What dreams drunk brother native. What dream brother

Dreams about relatives often attend dreaming, sometimes died dear relatives and warn of significant events. What dreams of a native brother? By people beliefs Brother in a dream comes to scandals and quarrels in their relatives. Let's see the answer in famous dreams.

Interpretation of a dream ambiguous and depends on many reasons:

  • who dreamed brother - a woman / man;
  • as a brother behaved in a dream;
  • did a dead brother dreamed;
  • the age of brother in reality is a senior / junior;
  • where the brother was in a dream - at home or elsewhere;
  • how the dreams behaved and what felt.

If the dream came happy and healthy native brotherIn your overall fate there will be positive changes. If brother in a dream looked sick or begging, Changes will be unfavorable.

Older brother Explain good events in life, financial stability and prosperity. However, sometimes sleep can talk about the desire to gain protection, especially if the dream sees a girl.

If the dream comes younger brother, expect unforeseen troubles and additional duties in the family or at work. Also, the dream tells about the lack of heat and spiritual communication - the dreaming needs it.

If you sleep quarrel with brother, in real life Expect quarrels and conflicts in the family. An ordinary conversation with a brother in a dream foreshadows many cases, hard work and restoration of forces.

See deceased brother in a dream not to good. Some dreams interpret such a vision to diseases, others - to trouble. Bad, if in a dream you played with the dead in gambling. Such a plot says that the life of the dream literally hangs on the hairs.

However, there are other interpretations. If the brother looked cheerful, the dream foreshadows. If he looked sad and concerned - misfortune.

See brother drunk - Soon hear about his frivolous actions, the consequence of which will become big trouble. Strong alcohol intoxication foreshadows severe brother's disease.

If you saw native brother in blood (Hands, face, clothing), soon come serious financial times for both. If the brother in a dream is scared, expect family troubles. If the brother is crying, sleep foreshadows joy.

See native man in dirt - feeling of gravity and guilt. Try to find out what the brother is disturbing than you can help. Bad, if the brother is lying in the mud: such a dream will prophesate trouble and deprivation for his native person.

See a sinking brother - You will have to disturb the tangle of the problems he created.

Other plots

Birth of a little brother In a dream, he foreshadows news. If the message delivered joy in a dream, the news will be pleasant. The feeling of bewilderment or anger on the birth of brother predicts the receipt of shocking news.

Hug brother In a dream - to conflicts and quarrels in the family, clarifying relationships. Kisses with brother Tense relations are promoted, in contrast to hugs and kisses with other relatives.

Fight with brother It is considered a positive symbol. This plot foreshadows either soon enrichment or good support for other people. Moreover, support will become a hollow surprise for the dream.

Murder Brother In a dream - to sadness and grief. Or this dream advises rather get rid of the old family problem. Worse, if the dreamy himself spoke in the role of the killer. This plot foreshadows a very bad life situation, shame and disgrace.

Death Brother In a dream, it promises the well-being to everyone - and the "deceased" itself, and the dream. Another interpretation of the plot is a message that in the help of the dream will need. The funeral of the live in the reality of the brother is promising well-being and health.

Wedding of idle in reality brother I assume big changes in the life of family members. Wedding married brother foreshadows the birth of a child. Not necessarily he himself, just hear the news from relatives or friends.

If a woman dreamed wedding with your own brother, sleep foreshadows good. The dreamy is very tied to the family. Sex with a native brother speaks of intimate problems: a woman is looked at his intimate life.


What dreams of cousins? Sleep has a similar interpretation with his native brother. If the cousin looked happy and healthy, expect favorable change. A quarrel or conflict with cousin carry negative symbolism.

Non-existent brother

How to understand the dream in which you see a non-existent brother in reality? Such dreams tell about the feeling of abandonment and loneliness. The man is so closed that other people cannot reach his heart.

If a non-existent younger brother came to sleep, the plot tells about the feeling of jealousy or rivalry in the life of the dreaming.

A non-existent consolidated brother will tell that in the close circle of communication there is no mutual understanding between the parties.

View of Sonnikov

French dream book It believes that the sleeping will have to face meanness or betrayal if he saw a brother in a dream. Also sleep foreshadows family conflicts and distribution. To see the death of a brother in a dream - to joy and arrived.

Large dream book foreshadows receipt of the news if the sleeper saw such a plot. The fight promises strong related ties and a sense of appreciation.

  • Modern dream book foreshadows false news or false hearing.
  • The newest dream book: see a fun brother - to a prosperous long life, a patient - to a quick recovery.
  • Azara's dream book predicts long life.
  • Medeya's dream book promises difficulties in life.
  • The dream of a horoscope believes that soon the dream will acquire a faithful friend.

