What to do if the slime has become. What is slime made of and is it safe for health

original name lizun toys - slim. It was invented back in the seventies of the twentieth century. The slime is made of a jelly-like, slightly sticky material and therefore sticks even to vertical surfaces and constantly changes shape. However, over time, it begins to lose these properties, decreasing in size and getting dirty.

Therefore, he needs proper care. And so that over time it does not become smaller, you need to know a few rules on how to grow a slime.

How to care for a slime

A children's funny toy lizun (slim or handgum) is an elastic jelly-like substance that feels like soft plasticine to the touch, leaving no marks on the surface. A similar toy can be found on the shelves of children's stores or make your own. In order for such a pet to retain its properties longer, it is necessary to properly care for it.

Elastic hendgam like both children and their parents, who are happy to use it for massage. As a rule, this jelly-like product spoils quickly. But if you know exactly how to care for a slime, you can extend its life by for a long time. The main place in this is given to nutrition. What to feed the slime? For Slim, it is important to make and choose the right nutrition. The main ingredients that the toy feeds on are:

What you need to feed and drink a hendgam:

  • pour water into the bottom of the jar;
  • add a pinch of salt;
  • put slim;
  • close the top with a lid;
  • shake;
  • you can add an eraser.

Slim was invented back in the seventies of the twentieth century. The product is made from a jelly-like adhesive material, so the toy can constantly change shape and stick even to a vertical surface. But over time, hendgam loses these properties, while greatly decreasing in size. One of the secrets of how to increase the slime in size is the following experience:

  • add some water to the container;
  • then put the container on the shelf of the refrigerator;
  • get the slim in the morning;
  • handgam should grow.

How to clean the slime from dirt, to the sticky surface of which everything easily sticks. The most important thing when playing with a slim is to try to avoid any contamination. Hendgam is able to quickly absorb dust, which greatly reduces in size and loses its sticky properties. To prevent this from happening, you should prevent the toy from getting into dusty places. In addition, it is necessary to avoid contact of the slim with pile, hair. If contamination has occurred, how to clean the slime in this case? For bathing jelly product:

  • draw water into a container and rinse the hendgam in it;
  • place in the bottom of a jar for storage.

Another way to care for a slime involves using a syringe. This will require:

  • dial hendgam with a syringe;
  • carefully squeeze out handgam through a syringe;
  • all the dirt will collect in the "nose" of the syringe, where the needle should be.

Many slim owners are interested in the question of how a handgam can get pregnant and how to get "offspring" from a toy. You can immediately buy a pet "in position", while any gender can get pregnant. Determining the presence of a “fetus” is simple: there should be small bubbles on the surface of the toy. After four days, they will merge into a single bubble, upon rupture of which you can find a small lump. If the newborn is well fed, then the "baby" is able to grow to the size of a store.

From good care handgams are able to get pregnant by themselves. But you can perform an artificial operation to "fertilize". To do this, you need to take a small piece from the boy with a needle and then introduce the material into the girl's body. After that, it is better not to play with the "pregnant" slim and store it only in a dark place. "Pregnancy" lasts 4 days, after which a colored spot appears on the surface of the toy. Separate the "child" and put it on the bottom of a separate jar. The color of the "baby" rarely matches the colors of the parents.

In order for the slime to live with you for a long time, you need to know how else to care for it:

  • do not often play with a sticky pet;
  • do not throw handgams on the wall;
  • you need to play with the slim in moderation, if you completely forget about it, then the toy shrinks, it can become infected with a disease or become moldy;
  • do not give a pet to children under three years of age.
  • a toy with water at the bottom of the jar is put in the refrigerator for the night;
  • do not put the box with the toy in the freezer, it will stop sticking;
  • factory handgams already come with a jar, if there is none, then you can make it yourself or place it in a container that closes with a lid.


How to make slime without sodium tetraborate

Slime, or as it is also called, handgam, became a popular toy with children back in the 90s, when the movie Ghostbusters appeared. This hero could take any form, was slimy and not exactly pleasant to the touch. However, this fact did not bother the children, but the content of sodium tetraborate in a toy from the store stopped many parents from buying. Did you know that it is very easy to make such a toy with your own hands? Numerous videos will tell you how to make slime without sodium tetraborate. You can learn this secret from this article.

