A story about one of the Russian cosmonauts. Prepare a story about one of the Russian cosmonauts

Retelling of a Russian folk tale

"Bubble, straw and bast shoes".

(middle group)

Integration of the content of educational areas:

The development of speech, artistic and aesthetic.

Preliminary work:

Examination of bast shoes, ears of corn, straw, soap bubbles;

Blowing soap bubbles by children in order to develop a long exhalation.

Program content:

Learning tasks:

Teaching children to retell short story, expressively conveying the dialogues of the characters;

Learn to use exact names for naming baby animals;

Learn to use the imperative mood of verbs.

Development tasks:

Develop coherent speech of children;

Educational tasks:

Cultivate a culture of behavior, the ability to use polite words.

Materials and equipment:

Soap bubble package.

GCD progress.


Look, we received a package, from whom could it be? Let's find out.

We open the package, take out soap bubbles and a note from Dunno: “Guys, I found this item on the street, but I don’t know what it is. Maybe you know what it is?


Well, guys, guess what it is? (children's answers).

That's right, bubbles, but what are they for? (Answers of children).

Do you know any fairy tales about bubbles? (Children remember the fairy tale "Bubble,

Straw and Lapot).


Let me read it to you again, and you listen carefully. Get comfortable, the fairy tale begins.

The teacher reads to the children the fairy tale "Bubble, straw and bast shoes"

Questions about the content of the story.

Who is this story about? (About Bubble, Straw and Bast Shoes.)

What did Lapot offer Bubble? (Sail it across the river.)

Why can you float on a bubble? (Because it is light and does not sink.)

What did Bubble say? (For the Straw to spread from shore to shore.)

But can a straw reach the other shore, what is it like? (It is long, reaches the other side.)

How did they cross to the other side, what did they come up with? (The bast shoe went along the Straw. The straw broke. Everyone fell into the water.)

Why did the straw break? (Because it is thin, and Lapot is heavy.)

Did the bubble do well? (No, laughing at others is impolite.)

What should Bubble do? (Help Solominka and Bast.)


Well done, guys, listened carefully to the tale and answered all questions well. Let's play with you the game "Inflate, bubble"


We rested a little. And now I will tell you the fairy tale “The Bubble, the Straw and the Bast Shoes” again, and then you yourself will tell it to me, and the reference pictures will help you with this.

The teacher tells the tale again and invites the children to retell it, and

one child starts, the second continues, and the third finishes - thus, the children

they carefully follow the stories of other children, are not distracted, and everyone can participate in the retelling. Assessing the retelling of a fairy tale by each child, it is necessary to pay attention to the consistent presentation of events, to the expressiveness of the transmission of the dialogues of the characters.


And now I suggest that we ourselves become the heroes of this fairy tale.

(Articulation gymnastics):

Bubble - inflate cheeks,

Straw - draw in the cheeks,

Bast shoes - fold your lips as if pronouncing "about


Well done, guys, listened carefully to the tale and answered all questions well. Look, I have bubbles and they want to play with you. I will blow them out now, and you will catch them.


Well done guys, all bubbles caught. And now I will tell you the tale “The Bubble, the Straw and the Lapot” again, and then you yourself will tell it to me.


Well done guys, very similar!

Guys, what is the end of this fairy tale? (Sad)

Let's think of a different ending.

Children, what should have been done so that the heroes got to the other side of the river?

(Children's answers: build a raft, boat, bridge, etc.)

Well done. For friendship to be strong, you always need to come to the aid of friends, do not

throw in trouble, support in difficult times.


And finally, I suggest playing with soap bubbles

Outline plan.

Communication (speech development)

TOPIC: "Bubble, Straw and Bast Shoes"

Educator: Kazakevich M.V.

Bubble, Straw and Bast Shoes

Once upon a time there was Bubble, Straw and Lapot; they went into the woods to cut wood, they reached the river and did not know: how to cross the river? Lapot says to Bubble:

  • Bubble, let's swim across you?
  • No, Lapot, it would be better if the Straw is stretched from shore to shore, and we will cross it.

