Quotes about happy moments. Quotes about happy moments in life

“Most of our life is a series of pictures. They fly by like cities on a highway, but sometimes a moment overwhelms us and we realize that this moment is not just a passing picture. We know that this moment, every part of it, will live forever.” One Tree Hill

What is the most important thing in life? Walk through it in a way that makes you happy. But what will we remember along the way? It will be difficult, but we will remember everything with a smile.

Moments of joy and sadness follow each other, forming our memories. Some moments of life make us smile, others weep. But these memories are our life. What moments will be remembered the most? The most memorable moments in your life. These are the most important points. Moments of twists of fate, the formation of character and personality.

1. The first victory of fear

The important one of us has fears that we have conquered. We learned to ride a bike, jumped with a parachute, fought back the hooligans, approached the girl we liked. This is the first fear that we stepped over and won. This tempering of character will be remembered by us forever as one of the most important victories.

2. First love

“There are many great romantic moments in life. And they are worth living for. But there is one problem: moments pass. And from around the corner of these moments, a cruel, unshaven asshole, whose name is reality, is already peeking out. How I Met Your Mother

This is the most powerful impression and the happiest moment in my life. You will fall in love a few more or dozens of times, but it is the first love that will be remembered forever. First love will always be with you. It will fade, but it will invisibly go with you all your life. You will always compare all relationships with the first love experience. See the differences and the power of love. The first love will be the standard of all love.

The first sexual experience is not always pleasant, but it is remembered forever. Heightened emotions, awkward giggles, pleasure and even pain. This is the first sex that will affect all subsequent sexual life.

4. First salary

The first cash that you earned yourself will be remembered forever. Hard work will give an understanding of the value of money. You will then spend money knowing that your work is invested in every ruble. There is still a lot of work to be done in the future, and this was the first experience.

5. Graduation

At one point in your life you will finish school, and then university. These graduations will be remembered for a long time. The moment you're done educational institution, you will see the joy of your parents, say goodbye to your friends and move on in life. A short moment of graduation means farewell to old life and opening up new horizons. There will be nostalgia for the old days and friends, but we must move on. There are so many discoveries ahead.

6. First driving

The first independent driving will be remembered forever. But not when you are with a teacher, but when you yourself got out into the city. A bunch of nerves and another notch on the memory. This first trip will make you smile in a year. How inept and nervous you were.

7. First loss

The loss of a loved one in a relationship or a personal tragedy will change us forever. This dark page of memory will hurt and cause tears, but it will strengthen us. We will often take losses, it hurts, but that's life.

8. First independent life

Living away from home can be driven by school, work, relationships, or the desire to be independent. To live not in the family in which he grew up is a serious test. You will remember this moment. This one is like the first flight of a little chick that got out of its parent's nest.

9. First purchase of an asset

You've been saving and saving money that you've invested in a big purchase. Investing in a car, apartment or other thing of value will be a memorable asset.

10. Starting a family

When you settle down and choose a person for life, this is the first step towards a family. remember forever. Ahead of you is waiting for a family, children and grandchildren. You will remember the moment when you decided to walk with someone close together on the road of life.

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths taken, but by the number of those moments when happiness takes your breath away”

Sometimes the moment you've been waiting for comes at the most inopportune time. But no one promised that it would be easy. Memorable moments in life are different for everyone, but they are similar for everyone. In life, you will not have 10 memorable moments, but much more. But these are some of the brightest flashes that will forever remain in the memory.

“The gods envy us because we are mortal. Any moment of our life can be the last. After all, life is brighter and more beautiful when it is finite. You will never be more beautiful than now. And we'll never be here again" Troy

What is the most memorable moment in your life? What stage of life are you at?

It is very important to give yourself completely to the current moment, and not wait until the next one comes. It is necessary to fully immerse yourself and enjoy what is happening in the present moment.

The mountains of bills are growing before our eyes, and you have no idea how you will pay them. Your mother has Alzheimer's and taking care of her sucks the juice out of you. You begin to doubt that anyone even cares about you. But it is at this moment that your heart is beating, you are breathing, you are not starving and you have a roof over your head. Under all circumstances, desires and requirements - everything is in order with you. The moment you're cooking dinner, or grocery shopping, or driving to work, or reading your mail, stop and in the very moment you're in, remind your mind that I'm fine right now.

