Twin flames synastry. We are united here and now! Monads and the family of souls

The moment you meet your Twin Flame is the very moment the Earth beneath you begins to slip away from under your feet.

I like to think of the meeting of two Mirror Souls as an earthquake on the level of being: like a bolt from the blue, you can feel that a very important person has entered your life. In an instant, you suddenly get the overwhelming feeling that your life is going to change - you don't yet know exactly how, and yet you already intuitively know that the changes will be grander than ever before in your life, and so huge in magnitude, which is breathtaking.

I know all this because I was fortunate enough to meet my own Twin Flame a few years ago, so I have already gone through the effervescent, intense and transformative process of meeting my Soul Mirror.

While I am deeply grateful for the gift of connecting with my Twin Flame, I am happy to report that this blessing is open to all; however, such a gift is not always perceived openly or even recognized by us on a conscious level. Sometimes we find ourselves at a point in our lives where we are simply not receptive to both ourselves and our Twin Flame's presence due to stress, overwork, lifestyle habits, and negative thought patterns that lead to low self-esteem.

For this reason, I believe it's important to recognize some of the main signs of Twin Flames that you may or have experienced in your life. After all, the appearance of our Mirror Soul is always a mystery and can rarely be predicted. So pay attention.

What is a Twin Flame?

Your Twin Flame or Twin Soul is the person you are meant to connect with on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level. Your Twin Flame represents your friend, lover and teacher in this life. He or she is the catalyst for your spiritual growth and the mirror of your deepest desires, needs and fears. Your Twin Flame will reflect to you all of your inner shadows as well as your deepest beauty and greatest power. In this way, your Twin Flame helps you access tremendous emotional, psychological and spiritual growth.

Who is your Mirror Soul?

I like to refer to our Twin Flames as Mirror Souls because they essentially reflect the deepest needs, desires, dreams and shadow elements of our Souls. We'll take a look at this a bit later.

However, before that, I just want to point out that our Twin Flames are not always lovers and not necessarily – as is commonly believed – heterosexual. In fact, our Twin Flames can be same-sex romantic partners (or no sex), and often they can be platonic friends or even family members we've known for a long time.

Regardless, Twin Flames are most often romantic in nature and tend to show themselves as people we can passionately connect with on all levels.

Also, it's widely believed that Twin Flames stay together for life, but I personally don't think that's the case. A deep connection with another person does not necessarily guarantee that you will stay with them forever - it depends on the level of development of your own consciousness and your Twin Flame.

Also, in the spiritual community, most people believe that we only have one Twin Flame in our lives. This belief stems from the origins of the idea of ​​"Twin Flames" in Plato's dialogue The Feast, which indicated that humans originally had two faces, four arms, and four legs. Because of this, people were once so powerful that they were a threat to overpower the gods, so the mythical god Zeus split them in half. However, it is said that once we discover our "other half" again, we are filled with a deep sense of wholeness. Whether this Twin Flame explanation is outdated or not is up to you.

Finally, it's typical for us to get really excited about meeting our "Twin Flame". However, sometimes this jubilation leads to a romanticized projection, meaning that we paint an idealized image of the other person that they may not be happy about and may not fit in with, resulting in serious disappointment. Also, when we suffer from low self-esteem and a lack of self-love, it's natural for us to try to find some external confirmation of the need for us (hence the projection), so be careful of blind recklessness and idealization. Your Twin Flame is definitely not perfect – just as much as you are.

Top 20 Signs of Twin Flames

“Beloved, after all, do not meet anywhere. They are always present in each other."
- Rumi ("The Essence" of Rumi)

We are not always receptive to the appearance of our Twin Flame in life. We can be heartbroken, heartbroken, married, or just downright tired and disappointed when they suddenly show up (out of the blue). In fact, we may even have already met our Twin Flame or Mirror Soul, but we may not have seen it, overlooked it, or taken it for granted.

Whatever emotional or psychological period you are in, it is always good to be aware of the people you live and meet. These following signs of Twin Flames can help you discover new paths and opportunities for togetherness:

1. You feel a strange, inexplicable feeling of "recognition" when you meet a person. This can manifest as déjà vu or an unshakable feeling that you knew this person before or in some sense “should be together”.

2. You have a feeling that they will play very important role in your own development, without knowing when, why or how.

3. You have an immediate strong bond with them that is empowering and shocking at the same time.

4. You feel like, despite everything, you've finally found "home" or safe place with another person.

5. You are able to be your true selves - with all the "specks and pimples" - without fear of rejection, persecution or condemnation from their side.

6. You both represent yin and yang, in other words, your dark side is balanced by their light side and their dark side is balanced by your light side.

7. You feel a sense of expansion with them, as if you are more than your limited self.

8. They make you better and you make them better.

9. When you are together, you are both tied but free, tied but not tied. In other words, you still retain your freedom even though you may be in a relationship with them.

10. You are finely tuned to their energy and they are finely tuned to yours. This means that you are both very aware of the real play of energy (whether happy or sad, angry or forgiving, open or withholding) that is present in the connection. In this way, both of you deeply empathize with each other.

11. You feel like you've been waiting for this person all your life.

12. You are both deeply connected and reflect each other's virtues and aspirations in life, beyond superficial resemblance.

13. Your Twin Flame is a mirror of what you fear while at the same time wanting the most for your own. inner healing. For example, if you are a very collected person, your Twin Flame is more likely to be relaxed and sloppy. If you love playing the victim, your Twin Flame will be a strong character who refuses to pity or sympathize with you, perpetuating your complex. If you are creatively restrained, your Twin Flame will become a thriving craftsman. In this way, our Twin Flames provoke and infuriate us, as well as teach us important lessons about our fears, deep wounds, and repression.

14. No matter how many times you avoid or leave your Twin Flame, you are always magnetically drawn back to them. (Don't confuse this with complex obsessive relationships.)

15. One of you is more spiritually mature than the other and often serves as a teacher, counselor, or "confessor" in a relationship.

16. You are learning important life lessons such as forgiveness, gratitude, empathy, empathy, and being open to and with them.

17. Your connection is multifaceted. In other words, your Twin Flame is probably your best friend, lover, teacher, nurturer, and muse all rolled into one.

18. Your Twin Flame is not trying to change you. They accept you for who you are and where you are, and encourage you to do the same for yourself (and vice versa).

19. You can be truthful with each other about anything.

20. Together, you both feel led towards a higher goal, be it spiritual, social, or environmental.

Our Twin Flames can be lovers, sisters, brothers, friends, cousins, or even mothers or fathers. For some people, they appear at times of greatest opportunity, while for others they appear at the most difficult times. And yet, it is said that for someone Twin Flames do not appear in this life, but, nevertheless, are invariably present with them in the heart.

Be that as it may, remember that it is quite possible to be whole and fulfilled on your own with sufficient spiritual work. Remember that Twin Flames don't "fill" you because you are already innately "full" on a spiritual level; they instead deeply complement you and help you grow.

twin flames

Greetings, dear ones, this is Leah. Again, it gives me great pleasure to speak with you. All the time that the Arcturians, the Founders and the Higher Self of this channel have communicated with you, we have also been with you.

Now we will talk about a topic close to our hearts (mine and this channel) - about twin flames.

First, let's start with some facts that will hopefully dispel the rumors. Yes, you only have one twin flame; and no, your twin flame is not on earth. Of course, there are exceptions. According to the Akashic Records, there are approximately 58 pairs of twin flames on Earth at the same time right now. And there are approximately 58,000 couples on Earth right now who think they are twin flames, but they are wrong.