The straw was drawn; The bast shoe went along it, and it broke. The bast shoe fell into the water, and the Bubble laughed, laughed ... Yes, and burst ...

Lesson objectives

Educational - to form in children the ability to listen carefully to the story of an adult, to follow the rules of a collective game; develop learning skills, the ability to answer questions from an adult, listen to the answers of other children, do not interrupt the speaker; instill in children a sense of camaraderie, a desire to come to the aid of friends.

Educational - improve general motor skills; expand vocabulary children; enter into active dictionary children antonyms (thin - thick, high - low, heavy - light, bold - cowardly); develop phonemic awareness in children; to teach children the ability to select the right word in meaning and finish the phrase started by an adult.

Educational - develop visual and auditory attention in children - the ability to listen to the speech of an adult, guess riddles, look for a way out of problem situations.

Materials and equipment:

Figures of characters from the fairy tale Bubble, Straw, Lapot (Appendix 1);

Scenery: forest, river (see insert).

Lesson progress

Educator: “We got up on the meadow, made a circle.”(Children stand in a circle with the teacher.)Invite the children to remember which Russian folk tales they know. Children take turns calling fairy tales and sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle near the table.

Educator: Today I will introduce you to new fairy tale, it is called “Bubble, Straw and Bast Shoes”, at the same time I exhibit scenery and figurines of characters.

Educator: Did you listen carefully? Then answer a few questions.

Who went to the forest to cut wood?

What did Lapot say to Bubble?

Did Bubble agree to take his friends to the other side?

Why do you think Bubble didn't want to do it?

What did Bubble suggest?

Solominka agreed? Why do you think she agreed?

Who was the first to go down the Solominka?

What happened to Solominka? Why did she break?

What did Bubbles do when his friends were in trouble?

What happened to Bubble when he laughed?

If your friends were in trouble, would you laugh at them?

What would you do?(children's answers)

How would you advise travelers to cross the river?(Swim across on Lapta or cut down a tree and make a bridge.)

Educator: I want to ask you some fabulous riddles.(Ask them to listen carefully, and recognizing the hero of the fairy tale, name and point to the corresponding figure.)

Replacement soap

They frothed vigorously.

How they blew - look:

They flew ... (bubbles).

You ask anyone: In the summer I grew up in a field

“What did they wear in Russia? » Carried the ear to the sun.

Galoshes were woven from the bark, and as soon as it turned yellow,

They put on their feet. She found something else.
(bast shoes) (straw)

Educator: Let's play the mobile game "Bubble" (Show how it inflates soap bubble. To do this, stand with the children in a circle and hold hands, and say the words):

Blow up the bubble

Blow up big

Don't crash.

At the same time, we move with our backs, diverging as wide as possible and forming a large circle. Then we stop and pronounce the sound [s] for a long time (the bubble is inflating). Then we converge to the center of the circle and pronounce the words:

The bubble burst

Oh oh oh,

But it was so big.Having approached the center of the circle, stop and pronounce the sound [w] for a long time (air comes out of the bubble).

(We play 2-3 times)

Educator: Game "Finish the phrase"I will start talking and you must continue.

The bubble is thick. what is the straw? (Thin.)

straw high, and what is Lapot? (Short.)

The bubble is light, and Lapot ... (heavy).

Bast shoes oval, a Bubble... (round).

The bold straw and the Bubble ... (cowardly, shy).

Woven bast shoes and the Bubble ... (inflated, blown out).

The straw is broken and the Bubble ... (burst).

You can, for repetition, slightly change the task, swap words.

The straw is thin a Bubble ... (thick).

Bast shoes low, and Straw ... (high).

The bast is heavy, a Bubble ... (light).

The bubble is cowardly and Straw ... (bold).

The bubble was blown and Lapot ... (weave).