After a while and a certain number of repetitions, the habit of being in the present and calming the mind will actually change the neural connections in your brain - this is a special process called neuroplasticity - and this will become your norm.

Life is always happening now.

Get distracted from thoughts more often - get carried away by the moment ...

And whatever happens to us TOMORROW...

We have TODAY and NOW in stock! ツ

You are where your thoughts are.
Make sure your thoughts are where you want to be.

And this moment is only yours!
Make it the way you really want it!

Live every moment because it cannot be repeated. Appreciate while it is, until it flashed and disappeared forever. Live here and now, appreciate ordinary moments of life.

The time for happiness is now.

There are people who think that somewhere is better than here...
There are people who think that once it was or will be better than now ...
And there are people who feel good here and now, while others think! :)

If I am not able to wash the dishes with joy, if I want to finish it quickly so that I can go and have a cup of tea, then I will also not be able to drink the tea itself with joy. With a cup in hand, I will think about what to do next, and the taste and aroma of tea, along with the pleasure of drinking itself, will be forgotten. I will always yearn for the future and never be able to live in the present moment...

Tit Nath Khan

There are moments in which a person does not think about anything, does not reflect, does not evaluate, but there are not so many of them. We call these moments happy. This is the moment when you completely remain where your body is, remain here. This is a feeling of happiness, a state of love, peace.

We are always looking forward to something: weekends, vacations, vacations. We dream about it day in and day out, littered with books and work, making plans and thinking about what we could do if we had free time now. And we want it. Unfortunately, this is another “if”, which you definitely need to get rid of in your life. When the long-awaited days of freedom come, desires and plans to do something disappear, and if there are forces to do something, then definitely not to the extent and not with such zeal as we imagined it when we were busy. When there is a lot of something, we stop noticing and appreciating it. And over time, it's better not to joke. Friendship with him costs us dearly. You need to try to allocate more time for your desires, appreciate it, use it wisely. Find your favorite activities and places, create your own days and evenings and there will be more good things...

Dividing life into past, present and future was invented by the mind, but this division is absolutely artificial. Past and future are thought forms, an illusion, a mental abstraction. You can only remember the past in this Moment. The event that you are remembering happened at this Moment, and you also remember it at this Moment. The future, when it comes, comes in the moment. So the only thing that is real, the only thing that is always there, is the present moment.

Eckhart Tolle "What Silence Says"

Now - good time to forgive...

Now is a good time to love yourself...

Now is a good time to allow yourself to live easier...

Life is here and now, not tomorrow and then.

What you did a minute ago or yesterday

or within the last six months,

or the last sixteen years,

or the last fifty years

does not mean anything.

What really matters is

what are you doing right now.

There is something great in every minute. For example, happiness...

Live in the present day, every day as if it could end at sunset.

So many people wait all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and the whole life of happiness. And you need to enjoy every day and enjoy every moment.


I find heaven in every place, in every situation I see the good, in every person - love.

In fact, all you have to do is fully accept this moment. Then you are in harmony with the here and now and in harmony with yourself. Eckhart Tolle

The past is gone, the future has not yet arrived. Only this moment remains - pure, saturated with energy. Live it!

Life is always happening now.

Remind yourself more often that the purpose of life is not at all to fulfill everything planned, but to enjoy every step taken on the path of life, to fill life with love. Richard Carlson

Sometimes the present moment is unacceptable, unpleasant or terrible. There is what is. Watch how the mind creates labels and how they are distributed, how continuous being in judgment creates pain and makes you unhappy. By tracking the mechanisms of the mind, you move away from the stereotype of resistance and, thereby, allow the present moment to be. This state gives you the opportunity to feel the taste of inner freedom from external circumstances, the taste of a state of true inner peace. Then just watch what happens, and if necessary or possible, act.Accept first, act later. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you chose it. Always work with him, not against him. Make him your friend and ally, not your enemy. It will magically transform your whole life.

Eckhart Tolle

- What we are going to do?

- Enjoy the moment.

This moment is what matters the most.

A moment is only a moment - a moment seems so unimportant to a person that he misses it, but only in this is his whole life, only in a moment of the present can he make that effort by which the kingdom of God is taken both inside and outside of us. Lev Tolstoy


When your attention is brought to the present moment, that is readiness. It's like coming out of a dream - a dream of thoughts, of the past and the future. So clear, so simple. It has absolutely no room for creating problems. Only the present moment - as such. Eckhart Tolle

Just stop, stop looking. Everything you have been looking for is in front of you, you just have to reach out your hands and take what was meant for you from the very birth. Just stop looking, enjoy what you have. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, whoever you are with, just listen, observe, look, learn. Just live.Live as if you were just born and saw everything that surrounds you!The happiness of life lies in the present moment, in the ability to live now and feel, hear, see, breathe every moment ... Every moment - Live.

