How to please a man if he needs. How to please a man

Absolutely any man, regardless of his preferences, can be liked in just the first 5 minutes of a conversation - thanks to psychological tricks

They say that one look at a man is enough for a woman to already know everything about him: his social status, marital status, wealth, age, and whether the man is worth her attention or not. And no wonder: men always consider a woman as a potential lover, but a woman evaluates all representatives of the stylish sex as candidates for the role of the father of her future children. And this data can really be obtained in a few seconds thanks to a quick assessment of the appearance of a man: what he is wearing (indicates his wealth), whether he is shaved or not, whether he smells of male perfume (indicates social status), whether the shirt collar is clean and ironed whether (talks about marital status), and, finally, whether a confident gait (says a lot). And - everything. But a man, in order to "weigh" a woman at the expense of her sexuality, attractiveness and charm, needs a little more - just 5 minutes of conversation. Yes, yes, that's why women like to evaluate men visually, and the men themselves try to “bite through” the girls they like in the process of conversation - that's why they always try to get to know each other, to talk. As Socrates said: "Speak up and I will tell you who you are" - this principle is very close to men.

So, any girl always has 5 minutes to please a man - what to do if there are only competitors around. But these 5 minutes should be used to the maximum benefit, using the most proven psychological tricks of influencing men. Although these methods can hardly be called tricks, everything will be quite simple, and they are based on simple truths that women have completely forgotten about today.

How to please any man in 5 minutes

So, a handsome, imposing man drew attention to you, and you are not averse to getting to know him? Then act!

1 minute: Positive

Men have always been and will always be attracted to positive girls. These are those who, like the sun, charge others with their energy and radiate warmth. After all, it is precisely the positive that we lack so much in everyday life, and when a man meets such a girl, if he does not start a relationship with her, then he will definitely want to communicate at least as a girlfriend. And, most likely, he will make his mistress for sure.

But the positive is not loud laughter and not clown dancing. Therefore, you should not make fun of others and joyfully jump like after a drug - these are men, when they fall in love, behave like a fool. It doesn't suit women.

Therefore, in order to attract the stronger sex with a positive, you just need to be in a good mood. Even if it’s raining, slushy outside, and in the morning someone has already pretty ruffled their nerves, imagine that today is the best day of your life. For example, imagine that in a minute you will win the Jackpot (and you will win, because you will soon sink into the heart of a wealthy and handsome man).

2 minutes: Look

So, the man he liked noticed and decided to get acquainted (or just talk if he is an employee). Now you need to use the second, most powerful psychological weapon - the look. You need to look at the desired object carefully, with downright admiration and always from the bottom up (if you are tall, sit down). A delighted look, as if at a star, simply conquers men. After all, all of them in their hearts want to be someone like a god for women. But neither family nor friends consider them as such. Therefore, this view almost always works flawlessly.

Only you need to look not predatory, tenaciously estimating how much a man’s suit costs and how good he himself will be in bed - namely, with the look that a happy bride looks at her groom - gently, deeply, with trepidation. “Being beautiful means always looking at the one you love,” heartbreaker Julia Roberts once confidently stated.

But there is an exception - an enviable groom who is simply spoiled by the attention of his mistresses, girlfriends and employees. You need to take only one look at such a man (and it is necessary so that he notices him) - arrogant, cold, condescending (but not mocking - men do not like this). Such a man will surely be intrigued by this and even take away his peace of mind for a long time.

3 minutes: Attention

So, "shooting eyes" is over, and the conversation began. At this moment, you need to listen very carefully to everything that the man says, and - this is important - do not rush to answer him. While a man is speaking (even if only one phrase), you need to carefully look into his eyes (all with the same admiration), keep your mouth closed (in the literal sense - without parted lips, this can be perceived subconsciously as a sign of aggression) and - be silent!

So, when they meet, many girls make one stupid and common mistake - they start talking a lot, just chatting incessantly. It is clear that the reason for this is an overabundance of emotions and excitement, but such incessant twittering can simply “kill” a man. In this case, if he was looking for a girl for the night, then the conversation will continue. But if he planned to start a stronger relationship, then such behavior of the girl will not please him, and at best he will promise to call - and retreats.

Even greater stupidity is allowed by the fair sex when they begin to giggle stupidly. To be honest, men do not always even guess what made the girl laugh, and often take it as a mockery of themselves. The more experienced stronger sex already knows well why and why his interlocutor behaves so stupidly, but she will not want to appear with her somewhere in public or in a circle of friends. Because that kind of giggle is just annoying.

