Guessing for an event. Fortune telling on Tarot, layout: For the Event

The alignment offered here contributes to your understanding of the various events taking place in your life. Its interpretation is rather complicated, but it allows not only to look into the future and comprehend the possible development of the situation, but also to determine - and this is sometimes the most important thing! - the hidden reason for what is happening.
How should divination be done? To begin with, you mix the Major and Minor Arcana with each other. By this you, as it were, give yourself up to the will of fate - the choice of the card is left to its decision. Then you draw nine cards in turn and lay them out above the above pattern.
Now let's look at what the Arcana of the layout tells us.
The cards in places 1 and 2 tell you about those main forces, driving impulses, on which the whole case under consideration rests. Having correctly guessed the symbolism of these cards, you thereby already penetrate very deeply into the mystery of what is happening.
Pay attention to the relationship between the 1st and 2nd cards: they complement each other or, on the contrary, act contrary to each other. This will make it easy for you to understand why your business is moving forward so smoothly (or so difficultly).
The three Arcana above (places 4-3-5) indicate the order in which the forces, whose nature can be determined from cards 1 and 2, affect the course of the whole situation.
The central, 3rd sign informs you about the trends that currently exist and directly affect the process.
Card 4 speaks of the force that will soon become dominant and "absorb" other influences alien to it.
The 5th card allows you to name the declining force (in other words, the losing side) with great accuracy.
Three more Arcana, located below the two central ones, reflect the following knowledge in their symbols:
-6th, the left card denotes a factor that is not yet amenable to awareness, but has already begun to influence the situation as a whole. Having understood what exactly is hidden behind this sign, you will be able to unravel the cause of your anxiety;
- The 7th card, on the far right, indicates the already conscious side of events. It summarizes what you already know and helps you re-evaluate what happened;
- finally, the map on the 8th place shows you the possible prospects for the development of the whole situation. After analyzing its meaning, you will be able to determine for yourself the best way to move forward.
The remaining 9th card should be opened only after you have analyzed and interpreted the first eight characters. If it turns out that the inverted 9th card is one of the Major Arcana, then fate decided to help you and reveal the secret of what is happening.
But if some Arcana from among the Younger appears to you, then the main and most hidden root cause of the whole matter will remain unsolved by you. In this case, card 9 should simply be put aside.

We all want to believe in miracles. Every day of our life is priceless. Unfortunately, sometimes we are unable to make important decisions on our own. After all, even close people sometimes cannot help us, and we tend to turn to magic. Fortune telling is one of the most ancient ways to find out your future.

This fortune-telling was brought from a remote village in the Saratov region. There once lived an old woman who treated people and wondered about the future. For her work, she took not money, but food or attention, since she was left alone due to the death of her only son, after which she could not get pregnant again. Even from the largest cities went to her. She did not leave the interpretation of the cards depending on each other: it was her secret, and she told the general description. In our online version, you will receive the most accurate sign of fate and advice for the future, without regard to the interaction of cards.

The deck consists of 36 cards. If you are a woman, then you must choose a lady of any suit, if a man, then any king. Place the selected card in the center. Now you need to select any 3 cards from the same deck that attracted your attention, after shuffling and removing part from the deck. Further, in accordance with each of your chosen cards to (lady or king), your fortune-telling for the near future will be decomposed.

This is a rather complicated layout, we advise people with some experience to do it. Otherwise, it may be difficult to interpret it. Divination is used to draw up a horoscope for a certain period of time. In this case, the following questions are asked: "What awaits me over the next 30 days", "What awaits me this year", etc. The horoscope can also be decomposed into a specific event. From the tarot layout, you will learn the development, evolution of your question. Sample questions: "Will we get married", "Will I be loved ...", "How will my career develop", etc. For the alignment, you need to draw out 12 minor arcana and 7 major arcana.

A horoscope can be decomposed either into an event or for a certain period of time. Therefore, the first 4 major arcana of the tarot describe 4 large periods (either the evolution of an event or a time period): beginning, apogee, slope, sunset. In case of a question on an event, slope can mean let. The last 3 terrible arcana of the tarot describe 3 periods that stand out sharply from one another: past, present, future.

The 12 minor arcana symbolize the 12 months. The farther the lasso is, the more distant the period of time it describes.

Use this alignment no more than once a week, you can even less often.

Form selection. After you have chosen all the cards, you will need to choose a blank - a card that represents you in the layout. If it is impossible to combine both age and appearance from the table, choose a form only according to your gender and appearance. If the blank card you have chosen is already in a spread, you will need to replace the card in the spread with the Major Arcana of the tarot. Almost all of this will be done automatically and will not be difficult. The form is placed in the center of the layout.

An abbreviated way of divination for the future

This is an abbreviated version of the horoscope for the future, it is simpler in layout and interpretation. Can be used daily, for example, as a forecast for the day.

Sample questions: "How will such and such a thing end?", "How will such and such a question develop?", "Will we be together?" and other questions that can be asked in the usual way of divination. You will need to draw 4 minor arcana and 3 major arcana. The third minor lasso denotes an obstacle. If the card in this position is good, there will be no obstacles in your way.

Depending on the topic of the question, only one suit of the minor arcana is used in the layout. If the question is about work, business, career, or any other matter, you should choose wands. If you lay it out for love, take the bowls. If the question concerns any struggle, confrontation, process - take swords. If the question is about money, do the layout of pentacles.