There are many ways to make slime from improvised materials at home. For its creation are mainly used:

Thanks to the fact that you yourself create a toy, you will be able to control the entire process and composition of the product, giving it the color and size that you see fit. Your child will like this activity, and by teaching him the basics, you can get a few minutes of free time while the baby tries to create his own slime on his own.

Homemade lick is easy to make with water and glue. How? Yes, very simple. The instructions below will guide you through this process. To get started you will need:

  • PVA glue - 100 g;
  • any dye of the shade you need (gouache, brilliant green);
  • water room temperature- 50 g.

  1. Pour water at room temperature into the prepared dish.
  2. Add glue. Please note that the thickness of the slime will depend entirely on the quality as well as the amount of glue.
  3. Pour out the entire vial of sodium tetraborate solution, add a little dye here.
  4. Take a plastic bag and pour the mixture into it. Thoroughly knead all the components.
  5. Your handgam is ready!

Lizun from shampoo without PVA glue is easy to make, but requires more careful storage. To create it, you may need:

  1. Pour both products into the prepared container and mix. Please note that the color and consistency will depend entirely on the selected components. If you need a clear slime, then shampoo with dishwashing detergent should be appropriate.
  2. Mix the ingredients and put the mixture in the refrigerator for a day. You can play with the new toy the next day.
  3. Handgams need to be cleaned after games in the refrigerator. Get rid of it as soon as a lot of dirt and dust sticks to it.

A plasticine handgam, which is done quite simply, can become a great toy for a child. You will need:

  • gelatin - 1 sachet;
  • a piece of plasticine;
  • water;
  • plastic bowl;
  • metal container;
  • mixing spoon;

  1. Add gelatin to cold water, leave for an hour until completely dissolved in a metal bowl. Proportions are often indicated on bags of gelatin.
  2. After an hour, put the bowl on the stove and wait for it to boil.
  3. Take a piece of the selected plasticine and remember it in your hands.
  4. Pour into a plastic container warm water(50 g) and mix thoroughly with plasticine until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  5. Add the already slightly cooled gelatin to the plasticine and mix thoroughly with a spoon.
  6. Handgum will be ready to play as soon as it cools down. Today you learned how to make a slime without PVA glue.

For some reason, many people think that if a toy is made by hand, then it is imperative to use paper for it. Hendgam is unlikely to have paper sheets in its composition. Otherwise, how would it then stretch and stick to everything it touches? Let's open a secret for those who believe that anything is made of paper: it is impossible to make a sticky toy from this material. The only thing that can bring you closer to a paper slime is its picture drawn on a sheet.

You may not believe it, but the colored slime that kids are used to calling slime is easy to make with baking soda. This toy becomes indispensable assistant if you need time for household chores, as the child will definitely be carried away by her for a long time. When creating, nothing needs to be glued, sawn or cut. Just mix the necessary ingredients:

  • PVA glue - 50 g;
  • water - 100 g;
  • soda - 1 tbsp.,
  • dye;
  • mixing bowl;
  • spoon or mixing stick rubber gloves if you do it manually).

  1. Mix half of the water with the glue in a separate bowl. Feel free to add the selected dye here.
  2. Dilute the baking soda with the rest of the water.
  3. Combine both solutions and mix well until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  4. The toy is ready, and your baby is happy!

Please note that such a lick is stored for no more than a week. With an intensive game, it is advisable to change the handgam to a new one after 2-3 days.

Another simple way to properly make slime without sodium tetraborate contains a minimum amount of ingredients:

In this case, use potato or corn starch. For cooking:

  1. Just mix the two components in equal proportions and add the dye you like. Even greenery will help you here.
  2. Form a ball from the resulting mass and you can enjoy playing with the new slime.

In addition to the fact that you need to know how to properly make a slime without sodium tetraborate, care for this toy should be highlighted as a separate item. Slime often attracts dirt and dust, so after playing it is best to rinse it under running water. Make sure it doesn't get too hot. Some handmade slimes should be refrigerated immediately after playing. If you see that the slime has accumulated a lot of dirt and dust, then it is better to get rid of it and make new toy for your baby.

