Simoron rituals for finding a good job.

Friends, I won’t be surprised if you have already heard about red shorts on a chandelier to attract money, about recharging your wallet and calling Vovan, who will fulfill your every desire.

After all, all this and more - differently.

If you are one of those who hear this “absurdity” for the first time, below I will talk about these techniques, and more. Stay with me and you will read a lot of interesting and unthinkable things in this article.

Important! If you are skeptical and do not believe in the possibility of easily and pleasantly getting what you want, this is normal. I had my doubts too until I got the unequivocal

Simoron: fulfillment of desires with humor

What is it - simoron?

Simoron It is, first of all, the fulfillment of desires. And this happens with the help of cheerful and positive thoughts that create your reality.

Simoronit- means to find a way out of problems playfully, using ridiculous and ridiculous rituals. It means turning everything upside down, going beyond the usual and seeing everything in a new light.

With the help of Simoron techniques, you will achieve the fulfillment of any of your desires.

Our life is a game. And simoron is also a game. This is a funny psychological game technique for joyful people.

Remember the famous phraseBaron Munchausen:

All the biggest stupid things in the world are done with a serious expression on your face. So smile, gentlemen, smile!

I think this is the very quote that describes the techniques of Simoron well.

Fulfill wishes playfully

Why is it easier for a child to get what they want than for an adult?

You will answer: "The desires of adults are more difficult to fulfill than children's." I do not agree. The difference is that when any “I want” arises, an adult immediately begins to think over the mechanism for obtaining the desired.

And here his subconscious begins to look for and invent barriers and obstacles that, as it seems to him, will have to be overcome before his wish comes true. And only by this he attracts to himself, first of all, not what he wants, but what will interfere with the realization of his desire ...

For those who try to analyze simoron, this magic does not work well. So say to yourself: "I'm playing!" and allow any fantasy to happen.

Do you want your wishes to come true effortlessly? And at the same time be in an uninterrupted stream of fun and sparkling humor, not thinking about the obstacles that may arise on the way to getting what you want?

Then welcome tosimoron: fulfillment of desireseffortlessly!

Attitude to life with a smile will allow you to live in clover, almost like heroes, loved from childhood, fairy tales, and even better.

Fulfillment of desires using the Simoron technique is possible in any area. , meet love, get money, attract good luck, increase self-esteem, yes, anything! All in your hands.

Why does simoron work?

Being in a game situation that is not subject to the laws of logic, we abandon the “internal controller” and release what is hidden in the subconscious. And this is usually beneficial.

Performing Simoron techniques for the fulfillment of desires, we take responsibility for ourselves, make certain decisions and allow ourselves to receive gifts from the universe.

Getting used to living with the flow of what is happening, we most often do not even try to resist it. Each simoron technique is a way out of the usual, which means a manifestation of progress in its development. A person who at least once stepped out of his comfort zone never returns to his previous position. This is the essence of physical and spiritual growth.

If we believe the fact that everything around us is energy, then

any Simoron ritual for the fulfillment of desires is a connection to a huge flow of creative, positive, creative energy of the Universe.

The creators of the teachings of Simoron offer to look at the world in a childish way with wide-open eyes.

Who came up with the simon?

By itself, the word "simoron" means absolutely nothing - it isa word-toy, a fiction that successfully reflects the essence of the practice: a cheerful and childishly open outlook on life.

This technique came into being in 1988. It was invented by director Petr Burlan and actress Petra Burlan, who live in Kyiv.

To this day, this couple performs at live trainings, inspiring people to be frivolous and easy fulfillment of desires. They created their own school of gaming psycho-training, or, as they say, the "school of wizards" Simoron.

And, of course, they released the book “First-Hand Simoron, or How to Achieve What is Impossible to Achieve” which is publicly available on the Internet.

At first, simoron was used as psychological technique, but, as befits real magic, it quickly went beyond this and became something of a practical technique for fulfilling desires.

Some researchers call simoron modern variety shamanism.

Others argue that this is a legacy of European ritual magic. Still others compare the Simoron exercises with "controlled stupidity" practiced by magicians from the Latin American tradition of Carlos Castaneda.

How I used the teachings of Carlos Castaneda you can read in my article

If you ask the Simoronists themselves what they are capable of, you will hear many incredible stories.

