Marble tiles - stone interior design options for floors and walls (85 photo ideas). What is a good ceramic tile, and what throws money away Marbled tiles in the bathroom look boring

Hello everybody! How much is it? Is he expensive? Wow, how much money did you swell into repairs !!! And in response: yes you are, not at all. You have heard similar phrases more than once in a variety of situations: when a girl bought a new dress or bag, when you bought new furniture and it fits perfectly into the room when you are presented with a ring and colleagues at work can not help curiosity.

There are things that look more expensive than their "colleagues" in the same price category. And there are things, looking at which they say the opposite: "it's not worth the money." There are some signs that make us mistaken in determining their cost, and knowing these secrets, you and I can get a more presentable interior by spending the same amount on it, and not waste money by getting consumer goods.

As an interior designer, under a good tile, I first of all understand good design tiles. The tile with which you can get a beautiful comfortable space and save at the same time.

And today I will tell you how easy it is to distinguish expensive ceramic tiles from cheap ones by eye, and using this knowledge, you will make your interior look like a million dollars 🙂 The tips are universal for choosing any ceramic tile and porcelain stoneware: both in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Interesting? Then make yourself comfortable.

What tile to choose for the floor, bathroom and kitchen so that it does not spoil the interior

How much time passes, but finishing with the help of materials, the surface of which imitates marble, remains relevant. Marbled tiles for the bathroom are one of the most popular solutions, both in light and dark colors. Color palette, the invoice are selected individually by each consumer. The material will look good in spacious rooms, bathrooms do not big size.

Clay and sand are the basis for creating such tiles, and other impurities of natural origin are added. High temperatures act on the material, the firing process is carried out, so that the final product is absolutely harmless to our health. The tile does not emit harmful substances, when it is affected by fire and water, steam does not absorb harmful components by itself.

It does not require complex care of the material, it is enough to sometimes wipe it with a regular damp sponge. If the contamination is severe, the use of chemically active compounds is acceptable.

The tile does not fade and does not fade over time, the sun's rays do not cause damage, as well as constant contact With large quantities moisture.

White glossy tiles will become great decoration in any bathroom, all attention will be drawn to the expressive veins of black. Even artificial marble in ceramics has many available textures, color options. It will never lose its relevance, like the marbled bathroom tiles themselves. All over the world, highly qualified teams of designers are responsible for the production of tiles, they take into account the features of this material, including subtle delicate patterns, small veins and curved lines, smooth transitions.

We have the opportunity to transcend nature itself by experimenting not only with color design but also with texture. Newly created collections are decorated with any available decorative elements. Unique interior will impress guests who decide to visit this house over and over again.

Marble tiles in the interior of the bathroom

"Shining marble" - the material received such a name from the Ancient Greeks, this definition is also suitable for the tile itself. Features of the pattern, a rich palette of tones in colors - everything speaks of the uniqueness of this solution. It is impossible at once to list all the varieties of material that exist on the modern market. Incredible drawings amaze everyone. The tone always remains pure, the textures are combined with each other in an incredible way.

Decoration in bright and contrasting, gentle and careless options - we can create any interior. The elegance and lightness of the chosen style are emphasized by light, gradient color transitions, clear and large lines will become calling card true classicism.

What tiles to put in small bathrooms

Everyone wants to get the most out of style in the finish they choose. For large rooms the choice of textures and colors is greater than for small areas. Here the choice should be given as much attention as possible. If everything is done correctly, even such a space will become cozy, spacious.

Let's look at the color

The boundaries of space are usually visually expanded due to light shades, for rooms with a small area it is better to choose light brown and gray, pink, blue, beige, white tiles. From dark shades we refuse.

warmer and cozy atmosphere easy to create if the room has pink or beige, orange, terracotta shades. Calmness and coolness will give green and gray, blue options. Lighting plays too important role in creating visual effects, therefore it is important to take into account this system.

The effect of expanded space is created due to the most veiled corners, the transition from one element to another, devoid of any accents. wall and floor tiles should not create too much contrast with each other. White light is also recommended for the ceiling.

Surfaces with light shades do not suffer as much from stains left by cleaning products and soap solutions, because they do not require careful, complex care. If they appear mechanical damage, they are easy to repair with colorless adhesives or colorants.

Marble tiles in the bathroom

Size and texture

Light glossy surface perfectly complement finishing material light shade, adding the effect of space in small rooms. And you do not need to arrange a system with natural light. It is worth choosing this option for those who just like shine.

