Meditation "healing the inner child." Beautiful meditation healing the inner child

Love does not love…

In each of us lives inner child, that part of us that is full of energy, strength and creative aspirations, regardless of the circumstances. And it is this part that gives us the strength to create and love, to do unexpected things and inspire others, to be sensitive, bright, impulsive, and unexpected!

It also makes us take offense and experience pain, be capricious, fall into depression, feel unhappy and abandoned by everyone.

For example, a child (girl), from birth, accumulates everything that happens around: love and joy, grief and separation, parental acceptance or father's dislike ...! And if only rejection, dislike, resentment, and this pain was so much this will affect the attitude towards oneself, and relationships with men, and the creation of a family, and the upbringing of children ...

And then inside an adult, outwardly prosperous, and maybe even quite successful woman - her inner child (girl), offended, angry, tense and aggressive, upset and frightened! She constantly lacks attention, love, and she constantly feels dissatisfaction.

In order to say goodbye to past grievances and disappointments that prevent us from living, it is necessary to work with our inner child. Give him strength, unconditional love, cure fears and pain!

1. Before meditation, find and review your childhood photos or remember what you were like as a child at the age of 3-9, your hobbies, remember some bright events of that time.

2.Create a pleasant atmosphere, light candles, incense sticks. Take a few deep breaths in and out, relax.

3. Invite the energy of Reiki or Kundalini Reiki.

4. Ask Reiki to help you connect with your Inner Child. Now trust Reiki and calmly wait for the connection to be established.

Perhaps you will receive an image of a little girl or little boy who you were as a child, or something abstract. Accept openly any spontaneous manifestation of your inner child. This little creature is part of you and often feels alone and abandoned. Get close to your inner child, look deep into his eyes. Feel how he feels: perhaps sadness, anger, curiosity, fear, fear, or joy. Be sensitive, be guided by the mood of the child, his behavior. You can stand or sit next to him; take him by the hand or in his arms; hug him, hug him and kiss him; play with him. Trust your intuition. It is very important to tell and show the inner child at the first contact that you love him!

OPEN YOUR HEART give him all your love. Tell him that you admire him. Tell him that from now on you will always be with him. Perhaps, after a while, your inner child will tell you or ask you for something, and perhaps give you something. In any case, this will be an important message for you, which may come in the form of words, feelings or symbols. Listen to what your inner child wants to tell you, let him speak. Accept his message. Fulfill any of his wishes!

At the end of your meditation, surround this image with Reiki energy. By sending him Love and Light, you heal him, and gradually he becomes strong, creative, spontaneous, playful, loving and ready to help you. In this way, you yourself are able to transform everything that prevents you as an adult from being strong, creative, spontaneous, playful, loving and ready to help others! Gradually, you begin to accept yourself more and more as you really are, and you begin to love yourself!

5. Time spent in meditation - any.

6. In conclusion, thank the energies and Higher Forces.

Meeting with your inner child will push you to be more honest and emotionally open about yourself, your desires, your life path. The inner child is ours inner world is a manifestation of our subconscious.

When you take a step towards meeting your inner child, you take a step towards yourself. The extent to which you were able to fulfill yourself, how successful and cheerful you are, indicates how deeply your connection with your inner child is established.

Initially, I wanted to record a very short, lightweight version of the meditation. But during the recording process, I realized that I absolutely can’t cut anything - after all, it’s about happiness.

I would like your meeting with the inner baby to bring you not only relief, but also a smile. But, as my experience shows, more often the first meeting brings relief through tears. Don't be afraid of this. Just let it all go the way it goes. And trust... After all, you have decided to meet the baby in your heart!

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Take a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax. Turn your attention inward. Feel the breath of your body, breathe in, tracking your breath - on the inhale it seems cool, on the exhale - warmer. Listen to the sounds around you, understand that they are all outside, outside, and inside you - peace.

See under your feet, at a distance of about half a meter, a shining ball - a bunch of powerful energy of the Earth. Feel the warmth and bright blinding light from it, and express your intention for a clear and strong connection with this center. Feel the soft light ascending flow of energy from below from infinity and eternity upwards, passing through your entire body to the upper center, and further upwards into the Cosmos. Feel the deep inner peace and calm, the infinity and eternity of the flow of energy within your being.

See above your head, at a distance of about half a meter, a radiant ball - a clot of powerful energy of the Heavenly Father. Feel the warmth and bright blinding light from it, and express your intention for a clear and strong connection with this center. Feel the gentle downward flow of energy flowing from top to bottom into the depths of the Earth. Experience deep inner peace and tranquility. The infinity and eternity of the flow of energy within your being.