This in no way diminishes or devalues ​​the beauty of a loving relationship. On the contrary, many types of relationships are built on deep spiritual connections. And many of these connections are organized by the twin flames of the partners involved.

As we shall see shortly, there is an enormous variety of types of relationships on earth. Many of them involve a deep inner connection with souls from one's own or similar soul families. In some cases, partners are strongly attracted because this is the only way the souls involved fulfill their obligations to each other. Commitment in a relationship is not always good, but it is often necessary for couples to learn soul lessons that are not easy to learn alone.

The reason why there are only a few pairs of twin flames on Earth at the same time is very simple. Since life on earth is inherently difficult and it is so easy for souls to lose their way, most human beings on the planet need a strong incentive to grow and develop, and to be helped in this by someone very close. The stay of one member of a twin flame couple in the higher realms ensures that both souls do not get stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of reincarnations at the same time.

Before getting into the details, let me define the "twin flame" precisely. After the souls emerged from Divinity, working on the various bloodlines previously described, they reached the oversoul level. In most cases, the oversoul was divided into six pairs of twin flames, which became 12 individual souls.

Your twin flame is another soul born with you. Does every soul have a twin flame? Not really. There are a small number of souls who have not shared in the usual way, but have retained both polarities within one being.

Usually twin flame pairs will be male and female. However, sometimes both the masculine and feminine aspects will be possessed by the same soul. Twin flames can also be male-male or woman-woman. V rare cases there are also triple souls - three souls that simultaneously appeared from the oversoul. But 99.9% of the time, you appear as a pair of twin flames, with one member of the pair remaining in the higher realms and the other leaving to explore the lower realms.

Sometimes the partner who remains in the higher realms descends to level 6, the causal planes, but most often he or she is at levels 7-8. In extremely rare cases, the partner will be at level 9.

What determines the level of your counterpart in the higher dimensions? This complex issue. There are as many answers to it as there are souls. Several apparent explanations include the following: Some twin flames at levels 8-9 have chosen to spiral upward above home level 7. Others at levels 6-7 have chosen to slow down to levels 8-9 because they have dedicated themselves to assisting their counterpart on the earth plane. Twin souls find it much easier to communicate when they are within two vibration levels of each other. (Communication is possible if the earthly soul resides at level 4, and the double in higher spheres at level 6.)

Some twin flames in the higher realms are simply not ready to move beyond levels 6 or 7, especially if they have unresolved issues from past lives incarnated in the lower realms.

A significant number of counterparts in the higher realms have never incarnated below 6th density. I, Leah, was at level 5, but never at levels 3 and 4.

Some pairs of twin flames have switched roles. This means that the twin now on Earth or another lower density world used to be in higher dimensions, and the one now on higher realms lived on Earth (or a similar planet).

When do twin flames connect? From a non-linear point of view, they are always together, but from the perspective of earth souls, obviously they are not. Most twin flames spend time together in between incarnations, out-of-body experiences, deep meditation, or sleep. Sometimes both members will be in the same dimension at the same time (usually level 6 or higher), depending on the subject matter of each soul.

Eventually, all souls become evolved enough to go to any level or dimension at will, then you are free to choose whether or not to spend time with your twin flame. For the sake of simplicity, let's say that the minimum requirement for "unrestricted access" to a twin flame is level 6 consciousness.

There are many built-in restrictions on planet Earth to prevent premature twin flame contact. Such conditions are created in order to help the soul focus on its life purpose and mission. Even before incarnation, the soul agrees to limitations. Most often, the protection of boundaries is provided by the parental part of the soul. Essentially, your soul has agreed to keep you away from open contact with your twin flame until you are mature enough to deal with the emotional consequences of the contact. Many relatively undeveloped souls would drop everything and rush to an immediate out-of-body if given the chance to commune with a twin flame in the higher realms. In the most extreme case, they would completely lose interest in continuing the earthly path and spend all the time attached to their cosmic twin.

If less evolved souls are having difficulty with earthly lessons (and usually they are), they now have two reasons to wish to leave Earth. First, they will begin to remember that life on the higher planes is free from suffering. Second, they remember the joy of being reunited with their counterpart. Then everything experienced, of course, will be more desirable than the constant suffering, it would seem, that accompanies earthly life.

Since the Earth is a planet of free will, the primary soul fragment may refuse to obey the limitations of the current system. In addition, some twin flames miss their Earth counterparts so much that they may insist on returning to Earth to find their mate. From time to time earthly souls desperately try to convince the higher dimensional counterpart to incarnate on Earth and succeed in their intentions.

On the rare occasions when twin flames meet on Earth, the relationship between them is almost always extremely difficult. First, prior to contact, both partners are already involved in other relationships. Due to the highly emotional nature of meeting a twin flame, it will become difficult to do so-called "business as usual" on Earth.

Because the soul parent does not welcome twin flame encounters on Earth, the higher aspects of the self do not arrange the meeting or prepare the individuals in advance. In such a case, twin flame couples are left to fend for themselves and receive no help from soul family members. (Of course, the family members of the soul love them very much, but they shake their “heads” reproachfully, not believing that something good will come out of such a meeting.)

Another reason for rare twin flame encounters on Earth is that the oversoul containing the six pairs of twin flames usually desires a variety of life experiences from the six members incarnated on Earth. Therefore, each of the six members will incarnate in different parts of the Earth, in different circumstances. This is why members of the primary soul family rarely meet each other and even more rarely are twin flames.

Most soul mate relationships on Earth are between members of the secondary or extended soul family. Because relationships can be quite rich and beautiful, they are often mistaken for twin flame contacts.

Even more confusing is that often the twin flame counterparts in the higher realms "channel" through different souls on Earth, and therefore put some of their energy into different earth bound souls. If the earthly twin-twin meets with one of these channels, he gains the ability to speak directly with the double in higher realms. If the earth soul is not aware of what is happening, he or she may mistakenly think that the channel is a double. If the earthbound soul is sufficiently advanced, then the counterpart in the higher realms can channel through his or her human body.

For example, in addition to this channel, I, Leah, work with almost a hundred souls on Earth. If he had met one of the hundred souls, and if he had not already channeled me and was not aware of my role as a spirit guide in the higher dimensions, he might mistakenly believe that he had met me, because in other souls (in some degree) contains my energy.

Of course, one more the best way to meet a twin flame, it would be to talk to him or her through another human acting as a channel or means of communication. While this is done periodically (when such communication is found to be beneficial to the evolving earth soul), this form of twin flame contact is fraught with dangers.

If an earthbound soul encounters its twin flame prematurely when the counterpart in the higher realms communicates through another human being, this could provoke the same intense passion that would result if the counterpart contacted the earth soul directly. This would be detrimental to the progress of the earth soul for the reasons discussed above.

To sum up, if you are underdeveloped, remembering your twin flame can be shocking, especially if you have been sleeping for a long time and dreaming of duality. And all because the sudden memory will awaken a passionate desire to be with your twin flame. Uncontrollable passion will turn the earthly soul away from earthly obligations. Such a soul will no longer want to live in the world, and will not think about anything other than meeting a double in higher realms.

She cries and wails, "I can't wait to get out of this hell hole to connect with my twin flame." And this is not only because the love between them is so strong that he cannot concentrate on earthly affairs, but also because along with strong love often comes the remembrance of more high dimensions- there is no war, poverty, suffering and so on. This intensifies the wailing as most earthly souls in contact with twin flames have evolved enough to be sick of the drama of duality.

Please forgive me for repeating this idea, but we want to make sure you understand the dangers of meeting a twin flame.