Another one fun game is to increase the hendgam in size. Kids know how to make a slime big better than you, but let's get in on the action and learn all the secrets of this unpretentious toy. In order for the slime to become large, it is necessary to remove it overnight in the refrigerator in a jar of water. Close the container tightly and put away. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, run to check on your "cub". He grew up! Tell your kid how to grow a slime on his own, and every day ask for a kind of report to you.

Learn how to make a snowman out of plastic cups to the New Year.

In this section, you can see the complete process of creating a toy and understand how to make a slime with your own hands. The ingredients that are used are sure to be found in every home and the question “What is the slime made of and where to buy all the components?” will drop immediately. Note that no sodium tetraborate is mentioned here. there is talk. And this means that handgam is safe for your child. Liquid slime sure to become a favorite toy in your home!

A children's funny toy lizun (slim or handgum) is an elastic jelly-like substance that feels like soft plasticine to the touch, leaving no marks on the surface. A similar toy can be found on the shelves of children's stores or make your own. In order for such a pet to retain its properties longer, it is necessary to properly care for it.

Elastic hendgam like both children and their parents, who are happy to use it for massage. As a rule, this jelly-like product spoils quickly. But if you know exactly how to care for a slime, you can extend its life for a long time. The main place in this is given to nutrition.

What to feed the slime?

For Slim, it is important to make and choose the right nutrition. The main ingredients that the toy feeds on are:
- water;
- eraser;
- salt.

What you need to feed and drink a hendgam:
- pour water into the bottom of the jar;
- add a pinch of salt;
- put slim;
- close the top with a lid;
- shake;
- you can add an eraser.

Slim was invented back in the seventies of the twentieth century. The product is made from a jelly-like adhesive material, so the toy can constantly change shape and stick even to a vertical surface. But over time, hendgam loses these properties, while greatly decreasing in size. One of the secrets of how to increase the slime in size is the following experience:
- add some water to the container;
- then put the container on the shelf of the refrigerator;
- get the slim in the morning;
- handgum should grow.

How to wash a slime

How to clean the slime from dirt, to the sticky surface of which everything easily sticks. The most important thing when playing with a slim is to try to avoid any contamination. Hendgam is able to quickly absorb dust, which greatly reduces in size and loses its sticky properties. To prevent this from happening, you should prevent the toy from getting into dusty places. In addition, it is necessary to avoid contact of the slim with pile, hair. If contamination has occurred, how to clean the slime in this case? For bathing jelly product:
- draw water into a container and rinse the hendgam in it;
- put on the bottom of the jar for storage.

Another way to care for a slime involves using a syringe. This will require:
- dial handgam with a syringe;
- carefully squeeze out handgam through a syringe;
- all the dirt will collect in the “nose” of the syringe, where the needle should be.

Many slim owners are interested in the question of how a handgam can get pregnant and how to get "offspring" from a toy. You can immediately buy a pet "in position", while any gender can get pregnant. Determining the presence of a “fetus” is simple: there should be small bubbles on the surface of the toy. After four days, they will merge into a single bubble, upon rupture of which you can find a small lump. If the newborn is well fed, then the "baby" is able to grow to the size of a store.
From good care, hendgams are able to become pregnant by themselves. But you can perform an artificial operation to "fertilize". To do this, you need to take a small piece from the boy with a needle and then introduce the material into the girl's body. After that, it is better not to play with the "pregnant" slim and store it only in a dark place. "Pregnancy" lasts 4 days, after which a colored spot appears on the surface of the toy. Separate the "child" and put it on the bottom of a separate jar. The color of the "baby" rarely matches the colors of the parents.

How to play with slime

In order for the slime to live with you for a long time, you need to know how else to care for it:
- do not often play with a sticky pet;
- do not throw handgams on the wall;
- you need to play with the slim in moderation, if you completely forget about it, then the toy shrinks, it can become infected with a disease or become moldy;
- do not give a pet to children under three years of age.

How to store slime

Storage rules:
- a toy with water at the bottom of the jar is put in the refrigerator for the night;
- do not put the box with the toy in the freezer, it will stop sticking;
- factory handgams already come with a jar, if there is none, then you can make it yourself or place it in a container that closes with a lid.

