Twin flames problems. stage - the union of the male and female parts

Did you know that Twin Flame sex can reveal spiritual gifts? That many Twins are Ascended Masters? Why Twin Flame Runaways Can Never Sever The Link Between Your Hearts And More ...

During all the time that I have been working with the Twin Flame Connection and communicating with Spirit, I have been shown amazing things about the nature of this phenomenon.

7 Things About Twin Flames That May Surprise You

1) Twin Flames - Advanced Souls and Ascended Masters

Did you know that no matter what it looks like in earthly life with external "masks" of your Self, Twin Flames are advanced Souls who decided to separate in order to walk this path of Love in a sense of separation?

Many Gemini, like Souls, are Ascended Masters, even those who are still “Not Awakened”. Perhaps now they do not know about this, since they have not yet activated the codes hidden from their souls, but under the outer surface they are highly developed beings of Light. Old Souls from Higher Dimensions.

Twin Flames are here with very specific plans, like Souls - for healing, for enlightenment, for exaltation. Walk together the path from the origins of the Soul in Love, into fear and separation. To understand why so many people never experience Love, first of all for themselves.

In order to know these experiences and human models - and break them with the power of the power of Love between us. Because no matter what it looks like on the outside, Twin Flames share eternal Love as Souls. A connection that has the power to transform both us and the world from within.

The Twin Flame Path is love, mastery, evolution of consciousness and transformation - an alchemy of fear into Love, polarities into Oneness. Only the most advanced Souls are able to decide and do this.

Divided into two, we knew that this would be a complex path of manifestation, functioning as an original whole, but with two aspects, each with its own free choice. And we knew that what would unite us and move us all the way forward is Love.

How Twin Flame you can never be ordinary even if you try.

2) Twin Flames share an eternal, unbreakable Heart-to-Heart Connection

Twin Flames are always connected by a heart rope that allows both of them to never lose touch with each other - to always be connected in Love. You chose this together as Souls.

Your Twin Souls had such Love that they wanted to never lose touch, always be connected with each other.

This is what first of all allows Gemini to feel each other's emotions, share memories and information. This thread between Twin Flames is present by agreement of both Gemini from the beginning of our existence. When we came to Earth, we all knew that we would be physically separated from each other, and the purpose of this thread of connection is never to completely lose each other.

That is why we are always connected, always connected, and can always reach each other on the soul planes (if you have never done this, try my free meditation).

The Twin Flame heart connection cannot be severed on the earth plane as it has been shaped by our higher aspects of Self ().

This was intentional, as we knew that perceptions of polarities and earthly conflicts can push one or both of them into a situation where we want to break the connection forever.

If you look at both Twin Flames energetically, you can always see this connecting thread between their hearts. This is the Connection of Unconditional Love.

Unfortunately, many Gemini also have deeply negative attachments based on control, fear, jealousy, and suspicion that distract from this positive heart connection and create confusion.

If you can shift your vibration hard enough, you can feel the love of your Twin Soul wherever you go. However, when we are in a low vibration of fear, anger, jealousy or guilt, we cannot feel this Love - we will hear and perceive in ourselves only the fears of our Twins or their shame for themselves.

Love is a high vibrational energy, while anger, fear, jealousy and all negative emotions are low vibrational energies. They are on opposite sides of the spectrum.

This means that trying to feel Love when you are in a state of fear is like tuning in to Metal FM and wanting to hear classical music.

It just doesn't work - the signal doesn't get through. We have the wrong channel and are listening on the wrong frequency. To feel and experience Love, we need to remove heavy energies and rise higher. Higher frequencies.

3) Sex with Twin Flames can heal you and lift you spiritually

Another deep truth about the Twin Flame Connection is the healing power of physical intimacy and sexual love between Gemini (regardless of gender). Twin Flame sexual intimacy, on the soul planes, is an act of love and also an energetic process.

This is what happens when Gemini experiences the climax of the chakras, where the two are reunited with their original and filled with Light. If you have experienced this, you will know it.

This is Kundalini. A powerful energetic event that has powerful consequences for the body, mind and soul. This can turn on hidden spiritual gifts and is often the main reason for activating Twin Flame telepathy.

Twin Flame sex is a way of healing, uplifting, and bonding for a couple. When you make love together, you combine your energies on the physical and spiritual levels - powerfully promoting the Oneness process.

In sex, Twin Flames even receive new high vibrational loads from Source, balance each other's energies and break through blockages in the chakras. However, it can initiate the start of the getaway as old negativity re-emerges. ().

4) you are already perfect for your Gemini

Love is not about sacrificing yourself. You don't have to give up your own unique personality in order to unite with a Gemini.

You do not have to become the personification of the concept of "divine femininity" or "earthly goddess", or an idealized king to unite in soul alchemy with your Twin Flame. On the contrary: you need to become as "truly yourself" as possible in this alchemy - it cannot be done without the "true you".

So celebrate your personality. You are who you really are, for a reason, for a reason - this is your secret ingredient, this is your part of the Union. You two are unique individuals sharing a basic identity as Souls and merging into one.

We are the ideal Whole as we really are. This is a great lesson, the Twin Flame path to Union is not just unification and love for your "other half", but unification with Love for yourself - both to the Darkness and the Light. Unity with your Self.

Spiritual information often highlights ideals akin to romance and old mythology, but Twin Flames is not a romantic concept heralded by outside forces. Our experience is meant for the path to Love in the real world. Bringing the spiritual to the earthly. Bringing "heaven" to "earth".

5) Your Twin Flames are not running from you, they are running from themselves

This is a very misunderstood subject in the Twin Flame journey. First of all, please know that it is not your fault if your Twin Flame is on the run.

It has to do with energy. Fear. In Twin Flames, the "escape" mode is activated because they feel too insecure to be open. Remember that "a wounded person is a wounded person."

If someone escapes because of you, remember that the past plays a role here. They may not even be upset about you. You only served as a trigger for the old pains and fears that they wore ...

This is the main reason for the escape of Twin Flames. Gemini do not run from their other half, but from their own mirror image. If your Twin Flame takes flight, he or she will ultimately flee from itself and not from you.

Your Twin is not just a "runner" or "hunter" in and of itself - they are provoked to do so. Once you learn how to clear energy, you will be able to deal with and manage these situations. You will no longer be powerless. Twin Flames learn as a team - whatever one Twin does affects the other.

Your Twin's soul will always help you clear fears and triggers from your system. After all, you are not just a team, but one original whole.

6) As a Twin Flame, you cannot help without being true

Truth is keyword on this way. When you meet the Divine Half of your Soul, your systems are triggered to begin to purify everything that does not correspond to Love, does not correspond to the truth of your Soul.

