Venerable Seraphim of Sarov. Reverend Seraphim of Sarov - the patron saint of what

He gained fame and glory as a holy righteous man during his lifetime. It is surprising that this man did not have a spiritual dignity, however, from an early age he was honored to behold the Mother of God with his own eyes.

The icons of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov are a living reminder of his spiritual deed and those gifts that he received from the Holy Spirit and used for the benefit of people.

In Orthodox Christianity, the icons of Seraphim of Sarov are not so much a decorative function as they enable a believer to focus all his thoughts on prayer and communion with God and the saints. After all, human nature is very weak, and he can easily be distracted by foreign objects.

The life of Saint Seraphim

Speaking about the iconographic image of the Monk Seraphim, it is important to know who this saint was and what his earthly life and spiritual deed were like.

Reverend Seraphim was born more than two centuries ago in a wealthy merchant family who lived in Kursk. At birth, the boy was named Prokhor. The family was left without a father when the boy was very young. All the brightest and kindest that was in his soul, he absorbed from his mother. As a child, Prokhor was honored with the appearance of the Mother of God, and his whole life was spent under her patronage and protection. At the age of 17, the young man received a blessing from a pious old woman and went to the Sarov Monastery for obedience.

A few years later, the young man was tonsured under the name Seraphim.

In 1807, the monk Seraphim received God's blessing for the deed of silence and for this purpose retired in the forest. He spent three years in the forest, after which he returned to the monastery, but continued to avoid meeting people.

Then Seraphim began to receive both monastic brethren and worldly pilgrims throughout the day. Everyone who came to him, he hugged and kissed with the words "Christ is Risen" and anointed with oil from the lamp.

Throughout his life, Seraphim carried a reverent attitude in Mother of God... She was always in his cell. It was near this image that during prayer the monk Seraphim departed to the Lord.

Towards the end of his life, the elder's legs were very sore, but at the same time the joy of the heart and peace did not leave him for a minute. Before his death, he again had the honor of contemplating the Queen of Heaven. She told the elder that soon he would be taken to her to heaven. After this, the monk elder prepared a grave for himself and gave his last orders. The elder did not feel fear in the face of death, but perceived it as an opportunity to be in the heavenly abode next to the Lord.

Since the elder knew about the day of his death in advance, he managed to say goodbye to all his acquaintances and give them his last instructions. He bequeathed his favorite icon "Tenderness" to the sisters of the Diveyevo Monastery. The elder even gave money to the abbess of the monastery so that a "cell for the Lady" was prepared there.

Miracles performed through the prayer of Seraphim

It is not possible to list all the miracles that the Heavenly Father performed through the prayer of Elder Seraphim. The news of the created miracles appears again and again.

  1. For the first time such a miracle happened when young Prokhor fell from a high church bell tower. After that, he got to his feet and there were no injuries on him. And at the age of 10, Prokhor was healed by the Mother of God, who appeared to him in a dream, from a serious incurable illness.
  2. Already being in the monastery, Prokhor suddenly fell ill with dropsy. His body was swollen. After the Communion of the holy gifts, the Mother of God appeared to the young man, touched his leg with her rod and healed him.
  3. The Monk Seraphim indicated to his sibling the exact day of his death 48 years before this event.
  4. Once a deacon arrived at the Sarov monastery, who the day before had falsely accused another priest of unseemly acts. When this deacon came to the holy elder, he drove him away, seeing deceit and slander against an innocent man. After that, for three years the sinner could not serve in the church - his tongue began to grow numb. This continued until he confessed to slander and repented.
  5. Even animals listened to the Monk Seraphim. One of the monks, who lived in the monastery at the same time as Seraphim, told how Seraphim sat on a block and fed breadcrumbs to a huge bear standing in front of him. Out of fear, the monk hid behind a tree and watched as the wild beast left the Monk Seraphim into the forest. When the animal left, Seraphim asked the monk Peter not to disclose to anyone what he had seen until the death of Seraphim.
  6. In 1825, the Monk Elder, while on the banks of the Sarovka River, beheld the Mother of God and the holy apostles John and Peter. The Blessed Virgin hit the ground with her staff and a fountain of water gushed out from there. Then she ordered the construction of the Diveyevo monastery in this place. Father Seraphim brought the necessary tools from the monastery and dug a well with his own hands for 2 weeks. Subsequently, the water from this well began to bring people miraculous healings from various ailments.
  7. The Monk Elder Seraphim possessed a great gift of clairvoyance. Very often he received letters and knew about their contents without even opening the envelope. Many such unopened letters were subsequently found in his possession.
  8. There are witnesses of how the elder ascended above the earth during prayer. However, he demanded to keep it secret until his death.

Through the prayers of Seraphim, health was repeatedly restored even to incurable patients. These miracles are far from the only ones performed by the elder according to his great faith and spiritual purity. Even after the death of the saint, his icon helps people to gain health and courage in difficult times, strengthens spirit and flesh those who turn in sincere prayer.

The canonization and acquisition of the relics of the Monk Elder Seraphim of Sarov took place on August 1, 1903. He was solemnly transferred to the shrine on his birthday.

On this day, more than 300 thousand people gathered in the city of Sarov for the celebration. All-night funeral services were performed at the Sarov monastery. Before the canonization, a procession was made to the Sarov monastery from the Diveyevo monastery. Throughout this procession, sacred hymns were sung. On the way, the procession stopped at the chapels where the litias were performed.

The second procession went out to meet the relics. After the meeting, the united procession moved towards Sarov. In the evening of the same day, St. Seraphim of Sarov glorified in the face of saints.

After that there was the coffin with the relics of the holy elder is opened... At this time, everyone knelt down, including the emperor himself. According to historians, this holiday was one of the most solemn in Russia. The instructions of the reverend elder were voiced. Some of them were written down with their own hand, while others were heard and recorded from the saint by other people. The relics of the saint rest in the Sarov desert.

Was printed and released shortly after canonization "Conversation on the Purposes of the Christian Life"... This conversation took place shortly before the dormition of the monk.

The history of the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov

Already some time after the Assumption of the Monk Father Seraphim was written the first icon dedicated to him... Since the holy elder throughout his life was distinguished by mercy and a righteous lifestyle, he became a shining example to all generations of Orthodox Christians.

The very first icons began to appear after 1833, when the venerable elder passed away. In 1903, after the canonization of the reverend father, a series of new icons was painted on the initiative of Emperor Nicholas. These included and largest in size.

On these images the venerable elder is depicted up to the waist or in full height... The right hand of Saint Seraphim is raised up, and his fingers are crossed. With such a gesture, the saint, as it were, overshadows everyone sign of the cross everyone looking at the icon. Seraphim holds a cross in his left hand.

What you can pray for in front of the icon of Seraphim

The Monk Seraphim acquired the gift of performing miracles during his lifetime. The people revered him as a saint and very often asked for advice and support on a wide variety of everyday and spiritual issues. That is why it is very useful to offer prayers in front of the icon or the relics of the holy elder at the moment when any trouble overtook you, you experience despair and breakdown.

Saint Seraphim called our sorrow the most grievous sins... Therefore, in order to get rid of these misfortunes, one can make a prayer request to the icon. This will help you gain strength and joy in life.

The miraculous capabilities of the holy icon are directly related to the lifetime abilities of Saint Seraphim. Anyone can refer to the icon, since it has many different sides application.

In what cases should one pray to Seraphim of Sarov?

  1. During his earthly life, the monk elder told those who came to him that very it is important to be tolerant of others and remain demanding of your own personality... He called people believe in yourself and never give up... Thus, you can offer a prayer to this saint when you need strength and faith in yourself to solve all your pressing problems.
  2. The icon of Seraphim of Sarov "Tenderness" will help everyone who turns to it to find themselves and their destiny, pacify our emotional experiences and find peace and strength of spirit. The icon helps to find inner harmony and balance between the external material world and internal state person. In these cases, the holy elder will become your spiritual guide and comforter.
  3. It is very useful to offer prayers before the icon of Seraphim of Sarov for people who have serious problems with health... The Monk Seraphim possessed the gift of healing the sick even during his lifetime. Turning to an icon will help to get rid of not only bodily but also mental ailments.
  4. There are many cases when a prayer appeal to the icon of St. Seraphim helped single girls find their betrothed and successfully marry... For family people, this icon will help to establish warm atmosphere in the house and keep the love and warmth of the relationship in marriage for a long time.
  5. Another important area of ​​our earthly life, in which we can ask Seraphim for help, is business... First of all, we are talking about trade. However, in this case, it is very important to remember that you need to ask not material well-being for yourself, but blessings for good endeavors that can benefit people.