Intention to balance these currents with your inner wisdom. Move your attention to the area of ​​the heart chakra and see how the currents connect in this place. You shine and radiate the energy of your core, peace and joy in all directions, to the entire Universe as you imagine it.

Imagine that you are standing on blooming glade filled with light. The glade is covered with shining drops of dew. In the middle of the meadow there is a large flower bud Pink colour from which wonderful freshness and aroma are carried.

You approach him, looking at the dew on the petals. When approaching, you see that these are small turquoise crystals. Stretch out your hands to the bud, touch it with your palms, stay like this for a while and feel the response in your heart. Now hug this bud. Now it is slowly starting to open up. The opened petals softly lay down in the form of a bowl and opened your eyes to a golden light, a bright and soft glow, very reminiscent of the sun. Look into this light. In a moment you will discern in the center of this light a beautiful and perfect cosmic being, your inner child, sitting in the lotus position. It radiates golden light, calmness, harmony and wisdom throughout the universe. From under the large eyelids, more than half covering the eyes, a pure and at the same time mischievous shine is visible, and a slight joyful smile is on the child's lips.

You approach him. His half-closed eyes open slightly, exposing the bottomless depth of awareness of the whole world and universal unity. You hear his brilliant, pure, joyful laugh. You can feel something that opens you up, brings something that you have always really wanted, reveals your true beauty and a new world for you - and, at the same time, it is something very familiar and dear to you, as if you never parted with it. . Laugh, drop everything that has been holding you back until now.

Tell your inner child how you feel:
I acknowledge You.
I give you love and care.
I heal and bless You.
I let you play.
You help me appreciate the wonder and beauty of life!

Embrace your inner child. When you wrap your arms, listen to your heart. It is the same for you and your inner child. Focus on it. You and your inner child are the same being. The inner child is the true you. The laughter of your inner child is your laughter. Being in this state, dissolve, merge with your true essence, accept it.

Now you're in that open pink flower in the middle of the field. You shine with golden light, you laugh. Feel how you love everything that exists, how the universe loves you - your child, your partner in co-creation. She feeds her love for you through all that is, as she touches you with the fragrance of flowers, the wind, speaks to you through other beings. This love flows in everything and everyone. You are the infinite source of universal unconditional love.

Stay in this state for a while, and then slowly return your attention to the surrounding sounds, and slowly open your eyes.

An interesting variant of hooponopono unihipili meditation, or inner child meditation. Unihipili is just the child that lives inside any of us. Turning to him, the practitioner achieves improvement, and finds ways to understand himself. Confess your love to your inner child, thank him - in this way, you will change your attitude towards yourself, your personality, your weaknesses, some shadow characteristics.

Inner Child Meditation - The Practice of Meeting the Unihipili

What is difficult to forgive for an adult is easily forgiven for a kid who still does not know much, and therefore can easily make a mistake, stumble, fall into error or turn off the wrong path. Your inner child is just beginning to take steps along the roads of this world, and it is pointless to strictly ask him to comply with all laws and norms.

In video inner child healing meditation you may be offered a text that you need to pronounce mentally. So, communicating with your unihipili, making your own online meditation inner child, very soon you will notice how your attitude towards yourself and the world around you is being rebuilt and transformed.

Inner Child Meditation - Healing the Inner State

Inner Child Healing Technique - This meditation removes the fears associated with dislike. Coming into meditation, a person realizes the unity of the whole world, and comes to a feeling of his wholeness and exclusivity. The inner child is not just a meditation, but a whole series of trainings that are recommended for people who want to get rid of character flaws, better understand themselves and free themselves from the fear of mistakes, failures, and fears associated with the dislike of other people.

Meditation of the inner child works on a psycho-emotional level very delicately, but effectively. Ideally, the meeting of a person with his inner child, meditation on the healing of the inner child will bring you not only smoothing out some sharp corners and a better attitude towards oneself, but also. Relief can come through tears, through denial, and even through a whirlwind of negative emotions. There is no need to be afraid of this, but rather just let go of the situation and let everything take its course. Remember that by taking a step towards your inner child, you are getting closer to yourself, discovering new abilities in yourself, helping yourself in the important matter of self-realization.

Dr. Ihaleakala on Relationships with the Inner Child

Consciousness is the mother. The subconscious is the inner child.

Consciousness has a choice - either love the inner child or ignore.

The inner child has all the memories from creation, all the burden.