Therefore, the best and most reliable way to please a man is to be silent while he speaks, do not finish sentences after him and do not interrupt. Note that even in professional circles, respected speakers will never be outbid. And respect for a man is above all.

Therefore, while the competitors giggle and bring down an endless stream of meaningless words on the man - be silent. In the meantime, you are silent, your eyes will be much more expressive, and your face will be more beautiful. But the desired object needs to be given time and admire.

4 minutes: Mysteriousness

Silence has other valuable advantages of its own - the number of words spoken in a conversation is inversely proportional to the man's opinion about the mind of his interlocutor. The less a girl says, the more she will give the impression of being smart, pleasant - and even interesting. Yes, such is the psychology of the stronger sex - even if you don’t open your mouth during the whole conversation with him, but only nod your head and look with an adoring look, you can even receive a sincere admiring compliment: “You are a wonderful companion.”

5 minutes: Charisma

So, three or four minutes of conversation have passed, your mind and beauty have been appreciated, which means it's time to show off your charisma and charm. And for this, say something unexpected, intrigue. But do not be an open book - become a real mystery to a man.

Be sure to smile. Do everything so that the man is confused, terribly interested and really wants to continue the conversation. And - leave. If you continue to communicate further, then you will not be able to guarantee 100% success. But if you retreat exactly when the man's eyes lit up - this is what you need. Confused, enchanted, he will think about you all day long - and he will definitely look for the next conversation and even immediately offer a relationship so that his Cinderella does not run away again in the midst of the ball.

Do you only have 5 minutes to impress? This is enough - the effect will be simply amazing!

Many women, having met on their life path the very one that they have been looking for all their conscious life, cannot attract his attention and fall into despair. It seems to them that they are not capable of anything and will never be truly happy. But all this is not true, it is categorically not recommended to think so. If suddenly, a woman fails to charm the man she likes, first of all she should think about whether she really needs it? And if the answer is yes, then you can begin the process of seduction. And so that everything goes as it should and no mistake happens, this article will help her. Below are 13 effective ways, having studied and adopted them, a woman can easily achieve her goal, that is, fall in love with any man.

1. All representatives of the stronger sex are little puppies deep in their souls that need to be petted and fed, and in return they will rub against the woman’s legs, faithfully running after her wherever she goes. You shouldn't drive them away. Let them lie at their feet. A man cannot be re-educated, but he can be trained and taught.

2. All men are narcissists and this fact is scientifically proven. If a woman wants her chosen one to be devoted to her and listen to everything, she should often compliment him. For example, highlight his appearance, character traits. To say how charming he is, how sexy, smart, generous and brave. All this will give the fair sex a great benefit. Men, after such statements addressed to them, melt like a snowball, hang their ears and are ready for a lot for women and will be faithful all their lives.

3. All men love with their eyes. Therefore, if a woman wants to attract the attention of a man she likes, then she should use weapons of mass destruction. What is this weapon? Woman's outfit! She must put on her most seductive outfit, smile charmingly, remember the grace in her gait and reinforce all this with her own irresistibility and with a pure heart into battle. Not one man can resist this and her lover is no exception.

4. All men are drawn to the “forbidden fruit” like a magnet. A woman needs to pretend that he is indifferent to her and she is indifferent to him. He will understand that she needs to be conquered, and since all men are hunters and warriors, he will immediately begin to act. But in no case should you overdo it, otherwise the “fish” will swim away without trying the bait. A woman should subtly hint to a man that he has a chance.

5. All men love secrets. If a woman is not attracted to the role of a mysterious stranger, then you can apply the role of an agent of the secret services. This approach is very modern and fraught with a lot of intrigue.

6. For the most part, a man submits through kindness and childish naivety. If a woman wants the man she likes to want to be with her and give attention, love and care, then she must appear before him in the form of a sincere and naive young person who does not understand the modern world at all and is partly afraid of it. A man will want to protect her and protect her with his whole body.

7. All men are small children at heart, who really want to be understood and pitied. A woman should give a man the opportunity to be a “vest” for him in which he could cry. And there is nothing shameful in such behavior of men. Even great geniuses, whose souls are constantly wandering somewhere in the world of fantasy, need human support.

8. All men want to either be loved or love. Those who want to be loved are weak men, and if they don’t have the necessary support next to them, then they won’t last long and there is a chance to lose them. The second type of men, those who want to love, are strong. The fair sex is divided into the same types. If a woman is the owner of a weak type, then she needs a strong man. If, on the contrary, she is strong, then, accordingly, her man should be of a weak type.