How to pray to the reverend elder

The Holy Scriptures teach that in order to receive help from our Father in heaven and the saints, one should offer prayers with a pure heart and soul. If you have any secret or obvious selfish motives, your prayer may not achieve the goal.

  1. It would be best to come to the temple with a pure soul, light a candle and read a prayer in front of the holy image. In addition, you can buy an icon and several candles in the church, and then pray also at home.
  2. When offering prayers, it should be remembered that it would be more correct to pray, not proceeding from the "specialization" of one or another heavenly patron, but believing in the unshakable power of God, which is endowed with every icon or.
  3. However, there are still traditions of praying to the saints based on the real events of their lives. If we are talking about the Monk Elder Seraphim, all his life he was constantly busy with some useful work for the good of others. In his opinion, in this way one can approach the Heavenly Father.
  4. The saint bequeathed to people to rejoice in what you have and to be grateful to God. In addition, he taught never to give up and not give up, to do more and speak less. It is on the basis of these instructions that we need to raise our prayers in front of the icon of Seraphim, ask him for spiritual support in order not to succumb to temptation and receive strength and wisdom in a difficult situation.
  5. The Monk Seraphim helps to find peace in the process of mental throwing. These prayers help to find harmony and peace of mind.

It should be noted, however, that Orthodox teaching does not recommend giving saints and icons the opportunity to help in strictly specific requests. After all, the most important thing that is required when offering prayer is sincere faith and an openness of the soul.

One can offer prayers to the holy elder Seraphim of Sarov not only for oneself, but also for our relatives and friends. You can even pray for your enemies.

The Monk Hieromonk Seraphim of Sarov, the patron saint and founder, was glorified by the church in 1903 at the initiative of Emperor Nicholas I. I. The image of the great ascetic of Orthodoxy is one of the most revered in the history of the Russian Church. Saint Seraphim became famous both among the Orthodox parishioners of the church and beyond. Today his face is worshiped by Christians in different parts of the world.

Seraphim Sarovsky gained his fame and glory of the righteous even during his lifetime. It is surprising that this man was not ordained, but from an early age he was honored to see the Mother of God with his own eyes. Numerous images of the Monk Seraphim, found in all Christian churches, are a true reminder of his spiritual exploits and those wonderful opportunities that he uses to this day for the benefit of people.

The first signs to the lad

Born in 1759, in the city of Kursk, a youth who received at baptism name Prokhor. His father, the well-known merchant Moshnin in the city, was known as a believer and god-fearing person. He invested a lot of money in maintaining Orthodoxy and even began the construction of a church in honor of St. Sergius. However, without completing the case, he soon died, then the son was not even three years old. All the worries about the construction of the sanctuary were taken by the merchant's wife, Agafya.

One day, the mother took her young son to a construction site. While inspecting the high bell tower of the temple, the boy stumbled and fell to the ground. The frightened mother ran downstairs and found Prokhor safe and sound, in this she saw God's protection.

At the age of 10, due to illness, Prokhor's health was in danger. But in a dream the lad dreamed of the Mother of God, descending from Heaven to his bed and promising healing. On that day, an icon - the Sign of the Mother of God - was carried along the streets of ancient Kursk with a procession. Agafya carried her son in her arms so that he could venerate the miraculous icon, and from that day the patient quickly recovered.

Prokhor's elder brother, Alexei, continuing his father's merchant business, decided to teach him to his younger brother. However, the boy was not interested in trade, his soul yearned for the Lord. Every morning he went to church to listen to the morning prayer. Prokhor learned to read and write early, and then his favorite pastime was reading. And he read spiritual books, Holy Scripture, the Gospel, the Lives of the Saints. The mother rejoiced at such godly aspirations of her son.

Upon reaching the age of 17, the young man already knew for sure that he did not want to lead worldly life... Prokhor decided to give himself up to monastic life and first went to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The recluse Dositheus, who was called the perspicacious in the Lavra, saw in the young man a true servant of Christ. After two years of the monk's stay in the monastery, Dosifei advised Prokhor to go to the Sarov monastery, which was in the Tambov province, and blessed him on the road.

In 1778, a 19-year-old monk found himself in the Sarov monastery, with its abbot, Elder Pachomius. Since then, Prokhor began zealously to fulfill all the obediences entrusted to him, daily read his favorite spiritual books, the Psalter, the Apostolic Epistles and remained in constant prayers. The soul of a true Christian longed for a strict life, he received permission from the brethren and began to go into the forest to pray, surprising the monks with patience.

He practically did not sleep, endured all diseases on his feet and in prayers, rejected all help, relying only on God for his sufferings. Once, when Prokhor's condition was so critical that his life was again under threat, the Mother of God again appeared to him, and as in distant childhood, healed from ailment. After this miracle, on the site of the cell in which this salvation took place, a temple and hospital wards were built.

And in August 1786 Prokhor turned for 28 years, he was tonsured a monk and named Seraphim . A year later, the monk was ordained a hierodeacon. And for six years he was in this ministry, not resting, forgetting to eat, but the Lord gave him strength for everything. At the age of 35, in the rank of hieromonk, Seraphim left the monastery and went to live in a deep forest, at a distance of 6 km from the Sarov Monastery, on the banks of the Sarovka River. He lived in a cell, where there was only one room with a stove.

Once the monk was attacked by evil people who demanded money, which the hermit, of course, did not have. The bandits tied up and severely beat Seraphim. But, having found in the cell only a few potatoes and one single icon of the Mother of God - Tenderness, they were frightened and ran away. And the saint, having regained consciousness, thanked the Almighty for suffering and began to pray for the forgiveness of the robbers.

When Christ's ascetic, bloodied, came to the brotherly monastery, and everyone saw his wounds, they were greatly surprised. The elder had all his ribs broken and his head fractured. Then Seraphim lay down, and again a vision came to him Holy Mother of God that came down to the sick person with the words addressed to the doctors: “That you are working. After all, this one is from my kind! " And five months after serious wounds, the monk returned to his cell. People, having learned about the father who was reborn from death, began to come to him for advice and help.

There are such testimonies of pilgrims coming to holy father for help, when the hermit fed from the hands of a huge bear or other wild animals that did not touch him, but loved him. Seraphim saw right through and through people and knew how to recognize their needs without words. He shied away from some of the parishioners, and those who were really in grief and trouble accepted and gave their instructions.

The Holy Wonderworker was visited not only simple people, but also noble persons. He taught everyone to live with loyalty to the Church and the Fatherland. More than once they seduced the elder with the spirit of ambition, offered him to be both archimandrite and abbot. But he always strove for true asceticism and rejected all offers. And only in 1810, when the elder lost the strength to come to the monastery, he left the forest cell forever and returned to the monastery, where he continued to lead a reclusive lifestyle.

For five whole years the elder did not go out to the people and brethren. And even opening the door, he still did not talk to anyone, since he took a vow of silence. And in the hallway, near the door to the cell, he put an oak coffin, near which he prayed, preparing for eternal life. Pilgrims more than once saw how Seraphim, praying to the Lord, suddenly rose above the ground and soared. After ten years of silence, the Monk Seraphim went out to serve the world, but before that he had the appearance of the Mother of God, who allowed him to end the seclusion.

Once I came to the Sarov monastery deacon, he was from Spassk, and falsely accused another priest. Saint Seraphim immediately recognized the deceit and drove the covetous man away with the words: "Go away, perjurer, and do not serve any more." For three years the deacon could not utter a word, his tongue became numb. Until then, he was silent, until he admitted his wrong and false denunciation of the other.

What is the miracle of the appearance of the Seraphim spring and the Diveevo monastery. In 1825, the elder saw the Mother of God at the Sarovka River, who appeared with the apostles John and Peter, hit the ground with a staff, and at the same moment a transparent fountain burst out. It was the Mother of God who gave instructions on the foundation of the Diveyevo monastery in that area. Taking a shovel in hand, Father Seraphim began to dig the well himself. Until now, unprecedented miracles and magical healings have occurred from this pure water.

Two years before the death of the elder, Christian church honored great righteous man Seraphim celebrating the appearance of the Mother of God. This event was like an omen of the departure from the earthly life of the saint and the acquisition of imperishable glory by him. On the day of January 2, 1833, smoke and the smell of burning were seen from the monk's cell. After all, candles were always burning in his little room, while he said: “As long as I am alive, there will be no fire. But when I die, my death will open with fire. " Opening the doors, the governors found the lifeless body of Father Seraphim.

