, you can't give up. We must try to solve the problem ourselves. You should turn to God for help, and not to close friends. In this case, bad moments will pass faster, and everything will work out in life.

No need to rely only on divine help. Only with my own hands man can pave his way to a brighter future. Prayer to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov warns a person not to make hasty conclusions and rash actions (other icons also warn about this).

Where is the icon of Seraphim of Sarov

The Russian saint is revered not only in Russia, but also in European countries. In Catholic churches, you can find icons depicting Seraphim of Sarov. For example, in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Estonia.

In Russia, the icon of Seraphim of Sarov can be found in many places:

  1. At the Danilov Monastery.
  2. Elokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral.
  3. At the Serafimovsky cemetery (Old Peterhof).