Video: how to properly care for a slime

Somewhere since last spring, my 12-year-old daughter began to beg me for 6 hryvnias “for slimes”. Small plastic jars filled with multi-colored gelatinous mass appeared in the house. Polina constantly twisted these lumps of mucus in her hands, shifted from jar to jar, sprinkled with salt and watered. It was disgusting to watch, to be honest.

I got into the Internet on parent forums, found out that everything new is not enough forgotten old. Our slime is known all over the world as a slim - a toy created from substances that have the properties of a Newtonian fluid and are used in Food Industry, was first released in 1976 by the American firm Mattel.

In the CIS, slims, renamed slimes, became popular after the television cartoon series about the ghost catcher was shown, in which one of the characters, the green ghost, was called Lizun. The frolicking dads on the forums vyingly recalled how and where they threw their slime, and what greasy spot he left there. This inspired fear.

However, nothing terrible happened in my apartment. Only the daughter's table began to resemble an alchemist's laboratory. With her friends, she discussed what to feed the slimes and where to keep them, and “VKontakte” registered in three groups at once: “Lizons-Lizons-Lizuns”, “Lizun World” and “Lizun Lovers Club”.

There was also a positive moment in the new hobby. The daughter began to ask about various chemicals, their properties and reactions in which they enter. I also had to figure out who the slimes are and what they eat.

Polinka admitted that she liked the slimes not at all for their sliminess, but for the fact that they are almost like living ones. And indeed it is! This toy is male and female, eats, drinks, grows, multiplies, gets sick and dies if left unattended.

Slime prices range from 1.5 to 20 hryvnia. The cheaper the smaller size and worse quality. It is good that in some stores, sellers allow you to immediately check whether the slime is healthy, what gender it is, and whether it is pregnant.

A healthy slim should take up almost the entire jar and leave no pieces of his body on a flat surface if he is rolled over it.

A girl is also distinguished from a boy by touch. The slime is placed on the palm, slightly spreading the fingers. If the toy leaked through them onto the table, you have a girl, if it hung on your arm - a boy.

In slimes, both girls and boys can get pregnant, but for the weaker sex, it still works out better. You may be lucky and buy a pregnant slime right away. It is determined simply: small bubbles should form on the surface of the toy. In five days they will merge into one big bubble. If you burst it, then inside you will find a small lump of a different color. As Polina explained, a child of the same or even similar color to the parent is extremely rare. If a newborn slime is well fed and watered, then it will grow to the size of a store.

Slimes get pregnant by themselves from good care. But you can perform an operation on artificial insemination. To do this, you need to take a small piece (1-2 mm) from the boy with a syringe needle, and then insert it into the girl's body. After that, it is better not to play with the slime and store it in a shady place.

There are also gender reassignment procedures. To do this, you just need to change the power system. Usually, slimes are fed 3-5 pinches of salt and drink 5-7 drops of water per day. If you want to turn a girl into a boy, put her on a salt diet, that is, do not drink, but increase the amount of salt. On the contrary, boys turn into girls if they are only given water.

If you regularly water, feed your slime, wash its box, and wipe the toy itself with alcohol, it will grow big and healthy. But from poor care, slimes get sick.

There are three types of slime diseases. The first type is the disease of increased softness (BPM). With such an illness, the boy suddenly, for no reason at all, becomes a girl, and the girl generally turns into a liquid. There is only one treatment - a salt diet for two weeks.

In the disease of increased hardness (BST), the girl becomes a boy, and the boy becomes so hard that he even retains the shape of a jar. Treatment - 2 weeks of water diet.

The third type of diseases - BPZ - diseases of a nasty smell. These are infections. Toys pick them up from dirty hands and dirty surfaces. The patient is advised to rest completely. It is better not to touch the slime for 2-3 days, only to smell it - to check whether the symptoms of the disease have passed.

When I learned about slime diseases, I breathed a sigh of relief: the wallpaper in my apartment and our clothes are not in danger. Polina said that slimes often get sick from contact with fabrics and paper. I haven't told her yet what helpful advice I read on the parent forum. Some moms recommend using slimes (as I understand it, better than boys) for cleaning clothes. Especially effectively, they write, animal hair is removed. It is clear that after such use the toy will be damaged, so I do not experiment yet.


A Newtonian fluid is any fluid that flows according to Newton's law of viscous friction. According to this law, the fluid will continue to have flowing properties, regardless of what forces act on it.

