What are unstressed case endings of nouns. Russian language guide

Nouns have three "erroneous" cases: genitive, dative, prepositional. This lesson will help you deal with difficulties in declension of nouns.

For nouns of the first declension in the genitive case, the letter I is written in the ending, and in other "erroneous" cases - dative and prepositional - the letter E.

For nouns of the second declension, only the prepositional case, in which the letter E is written, causes difficulties. For nouns of the third declension, the letter I is written in all “erroneously dangerous” cases.

To find out which vowel should be written in the unstressed ending of a noun, you must first determine which declension this noun belongs to, then find out in which case it is used, and remember which vowel is written in this “mistakenly dangerous” case.

2. Consolidate what we have learned

We reason like this:

Smile when you meet... Meeting- a noun of the first declension, used in the prepositional case, we write the letter E at the end.

Strive for the goal ... Goal- this is a noun of the third declension, in which the letter I is written in all "erroneously dangerous" cases.

When writing unstressed case endings for nouns, you can use another method of verification. You can use "substitution" words with stressed endings in all "erroneous" cases. For nouns of the first declension, such a "substitution" word will be the word Fox.

We reason like this:

Write in notebook... Notebook- noun of the first declension. Without defining the case, we use the "substitution" word Fox. He wrote in a notebook - he wrote in a fox.

You and I remember that nouns ending in -IYA, -IE,

II ( army, composition, planetarium), in all “erroneously dangerous” cases, the rule of two letters I applies.

For nouns ending in -IYA, -IE, -IY, in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases we write two letters And at the end (one letter And belongs to the stem, the second letter And refers to the ending).

We reason like this:

Approach Marie… Maria- a noun ending in -Я. In all "erroneous" cases it has two letters And at the end. Therefore we write approach Mary.

Visit the planetarium… Planetarium- a noun ending in -II. In "erroneous" cases, the rule of two letters I works in it. Therefore, we write visit the planetarium(two letters I at the end).


  1. Russian language. Grade 6 / Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaitseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6 cells / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.


Task number 1

Rewrite by opening parentheses. Determine the type of declension of nouns and their case. Graphically indicate the endings.

Languish in (bondage), play (piano), hearing about (defeat), stand on (square), think about (implementation) (idea), travel around (Central Asia), in quiet (solitude), arrival (parliamentarian) , walk along (path), play a role in (development) of the plot, calm down at (thought), shoot at (duel), come to (mother), visit (construction), prepare for (revision), participate in (excursion) .

Task number 2

Rewrite by putting the nouns (in brackets) in the appropriate case form. Indicate the case of nouns and indicate their endings.

1.Gavrila was seized by a wave (memories) of her (village), running down a steep mountain down to (river), hidden in (grove) (M. G.). 2. So he lived with (feeling) that he could call and come to (Lyubov Petrovna) (Sol.). 3. I am sitting in (half-forgetfulness): neither sleeping nor awake (Sweet). 4. The snow at the (foot) of the trees resembled lean sugar (Nag.). 5. I lived in (enchantment) (incomprehensibility) surrounding (Nag.). 6. In the fierce (singing) of the winds, the heart does not hear the right (consonance) (Sick). 7. And how many (deeds), (events), (fates), human (sadness) and (victories) fit into these ten (days) that turned into ten years! (Tward.). 8. Trunks (apple trees), (pears), (cherries) and plums are painted from worms in white paint(Ch.). 9. Heavy huge clouds (T.) were still crowding in (distance).

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Target: derivation of the rule for writing unstressed case endings of nouns, development of skills to write words with an orthogram - the letter of an unstressed vowel at the end of a noun, graphically designate it and explain spelling based on an algorithm.

Lesson type: lesson of “discovery” of new knowledge.

Planned results

Personal UUD:

  • develop the ability to express one's attitude, express one's emotions;
  • evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation;
  • to form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive activity.


Regulatory UUD:

  • develop the ability to independently set new learning tasks;
  • develop the ability to identify effective ways achieving results in accordance with the task and the conditions for its solution;
  • develop the ability to exercise self-control learning activities;
  • to develop the ability to independently make the necessary additions and adjustments to the educational action based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the mistakes made;
  • develop awareness ways of doing things leading to success or failure.

