Analysis of the literary fairy tale D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak "The Tale of the Kozyavochka"

Lesson Objectives:

    To acquaint with the features of the fairy tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

    Development of skills to analyze works, skills of expressive, conscious reading.

    Cultivate positive life positions, faith in the best, goodness.

Equipment: portrait of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak, book exhibition, analysis scheme literary fairy tale.

Literature: Tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

During the classes

1. Creating a situation of success.

2. Orientation-motivational stage-10 minutes.

Exercise 1.

Traveling to the world of fairy tales, we got acquainted with Russian folk and literary tales.

What are their similarities and how do they differ?

Task 2.

- What literary fairy tales have we met and who is their author?

– Tell us about the work of the fairy tale writer P.P. Ershov.

3. Operational-executive stage - 30 minutes.

Formulation of the problem.

– Many writers and poets have worked in the literary fairy tale genre. One of these masters of the word is D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak. He began to work in this genre not by chance. Life forced him. In 1892, the writer's wife dies. And he remains with a sick daughter in his arms. A difficult fate awaited the girl: her mother died, her father was not young, and a serious illness prevented her from counting on a prosperous destiny. The father had to prepare his daughter for life, for its harsh sides, and most importantly, to teach the child to love life.

What fairy tales did the writer create? Who are they about? What is the theme of fairy tales?

Today in the lesson we have to find out, and draw a conclusion, what is the peculiarity of the fairy tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Of course, in order to have a complete picture of his tales, you need to read some of the wonderful tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

Therefore, in order for the work to be fruitful, we organize activities in groups. Each group will be given a story and an analysis scheme.

Assignment (group work)

Analyze “The Tale of the Kozyavochka” - 1 group

Analysis of “The Tale of Sparrow Vorobeich” - group 2

Analysis of “Tales about Komar Komarovich” - group 3

Analysis of "The Tale of the Brave Hare" - group 4

Analysis of the fairy tale “The Gray Neck” - group 5

Performance of the creative team

Exercise 1

- What is the plot of the story?

The basis of the plot of the tale is the birth of Kozyavochka and her collision with obstacles and dangers (bumblebee, worm, frogs). The ending of the tale is the death of Kozyavochka, falling asleep until next spring.

Task 2

  • What is the composition of the story?

The story is in three parts:

1 - the birth of Kozyavochka and her view of the world at that moment.

2 - a change in Kozyavochka's worldview due to the events that happened to her.

3 - the end of the life of the Kozyavochka. An analysis of the events that happened to her in life.

Task 3

  • Are there magical phenomena, objects?

The magic is that all animals talk.

Task 4

  • Describe the characters in the story.

Goat (small insect). At first she is frivolous, but in the course of the plot of the tale she encounters some obstacles that change her character - they force her to adapt to life, get used to difficulties, and successfully overcome them.

The flower is kind, helps the Kozyavochka at birth, fed her.

Bumblebee - angry, formidable, rude, first villain, which Kozyavochka encountered.

The worm is serious, strict, believing that everything belongs to him: grass and flowers.

Other goats are frivolous, like Goat.

Sparrows, fish, frogs are shown in the tale as enemies that impede the life of Goats.

Task 5

  • What is the theme of the tale?

It is impossible to remake the world, it is impossible to change oneself and one's attitude towards the environment for one's own good. No need to be angry with the world, you should realistically assess your capabilities and hope for the best, sacredly believe in justice, goodness.

Task 6

  • Tell us about the artistic features of the tale.

- the presence of verbs at the beginning of the sentence gives the narrative movement, speed of action: “How Kozyavochka was born ... Kozyavochka spread her wings, rubbed her thin legs one against the other, looked around. Kozyavochka played, had fun and sat down to rest not a swamp sedge.

- the presence of repetitions in a fairy tale:

The sky is blue-blue; good good! Kind is kind.

- the presence of colloquial vocabulary: - Oh, you trashy Kozyavka, get out!

- the use of diminutive suffixes: goat, worm, flower, sun, grass.

Task 7

  • What children will learn about after reading a fairy tale, reveal the cognitive moment.

From the fairy tale, children learn about the life of insects, what they eat, that birds (sparrow), amphibians and fish eat insects.

Task 8

  • What does this story teach children?