This means that the Twin Flame path is the road that leads from the lies of human perception - the veil of illusion - to your true identity as a Soul.

Along the way, Twin Flames are increasingly forced to remember who we are and why we are here.

The more you start to ignore early ego perceptions of life and society's “rules” of who you should be, and instead live more in tune with your real self, the more you align with the energy of the fundamental frequency that you share with your Twin. Flame. This means that you become magnets again to attract each other from the space of Unconditional Love.

Realizing and transferring your energies back into your Soul Light creates a powerful impulse and allows you to move faster through the lessons and blocks on your path.

Look to your heart and soul to distinguish false from true. What passionately resonates in your heart with feelings of bliss, love and happiness - the things that you would do, even if no one paid you for it or did not know what you are doing - these are your true gifts and the plans of your Soul.

Your inborn talents and areas to which you are drawn.

What is false is external perceptions. That which was “pasted” on you by others. Beliefs about what is appropriate behavior for women and men, or for your culture. Family perception that you are like them.

External things, such as whether you were an excellent student or failed in school, how much money you made, who you knew, or what mistakes you made ... It’s not you. It is perception and experience.

Who you are in your truth manifests itself as an emanation of Light from within. Go to your heart, listen to what kindles fire and joy in you. You have already come across this as with a certain topic on your way - your Soul urged you to notice it. Let go of false limitations and embody your deep bliss.

If you can use any help to deal with the intense emotions and purification of the Ascension Process, and help your Twin to free themselves from fear and open up to Real World Reunion, focus your attention on energy management techniques.

7) If your Twin Flame hurts you, it is a "Gift of Love" from the Soul

When I did the one-to-one readings for Twin Flames, I was bewildered over and over again. In the midst of the drama, when one of the Twins escaped, I felt their Higher Self, full of Love.

Even though the Ego "I" was running away, their Higher Self only wanted to love their Twin. ().

And they knew that if they could pull out the blocks that get in the way of love, it was worth it.

Because pain means we get a chance to overcome our fears. These Gemini wanted their beloved to be open deeper, wider - to the truth of Unconditional Love. To eliminate their fear, their insecurity, their sadness.

And the most effective method to do this is to summon them, to put pressure on the external wounds so that the negatives show themselves and they can be dealt with.

In many cases, I saw that Gemini seemed to be “hurting” their beloved ones right now, so that later they could fully experience their true Unconditional Love.

Because many, although they think they are open, there are still barriers that are so deep and unconscious that they are not even aware of it.

And to deal with this, Gemini set up painful situations to force these blocks to rise to the surface. To help you free yourself. To be able to receive the gift of True Love. Even if it means hurting in the short term.

This is the Gift of Love. They love so truly that they prefer to go through pain in order to help clear and open the path towards Love.

Along the way, know that your Twin may be the one who triggers the blocks, provokes inherited negative programming and old wounds, but he or she does it as a Gift of Love. Ultimately, any stroke of fate helps you in the long run if you become able to go into it and deal with the negativity. Get rid of it forever.

Often, Souls determine that the most effective way to promote unity within a Twin Flame pair is to show the blocks between them, simply because this is the only way to fully open them to Love.

Until next time, I am sending you Love and Light for your further journey!

Each of us has a twin soul, or twin flame, which was created with us at the very beginning. God created you and your twin flame from a single "white-fiery body." He divided this white-fiery ovoid into two spheres of being - one with a masculine polarity, and the other with a feminine one, but each of them has the same spiritual origin and a unique personality pattern.

Eons ago, you and your twin flame stood before Father-Mother God and volunteered to descend into the planes of matter to bring Divine love to Earth. The original intention was for you to go through a succession of both male and female incarnations, so that every part of the Divine Whole learns to be an instrument of Father-Mother God.

Our early life on Earth was quite happy, and we would continue to share the beauty of the cosmic lover's relationship with our twin flame over many lifetimes if we stayed in harmony with each other and with God. But we fell away from the state of perfection, distorting the light of God. This is what true meaning story that took place in the garden of Eden.

If we kept the harmony of the One, the delight of love would remain with us throughout all our incarnations on Earth. But when harmony was lost - due to fear, mistrust, or a feeling of separation from the Source - we became victims of our negative karma. Our vibrations were divided, we no longer preferred each other, we were shackled by the bonds of marriage and mutual neglect, until our souls cried out to the living God ... and to each other. Each incarnation lived apart from our twin flame was spent either creating negative karma, or balancing some portion of karma standing in the way of our reunification with him. At times, we entered into various relationships with our twin flame - husband and wife, mother and son, father and daughter, sister and brother - to untie the negative knots of energies that we have woven into our subconscious as a result of the misuse of free will.

Now, with the end of this historical cycle and the onset of the Aquarian age, the time has come when the people of Light, walking the spiritual path, need to learn how to interact with their twin flames. Our Higher Self prompts us to conduct these searches, but its instructions are not adequately understood at the physical level. Often times, when people find out that they are sharing a mission with their twin flame, they begin to physically seek that one special soul instead of striving for inner integrity. This always lengthens the path to liberation of the soul. The key to finding and becoming one with your twin flame is in your relationship with God and our own Higher Self.


Cosmic law requires that we first define our own identity in God before fully unleashing the spiritual potential we share with our twin flame. Until the moment when twin flames reach a certain level of mastery and oneness with their own Real Selves, they often fail to handle the weight of negative karma that intensifies in the presence of their other half. The same unique factor that gives twin flames their immense spiritual power - their identical blueprint (design, structure - Ed.) Of personality - can just as well cause their amplification. negative qualities.

Ultimately, each of us must learn to eliminate our negative qualities, replacing the base metal of the human ego with the gold of our Divine Real Self. the masculine aspect is called the alchemical wedding. The love of this beloved Christ Self, that is, that part of us that maintains a constant connection with the Source - the I AM Presence, cannot be compared with any other love. This is the Beloved to whom the saints of the East and West gave themselves entirely.

Expanding their consciousness daily through communion with God, the saints gradually transcended the limits of the human ego. And in the end, their souls merged with their real spiritual self as they ascended back to the heart of God. “For this perishable must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality” (1 Cor. 15:53).


The twin flame may have already achieved soul liberation and reunited with God, or it may still be struggling to find its way. About [internal connection with the twin flame] and where your twin flame is, that is, what is his (or her) state of consciousness, your ability to find integrity largely depends. Since you both have the same blueprint for your identity - as unique to the entire cosmos as the pattern of a snowflake - whatever energy you send will carry the imprint or seal of your particular personality. According to the law that "like attracts like," all the energy you release is transferred in a circular motion to your twin flame — either hindering or helping it on the path to wholeness.