Cognitive UUD:

  • develop the ability to establish analogies;
  • develop the ability to build simple reasoning based on leading information;
  • develop the ability to sum up a concept based on object recognition, highlighting essential features and generalizing them;
  • possession of search and creative ways of solving educational and practical problems.

Communicative UUD:

  • develop the ability to determine a common goal and ways to achieve it;
  • develop the ability to focus on the point of view of other people, different from their own, in educational communication;
  • develop the ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in various types joint activities;
  • develop the ability to adequately assess the behavior of others in the course of solving a joint learning task;
  • develop the ability to adequately assess their own behavior in the course of solving a joint learning task.


  • perform phonetic analysis, analysis by composition, morphological analysis available words, parsing simple sentence within the framework of the studied;
  • to see the studied spellings in words based on identification features, to correctly write words with the studied spellings, to graphically designate spellings, to indicate the conditions for choosing spellings;
  • find and correct errors in words with studied spellings;
  • listen to statements, highlight the topic of the text by ear, keywords;
  • create coherent oral statements on a grammatical or other topic.

Teaching technologies: problem-dialogical learning, health-saving technology, information and communication technology.

Basic concepts: noun, case ending, spelling, unstressed vowel.

  • textbook: Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language. 4th grade. Tutorial in 2 parts. Part 2. - M.: Balass, 2013;
  • computer, interactive whiteboard, presentation for the lesson, made in PowerPoint;
  • task cards;
  • scheme of the algorithm, table of endings.

Organization of space: frontal, individual, group.

1. Organizational moment

Hello guys! (Slide 1)

Today in the lesson I would like to show you several reproductions of paintings by famous Russian artists. Look carefully and tell me what time of the year is depicted on them? (Winter)(Slides 2-10)

Do you love winter? What kind of person who was born in Russia does not like snowy Russian winters. Winter is a source of inspiration not only for artists, but also for poets and composers. A lot of proverbs, sayings, signs have been collected about this time of the year.

2. Language warm-up

Read folk proverbs and sayings about the winter months. ( December comforts the eyes with snow, but tears the ear with frost. January is very cold, but in February - blizzards.)(Slide 11)

Explain the meaning.

Find and name only nouns with the spelling "Spelling of an unstressed vowel at the root of a word that is not checked by stress."

Write down the words in their initial form, put stress, underline the letters whose spelling you need to remember. (Slide 12)

Test yourself. (Slide 13)

3. Actualization of knowledge. Statement of the educational problem

Read the proverb, how do you understand it? ( P ...... I would play the button accordion ..., yes ... I froze my fingers into a ban ....)(Slide 14)

What do you think can be done in this task?

Okay, write off by inserting the missing letters, and mark the spelling. (Two students write down: “I would play the button accordion e Yes, frostbitten fingers in the ban and” and “I would play the button accordion and Yes, frostbitten fingers in the ban e”)

Let's check how the task is done on the board and on the screen. (The words “in the bath”, “on the button accordion” are written differently, with the letter e or and at the end)(Slide 15)

Was there only one task? (One)

And how was it done? (Differently)

Why did it happen? (We don't know everything yet)

What do we already know? (We know how to check an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, in a prefix)

How can you check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word or prefix?

What do we not know yet? (We don't know how to check an unstressed vowel in the case ending of a noun)(Slide 16)

You already know how to write unstressed vowels in the root of the word and prefixes. It's time to learn how to write unstressed vowels in endings.

4. Formulation of the problem (topics and objectives of the lesson), planning activities

What is the question? (How to check an unstressed vowel in the case ending of a noun?)(Slide 17)

What is the topic of today's lesson? (Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns)

What is to be found out? (What you need to do to determine which letter to write in an unstressed position at the end of a noun)

What will be the purpose of our lesson? ( Withdraw general rule(algorithm) for spelling unstressed case endings of nouns)

What will we study? ( We will learn to write words correctly with a new spelling)

5. Search for a solution (discovery of new knowledge), formulating a rule

On the screen you see columns of words, they will help us open a new rule. (Slide 18)

What hypotheses do you have? (Offer their versions frontally)

I suggest you make an observation and independently derive a general rule for spelling unstressed case endings of nouns in rows. Each row has its own card with the task, work in pairs.