Dream Khasse Considers the plot of S. positive. Negative sense carries a dream with a fight or quarrel.

Dream 2012. . Elder brother dreams of protection, advice and support. The younger dream of the need to take care of commens.

Dream Zadae He believes that in a dream of a live brother who deceased in a dream - to well-being and longevity, to see in water - to get rid of troubles, see the patient - to recovery.

Very often in dreams, we are relatives - Mom, Dad, Grandparents ... And why a brother dream? What does it mean if a brother dreamed? Let's see the interpretation of various dreams.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

The brother had dreamed of healthy and energetic - you will have a reason to be glad for your or his fate. In a dream, Brother Poien, Hungry, is sick, asks for help or some misfortune happened to him - this dream indicates an approach of unpleasant events in life. Follow the health and be alert.

Brother - Dream Vanga

If you saw the brother's dream ( close man) Patients - This indicates that reality and attention is needed.

Dream Freud - What dream brother?

For a man, such a dream means the danger from possible sexual competitors. If the brother dreamed of a young woman, it means her desire to replace the sexual partner to another, or make another one.

Interpretation according to Dream Hasse

And why dream brother by Dream Hasse?

  • Loss of brother - to the rapid events in the future, will quarrel with his brother - to grief in real life.
  • To see a brother - to family well-being.
  • Parting with brother - to happy Moment in life.
  • Losing your brother means changes, events that will rapidly develop.
  • Burn your brother - will upset at some reason.

Sleep Brother for Loffa Dream

A non-existent brother dreamed - you can meet betrayal and hypocrisy in life, jealousy and family troubles. Get a letter from brother means disappointed in lies and meanness of those who surround you. Brother's death speaks of joy and arrived.

To dream of a native brother can mean news from far away, or news from the brother himself or someone from close relatives.

If your deceased brother dreamed, you will achieve success in all your endeavors, and thanks to strong health Ensure long life, filled with harmony and happiness.

If you have dreamed that you talked about something with my brother, then there will be a lot of effort to achieve your goal, as well as rest for their recovery.

A dreaming brother in conclusion means that you abuse the trust of relatives and loved ones. Dreamed a secondary brother - a meeting with a relative. In a dream, to start a fight with a brother - promises that the feeling of child love, gratitude and recognition towards brother. If brother see in water - to joy.

If the real brother dreamed of the dead - then this dream means longevity.

Interpretation of a dream according to Dream of O. Smurova

If in a dream you started a fight with my brother - this is a sign of affection and kinship. Sleep, in which you are grieved for a missing brother, this is a sign of gratitude for the support provided to you and your brother's appreciation.

To see the brother in a dream blind - a messenger of the fact that in real life your brother must be very careful, since this dream speaks of danger and ambulance. If you dream that the brother is sinking in water, it means that you will have to be released from an unpleasant story, which brother absorbed you.

Young unmarried girl Sleeping about her brother can mean the offer that the beloved will soon make it. Young guy Sleeping about brother foreshadows disagreements and squabbles in the family circle.

What dreams of a native brother or cousin?

To see in the dream of his pylon brother - to deception on his side.

A dead brother dreams of wealth, arrived, victory, and can also impose a winning business in court. The brother, who dreamed in a dream, can mean a relationship with the brothers in reality, and in the event that you are the only child (for a man) is the symbol of unification, male friendship and mutual assistance.

Make a brother of the native - to experience dissatisfaction with your life, lacking forces to achieve the goal. See a cousin - a dream means family problems. Argued with my brother - beware of losses in your fault.

Brother husband and Guy - Dream Interpretation

If a brother husband (boyfriend) dreamed, this means a sexual dependence on some person (lover)

What dreams of a senior or younger brother

Meeting with the elder brother in a dream means well-being and stability in reality, the incarnation of plans to life, good health.

Meeting with the younger brother involves additional duties.

Dream Interpretation - Wedding Brother

Brother's wedding dreams of favorable events, to carry out a cherished dream or approaching its implementation. Also the wedding of the brother may mean that in reality you will get a long-awaited gift.

See in a dream brother - a sign of receiving news from him or other your relatives;

Part with him in a dream - the case of an extraordinary luck;

Losing it - the rapid development of events that can change your life.

See your brothers in a dream full strength and vital energy - The sign of joy for their luck.

If they ask you for help in a dream, sick or weak, then do not wait for pleasant events.

If in a dream you will quarrel with my brother, then you will find a lot of chagrins, a quarrel with relatives and bad news.

Fight with my brother in a dream - a sign of great attachment and related bonds, which nothing but money can destroy.

Sleep, in which you whip on the missing brother, means that you are very grateful to him for support and help.