The bubble burst and Straw ... (broke).

Educator: We did a very good job today, but there is still a task for you! (Appendix 1, 2) at the choice of children.

Thanks for the activity!

Annex 1.

Drawing fairy-tale characters in cells. Connect the dots.

Hello, I'm glad to see you in my class. One of the parts of our lesson is working with information. The texts you receive will contain overt and covert information. This work can be done with children school age. However, you need to select texts of the appropriate level. At the end of the master class, we will discuss what skills we have trained today.

So, attention to the screen.

Target: cross the river and bring firewood, otherwise the contract that you will draw up in the future will not be valid. Participants can take only 3 logs with them.

This master class is aimed at training metasubject skills such as:

1. mastering the skills of semantic reading of texts in accordance with the goals and objectives (cognitive)

2. mastering the ability to accept and maintain goals and objectives (regulatory), mastering the logical actions of comparison, generalization, analysis, synthesis. Building reasoning (logical)

3. willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; readiness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events (communicative)

4. definition of a common goal and ways to achieve it; ability to agree on the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess their own behavior and the behavior of others. (regulatory, communicative)

5. willingness to constructively resolve conflicts by taking into account the interests of the parties and cooperation (communicative)

CONDITION: you need to cross the river and bring firewood, otherwise the contract is considered invalid. Participants can take only 3 logs from the forest with them.

Bubble, straw and bast shoes

Lapot says to the bubble:

Lapot was born from bast (linden bark) and has been trampling the earth for a long time. The Russian peasant wove it as best he could, and learned from this peasant the simple wisdom of life. A bast shoe can both build and repair something, if necessary. Just one log was not enough for him to repair the leaky floor in the hut.

I also learned the old bast shoe that it does not sink in water: water will flow through the lines and leave no trace. It does not smolder in mother earth for a long time if it is soaked in turpentine on birch tar. The only problem: he has no log to get tar, but there is nothing to store turpentine in.

Bast shoes - the subject is quite unpretentious, but battered. No wonder it was Lapot in the fairy tale who immediately suggested a relatively correct path. Lapot can get an additional 30 points if he convinces all participants that they will swim across the river on a bubble

Bubble, straw and bast shoes

Once upon a time there was a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe. They went to the forest to cut wood. They reached the river and do not know: how to cross the river?
Lapot says to the bubble:
— Bubble, let's swim across on you!
— No, bast shoe, it would be better if the straw is dragged from shore to shore, and we will cross it.


A straw is an economic woman. She looks after the house and feeds the men. So she decided to bring a log to melt the oven. She took it, but she didn’t calculate her strength. The straw is too thin, and it will not bear the weight of the travelers. And rightly so, there is nothing to grab onto her, she is “not made of iron”. And so the whole economy pulls on itself! As they say, "took up the tug, do not say that it is not hefty." But Straw has long been waiting for the whole men's work Lapot and Bubble will take over. Yes, and she hopes that this was the last time she went for firewood.

Advice - work hard, but be able to calculate your strength in advance, as they say, "on the shore." It is always worth estimating in advance - you will cope with the work or not. Straw will receive an additional 30 points if she proposes her travel plan in which all participants cross the river on their own.

Bubble, straw and bast shoes.

Once upon a time there was a bubble, a straw and a bast shoe. They went to the forest to cut wood. They reached the river and do not know: how to cross the river?
Lapot says to the bubble:
— Bubble, let's swim across on you!
— No, bast shoe, it would be better if the straw is dragged from shore to shore, and we will cross it.

As for the laughing Bubble, the phrase comes to mind: “When someone is in danger of breaking his head, others laugh. Why? Psychologists have not yet found an exact explanation for this phenomenon. Maybe because it's empty? But why keep the void? It is not good to laugh at those who have fallen into difficult situation. You can inadvertently burst. If desired, the bursting Bubble can be glued together with resin.

