We make artificial marble with our own hands. Do-it-yourself concrete marble Making do-it-yourself marble tiles

For centuries, marble has been used to decorate the interior and exterior of homes. This breed is a rare and expensive natural material that not everyone can afford. The latest developments in the field of construction have created an unusual finishing product - concrete marble, which can be made even at home.

Properties of artificial stone

A number of undoubted advantages can make artificial stone the most popular material for interior and exterior decoration. The material imitates the shape and structure of a natural mineral. Thanks to the ability to use a wide palette of colors for concrete coloring, it is possible to obtain concrete panels of various shades.

Artificial marble has excellent physical and chemical qualities. It has strong properties. The material is not subject to deformation when exposed to high and low temperatures. It does not burn, so it is important to use it for finishing stoves and fireplaces.

The stone has a low thermal conductivity and can serve as additional thermal insulation for the facade. Also, the undoubted advantage is that it does not conduct electricity. Often it is used to insulate and decorate ovens, radiators and other electrical devices.

The unique color and pattern will not fade under ultraviolet rays. The material is well resistant to moisture. Due to its durable properties, concrete objects can last for a long time. In the event of cracks, unnatural marble is easily restored and takes on its former appearance. In addition, it does not emit toxic substances into the atmosphere, which declares a high level of environmental friendliness. The production process leaves no waste, so the use of concrete stone is efficient and profitable.

When mixing all the components, the resulting mixture can take any form. The connection of its parts occurs according to the principle of puzzles. All joints are securely bonded to each other with adhesives and provide high strength of the entire surface.

Artificial stone has a small weight, unlike a natural mineral, so it is easier to process and install. Usually the material is created under the initially set parameters. Natural marble requires additional grinding and trimming before installation.

Application area

The material outwardly accurately imitates the pattern of natural rock, but unlike it, it has an affordable price. It is cheaper by 8-10 times and in terms of its performance properties is not inferior to natural rock.

Finishing with this building product will add chic and sophistication to the interior and facades of the building. For arranging indoor surfaces, it is used as an alternative to ceramic tiles, as floor coverings, for the manufacture of sinks and countertops, fountains or decorative sculptures, for bar counters, fireplaces and much more.

How to cook yourself

The production technology of the material is not difficult, so concrete marble can be easily prepared by yourself. Before proceeding with manufacturing, you should study the specifics of this process, then prepare all the necessary components.

To knead the panels, you will need the following materials:

  • cement marked M400 or M500;
  • form or matrix made of polyurethane (any plastic container will do);
  • plasticizer C-3 - a special solution that increases the strength of concrete;
  • water;
  • fine sand;
  • polyethylene film;
  • a pigment that will not dissolve in water (oil paint will do);
  • fine gravel, pebbles or ceramic chips as a filler;
  • drill with mixer nozzle.

All components are mixed at home. With proper observance of all the nuances of production, the resulting material will be so similar to natural marble that at first glance it is difficult for an uninitiated passer-by to determine what the object is made of.

For the manufacture of stone, plastic molds are required. You can purchase special products or make them yourself. To make a window sill, a regular tray of the right size is suitable.

If there is no suitable container, you can make them from plastic panels. To do this, the sheets are fastened together.

Production technology

After preparing all the necessary components, you should start preparing the mixture. All work is done in a clean container. The mixing solution has standard proportions of 1 to 3 parts. Fine sand is added to dry cement, which is pre-screened.

This must be done through a fine mesh so that the solution turns out to be homogeneous in its consistency. Then the filler is mixed. As it is most often used small pebbles or crushed stone. In addition, crushed expanded clay, pumice or ceramic chips can be used.

Color creation

According to the technology, a coloring pigment is added to the finished solution. It does not need to be thoroughly mixed. On the contrary, in order for the artificial stone to look more like a natural mineral, the composition should be made as heterogeneous as possible. Often several shades of paint are added to produce an unusual pattern on the cast object. Various bends, streaks, convolutions, dots or spots may appear on it. At this stage, you can give free rein to fantasy. A variety of color mixing can lead to unexpected results. By its quantity, the pigment should be 1% of the dry mass.

After introducing the pigment into the solution, it must be thoroughly shaken. Usually a vibrating table is used for this. For frequent use, you can do it yourself. But in the event that an artificial stone is made for the first and only time, then it is enough to shake the resulting mixture with your hands.

Next, water is added at the rate of one to two in relation to the dry component. First, about 80% of the solvent is poured in, everything is thoroughly mixed. Then a plasticizer is introduced, which serves to enhance the strength of the future object.

