Lesson in the senior speech therapy group “Migratory birds. Abstract of the frontal speech therapy lesson - "Migratory birds

CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW NONS: rook, starling, swallow, swift, cuckoo, crane, geese, swans, lark, thrush, nest, birdhouse, male, female, chicks, eggs, singer, insects, larvae, plumage, flock, countries, legs , neck, wing, eyes, tail, beak, head, stork, heron.

VERBS: fly, fly away, arrive, return, build, clean, lay, twist, take out, incubate, feed, grow up, get stronger, squeak, sing, coo, leave, say goodbye, gather, eat, peck, destroy, twist, pinch, glue, stick.

ADJECTIVES: big, small, singing, black, warm (edges), white, striped, caring, troublesome, spring, strangers, fluffy, voiced, field, distant, beautiful, long-legged, waterfowl, agile, vociferous.

Migratory birds are birds that fly from us in autumn to warmer climes.
These birds are insectivorous (they eat insects), feed on insects.

In autumn, insects hide, birds have nothing to eat, so they fly away.

Ducks, geese and swans fly away in a string - with a rope.

Swallows and starlings fly away in a flock.

Cranes fly away in a wedge - an angle.

And the cuckoos fly away one by one.
In the spring migratory birds come back to us.

Birds have a head with a beak, a body with two wings, two legs with claws, a tail and plumage.

Magpie, crow, titmouse, swallow (swallow is a migratory bird, the rest are wintering).
Lark, sparrow, rook, starling.
Crow, duck, dove, sparrow.
Rook, tit, swallow, cuckoo.
Magpie, sparrow, woodpecker, swift.
Dove, swan, heron, crane.

Beetle, butterfly, chick, mosquito
(chick is a bird, other insects).

Cranes - cranes.
Rooks - rooks.
Geese are goslings.
Starlings - starlings.
Ducks - ... .
Cuckoos - ... .
Swifts - ... .

Whose beak?
The crane has a crane.
The goose has a goose.
The duck has...
The cuckoo has...
At the rook - ....

Cuckoo - cuckoo.
Crane - cranes.
Starling - starlings.
Nightingale - nightingales.
Lark - larks.
Swan - swans.
Rook - rooks.
Duck - ducks.
Swallow - swallows.
Rook - rook.
Stork - storks.
Gosling - goslings.

Wintering or migratory bird?
Why are they called that?
Appearance (tail, head, wings, torso, beak, feathers, colors ...)
What does it eat?
Where he lives - a hollow, a birdhouse, a nest ...

The rook is a black bird with a white beak. The rook has a head, body, wings, tail, paws. The whole body of the bird is covered with feathers. In the spring, rooks arrive from warm countries, build nests and hatch chicks - rooks. Rooks feed on insects, worms and plant seeds. In autumn, when it gets cold, rooks gather in flocks and fly to warmer countries until spring. Rooks help people, they destroy insects and caterpillars - pests of fields and gardens.

The grass is green, the sun is shining
A swallow with spring in the canopy flies to us.
With her, the sun is more beautiful and spring is sweeter ...
Chirp from the road hello to us soon.
I will give you grains, and you sing a song,
What did you bring with you from distant countries?
(A. Pleshcheev)

There is a palace on a pole, a singer in the palace, and his name is ... (starling).

The nightingale is a nightingale.
Crane - crane.
Swan - swan ... .

The cuckoo has a cuckoo, a cuckoo.
The crane has a crane cub, cubs.
The starling has a starling, a starling.
The swan has a swan, swans.
The rook has a rook, a rook.
A duck has a duckling, ducklings.
The stork has storks, storks.
The goose has a gosling, goslings.

In the field I saw ... (long-legged crane). I watched for a long time ... (long-legged crane). I really liked this beautiful and slender ... (long-legged crane). I wanted to approach ... (long-legged crane). But he got scared and flew away. He flew beautifully, spreading his wings, and circling in the sky ... (long-legged crane). I told my mother about ... (long-legged crane). Mom said that you can’t approach and scare ... (a long-legged crane). I promised my mother not to approach ... (long-legged crane) anymore. Now I will only watch from afar ... (long-legged crane).

Rook flew out... nests. The rook has arrived... a nest. The rook flew up... to the nest. The rook is circling ... in a nest. The rook sat down... on a branch. Rook walks ... arable land.


The rooks have arrived.
The rooks arrive first. There is still snow all around, and they are already here. The rooks will rest and begin to build nests. Rooks make their nests on top of a tall tree. Rooks hatch their chicks earlier than other birds.

Which birds arrive first in spring?
What do the rooks immediately start doing?
Where do they build their nests?
When do they hatch chicks?

Harbingers of spring.
The cold winter has passed. Spring is coming. The sun rises higher. It heats up more. The rooks have arrived. The children saw them and shouted: “The rooks have arrived! The Rooks Have Arrived!"

What was the winter like?
What comes after winter?
How warm is the sun in spring?
Who arrived?
Who did the children see?
What did they scream?

Sasha decided to make a birdhouse. He took boards, a saw, sawed planks. From them he made a birdhouse. The birdhouse was hung on a tree. May the starlings have a good home.

There is a nest on the tree, and on the trees ... (nests).
On a branch of boughs, and on branches ... .
There is a chick in the nest, and in the nests - ....
There is a tree in the yard, and in the forest - ....