9. All men are teenagers deep inside who love to play computer games and football in the yard. Therefore, in order to please a man, a woman must play his games with him. And when a man is satisfied with this, present him with your games with your own rules.

10. All men are warriors deep in their souls. And as you know, the war of love is far from easy. A man needs knowledge, considerable experience, and that he knows how to build his own strategies and is always armed to the teeth. Therefore, a woman who wants to please a man must first rebuff him, so that excitement comes to him, and then, after a short resistance, put up a white flag, as a sign of complete surrender.

11. All men want the best. Therefore, a woman must make sure that a man is sure that she is the best. And the man will believe, because the representatives of the stronger sex are so gullible.

12. All men are not able to respond with indifference to the fact that if you first invade their possessions (life), bringing joy and fun, and then suddenly disappear, without saying where and for how long. If a man stops sleeping and his thoughts will always be with a woman, then she can relax. He is knocked out and is unlikely to ever come to his senses.

13. All men want to be sure that the whole universe plays by their rules and they are the masters of life. If a woman wants to please a man, then in no case should she show him that she has been chosen by him. She should make him think he chose her. How to do it? Easy peasy. A woman simply does not need to demonstrate her interest in him. He must not think that she is being imposed. In addition, a woman follows all the ideas that come from her own head to pass off as his, then the man will be proud and glad that he has such a good and understanding woman.

Flip through the pages of any weekly tabloid and you're bound to come across at least one story involving an older woman dating a younger man. You might think that this only happens in Hollywood, but in real life it happens even more often. That guy behind you in line at the store, or the newcomer who just got into your office, might be the perfect match for you. Attract a younger male by playing with the idea of ​​a "cougar" or "cougar" and always be alert.

An article published by ABC titled "Mature Women with Young Men?" (More Older Women With Younger Men?) identified and examined the current trend, when older women prefer younger men. The article refers to a study conducted back in 2003 by the National Association of Retired Persons, which stated that about 1/3 of mature women (from 40 to 60) are in a relationship with men younger than them.

Difficulty: moderately easy.

1. Use the reputation of the "panther" for your own benefit. Young men and boys now see every day how their favorite stars and idols meet and start serious relationships with women twice their age, not to mention five years apart - and begin to look at interesting older women in their environment. Let the young man know that you are older but still full of life and strive for an active life.

2. Dress like a woman on the hunt and play off your best qualities - both physical and intellectual (good figure, great sense of humor, intelligence, ability to make up as if you were not wearing makeup, positive wisdom, natural beauty, manners of a confident a person for himself, etc.). Take good care of yourself - this is often not typical for young girls either: you will need all the attributes of a mature toilet from good perfumes to body creams that are combined with deodorant. Do not forget about a stylish hairstyle.

Don’t dress too conservatively and maturely, but you shouldn’t be too young either, like ladies under 40 wearing short straight sundresses or sneakers: both make a negative impression rather than what you want. Opt for nice (but not stripper-style) heels to show off your legs, don't forget about jeans - they give your look lightness and youthfulness (but don't wear jeans all the time), finally, choose a blouse with a relatively low neckline. Just because you're older doesn't mean you don't look great, and that guy should be able to see that. By the way, a lot of different designer things can perfectly emphasize your figure without vulgar clichés, like narrower jeans and a deeper cutout. Choose a grown-up but up-to-date style of clothing that will tell you that you are an energetic, modern, yet elegant and intelligent woman without age.

As for behavior - a couple of interesting and funny remarks thrown in a conversation with a cashier or colleague, your jokes at a corporate party, interesting ideas for projects - anything worthy that will make you stand out from the crowd.

3. Avoid mentioning a number of things that he does not understand or knows nothing about: those that are related specifically to your age. For example, it is not worth talking about what happened before his birth: of course, this does not apply to major world events or politics, but it concerns particulars, as well as pop culture, cultural achievements and events of the decades closest to his birth, in the first place. If he was born after the release of Star Wars, you should not mention how you went to the cinema on a date at the premiere of this film in school, or tell how you got to Jackson's concert. Stick to the things and interests that you share: like the love of Depeche Mode/A-ha music or, on the contrary, Armin(a) van Buuren(a), which is in the interests of both generations.