No one counted how many miracles since then Seraphim performed on behalf of the Lord, and how many more will be performed. In his cell, after his death, numerous unopened letters were found, but people received a solution to the questions indicated in them. This means that the elder, possessing the gift of perspicacity, answered the letters sent without even opening them. After the funeral, in January 1833, the Monk Seraphim was declared a saint.

Almost 70 years after the earthly death of the elder, on August 1, 1903, his relics were seized, transferred to a beautiful sarcophagus (shrine), and the canonization of the holy venerable elder took place. More than three hundred thousand believers gathered for that holiday. A religious procession took place from Diveyevo to the Sarov monastery. Throughout the journey, the participants sang holy chants, and Bishop Innokenty of Tambov overshadowed the faithful with the sign of the cross and the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which the elder bequeathed to the sisters of the Diveyevo monastery. Orthodox chroniclers claim that Russia did not know such crowded holidays until that day.

In the Diveyevo Monastery and the Sarov Monastery, one can read written confirmation of cases of accomplished healings only through the prayers of the monk Seraphim. The terminally ill came back to life. So, by the power of prayer over the relics of the miracle worker, the landowner Manturov was cured of serious illnesses legs. And as a token of gratitude, the landowner gave up his property, sold everything, remained a beggar, and devoted his further earthly life to serving the Lord.

In Diveyevo, the relics of the saint were returned in 1991. And again there was a large procession of the cross, which was headed by Patriarch Alexy I. I. And all this thanks to love for Seraphim of Sarov.

The name of the miracle worker Seraphim is glorified by Orthodox believers twice a year:

  • January 15 - the day of the canonization of the elder;
  • August 1 is the date of uncovering the incorruptible relics.

What they pray for

It has long been known that the righteous of God, endowed with miraculous abilities, do not heal themselves, they send requests through prayer to God, who, loving them, fulfills all petitions... Seraphim of Sarov constantly prays for all of us, his miraculous prayers fulfill desires, save in difficult times, help to overcome adversity.

Whom does Seraphim of Sarov help? Believers who honor the personality of the saint pray in front of his icon:

  • so as not to succumb to sin;
  • not to be forgotten in this life;
  • be able to overcome temptation;
  • find your way;
  • find peace of mind;
  • help deal with pride and despair.

People ask the miraculous icon:

  • cure for diseases;
  • a good marriage;
  • protection from ill-wishers and envious people;
  • assistance in financial well-being;
  • promotion in business and trade.

On the eve of the feast in honor of St. Seraphim, held in Diveyevo on the old New Year, pilgrims specially gather to walk with the nuns at night along the canal of the Mother of God in the procession of the cross. Believers walk along with the reading of the Theotokos Prayer, in which the words "Virgin Mary, Rejoice!" Are repeated more than a hundred times.

The pilgrims are convinced that it was at this moment that the converts to the saint words and requests help in curing diseases and fulfilling all wishes. The face of Seraphim of Sarov heals not only the body from wounds, but also the soul. You can pray to a saint if someone has seriously offended you, when your soul is hard.

Prayers to the saint

There are several prayers to the saint that help in different life situations.

  1. To protect themselves from troubles and envious people, they read a prayer for help: “Oh, great saint of God, reverend and God-bearing Father Seraphim! Look at us, burdened with sins, we ask for your help and comfort. Turn your mercy to us and help us by the commandments of the Lord to preserve the Orthodox faith, accept repentance for our sins, which we earnestly offer to God, we gracefully prosper in Christian piety and want to be worthy of your prayerful representation to God for us. Holy saint of God, hear us praying with faith and love, do not despise us, who demand your intercession now and in the hour of death, help us and protect us with prayers from evil slander and devilish acts. As we do not possess those powers, but with your help we inherit the bliss of the heavenly abode. We only rely on you, merciful Father. Be our true guide to salvation and lead us to the eternal light of life. By your divine representation at the throne of the Most Holy Trinity, we glorify and sing with all the saints the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen".
  2. To save yourself or a loved one from illnesses, you need to read a prayer for healing (you can next to the patient's photo): “Father Seraphim, great miracle worker, I come running to you, hasty helper! I am glad to see your pious face. Hear the voice of my words. Give me the gift of healings, the gift of insight, the gift of the weak souls of healing, manifest your strength. I call you, when I leave earthly labors to heavenly rest, cover with your love, just as it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven, so grant me healing too. I pray you boldly, O meek saint of God, turn to Him in prayer, offer me a deanery prayer that the Lord would grant this worthy life and spiritual salvation, but protect me from falls and teach me true repentance, unrestrained entry into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where are you now you shine in glory. And I sing with all the saints of the Ancestral Trinity to the end of time. Amen".
  3. They ask for love, family and marriage in such a prayer: “Reverend Father Seraphim, filled with God's love, Divine unceasing servant, beloved son of the Mother of God, hear me, who loves and grieves you much. Let me also be a zealous servant of God-pleasing love. That love that endures for a long time, does not envy, is not proud, does not exalt, is merciful, does not rage, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth. Pray the Mother of God to give the original love, and serve on earth with your intercession and prayers to the Mother of God and all the saints, I will also reach the kingdom of love and light, I fall at the feet of the Vladyka, who gave the commandment of true and eternal love. Father, do not reject the prayer of the heart that loves you, forgive me my sins, voluntary and involuntary, pray to the loving God. Help us bear the common hardships, do not let others do what we don’t want for ourselves, let us go our way in truth, love and patience. This love serves me as being, and only with this love, a heartfelt song, let me finish my earthly life, begin with it eternal life in the land of true love. Pray for us, beloved father and loving us! Amen".

The icon of Seraphim of Sarov - meaning, in what way does it help?

Seraphim of Sarov, thanks to his good deeds, was awarded by God with the gift of clairvoyance and healing. He could see people's hearts and their true thoughts. Seraphim knew how to look into the past and the future. The value of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov for Orthodox people is enormous, since it constantly performs miracles, helping believers in various issues. People can turn to the saint for various reasons, and they can ask not only for themselves, but also for loved ones, and even enemies.

The meaning of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov and how does it help?

The possibilities of the image of this saint are directly related to his abilities during his lifetime. The icon has several areas of application, and everyone can turn to the Higher powers with its help.

How does the icon of Seraphim of Sarov help:

To get help Higher powers, it is necessary to address the saint with a pure heart and an open soul. Any selfish motives will become a wall that will prevent prayer from reaching its goal. It is recommended to go to church, put a candle in front of the image and read a prayer. In the temple, it is also worth buying an icon and three candles, and already praying in front of the image of the house.

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Icon of Seraphim of Sarov: how to pray, meaning, help

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Seraphim of Sarov became famous for his exploits of monasticism, living in the wilderness, vows of silence, seclusion, pillar obedience, and obedience. For this, the Lord endowed him with the ability to heal and the gift of predictions. Prayers to the icon to Saint Reverend Seraphim of Sarov helped the queen to give birth to the heir to Emperor Nicholas II. During his lifetime, the saint wrote a letter to the "last king" and warned of the overthrow.

Seraphim Sarovsky

Seraphim was born in Kursk. At his baptism in 1779 he was given the name Prokhor. The boy loved to read the scriptures in solitude. After meeting with Elder Dositheus in his youth, he made a decision with the blessing of his mother at the age of seventeen to take monastic vows. He was given the Name Seraphim in the Sarov monastery, where Elder Joseph was his teacher. Seraphim spent almost half of his life praying in the forest. He grew vegetables in the vegetable garden and was engaged in beekeeping, he ate this.

Father Seraphim spent his days in labors and tireless prayers. He did not feel envy and lived very modestly, rejoiced in trifles and did not lose heart. Glory found Seraphim after long years of reclusive life. Laymen and monks turned to him for advice and help. Everything that the elder sometimes advised people seemed strange and incomprehensible. But then they were convinced that he was right. All who converted received support in prayers and treatment with spring water, which healed and gave peace of mind.

He cured the landowner Manturov from a leg disease. As a token of gratitude, Manturov gave up the property, sold it, became a beggar and devoted his further life to serving God. In the Sarov and Diveyevo monasteries, the cases of healing by Father Seraphim were confirmed in writing.

He addressed people tenderly and reverently with lacquer words. Therefore, in prayers he is called "Seraphimushka", "Father", "Father Seraphim". His face is depicted on icons and frescoes. Usually this is a gray-haired old man in simple clothes.

Orthodoxy celebrates the memory of Father Seraphim twice a year: January 15 and August 1. But this does not mean that they apply only these days.