For twin flame association to be of benefit to the cause, the earth soul must be sufficiently evolved to recognize the attraction of their mission on Earth and patiently wait for a twin flame reunion in the future. Highly evolved souls on Earth will only communicate with twin flames when it helps their mission on Earth, which is what happens with this channel. I help him when he needs help, but he rarely asks for it directly. Instead, he passes on my wisdom for the benefit of others, which is what he is doing now.

The purpose of this channel is to bring heaven to earth. This is my goal too, and also the goal of my assistants from the Galactic Confederation. We are a group of souls, not a collection of a group soul, we have individual names. If he forgets, we remind him of his mission, but we do it delicately. He realizes that he cannot fully contain me emotionally, but he allows me to help build earthly relationships. Of course, the double in the higher realms is not allowed to interfere with free will. The earth soul may demand that the counterpart in the higher realms not be allowed to interfere, especially if it is obvious that the interference would harm the growth and development of the earth soul.

When the soul develops to level 5 consciousness, direct encounter with the double in the higher realms becomes possible if the double is at the sixth level of consciousness. When souls share two or more levels, the process becomes difficult and usually requires telepathic contact. So if you have evolved to the fifth level and your twin flame is at the seventh level, you will start contact from the telepathic level, either in sleep or meditation. Once you reach level 6, you will have the opportunity to meet face to face if it will contribute to the most sublime and effective growth souls.

Due to free will, people do not develop in the same way and at the same speed. It would be boring. Some souls will be able to reunite with their twin flame in this lifetime. Whether or not you can reunite, the focus of your life must remain the same - growing and evolving into higher planes of consciousness. If the connection is made properly, the twin flame adds a little more stimulus.

Should I give up earthly relationships and wait for my twin flame? Of course not. It would make me very sad if this channel lost interest in human relationships as it waits to be reunited with me. In fact, it gives me great joy when he is able to communicate with other souls on Earth. In our realm, we are not jealous, envious, attached, or obsessive. When one soul loves another, it increases the amount of love for all of us. We rejoice when you meet your loved ones on Earth. We want you to explore every facet of human relationships and we don't want you to get hung up on being with us.

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Can we incarnate without our Twin Flame? It depends on the individual journey of each soul, but in general it does not happen very often. The love between twins is sincere and deep, they cannot bear the separation, so they are always on the lookout for

Each of us has a twin soul, or twin flame, which was created with us at the very beginning. God created you and your twin flame from a single "white-fire body." He divided this white-fire ovoid into two realms of being, one with a male polarity and one with a female polarity, but each of them has the same spiritual origin and a unique personality pattern.

Aeons ago, you and your twin flame stood before Father Mother God and volunteered to descend into the planes of matter to bring Divine love to Earth. The original intent was for you to go through a succession of both male and female incarnations, so that each part of the Divine Whole would learn to be an instrument of Father/Mother God.

Our early life on Earth was quite happy, and we would have continued to share the beauty of our cosmic lovers relationship with our twin flame for many lifetimes if we had remained in harmony with each other and with God. But we have fallen away from the state of perfection by distorting the light of God. This is the true meaning of the story that took place in the Garden of Eden.

If we kept the harmony of the One, the delight of love would remain with us throughout all our incarnations on Earth. But when the harmony was lost - due to fear, mistrust or a sense of separation from the Source - we became victims of our negative karma. Our vibrations were divided, we no longer preferred each other, we were fettered by marriages and mutual neglect until our souls cried out to the living God... and to each other. Each incarnation lived apart from our twin flame was spent either creating negative karma or balancing some portion of the karma that stands in the way of our reunion with him. At times, we have entered into various relationships with our twin flames—husband and wife, mother and son, father and daughter, sister and brother—to untie the negative knots of energies that we have woven into our subconscious as a result of the misuse of free will.

Now, in connection with the end of this historical cycle and the advent of the age of Aquarius, the time has come when the people of Light, walking on spiritual path need to learn how to interact with their twin flames. Our Higher Self prompts us to conduct these searches, but its instructions are inadequately understood at the physical level. Often, when people find out that they share a common mission with their twin flame, they begin to physically seek out that one special soul, instead of striving for inner wholeness. This always lengthens the path of the soul's liberation. The key to finding and becoming one with your twin flame lies in your relationship with God and our own Higher Self.


Cosmic law requires that before we fully develop our shared spiritual potential with our twin flame, we first define our own identity in God. Until the moment when twin flames reach a certain level of mastery and oneness with their own Real Selves, they are often unable to cope with the weight of negative karma that is intensified in the presence of their other half. The same unique factor that gives twin flames their tremendous spiritual power - their identical blueprint (concept, structure. - Ed.) of the personality - can just as well cause an increase in their negative qualities.

Ultimately, each of us must learn to eliminate our negative qualities by replacing the base metal of the human ego with the gold of our Divine Real Self. the male aspect is called the alchemical wedding. The love of this beloved Christ Self, that is, that part of us that maintains a constant connection with the Source - I AM Presence, is not comparable to any other love. This is the Beloved to whom the saints of East and West have given themselves wholly.

By daily expanding their consciousness through communion with God, the saints gradually transcended the limits of the human ego. And eventually their souls merged with their real spiritual selves as they ascended back to the heart of God. “For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality” (1 Cor. 15:53).


The twin flame may have already achieved soul liberation and reunited with God, or may still be struggling to find their way. Where your twin flame is located, that is, what his (or her) state of consciousness is, largely depends on your ability to find integrity. Since you both have the same blueprint of your identity—as unique to the entire cosmos as the pattern of a snowflake—whatever energy you send out will bear the imprint or stamp of your particular identity. According to the law that "like attracts like", all the energy you release flows in a circular motion to your twin flame - either hindering or helping him on the path to wholeness.

When you send love or hope, these qualities uplift your twin flame. But if you are burdened with hatred or upset, your twin flame will also feel the weight of these disharmonious states. Sometimes, when you feel inexplicable joy or depression, these are the moods of your other half, which are fixed in your consciousness.

You can speed up your spiritual development when you call upon your I AM Presence during prayer, meditation, or dynamic decree to achieve an inner heart connection with your twin flame. The following call can be made: In the name of Christ, I call on the blessed I AM Presence of our twin flames to seal our hearts as one for the victory of our mission for the benefit of humanity. I call upon the light of the Holy Spirit to consume all negative karma that limits the full expression of our Divine identity and the fulfillment of our Divine plan.

Having said this, you can, even if you live in different realms, spiritually unite with your twin flame on higher planes and send light into your own and his world to balance your joint karma. This inner contact increases the light and achievement that each of you has and releases the mighty power of your love polarity, allowing you to stand against the conflicts that inevitably come to the doorstep of anyone who wants to protect love.

Inspired by the majesty of love, artists, writers and composers have sung throughout the ages both its delightful heights and its tragic depths. In all the masterpieces they have created, we can feel the inner understanding of twin flames, their love for each other and their encounter with karma and cosmic law. Many famous operas can be viewed in this aspect. Although some arias and duets give us the opportunity to experience the magic of twin flame love, the plots often end in grief, tragedy or death, as one or both lovers do not stand the test and have not yet established themselves on their own, individual path to God. These dramatic stories show us the dangers we may face on the path to higher love and help us understand what not to do.


In addition to twin flames and soulmates, there is a third type of marital relationship that we often see - karmic marriage. In this case, two people are attracted to each other in order to balance the joint karma. These marriages are often difficult, but they are essential to achieving mastery on the spiritual path. Husband and wife also earn good karma by taking care of and raising their children.