When you send love or hope, these qualities elevate your twin flame. But if you are burdened with hatred or upset, your twin flame will also feel the weight of these inharmonious states. Sometimes, when you feel inexplicable joy or depression, these are the moods of your other half, which are fixed by your consciousness.

You can accelerate your spiritual development if, during prayer, meditation, or dynamic command, you invoke your I AM Presence to achieve an inner heart connection with your twin flame. The following call could be made: In the name of Christ, I invoke the blessed I AM Presences of our twin flames to seal our hearts as one for the victory of our mission for the good of humanity. I invoke the light of the Holy Spirit to consume all negative karma that limits the full expression of our Divine identity and the fulfillment of our Divine plan.

Having said this, you can, even if you live in different realms, spiritually unite with your twin flame on the higher planes and send the light into your own and his world in order to balance your joint karma. This inner contact increases the light and accomplishment that each of you has and releases the powerful force of the polarity of your love, allowing you to withstand the conflicts that inevitably come to the doorstep of everyone who wants to protect love.

Inspired by the greatness of love, painters, writers and composers have glorified both its delightful heights and tragic depths for centuries. In all the masterpieces they create, we can feel the inner understanding of the twin flames, their love for each other and their clash with karma and cosmic law. Many famous operas can be viewed from this aspect. Although some arias and duets give us the opportunity to experience the magic of love of twin flames, the plots often end in grief, tragedy or death, since one or both lovers do not stand the test and have not yet established themselves on their own, individual path to God. These dramatic stories show us the dangers we may face on the path to achieving higher love and help us understand what not to do.


Apart from twin flames and soul mates, there is also a third type of marital relationship that we often observe - karmic marriage. In this case, two people are attracted to each other in order to balance the joint karma. These marriages are often difficult, but they are essential to mastering the spiritual path. A husband and wife also earn good karma by taking care of and raising their children.

Some of these marriages can provide an opportunity to balance violent crimes such as murder, treason, or extreme hatred. Often, the only way to overcome the record of such hatred is through deep love expressed in the marital relationship.


Blessed the human institution with the opportunity for two individuals to gain integrity through the exchange of the polar energies of Alpha and Omega. The marriage of a man and a woman, whether it is a union of twin flames, soul mates, or partners united by karma, is intended to be a sacred ritual to commemorate the reunification of the soul with the beloved I AM Presence through the blessed Mediator - Christ.

Jesus showed the importance of marriage as a dedication on the Path when he performed his first public miracle by turning water into wine during a wedding feast in Cana. The gist of his message was that a marriage not transformed by the Holy Spirit would be just an external event. We can choose to be satisfied with a marriage based on water human consciousness, or desire a marriage based on the guilt of divine consciousness.

The cosmic interchange of Divine love in the conjugal relationship must be the same creative love that created the universe in the beginning, when God as Father issued His first decree:

Let there be light, "and, like a Mother, answered:" And there was light. " The creative flow can be expressed not only in physical union, but also during periods of abstinence (celibacy) when partners devote time inner work and communicating with your beloved I AM Presence.

The interchange of sacred energies during sexual union is designed to move the spheres of cosmic consciousness - our Causal Light Bodies. The light energy generated in the [angels, twin flames] as a result of this fusion, enhances positive traits each partner and strengthens their God identity, which enables them to carry the burden of joint karma. When union is dedicated to the love of God, the harmonious blending of the pure energies of Father-Mother God brings the Son - Christ consciousness, which can be in the form of a child, inspiration, a successful enterprise or a work of art.

When this interchange is not spiritualized by the recognition that God is both loving and beloved, two people can experience physical pleasure, but they also, without realizing it, will take on each other's karmic burden without acquiring the benefits of spiritually transforming love. This may explain the frequent personality crises that plague those who have an intimate relationship with a casual partner. They take on so many karmic characteristics of partners who successfully neutralize their own that they no longer know who they really are.

A vital mission awaits those whose energies are in harmony with Divine love. I saw twin flames, whose love never waned, who could maintain the balance of an entire city and transmute hatred, crime and murder with their daily decrees, while maintaining inner balance.

This is a high and sacred calling. Such love is not for earthly seekers and thirsty sense gratification. This is the true inner path for those who understand that the cosmos is arising within us, that the world must be saved, that millions of souls need our love and it cannot be selfish.

However, in the cynicism of our time, most people have lost the sense of the power of pure love. Only a few seem to maintain a cheerful, joyful attitude towards life, in which every day is a new opportunity to present our love as a unique gift to those around us. Too often, we underestimate our ability to transform other people's lives through our my own example.

Jval Kul, known throughout the world as Lord DK, once told the following story about a miller and his wife.

“Once upon a time there lived by the sea a man with a kind soul, who was a miller. Together with his wife, he ground grain for the inhabitants of his city. And it so happened that there was no community on the whole earth where happiness reigned to the same degree. Their fellow countrymen were delighted and amazed, as they understood that something extraordinary had to happen in order to make all members of this community so wise and happy.

And although the inhabitants of this city themselves were born, grew up, became adults and passed away within their own community, never in their entire life have they been able to understand this secret.

Today I will remove the veil and tell you what made the people of this city so happy and prosperous, joyful and wise.

The miracle consisted in the ministry of the miller and his wife and the love they put into the flour. For people who constantly used the mill carried this love to their homes along with sacks of flour on their backs, and then they baked bread from this flour. At each meal, the regenerating power of love between the miller and his wife radiated around the table and penetrated into the physical bodies of people as they ate bread.

Thus, like radioactive force, the energy of this life-affirming love spread throughout the community.

The neighbors did not understand the reasons for their happiness, and none of the people could ever find it. Because sometimes, even living side by side, people are not able to discern the simplest secrets of each other. "


Just as the miller and his wife silently gave their love to others, you and your twin flame or partner also influence the countless lives around you through your "radioactive" thoughts, feelings and actions. You have the opportunity to help life or lay a burden on it - either through the impact on life of that negative energy of your past karma that returns to the surface of your consciousness, or, realizing this energy as a dangerous challenge thrown down to your harmony and love, to transmute it ...

The key to transmuting or changing your past karma and completing your mission with the twin flame is the violet flame, the spiritual energy given by God to man to accelerate evolution in the Age of Aquarius *. This action of the Holy Spirit will transform negative energy: hate in love, irritation in peace, suspicion in trust, so that you can thus positively influence life as you move along the spiritual path to your final victory.

When you visualize this violet flame and invoke it into your consciousness, it instantly begins to change negative energy structures accumulated over thousands of lives. You begin to experience feelings of joy, lightness, and hope. It looks as if your consciousness is immersed in a chemical solution of a purple liquid that dissolves the karma of the ages.