The meaning of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov and how it helps

The image of a saint is support in despondency and temptation. They pray to him to bestow love and develop memory, they ask him to get rid of devilish obsessions.

What they pray to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov:

  • about curing a disease;
  • about a successful marriage;
  • about protection from ill-wishers and robbers;
  • about help in financial matters.

The icon has several areas of application and everyone who applies receives support. The image of the saint is especially helpful in dealing with diseases. Seraphim himself was ill a lot. At ten years old, a serious illness threatened with death, but the icon of the Mother of God helped. Later he suffered from a serious illness, dropsy. But the prayers to the Mother of God helped him cope with the illness.

During his lifetime, Father Seraphim advised never to lose heart and believe in your own strength, to be demanding of yourself, not to condemn people. The saint convinced all converts of the steadfastness of faith. Many schismatics were influenced and joined the church. The words were confirmed by predictions, cures and miracles. The soldiers who received the blessing of Seraphim remained unharmed in battle.

The miraculous icon of Seraphim of Sarov "Tenderness" helps to find harmony, find peace of mind, overcome temptations and doubts, and gives healing. The icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" was revered by the Saint, he died in front of her during prayer.

Lonely girls and women turn to the image of the Saint. He is the patron saint of successful marriages. A prayer read for spring water will be effective. A lit candle and the image of the Saint are placed near the water, they drink water and sprinkle the bed and the room.

How and in what way does the icon of Seraphim of Sarov help for business related to trade. It is important that petitions are directed not at personal strengthening of the financial condition, but at helping other people and at various benefits. Selfish requests will become a wall and will not allow you to get what you want.

To receive support, people are approached with sincere faith and an open mind. It is recommended to visit the temple, put a candle in front of the icon and read a prayer service. In the temple you can also buy an icon, three candles, and read a prayer at home.

Oh, the delightful saint of God, the glorious glory of Orthodoxy, the adornment of the Russian Land, the great lamp of the whole world, Spiritual Father Seraphim! With warm faith, we tenderly glorify thee, since you have been blessed with the Holy Spirit even more than measure. For your purity and for your many deeds and incessant prayers, God enrich you with wondrous gifts: heal the sick in a hedgehog, drive out demons, comfort the weak, see the future, as if the present. More than the glorious manifestations of the Most Pure, you have been honored with many things, even your favorite name is thee. The Lord is one

You have been rewarded with the Savior in the temple. And you yourself shone wonderfully with the grateful uncreated light of the Kingdom of God, and the whole world was teaching the acquisition of the grace of the Holy Spirit by word and deed. But even now, enjoying the blessed light of the Holy Trinity, do not forget to visit people, all over the world your name is calling.

Even so, if we are sinful beings, in our sorrows we ask for your mercy: direct us to the path of repentance, ask for grace and to us unworthy, please our hearts with good hopes for the mercy of God: for many times you have said with sadness: do not be discouraged to us; Christ is risen, death kill, abolish the devil. And I also commanded you to come to your grave. May we also hear your welcoming voice: do not be discouraged, my joys! stay awake, save yourself! crowns for such are prepared in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

How does the icon of Seraphim of Sarov help and what is its meaning

The Monk Elder Seraphim of Sarov gained fame and glory as a holy righteous man during his lifetime. It is surprising that this man did not have a spiritual dignity, however, from an early age he was honored to behold the Mother of God with his own eyes.

The icons of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov are a living reminder of his spiritual exploit and the gifts that he received from the Holy Spirit and used for the benefit of people.

In Orthodox Christianity, the icons of Seraphim of Sarov are not so much a decorative function as they enable a believer to focus all his thoughts on prayer and communion with God and the saints. After all, human nature is very weak, and he can easily be distracted by foreign objects.

The life of Saint Seraphim

Speaking about the iconographic image of the Monk Seraphim, it is important to know who this saint was and what his earthly life and spiritual deed were like.

The Monk Seraphim was born more than two centuries ago in a wealthy merchant family who lived in Kursk. At birth, the boy was named Prokhor. The family was left without a father when the boy was very young. All the brightest and kindest that was in his soul, he absorbed from his mother. As a child, Prokhor was honored with the appearance of the Mother of God, and his whole life was spent under her patronage and protection. At the age of 17, the young man received a blessing from a pious old woman and went to the Sarov Monastery for obedience.

A few years later, the young man was tonsured under the name Seraphim.

In 1807, the monk Seraphim received God's blessing for the deed of silence and for this purpose retired in the forest. He spent three years in the forest, after which he returned to the monastery, but continued to avoid meeting people.

Then Seraphim began to receive both monastic brethren and worldly pilgrims throughout the day. Everyone who came to him, he hugged and kissed with the words "Christ is Risen" and anointed with oil from the lamp.

Throughout his life, Seraphim carried a reverent attitude in the Mother of God. There was always an icon "Tenderness" in his cell. It was near this image that during prayer the monk Seraphim departed to the Lord.

Towards the end of his life, the elder's legs were very sore, but at the same time the joy of the heart and peace did not leave him for a minute. Before his death, he again had the honor of contemplating the Queen of Heaven. She told the elder that soon he would be taken to her to heaven. After this, the monk elder prepared a grave for himself and gave his last orders. The elder did not feel fear in the face of death, but perceived it as an opportunity to be in the heavenly abode next to the Lord.

Since the elder knew about the day of his death in advance, he managed to say goodbye to all his acquaintances and give them his last instructions. He bequeathed his favorite icon "Tenderness" to the sisters of the Diveyevo Monastery. The elder even gave money to the abbess of the monastery so that a "cell for the Lady" was prepared there.

Miracles performed through the prayer of Seraphim

  1. For the first time such a miracle happened when young Prokhor fell from a high church bell tower. After that, he got to his feet and there were no injuries on him. And at the age of 10, Prokhor was healed by the Mother of God, who appeared to him in a dream, from a serious incurable illness.
  2. Already being in the monastery, Prokhor suddenly fell ill with dropsy. His body was swollen. After the Communion of the holy gifts, the Mother of God appeared to the young man, touched his leg with her rod and healed him.
  3. The Monk Seraphim indicated to his brother the exact day of his death 48 years before this event.
  4. Once a deacon arrived at the Sarov monastery, who the day before had falsely accused another priest of unseemly acts. When this deacon came to the holy elder, he drove him away, seeing deceit and slander against an innocent man. After that, for three years the sinner could not serve in the church - his tongue began to grow numb. This continued until he confessed to slander and repented.
  5. Even animals listened to the Monk Seraphim. One of the monks, who lived in the monastery at the same time as Seraphim, told how Seraphim sat on a block and fed breadcrumbs to a huge bear standing in front of him. Out of fear, the monk hid behind a tree and watched as the wild beast left the Monk Seraphim into the forest. When the animal left, Seraphim asked the monk Peter not to disclose to anyone what he had seen until the death of Seraphim.
  6. In 1825, the Monk Elder, while on the banks of the Sarovka River, beheld the Mother of God and the holy apostles John and Peter. The Blessed Virgin hit the ground with her staff and a fountain of water gushed out from there. Then she ordered the construction of the Diveyevo monastery in this place. Father Seraphim brought the necessary tools from the monastery and dug a well with his own hands for 2 weeks. Subsequently, the water from this well began to bring people miraculous healings from various ailments.
  7. The Monk Elder Seraphim possessed a great gift of clairvoyance. Very often he received letters and knew about their contents without even opening the envelope. Many such unopened letters were subsequently found in his possession.
  8. There are witnesses of how the elder ascended above the earth during prayer. However, he demanded to keep it secret until his death.

Through the prayers of Seraphim, health was repeatedly restored even to incurable patients. These miracles are far from the only ones performed by the elder according to his great faith and spiritual purity. Even after the death of the saint, his icon helps people to gain health and courage in difficult times, strengthens spirit and flesh those who turn in sincere prayer.

Uncovering of the relics of Seraphim of Sarov

The canonization and acquisition of the relics of the Monk Elder Seraphim of Sarov took place on August 1, 1903. His relics were solemnly transferred to the shrine on his birthday.

On this day, more than 300 thousand people gathered in the city of Sarov for the celebration. All-night funeral services were performed at the Sarov monastery. Before the canonization, a procession was made to the Sarov monastery from the Diveyevo monastery. Throughout this procession, sacred hymns were sung. On the way, the procession stopped at the chapels where the litias were performed.

The second procession went out to meet the relics. After the meeting, the united procession moved towards Sarov. In the evening of the same day, St. Seraphim of Sarov glorified in the face of saints.

