Do-it-yourself kite - types and principle of operation, how to make it from paper, fabric or polyethylene. How to assemble a kite from what is available? kite rope mount

And again, hello everyone! warmth has finally come to us, and with it, our most favorite entertainments - picnics in nature, family outdoor activities and conscientious feeding of mosquitoes - have moved into life with a slender gait. But with the latter, we somehow learned to cope with the help of any means. With picnics and campfire menus, we will someday seriously deal with it. But today we have on the agenda: active games with kids. One of them is launching a kite into space. And therefore, I declare the creative workshop open. And there, very soon, a kite will appear with your own hands, drawings with dimensions. Forward?

Materials and tools that can be used for construction

The beauty of this craft is that with any material that you have at home, you can choose the right model for yourself. And I will convince you of this now!

First, let me give you a small illustrative example. Windy weather occurs periodically in cities. This is when the wind blows and blows for days, blowing away everything that is wrong. Various light objects soar upwards, absolutely, as well as down from the balconies, it breaks all kinds of things. But one day the wind stops. And there comes a period. Which I call "Chinese lanterns". Indeed, the trees are neatly “decorated” with plastic bags. And why? Yes, because all these windy days, the bags were carried on their own, no worse than gliders. Got the idea? Then I will develop it.

From what you can build an aircraft "apparatus":

  • from paper;
  • cellophane package;
  • thin tracing paper;
  • old umbrella;
  • from fabric;
  • and even newspapers and magazines will be used.

So, look around and you will realize that you have the most basic material. But what else is needed in order to make a design:

  • Main material;
  • Thin planks. These can be hollow metal rods, bamboo sticks, or vine branches (they are lighter than usual);
  • Scotch tape or glue;
  • Rope, fishing line or strong thread;
  • Spool to adjust the length of the thread;
  • Scissors.
  • Pattern.

I want to say right away that the model, as well as the complexity of the craft, will depend on how old our little one is, for which we are making. And the conditions under which we do it. For example, if the baby is very, very small and cannot run across the field, launching a kite, but we want to give him new emotions, or if we are already in an open field, and before that we did not plan to do anything, because from the materials we are not even half the list, you can still think of something.

Ideas and DIY

Craft for kids

For example, here is the most elementary, but no less cool craft:

  1. take a simple plastic bag;
  2. tie a thread of her handles in the middle.

It remains to catch the wind! It is so simple! But believe me, the little one will be greatly delighted. Moreover, you don’t have to run much, the kite “puffs up” itself and takes off, as soon as the breath of the breeze touches it. True, it will not fly high, but children under 5 years old will still be interested.

But let's talk about something more complex that can be done at home with our helpers.

Paper kite that flies high in 5 minutes

This option seemed to us the simplest and fastest, so we immediately made it at the first wind. I really liked it, and my son, and even my husband, although he was very skeptical.

Details in our video:

The simplest kite design

All the same package, or rather, I will describe with the package, but instead of it, you can use any of the above materials.

We will need:

  • Package - 1-3 pcs. (depending on their size);
  • Wooden sticks (we choose light ones) - 2 pcs.;
  • Scotch;
  • Knife and scissors;
  • Fishing line;
  • Glue;
  • Marker;
  • Coil;
  • Strong rope.


  1. We cut off the sticks so that we have one 60 cm, and the second - 35. Fold them crosswise. We put the one that is shorter on the long one, retreating 15 cm from above. We fix them by bandaging with tape.
  2. We cut each edge of the stick in the middle to a depth of 1 cm. wrapped with adhesive tape under the notch. So the design will be more durable.
  3. We stretch the fishing line into the cuts and pull it.
  4. We wrap it with tape several times to secure the fishing line.
  5. We stack the packages, perhaps if they are too small, they will have to be firmly glued to each other to get the right size. On top of the cellophane "canvas" we put the "skeleton" and circle it. Adding 1.5 cm of cellophane to the fold on each side, cut out the base.
  6. We attach the frame to the base and tuck the edges. We fix them with tape.
  7. We tie a 50 cm fishing line to one and to the second edge of a short stick.
  8. We also tie a rope 25-40 cm to the top of the layout. Its length will depend on the slope of the kite you choose. If you want the structure to fly almost horizontally, then its length should be minimal; vertically - maximum.
  9. We tie the middle of the fifty-centimeter fishing line to the fishing line that is fixed at the top.
  10. We tie a rope to the junction of the woods. Secure it firmly with tape.
  11. We decorate our aeronaut. Another rope, small, about half a meter, on which cute bows are tied, we tie to the lower end of the frame.