This is the providence of God that many people expect. This is why we have evolved for tens of thousands of years, going through cycles of understanding God as Father and Son. Now, through the violet flame, we come to the energy of the Holy Spirit, the sacred science of alchemy, to self-transformation.

Here is a simple one but powerful mantra which you can say: "I AM the violet fire that blazes, I AM the purity that God desires."

"I AM" is a statement that God is within us, I AM Presence - the very Presence that announced to Moses: "I AM THAT I AM ... This is My name forever, and remembering Me from generation to generation" (Ex. 3: 14-15).

Daily immersion in the purifying energies of the violet flame through repetition of the violet flame mantras is the fastest and most effective way to maintain our harmony and acceleration of consciousness for ultimate reunification with God and our twin flame (see page 147 for additional violet flame mantras).

This is the baptism of the Holy Spirit predicted in the New Testament by John the Baptist.

(Matthew 3:11). This is God's gift to the Aquarian age. This is how the days will be shortened for the chosen ones - to return Home and overcome the cycles of the wheel of rebirth.


The coming era of Aquarius is the era of understanding the energies of God in their polarity - as the masculine and feminine principles of the Universe. The extent to which we experience this energy as our true identity, understand it as the essence of twin flames, use it as the unifying force of Divine love for the good of humanity, will determine whether we survive as individuals and, ultimately, as humanity as a whole.

Maybe you're reading this book right now because the only thing that stands between you and your twin flame is a layer of negative energy that's just waiting for an hour to transmute with joyful, boiling violet flame.

Your mission, your twin flame, and your final reunion with the heart of God await you!


An unexpected encounter that has a spiritual focus and arouses strong mutual love can be the result of many different circumstances. One of them is the twin flame connection. Others - the bond of kindred spirits. And besides that, there is karma. The karmic bond is arguably the strongest of all. Karmic bonds bind you - you are not free from them. Since the relationship is not balanced, inner harmony is required. From time to time, emptiness, loneliness sets in, which reveal the inferiority of relationships based only on karma. And that too will pass ...

In this life, we can several times have such relationships with people with whom we have accumulated karma in our past lives - both good karma and bad. Sometimes the heavier the karma, the stronger the impulse at the first meeting, for we meet God - God *, whom we ourselves have imprisoned through our unrighteous deeds, and we run to greet.

Love, him or her and free from the karma of our own past deeds. And our love is strong, as much must be forgiven.

Negative experiences of the past - such as cruelty, passionate hatred, murder, refusal to take care of your children or family, which caused the unbalanced state of the soul of both other people and yours - all this is experienced as a heaviness on the heart and the inability to find a way out at the level of the soul. This is a very painful condition that disturbs your consciousness until it is resolved with the help of love.

Your soul knows why you have incarnated. You have been told by your Spiritual Teachers, your Christ Self or your guardian angel: “This is a situation with this and that that needs to be resolved. You and this person, as a result of your neglect, your inability to act, once became the cause of the destruction of this city. Or because you shirked responsibility, many people suffered from hunger. "

These situations are not at all incredible. The consequences of what we have done by sinning or by refusing to serve life are great and dire. The soul that is on the way Home, to Father-Mother God, is well aware of this on internal levels and longs to correct the mistakes of ignorance and erroneous crops of past lives, for it knows that correcting mistakes is the only way to return back to that Heavenly Kingdom from where we are came.

If you look optimistically, Vladyka may have told you before you incarnated in this life that since you and this person have already worked a lot and constructively for humanity, in the coming life you will be entrusted with an even greater responsibility. And thanks to your good karma, you will be happy, live a fruitful life and rightfully win many victories.

In this time of acceleration and aspiration of our souls towards the age of Aquarius, you can repeatedly experience relationships of both kinds. In this historical cycle, we resolve karmic issues with a number of people.

Balancing our karma can cause suffering, divorce, spiritual quest, and a real need to understand why our lives are not following the correct book story. Knowing about karma and reincarnation can teach us a lot about the bumpy road of human relationships, sometimes beautiful and sometimes very unpleasant, but always necessary for the evolution of the soul and its path that defines our true being with God, Christ and our twin flame.

So, you can meet someone - it can happen when you are under twenty, or a little later, or at any other time - and that momentum will be overwhelming. It is like the collision of two planetary bodies. The effect will be overwhelming, since on a subconscious level you are simply rejoicing that you have found a person with whom you can balance a certain karma record.

Your soul knows that if you do not put an end to this karma, you will not be able to move on to the next round of the spiral of life and start serving the world and those creative projects that you yearn to carry out together with the person you love more than life, although maybe never met him.

The sense of duty is the need to give and receive, the desire to love and be loved, as the fire of love is the all-consuming fire of God that dissolves the records of non-love and anti-love when we enter into a relationship.

Children can also be involved in this process if your souls have agreed to bring a certain number of children into this world, who are part of a certain family or group karma. Since the purpose of life is to reunite with your Christ self, with your I AM Presence, and ultimately,

Thus, the sooner you obey the law of your own karma, which is actually the law of love, the faster you will find freedom along with your twin flame to take the next step towards the implementation of your Divine plan.

We reap what we sow, but through serving one another we can speed up karmic cycles.

You may be involved in one of these intense relationship exchanges. Perhaps you are going through a difficult round of karma and perhaps you only realize that there were some reasons that led to the consequences that you now see in front of you and observe daily in the relationship between you and your loved ones, or maybe you are blissfully you are not aware of anything except your love.

You should see everything in a rosy light. There should be nothing more important to you. There should be no one else in the whole world with whom you would rather be, other than a loved one. There should be no other occupation that you would prefer to your activity. Love should always be with you, as well as the novelty of a relationship. You can get married, start a family, start working together, and start working out karma.

You all know the expression "honeymoon is over." These words indicate the effect of karma, which manifests itself in the binding obligations of marriage. This is why some people do not want to get married: they resist having to carry each other's burdens.

They just don't want responsibility. They say that marriage will destroy everything, it seems to them that if you take on the karma of another person, then things will get confused and everything will be ruined. Each of the two partners is still too egocentric to part with their independence, which, as they think, can be preserved, if only not to take on the burden of each other's karma *.

But this is the innermost meaning of the marriage ritual - to love strongly, so much so that you want to share your spouse's karma and carry along with your own, desire unity at all levels of consciousness, spiritual reunification with your twin flame, then you understand that, without balancing karma, you will not achieve perfect love.


The marriage vow reflects this obligation of souls who bind themselves with a vow of fidelity: “... to be with you and keep you in sorrow and in joy, in wealth and in poverty, in illness and in health, to love and cherish until death do us part ". It is this complete spiritual and karmic unity that Jesus described when he said “and the two will become one flesh” (Matt. 19: 5).