If you want to live happily, love the little things in everyday life.
The glow of clouds, the rustle of leaves, the chirping of a flock of sparrows, the faces of passers-by - find pleasure in all these everyday little things.

Akutagawa Ryunosuke

The world will present itself to you exactly as you imagine it to yourself.

You constantly adjust your life to your own ideas about it.

What you believe strongly enough is what you will see in your life. And by no means the other way around. In fact, the everyday hell you live in is nothing but the result of your stubborn belief that the here and now is not heaven at all.

Chuck Hillig

You sit - and sit yourself; you go - and go yourself.
The main thing - do not fuss in vain.

You are the Garden of Joy, you don't need anyone to be happy. You dwell in the garden of Joy, but, remembering the old, you are sad. This Joy, this Moment will destroy both the mind and suffering, because this Moment is precisely Happiness. So don't go back to past moments that bring suffering. Papaji

The greatest miracle is simply to be!

I'm interested in excitement. I am interested in absolute merging with the cosmos at the everyday level. If I kiss, then I am not at that moment. If I sing a song, I am not at that moment. This is what interests me. I'm looking for where there's the least distraction. Where are the least bunnies around. I don't want to waste my energy. If we take the kissing analogy again, there are people who kiss and think - I still have to call this today, do this, this and this. And so uninteresting. If I do something, I want to be all there. I've come to the point where I want undiluted happiness.

Boris Grebenshchikov

To learn to live now, you need to let go of everything that happened yesterday.

The present moment is the field on which the game of life takes place. And it can't happen anywhere else. The secret of the ability to live, the secret of success and happiness can be expressed in three words: Unity with Life. Oneness with life is oneness with what is Now. Realizing this, you will understand that you do not live your life, but life lives by you. Life is a dancer and you are a dance. Eckhart Tolle

The best way to take care of the future is

Eternity pulsates in every breath...

Whoever understands life is in no hurry. Stop...

Feel the taste of every moment!


The universe is being recreated moment by moment. Therefore, in fact, there is no past, there is only a memory of the past. Blink your eye and the world you see didn't exist when you closed it. So the only possible state of mind is wonder. The only possible state of the heart is delight. The skies you see now you have never seen before. Now is the perfect moment. Be happy with it.

Terry Pratchett "Time Thief"


When you stop digging into what has already happened...

And worry about what hasn't happened yet...

Then you can feel the Joy of Life.

Stay in the present. You can't change anything about the past, and the future will never come to you exactly as you envisioned it or expected it to be. Dan Millman.

The great science of living happily is to live in the present.

Don't be afraid of what will happen tomorrow. Love yours today, love it with any, unwanted, bad. And then it will answer you with love, just as someone who no one wants to see and accept, and suddenly there is someone who accepts him totally.

You are too interested in what was and what will be ... The sages say: the past is forgotten, the future is closed, the present is bestowed. That's why it's called real.

Don't let the clock and calendar obscure the fact that every second of life is a miracle and a mystery.

Forget the past, it brings sorrows, do not think about the future, it brings worries, live in the present, because this is the only way to be happy.

Do not anger the cruel firmament with a prayer,

Disappeared friends do not call back.

Forget yesterday, don't think about tomorrow

Today you live - live today.

Omar Khayyam

People would suffer much less if they did not so diligently develop the power of imagination in themselves, would not endlessly recall past troubles, but would live in the harmless present.

Only by ceasing to grieve about the past and worry about the future, I can enjoy what is happening now.

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift, accept it.

This is how the Engine from Romashkovo reasoned: stop, look around, listen, otherwise you might be late for life ...

When I breathe in, I calm my body and mind.
As I exhale, I smile.
Being in the present moment, I know that this moment is amazing!

Yesterday is history.

Tomorrow is a mystery.

Today's gift!

Once, from the window of his house, from where the market square was visible, Rabbi Nachman noticed one of his students. He was in a hurry somewhere.

Have you had time to look at the sky this morning? Rabbi Nachman asked him.