We draw a picture on the “front” side of the base.

According to the same scheme, but with other materials of construction. Cocktail tubes, paper and rope are used here.

Based on materials

Parchment paper kite

For work you need:

  • parchment paper 36*51 cm;
  • wooden sticks or light slats: 2 x 60 cm, 48 cm and 36 cm;
  • colored crepe paper;
  • strong thread;
  • reel with fishing line;
  • glue stick and PVA;
  • a small metal ring;
  • scissors.

Fold the parchment sheet in half, so we outlined the middle line. Along the top edge of the narrow side of the rectangle, place the smallest stick, stepping back from the edge by a centimeter. Lubricate the free edge of the sheet with glue and wrap it so that the stick is inside, it should be tightly fixed.

Lubricate a stick 48 cm long with PVA and glue to the center line of the workpiece.

Lay the remaining sticks along the diagonals of the rectangle.

Glue them with pieces of paper, as shown in the photo.

Cut out squares or arbitrary figures from colored paper and stick on the front side of the rectangle.

On both sides of the intersection point of the diagonals, make a hole.
With pieces of thread, tie the ends of the sticks at the upper corners of the rectangle, pulling them together a little.

Tie a long piece of thread to the upper right corner of the kite. String a ring on the thread, it will help control the flying machine. Then thread the thread through the holes previously made in the center of the rectangle and pass it through the ring again. Tie the end of the thread to the upper left corner of the product.

Tie the end of the line tightly to the control ring.

Glue long strips of corrugated paper to the bottom of the kite. These "tails" will help him balance in the air currents. Their optimal size is 5 cm * 2.5 m.

The air wanderer is ready to surprise you with its flight characteristics. Good luck with your flight!

DIY simple box kite

Serpent Rokkaku

More serious design.

Convenient snake reel

Draw a circle with a diameter of 20 cm. Cut out two such blanks from cardboard. Cut comfortable finger slits on them, they should match exactly on both circles.

Cut several strips 2.5 cm wide.

Mark the inner circle, use a compass or a suitable template.

Fold the cut strips along the contour of the cutouts, glue with hot glue.

Glue the inner ring in the same way.

Glue the second circle on top of it.

Glue the end of a long thread to the inner surface of the spool and wind the thread.

So that it does not get confused, tie a match to its end, fix it with glue. Insert the thread into the slot on the outer ring.

With such a handy accessory, your flying kite will conquer not only the sky, but also the hearts of your children.

* based on materials

mechanical bird

Not quite a kite, but also flies. And even without a motor and wind. Everyone can make such a homemade toy, this does not require special skills and tools. All you need is kebab skewers, paper clips, super glue and polyethylene. Such a mechanical bird is very light and strong, it is very interesting to play with it.

As you can see, everything is very simple and feasible! I wish you fruitful cooperation with your baby in creating a kite! Also, great launch! I hope you will tell us how your weekend in nature was and whether you managed to amuse your baby (and yourself too; I am still delighted with the flights of this wingless "beast"). I say goodbye until we meet again and remind you of the subscription for yourself and your friends!

Both children and adults are delighted with this fun - flying a kite. They are triangular, diamond-shaped, box-shaped, in the form of birds or dragons. There are even in the form of a butterfly flapping its wings.