The child is invited to look at the world through the eyes of Kozyavochka in order to gain a true human worldview. Not everything in the world is as simple as it seems, sometimes the environment may seem complicated and cruel, but do not be upset - you just need to find your own approach to each situation, an approach that corresponds to the norms of behavior, the laws of goodness, justice.

(Other groups report similarly)


4. Reflective-evaluative stage - 5 minutes

So, what are the features of the fairy tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak?

1. The heroes of fairy tales - a fly, a goat, a mosquito, a hare - are emphasized small, weak, invisible, but all the action is welded to their victory.

2. The main themes of fairy tales:

The weak prevail over the strong.
– The invisible find their place in life.
- It is impossible to remake the world to please yourself, but you can change yourself and your attitude to the environment for your own good.
Spiritual strength is more important than physical strength.

3. Action, plots are based on funny, funny incidents.

4. The description of nature occupies an insignificant place. The sketches are short, but very expressive.

5. Fairy tales are educational. Humanizing the characters helps the child to more vividly and vividly present to the child the characteristic properties of animals, their life.

6. Artistic Features: the presence of verbs at the beginning of the sentence gives the narrative a special rhythm, dynamics, the presence of repetitions, colloquial vocabulary.

Conclusion: Tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak are a peculiar way of talking between an adult and a child about vital things. The child is invited to look at the world through the eyes of a goat, a fly, a dog, a duck, in order to gain a truly human worldview.


  • Homework assignment.

Prepare entertaining material based on the fairy tales of D.N. Mamin-Sibiryak.

The works of G. H. Andersen have long been included in the school curriculum and are usually read by children with great pleasure. In this article, we will review the analysis and summary fairy tales "Swineherd" for reader's diary.

About the work

The literary tale "The Swineherd" was first published in 1841 in a collection of Andersen's works. The work quickly gained popularity and was even adapted for theatrical productions.

It is believed that the work was completely composed by Andersen himself, however, there are many folklore motifs in it. So, very popular among folk tales was the motive of punishment by a proud prince. He is present in one of the scenes in which the king disguises himself, wooing an arrogant princess. However, unlike folklore plots, which traditionally end well, Andersen's fairy tale is less sentimental.

Summary: "Swineherd" (for the reader's diary)

The main one is a poor prince who rules a small kingdom. He decides to marry the emperor's daughter. The prince sends a nightingale and a wonderful rose with a wonderful aroma as a gift to his beloved. However, she did not accept gifts, because they turned out to be alive, and not made by human hands.

Andersen's fairy tale has a pronounced instructive orientation, and the summary ("Swineherd") can serve as confirmation of this. For a reader's diary, you can shorten the text presented here a little more and not go into detailed descriptions gifts.

The prince decides to go into the service of the emperor as a swineherd. He invents a pot that plays a melody and shows who is cooking what, and a ratchet that can play all the polkas and dances in the world. These things attract the attention of the princess and the prince sells them to her for a kiss.

Andersen shows how cruelly pride and arrogance can be punished. Confirmation of this can be found by reading the summary ("Swineherd") for the reader's diary.

So, the princess kisses the prince and at that moment the emperor finds them. He drives them both out of their lands in anger. The princess began to sob in grief. The prince, meanwhile, changed his clothes and sobbed the girl that he despised her, because she did not agree to become the wife of an honest man, but for simple trinkets she agreed to kiss the swineherd.

Theme and idea of ​​a fairy tale

Now we can talk about the main theme and idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tale, and the summary above (“Swineherd”) will help us with this. For the reader's diary, it is also recommended to write a few words about this.

So, the main theme of the work is hopeless love. the main problem- social injustice, love of convenience, replacement of true feelings with artificial ones.

The idea of ​​the fairy tale is that one cannot judge people by their wealth and social status.

December 24, home of the medical adviser Stahlbaum. Everyone is getting ready for Christmas, and the children - Fritz and Marie - are guessing what this time the inventor and craftsman godfather, senior court adviser Drosselmeyer, who often repaired clocks in the Stahlbaum house, will give them as a gift. Marie dreamed of a garden and a lake with swans, and Fritz said that he liked the gifts of his parents that he could play with (the godfather's toys were usually kept away from the children so that they would not break), and the godfather could not make a whole garden.