After that there was the coffin with the relics of the holy elder is opened... At this time, everyone knelt down, including the emperor himself. According to historians, this holiday was one of the most solemn in Russia. The instructions of the reverend elder were voiced. Some of them were written down with their own hand, while others were heard and recorded from the saint by other people. The relics of the saint rest in the Sarov desert.

Was printed and released shortly after canonization "Conversation on the Purposes of the Christian Life"... This conversation took place shortly before the dormition of the monk.

The history of the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov

Already some time after the Assumption of the Monk Father Seraphim was written the first icon dedicated to him... Since the holy elder throughout his life was distinguished by mercy and a righteous lifestyle, he became a shining example to all generations of Orthodox Christians.

The very first icons began to appear after 1833, when the venerable elder passed away. In 1903, after the canonization of the reverend father, a series of new icons was painted on the initiative of Emperor Nicholas. These included and largest in size.

On these images, the venerable elder is depicted up to the waist or in full growth. The right hand of Saint Seraphim is raised up, and his fingers are crossed. With such a gesture, the saint, as it were, makes the sign of the cross over everyone who looks at the icon. Seraphim holds a cross in his left hand.

What you can pray for in front of the icon of Seraphim

The Monk Seraphim acquired the gift of performing miracles during his lifetime. The people revered him as a saint and very often asked for advice and support on a wide variety of everyday and spiritual issues. That is why it is very useful to offer prayers in front of the icon or the relics of the holy elder at the moment when any trouble overtook you, you experience despair and breakdown.

Saint Seraphim called our despondency and sorrow the most serious sins.... Therefore, in order to get rid of these misfortunes, one can make a prayer request to the icon. This will help you gain strength and joy in life.

The miraculous capabilities of the holy icon are directly related to the lifetime abilities of Saint Seraphim. Anyone can refer to the icon, since it has many different aspects of application.

In what cases should one pray to Seraphim of Sarov?

  1. During his earthly life, the monk elder told those who came to him that very it is important to be tolerant of others and remain demanding of your own personality... He called people believe in yourself and never give up... Thus, you can offer a prayer to this saint when you need strength and faith in yourself to solve all your pressing problems.
  2. The icon of Seraphim of Sarov "Tenderness" will help everyone who turns to it to find themselves and their destiny, pacify our emotional experiences and find peace and strength of spirit. The icon helps to find inner harmony and balance between the external material world and the inner state of a person. In these cases, the holy elder will become your spiritual guide and comforter.
  3. It is very useful to offer prayers before the icon of Seraphim of Sarov for people who have serious health problems... The Monk Seraphim possessed the gift of healing the sick even during his lifetime. Turning to an icon will help to get rid of not only bodily but also mental ailments.
  4. There are many cases when a prayer appeal to the icon of St. Seraphim helped single girls find their betrothed and successfully marry... For family people, this icon will help to establish a warm atmosphere in the house and preserve the love and warmth of marriage for a long time.
  5. Another important area of ​​our earthly life, in which we can ask Seraphim for help, is business... First of all, we are talking about trade. However, in this case, it is very important to remember that you need to ask not material well-being for yourself, but blessings for good endeavors that can benefit people.

How to pray to the reverend elder

The Holy Scriptures teach that in order to receive help from our Father in heaven and the saints, one should offer prayers with a pure heart and soul. If you have any secret or obvious selfish motives, your prayer may not achieve the goal.
  1. It would be best to come to the temple with a pure soul, light a candle and read a prayer in front of the holy image. In addition, you can buy an icon and several candles in the church, and then pray also at home.
  2. When offering prayers, one should remember that it would be more correct to pray, not proceeding from the "specialization" of one or another heavenly patron, but believing in the unshakable power of God, which is endowed with every icon or prayer.
  3. However, there are still traditions of praying to the saints based on the real events of their lives. If we are talking about the Monk Elder Seraphim, all his life he was constantly busy with some kind of useful work for the good of his neighbors. In his opinion, in this way one can approach the Heavenly Father.
  4. The saint bequeathed to people to rejoice in what you have and to be grateful to God. In addition, he taught never to give up and not give up, to do more and speak less. It is on the basis of these instructions that we need to raise our prayers in front of the icon of Seraphim, ask him for spiritual support in order not to succumb to temptation and receive strength and wisdom in a difficult situation.
  5. The Monk Seraphim helps to find peace in the process of mental throwing. These prayers help to find harmony and peace of mind.

It should be noted, however, that Orthodox teaching does not recommend giving saints and icons the opportunity to help in strictly specific requests. After all, the most important thing that is required when offering prayer is sincere faith and an openness of the soul.

One can offer prayers to the holy elder Seraphim of Sarov not only for oneself, but also for our relatives and friends. You can even pray for your enemies.

Seraphim of Sarov is the patron saint of what? To answer this question, you first need to know the life of the elder. After all, the name of this saint is widely known throughout the world, he is especially revered in Russia. The Lord gave him the ability to heal, as well as talk about the past, predict the future. Prayers with requests to the saint work miracles: they perform the most cherished desires, heal, help to find a way out of a difficult situation.

A Brief Description of the Life Path of the Reverend Elder

Heavenly patron Seraphim of Sarov is from Kursk. The exact date of his birth is known - July 19, 1759. At baptism, the baby was named Prokhor.

Miracles began to happen to the boy from the very early age... There was a case when Prokhor could not resist and fell from the bell tower of the temple. Everyone saw a miracle in the fact that the boy remained completely unharmed.

In 1776, in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, a fateful meeting took place between the young Prokhor and the elder Dositheus, who indicated to the young man that he should take monastic vows in the Sarov wasteland.

After 2 years, the young man ended up in the Tambov province, where he became a novice in the Sarov monastery. And 8 years later, in 1786, he did what Dositheus told him - he took monastic vows and became the monk Seraphim.

Seraphim did not need rest at all, the Lord himself gave him the strength to serve. In 1794, he accepted a silent feat and settled in the forest in order to be able to pray incessantly.

Father Seraphim spent 16 years in the desert, and in 1810 he returned to the monastery to receive another shutter, which lasted until 1825. Everything changed on November 25 of the same year. In a dream, the Mother of God appeared to Seraphim of Sarov and ordered him to stop fulfilling his vows and start accepting people in her in order to help them with her advice, guidance and healings.

Miracles through the prayers of Father Seraphim

For his love for God and feats of asceticism, Father Seraphim received from the Lord the gift of healing people, as well as predicting important events... He knew everything about the past and the future, he gave wise advice, helped to overcome difficulties. Sometimes what he advised seemed strange and incomprehensible to people, but those who exactly followed what had been predicted were convinced in the future that everything Father Seraphim said makes sense.

Seraphim Sarovsky - the patron saint of what? People came to him for advice and with a request, he helped in the treatment of bodily and mental ailments, and sometimes with advice he prevented trouble.

He helped everyone who turned to him with prayer and water from a miraculous spring. Many cases of the recovery of hopeless patients with the healing water of Father Seraphim have been recorded.

After the death of the saint, the healing spring continues to work miracles. Its water is truly curative, it brings you back to life, gives you health and peace of mind.

However, the main miracle that remained after Saint Seraphim of Sarov is prayer. It has long been known that people endowed with certain abilities do not heal themselves, they send their requests to God through prayer, who, loving them, fulfills their requests. Saint Seraphim of Sarov still prays for all of us before God, therefore the miraculous prayer of this elder fulfills desires, saves in Hard time, helps to overcome the trouble.

Icons of Seraphim of Sarov

Now there are many revered icons of the holy elder Seraphim of Sarov. His image is painted not only on icons, but also on frescoes.

There are pictorial icons that were painted by skilful artists soon after the death of the reverend elder, with the involvement of people who personally knew him. The famous portrait of Seraphim of Sarov has survived and is now kept in the Moscow Theological Academy.

In the Christian world, the face of Seraphim of Sarov is revered, they pray to him, they turn to him with requests for help.

Seraphim Sarovsky - the patron saint of what?

So we come to the main question. The memory of Holy Father Seraphim is venerated by believers twice a year: January 15 and August 1. But this does not mean that they pray to the saint only on these days. Sincere prayer will be effective at any time, the main thing is to believe and think about good.

Whose patron is Seraphim of Sarov? They turn to him with requests for help, as well as in despondency under sinful circumstances, they pray to get rid of demonic temptations. He is asked for the grace of giving love. It helps in the development of memory, relieves diseases of the spirit and body, helps in solving problems of a material nature.