No, Rabbi, I didn't have time.

Believe me, in fifty years everything you see here will be gone. There will be a different fair here - with different horses, with different carts, and the people will be different too. I won't be here anymore, and neither will you. What is so important here that you don't have time to look at the sky?...

The world is beautiful, perfect, and infinitely interesting. You just need to realize life in the moment Here and Now. And she will open all her doors for you. Yes, be open-hearted!

The ego keeps you waiting: tomorrow, when you succeed, you can rejoice. And today, of course, you must suffer, you must sacrifice. Tomorrow simply means that which never happens. It's postponing life. This is a great strategy for keeping you in the grip of suffering. The ego cannot rejoice in the present. It cannot exist in the present; it dwells only in the future or in the past, which do not exist. The past is no more, the future is not yet; both are non-existent things. In the present, pure moment, you will find no ego in you - only silent joy and pure silent emptiness.

OSHO ---

Never go back to the past. It kills your real. Memories are meaningless, they only take your precious time. History doesn't repeat itself, people don't change. Never wait for anyone, do not stand still. Who needs it - they will catch up. Do not look back. All hopes and dreams are just illusions, don't let them take over you.

Remember! Never, under any circumstances, give up. And always love, you cannot live without love, but love this present, the past cannot be returned, and the future may not begin.

Sometimes we say how good it used to be, how we miss those times. In the future, the same will be said about what is happening now. Appreciate the real.

If you keep looking back, you won't be able to see what lies ahead...

M / f "Ratatouille" ---

Close your eyes and you will see. Stop listening and you will hear. Stay alone with your heart and you will realize...

Use every moment so that later you do not repent and do not regret that you missed your youth.

Paulo Coelho ---

Try, at least in a small way, not to bring your mind.
Look at the world - just look.
Don't say "like" or "dislike". Don't say anything.
Don't say the words, just look.
The mind will feel uncomfortable.
My mind would like to say something.
You just say to the mind:
"Be quiet, let me see, I'll just watch"...

Stretching out their hands to the stars, people often forget about the flowers under their feet.

D.Bentham ---

Life is as it is seen. It's magical enough not to invent anything else.

-- Bernard Werber ---

There are three traps that steal joy and peace: regret for the past, worry for the future, and ingratitude for the present.

Do you want to be happy man- do not rummage in your memory.

Accept reality as it is.
Appreciate everything that comes into your life.
Enjoy while it lasts.
Let go when the time is right.

I was inspired by the words of Chögyam Trungpa, a Tibetan meditation master, who was once asked how he managed to escape from the Chinese invasion, along with his students, to cross the Himalayas, having almost no preparation, no provisions, not knowing the path and outcome of his risky venture. His answer was short: "Alternately moving the legs."

Jorge Bukay

Happiness is available to everyone, and is available right now.
We just need to stop and take a closer look at the treasures that already surround us.

There are people who think that somewhere is better than here.
There are people who think that once it was (will be) better than now.
There are people who feel good here and now, while others think.

How you live your day is how your whole life goes. How easy it is to succumb to the idea that one day won't solve anything, because we have many more days like this ahead of us. But a wonderful life is nothing more than a succession of wonderful, well-lived days, going in succession, like pearls strung on a string in a beautiful necklace. Every day is valuable in its own way. The past is left behind and the future is just a figment of the imagination, so today is all you own. So manage this day wisely.

Life is now. It's not "tomorrow" or "yesterday". One is unknown, the other does not exist.

Peace and serenity can only exist in the present moment. If you really want to be at peace and harmony, you must be at peace and harmony right now.

All life flies by in a single moment.
In these moments, you are...

Live in a world with no idea of ​​what's next. Whether you are a winner or a loser, it doesn't matter. Death will take everything. Whether you win or lose, it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters, and always has, is how you play the game. Did you enjoy it? - the game itself... - and then every moment becomes a moment of joy.


Walking on water is not a miracle.
The miracle is to walk the Earth and feel really alive right now.
And smile!

Most of us live in such a frenetic pace that true silence and immobility sometimes become something alien and uncomfortable. Most people, upon hearing my words, will say that they do not have time to sit and look at a flower. They will tell you that they don't have time to just enjoy the laughter of children or run barefoot in the rain. They will say that they are too busy for such activities. They don't even have friends, because friends also take time...

Robin Sharma ---


Ask yourself: "Am I feeling joy, peace and lightness from what I am doing now?"