In the evening, the children were let in to a beautiful Christmas tree, near and on which there were gifts: new dolls, dresses, hussars, etc. The godfather made a wonderful castle, but the dolls dancing in it performed the same movements, and it was impossible to get inside the castle, therefore the miracle of technology quickly got tired of the children - only the mother became interested in the complex mechanism. When all the gifts were taken apart, Marie saw the Nutcracker. The ugly outwardly doll seemed very cute to the girl. Fritz quickly broke a couple of Nutcracker's teeth, trying to crack hard nuts, and Marie began to patronize the toy. At night, the children put the toys in a glass cabinet. Marie lingered at the closet, placing her ward with all the conveniences, and became a participant in the battle of the seven-headed mouse king and the army of dolls led by the Nutcracker. The dolls surrendered under the onslaught of mice, and when the mouse king had already crept up to the Nutcracker, Marie threw her shoe at him ... The girl woke up in bed with her elbow cut by the broken glass of the cabinet. No one believed her story about the night incident. The godfather brought the repaired Nutcracker and told a tale about a hard nut: the beautiful princess Pirlipat was born to the king and queen, but Queen Myshilda, avenging her relatives killed by the mousetraps of the court watchmaker Drosselmeyer (they ate the fat intended for royal sausages), turned the beauty into a freak. The only thing that could calm her now was the cracking of nuts. Drosselmeyer in fear death penalty with the help of a court astrologer, he calculated the horoscope of the princess - the Krakatuk nut, split by a young man with a special method, will help restore her beauty. The king sent Drosselmeyer and the astrologer in search of salvation; both the nut and the young man (the watchmaker's nephew) were found with Drosselmeyer's brother in his hometown. Many princes broke their teeth on Krakatuk, and when the king promised to marry his daughter to a savior, a nephew stepped forward. He cracked the nut and the princess, having eaten it, became a beauty, but the young man could not complete the whole ceremony, because Myshilda threw herself at his feet ... The mouse died, but the guy turned into a Nutcracker. The king expelled Drosselmeier, his nephew and astrologer. However, the latter predicted that the Nutcracker would be a prince and the ugliness would disappear if he defeated the mouse king and a beautiful girl fell in love with him. A week later, Marie recovered and began to reproach Drosselmeyer for not helping the Nutcracker. He replied that only she could help, because she rules the kingdom of light. The Mouse King got into the habit of extorting Marie for her sweets in return for the safety of the Nutcracker. Parents were alarmed by the fact that the mice wound up. When he demanded her books and dress, she took the Nutcracker in her arms and sobbed - she is ready to give everything, but when there is nothing left, the mouse king will want to kill her herself. The Nutcracker came to life and promised to take care of everything if he got a saber - Fritz helped with this, having recently dismissed the colonel (and punished the hussars for cowardice during the battle). At night, the Nutcracker came to Marie with a bloody saber, a candle and 7 golden crowns. I will give the trophies to the girl, he led her to his kingdom - the Land of Fairy Tales, where they got through their father's fox coat. Helping the Nutcracker sisters with the housework, offering to crush caramel in a golden mortar, Marie suddenly woke up in her bed. Of course, none of the adults believed her story. About the crowns, Drosselmeier said that this was his gift to Marie for her second birthday and refused to recognize the Nutcracker as his nephew (the toy stood in its place in the closet

You looked in the category of the site Russian folk tales. Here you will find full list Russian fairy tales from Russian folklore. Long-known and beloved characters folk tales they will meet you here with joy, and once again tell you about their interesting and entertaining adventures.

Russian folk tales are divided into the following groups:

Tales about animals;

Fairy tales;

household tales.

The heroes of Russian folk tales are often represented as animals. So the wolf has always displayed the greedy and evil, the fox is cunning and savvy, the bear is strong and kind, and the hare is a weak and cowardly person. But the moral of these stories was that you should not hang a yoke even on the most evil hero, because there can always be a cowardly hare who can outwit the fox and defeat the wolf.

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Russian folk tale plays and educational role. Good and evil are clearly demarcated and give a clear answer to specific situation. For example, Kolobok, who ran away from home, considered himself independent and brave, but on the way he came across a cunning fox. A child, even the smallest one, will conclude for himself that, after all, he could have been in the place of the kolobok.

Russian folk tale is suitable even for the smallest children. And as the child grows up, there will always be a suitable instructive Russian fairy tale that can give a hint or even an answer to a question that the child cannot yet solve on his own.