Prayers to Seraphim of Sarov are effective, if you forgive not only for yourself, you can pray for your loved ones and for your enemies.

Prayer for a happy marriage

Seraphim Sarovsky is the patron saint of marriages. This saint is asked to arrange the fate of lonely girls. It has long been known that prayer alone is not enough to receive help. Prayer will be effective if read on the water. And for this it is best suited living water- spring.

Taking a liter of water, read a prayer on it, while placing a lit church candle and an icon of Seraphim of Sarov near the vessel. The water prepared in this way must be drunk, as well as sprinkled with it on your bed and room.

Of course, do not forget that the main attribute of such a request is faith in God and the confidence that a miracle will happen and you will meet your destiny.

It is believed that Seraphim of Sarov is the patron saint of late marriages, therefore those who have already lost all hope of arranging their fate often turn to him. If you are over 30 years old or more, and you are still single, contact Father Seraphim and be sure that your sincere prayer will be fulfilled.

A very strong help will be the prayer of a mother who wants her daughter to get married, because the Lord accepts any mother's request for his ardently beloved child.

How to pray to Seraphim of Sarov

This saint is very much loved and revered in Russia. It has long been so vulgar that people approached him lovingly: Seraphimushka, elder, father, saint of God, Father Seraphim, miracle worker.

In prayer, address yourself the way you like best, the main thing is that it comes from the heart, is pure with good thoughts.

So, Seraphim of Sarov is the patron saint of what? Probably, everyone will answer this question for himself, because it is known that faith and veneration by an elder to God worked true miracles.

After the saint died, Orthodox people turned to him in faith, and a miracle happened. Back in 1895, a special commission recorded 94 miraculous healings that took place after a prayer to Father Seraphim. This is only a small part of real cases of the help of a saint who is always ready to support a believer.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov

Seraphim of Sarov was born under the name Prokhor, in a merchant family in Kursk. When he was just a boy, his father began the construction of the Kursk Cathedral, but died before he could finish the work. Prokhor's mother, a very religious woman, took up the continuation of the construction, and then the first miracle happened to the boy. Having fallen from the bell tower while visiting the construction site with his mother, he found himself on the ground, safe and sound.

After this incident, the boy devoted most of his time to Holy Reading, and by the age of 17 he made a decision - to serve God. The mother approved the choice of her son and blessed him on the way to the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. From there, Prokhor was sent to the Sarov desert, where he spent many years, and, subsequently, received the name - Seraphim of Sarov.

Then there were years of hermit prayers in a deserted cell, and then, 25 years later, saints appeared to him, ordering him to leave the seclusion and receive people - sick and weak.

So miracles began to happen through the prayers of Seraphim of Sarov - healing from deadly ailments.

Miracles of Seraphim of Sarov

Who did not come to Seraphim, he healed everyone with the help of the miraculous water of his source. One day a woman came to him, so exhausted from an illness that she could not even eat the food allowed by fasting. Seraphim ordered her to wash in the waters of his source, and the disease passed.

There is also famous story about the healing of a woman with dropsy. She walked to his monastery for two days, during a stop at the monastery, she was already admonished to die. But when he arrived at Seraphim, he accepted her first of all, dried himself with a towel, which she brought with her as a gift, and ordered him to come tomorrow. The next day he gave her a vessel to draw water from the spring and wash herself. Arriving at the hotel, the woman, contrary to the contraindications of the doctors, washed herself with this water and was completely healed.

Of course, Saint Seraphim of Sarov healed not only with water, but also with prayer. Holy people do not heal themselves, but they pray with their sinless souls for the sick and God delves into their requests.

Subsequently, the miraculous prayer of Seraphim of Sarov arose, which saves hundreds and thousands of people after his death. After all, the saint still prays for us before God.

After his death, the miraculous source still continues to heal. Once the mother sent her son there, who had suffered from drug addiction for many years. His mother asked him to go there with his wife and get married in the Diveyevo monastery. So they did, but the disease did not recede.

Three years later, the man, still hopelessly addicted to drugs, alcohol and tobacco, went to the monastery of his own free will. He plunged into the sacred spring three times, and instantly felt how all the blackness left his soul. At that moment he recovered and became an exemplary family man.

Prayer for marriage

They also turn to Seraphim of Sarov in prayers for marriage. He is considered the patron saint of late marriages, therefore, if you are over 30, 40 or more, Seraphim of Sarov will help you find a worthy husband.

In order for the prayer to Seraphim of Sarov to work, it should be read on the water. Take 1 liter of water (preferably live, spring water), light a candle on the table, put the icon of St. Seraphim in front of you and read the text of the prayer. Water should be consumed inside, sprayed with it on the room and bed.

In addition, the mother's prayer for the marriage of her daughter to Seraphim of Sarov is most effective. For God, there is nothing louder and more sincere than words saturated with ardent love for their child.

Prayer "Merciful"

In 1928, a miracle happened to an old man. In a dream, Seraphim of Sarov appeared to him and dictated the All-Merciful prayer - the prayer to the Mother of God. The elder was threatened with arrest (in those years the church was actively oppressed), and the Saint told him to write down the prayer and go through life with it on his lips. She will help him and the church to survive.

The next day there was an arrest and many years in the camps, all 18 years of which the elder incessantly prayed to the Mother of God.

Prayer for marriage

Prayer for the marriage of a daughter

Prayer "Merciful"

Meaning of icons

What is the icon for what:
"THE HOLY TRINITY" - written by Andrei Rublev. The Trinity symbol is God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit. Or - wisdom, reason, love. One of three main icons that should be in every home. Before the icon they pray for the forgiveness of sins. It is considered confessional.
"IVERSKAYA MOTHER OF GOD" - the keeper of the hearth. She is considered the patroness of all women, their helper and intercessor before the Lord. The icon, with the help of which the "celibacy wreath" is removed from both men and women. In front of the icon, they also pray for the healing of bodily and mental ailments, for consolation in troubles.
"KAZAN MOTHER OF GOD" - the main icon of Russia, the patron of the entire Russian people, especially in difficult troubled times... All the main events in life take place with her, starting with baptism. The icon gives a blessing for marriage, she is also an assistant in work. An icon that stops the fire and helps those with vision problems. Before the icon they pray for help in various everyday needs.
"MOTHER OF GOD OF VLADIMIR" - written by the Evangelist Luke. The icon is considered one of the most revered images of the Most Holy Theotokos in Russia. Before this icon, kings were crowned and chief priests were elected. Before her they pray for the humility of those at war, for the softening of evil hearts, for the healing of bodily and mental weakness, as well as for the healing of the possessed.
"MOTHER OF GOD OF TIKHVIN" - written by the Evangelist Luke. The icon is considered for children, it is also called a "guidebook". She helps children with illnesses, calms the restless and disobedient, helps them in choosing friends, protects them from the bad influence of the street. It is believed that it strengthens the bond between parents and children, that is, children do not abandon their parents in old age. Helps women during childbirth and pregnancy. Those who have problems also turn to her.
"SEMISTRAL" is the strongest icon in protecting the house and any premises, as well as the person on whom it is located, from evil, envious
people, from the evil eye, damage and curses. Reconciles warring parties, brings peace, harmony, she is also taken on important matters. At home, she should be located opposite front door to see the eyes of the person entering. Before installing the icon, you need to read a prayer, then observe who will stop going to your house.
"THE QUICK-HERE" - the image was painted in the 10th century. They pray in front of the icon when quick and urgent help is needed, for the healing of mental and physical ailments, including paralysis, blindness, cancer, and also ask for the birth of healthy children and the release of prisoners.
"HEALER" - the icon is one of the most ancient and revered. Before the icon, they pray for the healing of the soul and body, it protects from various misfortunes, troubles, sorrow, eternal condemnation, and takes care of liberation from imprisonment. Childbirth assistant.
"THE UNRESENTABLE BOWL" - the Mother of God prays for all sinners and calls to an inexhaustible source of spiritual joy and consolation, proclaims that an inexhaustible cup of heavenly help and mercy is prepared for those who ask with faith. She is for prosperity in the house, and also helps to heal from addictions, drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling.
"UNREMOVABLE WALL" - located in the main altar of the Kiev-Sophia Cathedral. Over the course of more than ten centuries, this miraculous icon remained intact. This is probably why it is so named. Before the icon for every need: for the sick - healing, for the grieving - consolation, for the lost - admonition, guard the babies, educate and teach the young, encourage and instruct husbands and wives, support and warm the old, deliver them from all misfortunes.
"TRINESTRESS" - the miraculous image of the Mother of God was written in the eighth century in honor of the Monk John Damascene - the church hymnist, innocently slandered. Before the icon, they pray for healing from pain in the hands or their injuries, from getting rid of a fire, as well as from illness, grief and sorrow.
"UNEXPECTED JOY" is an icon about the forgiveness of sins and grateful healing. Before the icon, they pray for the conversion of the lost, for the health and well-being of children, for the healing of deafness and ear diseases, for the preservation of marriage in love and harmony.
"BLESSED MATRONA" is a very powerful saint of our time. They turn to her on any difficult issue. She is our most "fast helper" and intercessor, a supplicant for us before the Lord. The relics are in the Intercession Women's Monastery on Taganka, where countless people come every day and turn to her for help.
"NIKOLAI UGODNIK THE WONDERWORKER" is the beloved saint of the Russian people. He protects from poverty and want: when his icon is in the house, he makes sure that there is wealth in the house, protects from the need for anything. In addition, he is the patron saint of all travelers, drivers, sailors, pilots and just people who are on the road and worship Nicholas the Wonderworker. The relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant are in Italy.
"THE HOLY MARTYR PANTELEIMON" is a great healer, patron saint of doctors. During his lifetime, he brought healing to many people from serious ailments. And now, from the icon with the face of St. Panteleimon, people receive a charge for miraculous healing.
"GEORGY POBEDONOSETS" is the patron saint of Moscow, as well as an assistant to those people whose work is connected with weapons, the risk to life - the military, police, firefighters, rescuers. They also include athletes and people starting new businesses.
"SERGY RADONEZHSKY" - the founder of the Sergiev - Trinity Lavra in the 14th century. He is the patron saint of all students. They take the icon with them when passing exams and tests. It is very good that the icon is always in the pocket of your purse or briefcase every day when your child goes to school.
"SERAFIM OF SAROV" is one of the beloved and revered saints of Russia. He devoted all his life to serving our Lord, founded Diveevsky convent in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Prayer to the holy father Seraphim of Sarov very well helps with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, spine, joints.
"ANGEL - KEEPER" - they pray to him: for help with headaches; about his patronage, from
insomnia, in grief, about happiness in marriage, about driving out evil spirits, about getting rid of harm from wizards and sorcerers. About the intercession of widows and orphans, in despair, about getting rid of a sudden or sudden death, about casting out demons. Those who go to sleep pray to him for deliverance from prodigal dreams.