If not, then this means that time obscures the present moment, and life is perceived as a heavy burden or as a struggle. If there is neither joy, nor calmness, nor ease in what you are doing, then this does not necessarily mean that you should change what you are doing.

Just change how you do it.

"HOW" is always more important than "WHAT".

See if you have the opportunity to pay even more, and much more, attention to the DOING IT ITSELF than to the RESULT that you want to achieve through this doing. Direct all your attention to what gives you THIS MOMENT. At the same time, this will mean that you completely accept what is, because you cannot give something your full attention and at the same time resist it.

As soon as you begin to honor and respect the present moment, then all existing discontent dissipates and the need for struggle disappears, and life begins to flow joyfully and calmly. No reality can be a threat to you.

If yesterday was lost due to some mistake, then don't lose today by remembering it...

No matter how long your journey is, there is never more than: one step, one breath, one moment - Now.

Eckhart Tolle ---

Don't spoil what you have by wanting what you don't have; remember that once you only hoped to get what you have now.

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Believe in it and make it beautiful.

There is no point in looking for a place where you will feel good. It makes sense to learn how to create it well anywhere.

We spend, we pass through our fingers the best minutes, as if there are no one knows how many of them are in stock. We usually think about tomorrow, about the next year, at a time when we need to cling with both hands to the cup, poured over the edge, which life itself stretches out, unbidden, with its usual generosity - and drink, and drink, until the cup has passed into others. arms. Nature does not like to regale and offer for a long time. Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

In everyone's life there comes a moment when you need to understand that the old is no more. It was there, in the past, and now it has collapsed completely and irrevocably. This is how we learn to let go.

Very few people live for today. Most prepare to live later.

Be in the moment. Bring all your total awareness into this moment. Don't let the past interfere, don't let the future come in. The past is no more, it is dead. Die to the past every moment, whether the past is heaven or hell. Whatever it is, die to it and be fresh and young and be born again in this moment.A person appears to be in the present, but this is only an appearance. Man lives in the past. It passes through the present, but remains rooted in the past.The past is gone - why cling to it? You can't do anything with it; you cannot go back, you cannot remake it - why cling to it? This is not a treasure. And if you cling to the past and think it's a treasure, of course your mind will want to relive it again and again in the future. Osho

This moment contains the seed of the greatest truth. This is the truth you wanted to remember. But as soon as that moment arrived, you immediately began to build thoughts about it. Instead of being in the moment, you stood aside and judged it. Then you reacted. It means you did what you did before.

By approaching each moment as if it were a blank slate, without any prior thought about it, you can create yourself the way you are, rather than repeating the way you once were.

Life is a process of creation, and you continue to live as if it were a process of repetition!

Neil Donald Walsh

Everything that we perceive during life is "in this moment". Things exist only for a moment, only we do not dare or do not want to consider them in this way.

-- Rinpoche Dzongsar Khyentse --

Does the sun shine for me today so that I think about yesterday?
Friedrich Schiller

A lot of people are waiting all week for Friday, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and the whole life of happiness ... And you need to enjoy every day and enjoy every moment.

The article includes quotes about happy moments in life for psychological reflection. And here is the first saying: Fate sends us a repetition of experience with the sole purpose of teaching us what we did not want to learn right away.

Do not raise children, they will still look like you. educate yourself

To try to forget someone is to remember him all the time. Jean de La Bruyère

Love life and life will love you too. Love people and people will love you back. A. Rubinstein.

It is important to learn to accept yourself, to appreciate yourself, no matter what others say about you.

The warrior acts and the fool protests. peaceful warrior

We reap in life what we have sown: whoever sows tears reaps tears; whoever betrayed will be betrayed. Luigi Settembrini

The owl is a wise bird, but the hen lays its eggs every morning. M. Shargan

The greatest glory is not in never being wrong, but in being able to rise whenever you fall. Confucius

Platonic love is a pure idea, arising from the contemplation of a dress and a smile. Goncourt brothers

The key to happiness is to dream, the key to success is to turn dreams into reality. James Allen

It is better to be a slave to the beloved than free to the unloved. E. Bern.

When a woman says that she has nothing to wear, it means that everything new has ended. When a man says that he has nothing to wear, it means that everything clean has ended.