Bathroom interior with marble tiles

But there are also semi-gloss models for those who are simply annoyed by the usual bright surface. But it is better to refuse matte in any case. Rough tiles to match the walls will look good on the floor, you can not be afraid of slipping. Porcelain stoneware the best way for those rooms where the operation is very active. This is also a tile, but with higher strength indicators.

In small bathrooms, tiles of small, medium dimensions look better. Large tiles will not be appropriate, and from an economic point of view, this is not the most smart buy. After the repair, there will be too much garbage.

Original solutions for any object

Artificial surfaces are in many situations preferable to natural ones. The strength of the material is greater, it better resists moisture. Floor tiles of non-natural origin can decorate any interior.

Artificial stone is much cheaper than natural. Because of this, these coatings are gaining more and more popularity.

Dust or marble chips are used as a filler in the production of tiles, because it becomes the best imitation for natural analogues. There are many possibilities for finishing the premises, and the processing of the material produces almost no waste.

For production, the pressing method is also used. The main mixture is diluted with binders, mainly acrylic water dispersion compositions. They also take a crumb with a fraction of 1-3 millimeters. Marble dust, crumbs with a finer fraction often become fillers in floor tiles.

Marble tiles in the interior of the bathroom

Marble tile, what it is

There are three main groups of this material:

  1. For floor
  2. For wall mounting
  3. Able to withstand low temperatures

In the latter case, an image of a snowflake is added to the label to make it easier to distinguish the product from the rest. Even the most modest space will be visually expanded thanks to the use of marbled floor tiles. Do not clutter up the space, the minimum necessary accessories are enough to create the desired effect.

The color range is extensive, you can list only a few of the most common variations. Classic example- white and beige. The room receives a special charm and chic. In the bathroom, the combination looks especially appropriate.

Beautiful bathroom with marble tiles

In bathrooms, the emphasis is usually on light colors, with the appropriate design, a headset is also selected. The material can be both on the walls and on the floor. Green decoration will saturate the room with noble emerald tones. It is especially appropriate where there is enough space.

Black marble is an unusual, extravagant option. Often they combine this solution with white shades, trying to create original " chess boards". There are completely white or black floors, but this can be seen most often in public places. It is not recommended to do this in ordinary apartments.

The buyer can choose tiles of any size, any color. Any idea can be realized if you correctly approach the process. The main advantages of the solution are variety and ease of maintenance, strength and durability.

Marble tiles in the interior of the bathroom

It remains only to choose the right accessories. On our website there are a large number of photos, both with finished premises and with separate elements. We do not mind if for someone they serve as a personal example and a source of inspiration.

When choosing a tile, it is important to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, for this it is enough to multiply the width and length. It is also necessary to understand what parameters the material itself has. It is better to purchase it with a margin, even if you know for sure future way styling. At traditional styling buys 5-7 percent more, with a diagonal one - 10-15 percent more. Stroymarkets additionally offer a free calculation service, it will make the task easier. Experts themselves will tell you how much tile glue is needed.

In some collections, they create not only an imitation of natural marble, but simply use its surface as decorative element. The texture retains smooth stains, but decorative "chips" are added. Looks good in almost any room.

Most usually don't even wonder about bathroom tile design. Everyone is used to simple options not original. Rectangular or square, white or brown - all this looks already boring and unfashionable. Designers offer many interesting and stylish solutions that will help turn even the floor into a work of art.

Variety of patterns

A classic design can create a simple yet stylish floor that looks amazing in bathrooms. This option is out of time and fashion.

2. Offset. Another variant of the game with the way of laying tiles. beautiful tiles rich color fits with a slight offset along with a small white square. As a result, the floor is unusual and stylish.

3. Three layers. A simple and elegant design option for the floor in the bathroom is a mix of white, black and neutral tones.

4. Patterns. Explosion of colors and richness of drawings. The eclectic floor will become original decoration bathroom, from which you can hardly take your eyes off. To implement the idea, you can safely use the remnants of the tile.

Luxurious and unexpected design will help make the bathroom unique. Options can be different - from delicate to incredible.

The rainbow design features a chevron pattern that makes the bathroom look fun. Perfect option for youth.

7. Hexagon. The small hexagonal tile has an amazing ability to create a simple vintage style. It is ideal for small bathrooms, giving them elegance and charm without too much hassle.

A variety of patterns can be laid out from a small hexagonal tile in two contrasting colors. Floral motifs will look charming.

An amazing example of a luxurious bathroom in victorian style.

Variety of materials

10. Stone. For a chic and natural look, stone tiles are the best fit. It will help create a stylish and modern interior.

11. Laminate. Even laminate is suitable for the floor in the bathroom. He creates an atmosphere home comfort perfect for any style.