See your brother blind in a dream - the foresight of his imminent death.

If you see in a dream that he is sinking, then you will have to deal with some confusing case in which your brother has drawn you.

If in a dream you will randomly meet my brother, then terrible rumors will be ashamed of your relatives who accidentally achieved your ears.

See the cousin means that you have a pleasant meeting with a close friend or receiving news from the person you have not seen for a long timeBut who has always been the road to your heart.

Party with brother in a dream Be foreseens a happy case.

Girl Sleep about Brother predicts that someone will make her an offer.

Brother's dream about brother predicts family squabbles. Summary brother see in a dream - sign of deception on his side.

Died to see him - a sign of profit, wealth and victory over enemies.

Such a dream also foreshadows the winning case in court.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

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Dream Interpretation - Brothers

We saw in the dream of their brothers healthy and full energy, then yours, and their fate will be successfully.

If they saw them in poverty, suffering or praying for help - soon you are waiting for not very pleasant events.

In general, for people who have brothers or sisters, dreams with their participation - the phenomenon is quite natural.

D. Loff wrote that it should be specifically to interpret such dreams only if brothers or sisters appear in them that do not exist in reality. Perhaps this "alignment of forces" reflects your family perception in general. For example, your brother (sister) does not get along with the family - then the dream of an incomplete family reflects the gap of the kindred relations.

If you dreamed of someone from colleagues in the role of brother or sisters and you perceive it very positively, then you may have a constructive partnership ahead.

If you have troubled this dream and it seems to you that the new brother or sister penetrates too deep into your life, then in real life you should increase the distance with them.

Interpretation of dreams

There is nothing strange to see in a dream of a brother, if he is always there in reality. It is just a reflection of life, transformed fantasy. And if you never had it? Or did they dream of unpleasant incidents, strange circumstances? More often, dreams interpret these events "from nasty", in a positive way: predicted durable family ties And longevity, sometimes warn about danger.

Native or considerable

If the sister and brother live nearby, it is not necessary to look for a hidden meaning of a dream. In other cases, the interpretation of sleep is prophetic and depends on the degree of kinship.

Having dreamed of his brother - cheerful, healthy, friendly - as Miller's dream book says, you can envy your own destiny.

See him in a dream patient - foreigners own health, drunk - the dangers of hurt, naked - he can get into an awkward situation. To peacefully talk with my brother - to long-term, swear to trouble.

To see a brother's wife foreshadows breakdown with loved ones and cooling relationships with relatives, his wedding is a pleasant gift.

The younger brother is a symbol of need to take care of someone. Elder-sign of needs in patronage.

Dream Interpretation Freud explained to what dreams of men are the most native of peers - this reflects the rivalry, the struggle for the attention of his beloved, as well as the premonition of a complex period: with tough competition will have to face hypocrisy and cunning. Ladies, famous psychoanalyst predicts a new sexual relationship or jealousy, which also does not promise a light life.

A cousin or a secondary brother, which really exists - a sign that it is time to visit relatives. And if it is a purely virtual character, then in your nearest environment there is (or it is about to meet) soul mate, a true friend. Communication with cousin dreams are associated with disappointment in a loved one.

Someone's relative

A friend's brother girlfriend dreamed - a meeting with him, cooperation. Merry, friendly brother husband - ahead of luck awaits.

Brother of his beloved man dreams interpret how dissatisfaction with the relationship. You will experience a new sexual attraction if a guy's brother dreamed, and he may also be an object of interest. What dream brother former guy: The girl appeared a fan, which she does not yet suspect.

Quarrels and arms

For men, the meaning of sleep about a fight with brother - rivalry and close friendship. What dreams to beat him - to family disagreements, hug and kiss - to a truce. According to dream of XXI Century, fight - to a profitable deal, a quarrel - financial losses on their own nonsense.

The girl should not be in panic if sex with a brother had dreamed of a reflection of strong family ties, receiving support from loved ones. Dream interpreters are talking about emotional attachment, if you have failed to marry your brother in a dream.

Birth and death

Good omen - see that brother was born. His birth symbolizes a profitable project, for a man - strengthening competition.

What dreams is that little crying? To disappointment. Reassured crying - the project will require serious effort, died - failure. See the kid is dead - overcome your infantality.

See the adult deceased, will live for a long time. Death of Brother: I will ask you for help or money in debt - do not deny. Be careful, the image of the deceased caution of possible danger.

By dreams from A to Z, attend the funeral, to accomplish the deceased in a dream, means the health of family members. To see your brother in a coffin - to live him for many years. Farewell to the grave of the deceased reflects real experiences for a loved one.