According to them, they know how to change the weather, call the right transport, improve their personal lives, solve any material problems and treat diseases. Dozens of books have already been written about Simoron, it has branched into several schools. It is practiced almost throughout Europe.

For all their magic and "frivolity", Simoron's practices are indeed able to change those who are ready to change.

How to pretend?

There are no ready-made recipes in simoron, there are only wishes and examples. Exercises can be invented.

It will be great if you are smart and add or change the content of the technique for yourself. Creativity is another step towards your desire. After all, using technologysimoron, fulfillment of desireshappens easily and carefree, like the life of a happy child.

And now, as I promised, Simoron's techniques for fulfilling desires.

How to attract money with the help of Simoron?

Simoron ritual with jam

For this ancient and reliable ritual to attract money into your life, you must:

Any laminated document containing your photo.

This can be a driver's license, an all-Russian or international passport (pages with photos are laminated there).

Something sweet and sticky - honey, jam, yogurt, condensed milk, melted chocolate. Options can be very different.

For better financial success you need:

  1. Take in left hand your laminated document.
  2. IN right hand take a spoon with something sticky and sweet.
  3. Put something sweet and sticky on your photo on your document.
  4. The most important! Thoughtfully lick off the photo with your tongue, it's sweet and sticky. “Picking cash straight from the person”

All! Cash guaranteed!

Simoronsky ritual "We charge money with batteries"

Take a few banknotes (preferably a large denomination), as after the ritual they will attract even more of their own kind to you.

In addition, finger batteries will be needed. Wrap each battery paper bill, hide in a secret place for a couple of days.

After that, get the money - and you can spend it. A powerful charge will attract a lot of these pieces of paper to you !!!

Batteries should also be used as directed.

Another very known way- charge your wallet.

Just like you charge your smartphone (phone) from the network. In the evening, connect the charger to the mains and insert the other end into your wallet. Leave the wallet like this overnight.

Red shorts on a chandelier to attract money

You just buy beautiful red lingerie, or take what you already have.
Throw it on your chandelier and that's it!

The important point is that you just need to throw your underpants on the chandelier. You may not succeed the first time, but by your efforts you will show your intention to receive money.

Yes, and have fun at the same time.

And red underwear will begin to attract money to your home.

How to attract a man with simon?

Simonym for love using a computer

For this ritual, you will need a photo of some handsome man, you can ride a white horse. With help software we narrow the computer (make it narrow). After that the options are:

  1. Print it out and have someone hide it. After that, look for and be sure to find this betrothed.
  2. Post a photo of the betrothed on the Internet, for example, on a free page in Yandex, and then search. With the help of search engines Yandex, Google, etc.
  3. Print a lot of these photos, hide them everywhere, so that you can see your betrothed wherever you go!

You can still come up with, but the essence is the same: hide your betrothed so that you can always find him! So that you even develop such a habit - to find the betrothed.

Simoron for weight loss and beauty

We are on a diet. We take a sheet of paper and write large on it - Diet. Every time we eat, we sit on this leaf. Helps control what you eat. If you don't like just Diet, write Effective Diet.

At night, a bottle of water on a piece of paper with the inscription - water for building. We drink during the day.

Go to bed and ask the gnomes to vacuum your ass (well, if you want to remove excess cellulite or weight there). And here the work begins. Gnomes take a ladder, vacuum cleaners, various devices and begin to vacuum, level, tighten, etc. So it is possible with any part of the body and any task. They are very responsible in this sense and hardworking. You fall asleep, visualizing this picture, then the gnomes themselves quietly leave. And the most interesting thing is that every time they will gladly come running and with new perseverance they will take on a new task to improve your body.

When you go somewhere, say: "With every step I take, I get slimmer, healthier, richer."

When you drink water or tea, speak the liquid in the cup: So many kilograms off with this water. Don't think too much at once. It's better to share your excess weight portions and slim down gradually. First they dropped 5 kg, then another 5.

The main thing is to believe!

Simoron beauty affirmation

I'm such a sweetheart! I am such a queen!

Do not stop looking at me as a beauty!

I'm so smart! I'm such a Kralya!

You have never seen such a beauty!