The history of the flying kite goes back to ancient China. There he received the name "dragon kite" due to the fact that on the Dragon Festival huge constructions of torsos made of paper with a snake head at the end were launched into the air. This tradition is still alive today. From China, dragons became widely known in Asia. Later, in Europe, they learned how to make a kite out of paper.

This simplest aircraft in its long history served both science and as a military tool, and helped in the development of aircraft. Now it has become a well-known toy, popular with both adults and children.

Of course, in today's world you can always buy a ready-made kite in the store. But if you know how to make a flying kite with your own hands, you can not only enjoy the creative process, but also get a unique toy. Created with your own hands, it will be a greater joy than the one that is bought. The manufacturing process is very interesting, exciting and also uncomplicated. And the manufacturing costs are minimal.

How to make a flying dragon with your own hands

To create an air dragon at home, you need to have a basic understanding of the main elements of its design:

At home, you can make the following types of flying dragons: flat air and box-shaped (volumetric).

Materials for making a favorite toy can be different, for example, paper, fabric, polyethylene. For some models need wooden slats. You will also need ribbons or threads with bows or tassels for the tail: it all depends on your imagination.

Serpent "Monk"

How to make a paper kite For starters, try the simplest and most classic version - the paper “Monk”. Even small children will be happy to take part in its manufacture. To make this origami, you will need:

  • a square from a sheet of thick paper (not newspaper);
  • bobbin threads for a bridle;
  • narrow strips of bright fabric or tail tape;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • needle for making holes.

It is advisable to choose sheets with a format no larger than A3. Larger sizes require heavier paper, which leads to an increase in the weight of the model. As a result, a large device can be so heavy that it cannot fly.

The scheme for its manufacture is simple:

Despite the ease of manufacture, the Monk will fly well. It must be launched on bobbin threads, in a small breeze, because a strong wind can easily crush it. If it starts to roll from side to side when starting up, the tail may need to be adjusted. You need to either lengthen it or make it heavier. In the case when the Monk takes off with difficulty and gains altitude very poorly, the tail, on the contrary, should be made easier. With the right adjustment of the tail, the kite should fly steadily, wagging a little in different directions.

Frame snakes made of paper, fabric, polyethylene

Another type of flat flying structure is a frame kite. To build it, apart from paper, fabric or polyethylene, wooden rake is also needed and. One of the schemes for its manufacture is used in the presence of the following materials:

  • sheets of paper or package;
  • two wooden slats (one shorter, about 2/3 the length of the first);
  • strong thread;
  • fabric (any);
  • Scotch;
  • glue.

To create a frame, you need to connect the slats in the shape of a cross. You can fasten them with twine, previously moistened with PVA glue. Then you need to cut, focusing on the frame, the sail of the dragon itself. For this model, it will turn out to be a diamond shape. The ends of the sail must be firmly tied to the ends of the rails, for strength, you can even use adhesive tape. In the middle of both segments of the smaller rail, you need to tie the ropes and fasten them in the middle cross rail. It will turn out like a pyramid of ropes, which must be fixed to the handrail. It remains to fix the tail at the bottom of the product. For a good flight, the tail must be significantly longer than the main part.

Frame devices are the most popular and easy to build at home. They can have any other shape: the popular triangle, star or bird. The form is limited only by imagination and materials.

dragon in the shape of a triangle

The classic triangular shape is a more difficult variety of flat structures to manufacture.

You will need a thick plastic bag for this., slats, rope with a coil. The dimensions of the finished product depend on the size of the package and the height of the launcher. The scheme for making a triangular kite is as follows:

To get the likeness of a bird, one feature is used: a bowstring is pulled between the side parts.

Box kites at home

Another type of flying kite that you can make yourself is the box-shaped, or voluminous, flying kite. For its manufacture you will need:

  • wooden sticks - 8 pieces;
  • sheets of thick paper;
  • strong rope;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

For the manufacture of a box device at home, strong plastic bags, such as trash bags, are often used instead of strong paper.