Take a card with columns of words. Read the assignment. Decline nouns, put stress. Compare the endings in each case. Make a conclusion. (Perform the task in pairs)

Let's listen to the first group. (Slide 19)

What were the nouns? (Nouns of the first declension saying, moon, earth)

What needed to be done?

What did you notice? (The endings in the stressed and unstressed position are the same)(Slide 20)

How do we act if an unstressed vowel is at the root of a word? (Check with stress, select a test word)

What hypotheses did you have, assumptions about how you can check an unstressed vowel in the ending? (By the stressed case endings of the 1st declension, you can check unstressed ending nouns of the 1st declension)

What words can become helper words? (moon, earth)

Why can these words be helpful words for you? (They have percussive endings)

Make a conclusion about the spelling of the endings of nouns of the 1st declension. (Formulate a conclusion)(Slide 21)

Let's hear from the second group.

What were your words? (Nouns of the 2nd declension field, horse, window)(Slide 22)

What was the task? (Reject nouns, stress, compare endings)(Slide 23)

What did you notice? your conclusion. (The endings in the stressed and unstressed position are the same. Using the stressed case endings of the 2nd declension, you can check the unstressed ending of nouns of the 2nd declension)(Slide 24)

(Horse, window. Percussion endings.)

Let's hear the third group. What were your words? (Nouns of the 3rd declension joy, oven, steppe)(Slide 25)

Which task? (Reject nouns, stress, compare endings)(Slide 26)

What did you notice? your conclusion. (The endings in the stressed and unstressed position are the same. Using the stressed case endings of the 3rd declension, you can check the unstressed ending of nouns of the 3rd declension)(Slide 27)

What words can become helper words? Why? (Oven, steppe, because stressed case endings)

The groups worked with different material but what is the general conclusion? (Stressed and unstressed endings of nouns in the same declension and case are spelled the same)

Formulate a general rule for spelling unstressed case endings of nouns. (Unstressed vowels in the endings of nouns must be checked with stressed ones in the same declension)(Slide 28)

Let's check the rule in the textbook, page 20. (All right)

Are there any other hypotheses, assumptions?

What do we do if there is an unstressed vowel in the prefix? (We select a word with a shock prefix or remember prefixes)

Is it possible to remember the case endings of nouns? (Yes you can)

Consider the table of endings. (Slide 29) In large bold letters in the table, endings are highlighted that you need to pay special attention to. In other endings, errors are much less common. You will perform the first few exercises, constantly looking at the plate, and then the need for this will disappear. The most insidious cases are genitive, dative and prepositional.

How is it easier to remember the endings in these cases? (In the 2nd declension there can only be an ending E. In the 3rd declension there can only be an ending I. In R.p. there can only be an ending I)(Slide 30)

Try to determine on your own how to act in order to check the unstressed ending of a noun with a stressed ending in the same declension. Restore the algorithm. If the task is difficult for you, use words for reference. (Discuss in pairs, complete the task on the card)(Slide 31)

Tell us according to the scheme how to proceed in order to correctly write the ending of a noun. (Slides 32, 33)

Knowing the new rule, let's go back to the beginning of the lesson and correct the mistakes on the board. But first, let's try to apply this algorithm and insert the desired ending. (Slides 35, 36)

What vowel should be entered in place of the unstressed ending in the words “on the button accordion”, “in the bath”? Correct the mistakes on the board. (Slide 37)

How is spelling indicated graphically?

6. Development of skills - application of new knowledge

Physical education (Slide 38)

I will name nouns with prepositions with stressed and unstressed endings. If you hear a word with a stressed ending - squat, if with an unstressed ending - raise your hands up.

At the sister's, in the yard, to the grove, in the thicket, in the camp, from wool, near the pier, in the sky, from oil.

Let's complete the tasks.

Guess what we will learn by completing these tasks?

What knowledge is needed to solve this learning problem?

Do you like to write dictations? I do not propose to write you a dictation now. You will be teachers, which means you will check the dictation and correct mistakes.