4. Show your wisdom and experience, but be careful not to hurt his pride. There is nothing sexier than a woman who knows what she wants, is confident in herself, knows how to show herself and does not want to deprive herself of a real life. Tell him about a trip to Paris or the mountains, how you passed out at a rock concert, how you got into a bar brawl, went sailing, or went to Italy for the football season finale, and you will be surprised how much interest he will show. .

5. Ask for his help and / or advice on something that only he knows or at least is just good at it. Tell him that you liked the new song, but you don't know its name or artist, ask him a question about the characteristics of the new mp3 player. Perhaps later he will worry that you already know so much about everything and you do not need him, but such a question will show that you, in spite of everything, need him.

6. You can't "cleanly" divide all young men into a couple of categories, so if you are particularly interested in the opportunity to date him, try to understand his motivation. Is he looking for opportunities to have fun, is he going through a stage of transition from boyish irresponsibility to the person of a balanced and responsible young man, looking for opportunities to start a family or a reliable and loving company for a long period? Develop your strategy of action based on these facts.

7. Expand your interests and hobbies beyond your own home. Go to meetings, unisex workshops, sports group classes, try photography or Latin American dances - more often do something outside your own four walls for a long time. In this way, you will not only increase your chances of meeting the right young man, but your chances of attracting him will increase significantly: the rhythm of your life will better match the daily rhythm of young people; you will know and be able to do more interesting things, you will have something to talk about; you will show yourself as an energetic and dynamic person; you will have the opportunity to find a like-minded person, a person who is fond of the same thing as you - and this brings you together almost better than anything else.

8. Do not forget about naturalness, about the opportunity to be yourself. Adult women often attract young people with their maturity, calmness, confidence, intelligence, natural intelligence - they do not need to build something out of themselves, to prove something, they are already more than interesting. So do not try to grimace, to become like young women who have not yet taken place as individuals. Do not try to remain silent, avoiding an argument, do not belittle yourself next to him. Show confidence in everything you do.

Additions and warnings:

“Many young men date mature women in order to be able to learn from them and become more mature themselves. If you are dating a young man who is still asserting himself, try to support his ideas, goals, and provide solid, good advice. Understand the difficulties and obstacles young people face. Don't delve into his anxieties, don't label them stupid or immature;

- Avoid being possessive and insecure about your young partner. For young people, the desire for freedom and the opportunity to live their own lives is even more important than even for a mature person - this is the period of their formation. Think back to that age. Do not make unreasonable and excessive demands;

“Some young men date older women for purely selfish reasons. The desire for an unconditional relationship, constant access to erotic pleasure, the financial side of the issue, or even psychological self-affirmation at the expense of a woman - all this can be the main reason that a young man shows interest in you. So be clear about your own desires before looking for a young partner. And, already being in such a destructive relationship, think three times whether you need it;

Don't worry if you say or do something that indicates your age, because he already knows that you are older. Just make it a joke if you want and move on instead of getting embarrassed and worried that you've lost control and messed things up;

Don't lie about your age and don't pretend you're younger than you really are. One way or another, one day he will find out the truth - and sooner rather than later, we are all curious - and then he will probably be upset about this whole situation. At worst, you will break up.

The first date is usually very important for potential couples. A man makes the first impression of you, which then significantly affects his attitude towards you.

How to behave to keep his interest

Be open, but not intrusive. Don't flirt with a man you barely know yet. If you like a young man, then compliment him, react to his jokes and try to joke yourself. Many girls, having come from a date, understand that they have learned practically nothing about their interlocutor. mostly talking about themselves. Try to avoid this mistake.

What is best to wear

Pick a time for the date so that you can get dressed before the meeting. It is undesirable to appear in front of a man immediately after a workout or a busy day. You should have some time to get ready before the date.

Do not choose too revealing or vulgar outfits. Feminine clothes of “non-flashy” colors would be quite appropriate, which emphasizes your advantages as much as possible and does not focus on possible shortcomings.

Please note that it is best not to wear items that you have not worn before or have recently purchased. That is, if you have not worn mini-skirts at all in recent years, then you should not experiment on a date either. The same can be said about the trousers that you bought the other day and decided to wear it for a date for the first time. For the meeting, you should put on what you feel completely confident in. You should not be distracted by thoughts about how clothes sit on you, this uncertainty will be noticeable - you will involuntarily begin to examine yourself, correct some wardrobe items and periodically be distracted.

What to talk about so that a guy will definitely like it

As already mentioned, try to talk not only about yourself, but also be interested in the life and general hobbies of the interlocutor. It is also important to note that on the first date you should not exaggerate the details of past relationships - both your own and the interlocutor. If necessary, you can mention in general terms why the breakup happened, but it is better to keep silent about the complaints and colorful descriptions of what you had to endure during this. Try not to bring up topics that can cause you negative emotions.