If marriage were just a physical connection, then divorce, when it happens, would not be so emotionally devastating. Divorce is a surgical operation to separate two people who have become one; and all the battles over who owns and who gets the children is really centered around the painful process of re-evaluating and separating oneself from the other self.

Taking a marriage vow means that by taking each other “into lawful wives” or “into lawful husbands”, we will together meet everything that can happen in the life and karma of a spouse. Since on the wedding day, neither the future nor the subconscious is known, and the vow looks so "final", it is the most serious and far-reaching contract that we will ever sign in our lives. That is why St. Paul warned us not to harness the yoke of unequal marriage with those who think differently and recommended that we consider “what does light have to do with darkness?” (2 Cor. 6:14) in interpersonal relationships.

If you marry someone who has less attainments on the spiritual path or more severe karma than yours, then as soon as the honeymoon is over, you will feel heavy. You will feel that you have taken on the karma of another person and that this person has benefited from this contract, since he or she received all your light, talent or money. But you, perhaps, want this, because you love very much and want to give a part of yourself to this person, more precisely, to God in him.

This might be the right decision. Perhaps your karma is predetermined that you must give your life for this old friend who once saved you from death or complete hopelessness. It may be the right decision, even if it turns out to be wrong later or the worst of all. possible options... You made this decision because you had to make it — because your soul felt the need to make a decision.

Perhaps you just needed to find out all the "how" and "why", all those factors that determine the decision-making process in your own psyche, or face one of the sides of your partner, which is actually your side and must be fully worked out and overcome. Perhaps it was a certain side of yourself, the existence of which you were not ready to accept until you were forced to face it in the personality of another.

Don't be discouraged when you find such things. All this is part of the Design. God loves you and wants you to return Home, in His heart, whole - psychologically, spiritually and karmically. He gives you the opportunity to go through various experiences and encounters in order to tear you away from everything that is not real, so that you can love Him above all else and see the face of Christ smiling at you for the image of the one you love.

This need for decision making can be understood through analogy. This is how an oyster feels when a tiny grain of sand gets into its shell, and it is forced to cover this grain all the time, because the latter is a source of anxiety, it is an irritant for the oyster world. Because the oyster needs a decision, it turns a grain of sand into a pearl.

This is karma. She is annoying. And we want to smooth it out, we want to fix it.

So, if we talk about a karmic marriage or relationships in which you are, then you can never get out of them, you can never free yourself from them, until you fulfill every iota and trait of the law - the law of karma, which requires from a person the highest expression of love as necessary condition for his freedom. If you do not completely and completely balance what is between you, then you will have to come into embodiment again and enter into a certain relationship with this person, even if it is a business partnership.


No one in Heaven or Earth can separate you from your twin flame. That is why Jesus said: “So what God has united, let not man separate” (Matthew 19: 6).

When you stand in front of the altar to get married, you are blessed according to your free will, but this marriage may or may not be a circumstance or condition about which one can say: “... whom God has united ... . ". Marriages between two people are made on Earth for a variety of reasons; as such, it is not necessarily the marriage of Heaven.

In the beginning, God created you and your twin flame from the same white fiery body. The story of Eve, created from the rib of Adam, is an attempt to illustrate this mystery of human origins. Due to the unity in the core of divine identity, under no circumstances and circumstances of life can anyone separate you from the love of God that is contained in your twin flame. This is the true meaning of this Bible passage.

So, karmic marriages and other conditions of life can come and go: they are needed for a specific purpose. As long as karma remains (unless there are alternative means to work it out), they bind us. In this relationship, we can turn our marriages into a celebration on earth of our inner union with our twin flame. And this will be the fulfillment of the law.

What you shouldn't do is treat marriage with little enthusiasm or even regret and not give your best in you and the fervent love of your heart, but say, “Well, this person is not my twin flame. This is just a karmic situation, so I will only make formal efforts and wait for an opportune occasion until something true comes. " This is very good way push back the resolution of your karma and work out a new one.

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Twin Flame. Practice with crystals.
Mum! send me a Dove!
So that he flies to Darling
Faster than the blue wind
I brought him the Light Word.
Where are you now, my betrothed?
A long share came to me,
Has been visiting me for several years
Perhaps we will part in the spring.
And then I will be free!
And I will fly with Eagle!
And I will find the New Word,
Poured over for centuries.
And I'll bring it to my beloved!
Know me, my beloved,
By a pigeon feather
That snow is whiter than white ...
(Records of the Receiver of Fire)

“It happened in the era of magical wars on the eve of the decisive battle with the sorcerers. The forces were running out, the Allies hesitated, and all hope remained for the new weapon of green fires brought from the Pleiades. The dark ones have raged on this planet for a long time, each time pushing the Warriors of Light further and further. On Earth, isolated from the Source, the black clans were invincible, acting through greed, betrayal and other base instincts introduced to humans through mutagen. Each time we infiltrated the system, and each time it destroyed our Warriors, calculating them by the lights of the Lamp, by the light codes of DNA. Therefore, it was decided to carry out the implementation not from the outside, but from within, wedging into the wheel of reincarnation, into other people's families with erased memory, fully identifying with the indigenous population and taking over the programs of the system. Since then, I did not know my true family and my past, I was guided only by the Call of the Soul beacon.

While preparing for the battle in the darkness of the caves, I once again felt his gaze on me. It was not a call of the flesh or just interest. It was something different. I could not explain why one of the soldiers sent by the elders to help us worried me so. Why, every time in the depths of his eyes, I recognized myself. And every time an unknown flame burned in me - Mother! Daughter! Sister! Wife!

The last night before the battle. I look at the starry sky, feeling my distant home there with all the fibers of my soul. The call arose suddenly and grew into unbearable pain. Through the scuffs of memory, a picture emerged of how we stand at the threshold, holding hands and know that we are parting for many centuries. And we know that in each incarnation we will look for each other, strive for each other and call, over and over again.

Suddenly I heard the clink of armor behind my back. Warmth from the heart spread throughout my body. He approached. I turned around. Flash ... my breath flowed into him, my blood became his blood. These endless centuries of waiting for a brief moment of meeting! I realized that the Father multiplies our energy before a decisive battle. I knew that tomorrow we both could leave the earthly plane, and we would be reincarnated again with an erased memory, scattered around different corners Lands where our help is needed. Many lives, but one war and one truth. I did not remember his name and forgot our history, but I clearly knew that every time I recognize him, over and over again. And so it will be until the Creator summons all his Warriors for the last battle on Earth, and until evil is destroyed. "

Many people write about twin flames, halves of the soul, cosmic lovers, but they do not really write anything. No wonder, every person must live this sacrament and discover for himself at the moment when he is ready for it. So this knowledge was given to me and built into a system not earlier than I was ready for it. Before that, many books had been read that were more confusing than clarifying. And finally, the information was revealed in me in an instant. It's like the whole Universe is born from the point of singularity in one moment.

