Working with a floral sponge. Oasis - an inconspicuous assistant to the florist


Oasis- an artificial porous material with capillary properties that absorbs well and retains moisture for a long time. In everyday life, it is known as a floristic sponge, foam, piaflor, floristic foam, but we will call this material an oasis, since it is under this name that it is most widely known. Invented in Denmark (it happened by accident - initially the material was developed for aircraft construction, and not for floristry), the oasis underwent changes: the quality improved, new shapes and colors appeared. However, the main properties of the oasis - to retain moisture and reliably keep flowers in the compositions - remained unchanged. There are two types of oasis: for fresh flowers and for working with dried flowers or artificial flowers. This book will present each type and "subspecies" of the oasis, the rules for setting flowers, fixing the material and much more.

Technical material - a cut flower oasis

The traditional color of a technical oasis, which is used to compose compositions from fresh flowers, is dark green. This makes it invisible under plants in most cases. Nevertheless, a green oasis must be decorated before placing flowers on it, but a decorative colored oasis is not. Oasis - very light material, but it is able to absorb so much water that it becomes ten times heavier than its original weight. There is only one way to saturate the oasis with moisture - to put it on the surface of the water and let it (as it is absorbed) plunge into it. In no case should you water a dry oasis from above or press on it for a speedy dive. Such actions will lead to the fact that water will seep only into the outer layers, and the middle of the oasis will remain dry with air cavities, which will make it unsuitable for composing, and such an oasis will be able to "work" only as a float. It is not recommended to use an oasis for fresh flowers for the second time. The holes from the stems create air voids in the stem, into which, when reused, the stem cut can fall. The flower will remain without water and will wither much earlier than the due date for the composition.

Advice. The oasis is equally easy to cut both dry and wet. However, if you have allergies, it is better to form the base of the composition from an oasis soaked in water so that its smallest particles do not fly to the sides and you cannot inhale them.

Variety of shapes

Almost any shape can be “cut out” from a standard brick. If the composition should be big size, then several briquettes will be used. Details of a complex "sculptural" composition are fastened together with wooden pins, and during large-scale works, the oasis turns into a metal or plastic mesh or a frame of twigs is assembled around it, which will not allow the oasis to fall apart under the weight of flowers. All this structure is carefully decorated, and only then flowers are installed in it. The industry quickly enough responded to the tendency of florists to model all kinds of shapes from an oasis-brick. The production of an oasis for the most traditional and demanded types of compositions has begun: a Christmas wreath, a heart, a small bouquet holder for a small bouquet, a hemisphere for small table compositions, and even wagons for garlands. All of these forms are already attached to a plastic base, which allows you to do without vases and pots, placing flowers directly on the table or wall.
Such forms of oasis are somewhat more expensive than ordinary briquettes, but they make the work much easier.

Oasis as the basis of the composition

An already moistened oasis is placed in a vase. Depending on the type of container, the base of the composition is cut out from the oasis with a sharp knife. the desired shape and size, for example, for a cone-shaped vase you will need an oasis in the form of a wedge, and for a round one in the form of a cylinder Oasis should never be pushed into the container, this makes the material shrink and partially loses its properties. It is better to cut off a few more pieces from the oasis so that it can easily, without coercion, fit into the required volume, thereby creating additional space for water in the vase.

Advice. An old standard oasis changes color as it dries. It is possible to re-humidify such an oasis only in boiling water, but this is an exceptional measure, since any oasis is a disposable product.

With the radial technique, the oasis must necessarily rise above the upper edge of the container in order to be able to place flowers and leaves at an angle, thus covering the edges of the vase. With a parallel setting of the material, the requirements are different: the oasis should be located below the edge of the vase.
To prevent unnecessary holes from weakening the structure of the oasis, think in advance where you want to place the plants. Lateral processes, as well as thorns and thick parts, are preliminarily removed from each stem. Then be sure to make an oblique cut with a length of 2-3 cm. Than larger area cut, the more freely the plant will be able to absorb water, maintaining freshness as long as possible. The stem, cut at a right angle, compacts the oasis underneath, destroying its capillary structure, thereby depriving the plant of the necessary moisture.

Oasis anchorage methods

When using deep vessels, the problem of fixing the oasis disappears by itself. It is simply cut to the size of the container and placed in it. However, the beauty of the oasis is that it can be used to arrange flowers in the most unexpected places, even on flat trays and in delicate baskets.
Wednesday traditional ways oasis mounts - plastic tattoos, which are glued to flat surfaces with adhesive tape, and the oasis is already strung on them. If the vase is small and wide, then a piece of the oasis in its center is fastened crosswise with a special adhesive anchor tape, the ends of which are pressed against the edges of the vase. Anchor has green color, therefore, it is completely unobtrusive and is just as easy to decorate as the oasis itself.