Bubbles, like Balloons, do not sink in water and fly high. In order not to fly away at all, the bubble needs a small load. But our Bubble is not one of those who are used to working.

Give him dinner, but no spoon. So Bubble decided to ask Lapot to make him wooden spoon.

The bubble will receive an additional 30 points if it convinces all participants that they need to cross the river with a straw.

We, Solominka, Bubble and Lapot, have agreed on the following:




More often than others, representatives of the United States overcame gravity - the list of astronauts in this country has about 340 names, and 45 of them are female. The Russians firmly hold the second place in the overall table - about 120 cosmonauts, but only three of them were women.

Now you will not surprise anyone with flights into space. Of course, they are not yet perceived as a common occurrence, but still there is no such excitement that accompanied the first steps of mankind at the base of the unknown endless starry sky. More than half a century has passed since the first space flight in history.

First in the world

The leadership in this area belongs to one of the most famous people in the world - Valentina Tereshkova. She was born in 1937 in a small village located near Yaroslavl. When she was 22 years old, she became seriously interested in skydiving.

In 1962-1997, she was a member of the female cosmonaut corps. In addition to her, there were 4 more contenders for the flight. I must say that Tereshkova was not the best in terms of endurance and physical fitness. But the then government decided it was her first to send into space.

There were two reasons that influenced this decision. The first one is origin. Valentina Tereshkova was, as they said at that time, a native of the people. The second reason is attractive appearance, charm and charisma.

“Valya Tereshkova was not a leader, although she was appointed senior. After all, we are in Soviet time such a word - "leader" - did not even know. Everyone was equal. And no one guessed that it was Valentina who would fly into space. Moreover, she never stood out in her performance from the entire group. But, as it seems to me, her origin helped a lot. I was born and raised in Moscow. And Valya from the provinces worked as a weaver. In the USSR, this was valued and respected. We, Muscovites, still hoped that there was a chance, but it was not so - the villagers bypassed us. Tereshkova was chosen for the flight. When I think about those times, it seems that it was a completely different life, ”says Tatyana Kuznetsova, Valentina Tereshkova’s colleague in the detachment, an Air Force colonel in the reserve.

The detachment of future cosmonauts was fully formed in 1962. It included Valentina Tereshkova, Zhanna Yorkina, Tatyana Kuznetsova, Valentina Ponomareva and Irina Solovyova. And Sergei Korolev himself commanded the "parade".

“We, young girls, did not know the name and patronymic of Korolev. They only read that his initials were S.P. So they nicknamed him among themselves: S.P. And when S.P. met us for the first time, he said:

“Girls, one of you will be the first to fly into space, this is obvious. But do not be offended by our choice, because those who do not fly this time will have even more interesting and long flights. Let's agree on this: either we will pout at each other because someone will not fly, or we will prepare for flights. We chose the latter. And they prepared for flights, passed all kinds of tests, each of which turned out to be difficult in some way.

The girls were “floated” in a thermal chamber at a temperature of +70°C and a humidity of 30%, kept in weightlessness, where they had to not only adapt to the lack of attraction, but also perform different tasks: have lunch, chat with the command center, draw something or write on a piece of paper. They were taught to splash down on a parachute into water bodies, and also kept in isolation for 10 days in order to develop the habit of being alone in flight.

Despite the fact that the flight was officially recognized as a success, it was not without difficulties. Tereshkova did not feel well, and the spacesuit was very uncomfortable. Because of this, she was unable to complete all the planned tasks in full. In addition, it was discovered whole line and other technical difficulties. For example, when assembling manual control Mistakes were made that almost caused the ship to deviate from orbit. But since the automation worked at a height, the landing went smoothly.

Unfortunately, after the flight, she had to tell not what she actually experienced. She looked at the TV cameras and assured:

“I felt great. I felt good!” But then there was such a time - by all means not to lose face. Especially when the whole world is watching you! Although it is clear that it could not be good. They asked her: “Valentina Vladimirovna, did the spacesuit cause you any inconvenience?” - "Not. I just sweated." In fact, spending three days in a heavy spacesuit was a real torment ...