12. Marble. A classic choice that is timeless and fashionable - it is beautiful and stylish. marble tiles. It goes well with any style and color solution.

13. Ceramics. Ceramic tiles look elegant and stylish. It will fit perfectly into the interior, made in a feminine or youthful style.

14. Bamboo. Bamboo tiles in the form of squares or rectangles are perfect for decorating the floor in the bathroom. It is not only functional, but also goes well with the water theme of the interior.

Variety of colors

15. Dark gray. You can create a chic modern interior even with classic dark gray tiles. It looks more stylish and fresh than the rich black version.

The appearance of tiles that decorate a person's home is hidden in the mists of time. The pioneers were the inhabitants of Babylon, who covered the houses of aristocrats and majestic temples with ceramic tiles. The most ancient samples testify to the trepidation with which people of those times treated this decorative element: each element was covered with a thick layer of glaze and had a unique pattern.

A more familiar type of tile came to us from Ancient Rome. Numerous thermae and baths were covered with modern form factor material: about fifteen centimeters long and wide and about a centimeter thick. They were still made by hand, but the constantly growing demand among the patrician class forced the introduction of manufactory production principles.

Natural stone.

Another manifestation of restraint and aristocracy is the use of tiles made as an imitation natural stone. Regardless of the type of stone, tiles can be both flat and embossed.

The relief, often deliberately showing natural roughness and angularity, creates the entourage of a medieval estate or an elegant French chateau.

Flat tiles, at the same time having a characteristic stone texture, will perfectly fit into any kind of design, from baroque to high-tech.

It is noteworthy that many varieties of tiles are really made from natural stone, and do not imitate it: large pieces of basalt or granite are cut with diamond saws, turning them into an exquisite decoration for lovers of water procedures.

Key textures to look out for:

  • Onyx - a pattern that often has angularity and geometric rigor, is able to create additional comfort and coziness. The color range is extensive and can vary from light gray to black.
  • Granite - strong and reliable, as it should be natural material, granite impresses with seasoned colors (including the popular terracotta) and ornate texture.
  • Crystal - a surface with brilliance and specific refraction of incident light, is perfect for those who love all the most modern and unusual.
  • A group of ceramic tiles imitating stone, but not natural, stands apart. The most commonly used texture is brick or dark gray reinforced concrete.

The color palette, thanks to the abundance of pigments, is limited only by the imagination of the designer. Another thing is that when choosing a tile made of natural stone, you should not be too hasty: the stone is too beautiful and original material to include impurities of unnatural colors and unconventional solutions.

In the bathroom, natural stone tiles can be used not only when laying on walls, but also as floor covering. Favorably affects the lack of slip and good thermal conductivity, which is optimal for those who spent a warm floor in the bathroom.


Mosaic is a real expanse for lovers of self-expression who are not afraid to experiment with colors and patterns. It is the mosaic that allows you to form a real work of art from the usual tiles, often even one-colored, moreover, without a hint of pretentiousness.

From small mosaic tiles, with due skill and quality of the material, wonderful panels come out that can depict plants, animals, and even entire plots. When designing a bathroom, use:

  • Mosaic made of natural stone, repeating the relief of the base material. The most commonly used marble, onyx, tuff and even jasper.
  • Glass mosaic allows you to combine elegant brilliance and practicality. Glass is the most resistant material to any exposure to moisture or chemicals. In order for the glass to fade, at least a hundred years must pass.
  • Ceramic mosaic is the cheapest option, but may not be inferior in quality and beauty. Glaze, as well as various bas-reliefs, allow you to flexibly beat any shower concept.
  • More exotic species, in particular from metal, plastic and even leather. The practicality of these materials rarely keeps up with the unusualness and beauty, leaving them for connoisseurs of rarities.

In addition to panels, the most common technique for laying mosaics is to use 2-5 types of tiles of different, but similar in tone tones. Laying is done in a chaotic manner, which allows you to decorate different areas from the same material, but with a different accent.

Contrary to stereotypes, the mosaic is produced not only in a square form factor: there are specific rectangular, diamond-shaped and other geometric shapes, thanks to which each element of the room will be decorated in its own way.

The abundance of materials and colors used in the design of the bathroom allows you to leave behind the stereotype of a faceless and nondescript tiles. Apart from ceramic materials, in progress a natural stone, marble, glass, which allows you to vary different kinds relief, gloss and matte.

However, the number of colors with proper design should be moderately limited in favor of a more sophisticated and complex styling. The millennial evolution of the material, coupled with an excellent choice for every taste, makes tile the perfect bathroom décor.