Take a dictation card. You will work independently. Choose a card that corresponds to the level of assimilation of the material (the task of the required level is on the green card, the task of the advanced level is on the yellow card). (Slides 39, 40)

In the snowy kingdom 2, in a cloud 3, a snowflake 2 was born from a drop of water. The wind whirled her in the air 4 . After the first snowflake, flocks of white stars flew to the ground. Some descended on a branch of a birch, a siren, a spruce 1, an aspen. Others sat on the roofs of the hut, fluffy bedspreads 2 covered the tracks on the tracks 2 in the yard.

Read the text. What does the text say? How would you title the text?

Let's check which endings were chosen by students at the required level, and what mistakes were corrected by students at an advanced level. (Slide 41)

What skill did you develop while doing this exercise?

Have you succeeded? Why? List the reasons for success or failure.

How to find a way out of a situation of failure?

Perform parsing. (Slide 42)

What skill did you develop while doing this task?

7. Summary of the lesson

  • What was the issue? (Slide 43)
  • What answer, solution did we find?
  • Which (whose) version was confirmed?
  • Define the key words of the lesson. (Slide 44)
  • How do you rate your work?

8. Reflection

Continue saying. (Slide 45)

Today in class:

  • I found out...
  • I learned...
  • It was interesting to me...
  • It was hard for me...
  • I like it...

9. Homework

Homework to choose from (slide 46):

  • P.28, ex. 1. Map out the rule on page 20.
  • Mini-composition “Landscape from the window in winter”

Watch the winter pictures that we can see from the window. Maybe some of you will notice something in nature that no other artist has seen yet. Tell us what you can see from the window of the room, class. Maybe you will find or pick up words from fiction to describe the smoke from a chimney, an icicle, an ice slide.

Imagine that you are the ending of a noun. Tell about yourself. Write down your story.

Thank you for the lesson! You are great! (Slide 47)

Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns

In this lesson, we will learn how not to make a mistake in the spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns.

Let's turn to the text:

Consider words with highlighted endings. All of them answer the question "who?" "what?" and are nouns. The vowel at their end denotes a sound in an unstressed position. The forms of nouns are different, which tells us that they belong to different declensions. In order not to make a mistake which letter to write in an unstressed position at the end of these nouns, you need to choose a noun in the same declension, but with a stressed ending.

There are universal helper words for each of the declensions.

For the first declension: nouns moon, earth.

For the second declension: nouns horse, window.

For the third: nouns oven, steppe.

Using these helper words, we determine the correct spelling of the highlighted endings for words from our text.

For example, take the word (in) the circus.

1. Let's determine its declination. To do this, we put the word in the initial form (I.p., singular): what? circus. It is a noun of the 2nd declension.

2. Take the assistant word of the same declension - horse. We put it in the same form: about whom? - about a horse. The stress falls on the ending where the vowel - e is clearly heard.

3. Therefore, in the word (in) the circus we write the same ending as the helper word - e.

We use this approach to determine the correct spelling of unstressed endings for nouns of other declensions from the above text.

The nouns of the first declension include the words: monkey, acrobats.

To nouns of the second declension the word: (in) number.

The nouns of the third declension include the words: (in) the role, (on) the horse.

We will select the helper words corresponding to them, put them in the same form and, by their stressed ending, determine the unstressed we need.

Summing up the lesson, remember that the spelling of unstressed vowels in the endings of nouns can be difficult. In this case, unstressed vowels in the endings of nouns are checked using the stressed endings of helper words.

List of used literature:

  1. Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. – M.: BALASS, 2012.
  2. N.D. Kucherenko. Russian language tests. – M.: List, 1998.
  3. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. - M.: LLC "ITI Technologies", 2003.
  4. Russian language. Textbook for the 4th grade in 2 parts / Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. - M.: BALASS, 2012. Russian language: To the secrets of our language: A textbook for grade 4 general education. institutions. In 2 parts / Soloveichik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. - Smolensk: "A
  5. Russian language lessons in grade 5: A book for the teacher: From work experience. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.
  6. Khalikova N.V., Ledeneva V.V. Control and verification work In Russian. – M.: Bustard, 2001.