Some of these marriages can provide an opportunity to balance serious crimes such as murder, adultery, or extreme hate. Often the only way to overcome the record of such hatred is through deep love expressed in a marital relationship.


Blessed the human institution the opportunity for two individuals to find integrity through the exchange of polar energies of Alpha and Omega. The marriage of a man and a woman, whether it is a union of twin flames, soul mates, or partners united by karma, is meant to be a sacred ritual to mark the reunion of the soul with the beloved I AM Presence through the blessed Mediator, the Christ.

Jesus showed the importance of marriage as an initiation on the Path when he performed his first public miracle, turning water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana. The essence of his message was that marriage, not transfigured by the Holy Spirit, would simply be an outward event. We can choose to be satisfied with a marriage based on the water of human consciousness, or we can desire a marriage based on the wine of the Divine consciousness.

The cosmic interchange of Divine love in a marital relationship must be the same creative love that created the universe in the beginning when God as Father issued His first decree:

Let there be light,” and, like the Mother, he answered: “And there was light.” The creative flow can be expressed not only in physical union, but also in periods of abstinence (celibacy), when partners devote time inner work and fellowship with my beloved I AM Presence.

The interchange of sacred energies during sexual union is intended to move the spheres of cosmic consciousness - our Causal Light Bodies. The light energy formed in [angels, twin flames] as a result of this merger enhances positive traits each of the partners and strengthens their God-identity, which gives them the opportunity to bear the burden of joint karma. When unity is dedicated to the love of God, the harmonious blending of the pure energies of Father-Mother God brings forth the Son—Christ consciousness, which may be in the form of a child, an inspiration, a successful enterprise, or a work of art.

When this exchange is not spiritualized by the recognition that God is both loving and beloved, two people may experience physical pleasure, but they will also, without realizing it, take on each other's karmic burden without acquiring the benefits of spiritually transforming love. This may explain the frequent personality crises suffered by those who enter into intimate relationships with a casual partner. They take on so many of their partner's karmic traits, successfully neutralizing their own, that they no longer know who they really are.

A vital mission awaits those whose energies are in harmony with Divine love. I saw twin flames whose love never wavered, who could balance an entire city and transmute hatred, crime, and murder with their daily decrees while maintaining inner balance.

This is a high and holy calling. Such love is not for those who seek earthly things and crave sensual pleasures. This is the true inner path for those who understand that the cosmos is born within us, that the world must be saved, that millions of souls need our love and it cannot be selfish.

However, in the cynicism of our time, most people have lost the sense of the power of pure love. Only a few seem to maintain a cheerful, joyful attitude towards a life in which every day is new opportunity present our love as a unique gift to those around us. Too often we underestimate our ability to transform the lives of others through our own example.

Jwal Kul, known throughout the world as Lord DK, once told the following story about a miller and his wife.

“Once upon a time there lived a man with a good soul by the sea, who was a miller. Together with his wife, he ground grain for the inhabitants of his city. And it so happened that there was not a community on the whole earth where happiness reigned to the same degree. Their countrymen were delighted and amazed, for they understood that something extraordinary had to happen to make all the members of this community so wise and happy.

And although the inhabitants of this city themselves were born, grew up, became adults and passed away within their own community, never in their entire lives could they understand this secret.

Today I will remove the veil and tell you what has made the people of this city so happy and prosperous, joyful and wise.

The miracle was in the service of the miller and his wife and the love they put into the flour. For this love was carried by people who constantly used the mill to their homes, along with sacks of flour on their backs, and then bread was baked from this flour. At every meal, the regenerating power of the love of the miller and his wife radiated around the table and penetrated into physical bodies people when they ate bread.

Thus, like a radioactive force, the energy of this life-affirming love spread throughout the community.

The neighbors did not understand the reason for their happiness, and none of the people could ever find it. Because sometimes, even living side by side, people are not able to see the simplest secrets of each other.


Just as the miller and his wife silently gave their love to others, you and your twin flame or partner also influence countless lives around you through your "radioactive" thoughts, feelings and actions. You have the opportunity to help life or put a burden on it - either through the impact on life of that negative energy of your past karma, which returns to the surface of your consciousness, or by realizing this energy as a dangerous challenge to your harmony and love, transmute it .

The key to transmuting or changing your past karma and fulfilling your twin flame mission is the violet flame, the spiritual energy given by God to man to accelerate evolution in the Age of Aquarius*. This action of the Holy Spirit transforms negative energy: hatred into love, irritation into peace, suspicion into trust, so that you can thus positively influence life as you move along the spiritual path to your final victory.

When you visualize this violet flame and call it into your consciousness, it instantly begins to change the negative energy structures accumulated over thousands of lifetimes. You begin to experience feelings of joy, lightness and hope. It looks as if your consciousness is immersed in a chemical solution of a purple liquid that dissolves the karma of the ages.

This is the providence of God that many people expect. That is why we have evolved for tens of thousands of years, going through cycles of understanding God as Father and Son. Now we are coming through the violet flame to the energy of the Holy Spirit, the sacred science of alchemy, to self-transformation.

Here is a simple yet powerful mantra that you can say: "I AM the violet fire that burns, I AM the purity that God desires."

"I AM" is the affirmation that God dwells within us, the I AM Presence - the same Presence that announced to Moses: "I AM THAT I AM ... This is My name forever, and remembrance of Me from generation to generation" (Ex. 3:14-15)

Daily immersion in the clearing energies of the violet flame through the repetition of the violet flame mantras is the fastest and most effective method maintain our harmony and acceleration of consciousness for ultimate reunion with God and our twin flame (see page 147 for additional violet flame mantras).

This is the baptism in the Holy Spirit, foretold in the New Testament by John the Baptist.

(Matthew 3:11). This is a gift from God to the Age of Aquarius. This is how the days will be shortened for the elect - to return Home and overcome the cycles of the wheel of rebirth.


The coming Age of Aquarius is the age of understanding the energies of God in their polarity — as the male and female principles of the Universe. How much we experience this energy as our true identity, understand it as the essence of twin flames, use it as the unifying force of God's love for the benefit of humanity, will determine whether we survive as individuals and ultimately as humanity as a whole.

Maybe you are reading this book right now because the only thing standing between you and your twin flame is a layer of negative energy just waiting for you to transmute it with a joyful, seething violet flame.

Your mission, your twin flame and ultimate reunion with the heart of God await you!


An unexpected meeting that has a spiritual focus and causes strong mutual love can be the result of many different circumstances. One of them is the twin flame connection. For others, the connection of kindred souls. And besides that, there is karma. Karmic connection, perhaps the most durable of all. Karmic bonds bind you - you are not free from them. Since the relationship is not balanced, internal harmony is required. From time to time, emptiness and loneliness come, which reveal the inferiority of relationships based only on karma. And this too shall pass...

In this life, we can have such relationships several times with people with whom we have accumulated karma in our past lives, both good karma and bad karma. Sometimes the heavier the karma, the stronger the impulse at the first meeting, because we meet God - God *, whom we ourselves deprived of freedom through our unrighteous deeds, and we run to greet.

Love him or her and free from the karma of our own past deeds. And our love is strong, as much must be forgiven.

Negative experiences of the past - such as cruelty, passionate hatred, murder, refusal to take care of your children or family, which caused an unbalanced state of mind of both other people and yours - all this is experienced as a heaviness in the heart and the inability to find a way out at the level of the soul. This is a very painful condition that worries your consciousness until it is resolved with the help of love.