Without hands, without an ax
Hut built.

Appeared in a yellow coat
Farewell, two shells.

On the sixth palace
Singer in the yard
And his name is...

White-billed, black-eyed,
He importantly walks behind the plow,
Worms, finds bugs.
Faithful watchman, friend of the fields.
The first herald of warm days.

We even got up at night
Looking out the window into the garden
Well, when, well, when
Will our guests arrive?
And today we looked -
A starling sits on an alder tree.
Arrived, arrived
Finally arrived!


(senior group of compensating orientation)

Speech therapist Gorbenko N.V. MDOU CRR - Kindergarten No. 28 g.o. Zhukovsky

Target: development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech on this topic, the practical use of a simple common sentence and prepositional case constructions.


correctional and educational:

expansion of children's ideas about migratory birds, their appearance and lifestyle, activation of the vocabulary on the topic, the use of prepositions;


development of the ability to compose simple sentences, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech (the formation of plurals named after nouns in the name of the pad., consolidating the ability to agree on numerals with nouns, syllabic analysis of words, sound analysis words using the symbolism of vowel sounds, the practical use of the prepositions “in”, “on”, “from”, “to”, “from”, “for”, “from” in speech, the formation of the names of baby birds using the suffix -onok -, development of attention, memory, thinking, speech breathing, general and fine motor skills, coordination of words and movements;

correctional and educational:

fostering interest in environment and caring attitude towards it, the development of goodwill, a sense of mutual assistance.

Equipment: subject pictures on the topic, an audio recording of "Voices of Birds", a birdhouse, numbers 2 and 5, diagrams with symbols vowel sounds, a ball, the game "Collect a bird" according to the number of children.

Lesson progress:

1. Org. moment. (Creating a positive emotional background for the lesson). Children and a speech therapist stand on the carpet.Quiet music plays. The speech therapist together with the children read the poem and perform the movement in time with the words.

Mud, bad weather,(raise hands up, waving hands)

The poplar turned yellow.(tilts of the body to the left - to the right)

Suddenly a starling on a branch(hands to the side)

Sang the song.(torso turns left - right, arms to the sides)

The thread wobbles a little(hands up, imitation of a breath of wind)

The rain doesn't end(waving hands in front of you)

We have an old birdhouse with us (arms to the sides)

Goodbye until spring.(farewell hand movements)

Speech therapist: And now we will go to a magical clearing. Take a deep breath in through your mouth and exhale as you say Magic word“FUUUUH”, stretching the exhalation as long as possible (the exercise is repeated 3 times, the last time with closed eyes), we open our eyes. Guys, where are we? (An audio recording of "Voices of Birds" sounds).

Children: In the forest.

The children take their seats.

2. Talk about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guess who we met in the forest? Do you remember whose voices you heard?

Speech therapist: Yes, guys, today in the lesson we will talk about birds. What do birds do in autumn?

Children: In autumn, birds gather in flocks and fly south.

Speech therapist: That's right, guys. Back in October they begin to fly to warmer climes migratory birds. Cranes, geese, gulls stretched out in shoals, strings. If migratory birds fly low to the ground - to a frosty winter, and if high - to a warm one. Migratory thrushes feast on mountain ash: they peck at rowan berries, rest and fly further south. “And when the goose flies away, the snow falls” - this is how the people notice. But sparrows, crows, magpies, woodpeckers, tits remain to winter in our area. In autumn and winter, many of them fly closer to human habitation. Here you can get more food, and there is where to hide from the wind and frost. Guys, the breeze accidentally mixed up the photos of all the birds. Let's see which of these birds will stay with us for the winter, and which will fly away from us to the south. If the birds stay with us for the winter, what are they called?

Children: Wintering.

Speech therapist: Birds that fly south, what do we call them?

Children: Migratory.

Pictures with birds are laid out on the table in front of the children: a swallow, a starling, a magpie, a crow, a duck, a lark, a woodpecker, a crane, a swan, a cuckoo, an owl, a nightingale, a thrush, a stork, a heron. Children one by one go to the table and lay out into two groups of wintering and migratory birds. The speech therapist hangs pictures with migratory birds on the board.

Speech therapist: Who did you choose?

Children: "I chose a swallow", etc.

3. The game "Name the parts of the bird's body."

Speech therapist: Guys, look at the picture of birds, tell me what parts of the body they have. We answer with a full offer.

Birds have heads. Birds have two wings.

Birds have two legs. Birds have a tail.

Birds have beaks. Birds have necks. The body of birds is covered with feathers.

4. The game “How many birds flew away? "(numbers 2, 5)

Speech therapist: Look carefully at the numbers that are near the birds. It is necessary to answer “How many birds flew away? » Answer in a complete sentence.

Children: "2 swallows flew away, and then 5 more swallows."

Children: “2 swans flew away, and then 5 more swans,” etc.

5. One-to-many gamewith throwing the ball.

Children stand in a circle, the speech therapist calls the word-name of the bird in singular. them. pad., the child calls the word in plural. fall on them.

Cuckoo - cuckoos, crane - cranes,
starling - starlings, nightingale - nightingales,

lark - larks, swan - swans,

duck - ducks,
swallow - swallows,

thrush - thrushes, stork - storks,

heron - herons.

6.. The game “Who has who” with throwing the ball.