Table 1 - Case endings of nouns in the singular

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-and I

wives a, earth I am

, -o, -e

horse, sat O, floor e

night, horse

R. p.-s, -and

wives s, earth and

-and I

con I am, sat down a, floor I am


night and, horse and

D. p.-e

wives e, earth e

-u, -u

con Yu, sat down at, floor Yu


night and, horse and

V. p.-u, -u

wives at, earth Yu

,-a, -i, -o, -e

con I am, sat down O, floor e

night, horse

T. p.-oh (-oh), -ee (-ee)

wives Oh, earth her

-om, -em

con eat, sat down ohm, floor eat


night ew, horse ew

P. p. -e

wives e, earth e

-e, -and

con e, sat down e, floor e


night and, horse and

In case endings of the singular it is written:

  1. letter e : in the dative and prepositional cases of nouns of the 1st declension and in the prepositional case of the 2nd declension (except for words in -and I , -th , -s ), For example: to factories e, at factories e, to earth e, about the battery e, to become e; to factory e, on the machine e; oh mor e; all L e;
  2. letter and :
    • in the genitive case of nouns of the I declension, for example: at the factories and, near the ground and, about the battery and, from become and;
    • in the prepositional case of nouns II declension on -s , -th , For example: in the lecture hall and, in a flurry and about worldview and ;
    • in the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of nouns I declension on -and I , 3rd declension nouns and neuter nouns -me , For example: from the collection and, to the collection and, in the collection and; from overcoats and, to overcoat and, in an overcoat and; at the banners and, to the banners and oh banners and.

It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of the prepositional case of neuter nouns in -s and -e , For example: be in contemplation and, be fully armed and (ending -and ); be in thought e, be on the coast e (ending -e ).

Case endings in surnames and names

In Russian surnames -in(-yn) and on -ov(s) in the instrumental singular is written th (as with adjectives), for example: with Vyacheslav Demin th, with Rostislav Sinitsyn th, with Kirill Kolosov th . In foreign surnames, the ending is written -ohm , For example: Darwin ohm, Chaplin ohm .

In the names of settlements on -in(-yn) , -ov(s) , -ino(-ino) , -ovo(-evo) in the instrumental case of the singular, the ending is written -ohm (as with nouns), for example: near the city of Kashin ohm, the village of Borodin ohm, the city of Dmitrov ohm .

Case endings of plural nouns

Table 2 - Case endings of plural nouns

CasesI declensionII declensionIII declension
I. p.-s, -and

wives s, earth and

a, -i, -s, -and

con and, villages a, floor I am


night and, horse and

R. p.

wives, lands

-ov, -ey,

con her, villages, floor her


night her, horse her

D. p.-am, -yam

wives am, earth pits

-am, -yam

con pits, villages am, floor pits

-am, -yam

night am, horse pits

V. p.-s, -and,

wives, earth and

-a, -i, -s, -i, her, -ov

con her, villages a, floor I am

-i, -ee

night and, horse her

T. p.-ami, -ami

wives ami, earth yami

-ami, -ami

con yami, villages ami, floor yami

-ami, -ami

night ami, horse yami

P. p.-ah, -ah

wives Oh, earth I

-ah, -ah

con I, villages Oh, floor I

-ah, -ah

night Oh, horse I

  1. In the genitive plural after hissing letter b not written, for example: solution tasks, repair dwellings.
  2. In the genitive plural of nouns in -ya and -e written in an unstressed position -th , under stress - -her , For example: liar uy(liar), think uy(meditation), but stat her(article), scam her(bench). Exceptions: rouge her(gun), dress ev(dress), mouth ev(mouth), upper ev(upper), lower ev(downstream).
    The nouns on -and I , -s in the genitive case is always written -th , For example: lin uy(line), building uy(building).
  3. If in the genitive plural nouns end in -en , then soft sign not written, for example: songs, cherries ( cf. apple trees, kitchens). After -en in the genitive case the letter b written in words villages b, ladies b .