How to make a handgam yourself - a toy made of substances that have the properties of a Newtonian fluid, read.

Who would have thought that the elastic mass of jelly consistency would become super popular not only among children, but also among many adults. Lovingly named a slime, this fun toy is a great stress reliever for parents, a responsible pet for older kids, and a great way to develop fine motor skills and fantasy for kids.

Lizun, aka handgam, aka hand chewing gum, can be purchased, or maybe homemade. But regardless of whether it is a store-bought handgam or homemade, I want it to please its small or large owner as long as possible. And for this you need to know how to properly care for the slime. This is not an ordinary doll or car that I put on the shelf and forgot until the next time. Amazingly, the lizun wants to eat, drink, and play, he is even able to give birth to a baby! It is not surprising that such a lovely creature requires special care and attention.

In the store, handgam is sold in a special plastic jar. It is she who is a toy dwelling. If the house suddenly broke down, got lost, or the slime was made on its own, then you need to pick up some kind of container where it will live. The container should be with a tight lid and not soak from water. It can be, for example, a glass jar of baby food, a plastic jar of cream or ear sticks.

At night, the slime must be placed in the house and put in the refrigerator. He loves the cool, but not the cold! Therefore, in no case do not put it in the freezer, where it will die.

Your pet loves to eat! Without proper nutrition his attractiveness will suffer greatly. Here's how the feeding process goes:

  • pour a little cold water into the bottom of the container;
  • pour a little salt, literally 2-3 pinches;
  • place handgam in liquid;
  • close the jar with a lid and shake gently.

It is enough to feed the slime every 3-4 days. Do not confuse salt with sugar - the toy will die.

Another way to give food is to inject salted water from a syringe directly into a jelly-like form. The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the substance will spread too much and be liquid.

One of the unique properties of the handgam is the instant absorption of everything that is on the surface with which it comes into contact: dust, dirt, villi, grains of sand, and so on. Such promiscuity can lead to a decrease in size, loss of their qualities and complete death.

To prevent this from happening, jelly Velcro must be bathed periodically:

  • pour water into a container (bowl, basin, etc.);
  • rinse the slime in liquid for 1-3 minutes;
  • take it out and put it in the house.

Don't try to wash your hand gum in the tub or sink - before you know it, your nimble friend will slip down the drain. To avoid having to do water procedures too often, use precautions against contamination. To do this, you need to properly care for the slime daily:

  • do not play with the slime for too long;
  • do not take in unwashed hands;
  • do not throw on surfaces where there is dust, dirt;
  • do not stick to material with pile (clothing, blanket);
  • do not throw in the sand.
  • remove bulky trash with tweezers or a needle.

Of course, jelly stickies are not divided into boys and girls. However, they can reproduce. You will see that one or more bubbles have formed on the toy - congratulations, the slime is waiting for replenishment. What do we have to do:

  • do not pierce the bubbles with a needle;
  • do not disturb 4-5 days;
  • then take out the slime and inspect it, spots of a different color should appear on it;
  • if there is a stain, carefully separate it from the chewing gum - it's a baby!

Your pet may get sick. Most often this happens from improper care. The fact that Velcro is unwell can be immediately understood by the changed substance:

  • Handgam liquefied. This indicates an excess of moisture. Put some salt in the slime's home, place it on top of the slime and shake it gently for a while. Excess water will go into salt crystals and the toy will become elastic again. Close it for 1-2 days in the recovery house, after removing the wet salt;
  • Slime hardened. His stuff is dry. It means that he was fed a lot or “played”. Drip a little water into the house, let the toy lie down and drink the liquid - this will cure it. Enough 3-4 hours. And hide the dwelling with the gum in a dark place for this time;
  • The toy is moldy. Apparently no one fed her, did not play, and did not look after her at all. Unfortunately, this slime cannot be reanimated - he died. It remains only to get a new pet.

These videos can also help in caring for a slime:

Handgams really do not like sunlight and heat. On such days, leave it in the refrigerator. With proper care, the anti-stress toy will delight you with its amazing qualities for a long time. Play with pleasure!

How to care for a slime?