Speech therapist: Guys, now we have to name the bird's chick.
The cuckoo has a cuckoo

At the crane - a crane

The starling has a starling
The swan has a swan

A duck has a duckling

The stork has a stork

The thrush has a thrush

7. Riddles about migratory birds.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen and guess riddles about birds.

This is our old friend: He flies to us with warmth, Who is on the tree, on the bitch

He lives on the roof of the house - Having come a long way. The score is: "Ku-ku, ku-ku?"
Long-legged, long-nosed, Sculpts a house under the window (cuckoo)
Long necked, voiceless. From grass and clay.
He flies to hunt (swallow)
Follow the frogs to the swamp.

Stands on one leg, Wants to fly straight,

Looks intently into the water, Wants - hangs in the air,

Pokes his beak at random - Falls like a stone from heights.

Looking for frogs in the river. And in the fields sings, sings.

(heron) (lark)

8. Physical Minute.Finger gymnastics.

A flock of birds.

Sing along, sing along!

Ten birds - a flock!

This bird is a nightingale.

This bird is a sparrow.

This bird is an owl -

sleepy head.

This bird is a waxwing.

This bird is a corncrake

This bird is a starling

gray feather.

This is a finch, this is a swift,

This is a cheerful siskin

Well, this is an evil eagle ...

Birds, birds, go home!

(the fingers of both hands are clenched into fists. Having heard the names of the birds, the children pinch one finger at a time, first of the right, then of the left hand. They imitate flying birds on the last words)

9. The use of prepositional-case constructions.

Speech therapist: I will move the bird, and you will tell me where it is. We answer in full! Work with the prepositions "in", "on", "from", "for", "to", "from", "from". The speech therapist moves the starling near the birdhouse, the children use various prepositional case constructions.

Speech therapist: Where did the starling fly?

Children: "The starling flew into the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where did the starling fly from?

Children: "The starling flew out of the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where is the starling sitting?

Children: "The starling is sitting on the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where did the starling fly from?

Children: "The starling flew off the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Where did the starling hide?

Children: "The starling hid behind the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: Why did the starling fly off?

Children: "The starling flew away from the birdhouse."

Speech therapist: What did the starling fly up to?

Children: "The starling flew up to the birdhouse."

10. Sound-syllabic analysis of words using symbolic symbols.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's help migratory birds fly safely to warmer climes. To do this, you need to slap the name of the bird by syllables and select vowel sounds from the words-names of birds. Vowel sounds are marked on the board with symbols. For each bird, we must find the right scheme with you.

The speech therapist shows diagrams on the board and pronounces the names of birds with exaggerated pronunciation of vowel sounds. Children identify vowel sounds from the words-names of birds and find the desired scheme on the board.

Duck stork thrush cuckoo crane

11. The game "Collect the bird."

Speech therapist: Guys, and the last task for you. You will need from various geometric shapes assemble the bird (head torso

2 wings tail)

Independent work children.

12. Summing up the lesson.

Speech therapist: Guys, here you and I took our birds to warm lands.

What did we do in class today? What new have we learned? What tasks did you enjoy the most?

Valentina Ryadnina
"Migratory birds. Autumn". Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

MBDOU "Child Development Center Kindergarten "Bell"

6636160 p. Kozhevnikovo, Tomsk region, st. Oktyabrskaya 57 v. 8 (38244) 22634

Subject: « Migratory birds. Autumn»

Synopsis of a subgroup speech therapy lesson

on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure

using health-saving technologies

in senior group for children with ONR

-teacher- speech therapist.

Subject: « Migratory birds»

Target: The development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech in children on lexical topic « Migratory birds»


Correctional training:

Strengthen children's knowledge about birds of our region;

Develop children's understanding of the causes bird flights(migratory, wintering, nomadic);

To develop the ability of children to distinguish birds from other animals;

Develop the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives in gender, number, case;

Develop and enrich vocabulary children;

Formation of grammatically correct speech in children.

Correction - developing:

Develop articulatory, fine and general motor skills;

Develop visual and auditory attention and memory, thinking, creative imagination;

Develop the pace and rhythm of speech;

Correctional - educational:

Build a positive attitude towards participation lesson;

To form communication skills, interaction, feelings of goodwill;

Build a caring attitude birds; desire to help birds during a difficult time for them.

Strengthen the ability to respect all living things, to nature.

vocabulary work: migratory, wintering, nomadic, insectivorous, sedentary

Materials and equipment

1. Presentation, multimedia equipment.

2. Mirror.

3. Birds on strings.

4. Feathers different shapes, colors, sizes, scissors, cups of water;

5 Snowflake, sun and picture cards birds.

5. Bird toy

preliminary work:

Reading the book of L. N. Tolstoy "Smart Jackdaw", talks on illustrations birds our region and listening to Twitter birds of our region. Exploring the topic "Dwellings birds and animals» .

Planned results:

The child formed a long air jet.

Developed fine motor skills.

The child actively interacts with peers and adults.

The child is able to make his own decisions, based on his knowledge and skills in various types activities

The child develops a caring attitude towards birds; desire to help birds during a difficult time for them.

The child develops the ability to respect all living things, nature.

The child has formed distinctive features birds and animals

The child develops an understanding of the causes bird flights.

The child develops grammatically correct speech

Stages Goals Move activities activities for children

I. Organizing time "Circle of Joy"

Organize children for educational activities. - Good afternoon, dear children! I'm in a great mood today and I want it convey to all of you. And help me with this - this "magic bird".