We have all known for a long time that Spirit and Matter are one. Matter is a condensed Spirit, and vice versa. These are the two poles of the great Unity, which is reflected in the Tai Chi symbol. Thus, in the universe there are two basic principles that reflect the two basic principles that created everything - this is the Creator and Divine Mother, which should be understood as the polarization of the One. Man is created in this image.

On the level of Atman, the fiery monad at the level of Buddhi is divided into two identical polar spheres, blueprints of each other - twin flames of the One. Each monadic realm agrees to incarnate on Earth, focusing as a man or a woman. Thus, twin flames are Souls that have an identical blueprint and are the manifestation of the Yin and Yang aspects in embodiment. When, during manifestation, the beginnings are separated, then by virtue of their consubstantiality, an attraction, or fiery connection, remains between them. Spirit and Matter by themselves cannot create anything, and only their combination gives rise to worlds. Likewise, in twin flames, when the currents of their energy combine, they establish a connection with Fire, and Fire descends on them. Twin Flames were called to become Creators and helpers of the Supreme Principle: the Creator Father and the Divine Mother. They are like the beloved children of their parents.

However, as soon as the animal gene was introduced into a person by dark forces, the vibrations of Truth were distorted in him and the embodied halves stopped recognizing each other, began to mix with other people's halves, gaining negative karma. The mutation accumulated, the connections became more and more chaotic, recognition of the true halves became almost impossible. As a result, we suffer from separation from our twin flame, every time we look for it, and every time we make mistakes. And only in rare moments of insight can we hear the distant Call of our cosmic half. It all begins with this Call. The desire to find is transformed into a desire to know oneself, to look deeply. You seem to see yourself for the first time. The call inspires and prompts you to seek yourself. Each twin flame, in spite of everything superficial during its evolution, carries the image of its half in the depths of its being, one is imprinted in the other. Therefore, in the beginning, there is a recognition of your twin flame in yourself through the knowledge of your polar energy. This is how a man lives in every woman and vice versa. And then one day, in the depths of yourself, you begin to see your polarity, and it becomes natural for you that there is no need to look, that both halves live in you. At this time, your twin flame, which sent the Call, goes through the same searches and transformations. And from this moment, when everyone gains integrity, the meeting becomes inevitable. But as long as there are vibrational inconsistencies due to various contaminants, the meeting can be delayed. In this case, you do not need to complain about fate and pray to the Creator, but you need to work harder on yourself, sending bright thoughts to your half to help her ascend. Twin flames will always be separated by various obstacles until thorough work is done on yourself, your thoughts and actions. Harmonious existence in three-dimensionality of two Origins is possible only on vibrational consonance, when all energy centers resonate and an equal exchange takes place. To do this, they must be cleansed and harmonized. Otherwise, the meeting of twin flames is fraught with tragic consequences. Everything we think about and what we do hinders or helps our half on the way to us. Our heart, our consciousness is like a beacon for our twin flame. What is the state of this lighthouse? Does it shine brightly? The Heart is the organ for connecting the Principles on all planes. Finding integrity in the Heart, in the Spirit, in love for the Creator and Mother, you open the way to your true half.

Stages of work.
1. Work must begin with purification, which will make it possible to carry out resonant attunements to your twin flame. Purification refers to the purification of thoughts, words, and deeds. Everyone can have their own individual techniques for this kind of work. At this stage, I propose cleansing practices with the Sun, which can be combined with golden calcite. It is also good to add the transmuting violet flame of tanzanite. Tanzanite on the left hand allows you to imbue the field with purifying violet energy. Your energy is cleared of negative aspects, and your cells are cleared of mutation. According to the law of similarity, the energy that comes from you passes in a circular motion to your twin flame. Therefore, the purification stage is very important.

2. The next step is to cognize and embody the energy of your own polarity. It is important for women to work with feminine energies Guan Yin, Isis, Mother, Goddess - chrysocolla, turquoise, malachite, azurmalahite, shattukite. For men - with the masculine energies of the Creator, the Father, who conduct diamond, topaz, phenakite, danburite. These should be meditations on filling your polarity with energies, achieving oneness with yourself and with your Divine source, in order to then move on to the next stage - exit to your opposite.

3. Manifestation of polar energy, cognition of one's opposite. A woman lives in every man, and in every woman-man... It is possible to show polar energy and reach it through white lunars: adularia, rainbow moonstone, belomorite. These moonstones combine the energy of God and Goddess at the same time. For women, the Moon becomes a masculine deity, for men, a feminine one.

4. Attracting the energies of your twin flame into your energy field. Working with tantric twins (twin crystals), blue aragonite, amethyst herkimer. The tantric twin embodies the energy of the union of two halves. Working with it, meditating, even just keeping it with you, you trigger the energy of connection. Blue aragonite can be programmed to invoke a spiritual twin memory into your life. The amethyst herkimer works in the same way, which unites the disparate parts of the soul into a single whole. These stones, as antennas, tune the embodied soul to other dimensions of the soul.

5. On the physical plane, twin flames do not always recognize each other at first sight. And the spark that often flared up at the first meeting only testifies to the accumulated joint karma. The soul rejoices at the opportunity to resolve it. Therefore, in order to know your true half, you need to be ready. This is facilitated by the stage of recognizing the vibrations of your twin flame on thin plan... It is good to do the Unification meditation in the circle of Oneness in the space of the Creator. Working with tanzanite and petalite. At this stage, memories of your past life interactions can burst rapidly.

6. Creating a space that will attract your twin flame on the physical plane. Working with smoky rose quartz, which opens you to intimacy and structures the space in which your twin flame can manifest. If you could not get a rare smoky rose quartz, then you can simply combine rose quartz with smoky quartz.

The key to attracting your half to the physical plane is only to find your own integrity and harmony. Otherwise, with perseverance, a vibrational-defective correspondence will again be attracted, which resonates with you on this moment, and with which negative karma will again be accumulated. So the key to finding is not to seek, but to prepare your own inner space. Eliminating your negative qualities and egoism, connecting all subtle bodies and increasing vibrations. Without such a willingness, you shouldn't even start. The souls of twin flames merge into a single Flame, signifying true integrity. This is the meeting of the One with itself. On the physical plane, such half wholes unite for joint creation. And in this co-creation they open up and reach even greater heights. Our true half is always who we become better with. Unity occurs at all levels: from the physical body to the level of the Spirit. Continuous joint development, the birth and embodiment of ideas, spiritual aspiration and inspiration speaks of harmonious unity. The connection of the true halves closes the battery, making it possible to transform Higher powers on the earthly plane. This is an energy of enormous power, which also requires great responsibility. When twin flames meet, their evolution is accelerated hundreds of times. Sometimes this will open up internal layers that still need to be worked on. Therefore, a flame relationship is not always heaven. This is joint striving development. And in this development, both become even more beautiful!