Never buy a thing, seduced by its cheapness, such a thing, in the long run, will cost you dearly. Jefferson Thomas

Why do we close our eyes when we pray, dream or kiss? Because the most beautiful things in life we ​​do not see, but feel with our hearts.

The most pleasant thing is to do what they think you will never do. Arabic proverb

Tomorrow is the first blank sheet of a 365-page book. Write good book. Brad Paisley

You can never judge what's on a man's mind by what he says.

You love to talk about your love, but you forget to share it.

A romantic woman is disgusted by sex without love. Therefore, she hurries to fall in love at first sight. Lydia Yasinskaya

Love is a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life. J. Richter.

Do not forget that in comparison with eternity, all these are seeds.

Life is not suffering and not pleasure, but a matter that we must do and honestly bring it to the end. A. Tocqueville

The wisdom of people is not measured by their experience, but by their ability to acquire it. Bernard Show

stupid people dream, smart people plan. The lazy wait, the industrious work hard. The greedy take, the good give. The wicked punish, the magnanimous forgive. The cunning deceive, the simpletons believe. And only the wise do it all on time. Stas Yankovsky

To love is to see a miracle invisible to others. F. Mauriac.

A wise man is one who does today what fools will do in three days. Abdullah ibn Mubarak

There are people who see a mote in someone else's eye, not seeing the beam in their own. Bertolt Brecht

The contemplative life is often very bleak. You need to act more, think less and not be an outside witness to your own life. N. Chamfort

Ideal is a guiding star. Without it, there is no firm direction, and without direction, there is no life. Tolstoy L.N.

Life goes on when the habitual way of life dies.

Ordinary "common sense" reveals a steady tendency to reject the problem of human existence (existence). He intuitively believes that in the affairs of human existence, he, common sense, has nothing to do. Khersonsky B.G.

Love is the perfection of the virtues.

Learning wisdom is just as impossible as learning how to be beautiful. Henry Wheeler Shaw

The life of the spirit is higher than the life of the flesh and independent of it. Often in a warm body there is a stiffened spirit, and in a fat body a thin and frail spirit. What do all the riches of the world mean to us when we are poor in spirit? G. Toro

I recently realized what it takes Email to talk to people you don't want to talk to. George Carlin

Suffering has great creative potential.

We cannot learn values; we must experience values. Frankl W.

Sometimes you think: it's all over, period, but in fact this is the beginning. Just another chapter.

If love is gone, stay human!

You will never be able to solve a problem if you keep the same mindset and the same approach that led you to the problem. Albert Einstein

A man who knows his life is like a slave who suddenly finds out that he is a king. L. Tolstoy

If you managed to deceive a person, this does not mean that he is a fool, it means that you were trusted more than you deserve. Tove Jansson, All about the Moomins.

The only lesson that can be learned from history is that people do not learn any lessons from history. Bernard Show

The world moves forward thanks to those who suffer. Lev Tolstoy

It only takes a minute to notice someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, and a lifetime to forget.

Whatever happens to you, it has all happened to someone you know before, only worse. Mieder's law

Except higher education you need to have at least an average consideration and, at least, an initial upbringing.

Desire is a thousand ways, unwillingness is a thousand obstacles

Trahit sua quemque voluptas - everyone is attracted by their own passion

People love to complain about their bad luck, problems and troubles. And at the same time they do not pay attention to the fact that every day something good happens to them. Listed below are 100 pleasant moments in the life of every person that he meets constantly, but which often pass by his consciousness.