I love myself and cherish!

Ah, what shoulders! Ah, what a neck!

Wasp waist, velvet skin.

Every day more beautiful, every day younger!

Teeth are like pearls - stronger every day!

Legs - a feast for the eyes, slimmer every day!

Gorgeous hair - you never dreamed of!

They cooked for three - I got one!

I don’t listen to anyone, Kohl shame and blame!


Simple Simoron rituals for health

1. We make a plane out of a piece of paper, then we write our illness on it and send it out the window.

“Farewell to my illness forever, because I am a healthy person.”

  1. We get up under the shower, imagining that we wash off our ailment and say:

“Water washes away my illness, cleanses me of negativity.”

  1. We make tea, take a piece of sugar and call it our disease. And then we put sugar in a mug and say: "As tea dissolves sugar, so my illness disappears." Then we drink to the bottom. Something similar happened here:
  2. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at the lowest power. Hold the tube to the area you want to heal and visualize the vacuum cleaner sucking out the disease.

How to solve problems?

Has the white stripe changed to black?

Grab a flashlight and light your way! Yes, yes, the most common lantern. The brighter the better. Light up everything around, walk along the "lunar" path.

Things don't stick?

You will need two folders with a serious inscription "Case". If they are embarrassed by excessive pomposity and severity, draw flowers on them. And what? Let our deeds suddenly become fragrant, become tender and airy!

Take glue, apply it with back side each folder and glue, so that they become completely inseparable. During this important procedure, imagine that your affairs are getting better, problems are settled, and in general, that everything is now working out as it should.

Relationships not sticking?

Draw two funny people. One of them is you, the other is the person with whom you are in a quarrel or with whom you cannot find mutual language. Glue the little men to each other with the “front side”, thinking that now everything between you is all right. So it will be.

Health, love, money or work do not stick?

Yes, it’s already global here, because you have to glue ... yourself. In order to limit yourself from pain and other unpleasant surprises, I suggest taking ordinary honey. Its viscous and sticky structure is just perfect for solving the tasks.

You can "glue" everything, you can stop at separate parts body, such as the palms. But the meaning is the same: we take honey, and pat ourselves with our hands, as if gluing an invisible “substance” with the help of honey. To heighten the effect, say: “I’m glue-gluing, I’m gluing love (health, money) to myself”

Do you have any problems? Flush them down the toilet!

Everything is very simple: in general, when you go to a secluded room (toilet) on business, take a pen or some other writing object with you, and write your problem on toilet paper... you can even write your mental anguish about this problem ... or you can not write - it's up to you ... and then, having done the job, flush this piece of paper down the toilet. That's all!

How to attract good luck and success?

Each of us has heard at least once in a lifetime the phrase "to beat the key."

So let's attract good luck and activate each of our "keys".

Pick up the key - normal door key. A small clarification - the key must be yours. I don't think there is even one person who will have a problem with this.

And holding the key in your hand, think about the situation or event in which you want to succeed. And ... beat the key. Do not be surprised, just hit the key on anything - a wall, floor, table, door. And say: “My life is in full swing” or “My deeds are in full swing” or as your soul desires, just be sure to use the phrase “to be in full swing”. You can hit as many as you want. And to increase the strength of the ritual, you can open a tap with water, thereby creating the effect that your life is already seething and boiling.

The ritual can be repeated as many times as you like. Just remember about important rule Success comes at the right time, in the right place and at the right time.

To attract the perfect job

Ritual of Simoron: Toffee

Take a toffee and dip it in something sweet like honey. Then put it on a beautiful saucer and place it in a place of honor. Talk to her, compliment her, ask her to attract Good work.

Employment contract for a new position

Need to write employment contract to a new position in accordance with all the rules of registration, sign from both sides, put it in your pocket - that's it, the position is in your pocket!

honey shower

Before taking a shower, take some honey and rub a little on your body. Say: "I'm so sweet, so attractive, for a good job I'm very attractive!" Repeat this ritual every day and soon you will receive a very profitable offer!

And, finally, I share with you Simoron's one-liners that change your vibrations!

- I spent it, but the money only became more ...

- I'll make my dreams come true - for change!

- There are eight rooms in the apartment, where are the slippers?