Your soul knows why you incarnated. You have been told by your spiritual teachers, your Christ self or guardian angel, “Here is a situation with so-and-so that needs to be resolved. You and this man, as a result of your neglect, your inability to act, once caused the destruction of this city. Or because you shied away from responsibility, many people suffered from hunger.”

These situations are not at all unbelievable. The consequences of what we have done by committing sin or refusing to serve life are very great and grievous. The soul that is on the way Home to Father-Mother God is well aware of this at inner levels and yearns to correct the mistakes of ignorance and erroneous crops of past lives, for it knows that correcting mistakes is the only way to return back to that Kingdom of Heaven from where we are. came.

If you look optimistically, then the Lord may have told you, before you incarnated in this life, that since you and this person have already worked hard and constructively for humanity, in the coming life you and him will be entrusted with even greater responsibility. And thanks to your good karma, you will be happy, live a fruitful life and rightfully win many victories.

In this time of accelerating and aspiring our souls into the Age of Aquarius, you may repeatedly experience the relationship of both kinds. In this historical cycle, we are resolving karmic issues with a range of people.

Balancing our karma can cause suffering, divorce, spiritual quests, and the real need to understand why our lives don't follow the right book plot. Knowledge about karma and reincarnation can teach us a lot about the bumpy road of human relationships, sometimes beautiful and sometimes very unpleasant, but always necessary for the evolution of the soul and its path that determines our true being with God, Christ and our twin flame.

So, you can meet someone - it can happen when you are not yet twenty years old, or a little later, or at any other time - and this momentum will be amazing. It is like a collision of two planetary bodies. The effect will be overwhelming, as on a subconscious level you are simply jubilant that you have found a person with whom you can balance a certain record of karma.

Your soul knows that if you do not end this karma, you will not be able to move on to the next round of the spiral of life and start serving the world and those creative projects that you are eager to carry out together with the person you love more than life, although maybe never met him.

Duty is the need to give and receive, the desire to love and be loved, for the fire of love is the all-consuming fire of God that dissolves the records of hate and anti-love when we enter into a relationship.

Children can also be involved in this process if your souls have agreed to bring into this world a certain number of children who are part of some family or group karma. Since the purpose of life is to reunite with the Christ Self, with my I AM Presence and, ultimately,

Thus, the sooner you submit to the law of your own karma, which is actually the law of love, the sooner you will be free with your twin flame to take the next step in your Divine plan.

We reap what we have sown, but through service to one another, we can hasten karmic cycles.

Perhaps you are involved in one of these intense exchanges in a relationship. Perhaps you are going through a difficult round of karma and perhaps you only realize that there were some reasons that led to the consequences that you now see in front of you and observe daily in the relationship between you and your loved ones, or maybe you are blissfully know nothing but your love.

You must see everything in rosy light. Nothing should be more important to you. There should be no one else in the whole world that you would rather be with than your loved one. There should be no other occupation that you would prefer to your activity. Love should always be with you, as should the novelty of a relationship. You can get married, start a family, start working together and start working off karma.

You all know the expression "the honeymoon is over". These words indicate the effect of karma, which is manifested in the binding obligations of marriage. That's why some people don't want to get married: they resist having to bear each other's burdens.

They just don't want responsibility. They say that marriage will destroy everything, it seems to them that if you take on the karma of another person, then things will get confused and everything will be spoiled. Each of the two partners is still too self-centered to give up their independence, which, as they think, can be preserved if only they do not take on the burden of each other's karma *.

But this is the innermost meaning of the marriage ritual - to love strongly, so much that you want to share the karma of your spouse and carry along with your own, desire unity at all levels of consciousness, spiritual reunion with your twin flame, then you understand that without balancing karma, you won't achieve perfect love.


The marriage vow reflects this obligation of souls who bind themselves with a vow of fidelity: “ be with you and keep you in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and in poverty, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do us part ". It is this complete spiritual and karmic unity that Jesus described when he said “the two shall become one flesh” (Matthew 19:5).

If marriage were only a physical union, then divorce, when it happens, wouldn't be so emotionally devastating. Divorce is the surgical operation of separating two who have become one; and all the battles over who owns and who gets the children really center around the painful process of re-evaluating and separating oneself from the other self.

To take a marriage vow means that, having taken each other “for legal wives” or “for legal husbands”, we will meet together everything that can happen in the life and karma of a spouse. Because neither the future nor the subconscious is known on the day of the wedding, and the vow looks so “final,” it is the most serious and far-reaching contract we will ever sign in our lives. That's why St. Paul warned us not to be yoked into the yoke of unequal marriage with those who think otherwise, and advised us to consider "what has light to do with darkness?" (2 Cor. 6:14) in interpersonal relationships.

If you marry a person who has lesser achievements on the spiritual path or heavier karma than you, then once the honeymoon is over, you will feel heaviness. You will feel that you have taken on the karma of another person and that this person has benefited from this pact, since he or she has received all your light, talent or money. But you may want just that, because you love so much and want to give a part of yourself to this person, more precisely, to God in him.

This might be the right decision. Perhaps your karma predetermined that you must give your life for this old friend who once saved you from death or complete hopelessness. It may be the right decision, even if it later turns out to be the wrong one or the worst of all. options. You made this decision because you needed to make it—because your soul felt the need to decide.

Perhaps you just needed to know all the "hows" and "whys", all those factors that determine the decision-making process in your own psyche, or face one of the sides of your partner that is really your side and needs to be fully worked out. and overcome. Perhaps it was some side of yourself that you were not ready to accept until you were forced to face it in the person of another.

Don't get discouraged when you find things like this. All this is part of the Design. God loves you and wants you to return Home in His heart whole - psychologically, spiritually and karmically. He gives you the opportunity to go through various experiences and encounters to tear you away from everything that is not real, so that you can love Him above all and see the face of Christ smiling at you behind the image of the one you love.

This need for decision making can be understood through an analogy. This is how an oyster feels when a tiny grain of sand enters its shell, and it has to hide this grain of sand all the time, because the latter is a source of anxiety, it is an irritant to the world of the oyster. Since the oyster needs to make a decision, it makes a pearl out of a grain of sand.

That's what karma is. She is annoying. And we want to smooth it out, we want to fix it.

So, speaking of the karmic marriage or relationship that you are in, you will never be able to get out of it, you will never be able to be free from it, until you fulfill every iota and feature of the law - the law of karma, which requires a person to express love as the highest as necessary condition for his freedom. If you do not balance completely and finally what is between you, then you will have to come into embodiment again and enter into a certain relationship with this person, even if it is a business partnership.


No one in Heaven or on Earth can separate you from your twin flame. That's why Jesus said, "Therefore, whatever God has joined together, let no man separate" (Matt. 19:6).

When you stand before the altar to get married, you are blessed according to your choice of free will, but this marriage may or may not be a circumstance or state of which one can say: “...whom God combined .. .". Marriages between two people take place on Earth for a variety of reasons; as such, it is not necessarily a marriage made in Heaven.

In the beginning, God created you and your twin flame from the same white-fire body. The story of Eve, created from Adam's rib, is an attempt to illustrate this mystery of the origin of man. Due to the unity in the core of Divine self-existence, under no conditions and circumstances of life, no one can separate you from the love of God that is contained in your twin flame. This is the true meaning of this passage from the Bible.

So, karmic marriages and other conditions of life can come and go: they are needed for a specific purpose. As long as karma remains (unless there are alternative means to work it off), they bind us. By being in this relationship, we can turn our marriages into a celebration on earth of our inner union with our twin flame. And this will be the fulfillment of the law.