Natalia Osadchaya Lakshmi

Meeting the twin flame helps us remember who we really are, but it doesn't necessarily lead to a romantic relationship.

You can be of the same sex as your twin soul, or the age difference can be 50 years, or you both can already be in a relationship.

You can become best friends, work colleagues, or disperse in different directions along the road of fate, but this meeting will definitely affect you: it will make you more real, centered and, when you go through all the trials, happy.

How do you recognize a twin flame?

You will feel. Seriously, the meeting of twin flames is like elements and magic - you can't help but notice half of your Soul.

It's just that believing and realizing something completely incredible can be difficult: the absence of duality, recognition and unconditional love, which can be experienced to completely to a stranger, anyone can be puzzled and shocked.

In this article, you will find signs that will help your brain adapt to a fateful meeting when it happens, or to understand that you have already gone through this experience.

Twin Flames Rise

Twin Flames are two halves of one. This is one Soul, divided into two full-fledged Souls, but remaining absolutely energetically identical.

10. You met your partner when one or both of you were in another relationship or, in other words, “unavailable”. It is likely that you met when and where you least consciously expected it.

11. You or your partner feared the power of the twin flame bond and ran away from the relationship so as not to feel overwhelmed and / or vulnerable.

It can take years before both of you are in the same place to finally fully embrace your relationship.

12. The partner who escaped the twin flame finally "wakes up" and understands the meaning of what is happening. His or her "aha" moment comes as a result of loss, illness, or other personal disaster.

He or she then goes along with the fact that there is no other person or priority more important than the twin partner.

13. No matter how many times you break up or break up relationships, it seems like unknown forces are bringing you together again. You see "signs" and reminders of the twin relationship everywhere, and they urge you to be together again.

14. Your relationship is characterized by extreme ups and downs, including passion and intense pain that you have most likely never felt before.

15. To harmonize, balance karma and each other, you "push each other's buttons" and test each other's limits and boundaries, like no one else ever before or later.

However, maximum heights in relationships are consistently getting higher.

16. Friends, family members and others in your environment cannot understand the twin flame dramas and do not understand how you are feeling in the relationship.

They are always trying to get you to move towards someone or something else that seems more logical or better for you in theory.

17. The growth you experience, the lessons you learn, and the person you become in your twin flame relationship is a whole different level of development.

This is happening faster and more powerful than any other experience or growth period in your life.

18. You understand that your previous soul mates or other relationships have prepared you for a twin flame reunion.

Your twin flame may even have many of the unusual characteristics of your previous partners or friends.

19. You feel as if you have been waiting for this person all your life.

When you look back at your life, you see illnesses, bad relationships, or other situations that have manifested because you were still waiting and still looking for “that one”.

20. Even if you are extremely tired of living in 3d density on Earth, you heal, evolve, mature and continue to live, only to stay with your twin flame partner.

21. You are an "old soul" and this is your last human experience.

22. The more you and your twin flame spend time together, the faster and more fully you "wake up" to higher consciousness.

23. You have the deep knowledge that your twin partner is your destiny - not only during this time of life, but also when you will return “home” and reunite for eternity.

Not all twin flames incarnate ...

A twin flame relationship can involve finding your twin flame, which may or may not be here in this time and space.

The twin flame is literally the other half of your soul that makes you whole, but at the same time, each twin is a complete soul.

But twin flames can only reunite if both partners are whole.

Your previous relationships were also soul contracts to help you prepare to be with your twin flame. When you meet your twin, you will immediately recognize him.

Some twin flames are not here, not on Earth - they have not incarnated in 3d density.

This does not mean that you should not get married or have children, because your twin flame, even in unearthly worlds, wants you to experience everything that can bring you joy and happiness in this life.

As well as learning so many life lessons to help you grow spiritually.

He or she is still part of your immediate soul group, but has made the decision not to join you in this lifetime. Don't take it personally! They are still with you in your heart and spirit.

It is also important to remember that some twin flames remain on the other side to provide you with help and spiritual guidance.

Some souls decided to come here without their twins, because they "heard the call" and they knew that they were needed here in this incarnation.

Keep in mind that not everyone in your soul group incarnates at the same time! "

P.S. my comment: I will only agree with part of this article. "PTwin Flame Attributes ”rather describe the relationship between members of a kindred soul group. I agree that "Usually twin flames do not incarnate together, except when they come to Earth for a higher purpose" and have a higher spiritual mission. The most striking examples are Jesus (Sananda) and Mary Magdalene, Elizabeth and Mark Prophet, Helena and Nicholas Roerich.

According to the Akashic Chronicle, there are approximately 58 pairs of twin flames on Earth right now. But many thousands of couples believe that they are twin flames, but they are wrong ...

This does not in any way belittle or devalue the beauty of a loving relationship. On the contrary, many types of relationships are built on deep spiritual connections. And many of these connections are orchestrated by the twin flames of the partners involved.

There is a huge variety of types of relationships on Earth. Many of these include deep internal communication with souls from their own or similar soul families. In some cases, partners are strongly attracted because this is the only way in which embodied souls fulfill karmic obligations to each other, often it is necessary for couples to learn soul lessons that are not easy to learn individually.

“Another reason for the rare encounters of twin flames on Earth is that the Oversoul, which contains six pairs of twin flames, usually desires a variety of life experiences from the six members who are embodied on Earth. Therefore, each of the six members will incarnate in different parts Earth, in different circumstances. This is why the members of the original soul family rarely meet each other and are even less likely to be twin flames. " (Sal Rachel and the band)

Most soul mate relationships on Earth are between members of a secondary (144 souls) or extended soul family (1,728 souls). Since relationships can be quite intense and beautiful, they are often mistaken for twin flame contacts.

With love,

Tell me, have you ever had such moments when a sudden joy rolled over you, then suddenly it became painful and sad? Why are these emotions suddenly appearing? Maybe someone sent them to you from not the visible world?

Or maybe someone sends you these emotions from the visible world, but who then? Maybe there is a person who makes a harmonious whole with you and his state is transmitted to you, although he is not present next to you?

Maybe there is someone on Earth who, just like you, feels your state, is sad and happy with you, and always dreams of meeting you? Who is this soul? Perhaps this person is connected to you by invisible threads stronger than all other people?