- I'll move my hips a little - they bring me money in buckets

- What a strange feeling - here I am a millionaire ...

- I'll breathe in .. On the exhalation I'm losing weight ...

— Relax! Everything will happen by itself

- I live like this: everything is for nothing plus a salary

- I decorate my work. They pay big salaries for this.

- My wallet from money just swells ...

- The banker is calling again, he wants to get married ...

- Well, again the salary increases!

- The diamond ring was presented again ...

- And here is mine - on a white Mercedes ...

- Beloved is waiting with flowers near the registry office ...

How good it is for me to live in a big apartment!

- There is so much space in the minibus in the morning ...

- I stroked the cat's paws - so tomorrow there will be "grandmothers"!

- I stuck cotton wool in my ears - they increased the salary

- I read "Moydodyr" - there will be new flat!

- One daisy, two daisies - money jumps into pockets!

And this is only a small part of all Simoron's techniques ...
Well, how do you like these very unusual methods?
In my opinion, it's simple, playful and positive.

This is another portion of frivolity, which is so lacking in our time for all of us.

remember, that simoron is the fulfillment of desiresplayfully, we connect our inner child and perform techniques with naive childishness.

Choose any technique that you like or that you need for a problematic area of ​​\u200b\u200blife and get started!

Do you want to know how I fulfilled my desire to attract an apartment and an ideal job? Sign up for my next online master class, let's talk about simoron and about the fulfillment of desires.

Helped me!!!

Simoron is a special technique that is aimed at performing the most cherished desires. It is not built on magic, but on the impact on our subconscious.

Many do not know that even the most simple and fun methods can increase income and attract success.

It has long been known that magic does not happen all at once. In order for your wish to come true, you need to move towards your goal daily. Every day, taking a small step towards your dream, you thereby come closer to its implementation, and only in this case, one fine day, your desire will come true. To do this, first of all, you need to observe certain laws of the universe.

Of course, many have extensive experience in such matters, but what should those who have just begun to move in this direction do? Simoron's practices not only bring you closer to your cherished goal every day, but also help make your life much happier and more abundant.

How it works

Simoron is one of the easiest and effective techniques for the fulfillment of desires. And in Lately this method is used by many psychologists, who in practice are convinced that simoron works and is available to everyone.

The whole essence of Simoron practices lies in the ability to make a wish, and then forget about it. And to forget thoroughly and not to remember every five minutes and not to check whether it came true or not. It is in the ability to let go of your dreams that the main secret of their fulfillment lies. If you constantly think about your desire, fixate on it, then it will never come true, because with your excess energy, you block all the possibilities for its realization.

In simorone, you can independently come up with the rules of the game, and the funnier and more absurd they are, the better. During this game, you calmly release your desire into the Universe and everything begins to take shape in the best way. This is what allows you to relax and enjoy the process of the game itself.

Simoron rituals to attract success on Monday

As the saying goes: “Monday is a hard day,” however, the beginning of the week can be made not only joyful, but also useful. To do this, it is enough to apply one of the rituals, and if desired, you can alternate them.

Morning ritual for raking in money

It is necessary to prepare for this ritual in the evening. Take all the bills that you have in the house and before going to bed, scatter them on the floor in the room where you will sleep. On Monday morning, immediately after waking up, start crawling and raking money with your hands, as if with a rake. During this process, say these words: “On Monday morning, I row the money to myself. One two three four five. From such an abundance, I lost count again.

This phrase should be repeated as many times as you see fit. In addition to bills, you can also use coins. Then this process will be even more exciting and funnier. After you're done, you can safely go to work. Be sure that the money will not be long in coming. Many people support such a ritual with a special talisman that you can make yourself.

Simoron ritual to attract the desired

This ritual is also best performed on Monday, since this day is associated in the subconscious mind as the beginning of something new. Prepare in advance small pieces of paper on which your desires will be written, for example: money, a new position, promotion, financial abundance, happiness, and the like. Take ordinary thread and cut off a fairly long piece. Next, you need to attach all the pieces of paper with desires to a thread. You can just glue it, or you can make some kind of beads out of them by piercing them with a needle in the middle.