In 1963, Tereshkova received the title of Hero Soviet Union. In addition, she is so far the only woman in the Russian army wearing military rank major general.

In her memoirs, Tatyana Kuznetsova writes: “Valentina devoted a lot of time to her political career. We were all members of the Komsomol when we got into the detachment. Valya was a member of the party, an avid communist, she came to us from the Komsomol committee from her factory. But then she apparently changed her views more than once. Now she is a deputy from " United Russia". This is not very clear to me. Although recently we all celebrated the 50th anniversary of our detachment together. All of us, even those cosmonauts who have been retired for a long time, even those who were expelled at one time, were gathered for a rich feast. Everyone congratulated, remembered, and then Tereshkova stood up and said: “Then they chose us, five girls, young, smart, beautiful. It's been 50 years since then and we're still together. There were enough men in our life - they came and went. And we continue to be together. We endured everything, no matter what." I really liked these words of Valentina. They were honest!"

I must say that all the women from Russia who have been in space have made an invaluable contribution to the development and study of our Universe. But only Valentina Tereshkova, and to this day is the first and only representative of the fair sex, who made a solo flight into Earth's orbit.
First in outer space

The next woman to see space was Svetlana Savitskaya. She was born in 1947 in the family of a marshal and became an astronaut thanks to her strong determination, willpower and high professionalism:

“My goal was to fly. Namely, to participate in space flights. In fact, that's why I went into aviation sports. I just never told anyone about it, because it was a time when they said that space is not a woman's business. Our first woman flew off and there was nothing more to do there, that's enough, everything is clear and so. But I was initially sure that women would still fly into space.”

Savitskaya's career began with NPO Vzlyot, where she worked as a test pilot. In 1982, she got into the crew of the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft, where she spent 8 days. And after 2 years she went to outer space, where I spent 3 hours 35 minutes.

According to Savitskaya, when going into space, she and Dzhanibekov then experienced a universal hand tool, with which it was possible to weld, cut and solder metal. The Kiev Institute of Paton made it. A unique tool, completely new, no one has done this before.

“It was, of course, the key experiment of this entire flight. We did it normally, without errors, without any emergency. As a matter of fact, when going out into outer space, this is the most important thing - to do what you were preparing for. Therefore, there are no special emotions, you know, such that something happened that day. There was no fear then, this concept is generally useless when we are talking about open space. This is more strenuous work. Yes, there are more dangers. You need to be more literate, more careful, more punctual, to control yourself clearly. But it's not fear. Fear is when a person freezes and does not know what to do. This does not apply either to the profession of a pilot or an astronaut, in my opinion. There are stages where you understand: yes, something can happen here. Somewhere you can do something, but somewhere you can't. So, you rely on technology, ”the astronaut shares his memories.

It was Savitskaya who suggested that the USSR should have a priority in the exit of a woman cosmonaut into space. According to her, this idea came to her after her first flight into orbit in 1982:

“I saw the spacesuit, I saw the compartment, I understood that it could be done. And given that the Americans started flying on the Shuttle and after a year and a half were going to include a woman in the crew, I, of course, understood that any normal head of the space program in America, of course, would have solved this “cell” unoccupied , such a milestone achievement, would be included in your program.

The spacewalk of the first woman Svetlana Savitskaya 30 years ago was historic for astronautics, but for her it was a milestone hard work, not marked by special emotions: then Savitskaya dreamed of flying on the Buran ship. Today Svetlana Savitskaya is twice Hero of the Soviet Union, USSR pilot-cosmonaut, deputy head of the Defense Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Longest flight

The next representative to add to the list of "Women Cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia" was Elena Kondakova. She was born in 1957 in the Moscow region, in the town of Mytishchi. In 1989 she became a candidate for the cosmonaut corps and, after special training, received the qualification of a researcher.