- I invite you all to "circle of joy" tell each other good wishes, passing from hand to hand"magic bird".

I wish happiness and goodness to all children in the morning.

Who's to say what kind of bird it is? Children transmit a bird to each other and say good wishes

II. Painting conversation « Autumn»

(Slide 2) Guys, what season is shown in the picture?

Here comes autumn. What changes have taken place in nature?

Why is it not enough birds?

What birds you know?

Where do they fly birds in autumn?

What is the name of birds who flew south?

What do you know migratory birds?

-Autumn Children: (list the signs of autumn) .

Children: insects disappeared, and birds, which feed on insects, flew to warmer climes.

Children: (list the birds) .

Children: South.

Children: migratory birds.

Children: list...

III. Ш Articulation gymnastics (slide 3)

Look at these birds how different they are, and the size, and color, and even the shape of their beaks is different.

Here is the swallow: her beak is small, elongated. Let's smile at her and show her what a beak she has.

But the duck and the swan have a wide beak and look like a shoulder blade.

Now let's look at the stork and the crane, what kind of beak do they have?

And the wings different birds: large birds and the wings are large and the wingspan wide. (Let's show with our tongue, all the birds)

Children do the exercise in front of the mirror

"Smile - Tube" (repeat exercise 3 times)

An exercise "Shovel"

(repeat 3 times)- long sharp, like a needle. Needle" (repeat exercise 3 times)

An exercise "Swing" (repeat exercise 5 times)

An exercise "Watch" (repeat exercise 5 times)

IV. Breathing exercises

(slide 4)

You and I know why we gathered birds in this meadow.

Let's see how they learned to fly (children take birds on strings) . In order for your bird to fly, you need to blow on it, but you need to do it correctly, inhale the air with your nose, do not raise your shoulders, exhale easily with your mouth and do not puff out your cheeks. Children doing breathing exercises

V. face self-massage

(slide 5) Rubbing and warming up the hands, Rubbing the palms, clapping.

And gently wash our face with our warmth. Run your palms over your face from top to bottom.

Rakes rake up all bad thoughts. Rake finger movements

mid forehead to temples

We rub our ears up and down quickly. Rub the auricles along the bottom edge

up and vice versa

We bend them forward, bending the auricles forward.

Pull down by the lobes, Pull the ears down by the lobes.

And then we leave with our fingers on the cheeks, Fingers run across the cheeks.

We knead our cheeks to smile, we knead our lips to smile

Like ducklings to a duck, pull the beaks, Pulling both lips forward.

Let's knead them gently, without touching the nails, Thumbs and forefingers

stretch both lips.

We raise our cheeks with the corners of our lips, The middle fingers are in the corners of the mouth and along

turns to raise the right, then the left corner of the mouth

And then we run from the nose to the lips. Spiral movements of the middle fingers

hands from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth along the nasolabial folds

We chew lips, Biting the upper teeth of the lower lip and vice versa.

Inflate the balloons, Inflate the cheeks and pat on them so that the lips hold air.

And lips to the right - to the left we will dance. index fingers fit on the lips // to each other and move towards or apart from each other.

The tongue lies under the lip, the fist knocks on the lip. Cam to knock on the upper lip, then on the lower lip, tongue move under the lips up and down.

We pull the chin and pinch it,

And then we run down the neck with our hands. Stroking the neck with the whole palm from the lower jaw to the collarbones; the middle of the neck passes between the thumbs and the rest of the fingers

VI. Entry into the topic

(slide 6, 7,8)- With the onset of cold weather bird migration begins in autumn, this is how it is written in the poem by E. Blaginina:

Soon white blizzards

Snow will rise from the ground.

Fly away, fly away, fly away the cranes.

Do not hear the cuckoo in the grove,

And the birdhouse was empty

The stork flaps its wings -

Fly away, fly away.

The leaf sways patterned,

In a blue puddle on the water.

Black rooks walk with rooks

In the garden, in the ridge.

Showered, turned yellow

The sun's rare rays

Fly away, flew away, flew away and rooks.

Guys, what birds this poem?

The swift-winged are the first to fly away from us birds. These are swifts, swallows, starlings, larks.

They leave at the end of August.

Why do they leave so early, do you think?

Yes, these birds eat insects they are called insectivores.

And now you have a task, find insectivores birds? (slide 8) Children: about migratory.

Many insects disappear

Swallow, warbler, starling, lark, flycatcher.

VII. Message topic and purpose lessons. So what are we talking about today?

And about what birds we will talk?

O birds

O migratory

VIII. Motivation to cognitive activity (slide 9) And what bird different from an animal? - feathers birds, and the animal has wool.

beak birds, and the animal has a mouth with teeth

At birds 2 paws, while the animal has 4

At birds have wings and almost all of them fly, but animals don't and they don't fly

IX. Formation of possessive adjectives

(slide 10)

rose birds high, high in the sky! (slide "Sky Hide and Seek") Let's take the binoculars and examine them carefully (finger exercise "Binoculars")

Try to guess who is hiding behind the clouds?

Whose tail is visible behind the blue cloud?

Which bird hid behind a pink cloud?

Whose beak do you see?

Whose wing do you see behind the blue cloud?

Now tell me which of them are insectivorous?