After that, feel free to tie one end of the thread to yourself so that all desires follow you. And so go all morning. So you go to wash in the bathroom, and your desires follow you. Turn around and say this phrase: "Oh, how many desires were attracted to me." And so every time. If you have the opportunity, then with such a thread you can walk at work, or you can connect colleagues to this game. The main thing is to have fun, but also not interfere with your immediate duties.

The main thing to always remember is that everyone is allowed what he allows himself. All frames and restrictions people invent and set for themselves. Simoron rituals help fight psychological barriers. Good luck!

Simoron- a very nice and positive technique that allows each person to become a real magician. At least for myself.

For such an initiation, only two conditions are needed:

  • enter hover state;
  • create your own ritual to solve the problem. However, tuning in to soaring, you can use the techniques other wizards. It doesn't matter. The main thing is the result. And you will certainly get it.

With the help of Simoron, it is possible to fulfill any of your true desire . The best part about this is that everything will be done by itself, as if effortlessly. Search for a new job with the help of this wonderful technique turns into an exciting game.

You don’t have to go to boring interviews for months and, freezing, wait for a call from the employer. Everything will be arranged harmoniously, in the most magical way. You just need to soar with inspiration and simoronit.

How to enter the soaring state?

You can easily enter a magical mood by imagining yourself small child who decided to have fun in the absence of his parents. To do this, you can do the following:

  • jump on the bed (spring mattress), singing some uncomplicated tune.
  • Dance without thinking about the perfection of movements, to music that you would never listen to with your loved ones.
  • Inflate a few balloons and start juggling them.
  • Making faces in front of a mirror, etc.

In the people it is called "play the fool." Advanced magicians who successfully practice Simoron techniques recommend the following ways to enter the hovering state:

  • ride a broom and start running around the apartment with a wild whoop. Running past the door, do not forget to shout: " I fly into a magical reality!" Instead of a broom, you can take a mop.
  • Climb onto a sofa, chair, stool and jump from there with a cry: “ I jump into the magic!" At the same time, you should not forget about the time of day, since the neighbors living under you after the tenth jump can nullify all attempts to slip into magical reality with their valuable remarks.
  • remember the most happy moment your life and bring those experiences into the present moment.

As a result, it is desirable to catch a state of some recklessness, lightness and ease. With this attitude, there is a calm confidence that everything will work out. After entering a similar state, you can perform any Simoron ritual, including work.

First of all

After deciding to find new job and entering the state of soaring, you need to increase your attraction to others. According to Simoron, honey can help with this. Women are advised to take dark varieties. Men are light.

You need to smear yourself with honey diluted with water, saying: “I wash myself with honey, work and good people attract." It is recommended to repeat 27 times. This is the Simoron number. Then wash off the honey in the shower.

IMPORTANT! If you are allergic to bee products, honey can be replaced with sugar mixed with shower gel.

Now you can start using any Simoron techniques to find a new job.

Rituals for a job you like

Before carrying out the ritual for work, you must definitely decide on your wishes for work. For example:

  • position in which want to work;
  • magnitude wages;
  • availability of benefits, insurances and bonuses, if they are for you matter.
  • Friendly team. Be sure to write down which age category you want to work with.
  • Boss. Always a pleasure to work with the guidance of an adequate person. At least in relation to you.
  • Near the place of residence or it is desirable to get a job away from it.
  • Start time of the working day, etc.

It is desirable to list everything that comes to mind, even what seems like a trifle. For example: beautiful view from window front desk and clean toilets.

All wishes must be written down on a blank sheet of paper, avoiding denials, heading the list: “My interesting job". Then:

  • put it down under the pillow;
  • escape from;
  • drink tea or coffee;
  • back to the room;
  • start searching the list, loudly asking: “Where is my interesting work?”
  • After a short period of time (do not delay the search), you need to find a sheet of paper under the pillow and rejoice: “ Found an interesting job!».
  • After that, sit on the pillow and sigh with satisfaction: “ I'm at my favorite job!».

After the ritual, a sheet of paper should be torn into small pieces or burned on a candle and washed off in the toilet with the words: “I start materialization, flush it down the drain.” Work after such a technique is very fast, easy and satisfies all wishes.