When you ask questions to a guy, then be interested not in his living conditions and the amount of earnings, but in hobbies, plans. Find out what places in your city he likes, where he would like to visit and the like.

How to please an adult and married man

If a man is happy in marriage, then it is unlikely that you will be able to arouse too serious interest in him. However, a married man, dissatisfied with his family life, may well turn his attention to another woman.

  • To please a man, you should carefully monitor your appearance. Choose a hairstyle that suits you best, watch your figure, choose beautiful clothes. Do not forget about good perfumes - but choose not suffocating aromas, but subtle ones.
  • Many men suffer from a lack of attention from their wives, and this happens especially often when children appear in the family. If you begin to show an active interest in such a man, consult with him, make compliments, then, undoubtedly, this will attract him.
  • Married men often do not have the opportunity to court a woman openly. Usually they begin to show signs of attention to those persons in whose sympathy they are already sure. The easiest way to show a man your interest is through unobtrusive flirting.
  • You must make it clear to the man that you are not applying for him as a potential spouse (even if this is not the case). With a girl who is already married, there are no questions, but a free person may raise doubts. If you are not single yet, casually mention that for some reason you do not aspire to marriage, and you definitely do not need marriage in the coming years.

I liked the man at work, what to do

1) Your sympathy should not be so obvious as to be obvious to other colleagues. Subsequently, this can put both the employee you like and you yourself in an uncomfortable position. A man must understand what you like.

2) If you liked a colleague, and you want reciprocity, then you have to work hard. Make sure that he does not have time to form a negative opinion about you from the words of other employees. Be polite and friendly with colleagues, don't gossip, don't make a scene, etc.

3) Show small signs of attention to a man, show care. If you think that he looks unhealthy, ask if he is doing well. He may not be up to par with some work assignment - offer your help if appropriate. When heading out for lunch and knowing that a colleague can't get away from his business yet, offer him to grab something for him (coffee, a pack of cookies, etc.). Be interested in his work affairs, unobtrusively praise him.

4) Flirting should be barely noticeable - only when you are alone with the object of sympathy. He should assume what you like, but not know for sure. At work, sometimes catch his eye (not too often). In general, be friendly with a man - joke, smile more often, ask for advice.

How to please a man in bed

If you do not yet know what your lover's preferences in sex are, then you will have to act according to the situation. Respond to his caresses, show that you enjoy his kisses and caresses. A man needs to see that you are good with him. At the same time, it is important not only to take the attention of a lover, but also to take the initiative herself, kiss and hug him.

The best option would be if you talk frankly with a man and find out what he likes about sex. This shouldn't look like an interrogation. Arrange a romantic dinner with wine and in a relaxing atmosphere. Ask him if he would like any experiments, what he sees as an ideal lover.

Also, do not forget that many men are visual, so your lover will surely like it if he sees beautiful and erotic underwear under your clothes. Pay special attention to care not only for the skin of the face, but also for the body - use scrubs, oils.

Some girls are very skeptical about their appearance, considering themselves ugly. What to do if you are one of them too?

Correct deficiencies. If you clearly know what exactly, in your opinion, makes you unattractive, then think about whether these shortcomings can be eliminated. An ugly smile can be corrected with a visit to the dentist, skin problems can be solved by a dermatologist, excess weight will go away with the help of proper nutrition and sports.

Perhaps you believe that you have flaws that cannot be eliminated - being too short or tall, a big nose, small eyes, crooked legs, or something like that. In this case, you should choose clothes or makeup that will not draw attention to the shortcomings.

Maximum charm. Many public figures, despite any shortcomings in appearance, are the idols of millions of people - their charisma and charm are so great that all possible defects in appearance seem simply insignificant. Usually, fans may not even realize that their idol is far from being handsome.

Charm can be developed. Read books, go to interesting places, play sports, expand your horizons. So that there are no problems with pronunciation, practice your diction (you can also with a teacher). Do not lock yourself in, be a cheerful, sympathetic and passionate girl, and fans will not keep you waiting.

Pretty is always in fashion. Don't forget about that either. Healthy teeth, hair, nails, a good figure - this is the lion's share of female beauty, and with a certain amount of perseverance, you can achieve this. Visit beauty salons, choose the most winning outfits for yourself, experiment with images.