Like her two predecessors, Elena Kondakova also became the first - in terms of the duration of her stay in space. Its total duration was almost 179 days. She has two flights on her account: one - in 1994 at the Mir station, the second - in 1997 on the Atlantis spacecraft (shuttle).

Elena Vladimirovna graduated from the Bauman Moscow State Technical University in 1980 and began working in the “space” NPO Energia as a young specialist. At the same time, her future husband Valery Ryumin made his third space flight.

Wise experience twice Hero of the Soviet Union Valery Ryumin passed on his experience to young cosmonauts. When in 1985, 46-year-old Ryumin married a 28-year-old colleague in the space industry, he clearly did not imagine that his wife could "escape into orbit." And even more so, he did not assume this after the couple had a daughter in January 1986, who was named Zhenya. Ryumin himself said in an interview that he was against his wife becoming an astronaut, but he did not have enough strength to keep her.

October 4, 1994 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome launched spaceship Soyuz TM-20 with a crew of Alexander Viktorenko, Elena Kondakova and German representative Ulf Merbold.

Like her predecessors, Kondakova also became the first - the first woman to make a long-term space flight. The duration of her flight on the Soyuz and the Mir station was 169 days 5 hours and 35 seconds. On March 22, 1995, when Viktorenko and Kondakova returned to Earth, Valery Polyakov also returned with them, setting a still unbroken space flight duration record - 437 days 17 hours and 31 seconds.

The second flight of Kondakova was carried out in May 1997 on the American space shuttle Atlantis under the program of the sixth orbital docking with the Mir station.

Valery Ryumin did not want to lag behind his wife either - in June 1998, an experienced space veteran went to the Mir station on the American Discovery spacecraft.

In 1999, Kondakova became a State Duma deputy from the Fatherland - All Russia party, and from 2003 to 2011 she was a parliamentarian from the United Russia party.

The new "star woman"

After 17 years, on September 26, 2014, another spacecraft was launched from Baikonur, the crew of which includes Elena Serova. It was her first flight. According to the plan, it should last 170 days and nights.

The fourth female cosmonaut, Elena Serova, was born in the seaside village of Vozdvizhenka. After graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute, she was hired by the Mission Control Center. Then she constantly improved her skills and in 2009 she became a test cosmonaut.

In one of the interviews, Elena told how she applied to the cosmonaut corps: “Everything happened very harmoniously. While still at the institute, I met my future husband, we worked with him at RSC Energia, he joined the detachment in 2003, and then I did in 2006.”

Elena Serova, having gone into orbit, became the first Russian woman to fly to the ISS. But there were no indulgences, Elena does everything on a par with men. Even if it concerns physical activity and endurance training.

The flight of Elena Serova, almost a feat. Yes, I know the opinions of the townsfolk - well, another woman flew, what's wrong with that? American women went out and at the Mir orbital station on semi-annual expeditions, and worked on the ISS more than once. And our Elena Kondakova spent half a year in orbit. It's like that. If it were as easy for a woman to get into the cosmonaut corps (and then get an appointment in the crew) as American women.

The Soyuz TMA-14M flight is the 40th flight of a Russian spacecraft to the International Space Station. The crew commander is Alexander Samokutyaev, the flight engineers are Elena Serova and NASA astronaut Barry Wilmore. They have to work in orbit for 168 days.

The crew that launched at the end of September 2014 on the ISS, in which Elena Serova worked in orbit, performed more than 50 scientific experiments in orbit. Many of them were of great practical importance for science, medicine and humanity as a whole. In particular, Serova successfully carried out the unique experiment "Vizir", during which she was able to take a picture of any object on Earth so that specialists would know exactly its coordinates, and vice versa - according to the given data, to survey the earth's surface using a special method of domestic development.

In addition, going to the ISS, the owner long hair Serova promised to demonstrate how you can wash your hair in 5 minutes in zero gravity in orbit. Later, cosmonaut Serova announced that she had managed to sprout two apple pits in orbit and promised to grow a "cosmic lemon."