Strengthen this ritual can be done as follows:

  • wake up every morning joyfully proclaiming: "To work! To work! To work!" The universe will certainly respond to this call and attract to you an exciting job with a worthy reward.
  • In addition, experienced simorons recommend that you write your name and surname, the position you want to receive and even the amount of salary on the badge. For example: Irina Morozova, an awesome accountant with a salary of 100,000 rubles. Or: Oleg Ivanov, the coolest financial analyst with a salary of 2,500,000 rubles. The badge should be pinned under clothing and wear constantly.
  • Write “Interesting work” on a piece of paper, put it on a chair and sit on it.

It helps a lot when looking for work talking with pets, if they are in the house. Having expressed your wishes and requests to your pets, you will be surprised how quickly they can be realized in practice.

For husband

Every woman wants her husband fully realized their talents and abilities. At the same time, not only the amount of income and career growth play an important role, but also his recognition merit team and management. With the help of easy and effective Simoron techniques, it is possible to significantly increase the chances of finding a successful job for your beloved husband, as well as push him to move up the career ladder.

Method number 1

  • Making a photocopy work book .
  • We enter the desired position and place of work in it.
  • You can also depict the seal, while saying: " Let it be so!»
  • On a separate sheet of paper we draw up employment contract, in which we indicate not only the position, but also the amount of wages, benefits, bonuses, etc. You can not bother about the correctness of the wording.

IMPORTANT! We write all thought forms in the present tense and without a non- particle.

  • We fold a sheet of paper and sew it into the pocket of the clothes that the spouse wears all the time. For example, coats or jackets. At the same time we pronounce: "Work in your pocket

REFERENCE! It is desirable to do multiple copies employment contract in case of a change of clothes.

  • Put the work book in a desk drawer with words; “My husband (Name, Surname) has been hired! Let it be so!"

Method number 2

Honey in Simoron symbolizes attraction. Walnuts - cash flow . Dried apricots - a superior person, superiors. Therefore, when performing the following rite, you need:

  • take a few purified walnuts without crushing;
  • soak dried apricots for two hours, after softening, grind with a blender;
  • mix nuts with dried apricots in the proportion you need;
  • add any light honey to the mixture.
  • Put the mass into a jam socket with the words: “Work for my husband, fly into honey! Attach worthy bosses to her! Ordered!”

After these words, the sweet mixture should be put on the windowsill and kept there. before request implementation. After that, you can eat or use in baking. It is worth noting that you do not have to wait long.

Method number 3

You can also use your spouse to get a job candy toffee, putting it on a saucer, watering it with honey and placing it on the windowsill. After that, you should approach the candy several times a day and praise it. For example: “You are my good! You are so wonderful! You give my husband a great job with a good salary. You are just great!»

After the spouse is hired, it is recommended to eat the toffee.

With potato

To perform this ritual, you need to take:

  • potato;
  • ordinary table salt;
  • tablespoon.

My potatoes, put in a saucepan, fill with water and put on the stove. After boiling water to the left palm pour out a little salt and say: “I breathe magic into the salt, attracting work. Let it be so!" Then:

  • three times carefully blowing for salt. It is very important that she does not wake up past.

ATTENTION! If, nevertheless, the salt woke up past the palm of your hand, then it’s worth saying: “Salt is salty, pain is painful, but I don’t care.” and continue the ritual.

  • Pour the salt into the pot with the potatoes left hand.
  • We cook the potato until cooked, from time to time knocking on it with a spoon and saying at the same time: “Potato in uniform, universal general. give me a job for the benefit of me and you."

When the potatoes are cooked, they should be eaten without any additives. You can only drink water. Skins are recommended to be thrown into the toilet and flushed.

For raspberry jam

This is a very nice technique, for which you just need to take a jar of raspberry jam and stick a label on it that says: " Job - raspberry." One hour after sticking the label, the jam can be eaten. It is recommended to eat one spoon every morning.

This is how you can find a job people with creative inclinations and who abhor the strict routine of the day. As a rule, the work is before the jam in the jar is over.

IMPORTANT! It is not necessary to make jam yourself, but it should be natural. Jam with a flavor identical to the smell of natural raspberries will not work.


This rite is a lot of fun to perform. couple with a friend.On ordinary stickers, you need to write "work", adding the desired characteristics. For example: “work is raspberry”, “ high paying job”, “interesting work”, etc.