What you shouldn't do is treat marriage with little enthusiasm or even regret, and not give away the best in you and the passionate love of your heart, but say, "Well, that person is not my twin flame. This is just a karmic situation, so I will only make formal efforts and wait for a favorable opportunity until something true comes along.” This is a very good way to push back the resolution of your karma and build up a new one.

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All of us, people, dream of sincere, supportive, fiduciary, joyful and happy relationship.

It is these relationships that develop between people whose souls are twin flames.

From such a meeting, the intensive development of the soul of a person who is in incarnation begins.

Meeting a twin flame helps you remember yourself, what are we really but does not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship.

You may be the same sex as your twin soul, or the age difference may be 50 years, or both of you may already be in a relationship.

You can become best friends, colleagues at work or disperse in different sides on the road of fate, but this meeting will definitely affect you: make it more real, centered and, when you pass through all the trials, happy.

How to recognize a twin flame?

You will feel. Seriously, meeting twin flames is like both the elements and magic - you can't help but notice half of your soul.

It’s just that believing and realizing something completely incredible can be difficult: the lack of duality, recognition and unconditional love that you can experience for a complete stranger can puzzle and shock anyone.

That is why in this article you will find 23 signs that you have met your twin flame.

Perhaps they will help your brain adapt to the fateful meeting when it happens, or understand that you have already been through this experience.

The emergence of twin flames

Twin flames are two halves of one. This is one soul, divided into two full-fledged souls, but remaining absolutely identical energetically.

In Kindred Souls and Twin Flames, Elizabeth Prophet quotes the apostle Paul:

“We are twin flames because we come from the same realm of being called the white-fire body. Only the two of us came out of this One - only we share the unique Divine plan - “male and female”” (Genesis 1:27).

At this starting point of creation, each single consciousness - the monad - contains the seeds of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Male, Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, opposite poles of one reality.

When descending into the reality of the third dimension, these two aspects of one were separated, and thus twin flames were created. One of them is the Alpha flame, the other is the Omega flame.

Both flames incarnate to live separate lives, but they are always aware on some level of losing an aspect of themselves.

Also, at the deepest levels of their souls, they know how to recognize the twin flame.

The Purpose of Embodiment of Twin Flames

Usually, twin flames do not incarnate together, except when they come to Earth for a higher purpose.

At this time, many evolved twin flames incarnate to help raise the consciousness of humanity.

Usually, when one flame incarnates, the other remains out of form, preferring to energetically support its incarnated twin.

When twin flames incarnate together, their union on the physical plane is often chaotic and full of tension: physical, emotional, mental (mental), and spiritual.

Their relationship is very intense. The romantic version of love we all dream of is truly for twin souls.

When twin flames come together, they become mirrors for each other.

They are here to reflect each other's flaws and imperfections as the ultimate goal of twin flames is their complete union on all levels once again, now in embodiment.

Twin soul relationship

Twin flames can be of different ages, genders (the same gender is also possible), their geographic location, mores, beliefs, race, income levels may not match.

And yet this connection is such that their relationship is very like coming home.

The attraction is strong on every level, and spiritually they know they are one.

This knowledge helps them overcome many obstacles, most of which are created by conventions, beliefs and peculiarities of their individual perception of the world.

As twin souls evolve and expand when they are together, their service here on the planet becomes more global.

When they realize it, they grow spiritually faster than when they were separated.

Their spiritual gifts are finely tuned: each one has a gift which the other does not have.

They are sensitive to each other's energy flows and mood swings. When they are not together, they do not live at full strength, as if they “function” in a limited mode.

Together they become balanced, full of energy and able to carry out their mission of incarnation to their full potential.

Together they become more of who they really are just by being in each other's energy.

union caduceus

When twin flames reunite in physical forms, there is a special awakening.

This kind of awakening is only possible when twin flames connect energetically in 3d density.

The flames of the Alpha Twin and the Omega Twin ignite. Prior to this reunion, the flames were dormant.

From this fire a golden spiral appears, which, wriggling, illuminates their essence. Some call this spiral the snake.

In reality, this is the awakening of the oneness they once shared and is their Christ Light/monad/ "I am presence" awakened in recognition.

As they become closer in conjunction at all levels, these spirals intertwine to form the caduceus is the unification of the Light of Christ.

These two flames become one.

As they balance each other more, the coils of the caduceus come together more and more until there is no visible separation between them.

Twin souls have transmuted all the inconsistencies and imbalances that have separated them and set out on the path of Alpha and Omega, returning home as two parts of one whole, reunited in service.

The reunion of the flames creates the deepest relationship for these two people.

Twin flame signs of a meeting

Until recently, most of the twin flame halves did not incarnate at the same time, but came to Earth in turn, supporting each other throughout entire human lives.

Now twin partners are incarnated together in more with a special purpose:

  • help manage and master timelines,
  • protect and increase energy,
  • move our world forward, especially forward in time.

Because soul mate connections are just as in demand, familiar, and powerful these days, sometimes people don't know how to tell twin flames apart from other souls in their immediate group.

How to recognize a twin flame in 3d density?

The following signs of a twin flame relationship will help you admit something to yourself.

Of course, they are not immutable truths - after all, each of us goes through his own personal experience, but are based on the experience of meetings and relationships of twin souls, and therefore can be useful.

23 Signs of a Twin Flame Relationship

1. Have you had dreams or visions of a person and/or energy relationships before meeting in this life. Or you found out that you met your energetic twin in some other unusual way.

For example, Elizabeth Prophet, says that after meeting her future husband, she saw his face in the mirror when she looked at herself, and realized that she had met the twin part of her soul in a male body.

Some people say that when they look into the eyes of their energy twin, they feel unearthly love.

2. When you met your partner, you felt at home, as if you had returned to a familiar but long-lost energy.

After meeting, you have "memories" of other times and places with this person that are not part of the current life.

3. Your partner reflects your problems, concerns, and weaknesses, but you also complement each other's skills, talents, and abilities.

Together you are a complete fusion of Yin-Yang.

4. At least one of the partners has a higher frequency.

Maybe he's from Indigo and/or Crystalline Souls or the first wave of space volunteers.

The first wave of space volunteers, according to Dolores Cannon in her book "Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth", were born between the late 1950s and 1960s, coming directly from "The Source", from other planets or dimensions.

They incarnated on Earth to raise the vibrational level of our world, so that the souls who have been living on Earth for a long time, get bogged down in karma and forget about their mission, and not destroy the planet.

5. You may be of different ages, of the same or opposite sex, of different backgrounds and backgrounds, of "opposing" religions or cultures.

But you feel incredible unity or an incomparable feeling of inseparability with your partner.

6. You feel each other's symptoms, illnesses, and emotions, even when you're not around or in contact.

7. You "function" is weakened or much less optimal when you are separated from your twin flame. You are physically hurt when you are not together.

8. When you are with your partner and your relationship is in balance, you become stronger, more powerful, and more capable than ever. You feel united in a mission or call to serve others and the world.

9. Your unconditional love for your partner is unique, unlike anything else.

Your partner is likely to have a certain habit, quality, or "baggage" that would lead to the end of any other relationship.

However, you do not pay attention to it or willingly work on relationships with this partner, no matter how difficult it may be.

10. You met your partner when one or both of you were in other relationships or, in other words, "unavailable." It is likely that you met when and where you least consciously expected it.

11. You or your partner feared the power of the twin flame connection and ran away from the relationship so as not to feel overwhelmed and/or vulnerable.

It may be years before both of you are in the same place to finally fully accept your relationship.