If you feel that your husband has begun to move away or is no longer as attentive to you as before, then try to fall in love with him again. To do this, you need to remember how it all began. When the spouse began to have feelings for you, everything was not the same as it is now. Surely, you spent more time together, intimacy happened more often, and you yourself were not concerned about many domestic issues.

After living for some time in marriage, many husbands stop paying attention to their spouses, as they consider them practically “read books”. You can change this.

1. New hobbies. Your husband needs to see you from a new perspective. Do what you dreamed about before, but thought that you did not have time for it. If desired, you will find several hours a week for dance classes, painting lessons or something like that. Even if you have never aspired to any hobby, it's time to broaden your horizons and learn something new. The husband will see in you not just a woman who is busy with work, home and family, but also a person who strives for some kind of development.

2. Appearance. Throw away your stretched sweatpants and worn T-shirt if you haven't already. Now there is a huge selection of comfortable and beautiful home clothes and underwear in which you will look attractive.

3. Pastime. If on weekends you preferred to do household chores, just sit at the computer or visit relatives, then try to change the established tradition. How did you like to spend time with your chosen one? Where did you go on dates?

4. Intimate intimacy. Do not deny your husband intimacy and take the initiative yourself. If you are too tired for this, then it makes sense to discuss the problem with your husband. Perhaps you need to change jobs or share some household chores. In case of chronic fatigue, consult a doctor - it is possible that you have health problems.

How to understand that a man likes you

  • He tries to communicate with you as often as possible, even if there is no special reason for this. He regularly writes to you, calls or just starts talking with you if you see each other at work or at school.
  • You periodically catch on yourself his studying and attentive look. If a guy notices that he was "caught", then he often shivers and abruptly looks away.
  • If your communication takes place predominantly online, he is trying to please you and make a positive impression. Perhaps he just boasts of something, jokes a lot, talks about himself in detail. By the way, similar behavior can be observed in "live" communication. By the way, it is worth noting that when meeting a young man, he often behaves differently - on the contrary, he withdraws into himself and is embarrassed, worried or afraid to blurt out too much and thereby spoil the impression of himself.
  • The most obvious sign is that he wants real communication in private. If a guy invites you to see you - calls for a date or a friendly meeting, then this clearly indicates that you are of interest to him.

Most frequently asked questions

How to keep a guy interested from a distance

If a young man is temporarily away or simply lives in another city, and you have yet to meet, then this will not prevent you from maintaining his interest. Despite the distance, you should be present in his life daily. He needs to get used to the fact that you are an integral part of his normal day. Of course, you should not behave intrusively, but it is quite acceptable to wish him good morning, to be interested in how his day went, and the like.

Periodically send him a photo where you turned out well. To make it as appropriate as possible, you can write: “We have snow today!”, And send a picture where you are against the backdrop of a snowy street. Or: “I was at the cinema today, it’s a pity that you weren’t there,” and your picture is next to the poster.

How to take the first step towards your sympathy

Do you suspect that you like a guy who you like too? He may be hesitant to explicitly show his interest, so it would be appropriate to take the first step in this direction - just invite him somewhere. Don't make it look like you're asking him out if you're afraid of rejection. Think of another reason. If he works out at the gym, ask him to take you with him sometime and show you how to use the machines. you are still embarrassed by the coach. You can find many reasons for a meeting in which you will not look intrusive, but also understand how the guy treats you.

To please men and to be attractive is a desire that is inherent in every woman. However, attractiveness is not only about good looks.

If desired, it can be absolutely any. To attract and charm - the skills that are inherent in nature in every woman. Actually, this is its purpose. It is important to skillfully reveal and show the potential.

A woman for a man is, first of all, a sexual object. And the beautiful half of humanity should be desirable and sexy. Attractiveness is more difficult. This is not only appearance, but also mannerisms, gait, posture, gestures, postures, voice timbre, smell, sparkle in the eyes and state of mind.

Sexuality should attract, not capture. A woman with inexpressive natural data can skillfully emphasize them, and if she is still internally attractive, charmingly and competently uses body language and clothes, she can gather a much larger number of men around her. But the written beauty can repel the inability to communicate and arrogance. We conclude that beauty and attractiveness are not the same thing.

What do guys like in girls?

The basis of internal attractiveness is, firstly, self-confidence, one's attractiveness, sexuality, a harmonious state of mind, love for life, people and, of course, for men. They love spontaneous, with a twist, natural women who know how to take care of themselves, flirt, emotional, friendly, sexy and self-confident.