1. Ride a supermarket cart.

2. Breathe in the smell of rain in the city after a hot day.

3. Walk all night and not want to sleep.

4. Take a hot shower after not being able to wash for several days.

5. Run your hand through your hair after cutting.

6. Absolutely correct parallel parking from the first time.

7. Understand what is being said to you in an unknown language.

8. Skip the emergency gang and get a flash from it in response.

9. Climb into the refrigerator after the holiday and find a bunch of half-eaten goodies there.

10. Wake up in the morning and suddenly realize that you have a car and the right to drive it.

11. Have time to slow down in time in front of the traffic police inspector.

12. Oversleep in the morning, horrified to realize that you overslept and suddenly realize that today is Sunday.

13. Collect a whole bunch of small unpleasant things and finally do them all.

14. Have time to get to the stop at the moment when your bus comes there, which runs very rarely.

15. Meet Santa Claus, who has a real beard.

16. Clean your ears with cotton swabs.

17. Walk through the snow that crunches.

18. Finally wait for the elevator.

19. Be the first to go to the cashier, which has just opened.

20. Fall asleep in the wrong place and be carefully covered there with a blanket.

21. Experience muscle pain after playing sports.

22. Invite to visit those for whom it is not necessary to clean the apartment.

23. Throw trash from a distance into a basket and get into it.

24. Eat to your heart’s content with what your parents always forbade eating in childhood.

25. Put on new thing.

26. Have time to jump into the outgoing train.

27. Inhale the aroma of fresh baked goods.

28. Have time to slip into the green at once several traffic lights.

29. Chop off a sore.

30. Wake up before the alarm rings and realize that there is still time to sleep.

31. He is tormented, remembering in which film he saw this actor, and suddenly remember.

32. Feel how the blocked ear begins to hear again.

33. Finally take off the shoes that are tight and in which you have spent many hours.

34. Get in line before it gets huge.

35. Suddenly feel the smell, reminiscent of childhood.

36. Lean out of the car on a warm summer evening.

37. Complete a difficult quest in computer game.

38. Realize that there are two empty seats next to your seat on the plane.

39. Get to the right place at the moment when your favorite song was finished on the radio.

40. Be able to squeeze the last drop of paste out of an empty tube.

41. Hear the sound of heels on the asphalt, opening the window for the first time in spring.

42. Exit to the plane ladder in southern country especially if it's winter at home.

43. Listen to your favorite tune several times in a row.

44. To see a tree and suddenly remember how small it was when you were small.

45. See how, after a tiring wait in a restaurant, your order is carried.

46. ​​Watch how zeros replace nines on the odometer.

47. Find out that the boss leaves work earlier today.

48. Unravel the terrible tangle of threads, wires.

49. Remove the entire shell from a hard-boiled egg in an instant.

50. Accidentally find a sock in the apartment, which was considered lost forever.

51. Sneeze in a row many times.

52. Sit with your legs dangling into the water and chat with them.

53. The moment of realizing what song will be next at the concert.

54. Knock icicles off the bottom of a car.

55. Understand that you like the book you are reading, and that the end is still far away.

57. Walk on air bubbles in frozen puddles.

58. Fall asleep at the moment when the plane takes off, and wake up after landing.

59. Sleep a whole hot night under the open sky.

60. It is terrible to slip, but keep on your feet.

61. Say what the commentator on TV says, but before him.

62. Drive with a breeze through the city without traffic jams.

63. Get a long-awaited text message.

64. Wake up after bad dream and realize that this is just a dream.

65. Bite off the pie from the side where the filling is closer to the edge.

66. Being late for a date, but realizing that the person you are dating has not yet arrived.

67. Gather strength to lift something heavy, but starting to lift. Understand that it is easy.

69. Promptly receive pizza on order.

70. Bury your feet in the sand of the surf.

71. Shoot protective films from new electronic devices.

72. Finally kill the mosquito that kept you awake with its squeaks.

73. Realize on vacation that you don't know what day of the week it is.

74. Get out of the traffic jam.

75. Receive congratulations from strangers.

76. Find new options in devices that, it would seem, have already been studied inside and out.

77. To fix the work of what no one could fix.

78. Follow the takeoff of the aircraft through the window.

79. It's hard to climb a hill and then ride a bike down it.

80. Remove the splinter.

81. In a traffic jam, understand that your position in it is the most advantageous.

82. Wait for your favorite characters to appear in a well-known movie.

83. Meet a squirrel in the park.

84. Buy what you dreamed about at a sale at a discount.

85. Open a new can of coffee.

86. Find a stash, the existence of which I did not remember.

87. To understand that what needs to be repaired suddenly repaired itself.

88. In the queue, wait for the approach of the person in front of you.

89. In a long conversation, be able to remember how it began.

90. Lying in a dry and warm tent and hearing the rain pounding on it.

91. In the cold, drink hot coffee or someone's outside.

92. Say something at the same time with the interlocutor.

93. Putting things in order on the table after passing something difficult: an exam, defending a dissertation.

94. Feel how your body warms a cold bed.

95. Feel like a debilitating headache lets go.

96. Easy to remember the old password.

97. It is successful to completely remove the weed with the root.

98. Go on vacation a day before shutdown hot water.

99. Feel completely free on the weekend.

100. To bring something pleasant to the end.


This collection includes quotes about moments of life for self-knowledge and development. And here is the first expression: Everyone is exactly as happy as he knows how to be happy. Dina Dean

The ship of life yields to all winds and storms if it does not have labor ballast. Stendhal

Women have the whole heart, even the head. Jean Paul

If a person wants to come to himself, his path lies through the world. Frankl V.