Well done! Let's wave birds, goodbye birds! Until spring!

Children pretend to be binoculars and look at the clouds on slide 10.

It's a swallow's tail

This is a stork's beak - a stork's beak

Crane Wing - Crane Wing

Insectivorous swallow

X. Discovery of the new

(Slide 11, 12) In gold autumn the days gathered for the departure of the cranes. They circled over their native swamp, gathered in schools, stretched to distant warm countries. ahead the strongest flies - the leader. They all fly out later wild geese and ducks when rivers and lakes freeze. These birds are called waterfowl.

And again, you have a task, find waterfowl birds(slide 12)

Flocks fly high birds, from the sky we hear their farewell clicks. Like they shout: "Goodbye, see you in the spring!"

Goose, duck, swan, pelican

XI. Development of attention

(slide 12) A game "Arrived birds» ,

(If it is not birds - clap your hands)

Arrived birds:

Pigeons, tits,

Flies and swifts…

What is wrong?

caregiver: And who are the flies?

You're right. Well, let's continue.

Arrived birds:

storks, crows,

Jackdaws, pasta.

Arrived birds:

Pigeons, martens.

And who are the martens?

Arrived birds:

Pigeons, tits,

Chibis, siskins,

Check marks, swifts,

Storks, cuckoos...

Even scoops are splyushki ...

what? Not buns, but scoops - splyushki (This birds)

Children clap.

Children: flies.

Children: insects

Children clap.

Children clap.


Children clap.

XII. Fizminutka

(Slide 14) Bird exercise Children perform

XIII. Opening a new

(Slide 14) Do you know how they fly? birds. When do they fly to warmer climes?

-Look here: cranes fly wedge- ahead the leader is the strongest crane.

Ducks, geese and swans fly in a row.

Swallows, rooks, starlings fly in a flock.

XIV. Experiment Development of speech breathing, attention

(slide 16-17)

Guys, before you have feathers on the tables, examine them carefully.

How are feathers different?

Each pen has a nib, guess where the pen's nib is? Show it. And the feather has beards. Find beards. Show them. Notice how the barbs are attached to the shaft. Put the feathers on the table.

What will happen if the wind blows now? Take 1 feather and blow on it.

If the feather core is cut, then we will see that it is empty inside, so the feathers are very light.

Dip the feather in a glass of water, is the feather wet, has the feather changed?

Feathers protect bird from water and dampness.

Consider why you need big feathers for birds?

Why do they need small feathers?

Now consider the coloring of the feathers. What can you say?

You can often find very beautiful birds. (slide 17)

Most birds Only the males are brightly colored.

They use their coloration to attract females. The females of the same birds have most often a solid color, which helps them hide from enemies when they hatch eggs.

Look how beautiful they are birds. Children: color, size, shape.

Children show

Children blow on feathers

Children: feathers fly, they are light.

Children dip a pen into a glass and look.

Children: no, the water rolled down in droplets.

Children: to fly.

Children: for warmth.

Children: feathers are different in color.

They decorate birds.

XV. Fizminutka. A game « birder»

(slide 18) Players choose their own names birds whose cry they can imitate. Stand in a circle, in the center of which - birder blindfolded. The birds are walking circling around birder and pronounce:

In the forest, in the woods

On a green oak

The birds are singing merrily.

Ouch! The birder is coming!

birder clapping his hands, the players stop on the spot, and the driver starts looking birds. The one he found mimics the cry birds which he chose. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the player.

The player becomes bird-catcher.

Rules of the game: Players should not hide behind objects on the way. Players are required to stop on the spot exactly on the signal.

Children have fun playing

XVI. Formation of adjectives

(Slide 19)- Not all birds fly away, there are those who stay with us for the winter.

What are their names?

What kind of winterers do you know birds?

I suggest you play the game "Where do they winter birds

Before you cards, on which a snowflake is depicted on the left, and the sun on the right. Your task is to lay out the wintering ones from the proposed small cards on the left side birds - to the snowflake and where is the sun migratory.

Children: wintering, settled.

Children: (list the wintering birds of our region) .

Children lay out cards

XVII. environmental education

(slide 20) And why do they say that winter is a difficult time for birds?

How can you take care of them in winter?

What can be used as feed for birds in winter?

Indeed, winter is a difficult time for birds, especially if it is frosty and snowy. Can not found food for birds under the snow. hungry bird suffers greatly from the cold. Winter days are short, and in order to survive, not to freeze, you need to eat much more food than in summer.

Need to support birds, make feeders for them and do not forget to bring food into them. This is a very useful thing.

Some guys with their parents and you and I also made feeders.

And I suggest that you and your parents make feeders for birds and we'll hang them on the trees in front of your windows, and you promise that every day you will take out food and observe what birds fly to your feeders - The birds are cold, hungry

Bread, grain, lard, seeds

Yes, we will talk with dad to make a feeder with him for birds.

XIV Reflection

(slide 21)- What do you remember migratory birds?

How birds different from other animals?

For what birds need big feathers? What about small ones?

Thanks, you did a great job today.

Children: …

Children: …

Children: …

XV farewell ritual

"Sunshine" And now let's all stand in a circle, stretch out our hands to the center of the circle, join them, stand quietly with your eyes closed and feel like a warm sunbeam that will warm our wintering birds in winter.

The children stood in a circle, closed their eyes and stood quietly.