This element must be at least 1% of the total mass. Again, everything is mixed and left for a few minutes alone. The material becomes plastic and viscous. After that, the remaining 20% ​​of water is poured in and distributed throughout the composition.

Then the prepared solution is poured into pre-prepared molds. From above it must be covered with plastic wrap and left until completely solidified. To increase the strength of the material, a metal reinforcing mesh is placed in the liquid mixture.

After hardening, the finished panels are taken out of the molds and subjected to careful grinding. For this, special equipment with diamond discs can be used. After processing, the surface becomes even and smooth.

Manufacturing technology must be clearly maintained. If you skip any stage, the marble from concrete may not match the quality.

Before mounting the manufactured panels, it is necessary to prepare and clean the surface on which the installation will be carried out from climatic precipitation. This must be done with great care.

Various materials and products made from artificial marble made from concrete are considered to be as attractive, elegant, durable and strong as similar objects made from real natural rock. The production of this product in Russia first began more than 30 years ago, during which time it has improved and reached a high level. It copies the appearance of the stone so accurately that an imitation cannot be distinguished by an inexperienced eye.

Marble is an expensive and durable material. It has earned popularity due to its reliability and impressive appearance. The alternative is to make marble out of concrete to get a beautiful, good quality material at a reasonable price.

Application of artificial marble

The uniqueness of marble lies in the variety of applications. The material has long been used for interior decoration and facades of premises. Such pleasure is expensive. Therefore, not every owner of an apartment or a private house can afford marble products.

The price of natural material is determined by the location of raw materials in hard-to-reach places and the need to deliver special equipment to a mountainous area. Marble is mined meticulously. Also affects the increase in the cost of delivery and processing of raw materials.

Concrete is easier in this regard. To make marble concrete yourself, you will need patience and a set of home tools. With their help, they create durable elements that decorate the walls of the kitchen, bathroom, hallway and the outside of the house. And the competent use of paints will allow you to withstand a given color scheme.

The chemical properties of the artificial composition make it resistant to physical attack. The concrete mixture is not afraid of sudden changes in temperature, does not ignite and does not crumble. Due to these qualities, the composition is often used in the decoration of fireplaces, stoves.

Paving marble tiles made of concrete are becoming more popular every day. The result is a stone similar to a natural sample, which lasts for decades.

Composition and manufacturing features

Natural marble has a heterogeneous color, there are veins, a granular structure throughout the thickness. These characteristics are observed in the manufacture of an artificial sample. Please note that the natural equivalent is colored in different colors:

  • Pink;
  • Blue;
  • Grey;
  • Black;
  • Red;
  • Green;
  • Violet.

For the production of artificial marble from concrete, a simple mixture of cement and sand is often used. Forms are selected from elastic compounds - polyurethane, plastic. After drying, the product becomes strong and resistant to mechanical stress.

Homemade marble should not turn out thin, as the stone will be too fragile and may burst during installation. But it shouldn't be made to be fat either. Concrete is not a lightweight material, and tiles can be too heavy.

If you choose high-quality materials and follow the basic rules for creating consistency and proportions, the result will be a fairly reliable stone. For example, to save money in arranging the kitchen, you can make a solid marble concrete countertop. One note - the body of the furniture must be strong enough to withstand the stove.

Tools and materials

Marble from concrete is made quite quickly. You can create many different shades. It all depends on the design of the room in which the finishing work will be carried out. The process will not take much time and money. All you need:

  1. Water;
  2. Cement (grade M400-M500);
  3. Plasticizer S-3;
  4. Sand;
  5. Polyurethane form;
  6. Film;
  7. Fine gravel (aggregate);
  8. Drill;
  9. Standard mixer attachment.

When choosing components, keep an eye on their quality. For example, cement and plasticizer are bought only from trusted sellers whose product quality is not suspicious. Marble chips are often used to fill the mortar. Also, do not save on the quality of the form.

Step-by-step instruction

The whole process is divided into several main stages. Initially, it is necessary to prepare all the tools and components of the concrete mix. Choose a clean container for mixing.

Experts advise using a standard solution, the proportions of which are 1: 3. The beginning of mixing is carried out with dry components using a construction mixer. Fine sifted sand is added to the cement.

After mixing sand and cement, filler is added to the dry mortar. In the role of such a base can be both pebbles and ordinary rubble. Also, in the production of marble from concrete with their own hands, pumice, ceramic chips, and small expanded clay are often used. All these ingredients will help create a dense structure of the product.