The frame is assembled from 4 vertical slats 80 cm long and 4 horizontal slats (struts): two 75 cm long and two 50 cm each. From sheets of thick paper with glue, you need to make two strips, each 186 cm long and 24 cm in width, plus 1 cm on all sides for allowances. Each strip must be divided into 4 identical parts.

Corners are cut out at the folds in the allowances and strong threads are inserted into the folds of all allowances along the entire length so that they go into the cut corners on both sides by about 7 cm. Then the allowances and strips are connected with glue. The narrow edges of each strip are connected by lateral allowances - it turns out two boxes, but without a bottom. Inside the boxes at the corners, long laths are inserted and fixed with the ends of the threads glued into the strips. The boxes should be at the edges of long wooden slats.

Then spacers are placed crosswise so that they rest against long slats. In places where the spacers cross, this connection must be secured with a thread. The snake stretched by spacers of the box will become like a rhombus. The bridle is made of a thin rope 1.3 m long. One end of the bridle is connected to one of the long rails above the upper box, and the other end is attached to the rail above the lower box on the same side. A handrail is attached to the bridle - and you can do a test run. A tail is not required for such a kite.

The box kite can fly properly only in fairly strong winds. Its improved version is a triangular box kite with an additional wing. This type of kite is more complex in design, but it has better aerodynamics, and it takes off in a light wind without a takeoff run.

How to fly kites

Flying the kite correctly is very important. The wind should blow at a speed of 4-6 m/sec. The most preferred place to launch is in the field and, if possible, on a hill, away from roads and wires. It is dangerous if the lifeline of a launched kite comes into contact with the wires or hangs on them. Especially if it is electrical wires under high voltage. It is also important to take into account the strength of the wind and the strength of the handrail. If there is a strong gusty wind outside, then the rope can break and the flying kite will be carried by the wind to the wires.

You can launch a flying toy in different ways. If there is only one person, then the kite is placed with the front side against the wind. The one who launches must gradually move back, unwinding the rope and keeping the structure upright. Moving away a little, about 10 meters, you need to pull the rope towards you and carefully run. If there is wind, the kite immediately rises up.

It is much more convenient and easier to launch with two people. So, one stays with the kite, holding it over his head. The person who has the rope in his hands must stand with his back to the wind and unwind about 15 meters of the lifeline, then pull it up. The sign for launching the kite is the raising of the hand.

When the kite reaches a sufficient height, it is necessary to carefully release (poison) the rail. If a gust of wind occurs, the rope must be released a little, this is necessary to relieve the pressure of air flows on the body of the structure. When the wind subsides, the flying device must be immediately pulled towards you.

It is better to launch a box kite in the same way - against the wind and preferably not alone. The headwind will carry it forward, but at the same time there will be lift and it will stay in the air at an angle. If the bridle is made straight, from threads of equal length, then the kite does not have an angle of inclination and will not rise up even with a strong wind.

On a calm day, you can try to make the kite fly by running forward with it. In this case, not the wind, but the movement creates a counter flow of air, which is needed for flight. At the top, the box kite flies by itself, even if the person does not move, because the air currents above are stronger than below the ground.

If you want to have an interesting time, find an exciting activity for the whole family, then making an air dragon is perfect for these purposes. It is not difficult to make it with your own hands, and its launch will not leave anyone indifferent.

Attention, only TODAY!

A basic do-it-yourself kite consists of three strips glued to a sheet of dense material. At the end is attached a tail with a small weight, which acts as a rudder. It is important to place the center of gravity in the middle of the hull, then the structure will be able to rise into the air. The lower the kite load, the higher the takeoff will occur. It is necessary to take into account the fact that with the increase in the rise of the kite, the thrust from the ground increases. The supporting structure is subjected to air pressure, so the material for manufacturing must be strong and rigid.

What is a kite

Initially, such aircraft were made in China in the form of a dragon - not a single traditional ceremony in the sky could do without this symbol. And although the manufacture of structures has long gone beyond the borders of China, the name has taken root. Various models of flying devices can be with a base, frameless, flat and multi-plane design. The finished apparatus is held by a long rope called a handrail. The aerodynamic shape contributes to a stable state, and a strong thread helps to keep the kite at the chosen angle of the air currents.