Then during the day you need to discreetly glue these pieces of paper on top of each other. When you find them on yourself, you need to take them off with the words: “And what is it so much good places work sticks to me?

After performing rituals

After performing the rituals, it is necessary to continue keep in oneself magical state of soaring. Wherein strictly prohibited:

  • think about how to implement;
  • doubt;
  • fall into despair;
  • do nothing.


  • create your own Simoron rituals;
  • act in the right direction. For example, go to at least one interview and tell all your friends and relatives that you are looking for a job.
  • Fooling around regularly while supporting yourself in a magical state.

In any case, tension always creates not only a bad mood and well-being, but also blocks on the way to the fulfillment of desire. Therefore, the magic of Simoron's techniques works flawlessly only when entering the magical state of soaring.

Many do not know that even the most simple and fun methods can increase income and attract success.

It has long been known that magic does not happen all at once. In order for your desire to come true, you need to move towards your goal daily. Every day, taking a small step towards your dream, you thereby come closer to its implementation, and only in this case, one fine day, your desire will come true. To do this, first of all, you need to follow certain laws of the Universe, which can be found in this article.

Of course, many have extensive experience in such matters, but what should those who have just begun to move in this direction do? Simoron's practices not only bring you closer to your cherished goal every day, but also help make your life much happier and more abundant.

How it works

Simoron is one of the easiest and most effective techniques for fulfilling desires. And recently, this method has been used by many psychologists, who in practice have made sure that simoron works and is available to everyone.

The whole essence of Simoron practices lies in the ability to make a wish, and then forget about it. And to forget thoroughly and not to remember every five minutes and not to check whether it came true or not. It is in the ability to let go of your dreams that the main secret of their fulfillment lies. If you constantly think about your desire, fixate on it, then it will never come true, because with your excess energy, you block all the possibilities for its realization.

In simorone, you can independently come up with the rules of the game, and the funnier and more absurd they are, the better. During this game, you calmly release your desire into the Universe and everything starts to take shape in the best possible way. This is what allows you to relax and enjoy the process of the game itself.

Simoron rituals to attract success on Monday

As the saying goes: “Monday is a hard day,” however, the beginning of the week can be made not only joyful, but also useful. To do this, it is enough to apply one of the rituals, and if desired, you can alternate them.

Morning ritual for raking in money

It is necessary to prepare for this ritual in the evening. Take all the bills that you have in the house and before going to bed, scatter them on the floor in the room where you will sleep. On Monday morning, immediately after waking up, start crawling and raking money with your hands, as if with a rake. During this process, say the following words: “On Monday morning, I row the money to myself. One two three four five. From such an abundance, I lost count again..

This phrase should be repeated as many times as you see fit. In addition to bills, you can also use coins. Then this process will be even more exciting and funnier. After you're done, you can safely go to work. Be sure that the money will not be long in coming. Many people support such a ritual with a special talisman that you can make yourself.

Simoron ritual to attract the desired

This ritual is also best performed on Monday, since this day is associated in the subconscious mind as the beginning of something new. Prepare in advance small pieces of paper on which your desires will be written, for example: money, a new position, promotion, financial abundance, happiness, and the like. Take a regular thread and cut a fairly long piece. Next, you need to attach all the pieces of paper with desires to a thread. You can just glue it, or you can make some kind of beads out of them by piercing them with a needle in the middle.

After that, feel free to tie one end of the thread to yourself so that all desires follow you. And so go all morning. So you go to wash in the bathroom, and your desires follow you. Turn around and say this phrase: “Oh, how many desires were attracted to me”. And so every time. If you have the opportunity, then with such a thread you can walk at work, or you can connect colleagues to this game. The main thing is to have fun, but also not interfere with your immediate duties.

Simoron rituals are popular with many. You can come up with the same ones yourself, or use ready-made ones that attract not only money, but also love. Rejoice every day, do not be discouraged, if something went wrong, believe in the best and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.09.2016 02:06

Monday is lucky, because the events of this day set the pace for all six others. To capricious ...

The new week doesn't always start well. The reason for this is the most difficult day - Monday. Readjust...

If potential employers, putting another resume in a folder, dryly promise: “We will call you back” and do not call you in the end, then you should not turn the search for a good job into a protracted process of experiences.