Thanks to the beauty of Russian speech read Russian folk tales pure pleasure. They store and folk wisdom and light humor, which are skillfully intertwined in the plot of each fairy tale. Reading fairy tales to children is very useful, as it replenishes well lexicon child and helps him in the future to correctly and clearly form his thoughts.

There is no doubt that Russian fairy tales will allow adults to plunge into the world of childhood and magical fantasies for many happy moments. A fairy tale on the wings of a magical firebird will take you to an imaginary world and make you break away from everyday problems more than once. All fairy tales are presented for review absolutely free of charge.

Russian folk tales read

Part 1 / first


It's no secret that there are a lot of Russian folk tales, so many that often many people hardly remember the name of the work - only well-known phrases and expressions remembered from childhood live in their memory fairytale heroes. It also happens that the meaning of a fairy tale, its main idea, is well and clearly remembered, but the characters, that is, the characters participating in the fairy tale, are hardly remembered. Reading this article will help refresh the memory forgotten over time.


In this summary Russian folk tales, we will try to refresh in our memory the fairy tales we love and know from childhood, which we listened to a very, very long time ago. And probably, having briefly read a brief description of this or that TALE, we will want to read it again. Again, as before, enjoy an unforgettable amazing fairy tale plot, long forgotten, outdated, but beautiful and unusual for modern times, the Russian language, with its simple and surprisingly attractive word forms, combined with the unique style of Russian folk tales.
This article contains 025 fairy tales that were composed in the distant past by the great Russian people. And if you have a desire, you can always continue reading on the site, which is fraught with an amazing collection of the great heritage of the Russian people, enclosed in a wonderful collection of fairy tales for children and adults.

Due to the fact that there are a lot of different retellings, adaptations, editorial and other changes in the texts of Russian folk tales, those authors and sources that contain the information below will be noted in the text of this article. And which reflects the content literary works specific collection of fairy tales, which was mentioned above. Rooms ( "0xx") in the texts of descriptions indicate the serial number of the tale (main page first parts


"001" Fairy tale Arys - field from the collection "Russian Folk Tales" by Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev, short description:

There lived a girl with an old father, he married an evil witch. The witch disliked her stepdaughter. The girl (stepdaughter) married, gave birth to a child. The witch turned her stepdaughter into Arys-pole - a wonderful creature, a mysterious forest animal, drove her into the forest, put her own daughter in her place. The native little child of the stepdaughter (Arys-polya) was carried into the forest to be fed by his mother: Arys-polye. The father of the child found out about this, waited a moment and burned the skin of Arys-field, she became the old girl, told her husband about everything. For this, the witch and her daughter were punished.

Tale about black grouse processed by A.N. Tolstoy "002" :

A fairy tale about how a black grouse wanted to build a house, but decided that one night it was possible to spend the night without a house.

Russian traditional processed by A.N. Tolstoy, "003" plot:

choked cockerel bean seed, the chicken ran for water. In order to get water from the river and save the cockerel, she had to run to the woodcutters, kalashniks (people who bake rolls), combers (people who make hair combs), a girl and sticky.

Famous phrase: "The cockerel got drunk, and a grain slipped through."

wolf and goat a fairy tale from the collection of Afanasiev Alexander Nikolaevich "Russian children's fairy tales".

A goat lives in the forest with children - goats in a hut, this goat goes to work, the goats are left alone. The wolf - biryuk decided to eat the kids, as a result, only one kid remained alive. Still, the goat - the mother managed to remove the eaten kids from the belly of the wolf.

"004" A song from a fairy tale known to all children: "Kids, kids, Open up, open up. Your mother came, She brought milk; Milk runs along the notch, From the notch to the hoof, From the hoof to the damp ground."

Crow and cancer fairy tale "005" from the collection of Afanasyev A.N. "Russian children's fairy tales", content:

She caught a crow of cancer, cancer flattered her, praised, praised. The crow was stupid - croaked and let go of the cancer.

An old and instructive phrase said by cancer to a crow: "Yes, even though they good people and you are no match. It seems to me that there is no one smarter than you in the world."