Day of Seraphim of Sarov January 15: how the saint helps *

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* Day of Seraphim of Sarov January 15: how the saint helps *
Seraphim of Sarov is one of the most revered Orthodox saints. Many people are associated with this person. unusual facts, which will be interesting to know for every believer.

Seraphim of Sarov is highly revered by the church because of his deeds. He underwent many problems on the way to harmony with the outside world and with God. Some of his exploits are still considered impossible, so faith plays an important role in matters of reliability. Those who are strong in their faith make a pilgrimage to the relics of the saint in Diveyevo, in order to put their hands and head to the place where one of the greatest Russian saints is buried in peace. January 15 is the official day of commemoration of the saint according to the church calendar.
The history and wonders of Seraphim of Sarov
This one was born great person in Kursk in 1754. Despite the fact that the family of Seraphim was rich and noble, he dedicated himself to God. The child's father died when he was still at an early age.
Miracles began to happen to him as a child. Prokhor, as the saint was called before taking monasticism, once fell from the bell tower, but remained unharmed. Soon he fell seriously ill, but in a dream the Virgin Mary came to him and promised to heal him. After a while, it happened. The boy was surrounded by faith, so he devoted a lot of his personal time to the study of Christianity. His faith grew stronger day by day.
When Prokhor was 17 years old, he decided to leave his father's house. He took monastic vows on the advice of the eldress in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. The choice fell on the Sarov Monastery in Tambov. In 1778 he became a novice and a full-fledged monk in 1786. He was ordained a hieromonk seven years later. Monk Seraphim always had a penchant for solitude, so he tried to live away from other people. He lived in a forest in a cell, looked for food for himself, observed the strictest fast and prayed constantly. He did not consider it a feat - that was his sincere desire.
According to historical sources, Seraphim was engaged in pillage, that is, constant prayer for many years. He prayed on a stone, which people learned about and began to come to him for advice. Day and night he devoted himself completely to prayer. They say that miraculously, wild animals constantly came to him, including even bears, which the saint fed with bread. In the forest, trouble happened to him - the news reached the bad people that the rich were visiting him, leaving him gifts. The robbers found the place of seclusion of Seraphim of Sarov and severely beat him, causing serious injury. After the monk recovered, he remained hunched over for life. They say that he did not even resist, and later completely forgave his offenders, stating that they must be released. These people were never brought to justice.
At the beginning of the 19th century, the saint took a vow of silence, which he tried to fulfill for almost 20 years. For the last 7-8 years of his life, he healed people's diseases and accepted everyone who wanted to see him. Even Tsar Alexander I was among the guests. The elder died at the age of 78 during prayer. He was canonized only 70 years after his death. On August 1, the uncovering of the relics of the saint is celebrated, and January 15 is an official day of remembrance and the name day of all a man named Seraphim.
January 15 - Memorial Day of Seraphim of Sarov
People like Monk Seraphim can be counted on one hand. Only devoted faith and selflessness were almost nonexistent. He demonstrated strength of spirit and faith in Christ, which helped him live a worthy life.
Icons and prayers are dedicated to Elder Seraphim. It is believed that Saint Seraphim helps us in alleviating suffering and in healing diseases. Every home should have an icon of this saint, which will bring good luck to all believers. Prayers in front of the icon to Seraphim of Sarov help restore faith in God, therefore mothers of children who have lost faith in God often resort to this prayer.
On January 15, every church in the Orthodox world remembers the life of Saint Seraphim from year to year. On this day, the clergy recommend not to quarrel with loved ones, to do only good deeds and believe in miracles. God is merciful to all who devote their time to prayer on this day.
Prayers to Seraphim of Sarov have special power not only on Memorial Day or August 1. On January 15 and on any other day ask the monk to pray for our souls and for the health of all those close to us. Be happy!
a source

The Monk Elder Seraphim, while still alive, attained the glory of a saint, although he did not have church dignity, from an early age he was honored to see the Queen of Heaven herself. The icons of Seraphim of Sarov remind of his monastic deed, of those spiritual gifts that he received from the Holy Spirit.

The story of Saint Seraphim

Images in Orthodoxy do not have a purely decorative function. They help believers to direct all thoughts and spiritual strength to prayer, because a person is weak and his thoughts are easily distracted. To understand well the significance of the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, one must familiarize oneself with his life.

More than two hundred years ago in Kursk, the son of Prokhor appeared in the family of a wealthy merchant. Having lost his father early, the boy absorbed all the good that his mother had taught him. Having earned a visit to the Mother of God early, Prokhor spent his whole life under her patronage. With the blessing of the pious eldress, at the age of 17, the young man went to obedience to the Sarov desert. Several years later he took monastic vows, receiving the name Seraphim during the tonsure.

In 1807 the Lord blessed the monk for the feat of silence, for which he went into the forest. Three years later he returned to the monastery, where he tried not to meet with anyone. Then he began to receive both brethren and pilgrims. He embraced and kissed everyone with the words "Christ is Risen."

He carried a special relationship with the Mother of God throughout his life - he was in a cell, he anointed those who came with oil from the lamp. Near this image, the elder departed to the Lord, standing in prayer. By that time, his legs were already very sore, but the joy of his heart did not leave. Shortly before his death, he was honored with the appearance of the Queen of Heaven, who promised to soon take him to her. The elder even prepared a grave for himself, made the final orders.

Possessing the gift of perspicacity, he knew about the impending death, said goodbye to his acquaintances, and gave the last instructions. But he was not afraid of death, but rejoiced at it, as an opportunity to unite with the Lord in his heavenly homeland. The saint bequeathed the image, his beloved icon, to the sisters of the Diveyevo monastery. He even gave funds to the abbess to prepare a "cell for the Lady."

What does the Diveevo icon look like?

The icon "Tenderness" of Seraphim of Sarov, according to legend, was found by him in the forest, where he often went for prayer, there he also had a cell, in the more often he performed his feat of prayer on a stone.

The size of the image is 50x70 cm, it was written on an oblong board at the end of the 18th century. The Mother of God is depicted on it with her head bowed, her arms crossed over her chest. The eyes are filled with thinking about the coming miracle. After all, the image shows the Virgin Mary after the Annunciation, when she learned about her destiny - to become the mother of Christ.