The technology of factory and independent production of artificial stone involves the addition of a coloring pigment to the concrete. The basic rule is that after adding the paint, the composition must be slightly mixed for several minutes. You should not carefully mix the pigment in the solution, as this will not look like real marble. Natural stone has a heterogeneous structure, color - this is achieved by the master.

Often two or three colors of the coloring pigment are used at once. This will create an interesting, natural pattern. It is considered ideal if the following appear in a multi-colored consistency:

  • spots;
  • Divorces;
  • points;
  • bends;
  • convolutions.

But don't add too much paint. The amount of pigments is 1% of the dry composition.

After adding the colors, shake the solution. The vibrating table performs this process better. But if the task is to make one blank, then it will be enough just to shake the container with your hands.


Further, the technology of making marble at home includes the process of adding water. The ratio is 1:2. The first stage is the introduction of no more than 80% of water. The solution must then be thoroughly mixed. The second stage is the addition of a plasticizer, which helps the product to acquire the necessary consistency and strength. The component is also added at the rate of 1% by weight of the entire composition.

The third stage - after a few minutes of rest, the remaining water must be added to the concrete.


After mixing, the finished solution is poured into molds, which are thoroughly cleaned before that. On top of the composition, the form is covered with a film. In this state, the structure is left to solidify. You can also add a metal mesh to the solution of the future plate. It reinforces the stone and will not let it crumble.

Next, the finished tile is removed from the elastic molds and carefully polished. It is better to use specialized equipment with diamond pattern discs. But you can limit yourself to improvised means. Grinding makes the walls of concrete panels smooth. Make sure the surface is even, so that further installation of stones does not create unnecessary problems.

The listed processes that can be performed at home are part of the Systrom technology. Under the same name, marble concrete is produced by a popular research and production company. Therefore, following the steps will allow each owner to create durable products at home.


Many enterprises produce products from artificial marble, which are not inferior in strength to natural material. The popularity of marble concrete is growing rapidly due to the inaccessibility of stones. Making tiles is a fast, inexpensive process. The output is a reliable product at a reasonable price, which has high strength and is used in any type of room.

Modern analogues of traditional natural materials are widely used today. The advantages of using artificial stone in interior design are innumerable, it is enough to mention the exceptional strength of the material and the relatively low cost. The possibility of self-manufacturing, ease of installation and processing of the finished product, as well as the use of innovative technologies in the manufacture of marble - all these aspects are described in detail in the information of this article.

Advantages of Artificial Marble

The use of natural stone in the design of residential and public buildings has more than one hundred years of positive use. Such cladding has always been the prerogative of the upper strata of society, but with the advent of artificial analogues, such luxury has become more affordable.

Advantages of using artificial stone in the interior:

  • Excellent strength and performance characteristics.
  • A high degree of decorativeness of products made of artificial stone.
  • Relatively affordable price.
  • Possibility of self-production.
  • Easy installation.
  • The material is non-combustible and chemically inert.
  • Relatively light weight.
  • Surface durability.
  • There is no need for special care.
  • Color fastness is maintained in direct sunlight.
  • The material is characterized by low hygroscopicity and can be used in a humid environment.

Sinks made of artificial marble are distinguished by their excellent design and trouble-free operation. Independent production of artificial marble will significantly reduce the cost and will allow you to get original configurations and colors of finished products.

Recently, the technology of manufacturing concrete products with color stains imitating marble has gained great popularity. There is a completely logical explanation for this, because marble is able to give prestige and sophistication to the facades of buildings or decorate rooms from the inside. In addition, the advantages of this technology include the fact that you can make marble from concrete at home.

General information

The technology for the production of artificial marble from concrete is quite simple, thanks to which every home craftsman can make such a material. However, some knowledge is still required.

If the work is done correctly, the material will turn out to be so similar to marble that an ordinary passerby will hardly be able to guess that, for example, an artificial stone was used for the fence.

In addition, this material has several advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Excellent physical and mechanical properties;
  • Do-it-yourself technology of marble from concrete is waste-free, which is an important factor;
  • Ease of restoration;
  • The price is much cheaper than natural marble;
  • Good moisture resistance;
  • Possibility of obtaining any color and any form of material.

Artificial marble technology


Before we start making stone, you should prepare a certain set of materials:

  • Sand;
  • Cement brand M500;
  • Pigment - high-quality oil paint is suitable for these purposes;
  • A plasticizer is a special compound that, when added to concrete, significantly improves its characteristics.

In addition, you will need more forms into which the solution will be poured. For these purposes, it is best to use special polymer forms. If you can’t find them, then you can use any other forms made of plastic.