Fairy tale Geese - swans processed by A.N. Tolstoy "006" summary:

Parents left the girl to look after her younger brother and went to work. She did not see her brother, and the swan geese carried him away to Baba Yaga. The girl went to rescue her brother, came to Baba Yaga, and began to work for her. A mouse lived in a hut on a chicken leg, she advised the girl to quickly pick up her brother and go home - otherwise the Baba Yaga would eat them. The girl and her brother ran away towards the house, on the way they were helped to hide from the pursuit of swan geese: a stove, an apple tree and a milky river, kissel banks.

Famous fairy tale phrases and expressions: "Eat my rye pie.", "Eat my simple jelly.", "Eat my forest apple."

Daughter and stepdaughter fairy tale "007" from the collection of Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev "Russian Children's Tales".

There lived a girl, her father, and stepmother with daughter Natasha. The girl - the stepdaughter was taken to the forest so that she would work there, not be distracted. The girl made friends with the mouse. At night, a bear came and forced the girl to play hide and seek. The mouse helped the girl win a herd of horses and a cart of silver from the bear. The stepmother envied her stepdaughter's wealth, and sent her daughter also into the forest, she never saw her daughter Natasha alive again, since Natasha did not make friends with the mouse and lost her life to the bear in blindfolds.

Famous phrases and expressions: “They will give the old man’s daughter in marriage, and they will bring the bones in the back of a woman.”, “Natasha! Natasha! Is your porridge sweet? Give me at least a spoon!”

Dumas in the retelling of M.L. Mikhailova:

The fox and the crane fell into a hole dug by a hunter. The fox runs around fussing, does not know what to do, the crane is calm - he eats food. When the man-hunter came, the crane pretended to be dead, outwitted the man, and escaped death. The fox had to answer to the hunter for two - both for himself and for the crane.

Fairy tale "008" has the following famous phrases: "I have a thousand, a thousand, a thousand thoughts!", "But I had one thought!"

Crane and heron, collection "Russian children's fairy tales", A.N. Afanasiev, description of the plot "009" :

A crane and a heron live in a swamp, take turns going to each other to get married: they invite you to marry and marry.

The story has the following famous phrase: "That's how they go to this day one to the other to get married, but they never get married."

Hares and frogs Leo Tolstoy retold the Russian fairy tale, "010" content:

The hares gathered and decided to drown themselves in the lake from a bad life, but when they saw the frogs they changed their minds.

Hare - brag processed by A.N. Tolstoy, description:

Once upon a time in the forest there was a bouncer hare, he was very fond of showing off to other animals, hares. The crow found out about this, punished the hare for boasting. After some time, this hare saved the crow from the dogs. For which he received a promotion from a crow.

famous phrase "011" works: "Here you are, well done, not boastful, but brave!"

Animals in the pit fairy tale processed by A.N. Tolstoy:

The hen was frightened of the hail, and ran, began to frighten everyone and induce horror. As a result, six animals fell into the pit: a hen, a cockerel, a hare, a fox, a wolf, a bear. The fox tricked and ate them all in turn. The fox was saved from death in a pit by a titmouse bird.

Famous fairy tale phrases "012" : "Olisava fox - a good name."

Winter hut of animals from the collection "Russian Children's Tales" by A.N. Afanasiev, brief description and characters "013" :

Several animals went, namely, a bull, a ram, a pig, a goose, a rooster from winter to summer to look. These animals walked and looked for summer from winter. One bull built himself a hut. In a cold winter, a ram, a pig, a goose and a rooster forced the bull to let them all into his hut. The fox persuaded the wolf and the bear to attack the dwelling and eat the animals. As a result, the bear was beaten, and the fox and the wolf simply ran away.

Famous phrase: "Well, if they had filed for him, it would seem, and there would have been death!"

"014" Brief description of the Russian fairy tale: How the fox learned to fly processed by A.N. Tolstoy:

The crane teaches the fox to fly, sits on itself, rises into the sky and throws it from a bird's eye view to the ground.

Fairy tale Goat - dereza edited by A.N. Tolstoy, "015" summary:

The goat was very unhappy with everything, it got to the point that the old man beat her and decided to kill the goat with a knife, but she was able to escape into the forest. In the forest, the dereza goat took the hut from the bunny and began to live in it. The rooster helped the hare to deal with the goat.

"016" Fairy tale Kolobok processed by A.N. Tolstoy, short story:

The old woman baked a bun for the old man, the bun ran away from them. He also ran away from animals: a hare, a wolf, a bear. The bun could not run away from the fox.