Don't expect it to get easier, easier, better. It won't. There will always be difficulties. Learn to be happy right now. Otherwise, you won't be able to.

Love is a story in a woman's life and an episode in a man's life. J. Richter.

Do not forget that in comparison with eternity, all these are seeds.

The poorest person is not the one who does not have a penny in his pocket, but the one who does not have a dream. — Socrates.

At the end of love, as at the end of life, one still lives for suffering, but not for pleasure. The one who fell out of love is usually to blame for not noticing it in time. F. La Rochefoucauld.

Weak natures are extremely domineering towards those they find even weaker. Etienne Rey

There are no winners in love, there are victims.

Never feel sorry for yourself and never let anyone do it.

There is no pain greater than that which lovers inflict on each other. S. Connolly.

Know how to be yourself and you will never become a toy in the hands of fate. Paracelsus

Oh, it was a wonderful time; I was so unhappy! Sophie Arnoux on her first love

We mentally return to the first love in order to end the last.

After all, you never know how attached you are to a person until this connection breaks.

Most The best way cheer yourself up is to cheer someone up. Mark Twain

They say love kills lies. But frankness kills her faster.

Women harass men simply because they are harassed by other women. Mahabharata, V, 33

Put your love into everything you do. If you are in trouble, turn inward: what lesson should be learned from this situation? Louise Hay

Don't chase after happiness. It is like a cat, it is useless to chase after it, but as soon as you go about your business, it will come and lie peacefully on your lap.

Never give anyone your best advice because they are not going to follow it. Actor, director, screenwriter and producer Jack Nicholson

The goal is a journey through time. Jaspers K. ( Amazing Quotes about life with meaning short but smart)

Leave muddy water at rest, and it will become clean and transparent.

Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love grows, prudence decreases.

Terrible emptiness of life. Oh, how terrible she is V. Rozanov

Of all the paths, choose the most difficult one; there you will not meet competitors.

In love, we are often more happy, happy with what we do not know than with what we know. F. La Rochefoucauld.

The road leading to success is forever being renewed. Success is a progressive movement, not a point that can be reached. — Anthony Robbins.

Everyone dreams of getting the kind of love they don't deserve.

If you think that the Universe is sitting and inventing problems and illnesses for you, then you have delusions of grandeur. She just realizes your thoughts.

Nothing can be returned. Nothing can be fixed. Otherwise we would all be saints. Life was not meant to make us perfect. Whoever is perfect has a place in a museum.

Motivations and instincts push, while reasons and meanings attract. Frankl W.

Your kiss was so sweet that I just winged with happiness!

The one who runs falls. The crawler does not fall.

Wisely write only about what they do not understand. V. Klyuchevsky

Never tell people about your problems, 80% are not interested in them, and the remaining 20% ​​are glad that you have them.

Evil is only within us, that is, where it can be taken out. Lev Tolstoy

Love is a crisis, a decisive moment in life, awaited with trepidation by the heart. .

If you start with self-sacrifice for the sake of those you love, then you will end up hating those to whom you have sacrificed yourself. B. Show.

The greatest human stupidity is fear. Fear to commit an act, to talk, to confess. We are always afraid, and that is why we lose so often.

It only takes a minute to notice someone, an hour to like someone, a day to love someone, and a lifetime to forget.

Tenderness is the best proof of love than the most passionate vows.

If you want to succeed, you must look for new paths, and not walk on the beaten paths of achieved success.

He carried his love like a banknote - which no one wanted to exchange. G. Malkin

The more spacious the heart, the more it can accommodate loved ones; the more sinful it is, the more cramped it is, the less able it is to accommodate loved ones—to the point that it is limited to love only for itself, and then false; we love ourselves in things unworthy of an immortal soul: in silver and gold, in fornication, and so on. St. Righteous John of Kronstadt

Having taken an inventory of internal reserves and shortcomings, you will find that your most vulnerable place is your lack of self-confidence.

Everything else is unimportant ... When your favorite miracle is waiting at home and a man with whom you want to live forever!

In love, people know each other and accept each other as such, and do not create an ideal for themselves!