The design of a simple kite, from a flying frame with a stretched coating, can be assembled at home. It won't gain much height, but it will be a good start for getting basic building skills. A single principle works here, based on the aerodynamic, physical properties of objects. Straps are attached to the corners of the body and are combined into a bridle for stable control. Each model is decorated and stabilized by the tail. Maneuverability will improve with additional cargo or multiple tails.

Operating principle

The main condition for a high launch is wind speed (3-4 m/s). It is recommended to run the finished model in an open area where there are no trees and wires. A well-made construction will be lifted by air masses themselves. It is necessary to stand against the wind, letting go of the rope by 10-20 meters. In light winds, you can run to catch the moment when to send the flying machine into the air. It is better to cope with this task together. The smoothness of the flight depends on how correctly the tail and the length of the lines are adjusted to the size of the structure.


There are a large number of models to choose from: flat, voluminous, curved, frameless, triangular or consisting of several links. The latter differ from a flat kite in their high structural stability. A multi-celled form, with a large number of individual links, is connected in the form of polyhedra. A group of interconnected flying devices looks impressive in the sky. The width of such a product is suitable for attaching a small camera for aerial photography from a height.

How to make a kite with your own hands

To make a flying kite at home, you need to choose a model that determines the shape of the frame and the surface material. Determine the number of carrier rails that support the web in tension . Sheets of paper, fabric, plastic bag, cardboard are used as canvases. You can fix the slings in one or two places of the base. It is possible to give a good aerodynamic force to both an uncontrolled (single-line) and a controlled (multi-line) model. The spool for winding the thread will eliminate tangles during start-up.

From paper

You can make a kite out of paper as follows:

  1. Fold a square out of thick paper.
  2. Designate the axis of symmetry.
  3. Fold the sides in half.
  4. Make the folds of the corners, forming an accordion.
  5. Pass a long thread through the center of the accordion.
  6. Attach the rail for adjustment.
  7. Connect the bundle of threads prepared in advance.
  8. Decorate the free end of the tail with bows or patches.
  9. Pull the tail through the hole, secure with a rope.

From fabric

Develop an original scheme to make a flying kite-toy from wire using fabric:

  1. Wrap a piece of flexible wire with threads, fix them at the ends.
  2. Give the wire the desired shape.
  3. Circle a piece of fabric along the contour of the frame, leaving an allowance of one and a half centimeters.
  4. Glue the fabric to the wire blank.
  5. Perform surface decoration.
  6. Tie the rope in several places.
  7. Bring the ends of the ropes to one point, retreating 30 centimeters from the kite, fasten them together.
  8. Attach the rope.

Made of polyethylene

Do-it-yourself kite made of polyethylene:

  1. Prepare two planks, where one is twice as long as the other.
  2. Fold them back up from the top of the long plank.
  3. Secure the connection point with tape.
  4. Wrap the strips with tape, make small cuts.
  5. Pull a strong thread through the incisions, fasten it.
  6. Circle the outline of the finished frame on polyethylene, adding one centimeter.
  7. Cut out and tape the edges.
  8. Tie a thread 30 cm long to a short stick.
  9. Tie a piece of fishing line to the top of a long stick.
  10. Connect all three ends of the fishing line to each other and the thread of the lower corners, for which you will hold the snake, secure with tape.
  11. Decorate with ribbons.

dragon kite

A large-sized design, resembling a dragon with contours, is performed as follows:

  1. Select frame and cover materials.
  2. Make the supporting base of the desired form of the soaring dragon.
  3. Secure the connected structures with a thin rope.
  4. Make a drawing of the model on paper, use as a template.
  5. Cut out the outlines of the kite for aerodynamic coverage.
  6. Decorate the surface with homemade drawings or stickers.
  7. Attach the outer upholstery to the frame.
  8. Attach the slings, tie the handrail.