Advice. The thin cling film will not only preserve the freshness of the food, but also retain moisture for the plants. Wrap a wet oasis in it if you plan to place it in a "leaking" container. The film, thin as mica, is easily pierced by the stems.

There are special containers for an oasis - these are vessels with a round or rectangular inner recess or flat ones with sharp edges at the bottom, which act as tattoos. These vessels are extremely functional and therefore require mandatory decoration. In baskets, the oasis is fixed with twine. It is thrown over the oasis, and the edges are pulled between the rods and tied. To prevent moisture from seeping through the basket, the bottom and 2/3 of the side walls of the oasis are wrapped in polyethylene.

Tatiana Lokrina "Compositions at the oasis"

Floral sponge (OASIS, floristic foam, floristic foam, piaflor) is a synthetic moisture-absorbing foam-shaped material with capillary properties that absorbs well and retains moisture for a long time.

Invented in Denmark in the 40s of the last century (although initially the material was developed forfor aircraft construction, not for floristry) the floristic oasis was constantly changing : improved axis quality, new shapes and colors appeared.

But the main properties floristicoasis remained unchanged: retain moisture and securely fasten flowers in compositions.

Currently, floristic piaflor is of two types: green absorbs water and is used for compositions with live plants, a gray or brown applies only to arrangementswith dry or artificial plants.

Manufacturing technology floristic foam kept secret and passed on to the company OASIS from generation to generation.

Traditional color floral sponge "oasis"- dark green.This color is least noticeable in compositions of fresh flowers and ornamental plants ... But still green piaflor it is advisable to correctly decorate in flower arrangement.

Floristic oasis used as a fixative for flowers and plants at any angle in a vessel of any shape and size.

Due to its moisture content and porosity floral sponge perfectly absorbs water and retains it for a long time without losing its hardness and elasticity.
Oasis- a very light material capable of absorbing a lot of water, it becomes ten times heavier than its original weight. Soak floristic foam moisture is very easy - put it on the surface of the water and let it immerse in it.

Floral sponge it happens different sizes, various shapes and colors.

But floral foam which is for sale in flower shops and wholesale stores usually happens standard form(brick, cube, oval), and therefore not always suitable for an invented composition.

Therefore, there is always another option - just cut from floral sponge the form that is needed. From a standard brick oasis you can "cut out" almost any shape.Floral sponge it is very easy to cut, so you don't have to make much effort. With the help of an ordinary construction or office knife, you can create wonderful flower arrangements the desired shape or size.

There is even on sale special knife for cuttingfloristic foam... Stainless steel blade engineered to provide the fastest, most economical cutfloral foam.

By the way, manufacturers quickly enough responded to the tendency of florists and flower arrangers to model from oasis-brick all kinds of shapes.

Piaflor now it is produced for the most traditional and demanded types of compositions: a Christmas wreath, a heart, portbouquet holder for a small bouquet, a hemisphere for small tabletop compositions, "wagons" for garlands, various animals, cars, little trains, hearts, horseshoes and so on.

To create a multi-faceted composition, you need to use dedicated tools. A floral sponge will help you create unique compositions that harmoniously combine seasonal flowers, fruits, geranium leaves, exclusive varieties of roses, as well as many other decorative items.

What is the purpose of products for floristry

In order for the finished composition to look the most beautiful and harmonious, you need to take care of correct fastening plants. Products for floristry are presented in a large assortment. Professional and novice florists use a variety of technical devices for their work, thanks to which the plant can be firmly fixed in the vessel so that the auxiliary materials are not visible.

Most often, floristic foam is used for work, which is a porous artificial material... It comes in several types and colors. The presented foam can be trimmed to optimal size and the required form.

In order for the finished flower arrangement to please its owner for a long time, when forming it, an arranged mesh must be used, which, during fastening, is able to preserve the natural inclination of the plant. Floristic gadgets include kenzan, sand, corrugated paper, and other materials and tools.

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What is this item

Floristic sponge is also called floristic foam. Means a porous artificial material. It helps to securely fix plants in a variety of compositions as much as possible. The main and main advantage of the presented material is keeping the plants at the optimal angle. It can be used for small, medium or large vessels. You can buy this device in specialized florist shops.