The famous old kolobok song contains the words: "I am a gingerbread man, a gingerbread man", "I left my grandfather," etc.

Folk Russian fairy tale The cat and the fox processed by A.N. Tolstoy, ( description:

The man threw the cat out of the house, threw it into the forest. The cat found a place to live in the forest, met a fox, gave his name: Kotofey Ivanovich and said that from now on he was the governor of these places. The fox and the cat got married, the fox began to feed and please him. She told about her husband-cat different passions to the wolf and the bear, they decided to see him. As a result, the bear and the wolf were physically punished, they became afraid and fed the cat and the fox.

Familiar phrases of the work "017" : "How many years I live in the forest, I have never seen such an animal!", "Small, but gluttonous!"

Cat - gray forehead, goat and ram, fairy tale "018" edited by Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, description:

There lived a cat, a goat and a ram. The cat played pranks on him, people beat him for it. The cat was offended, he lied to the ram and the goat that they would also be beaten, and persuaded them to escape. At night they met a bear, four of them were attacked by eight wolves. While the bear was fighting the wolves, the cat, the ram and the goat ran into the forest and climbed a tree. Then the cat managed to deceive and frighten the wolves, putting them to flight.

Kochetok and hen, the tale was processed by Tolstoy A.N. "019" :

A chicken with a cockerel (cockerel) played, played, he accidentally knocked out her eye with a nut. The boyars began to figure out who was to blame: a kochetok, a hazel (tree), goats, shepherds, a hostess, a pig, as a result, a hungry wolf who ate a pig turned out to be the culprit.

"020" Kuzma Skorobogaty edited by Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy.

Little peasant Kuzma Skorobogaty lives in the forest, he is very poor. He caught the fox, the fox persuaded her to let go and feed, for this she helps him. On his behalf, she tricked the king into forty wolves, forty black bears, forty forty martens and sables. Married the tsar's daughter to Kuzma Skorobogaty. By cunning, she gave Kuzma Skorobogatoy to take possession of all the property of the Serpent Gorynych and kill him. Kuzma Skorobogaty and his wife, the princess, feed the fox every day as a token of gratitude.

Famous phrase: "The formidable Tsar Fire and the Queen Molonitsa are coming, everyone is burning and scorching."

Lion, pike and man in the processing of Tolstoy A.N. , "021" description:

The pike told the lion that she was afraid of the man, the lion decided to eat the man, went to look for him. The lion was deceived by a boy and an old man, the soldier wounded the lion with a gun in the mouth and cut off his ear. The lion agreed with the pike that man is cunning, that he should be afraid.

"022" fairy tale fox and thrush processed by A.N. Tolstoy, summary of the tale:

The thrush lives on a tree, raising its little chicks. The chanterelle uses the thrush's parental feelings, i.e. frightens him by cutting down a tree with his tail and eating his children. The thrush in every possible way indulges the fox whims, in the end, sets the dogs on her, the fox ran away from them, and decided to take revenge on her tail for preventing her from escaping from the chase. She gave her tail to be torn to pieces by dogs.

The well-known and favorite phrase of the fox from the fairy tale: "Nate, dogs, eat my tail!"

Fox and crane processed by A.N. Tolstoy.

They went to each other's houses to eat. Once the fox left the crane hungry - he regretted the food, later the crane took revenge on the fox in the same way.

Famous fairy tale phrase "023" : Well, do not blame me, godfather! Nothing else to eat!

Fairy tale Fox and hare processed by A.N. Tolstoy "024" :

The fox has an icy hut, the hare has a bast hut. In the spring, the fox cunningly drove the bunny out of his home. They tried to help the hare to no avail: a dog, a bear, a bull. The rooster helped the hare: he killed the fox, and the two of them (the rooster and the hare) began to live in a bast hut.

Famous phrases of the tale: "As I jump out, as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!"

Fox and goat, retelling by K.D. Ushinsky "025" :

The fox accidentally fell into the well, a goat accidentally passed by, the fox lured him to jump into the well, the goat jumped off and the fox got out with his help.


Description of fairy tales taken from home page( of the first part of the fairy tale collection, which contains Russian folk about magic, about animals and others, the texts of which are read with rapture by many adults, and occasionally quite elderly people from completely different “corners” of the planet earth.