The description of the icon found by Seraphim of Sarov resembles similar images of the Mother of God, only this one has a radiance around the head and there is an inscription - "Hail, Unmarried Bride" - the words that the young woman Mary heard from the Angel. The traditional scarlet robes of the Virgin are crowned with a white scarf, which is decorated with a star, like the shoulders.

The icon "Tenderness" by Seraphim of Sarov has deep theological significance. The appearance of a young blooming maiden completely coincides with her inner peace... Even in the sorrows, of which she suffered a lot, Saint Mary remained patient, benevolent to everyone, she always found something to be grateful to God for.

Her main qualities were hard work, restraint in judgments and words, her voice remained quiet and even - in everything, and in her thoughts she was also the embodiment of purity. Anger never distorted her beautiful face, and the desire to please the Lord occupied all thoughts. Finding a similar soul in a young boy, the Queen of Heaven took him into her care, for which the Monk Seraphim never made her regret, trusting her whole life to the Holy Scriptures, spending her in prayer and labors.

It is this image that often appears on the icons depicting the Elder Seraphim himself. The meaning is clear - such images, using the means of artistic art, describe scenes from the life of the monk. The image "Tenderness" of Seraphim of Sarov is kept in the Partyarchy, and every year it is brought out for worship.

How does prayer to the holy priest help?

Prayer requests to the saints are a pious tradition. They are based on the lives - what the saint was known for during his lifetime, what the believers ask for themselves after they leave for heaven. In what way does the icon of Seraphim of Sarov help?

  • Overcome strong temptations.
  • Find the strength to cope with difficulties.
  • Soothes mental anguish, helps to find peace.
  • Find spiritual enlightenment.
  • Returns to the correct spiritual path.
  • Calms pride.

All these are spiritual needs, which the holy elder urged to constantly take care of by reading the Holy Scriptures and repeating at least a few prayers. It is known prayer rule, which he compiled for those who do not find time to read everything according to the church charter. It contains in a capacious form all the truths necessary for salvation, praying to them every day you can achieve great spiritual growth.

Of course, many people need help in life's circumstances, most often people remember God, the saints, when they themselves get sick or someone close to them suffers. With a similar problem, you can also pray at the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov. When can you ask for help?

  • If a girl wants to get married successfully.
  • When spouses quarrel.
  • Help with business matters is required.
  • For healing from any bodily ailments.

Story from the life of the Monk Seraphim

During his lifetime, the monk was distinguished by rare patience, which he called “spiritual chains,” through him believers can acquire the Holy Spirit, which Father Seraphim showed with his life. While still a young enough man, he was attacked by robbers, who were inspired by the demon that the elder in his cell had something to profit from. They hit the monk on the head with an ax, he did not resist and barely came to the monastery alive.

Lying on his bed, surrounded by doctors, the monk was honored with the apparition of the Mother of God (of whom there were 12 throughout his life), she healed the mortal wounds. Very soon Father Seraphim got to his feet and was able to perform his usual obediences. True, since then, the priest has become bent over, has grown old - many days of suffering from terrible wounds have affected.

The attackers were found, identified, but the monk strictly forbade them to be punished, otherwise he promised to leave the monastery. The Lord himself punished the intruders - they suffered from the fire, after which they confessed to the saint. He forgave them, instructed them in faith.

By this incident, one can judge what a kind heart the saint had even during his earthly life, full of hardships and disappointments. Anyone can come to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov, his prayer will be heard. To ask for help from a saint, one must have firm faith, not hesitate. And to know that the Almighty works miracles, and not the icon itself and not even the saints.

One should turn to a saint as if he were alive, because God has no dead. The holy fathers stay near the throne of the Most High in prayers, intercede for the sinful world, there is no such request that they would consider unimportant.

Venerable Sylvester - Pope

The memory of this ancient Christian saint falls on the same day as that of the Monk Seraphim (January 15), therefore they are sometimes confused. Outwardly, Saint Sylvester and Seraphim of Sarov are not very similar, their icons are different. How to determine what is the difference? St. Sylvester was the Pope of Rome, therefore he is portrayed in the vestments of a bishop, with the Gospel in his hands. Father Seraphim is depicted in a black cassock, often in a stooped pose.

Although in age they really look similar - both with a gray beard. They lived to old age and peacefully gave their souls to God. Although St. Sylvester lived much earlier - in the 1st century BC. AD Then the persecution of the new Christian faith began, the saint was even arrested, but the Lord gave him long life in the ministry. Defending faithful confession from a multitude of heresies, the monk led the Church for more than twenty years.

Famous images of the Diveyevo elder

The most revered icon of Seraphim of Sarov is the one that was painted in the Diveyevo monastery. The portrait was taken as a basis, made during the life of the saint. The elder is depicted on the image frontally, up to the waist, with his right hand on his heart. The monastic cloak is wearing an epitrachelion, as if he is preparing to accept the confession of a sinner. His gaze is calm and directed directly at the prayer.

During the years of persecution against the Church, the icon, which immediately became famous for healings, was kept by a pious woman who protected her for more than 40 years. And only after the revival of the monastery in 1992, the image returned to where it was painted. Thousands of believers were once again able to seek healing around him.

A similar image exists in another version: the icon depicts Seraphim of Sarov in full growth, the description differs in that the arms are crossed, and the Diveyevo monastery is visible behind. The vestments are the same, only a rosary is visible on the right hand - every monk has one, it is customary to read the prayers of the Mother of God from them.

Where to pray to Father Seraphim

The veneration of the saint is so great that his image can be found in almost every Orthodox church. But there are especially famous places where pilgrims flock.

  1. Seraphim-Diveevskaya women's monastery, where the relics of the monk rest.
  2. Danilov Monastery - here is an image with parts of a mantle, a piece of stone on which the saint prayed for a thousand days.
  3. Near the "Expocentre" (Krasnopresnenskaya embankment in Moscow), not so long ago, a church was consecrated in the name of the monk, where you can worship an icon with relics.
  4. Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Sign" (Pereyaslavskaya Sloboda) - an image with a piece of the saint's tomb.
  5. Yelokhovsky Epiphany Cathedral - an icon of Seraphim of Sarov.

But sometimes, if the answer to prayers does not come, people ask the question - why did God leave me? Then you should think - will what you ask will definitely benefit? If the answer does not come, or something else is given instead of the expected one, one must remember that the Lord does everything for the good.

Prayers to Seraphim of Sarov

First prayer

O wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov miracle worker, a hasty helper to everyone who comes running to you! In the days of your earthly life, no one else is thin and inconsolable from you, but the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words came in sweetness to everyone. To this, the gift of healings, the gift of insight, the gift of the weak souls of healing are abundant in you. Whenever God calls you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love will cease from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplied, like the stars of heaven: behold, all over the end of our earth, people of God appear and grant them healings. The same we cry out to you: oh, the prettiest and meek servant of God, bold to Him a prayer book, who never calls you to cut off, lift up your benevolent prayer for us to the Lord of forces, may strengthen our power, may grant us all that is useful in this life and all to the soul useful to salvation, may he protect us from the falls of sinful ones and teach us true repentance, to bring us into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom without any doubt, where you are now in the everlasting glory, and there you will sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity until the end of the age. Amen.

Second prayer

About Venerable Father Seraphim! Lift up about us, servant of God ( names ), your benevolent prayer to the Lord of forces, may grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful to spiritual salvation, may he protect us from the fall of sinful and true repentance, may teach us, in a hedgehog unquestioningly instill us into the eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where are you now shine in the everlasting glory, and there to sing with all the saints the Life-Giving Trinity for ever and ever.

Prayer three

O great saint of God, venerable and God-bearing our Father Seraphim! Look down on us from the furnace of glory the humble and the weak, burdened with many sins, your help and consolation, those who ask. Come to us with your mercy and help us to keep the Lord's commandments immaculately, keep the Orthodox faith firmly, earnestly bring repentance in our sins to God, prosper gracefully in the piety of Christians and are worthy of being your prayerful intercession to God for us. She, holy holiness of God, hear us praying to you with faith and love and do not despise us who demand your intercession: now and at the hour of our death, help us, and intercede with us with your prayers from the evil slander of the devil, may we not have those power, but yes let us be worthy of thy help to inherit the bliss of the heavenly abode. On thee we put our hope now, merciful Father: truly guide us to salvation and lead us to the non-evening Light of eternal life by your divine intercession at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, may we glorify and sing with all the saints the venerable name of the Father and the Son in the Holy Spirit centuries. Amen.