Lizun is a funny children's toy, which is a jelly-like elastic substance, a bit reminiscent of very soft and pleasant to the touch plasticine, which does not leave marks on hands and other surfaces. The elastic slime fell in love not only with children, but also with adults who are happy to use it as an anti-stress toy. Slime can be purchased at a children's store or made independently from improvised materials. In order for the toy to retain its properties for as long as possible, it must be properly looked after. Below are a few useful tips dedicated to how to care for a slime.

In order for the slime to remain in its original form for as long as possible, it should be properly “fed”. To do this, at the bottom of any container, like a jar, you should pour water, add a few pinches of salt, put a slime there, close the jar with a lid and shake a little.

Factory slimes are usually sold in special jars, in which the toy is best stored. If you do not have such a jar, the elastic mass can be stored in any container that is closed with a lid.

If small bubbles appear outside and inside the slime, leave the jar with the toy for four days. After this time, you will find a small spot on the shapeless mass, which is different in color. This is a small lick that should be separated and placed in a separate container.

To bathe the slime, pour some water into a bowl and put a toy in it. Rinse it lightly, then put it back into the storage jar. Lizun very quickly absorbs dirt, which reduces in size and loses its properties. Try not to let the toy get into dusty and heavily polluted places.

Lizun needs proper care and maintenance!

A jelly-like toy in a jar has been quite popular with kids for many years, but rarely does anyone know how to properly handle it. The slime deteriorates very quickly, becomes too liquid or, conversely, hard, moldy and has to be thrown away. If you remember a few rules and provide the toy with proper care, then it will delight the baby for a long time, and even be able to give birth to a little lick.

It is enough to teach a child how to care for a new pet, and he will become his little friend for a long time.

How to properly care for Lizun at home?

Lizun can be adversely affected by many external factors. He is just like indoor plant, does not like temperature changes, dryness and excessive humidity. After the game, it must be cleaned in a jar and stored only there.

To keep your pet healthy and good shape, take some care when handling it.

The surface of the Lizun is quite sticky and attracts the smallest particles of dust and debris. Try to take it with clean hands and put it only on a smooth and even surface, previously wiped with a cloth. Avoid contact of the pet with fabric or pile, as their particles are very well attracted and sticky.

Even if you handle the toy carefully, it happens that debris sticks to it (for example, if you accidentally drop it). First of all, you need to remove the largest particles, then use tweezers to remove smaller debris. Dust can be removed with alcohol.

What to do if the humidity of the air is reduced, and the beloved pet has become dry and hard, has lost the ability to spread, breaks into pieces and is not going together? There is no big problem in this. It is enough to place the slime in a container, add 2-3 drops of water there and wait until it absorbs this liquid.

It happens that in the apartment high humidity air, and the jelly-like mass absorbs more moisture than it needs, and becomes too liquid. In this case, we also put the toy in a jar and add a few grains of table salt. Then close the container with a lid and shake it 2-3 times. Salt will be distributed throughout the mass and absorb moisture. After a while, the slime will again become elastic and acquire the desired shape.

The jelly-like pet is afraid of direct sunlight, becoming dry and hard. In hot weather, he will be very comfortable in the refrigerator. Avoid walking in the cold, otherwise the baby may get sick.

To keep your pet in good shape, it must be fed. The kid uses only three ingredients: water, salt and an ordinary eraser.

We take a jar (Lizun's house), drip a drop of water with a pipette and place it there.

The pet needs 1-3 grains every day. It all depends on his condition. We put it in a jar, pour salt on top, close the lid and shake. Leave for a while at rest for absorption.

An eraser is more of a delicacy, comparable to candy. But after using it, the baby looks unsightly, pieces are visible inside it. Therefore, an eraser can be given, but not necessary.

To better understand the features of caring for a toy, you can watch a video on YouTube by going to this address:

This story simply and clearly tells about the proper care and feeding of a pet. The report is led by an ordinary girl who has studied all the features of the content of an unusual toy and now shares her experience. The video tells you step by step about everything that the owner of Lizun needs to know.

One of the most popular jelly-like toys among children are barrel o slime slime.

You have a barrel o slime pet. We determine its gender. To do this, pour it out of the jar on the palm of your hand, slightly spreading your fingers. If it quickly slips between, then it is a boy, if it slowly flows down, it is a girl.