box kite

The box kite is a multi-plane kite. It is done like this:

  1. Make 4 long wooden slats and 6 half shorter slats.
  2. Fasten the short ones crosswise with a self-tapping screw.
  3. Attach the long slats to the small ones in the center and at the ends.
  4. Pull the large sides at the corners with wire or rope in a criss-cross pattern.
  5. Wind the rope around the slats, secure it with adhesive tape in the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped of the frame.
  6. Attach the polyethylene strips to the rails making a full circle around the object.
  7. Stretch a rope over the cellophane coating around the perimeter of the square, glue it tightly on the surface.
  8. Make loops of wire for tying the handrail.

Rhombic Serpent

You can assemble a kite with your own hands so that the design has improved aerodynamic characteristics. The description will help you:

  1. Make 6 long wooden slats and 4 slats half as long.
  2. Make from small crosses.
  3. Wrap the sides with wire, fix.
  4. Attach long slats to the sides of the cross pieces.
  5. Coat the wooden slats with drying oil.
  6. Wrap the frame with tape around each cross.
  7. Align the frame in the perpendicular position of the rails in the crosses.
  8. Wrap the body of the kite with tape in two layers, being careful not to damage the shape.
  9. Tie a strong thread to each rail, secure with a strip of tape.
  10. Attach the fishing line to the wide side of the diamond at both ends of the rail.


The Chinese have long believed that a kite soaring in the sky takes away all illnesses, hardships and worries. In addition, kite launching is always a spectacular and fairly simple activity. The main thing is to choose the right place and take into account some of the nuances.

What kid doesn't dream of flying a colorful kite? What could be stronger than the delight with which children watch a toy soaring in the sky? "Daddy, let's make a snake!" - says the beloved child. And the father scratches the top of his head in concern, because assembling a kite and flying it seems to be something especially difficult. But it's not like that at all.

Theoretical minimum

Before you fly a kite, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts:

A rail is a thread with which a flying toy is controlled;

The bridle is a strong thread woven together, thanks to which the kite is attached to the lifeline;

Bearing area - the size of the projection of the kite on a horizontal surface;

Bearing capacity is the lifting force of one unit of bearing area;

The center of pressure is the center of the bearing area.

How to make a toy fly?

How to make a kite so that it soars? To do this, its surface should not be flat, but should bend upwards under the pressure of the air flow. That is why, when making a kite, it is not recommended to stretch the material (paper, oilcloth, fabric) too tightly. Sometimes it is enough to fix only the corners. The center of gravity must be shifted towards the tail, otherwise a long hover cannot be achieved.

The leading edge of the kite must be carefully taped or reinforced to avoid eddies. For those who do not yet know how to fly a kite, it is better to give preference to flying models that have a long tail - it gives the correct balance to the whole structure.

Another important element is the bridle, which should consist of two threads. But such a kite is quite difficult to manage, so it is better for beginners to use a triple bridle.

Home workshop - manufacturing steps

1. To assemble the simplest type of kite, you need to take two thin pine, bamboo or plastic slats 30 and 50 cm long. Measure 15 cm from the end of the longer slat and fasten a small slat at a right angle with strong threads. Thus, a crosspiece for a flying toy is obtained.

2. At the ends of the planks, you need to make round notches into which a thin, strong thread is pulled. You should get a quadrangular frame.

3. Then you need to take thin paper or oilcloth and fit the existing workpiece. To do this, the resulting frame is placed on a sheet of prepared material and circled with a pencil or marker, adding a small distance to the allowances for fastening.

4. The pattern is cut out, after which the frame is well smeared with glue and attached to the material. You can decorate a kite with felt-tip pens, drawing cartoon characters on it (which will please your children), or depict the slender legs of your beloved woman on it (which will please you).