Today, the only reliable means of delivering astronauts to international stationRussian ships"Union". But in Russia, as in the United States, ships of a new generation are being developed. In fact, they will become the basis of large spaceships, which will run to the Moon and Mars. So far, the Russian project does not have a proper name, only the name of the project is a promising transport ship of a new generation. Testing should begin in 2018.


Women cosmonauts of the USSR and Russia are always on top. Their profession requires great courage, strong willpower, as well as the ability not to get confused and cope with any emergency situation. And while the list of female cosmonauts from our compatriots is small, they have everything ahead of them. After all, there is still a lot of mysterious and unknown that is fraught with a truly endless universe.

From time immemorial, mankind has sought to fly. Perhaps it was their most desired dream. With the formation of modern civilization, people wanted not just to fly, but to reach the enchanting haze of outer space. And finally, they were able to realize the desire of mankind to go into outer space!

The first cosmonaut of the Soviet Union was, which entered forever into world history. Preparation for the flight of the world's first man lasted a little more than a year and, behold, on April 12, 1961, this historic moment took place. They met the pilot on Earth, as befits, to meet the heroes of the fatherland. Later, Gagarin was awarded many ranks and awards. The flight into space was soon repeated by an astronaut from the United States. After that, the struggle began to launch the first woman astronaut into space.

An event of unprecedented scale was the flight of the first female Soviet cosmonaut. Her journey to the stars began with the fact that by the age of 25 she was enrolled in the ranks of astronauts and, along with other girls, was preparing for flight into orbit. During the training, the project leaders noticed the activity of Valentina Tereshkova and her diligence, as a result of which she was appointed senior in the women's group. After only 1 year of preparation, she set off on a space journey that has remained forever in the history books - the first space flight by a woman.

The Soviet Union did not just launch the first cosmonaut into orbit, but opened a new milestone in the evolution of human technology and the level of development of mankind as a whole. were the first in everything that was connected with astronautics. Our state has the most best technology in the field of astronautics. We were the first not only in launching astronauts. The state held the world championship in the future in the field of launching manned flights and the operation of orbital stations.

We must pay tribute to the heroes of the Soviet Union - the cosmonauts - for their courage and devotion to their dream. They marked the beginning new era humanity - space. But do not forget about those outstanding people who have invested in this business not only labor and time, but also a particle of their soul. The achievements of Russian cosmonautics are worthy of being written about in textbooks.

Boris Valentinovich Volynov (b. 1934) - Soviet cosmonaut, twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

early years

Boris Volynov was born in Irkutsk on 18.12.1934. However, soon his mother was transferred to another place of work - to the city of Prokopyevsk, Kemerovo Region, and the whole family moved there. Until 1952, the boy studied at a regular high school, and already in his youth he was set on fire with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbecoming a pilot.

No sooner said than done: after school, Volynov went to Pavlodar, to the local military aviation school. Then he continued his education at the Stalingrad (now Volgograd) military aviation school. After training, he served as a pilot in Yaroslavl, later becoming a senior pilot.

Pavel Ivanovich Belyaev (1925 - 1970) - Soviet cosmonaut number 10, Hero of the USSR.

Pavel Belyaev is also known as an athlete and participant in the Soviet-Japanese War of 1945.

early years

Pavel Belyaev was born in the village of Chelishchevo, which today belongs to the Vologda region on 06/26/1925. He studied at a school in the city of Kamensk-Uralsky, after which he went to work as a turner at a factory. However, a year later he decided to devote himself to military affairs, as a result of which he entered the Yeisk Military Aviation School. So he became a pilot.

The Great Patriotic War had ended by that time (1945), but military operations against Japan were still ongoing in the Far East, and the young pilot went there.

Vladimir Dzhanibekov (Krysin) (b. 05/13/1942) - a very interesting representative national cosmonautics.