Video: Floristics

There are several varieties of floristic foam. A green sponge perfectly absorbs water, so florists use it for arranging with living plants. You can also note a gray or brown sponge, which can be used exclusively for compositions with artificial or dried flowers and other plants.

The main varieties of the floral sponge

The floral sponge is the basis for any composition. It is presented in several varieties:

  • Versatile or classic. In most cases, it is sold in free form, which resembles an ordinary brick. It can be used to create a volumetric composition. The necessary figures are easily and quickly cut out of the universal sponge and the necessary shape is given.
  • Shaped sponge. Already on sale in stores finished form, size, thickness. Quite often it can be sold already in the form of a ready-made kit required size.

Universal and shaped foam is produced by manufacturers in a variety of colors. Here you can find both natural shades and bright, juicy tones.

How can you replace a floral sponge while creating a composition?

Many girls are fond of creativity and are looking for how to replace a floral sponge at home. It is known to absorb water and be strong to withstand the pressure and weight of flowers and plants. You can use regular styrofoam to create a bouquet of dried flowers, twigs, and leaves. It is trimmed to the required size or shape by the florist without special efforts... In order for the leaves and branches to be firmly fixed in the structure, glue can be used.

Experts say that polyurethane foam is sometimes used for such purposes. In a vessel or box, it is necessary to evenly distribute and give it time to dry. After that, they cut it off and begin collecting the future composition. The situation with fresh flowers is different. The natural sponge, which is sold at the florist store, has a unique composition and is able to absorb water, so at home it can be replaced with foam and polyurethane foam... But there is no guarantee that fresh flowers and plants will delight you with their beauty and freshness for a long time. After such advice, you should no longer have questions about how to make a floral sponge at home or how to replace it.

How to use a floral sponge correctly

As you know, a floristic sponge is a fairly versatile porous material. Most often, a green sponge is used for a plant composition. It has the unique ability to absorb moisture in any amount. Therefore, florists should always remember that it will become several times heavier when wet.

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When caring for such material, it is necessary not to allow it to dry completely. When the sponge is completely dry and loses moisture, the flowers will lose their original appearance and dry out. It is best to wrap the sponge in plastic or foil. This is the only way to avoid rapid evaporation of moisture. To constantly keep the sponge wet, it is necessary to fold back the rim of the wrapper that was used for winding, and then inject water with a syringe.

How to make a composition with the OASIS floral sponge

The question of where to buy a floral sponge cannot always be answered quickly. Although in reality everything is simpler than it seems at first glance. The florist store has everything you need to create a flower arrangement, and this is where the OASIS sponge is sold. Before starting to create a composition, you need to prepare all the materials. If you have to work with artificial flowers, you will need to use a gray or brown sponge. It should be noted that the green sponge is used only for a living plant. First, you need to choose the optimal vessel where the finished composition will stand. The sponge is quickly cut to the desired shape or size.

The material should lie firmly in the vessel, after which you can create tattoos. They are needles that are collected in several rows. They are attached with a sticky mass.

When everything is ready, you can install flowers, branches, leaves and other materials. Next, the vessel is masked so that all fasteners and other auxiliary materials are not visible. When buying goods for floristry, it is worth Special attention to give to the manufacturer, since the quality depends on him created composition.

Attention, only TODAY!

To create a multi-faceted composition, you need to use dedicated tools. A floral sponge will help you create unique compositions that harmoniously combine seasonal flowers, fruits, geranium leaves, exclusive varieties of roses, as well as many other decorative items.

What is the purpose of products for floristry

In order for the finished composition to look the most beautiful and harmonious, it is necessary to take care of the correct fastening of the plants. Products for floristry are presented in a large assortment. Professional and novice florists use a variety of technical devices for their work, thanks to which the plant can be firmly fixed in the vessel so that the auxiliary materials are not visible.

Most often, floristic foam is used for work, which is a porous artificial material. It comes in several types and colors. The presented foam can be cut to the optimum size and shape.

In order for the finished flower arrangement to please its owner for a long time, when forming it, an arranged mesh must be used, which, during fastening, is able to preserve the natural inclination of the plant. Floristic gadgets include kenzan, sand, corrugated paper, and other materials and tools.

What is this item

Floristic sponge is also called floristic foam. Means a porous artificial material. It helps to securely fix plants in a variety of compositions as much as possible. The main and main advantage of the presented material is keeping the plants at the optimal angle. It can be used for small, medium or large vessels. You can buy this device in specialized florist shops.