Among the tasks facing the system of preschool education, it occupies an important place. One of the main indicators of a child's readiness for successful learning is correct, well-developed speech.

Good speech - essential condition comprehensive development of children. The richer and more correct speech child, the easier it is for the child to express his thoughts, the wider his ability to cognize the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and full the relationship with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development is carried out.

Psychological and pedagogical research in correctional pedagogy shows that at present there is a steady trend towards an increase in the number of children with complex speech development disorders.

AT direct educational activities(GCD) tasks are selected in such a way as to develop the speech of children, acquaint them with the world around them, and develop all mental processes.

Summary of directly educational activities for children of the speech therapy group of senior preschool age on the topic: "Migratory birds"

Purpose: Clarify children's knowledge about spring and arriving birds.

Educational objectives: To clarify and expand children's ideas about spring, about the signs of spring and about which birds are migratory; continue to teach children to form diminutive - affectionate nouns; learn to understand the figurative meaning of riddles; continue to teach clearly and in full sentences to answer questions (cognition, communication).

Developmental tasks: Develop coherent speech of children, enrich their vocabulary; interest in the life of birds; higher mental functions ( logical thinking, speech, memory, imagination, fine motor skills, auditory and visual attention, memory (music, communication, Physical Culture).

Educational tasks: To cultivate love for the native culture, traditions; kind, caring attitude towards feathered friends, continue to acquaint children with works of art (cognition, socialization, reading fiction).

Integration of educational areas: cognition, socialization, music, physical education, reading fiction.

Preliminary work:

Conversations on the topics: “Migratory birds”, “Our feathered friends”, “Signs of spring”, etc.; looking at illustrations, reproductions of paintings on a spring theme; reading fiction S. Gorodetsky "How birds learned to build nests", T. Nuzhina "Swallow", "Sparrows", reading Russian folk songs, calls on the spring theme; guessing riddles about the seasons, birds, animals; listening to audio cassettes "Voices of Nature", "Sounds of the World"; didactic and outdoor games: "Owl - owl", "Wintering and migratory", "Sparrows", "When it happens", "Show without words", etc.

Carrying out GCD:

1. Motivation.

Children enter the hall and stand around the teacher.


It dawns early in the morning.
thawed patches here and there,
The stream roars like a waterfall
Starlings fly to birdhouses.
Droplets ring under the roofs
The bear with the spruce got out of bed.
The sun caresses everyone with warmth,
Who knows this time of year? (Spring)

2. Post subject:

Teacher: After cold winter Spring has come to us again.

Today we have gathered here to meet Spring - Krasna, to wait for the first birds to visit. Let's imagine that we are in a spring forest. In the spring, everything in the forest comes to life, wakes up and is filled with thousands of different sounds.

Quiet fell to the ground: ″Au!″
On the unknown bitch shuddered: ″Ku-ku!″
There was a knock on the trunks: ″Knock-knock!″
The forest rises to meet us: ″Who is there?″

Let's sit down on chairs and listen to the sounds and voices of the spring forest.

3. Work on the topic:

When and where do the birds sing like that? (In the spring, when they arrive).

What mood did the birdsong evoke in you?

March 22 is the day when the larks begin to arrive. Previously, these birds were baked from the dough in houses and distributed to children. And children with larks ran out onto the hillocks and shouted:

Larks, come
Take away the cold winter
Bring a warm spring.
We are sick of winter
We ate all the bread.

Thus, the children called out, that is, they called the larks, and with them also Spring - Krasna. I suggest you also call spring.

What birds come in spring? (Starlings, rooks, swifts, swallows, larks, ducks, swans, redstarts.) As the children answer, the teacher puts pictures on the laptop (slides 4-13).

What is the name of these birds in one word? (migratory)

Who knows what names these birds have and how to distinguish them from others?

(A swallow has a black head, wings, back, and a white breast, a small beak, a tail like two pigtails.

The oriole has yellow plumage, and the wings and the tip of the tail are black.

The starling is all black, its beak is sharp, and its breast is white with a shiny speck. Etc.

Game "Name the birds affectionately."

Name the birds affectionately. What are they doing? When answering a question, change the word “flies”.

Starling - starling ... (flies out)

Nightingale - nightingale ... (flies away)

Cuckoo - cuckoo ... (arrives)

Crane - crane ... (flies up)

Rook - rook ... (flies in)

The structure of birds.

Guys, tell me what do all birds have in common?

(They have a head, neck, wings, beak, tail, 2 legs. Their body is covered with feathers).

Exercise "Say one word"

Guys, please stand in a circle. I will throw the ball to you, and you will return it to me with the answer.

The stork has long legs, what is it like? ... /long-legged/. The stork has a long beak, it is ... /long-beaked/. The swallow has a long tail, it is ... / long-tailed /. The swallow loves warmth, she ... / heat-loving /. The swallow has sharp wings, it is ... / sharp-winged /. The nightingale has a sonorous voice, he ... / sonorous / .etc.

Educator: - But how do they find their way to the south and back here? /we don't know/.

It turns out that some birds fly away at night, others during the day. But before the flight, they make test flights, eat more than usual, put on fat - there is nowhere for them to eat during the flight. In flight, they are guided by the stars, and if the sky is covered with clouds and the stars are not visible, then they are guided by the magnetic fluctuations of the Earth.