This is a man who has made several records in space flights. Firstly, he made a record number of flights in the USSR - five. Cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev flew as many as six times, but this was already after the collapse of the USSR.

Secondly, in all five of his flights he was the commander. This record has not yet been surpassed by any cosmonaut in the world, and only James Weatherby repeated it, and even then only in his sixth flight, since he was not the commander in the first. Thus, Vladimir Dzhanibekov is the most experienced Soviet cosmonaut.

Valery Kubasov (1935 - 2014) - famous Soviet cosmonaut. He is known as a space flight engineer, and also as a participant in the famous Apollo-Soyuz program, during which the space stations of the two "superpowers" were docked.


Valery Kubasov was born in the city of Vyazniki, which Vladimir region. He also went to school there. Since childhood, he dreamed of building airplanes, so after school he went to the Moscow Aviation Institute. Like many cosmonauts, Kubasov was an aviator in the early stages of his life.

Svetlana Savitskaya - test pilot, cosmonaut, Hero of the USSR (twice).

Probably everyone in the world knows who Valentina Tereshkova is. However, even after her, women continued to conquer space. Just next, after Tereshkova and the second female cosmonaut, was Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya.

She was a brilliant pilot, participated in two space expeditions, the first, among women, went into outer space and carried out work there, she became the only woman twice awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union. But first things first.

Viktor Gorbatko Pilot-Cosmonaut of the USSR, Major-General of Aviation.

Quite recently, on May 17, 2017, a well-known not only in Russia but also abroad pilot - cosmonaut Viktor Vasilyevich Gorbatko passed away.

This man participated in three space expeditions in his life, was one of the first chess players who played games between space and Earth. He is the 21st Soviet pilot-cosmonaut, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

In addition to a huge number of Soviet awards, he received awards from five countries, and for the last 16 years of his life he was the president of the Union of Philatelists of Russia.

Komarov Vladimir Mikhailovich (1927 - 1967) cosmonaut, twice Hero of the USSR, test pilot

Childhood and years of study

Vladimir Mikhailovich was born on March 16, 1927. He grew up in a poor janitor family. From an early age, he stared at the planes flying in the sky and launched from the roof of the house kites. Native city- Moscow.

From the age of 7, he has been studying at the 235th school, which currently bears the number 2107. Having completed a seven-year course there general education in 1943, at the height of the Great Patriotic War, makes a fateful decision to become a pilot.

He made two space flights and stayed in space for 28 days and a little more than 17 hours.

short biography

Vladislav Nikolaevich Volkov was born on November 23, 1935 in Moscow in a family, all members of which were professionally engaged in aviation. His father was a leading engineer - designer of the largest aviation enterprise, his mother worked there in the design bureau.

It is natural that Vladislav dreamed of aviation since childhood. After graduating from Moscow school number 212 in 1953, he simultaneously enters the famous MAI - the forge of Soviet aviation engineers and, at the flying club.

Classes both at the institute and at the flying club were very successful.

Popovich Pavel Romanovich - Soviet pilot-cosmonaut number 4 from the first "Gagarin" detachment, a legend of Russian cosmonautics. Twice Hero of the Soviet Union.

short biography

The biography of cosmonaut Popovich is not much different from the biography of his peers. Pavel Popovich was born in October 1929 in the village of Uzin, Kiev region, Ukraine. His parents were ordinary people.

Father Roman Porfiryevich Popovich comes from a peasant family, all his life he worked as a stoker at a local sugar factory. Mother Feodosia Kasyanovna was born into a wealthy family, but wealthy relatives abandoned her after her marriage, and the large Popovich family had a pretty hard time.

Pavel learned from early childhood what hard work is - he had to work as a shepherd, to be a nanny in a strange family. The difficult years of the German occupation left an imprint on Paul's appearance - at the age of 13 he became gray-haired. But, despite all the hardships of post-war childhood, the boy grew up very smart, inquisitive and was an excellent student.