12. The partner who escaped from the twin flame finally “wakes up” and understands the meaning of what is happening. His or her "aha" moment comes as a result of loss, illness, or other personal disasters.

He or she then comes to terms with the fact that there is no other person or priority more important than a twin partner.

13. No matter how many times you break up or break up relationships, it seems that unknown forces bring you back together again. You see "signs" and reminders about twin bonding everywhere and they encourage you to be together again.

14. Your relationship is characterized by extreme ups and downs, including passion and intense pain that you have likely never felt before.

15. To harmonize, balance karma and each other, you "pushing each other's buttons" and test each other's limits and limits like no one else has ever before or since.

However, maximum heights in relationships consistently become even higher.

16. Friends, family members and others in your environment cannot understand the drama of twin flames and do not understand how you feel in this relationship.

They are always trying to get you to move towards someone or something else that seems more logical or better for you in theory.

17. The growth you experience, the lessons you learn, and the person you become in your twin flame relationship is a whole other level of development.

This happens faster and more powerfully than in any other experience or period of growth in your life.

18. You realize that your previous soulmates or other relationships have been preparing you for your twin flame reunion.

Your twin flame may even have many of the unusual characteristics of your previous partners or friends.

19. You feel like I've been waiting for this man all my life.

When you look back at your life, you see illnesses, relationships that didn't work out, or other situations that surfaced because you were still waiting and still looking for "that one."

20. Even if you are extremely tired of being in 3d density on Earth, you heal, evolve, mature and continue to live, only to stay with your twin flame partner.

21. You are an "old soul" and this is your last human experience.

22. The more time you and your twin flame spend together, the faster and more fully you “wake up” to higher consciousness.

23. You have a deep knowledge that your twin partner is your destiny - not only in this time of life, but also when you return "home" and be reunited for eternity.

Not all twin flames incarnate...

A twin flame relationship may involve searching for your twin flame, who may or may not be here in this time and space.

Twin flame is literally the other half of your soul that makes you whole, but at the same time, each "twin" is a complete soul.

But twin flames can reunite only if both partners are whole.

Your previous relationships were also soul contracts to help you prepare to be with your twin flame. When you meet your twin, you will immediately recognize him.

Some twin flames are not here on Earth - they have not incarnated in 3d density.

This does not mean that you should not get married or have children, because your twin flame, even in the unearthly worlds, wants you to experience everything that can bring you joy and happiness in this life.

As well as learning so many life lessons to help your spiritual growth.

He or she is still part of your closest soul group but has made the decision not to join you in this lifetime. Don't take it personally! They are still with you in heart and spirit.

It is also important to remember that some twin flames stay on the other side in order to provide you with help and spiritual guidance.

Some souls chose to come here without their twins because they "heard the call" and they knew they were needed here in this lifetime.

Keep in mind that not all of your soul group incarnate at the same time!

Each of us has a twin soul, or twin flame, which was created with us at the very beginning. God created you and your twin flame from a single "white-fire body" and divided it into two realms of being - one with a male polarity and the other with a female one, but each of them has the same spiritual origin and a unique personality pattern.

Once upon a time, you and your twin flame stood before Father-Mother God and volunteered to descend into the planes of matter to bring Divine love to Earth. The original intent was for you to go through a succession of both male and female incarnations, so that each part of the Divine Whole would learn to be an instrument of Father/Mother God.

Our early life on Earth was quite happy, and we would have continued to share the beauty of our cosmic lovers relationship with our twin flame for many lifetimes if we had remained in harmony with each other and with God. But we have fallen away from the state of perfection by distorting the light of God. This is the true meaning of the story that took place in the Garden of Eden.

If we kept the harmony of the One, the delight of love would remain with us throughout all our incarnations on Earth. But when the harmony was lost - due to fear, mistrust or a sense of separation from the Source - we became victims of our negative karma. Our vibrations were divided, we no longer preferred each other, we were fettered by marriages and mutual neglect until our souls cried out to the living God... and to each other. Each incarnation lived apart from our twin flame was spent either creating negative karma or balancing some portion of the karma that stands in the way of our reunion with him. At times, we have entered into various relationships with our twin flames—husband and wife, mother and son, father and daughter, sister and brother—to untie the negative knots of energies that we have woven into our subconscious as a result of the misuse of free will.

Now, with the end of this historical cycle and the advent of the Aquarian age, the time has come when people of the Light who are on the spiritual path need to learn how to interact with their twin flames. Our Higher Self prompts us to conduct these searches, but its instructions are inadequately understood at the physical level. Often, when people find out that they share a common mission with their twin flame, they begin to physically seek out that one special soul, instead of striving for inner wholeness. This always lengthens the path of the soul's liberation. The key to finding and becoming one with your twin flame lies in your relationship with God and our own Higher Self.

Beautiful and soul-promoting love can be found not only between twin flames. There is also the love of very close, kindred souls, which are called kindred spirits.

There is a difference between kindred spirit and twin flames. Soul mates come together as they work on the same type of karma and develop the energies of the same chakra. Thus, the attraction of kindred spirits is based on sacred work and the path of self-mastery. A soul mate, as a reflection of unity in matter, works on the same task of fulfilling God's plan.

Everyone needs to prepare to meet their twin flame. To do this, you need to master sufficient self-control. You will have to learn to love Love enough to respect it and be able to be in peace and harmony when the records of old conflicts appear and require their resolution. You must hold on to your Dream, exclude unkind words, harsh criticism, rudeness, humiliation and everything that can break the matrix of the most beautiful gift that Life can give you - perfect love.

Give in. You don't have to win every dispute. Protect the integrity and self-respect of the one you love, and this will ensure that you are treated the same way. May the mantra of John the Baptist walk with you on the long journey of self-sacrifice and self-giving that marriage is: “He must increase, but I must decrease” (John 3:30).

So you must be committed to something more than your twin flame, and that something more is God. You must love God above all else and have complete confidence in your path and service and that you will not give in to discord, to the mannerisms of the human ego, to self-justifications or demands of any kind, whether your own or your partner's. You cannot demand that the other person be the complement of your human personality with all its vices. You cannot expect someone to be your father and mother, brother and sister, lover, husband or wife, son and daughter at the same time, and assume that whenever you have even the slightest problem, your twin flame or spouse will immediately appear and help you, and everything will be rosy.

You must decide for yourself to become whole, stop pouting, feeling sorry for yourself, and constantly demanding attention. And then with the magnet of your integrity you will attract the integrity of another person. In some cases, due to the great differences between twin flames, God creates a situation where they are incarnated as brother and sister, or parent and child, or people of the same sex. This occurs when it is clear that the marriage relationship will not be beneficial and will most likely, as past experience testify, do more harm than good to their spiritual evolution. There is nothing more painful for the cosmos than a twin flame quarrel., since it is discord in the circle of Unity that leads to wars and any destructive actions. Such a quarrel defiles Father-Mother God in Heaven and on Earth.

If you remember hearing quarrels between father and mother as a child, then you know that you have not had worse experiences. It strikes a crushing blow to every particle of life when those who occupy the position of Father and Mother experience any discord in the flow of Divine love. It is just as painful for twin flame souls. At deep levels, we do not want this to happen, because we know how much harm it will bring and may even tear us apart in future incarnations. We must learn to surrender, there is no other way.

Everyone has human weaknesses and problems, those that have not yet been overcome. When we think of a spouse, created in the image of a Divine spouse, about who would be the best couple for us, we always imagine this person as perfect. When he is imperfect in our eyes, and we draw such a conclusion from our own imperfection, a flash of irritation follows. We make scenes, we rage, we demand something, we scream, weep. All these things happen in families all over the world as people want to see their partner as something more than they really are and something better than themselves. Having our own shortcomings, we want other people to be perfect.