5. Now you can start attaching the bridle. For this, a spool of fishing line is taken, which is attached to the left corner of the workpiece. Then it must be stretched to the nose of the snake, and from there to the right corner to determine the length of the bridle. Cut the thread and attach the tip to the right corner of the snake (it turns out a long thread from one end to the other). Now we take the spool again, fix the fishing line in the bow of the structure, measure the distance to the left corner of the kite, add another ten centimeters, cut it off and tie it to the middle of the first thread.

6. The tail of the snake can be made from a thin cord or a strong nylon thread, measuring 3.5-4 meters. The tail can be decorated with paper bows.

7. Launching a kite is impossible without a leer. To do this, a long strong thread is attached to the bridle, at the end of which you can tie a small stick for ease of control.

Flat flying structures

Such kites are the simplest and most famous. The frame is made of pine or any other light wood. Sheathing is made of film or paper. Paper does not provide structural stability, so it must be durable (mica, cigarette or rice paper). If a film is used, then it should stretch poorly, but at the same time stick well to the frame (it is best to buy acrylic).

What does a monk serpent look like?

Such a flying layout got its name due to its similarity with the hood of a monastic cassock. Such a kite is perfectly centered, so a two-lead bridle is enough to launch it. The tail is used as a balancer, it should be light and thin. The material for such a kite is better to choose dense, because under the gusts of wind it is too easily crushed and falls.

Archery flying structure

This is one of the varieties of flat kite. The frame is built from a pair of rails, which ensures lightness. In this case, the front rail gives rigidity to the entire structure, but there is a greater sensitivity to the wind. Beginners are not always able to master the first time flying this type of kite.

box design

This type of homemade snake looks pretty solid, but it is quite simple to perform. He doesn't need a tail. What's more, these snakes can lift small loads, so you can put a small digital camera in them, after turning it on for video recording or continuous shooting. In this way, you can get completely unique shots from a bird's eye view. But the box-shaped design keeps well in the air only in strong winds.

How to fly a kite: choose a place

So that nothing interferes with the flight process, you should choose open areas without any obstacles. Trees, kiosks, buildings located nearby interfere with the direct passage of air currents and create unnecessary turbulence. The sea coast with its breeze is perfect (unless, of course, you have to jump over the bodies of vacationers at the same time). It is better to stay away from highways, airfields and power lines.

How to fly a kite (instruction)

First you need to determine the direction of the wind by simply drooling on your finger. Now the kite is solemnly handed over to a friend (girlfriend, child, wife). You need to stand in front of your assistant, who should hold the kite above his head, perpendicular to the ground. The wind should blow at your back, the reel with the lifeline should be in your hands.

So how do you fly a kite? First you need to slowly move away from a friend at a distance of about 20 meters, while unwinding the leash. Having given the command: “Let go!”, sharply pull the rail towards you. With a good wind force, the kite will soar in the air itself, and all that remains is to enthusiastically watch its flight. Otherwise, you will have to run around the field a little more until the structure catches the air flow.

How to fly a kite in different wind strengths? If it flies only when the person driving it is running, then the wind is too weak. With fairly strong air currents, the flying structure soars in the air with ease, and no additional effort is required. The optimal wind speed for launching a paper layout should be 3-6 m/s.

If the tension of the thread-leash is too strong, then it should be unwound a little. If the wind subsides, then the snake is pulled to itself. To return the structure to the ground, it is necessary to gradually wind up the rail and go home with a sense of accomplishment.

Who didn't fly a kite as a child! For many of us, this was a favorite fun, which was not difficult to make with our own hands. We made the simplest paper kites and rejoiced at how our creations flew into the wind. Now in stores you can find a variety of models of kites, from small children's kites to huge professional ones. And now we, having already become parents ourselves, go with interest to the sports department to buy this bright toy for our children. Let's remember together how to assemble a kite, and in what ways it can be raised into the sky.