< Simonova I.A., teacher primary school

MBOU "School No. 112" Samara>

Topic: "Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns 1,2, and 3 declensions"

Grade: Grade 4

Level: Intermediate

Lesson type: explanation of new material

Type of lesson: introduction to the topic

Purpose: to form the ability to distinguish and check unstressed endings of nouns of the same declension, to teach students to solve spelling problems in the endings of nouns.

Tasks: 1. Practice the ability to recognize the type of declension, case of nouns. Systematize the essential features of a noun as a part of speech

2. Create conditions for development logical thinking, memory, attention through the organization of differentiated and group work in the lesson, the use of feedback tools, learning to choose a rational way to solve learning problems, through a change in activities.

3. Develop children's speech

4. To form an emotional attitude to the study of the native language through a game plot.

5. To cultivate a sense of mutual assistance, sympathy for other people's mistakes, responsibility for the task assigned.

Used methods and techniques: work in pairs, frontal, drawing up an algorithm.

Equipment: envelopes with tasks for differentiated work (according to the number of children), a sample sentence record for a minute of calligraphy, a memo “How to recognize letters in unstressed case endings of nouns”.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment

I am glad to see your faces again, your eyes. And I think that today's lesson will bring us all the joy of communicating with each other. Good luck to you and good luck!

2. Reporting the topic, setting the goals of the lesson.

Today in the lesson, I invite you to imagine yourself in the role of a researcher.

3. A minute of calligraphy

And we will start with the correction of our handwriting. Today we will remember the ways of connecting letters in the combination "oro".

(The teacher shows on the board the spelling of the combination of the letters "oro" with the lower and upper connection)

Read the sentence, pay attention to the connection of letters:

One hundred forty and one hundred forty will be two hundred and forty.

Is this statement true? (children's answers)

Put emphasis.

Why didn’t they immediately guess what it was about, and read it incorrectly? (Because without stress it was not clear what the word "forty" means; words have different meaning are read differently but spelled the same)

Beautifully write down the whole proposal in a notebook. (Children write)

Don't forget to check yourself.

4. Repetition of theoretical information about the noun. Annex 1


2 .What is called inclination?


a) apple, lemon, tomato

b) plum, uncle, cherry.

a) window, car, comrade

b) winter, spring, Saturday

a) bullfinch, day, stump

b) carrots, oven, steppe

The check is done on a computer.

5. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Preparatory work(helps students master the signs of test words and collect the right examples)

Sort the words from the "Help Desk" into columns according to the declension. Highlight the endings in them and show where possible that they are percussive.

Furnace, earth, window, wall, table, steppe, fire, hand, sleeve.

2.Creating a situation leading to the formulation of a learning task

On the desk:

Arm, shoulder, chest, barrel, sky, wool

Read the task carefully and do the work “step by step”.

Specify the declension to which the word belongs.

Change these nouns according to cases.

Select endings. If you do not know what letter to write, put the sign “?”

Put emphasis.

Was it easy to determine which letter to write at the end of nouns? (children guess)

In which words did the ending cause no difficulties? Why? (Arm, shoulder, chest. In these words, the ending is stressed, we clearly hear the sound.)

In what words did doubt arise in the spelling of endings? Why? (Barrel, sky, wool. Unstressed endings, in place of an unstressed vowel when writing there is a danger of choosing the wrong letter)

What is the easiest way to make a mistake? (In the genitive, instrumental, dative and prepositional cases.)

Where else can an unstressed vowel be found? (Fundamentally)

How will you act? (choose a word that has the same root as in the one being checked, but the dangerous place has become safe)

That's right, having learned the letter in the test word, you need to write the same letter in the one being checked.

And how to check it at the end? Can we answer this question right now? Why? (No, we do not know the validation rule.)

Determine the purpose of our lesson. (Learn the rule for checking unstressed case endings for nouns.)

Let's use the already familiar method of action - I check an unstressed vowel with a shock - to solve the spelling problem not only at the root, but also at the end. To do this, we must act according to the algorithm:

Let's read the information that is given to us in exercise 204 p.88

Name the actions that should be performed in order to correctly solve spelling problems in unstressed endings of nouns. (-Beginning f. → genus → folding → check word).