There are several varieties of floristic foam. A green sponge perfectly absorbs water, so florists use it for arranging with living plants. You can also note a gray or brown sponge, which can be used exclusively for compositions with artificial or dried flowers and other plants.

The main varieties of the floral sponge

The floral sponge is the basis for any composition. It is presented in several varieties:

  • Versatile or classic. In most cases, it is sold in free form, which resembles an ordinary brick. It can be used to create a volumetric composition. The necessary figures are easily and quickly cut out of the universal sponge and the necessary shape is given.
  • Shaped sponge. The stores sell a ready-made shape, size, thickness. Quite often, it can be sold already in the form of a ready-made kit of the required size.

Universal and shaped foam is produced by manufacturers in a variety of colors. Here you can find both natural shades and bright, juicy tones.

How can you replace a floral sponge while creating a composition?

Many girls are fond of creativity and are looking for how to replace a floral sponge at home. It is known to absorb water and be strong to withstand the pressure and weight of flowers and plants. To create a bouquet of branches, as well as leaves, you can use ordinary foam. It is trimmed to the desired size or shape by the florist effortlessly. In order for the leaves and branches to be firmly fixed in the structure, glue can be used.

Experts say that they are sometimes used for such purposes. In a vessel or box, it is necessary to evenly distribute the polyurethane foam and give it time to dry. After that, they cut it off and begin collecting the future composition. The situation with fresh flowers is different. The natural sponge, which is sold in the florist shop, has a unique composition and is capable of absorbing water, so at home it can be replaced with polystyrene and polyurethane foam. But there is no guarantee that fresh flowers and plants will delight you with their beauty and freshness for a long time. After such advice, you should no longer have questions about how to make a floral sponge at home or how to replace it.

How to use a floral sponge correctly

As you know, a floristic sponge is a fairly versatile porous material. Most often, a green sponge is used for a plant composition. It has the unique ability to absorb moisture in any amount. Therefore, florists should always remember that it will become several times heavier when wet.

When caring for such material, it is necessary not to allow it to dry completely. When the sponge is completely dry and loses moisture, the flowers will lose their original appearance and dry out. It is best to wrap the sponge in plastic or foil. This is the only way to avoid rapid evaporation of moisture. To constantly keep the sponge wet, it is necessary to fold back the rim of the wrapper that was used for winding, and then inject water with a syringe.

How to make a composition with the OASIS floral sponge

The question of where to buy a floral sponge cannot always be answered quickly. Although in reality everything is simpler than it seems at first glance. The florist store has everything you need to create a flower arrangement, and this is where the OASIS sponge is sold. Before starting to create a composition, you need to prepare all the materials. If you have to work with artificial flowers, you will need to use a gray or brown sponge. It should be noted that the green sponge is used only for a living plant. First, you need to choose the optimal vessel where the finished composition will stand. The sponge is quickly cut to the desired shape or size.

The material should lie firmly in the vessel, after which you can create tattoos. They are needles that are collected in several rows. They are attached with a sticky mass.

When everything is ready, you can install flowers, branches, leaves and other materials. Next, the vessel is masked so that all fasteners and other auxiliary materials are not visible. When buying goods for floristry, you should pay special attention to the manufacturer, since the quality of the created composition depends on him.

Floral sponge (foam, oasis, piaflor)

There are several types - green absorbs water and is used for arrangements with living plants, gray or brown is used for compositions with dry or artificial plants, colored floristic foam is universal, suitable for working with both fresh flowers and dried flowers.

A green oasis can be of various shapes- hearts, spheres, hemispheres, most often in the form of a rectangle or circle. It is very light, but by absorbing water it becomes 30 times heavier.

After getting wet, the green sponge should not be allowed to dry out - after use it should be wrapped in foil or polyethylene, then it will serve for several more compositions.

The advantage of a floristic sponge is that it holds the stems at any angle both in shallow and deep vessels and removes the problem of water decay.

Its disadvantages include the need to additionally secure large plants with looped wire and the fact that some plants (for example tulips) hardly absorb water from it.

Using piaflore:

Floral sponge, usually dry - cut into pieces the right size... Then it should be soaked in water or in a preservative solution. It is impossible to say in advance how long it will take - it can be a matter of minutes, or maybe half an hour, depending on the size of the sponge, water temperature, etc.

It is best to do it this way: without pressing, immerse the pyaflor in water and immediately release it. When the top surface of the sponge reaches the water level, it must be removed, because a wet sponge becomes fragile.

Video example "How to properly soak a floral sponge"