If you are depressed, then it is information in your inner child that causes depression.

Slowly we say to the child:

“Ooh, for the first time since creation, I am aware of your presence in me. You are a part of me. I love you. I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me for all the accumulated memories that you experience as sadness, grief, pain. I am responsible for the fact that I have accumulated these memories that you experience. And I'd like to destroy them."

(You should always ask your inner child for permission. You can't do anything without asking your inner child for permission.)

"Please allow me to stroke your head with love and care."

(nothing needs to be imagined, just do it and that's it) Stroking the head of the inner child, say

"I love you. Please forgive me for all the accumulated memory that you now have. I'm sorry."

This is a very important part of your relationship with your inner child because you can teach him how to do the cleansing. If you don't realize that you have an inner child, then it won't do it for you.

So, stroking the head, we sentence

“I'm sorry if I ignored you, didn't care about you, manipulated you. I'm sorry.

If you don't mind, help me let go.

(if you have a headache, back pain, take inventory)

“Oh, I have a headache, please let it go. I don't know what memories are playing, I don't want to know what memories, you know"

(and all the while gently stroking the child's head).

Now we ask him for permission to gently hug him

"please allow me to hug you very gently

(do this without imagining anything).

“Thank you for being a part of me. I love you. I am sorry that you experience all the accumulated memories in the form of pain, suffering. Please forgive me.

Please give me your hand so I can gently take it and stroke it. Whatever hand you want to give me, please give me.

(you gently take your hand, stroke it gently and realize that the inner child is a part of you).

Oh, thank you for being a part of me, the part that I don't pay much attention to. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I love you.

(then maybe you want to take inventory again, this time financial.)

It's just memories that's the problem and I'm asking you to let go... please let go

(whatever financial difficulties you are going through right now, this is not their problem, it is memories playing in you and you want this child to let them go)

please let go.

We have exceeded the limit in the bank, etc. or we offended the money.

Whatever memories that show up as an insult to money, please let go.”

Then you ask the child for permission to hold his other hand.

"please let me hold your other hand

(you take his hand very gently and start stroking it gently. Don't forget that this child has all the memories gathered in him. And if you want to be on good terms with him, He will let go of everything. Then you take inventory again)

What is happening in me that I experience these problems with specific people. I don't know what memories play in me, but when I am among these people I feel irritation, anger, but these are my memories. You are welcome. Let them go.

(This is the most important relationship - the relationship between mother and child. If the mother takes over the child, then she is free. And the child will help with the cleansing, will want to let go. Will warn that something is coming and we better do something now - then.)

Now you want to ask permission to hug the child by the shoulders.

“Please let me put my arm around your shoulders.

(you are having a dialogue about love.)

I love you. Thank you for being a part of me. I realize that there is you and me who have not properly cared for you since creation.

Please forgive me for ignoring you, not caring and causing you great harm, pain and sadness. Forgive me. I love you. Thank you for being a part of me. please let me put my arm around your shoulders and give you boundless love.

(if you are looking for better business partner, then this relationship with VR is the most best relationship with a partner. If the relationship between mother and child takes place, then everything around will take place.) so you hug him by the shoulders, look into his eyes and say

“I ignored you, I'm sorry, please forgive me. I love you. Thank you for your willingness to let go so that you and I are free of memories so that you and I can walk hand in hand with the Divine into the light.”

"Ho'oponopono - Method of achieving inner freedom and purification from negative programs of the past."

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You will understand and feel for yourself what a huge benefit cleansing can bring.

by the Ho'oponopono method in all areas of life.

Get answers to questions about the essence of Ho'oponopono in an easy and accessible way:

What does Morrna Nalamaku's phrase "Hooponopono is the path to complete liberation from the past" mean?
What is the null state?
What does it mean to trust God/the Universe and how to come to complete trust?
How does God/the Universe know what and how much a particular person attracts (chooses)? How does the Higher Mind not confuse us, because we are all created in the image and likeness of the One?
How and what is erased in us when using the Hooponopono method?
How to practice the method to get fewer bumps?
How not to turn practice into running in circles: from problem to problem?

Get very simple, but highly effective tricks:

building personal relationships;
for the rapid transformation of negative emotional states: fatigue, lethargy, drowsiness, etc.;
to cleanse the body of energy blocks.
techniques, the use of which facilitates the path of self-knowledge, in particular, helps to overcome the most difficult life situations and difficult periods.

There will be an understanding that:

The whole World is You and only You are responsible for it — There are no others in your world.