On the board: Nach.f. Rod Skl. Prov.Wr. Graduation

1. Determine the type of declination.

2. Substitute the test word of the same declension in the same form in place of the one being checked.

3. Write the same letter at the end of the word as at the end of the test.

Conclusion: A test for an unstressed ending of a noun will be a word of the same declension, in the same case as the one being checked, but with a stressed ending.

How will we proceed to solve the spelling problem at the end of nouns?

3.Working with the tutorial:

T.t. 206 p.51-write out auxiliary words

4. Work on the application of the algorithm for solving spelling problems in unstressed case endings of nouns

T.t.208 p.52

Check word

On the part…

In a notebook...

To the album...

From cups...

On a plate...

On the tablecloth...

5.. Exercise in checking unstressed case endings of nouns.

Game task: Find the endings of some words in sayings. (work in pairs) Appendix 2.

How to act correctly so as not to make a mistake in writing an unstressed case ending of nouns?

For whom was it easy to complete this task, and for whom it was difficult?

Well done! You are very attentive.

6. Differentiated work. Appendix 3

Well, we rested and with fresh forces we continue to work. Let's split into groups. You'll get individual tasks.

1 group

2 group

3rd group

4 group

"Game" Typesetters "

(1 E, 2 I, 3 E, 4 E, 5 I, 6 I, 7 I, 8 I, 9 I, 10 E, 11 E)

7. Summing up the lesson Reflection

Who is not afraid of unstressed vowels in the case endings of nouns?

Who has learned to solve a spelling problem in unstressed case endings of nouns?

How will you act if the noun has an unstressed ending? How to recognize letters in unstressed case endings of nouns?

Whose work in the classroom deserves high marks? Who needs to be more active?

8. Homework

Ex. 209, similar to exercise 208, learn the algorithm.

List of used literature.

Uzorova O.V., Nefyodova E.A., 3000 examples in the Russian language. M: AST, 2010

Kasatkina N.A. Entertaining materials for the lessons of teaching literacy and the Russian language in elementary school. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2003.

Zubareva L.V., Correction of writing in the classroom. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007.

Annex 1.

1. What part of speech is called a noun?

a) A noun is a part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions who? what?;

b) A noun is a part of a word that denotes an object.

2 .What is called inclination?

a) Change of nouns by cases;

b) Changing nouns by gender?

3. How to determine the declension of a noun in the nominative singular?

a) with the help of gender and ending.

b) with the help of a check word

4. What group of words belongs to the 1st declension?

a) apple, lemon, tomato

b) plum, uncle, cherry.

5. What group of words belongs to the 2nd declension?

a) window, car, comrade

b) winter, spring, Saturday

6. What group of words belongs to the 3rd declension?

a) bullfinch, day, stump

b) carrots, oven, steppe

Appendix 2

(pair work)

Collect by berries_ - you will pick up a box. Without a primer and grammar, one does not learn mathematics either. Drop by drop_ and the stone wears away. Primer - to wisdom_ step.

Appendix 3

1 group

1. Read and mark the spelling

It snowed in the morning. Fluffy snowflakes swirled in the air. They covered the earth with a white blanket. The river was covered with thin ice. She fell silent and fell asleep, as in a fairy tale.

2. Write down the sentences, leaving "windows" in place of spellings of vowels and consonants weak positions.

3. Look at the letters you need and use a pen of a different color to insert them into the “windows”

2 group

1. Correct the mistakes, write down the word combinations correctly.

Red tomato, new towels, fallen rake, tasty vermicelli, gray mouse, new shoes, my name, lots of coats.

2. Disassemble one of the nouns as a part of speech.

3rd group

1. Complete the sentences with suitable nouns to make a coherent story. Title.

My brother rode me and my mother on ___________ along a quiet river. Brother deftly worked ______. White __________, yellow _________ quietly swayed on the water. The banks of the river are buried in __________. Good summer on the river!

4 group

"Game" Typesetters "

1) Word combinations with missing endings are written on the board. Solve the spelling problem, determine which vowel is missing. Write this vowel under the corresponding number.

On the siren_ branch, to the theater_ to the performance, from the life of girls_, from the pier_ to the villages_, near the beds_, along the path_ to the dachas_.