For example, if you want to make marbled concrete window sills, then you should find suitable plastic trays. In extreme cases, you can complete the forms yourself by fastening plastic panels together.

It is also desirable to have a vibrating table, which you can do with your own hands. If you will be engaged in the production of marble once, then you can do without it by shaking the mixture by hand. Vibration will compact the solution and make a denser material as a result.

I must say that the same technology can be used to produce polymer concrete.

The only thing is that instead of cement, in this case, thermosetting resins are used as a binder:

  • Phenolic;
  • Furan;
  • Epoxy etc.

In the manufacture of polymer concrete, a larger amount of filler is added to the composition than in a conventional concrete solution.

Marble making

After all the materials are prepared, you can get to work. The production of artificial marble and polymer concrete begins with the preparation of the solution.

The concrete solution is mixed in a standard proportion - 1: 3. In this case, it is best to use calcium carbonate or other similar neutral fillers as a filler.

If polymer concrete is mixed, then the solution should be made in a ratio of 1: 4. Coarse-grained fillers are used as a filler.

In particular, crushed in the form of gravel or coarse sand are suitable for these purposes:

  • Limestone;
  • Quartz;
  • Sandstone;
  • Dolomite.

Further instructions are as follows:

  • After the solution is ready, you should add the dye. I must say that it is not necessary to diligently stir the composition until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. To get a similarity with marble, it is better to do it casually so that characteristic stains are obtained.
    You can experiment, for example, by adding a few drops of paint of different colors. In general, this stage can be called a creative process that allows you to feel like an artist and show your imagination.
  • After the solution is colored, shake the container or place it on a vibrating table. If you spend time making this device, then in the future it may come in handy in the manufacture of paving slabs, cinder blocks and other building materials.
  • Further, the resulting solution should be poured into pre-prepared and well-dried polyurethane molds and covered with plastic wrap. To increase the strength of the material, it should be reinforced with wire. To do this, after the mixture is poured into molds, you need to drown the wire into it.

  • After the final, the resulting products should be removed from the molds and the surface should be sanded. For these purposes, you need to use an angle grinder and diamond discs-cups. After performing this operation, the surface will become smooth, resembling marble as much as possible.

Here, perhaps, is the whole composition of the production of artificial marble from concrete. I must say that there are other technologies for the manufacture of artificial stone. Moreover, some of them are even simpler and do not require finishing polishing.

However, at home, the considered method is the most affordable.

Since the resulting material will be strong enough, it can only be processed with a diamond tool, in particular, in addition to the aforementioned grinding, an effective method is cutting reinforced concrete with diamond wheels, as well as diamond drilling holes in concrete.

In the photo - artificial marble in the bathroom

Options for using artificial marble

Most often, artificial marble is used for finishing fences outside the premises. However, such material can be an excellent alternative to ceramic tiles, for example, in the bathroom. In addition, "concrete marble" can be used as countertops in the kitchen.

It can also be an excellent decoration for fireplaces, which are not only the hearth of home comfort, but also a sign of luxury. If the interior of the room is made in a classic style, then the material can be used as a floor covering.

In any case, wherever you use marble, its use will be a sign of good taste and luxury!


From the video in this article, you can get more information on making artificial marble at home.

Natural stone is expensive, especially if you want to make a countertop or shower tray out of it, and therefore DIY artificial marble seems to be a better option. Moreover, there are quite a few ways to get a reliable imitation, using a variety of, sometimes quite unexpected components and technologies.

How to get artificial marble with your own hands

What is the stone we are interested in? It has a heterogeneous color, most often with veins penetrating the entire thickness, a granular-crystalline structure. Coloring can be snow-white, pink, blue, black or gray. Less common colors: red, purple, green, yellow. The easiest way to create the illusion of marble is with gypsum, which gives a dense, non-porous mass. However, this option is unacceptable if you need a countertop or cladding in a room with a high level of humidity. Therefore, we will consider alternative methods that allow you to make artificial marble with your own hands.

The simplest technology is casting in molds from a cement-sand mixture. Cast marble is durable, waterproof and, most importantly, outwardly very similar to the real one. However, it should be noted that thin tiles will be quite fragile, and thick ones will turn out to be heavy. As a result, it is possible to make a countertop from such an imitation, but at the same time, the furniture body must be very massive in order to support the weight of the stone slab. A thinner version can be made by taking the wooden plane of the table as a basis. Next, we'll look at both options.