For daily feeding, 3-4 drops of water and two large grains of salt are required. We feed twice a day, dividing the daily norm into equal parts. Sometimes you can pamper your baby and feed him three times, but you should not overfeed him, arranging a holiday only sometimes.

Examine it from all sides, enlighten with a flashlight. If there are a lot of bubbles in the mass, then soon you will have a baby. Every day the number of bubbles will increase. Put the pet in a jar and leave for three days, not forgetting to feed. When you get it after the specified period, carefully inspect and find a large bubble. You need to burst it and get a little licker out of there. The color of the baby may differ from the color of his parent.

We take a jar, add 5 drops of alcohol, 4 drops of water, put the baby there, close it and put it in the refrigerator. Then we take care of the pet in the same way as for an adult.

Go to YouTube at these addresses:

don't miss the next video...

Here is a more detailed description of the features of barrel o slime care.

After purchasing a toy in a store, explain to the child that you will have to take care of it and pay attention, otherwise Lizun may get sick and die.

When caring for your pet, remember to do the following:

  • feed Slimer twice a day;
  • play with it carefully, avoiding pollution;
  • do not take out in the cold;
  • protect Lizun from heat;
  • play with him, otherwise he will die;
  • do not give the toy to a child under three years of age: it may be dangerous!

Children are delighted with a pleasant to the touch amusing toy. Slime easily sticks to any surfaces, and after peeling off will not leave marks. But the slime quickly deteriorates from constant exposure to humidity, temperature changes, dust and dirt. Do not be discouraged, extend the life of your baby's favorite toy. We'll show you how to properly care for it.

How to care for a slime - choose a house for a slime

Factory toys are sold in a special jar, and choose it as a slime house. If the box is lost or you made the toy yourself, find any container for the house and close it tightly with a lid after playing with the slime. Place the container in the refrigerator overnight, but not in the freezer. Lizun is afraid of extreme cold and will die.

How to care for a slime - properly “feed” a slime

Didn't you know that slime needs to be "fed"? Without proper “nutrition”, it will quickly lose its attractive original appearance. Your actions are as follows:

  • pour ordinary cold water on the bottom of the jar;
  • add 2-4 pinches of salt to the water;
  • put a slime in salt water;
  • cover the jar with a lid and shake the water together with the slime.

Follow this procedure twice a week. You can inject salt water into the toy with a syringe, but don't overdo it. Do not "feed" the slime with sugar instead of salt, it will die!

How to care for a slime - we rid the slime of pollution

The toy quickly absorbs dirt, decreases in size and loses unique properties. Without proper care, it dies. Play with it in moderation, do not throw it in the dirt and on a dusty surface. Remove any large debris from the slime with your fingers, a needle or tweezers. Do not leave the toy in the sand, on the ground or on woolen clothes. Do not handle with dirty hands.

bathe unique toy. Do not use the tub or sink for bathing - the slime will float away! Pour water into a deep small basin, rinse it in water for two minutes and place it in the house.

How to care for a slime - we “treat” a slime correctly

Lizun can "get sick." There are the following types of toy "diseases":

  • the consistency of the slime became liquid. You overdid it and gave him a lot of water. Put some ordinary salt in the toy box and shake the house. Salt will take away excess moisture, the slime will restore its original shape and elasticity. Give the toy a rest for a couple of days, leave it to lie down in the house;
  • slime became hard. This indicates drying out. You give him a lot of salt and often play. Add a few drops of water to the toy house. Put the jar in a dark place for three hours. The slime will absorb the liquid and come to life.

Very important for a toy. temperature regime. Lizun does not like extreme heat and direct sunlight. In the heat, be sure to keep it in the house and put it in the refrigerator, otherwise the material will spread. If the toy has not been played for a long time, mold appears on its surface. Nothing will help here, throw it away and buy or make a new slime.

How does a slime "reproduce"?

It is clear that the slime has no sexual characteristics. But if you saw that a lot of small bubbles appeared on the toy, do not try to pierce them. This indicates the "pregnancy" of the slime. Set it aside for four or five days. You will see small spots of a different color on the surface of the toy in place of the bubbles. Carefully separate the stain and place in a separate bowl. Now you can grow another slime!

Elastic funny slime is liked by children and adults. Proper care will help to play with it for a long time. Do not be discouraged if something happened to the toy and the measures taken did not help. You can buy another slime or make your own.