Surveys show that when choosing a life partner, men rarely put beauty in the first place, but above all, they value caring, tenderness, affection and the ability to be a mother. Men adore when a woman admires them and knows how to arouse in herself a desire to protect and protect. There are individual preferences, of course, and they play an almost decisive role.

How do men like it? Remember that the stronger sex loves sex, be skillful mistresses, liberal in bed. Guys are sure that sexy and attractive women are more likely to have sex, think about it and talk about it. By the way, it has been noticed that sexy women prefer to read romantic literature and fantasize about romance. And a man loves when a partner takes the initiative in bed and shares the love of spontaneous sex. But, a woman should show her desire unobtrusively, rather, on a subconscious level.

What do men like

Adds sex appeal a sense of humor and the ability to laugh, as well as enjoy life. Men love it when a woman approaches them quickly, while remaining inaccessible to others. True, the latter can be called a convention. Here, with a strong half of humanity, you need to use the "carrot and stick" method.
Certain conditions can enhance sexuality, for example, strong emotions experienced together that a risk caused. Excites and effect of novelty.

If a woman looks and behaves perfectly, then this can be intimidating. It must be remembered that women also have weaknesses.

What do guys like?

To be successful with members of the opposite sex, a woman must be open to body language. They say that a man chooses his partner. It turns out the opposite is true. He pays attention to the one who is interested in his looks, gestures, words and other microsignals.

Attractiveness can be affected by the intonation of the voice. Well, smell can work wonders.

Most of all, men trust visual images. Therefore, appearance is quite important. Enhances sex appeal with the mind and taste filed appearance, in particular, clothing, makeup, hairstyle and accessories. The language of clothing, by the way, is very important to use at the first meeting.

Men love well-groomed women, but not well-groomed and carefully combed and made up, “a la” just from a beauty salon. A woman should be natural or as close as possible to this. It is not for nothing that they say: “No clothes make a woman so beautiful as her absence.” This means that everything that a woman is wearing should emphasize her body, naturalness. This can be done with tight and open styles. The silhouette should be fitted or semi-fitted.

The length of the skirt can be mini or just above the knees. The length of clothes below the knee is suitable for women who are over 50. All men love dresses or skirts with blouses. In clothes for seduction, you need the maximum allowable openness. That is, necklines, transparent inserts in clothes, cuts, open shoulders or back are welcome.

Clothing should evoke intrigue and excite the imagination. A pair of unbuttoned buttons on a blouse will do. Men are fascinated by the absence of a bra. Stockings with and without a belt, nude and black tights, and, of course, lace translucent underwear look sexy under clothes. In general, sexy clothes are those that are quickly and easily removed.

The fabric of clothing should be pleasant to the touch, so that you want to touch it. And, of course, transparent and translucent fabrics. And the most sexy colors are cherry, white, black, blue and red.

What do guys like?

Interest in men is caused by long flowing hair, feminine hairstyles. Always intriguing light negligence. Let the hair be slightly disheveled. In addition, natural hair color is welcome. Remember, the more natural hair styling, the younger the woman looks.

A face with makeup is more attractive than without it. Men often say that they love not made-up, in fact, they prefer women whose skillful makeup is not conspicuous, that is, "made up, as if not made up." Many people like a slight blush on the cheeks, sparkle in the eyes, expressiveness, lips slightly redder than natural or wet gloss on the lips.

Well-groomedness should be in everything. Men like well-groomed hands, neat manicure, natural colors of nail polish.

Shoes should be open, feminine and elegant. Shoes and sandals fit. Women in shoes with high thin heels look spectacular. They make legs and walk more beautiful.

Jewelry should emphasize femininity and sexuality. For example, a chain on the wrist, a pendant in the neckline, earrings with pendants, thin rings or necklaces. It is worth noting that not everyone loves jewelry.

Smell is a powerful component in sexual preferences. The most sexual is, of course, the natural smell of a healthy body, because certain parts of the body, such as the skin of the chest, armpits and genitals, release pheromones - stimulating odors. You can increase their number with the help of a good mood, exercise and a healthy lifestyle. Of course, the smell of sweat and half a liter of perfume scares the representatives of the stronger sex.

How to attract a man?

A woman does not need to be shy and follow involuntary gestures if she saw a man and she liked him. Use enticing gestures and postures. For example, start unobtrusively preening. It is worth remembering sexual positions, for example, cross your legs and back, sit at ease on the ankle of the leg, while pointing the knee in the direction of the one you like. You can play with objects, for example, jewelry, curls, a shoe on your foot.