Have you noticed that some birds fly away in "flocks", all together; some, for example, cranes, line up in a “wedge” in the form of a triangle; others line up in a "chain", in one line. Probably, it depends on the habits of the birds: some birds need leaders who show the way (slides 14-16).

Didactic game "The fourth extra".

Children identify a bird that is "lost" (Slides 17-21).

Finger game "Birds"

Fingers - head, wings - palm. (Turn the palms towards you, the thumbs are straightened away from you and intertwined, as if clinging to each other, the thumbs are the head, the rest of the closed fingers are the wings. Wave wings, fly, etc.)

Educator: Indeed, in the spring the sun not only shines, but also warms. Migratory birds return and carry spring on their wings. Now we will check if you know these birds well. There is such a game - "Wintering and Migratory Birds", let's play it.

Game "Wintering and Migratory Birds"

Children put on hats of birds - migratory and wintering; in the middle of the hall are the Sun and the Snowflake. Birds run in all directions to the music, with the words:

The birds are flying
Grains are collected.
little birds,
Birds are small.

After these words, the music ends and "migratory" birds should gather near the Sun, and "wintering" near the snowflake.

Exercise "Continue the sentence, find the reason"

In the first autumn, birds that feed on insects fly south, because ... / insects hide and they have nothing to eat /. A woodpecker can be called a forest doctor, because ... / he takes out bugs and insects from under the bark /. The cuckoo does not hatch her chicks because ... / she does not build her own nest /. All people love to listen to the nightingale, because ... / he sings beautifully, pours out /. etc. In the spring, migratory birds fly back because ... /they need to breed chicks/.

Guys, why do you think birds are called man's friends?

(beneficial). Birds delight us with their chirping, people are happier, happier to live.

And what will happen if the birds suddenly do not return to us in the spring?

(An ecological disaster will occur. There will be no one to protect parks, gardens, forests from harmful insects. Insects will eat up all the vegetation, destroy all crops. There will be no one to spread the seeds of berries and plants on the ground. We will never hear their wonderful songs, etc.)

Thank you our faithful friends- birds! For the fact that you are returning to us, to your homeland.

Lesson analysis:

Guys, tell me, please, what did we talk about today in class?

What new migratory birds have you learned about?

What interesting things have we learned about the cuckoo?

How do they find their way to warmer climes and back to us?

Guys, I liked the way you worked in class: you listened carefully, thought, answered in full sentences. Well done!

Stage: Automation of sounds in words, in sentences, in coherent speech.



  • Teach children to solve riddles. Understand the poetic comparisons underlying the riddle.
  • Read words and sentences.
  • Learn to form related words.
  • Learn to match nouns with nouns.
  • Learn to form possessive adjectives.
  • Continue to learn to conduct sound-syllabic analysis of words.


  • Develop attention.
  • Develop logical thinking, establish causal relationships between events.
  • Develop fine motor skills.


  • To develop the ability to understand the educational problem and solve it independently.
  • Develop the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

Equipment: plastic " Blue bird”, subject pictures, reproduction of a painting by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”, cards-word schemes, a card with the word rookery, a ball, a card-plan for describing the bird.


  1. Org. moment.
  2. Examination homework. Riddles for children. Lesson topic.
  3. Migratory birds.
  4. A speech therapist reading the story “The Rooks Discovered Spring” by V. Bianchi from the “Forest Newspaper” against the backdrop of A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" without setting for memorization and retelling.
  5. Fizminutka.
  6. Re-reading by a speech therapist of the story "Rooks discovered spring" with the installation of memorization and retelling.
  7. Retelling along the chain according to the plan, clearly pronouncing the sounds “P” and “P”.
  8. Summary of the lesson.
  9. Homework.

Lesson progress

I. Org. moment.

Speech therapist: Hello guys! Please identify the 3rd sound in the word hello and the 1st sound in the word guys.

Students: In the word hello, the 3rd sound "R". In the word guys, the 1st sound is “R”.

Speech therapist: Today in the lesson we will solve riddles, fix the sounds “R” and “Ri”.

II. Solving riddles. Lesson topic.

1. But what else we will talk about, you will learn if you guess the riddles.

The 1st student makes a riddle, clearly pronouncing the sounds "R" and "R" (checking homework):

It dawns early in the morning
Thaw patches here and there.
The stream roars like a waterfall.
Starlings fly to the birdhouse.
Droplets ring under the roofs.
The bear from the spruce got up from the bed.
The sun warmly caresses everyone.
Who knows this time of year?

Students: This time of year is spring.

The 2nd student makes a riddle, clearly pronouncing the sounds “P” and “P” (checking homework):

Dreaming of a spider at night
Miracle Yudo on a bitch:
Long beak and two wings...
Arrives - bad things!
And who is the spider afraid of?
Guessed? This is …

Students: This is a bird.

Speech therapist: Today in class we will talk about spring and about birds.

2. A "blue bird of luck" flew to us. There is a belief that if you catch her, then you will be lucky in everything. Name the body parts of a bird.

Students: A bird has: head, body, tail, wings, eyes, beak, feathers, paws, claws.

Speech therapist: What is the name of a baby bird?

Student: A baby bird is called a chick.

3. The game "Big - small" with throwing the ball.

Head - head, eyes - eyes, beak - beak, feather - feather, tail - tail, wings - wings, paws - paws.