So we make demands in marriage that are completely unrealistic. And this is the main reason why marriages break up. Of course, many marriages are inherently fragile, because one of the reasons for their conclusion is sensual pleasure. But if this is discarded, then other psychological situations in which there is a sharp tension between people become a terrible sign directed against the holy image of God the Father-Mother - against integrity.

I advise you to reflect on yourself and your life in both Divine and human terms and realize that if you want to attract a beautiful girl or a knight in shining armor, you must first become a worthy soul mate. See yourself in terms of karma, which you can clear through the violet flame and meditation, as well as resolving psychological issues.

You must seek your twin flame with the only true desire - bring him the gift of your love, your "I", your own spiritual and professional achievements!

What bouquet of flowers are you ready to bring to your twin flame today?

I would like you to reflect on this, as it is the most important thing for understanding your own psychological problems. Write down on a piece of paper what you have to offer, and then what you know from past experience and current awareness that you are unable to give. You might say, “Well, one thing I definitely can’t do is cook. So, I won't be able to cook food for my twin flame." Whether you are a man or a woman, you would like someone to cook for you from time to time. Therefore, you yourself will have to learn how to cook.

Start with the basics of life. Can you follow the schedule? Can you add happiness to the family? Are you able to be patient with children? Can you be patient with a child in an adult, because in every person there is an “inner child” i.e. our soul, which, in your opinion, one of the next few days is going to commit a wrong deed? See how you feel about yourself. Do you get along with yourself, or do you have problems? Are there whims, mood swings?

So, on the one hand, there are flowers that you can offer, and on the other hand, there are weeds that you have not yet cleared out in your garden, or barren ground where you have not planted a flower. Now look at it through the eyes of the person receiving your bouquet, and then you will be able to understand his reaction.

Imagine that you are another person and he sees you approaching, moving along the road. Would you be interested in each other? Would the lovely person you represent want to meet you? Maybe he So beautiful that even too much beautiful! And they won't even notice you! In other words, you need to become as wonderful a person, as wonderful as the person you long to be with. And you will have to become it in reality, not in imagination.

Now imagine that another person is walking down the street. Maybe it's your twin flame; you stand there and he passes by. You say, “Wait a minute. I suppose when you meet me, you should stop!” But he did not stop, he passed by, because he did not find a magnet in you! Your power was not enough to "magnetize" the person whom you considered your Divine complement. But why didn't you have enough power?! You have to consider what this person was looking for. You know what you want to see in this person. You know what these virtues and virtues are. If you do not have the same qualities that you are looking for yourself, that person will not recognize you. In a crowded room, you will be like strangers who will never speak. A lot of people think it's about the clothes, appearance, but it's not. It wears off very quickly. You need to have a heart. You must have a soul. You must have a desire to give. And you have to prove that you are suitable for such work.

What is the job? This is a position. They say: "Here is the man - "Alpha". This man is Omega. I want to be this man's twin flame and be able to prove to him that I can keep his mission balanced. I can provide moral support. I can serve him and give him the qualities he needs.” Whatever he does, you must be ready to meet his needs, because all relationships are based on needs.

You must be very honest in relationships., because you can foresee in advance that you will not be able to satisfy some important aspect of the life of another person, or maybe you will understand that others will not be able to provide for your needs. If you are the person who sees this, then it is you who will bear the karma of entering into this relationship, because your human self desires this, despite the fact that your heart, mind and soul really know that this will not work. The reason why this situation worries us all is that each of us actually has pressing need enter into a very personal relationship with at least one person in life.

So, when we recognize the deep spiritual need to have a "Friend", we must carefully understand what we really need from such a friend. A friend who does not meet our expectations, a friend to whom we cannot give anything and from whom there is nothing to take, who has a different vibration than our soul requires, can hardly be called a friend, it is rather a fetter and a burden for us! When we are with someone in such a relationship, we understand that we are wasting our own and his life in vain. So far, on average, we have been given only seventy years or a little more in our earthly life, and we must try to live it with open heart filled with unconditional love and light!

Remember, Twin Flames are not looking for someone to take care of! It seeks your integrity to complete his own. And thus, when you are together as one complete cycle of Alpha and Omega, you can serve life, all those in need, all those who have not yet discovered the law of their unity.

It may happen that you recognize and realize the fact that you are in real life, incomplete in a certain sense of the word, that you lack one or the other - in this case, you need to connect with supreme matrix your wholeness, which really exists and is now at the inner levels. It is the integrity of your Christ Self, the integrity of your I AM Presence and your absolute and eternal, Divine union with your twin flame.

We need to affirm it here and now. Everyone should feel the calmness and confidence of wholeness, and you are capable of it, because it exists in God right now, in the very place where you are. When there is a sense of peace and tranquility, then and only then do you really have something to offer to every part of life.

When you have the peace of wholeness, you can draw more of that wholeness from the four sides of Heaven, more and more affirming who you know you really are.

So, as long as you have the feeling of filling the matrix, as long as you have the feeling that sooner or later you will satisfy this hunger, you simultaneously affirm: “I am filled. I am full of Light. With the help of this affirmation, with the help of this Divine position - to Be - you will attract into your life any person, any condition and circumstance necessary for the cosmic plan to be fulfilled! It may or may not be your twin flame, but that doesn't matter anymore because YOU ARE YOUR TWIN FLAME: “I and the Father are one. I and Mother are one. Me and my twin flame are one. We are united here and now!” And you will never be alone!

This statement destroys time and space, any distance and maya. It brings you peace and harmony. Because you are aware of your wholeness, you draw from your Causal Body of Light and your I AM Presence all the virtues and momentum and talents and abundance and abundance and beauty and joy and wisdom that you need to be who you really are.

When you are such a person, people are drawn to you because they themselves have a need. You have - and this is manifested in your aura - what they need. Therefore they come. They come to be fed. They come to hear. They come for support. They come to you for professional advice. They come because you have something they don't have.

What you have is still the same simple key: “I AM THAT I AM. Here and now I AM One. We are one. Alpha and Omega are One where I AM. Neither time nor space can separate me from my twin flame, for we are one in the heart of God."

This is the kind of person people are looking for all their lives - a person who is whole, aware of his integrity and using it to transmute the desires and shortcomings manifested on the physical plane - the last traces of karma and all kinds of human situations that have remained from past incarnations and with which we are forced to have business in real life.

This is the key to ultimate union with the twin flame. And I think that this statement of Being is the starting point of eternal happiness.

Just remember: the mere absence of the quality of joy, of happiness, can deprive you, in an outward sense, of more than you can ever imagine. So the very moment you slip into a little bit of despondency, self-pity, self-justification for being in a bad mood, remember that you are losing the spark of contact with your twin flame.

Your twin flame does not deserve to be tested by your moods, your self-pity and your self-indulgence. If you are able to understand the twin flame as your divine complement, and if you worship God in your life, then you can look at yourself and say, “I may not be worthy now, but in an hour I will be worthy. I am going to remake myself so that I am worthy in the eyes of God, the angels and the Masters. For them to walk and talk to me. To make them happy in my house. And for my twin flame to seek me out and find me.”

Decide who you are and what you should do. Ask God. And then go and find people who are part of your group - your group karma - for the sake of serving the world. Get up and get to work. For it is only in action that you can find God—in yourself and your twin flame.

I love you!

I and the Father are one.

I and Mother are one.

Me and my twin flame are one.

We are united here and now!