Be sure to make eye contact with the object of desire, smile or wink at him. It is important to show a man that you like him, sometimes a long look is enough for this. If a man does not attach importance to your winks and languid gaze, then you can "go on the offensive" and approach on your own.

An interesting result is obtained after entering personal space. You can get close or lean or intrude into the area with your hand or the toe of your shoe. Well, touch is a powerful signal.

How to be sexier by hair color

With all this, remember that you can strike along the way with a glance. After all, it can be exciting and intriguing. And don't forget to smile. She can disarm anyone. And most importantly, be confident in your irresistibility.

How to please a guy?

You like the guy, but he doesn't seem to like you. What can I do to get his attention?

To please a guy, first of all, you need to become his friend. This is very important, because any relationship, including romantic ones, is built on trust and support. Moreover, a man, as you know, remains a child in his soul, which means that attention and understanding are important to him.

In addition, you need to learn how to talk and even flirt with other young people. This is not in any way about licentiousness and vulgarity. It is important to learn to take the attention of other young people, to learn to say "thank you" in response to compliments.

It is also absolutely necessary to increase your own self-esteem. It is known and certainly that girls with a fairly high self-esteem attract much more attention from the opposite sex. To do this, do not stop developing, get yourself a hobby and improve in it and in your professional skills.

How to impress a man on a first date?

Do not rush things. Excessive assertiveness and activity on the part of a girl often only scares away young people. Remember that a man by nature is a conqueror, and most of the initiative should belong to him. Therefore, do not rush, but develop and take care of yourself. Learn to be gentle. All men, without exception, appreciate softness and femininity. In this regard, it is very important to remember about intonation. Try not to speak too loudly. Scientists were able to determine that a muffled female voice evokes much more sympathy from a man.

How to like a pen pal?

In this situation, it is impossible to demonstrate your languid tone and feminine grace. However, there are secrets here, which we will now tell you about. In order to please a pen pal, it is important to start by knowing how similar you are in character. So, if you are similar in views and opinions, you just have to be yourself.

To determine this, try to learn more about it. Ask him what he likes, what his hobbies are, who his friends and family are. If you want a serious relationship, try to find out about his views on family and family values. You should not build a relationship with a guy if he is convinced that the most important thing in life is a “cool car”.

Be honest. In no case do not pretend to be someone you are not, because you also would not want to communicate with someone who pretends. Answer the questions he asks honestly, unless you find them too intimate.

Don't be intrusive. Even if you wrote to the guy first, this does not mean that the initiative should continue to come from you. Let the guy be active. If suddenly he does not meet halfway, do not be upset and do not try to take everything upon yourself, you will definitely meet someone who wants to be active and proactive.

Let him feel special. Try to find something unusual in his character. Maybe he is interested in modeling and collects ships and cars? Great, focus on this, note how great it is when a person knows how to do something better than others. Moreover, such unusual things.

Try not to make mistakes. Do not shorten words or change their meaning. Elementary literacy in the case of correspondence can play a very important role. She will describe you as a responsible and positive girl.

How to please a man?

It also happens that the guy you like is older. Then the technique of behavior should be somewhat different from the classical system. To please a more mature man, use the following tips.

Be sure to find out his tastes and hobbies. Find out in detail what he does. Then try to find interesting sides in them. It is best if you are interested in it, and his hobby will become your common one, about which you can talk for a long time. This will help you get closer to each other.

Give up the habit of being capricious. Such behavior will only remind him of the age difference and evoke associations with a little girl.

Try to tune in to his “wave” of communication. It is important to keep the "golden mean": do not try to be too mature and smart. Just be calm and reasonable, try to listen more.

Try not to focus on age yourself, especially if he is much older. Otherwise, he may think that you treat him like a daughter or sister. Suddenly he experiences other feelings, then it will be unpleasant for him. Tell about yourself, especially about what is worthy of attention. So, it is worth talking about the passion for figure skating. But the fact that you sleep with a plush toy should be silent. In general, if you want to be close to him, you will have to give up some purely childish habits and tastes and grow up a little.

Now you know how to please a pen pal and how to attract the attention of an older man. The general rule for all cases is to develop yourself. This is important not only at the stage of acquaintance, but also in the future. So you will never be insecure and you can find the right guy.

The main thing, according to the editors of the site, is to be honest and not build relationships with a person who does not meet your requirements. If you want to build a serious relationship, do not try to re-educate the "bad boy", it is better to pay attention to someone who is already working and engaged in self-development.
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