After all, then one very nasty mechanism will work: the more you suffer and take the situation to heart, the more difficult it is to achieve your goals.

Believe me, you will still find a job, anyway! And to make the search more effective, call on interesting and proven Simoron rituals to help.

All of them are easy to perform. After all, simoron is generally a funny thing and does not clog the brain.

1. Sticky work

For this job search ritual, you need the help of a friend. Take a lot of sticky sticks, write a description of your ideal job on them, ask a friend to discreetly stick these sticks on you.

After that, you need to tear off these sticks and grumble: “This highly paid interesting job always sticks to me.”

2. Magic toffee

You will need an ordinary iris and a couple of spoons of honey. Take a beautiful saucer and solemnly place your toffee in it.

Relish pour it with honey, saying: “Toffee-toffee, my friend! Get me a job, any part-time job!”

Put her in a place of honor in your home and give her small compliments as often as possible!

3. Employment contract for a new position

It is necessary to write an employment contract for a new position according to all the rules of registration, sign it on both sides, put it in your pocket - that's it, the position is in your pocket!

4. Honey shower

Before taking a shower, take some honey and rub a little on your body. Say: "I'm so sweet, so attractive, for a good job I'm very attractive!"

Repeat this ritual every day and soon you will receive a very profitable offer!

5. Ritual "Getting a job"

Take nice box, write the word "Favorite work" on it, then put your photo in the box. Thus, you settle down inside the box! (get a job you love).

6. Pillow

Ask someone to help you. Take a small pillow and attach a note to it - work. Your assistant should hide the pillow somewhere in the house, and you will have to find it.

Once you discover her whereabouts, you will not just jokingly “get a job”, but also trigger the mechanisms of the Universe to attract a real employment contract.

7. Work "Raspberry"

We take a jar of raspberry jam, a piece of paper, we write on it: WORK RASPBERRY! We glue a piece of paper to a jar of jam, close the lid, set it so that the information is absorbed.

Ready to use in an hour, take a spoon a day! And work is raspberry, your beloved materializes in your life.

8. Personal device

This Simoron ritual for finding a job is very easy, but no less effective. Write the word "WORK" on a small piece of paper and place it on a chair or armchair.

Every time you sit on it, you need to fidget a little with the thought - "I'm getting a job!"

9. Recipe for attracting work

Mix honey, nuts, dried apricots, and a little cinnamon in a bowl! (honey attracts good work to you, nuts are your money, don’t be greedy, and dried apricots are your wonderful new boss, they will spice up your work with interest and a desire to grow and develop).

You need to eat all this at 12 o’clock at night, standing in the center of the apartment and repeating: “Work-work, you are better than a hippopotamus, take me to your place so that there is no fuss.”

10. Ritual for job search "Fishing"

Make several fish figures out of paper or cardboard, write the word “work” on each. Take a small wire, attach it, for example, to a ruler. Bend the end into a hook. You should get a small homemade fishing rod. Pour some water into the basin and lower your "fish" there.

Well, that's it, we start fishing: “Catch a job, big or small, profitable and remote!” Catch each fish with a joyful hoot and with the words: “I have a job! Very happy!"

11. Ritual with a work book

Make a photocopy of the last sheet of the work book and make an entry on it, as if you have already been hired the right job. Put down all the dates, write the position, well, completely imitate the personnel record.

On the back, write gratitude to the Universe. And place all this splendor in the North-West corner, where, according to Feng Shui, the Helpers and Travel sector.

12. Ritual "Magic Remote"

Take any remote control, preferably not very large, buy a new pack of batteries, write the phrase “Magic Batteries” on it and leave it overnight.

In the morning, take out the batteries and insert them into the remote control with the words: “One-two-three, go to the remote control!” Now you can safely go to the interview, putting the remote in your pocket!

While communicating with the director or head of the personnel department, press any buttons on the remote control three times and think: “Wow, what a job I already get!”.

A distinctive feature of the magic remote is that you may not get the specific job where it was activated, but it will still come to you very soon, and perhaps quite unexpectedly.

These Simoron job search rituals will help you attract a profitable offer faster real life, and soon you will plunge into a bustling work schedule.