Almost real artificial marble: manufacturing technology

What do we need to end up with a slab of cast stone, almost indistinguishable from natural? First of all - a form of polyurethane, sand and cement in a ratio of 2: 1, respectively, water (a fifth of one share of cement) and pebbles as a filler. You will also need a dye (1% of the share of cement) and a plasticizer in the same amount. In order for the technical process to succeed, we stock up on plastic wrap, a construction mixer, a mixer or a special nozzle for a drill, as well as a spatula and a short rule.

Manufacturing technology of real artificial marble - step by step diagram

Step 1: Preparation

We thoroughly rinse and dry the form, which can be of any size, for example, just for the working surface of the kitchen wall. We prepare the solution, for which we combine cement, sand and pebbles in a dry state, mixing the components well. Pour 80% of the stored water, as well as the plasticizing composition, and continue kneading, achieving the highest possible mass uniformity. We add the rest of the water and, in unequal portions to different sectors of the container, the dye in order to achieve the least possible uniformity of the subsequent mixing of the color with the solution.

Step 2: Filling out the form

As soon as the dye has spread through the cement mass in thin veins, the composition is ready, and you can proceed to the most important phase of the process. We take the form, put it on a completely flat surface in order to exclude the bending of the bottom or walls, and pour the solution into it. Using a spatula, we clean the edges of the mold from excess that can affect the smoothness of the plate, after which we level the surface of the mass with the rule and cover it with polyethylene.

The larger the slab of artificial stone, the higher the probability of its breakage due to internal voids. Therefore, if possible, a vibrating table should be used, and in the absence of one, when mixing, try not to lift the mixer from the mass so that air bubbles do not form.

Step 3: Getting the finished artificial stone

After about 10 days, the solidification of the mass poured into the mold will end, while there is no need to interfere in the process, as is required by other work with cement. For example, regular wetting of the surface is not required due to the fact that the solution is covered with polyethylene, which prevents the rapid evaporation of the liquid. When the plate is completely hardened, carefully lift it, turn it over and, like a cover, remove the form from the finished tabletop.

To get artificial marble, the manufacturing technology does not have to be complicated, everything can be done in an apartment. As a result, we get a product with low porosity, high resistance to a humid environment and various household chemicals. If necessary, polish the slab with transparent polish and alcohol, alternating their surface treatments. In this case, it should first be treated with alcohol, then, after drying, with polish, and, without waiting for it to dry, we again take up the swab moistened with alcohol.

How to make artificial marble in the form of an illusion

If you want imitation stone to cover an elegant coffee table, you will have to abandon the previously described technology, since thin wooden legs are unlikely to withstand the load of a multi-kilogram plate. Instead, the easiest way is to partially turn the table itself into a marble table with the help of paints, by drawing the appropriate stains on it. To do this, you need a jar of paint for the background, for example, white or green, as well as a small container of color for the pattern. On a white background, it would be more correct to draw black or gray stripes, on green or black - white.

Before making artificial marble, all cracks and chips on the surface, if any, are filled with a special water filler for wood. Next, we moisten the countertop from the spray gun so that the swollen fibers reveal all the roughness, and after the 30 minutes required for drying, we sand it as best as possible to a smooth state. Then, having cleaned the surface, we proceed to painting and apply two background layers with an interval necessary for the first of them to dry. To avoid streaks, it is better to use a brush or a foam rubber pad. After two hours, you can start applying the texture pattern.

The pattern of marble is familiar to many, sometimes it resembles zigzags of lightning on a surface dotted with many grains of inclusions, and sometimes it looks like randomly intersecting cracks. All this is not difficult to depict with a pen brush, with which you can change the thickness of the line. After waiting 5 minutes, mix a small amount of white paint with a transparent polyacrylic coating. Having dipped a wet sponge into the composition (you should definitely remove excess mixture from it), we draw along the drawing, without pressing hard and shading, thus, the lines, making them more blurry. After another 5 minutes of drying, wipe the surface with a clean cloth, mixing the colors with light touches. Another 30 minutes of drying and again we take up the feather brush, emphasizing the previously applied and already modified pattern.

After two hours, when the surface is already well dry, we take a carefully mixed polyacrylic coating and cover our "marble" with a thin transparent layer. It is advisable to leave the countertop for a long time after this to allow the film to solidify thoroughly. Next, you need to polish the surface with the finest sandpaper, clean it with a damp sponge or cloth and, after allowing it to dry, process it again with polyacrylic. Again, we leave to dry the already almost formed imitation of stone for 2-3 hours, then polish and wipe again. We apply the last layer of a transparent coating, wait for it to harden (2-3 hours), and finally polish it, after which we forget about our piece of furniture for about a week.