Dreamed the accident or murder of a brother - strong emotions will be swept away. To see how they killed the dead - violation of plans, sadness with which it will be possible to cope.

Dream interpreters predict longevity and well-being of the time who deceased brother appeared alive. If the delayer brother appeared in a dream, like a living, remember the deceased, put a candle in the church.

comments 9.

  • Good evening. I had a dream as I am my mother and my deceased brother is going like in the village. Brother sits smoking in the kitchen. It seems to be called the door, and my mother went out. There were three women aged on the threshold and began to say that they were looking for a person and call all the data of the deceased brother. Brother gets up goes to them leaving a not extended cigarette. I am her carcass. And I start calling my sister. What could mean such a dream? Thanks in advance.

To see in the dream of his brother in health and full energy, says that the reason will soon be rejected by his fate or good luck in the fate of Brother. If the brother is in poverty and sorrow in a dream, and ask for help, then in the near future there are unpleasant events.

What if you dream with my brother quarrel?

What a brother dream is - this sign is likely to speak of the relationship towards brothers or sisters, and may also refer to the Universal Brotherhood. If you are the first child in the family, then perhaps on the subconscious level, the word "brother" is associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe usurper in the family. All associations that arise from this word can still go from childhood.

It should be analyzed, what role does the brother play in life, what did he always mean, did he beat the defender or vice versa, had a bad influence, or just ignored? Also, it may be that the desire to have brother has always spinning in the subconscious, because he never appeared. Feelings and emotions that are associated with this word, and there is an interpretation for such a sign from sleep.

Also, the brother can be a symbol of religious, as in the monasteries of employees call each other brothers. It may be a male aspect of its own "I" or all connections that are united by men. To argue with my brother in a dream - warning, there is a possibility of loss, and in its own fault.

To see a fight in a dream with a brother - in reality feel a sense of fraternal love, longing for him, or appreciation in help and support.

The dreams about the brothers are very frequent phenomenon. If there is a brother or sister, it is likely that they will be heroes and in dreams about the family. It is necessary to start the interpretation of sleep if something unusual happens in a dream, as well as if there are no brothers in the life, and in a dream suddenly appear.

To see in the dream of brother to healthy, full strength and energy, means that his fate is though both difficult, but with the future it will be successful. If you see in a dream of a brother in poverty, suffering, and asking to help him - in the near future there are unpleasant situations.

A dream in which there is a brother is a symbol of hypocrisy, betrayal with whom will soon have to meet. Also, brothers in a dream - to jealousy, swearing in the family. To see the death of brother or sisters in dream - will soon be profit and joyful days. If the brother is healthy and happy - good luck will always be on the family side. Sick and unhappy - most likely fate prepared a lot of tests for a fraction.

If a woman saw a brother in a dream - this is a symbol of the desire to change the sexual partner. And also start a new one. If there is a deceased brother in a dream - this is a sign of longevity of own, good health And good luck in the career. Spear with a dream with a dead brother - in the near future, it will be necessary to fulfill the important task that will be very tired, and the need for rest will grow more and more.

To see the rivalry between the brothers - in reality there is a fear of being rejected by parents, with the preference of their brother.

What does foreshadow?

If a quarrel with a brother occurred in a dream, then this is a sign that there will soon have a lot of chagrins, misunderstanding or bad news. Start with a dream with a brother - a sign of the attachment of durable related bonds that do not even destroy money. Sleep, where there is a long-standing brother, may be to the fact that in the subconscious there is appreciation to him and feeling that they are obliged to him many.

To see your brother in a dream with a sinking - you have to unravel some turbid things in which brother absorbed. If a cousin is present in a dream - a sign that soon has a pleasant meeting with friends or receiving news from a person who disappeared a lot of time, but the memory of which all this time was stored.

Parting with his brother in a dream, suggests that a happy occasion will happen soon. If a girl dreams of such a dream, perhaps a young man will soon make a sentence. Brother's dream about brother foresaw family quarrels. Summary brother see in a dream - a symbol of deception on his side. The dead brother see - leads to profits, victory over enemies and happy days. Such a dream may still be foresown that the case will be won in court.

Symbols of brothers in dreams can be interpreted by double. Often, it is simply a reflection of close family feelings, attachments, and excitement, which are connected with it. However, in most cases, the images of the brothers in dreams are the reflection of his own person. To see in a dream of a brother or sister with full strength and energy, and endlessly rejoice in this - the foresology of the success of the cases started and bringing them to the end.

Be careful that even if you dreamed bad Son.This does not mean that the same happens in life.

Brother in a dream - frequent phenomenon. Such a dream can cause mixed feelings. But in any case, whatever happens in a dream, it is not necessary to get upset or rejected, not so much chance that in life will occur same.