III. Migratory birds.

1. Conversation based on the questions of a speech therapist.

Speech therapist: What do birds do in spring? Do all birds return to us from warm lands in spring? What is the name of the birds that return to us from warm lands in spring? Name the migratory birds that you know (in a chain).

The speech therapist exposes pictures of birds that the students name (if any). Then the speech therapist adds a few more pictures, calling them, including "sparrow".

2. Game: "Who is extra?"

Speech therapist: Remove the extra picture and explain why you think it's superfluous?

Students: An extra sparrow, because it is not a migratory, but a wintering bird.

Speech therapist: That's right, well done! Now, please, choose pictures of birds that have the sound “R” or “Ri” in their names.

Pupils choose pictures that show: starling, wagtail, rook, lark.

Speech therapist: That's right, well done! So, they come to us in the spring. Let's show how they flew.

3. Exercise for fine motor skills of the hands: "Birds"

The birds flew away (“Birds” - palms facing you, thumbs crossed),
Wings waved (waving palms).
They sat on the trees (“Trees” - palms with fingers wide apart),
They rested together. ("Birds")

4. Speech therapist: Now the guys will make riddles for you, and you try to guess them, just listen to the end (checking homework):

The 3rd student makes a riddle, clearly pronouncing the sound “P”:

shouting "crack" -
worms are the enemy.

The 4th student makes a riddle, clearly pronouncing the sound “P”:

You will recognize him immediately:
white-beaked, black-eyed,
He importantly walks behind the plow,
finds worms, beetles.
Faithful guardian and friend of the fields,
the first herald of warm days.

Students: These riddles are about the rook.

Speech therapist: The riddle describes a rook. What is he?

Students: Rook white-billed, black-eyed.

Speech therapist: If we compare the size of a sparrow, a rook and a heron, what kind of rook?

Students: A rook is smaller than a heron, but larger than a sparrow.

5. Formation of possessive adjectives.

Speech therapist: Whose head does the rook have? tail? wing? feathers? beak?

Pupils (along the chain with throwing the ball): The rook has a rook's head. The rook has a rook tail. The rook has a rook's wing. The rook has rook feathers. The rook has a rook's beak.

Speech therapist: Please select the scheme of the word rook and explain why you chose it.

There are several sound schemes to choose from:

Students: The second scheme is suitable for the word rook, because this word has one syllable, four sounds: G is a solid voiced consonant, R is a hard voiced consonant, A is a vowel, H is a soft voiceless consonant.

Speech therapist: Correctly.

6. Formation of related words from the word rook:

  • Rook chick (chicks) - rook, rook
  • Their mother is a rook
  • Their nests are rooks
  • Cluster of nests - rookery (A card with the word rookery is put up)

7. Agreement of the numeral with the noun.

Speech therapist: Before you is a picture of A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived". Try to count how many rooks you see.

Students: One rook, two rooks, three rooks, four rooks, five rooks, six rooks, seven rooks, eight rooks, nine rooks, ten rooks. …

Speech therapist: Enough. In a word, let's say - a lot of rooks flew in.

IV. Reading by a speech therapist the story "Rooks opened spring"

against the background of the painting by A.K. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived" without setting for memorization and retelling.

Rooks are migratory birds, but they do not winter in hot countries, but not far from their native places, because they are not afraid of frost. Their dense plumage protects them from the cold. They fly in search of food.
And the rooks are the first to return from wintering, as soon as the snow begins to melt. With loud and joyful deafening cries of “gra-gra-gra”, the rooks inspect the old nests, repair them and build new ones, several nests on one tree.
They arrange their rookeries in parks, groves, squares, building up all the tops of the trees.
Rooks are the most friendly and sociable birds. Together they build nests, jointly protect their homes from enemies, whether it be a cat or a large predatory bird. The rooks with a whole flock with loud cries fly at the enemy, peck and pinch him until they put him on a shameful flight.
Rooks are smart and understanding, they imitate different sounds, the singing of other birds, the voices of some animals well.
They are very useful to humans, as they destroy plant pests in fields and gardens, in forests and gardens.
Rooks eat beetles, larvae, exterminate field mice.

Content conversation.

  • Where do rooks winter?
  • Which birds return first in spring?
  • When do the rooks return?
  • How do rooks build nests?
  • How do rooks arrange their rookers?
  • How do rooks protect their homes?
  • What do rooks eat?
  • What are the benefits of rooks?

V. Physical minutes.

Hands raised and waved
These are the trees in the forest.
Elbows bent, brushes shaken -
The wind knocks down the dew.
Let's gently wave our hands -
The birds are flying towards us.
How they sit down - we'll show
Wings folded back.

VI. Re-reading by a speech therapist of the story "Rooks discovered spring" with the installation of memorization and retelling.

VII. Retelling along the chain according to the plan, clearly pronouncing the sounds “P” and “P”.

  • How do rooks winter?
  • Where and how are houses built?
  • How do rooks behave in a rookery?
  • What do rooks eat?
  • What are the benefits of rooks?

VIII. Summary of the lesson.

IX. Homework.

Retell the story “Rooks opened spring” to parents, clearly pronouncing the sounds “P” and “P”.


  1. V.V. Konovalenko, S.V. Konovalenko The development of coherent speech. Frontal speech therapy classes on the lexical-semantic theme "Spring" in the group preparatory to school. M., 2003.