Assembling a kite

Regardless of the level of complexity, all kites consist of a standard set of components. The most important thing in any kite is a strong frame that holds the shape of the structure during flight. It can be made from two or more rails. A fabric made of lightweight material is stretched over the frame, which creates an obstacle to the wind and allows the kite to soar in the air. It is important to know that when launching the kite, you need to position it in such a way that the canvas is in front of the frame, and the wind hits it. In some models of kites, a tail is attached to the canvas, made in the form of beautiful ribbons, which is designed to smooth out gusts of wind and stabilize the kite in the air.

The kite is controlled from the ground with a rope or thread, which is also called a lifeline. It must be very strong, but light enough not to impede flight.

The thread is wound on a special convenient spool. Often, kite makers make lifelines on carabiners so that people can unhook them. The junction of the thread with the kite is called the bridle. Depending on the number of attachment points, this can be:

  • a bridle with one fastening that does not require adjustment in the air. The kite is corrected only by the tail.
  • a bridle with a keel, made in the form of a single piece from a canvas of the same material. Also does not require adjustment during flight
  • a bridle with two or more fasteners, which involves controlling a kite. To do this, it has a ring that allows you to adjust the angle of flight.

How to fly a kite

It is easy to fly a kite, the main thing is to choose a suitable place and catch the wind. To do this, we find a large open piece of land, preferably on a hill, where air currents move from bottom to top. If you are surrounded by trees and houses, it will be more difficult for the snake to rise due to uneven wind, and it will only be able to stabilize at a height of about 50 meters.

Important to remember:

  • In no case should you fly a kite under power lines, near highways and airports, as well as during a storm with thunder and lightning. Even if the place seems perfectly flat and spacious to you, and the wind in a thunderstorm is just perfect for kite flying, such games can be life-threatening.
  • Never fly heavy kites over people or animals. If you lose control, this whole structure with a rigid frame can fly at a person at high speed and cripple him. If you want to play with the kids on the beach by the sea, this is a lightweight paper kite that won't hurt anyone.
  • When flying a kite in sunny weather, use sunglasses. If you get carried away with the game and stare at the sky, you may not notice how the bright sun will harm your eyes.
  • Be sure to protect your hands. Use gloves and reel. In no case do not wind the handrail around your hands. A strong gust of wind can lift the kite up, and the rapidly unwinding thread will burn your skin.

Before sending your kite into the sky, we place it facing us, stand with our backs to the wind and pull the threads. Flying a kite is largely dependent on wind speed. If the wind is strong enough, the kite can be launched directly from the hands, placing it with its nose into the wind and slowly unwinding the rope. If the wind is not very strong, you may need help. Unwind the coil 15-20 meters, pull the thread and ask someone to throw the kite up. It happens that the wind is weak near the ground, but strong enough above. This is evidenced by the swaying tops of the trees. In this case, the kite will fly only at a certain height. But in order to raise it to this height, you will have to run a little against the wind.

Watch the thread tension carefully. If the wind stops and the tension begins to loosen, wind the thread around the spool or simply pull it towards you. If the wind increases, the rope needs to be unwound a little, or, for example, you can take a few steps in the direction of the wind. When the kite begins to fall, and the situation can no longer be corrected, let go of the rope so that the impact on the ground is softer.

controlled kite

When you have the opportunity to fly a kite, it's always exciting. But to launch such kites, you need a strong wind, because in a weak wind, holding two coils in your hands, you will not be able to run backwards. During launch, it is desirable to have an assistant. But you can also cope on your own, although, most likely, not on the first try.

When the kite takes off, keep your hands at chest or hip level. Try to pull the right thread towards you. You will see the kite fly to the right. If you pull your left hand, you can straighten it or tilt it, respectively, to the left. Movements should be smooth. If you pull the threads, the kite will quickly fall. Do not unwind the thread too much. Get used to the kite's maneuvers first. And after a little training, release it higher. Do not worry if the threads twist several times, this will not affect the control in any way.

In skillful hands, the kite can draw different shapes in the air, as well as perform tricks such as the "eight", "dead loop" and "spiral descent". If you are not yet able to control a kite, do not worry, very soon you will master all the subtleties of flight, and your kite will soar in the air for hours to the delight of you and your children.