Everyone in their life comes to a stage when a person is given the meaning of life, and not only his own, but of all that exists. All people wonder how to live life happily, and who will be able to share its existence.

Is there a person who can share your destiny, understand and accept you? The answers come to each of us in due time. You can search for answers to questions yourself by trial and error, or you can study the experience of others who were looking for answers.

So, I bring to your attention a study by a student of the Center for Quantum Regressology on the topic of twin flames:


I have been interested in this topic for a very long time. There is very little information about twin flames, if there is, then these are small puzzles that do not give a complete picture and understanding. I received the initiation of "Reiki soul mate", tried to meditate on this topic.

But still there was no complete picture. I also guessed that my spouse and I belong to this category. The regression confirms that we are two halves of ONE WHOLE.

It was with the help of immersion in past lives that confirmation came that we have already been together for many lives and at the moment our union has a special meaning for both of us, and this time we are able to help each other reach new level CONSCIOUSNESS and DEVELOPMENT.

Twin flames. Birth

Twin flames are born from a single state, a single "body" of light. It's like the process of cell division. The birth of duality. Yin and Yang. The feminine and masculine are first born from unity in order to reunite into one, knowing their nature and qualities.

This is a single flow of energy that has made a decision, having divided to know itself and its essence. It is one Soul, one Essence. Who showed her duality in this world in order to realize that a man and a woman are one, and their difference is in their unity.

This is an extraordinary magic of birth. It resembles the process when we draw the Flower of Life. The two circles are separate and combined with each other at the same time. Two poles that are magnetically attracted to each other.

The One Soul itself decides to split up. For the experience of the Soul. During the immersion, I felt the warmth inside, the Light, like the "Sun inside the ball", which with its rays penetrates into the entire space of my personal Being.

And here comes the process of division. And I feel myself in two parts at once. It’s as if I’m present in 2 places at once. It's like a dream and reality. We can exist both there and there. But you do not have to fall asleep in order to come to each of the Parts of yourself.


The human body consists of two parts. Right and left side. Each person has their own duality. Two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, two cerebral hemispheres, two arms and two legs .... As well as internal organs, many have their own pair.

Kidneys, lungs, female and male genitals…. This is how duality manifests itself at the level of the physical body. My Soul split to get the experience of living in duality in the material World. This is a male and female body. But I am One vibration, One Soul.

We have a single Name. It is by the Name of the Soul that you can find your Second Half. This is a single frequency. One SOUND. And each of the dualities goes through its own experience of the Soul.

Each has his own, individual. And if we remember our divine essence, then we begin to feel our Soul. We reach for it, feeling vibrations and energy.

The duality experience

When I was divided in duality, each part of my Soul went its own Path of development. In the material World, if there is an embodied male part, then there will certainly be a female part.

And in the process of the experience gained in various incarnations, each part "collected" its beliefs and programs, which, like a "hardened crust", prevents the two halves from uniting again into One Whole.

Returning to Oneness is an important task for the Second Halves. This is what twin flames strive for.

According to the information received during the immersion in the World of Souls, my husband was able to achieve more High level development of the Soul (one of its parts), and I lagged behind. And in this life, he had to lower his vibrations so that we could be together in this life.

Come to Earth again as husband and wife. Through regression, I was able to learn about past lives when I was in a male body and I was a husband. And my husband was a wife. During the immersion, I was able to get a resource from our past relationships in order to harmonize the present.

Twin flames show the reflection of each other in their incarnations: my husband shows me my inner man, and I, in turn, broadcast his inner woman to him.

When the development of the two parts of the One Soul is going on, then the progressive development of one part is enough for the second one to also begin to grow in awareness.

When two halves go to the same level, they reach the same general vibrations in physical body, then together they can make a huge leap in development. This is spiritual growth and self-knowledge.

The One Soul strives for this when it attracts its two parts in a specific incarnation.

How to Identify Twin Flames Using Astrology and TAROT

With the help of Astrology and TAROT, you can also determine if your partner in the current incarnation is your twin flame. But at the same time, it is very important to be well versed in the science of Astrology and TAROT in order to see such a relationship.

So, in the astrological chart of a man and a woman, it is necessary to build “ golden ratio”, Divide the map into its component parts. It looks like a "cross" that divides natal chart into four parts.

The card of one of the partner, part of the twin flame, will be a mirror image of the other. If one partner has weak Planets, then the other will have these same Planets strong. This is the Law of Harmony, Balance and Balance.

After the golden ratio has been created on the map, each of the four parts can be mapped to the opposite mirror side. This connection resembles a lotus flower, each petal is a mirror image of another petal.

In TARO, you can also determine if your partner is a twin flame. The indicator is the number 8, which is an infinity sign. And also the numbers ka 69 and 96. Which are the signs of the union of the feminine and masculine energies.

And it resembles the Yin-Yang symbol. It is in this symbol that the transition of one energy to another, balance and harmony is reflected.

Symptoms of a Twin Flame in the Physical Body

These signs may be, but they will not always be. These marks are optional features.

Certain signs on the body may occur: moles, birthmarks. The important thing is that they will be mirrored on the bodies of a man and a woman. But not everyone will manifest this.

Twin flames can be similar in appearance. Like relatives. For example, they are similar as brother and sister.

Twin Flame Encounter

In each incarnation, one of the parts of the twin flame has the opportunity to come into contact with its other half. The question is whether he recognizes him or not. It all depends on his level of awareness and development.

This contact is necessary in order to ignite the memory of integrity, so that one of the parts feels motivated to connect with its other half.

A person who has met his soul mate will never feel lonely. So he gains integrity and unity.

Signs that you've met your soul mate

There will be a sense of integrity, you feel that you have found yourself. This is fullness, inner satisfaction. During the meeting, you feel happiness and gratitude. And even during the meeting, you realize that you have known this person for an infinitely long time. Eternity.

He will be your reflection. In it you will see your advantages and disadvantages. You will see yourself in his eyes. You will look into his eyes and see yourself - it is just like looking in the mirror and seeing yourself.

When a person is ready to meet the twin flame

The attraction of one half to the other occurs at the level of the 4th chakra. When the level of development has already reached a certain level.

Then there is, it is the willingness to meet your twin flame. It happens that you are close to your second part, but you do not know about it. This means that that moment has not yet come, and this information will not be perceived consciously.

In a single Soul, having united with its twin flame, the pace and speed of development of the Soul exceeds many times. It is a blessing to grow with your partner, who is a part of you.

In incarnation in a physical body, twin flames can be not only partners to each other as husband and wife, but also such options are possible: father and daughter, mother and son, and they can also be not in kinship. The age difference can differ several times.

If there is a desire to meet your soul mate, this is one of the signs that a person is ready to connect with his second part of the Soul.

If two parts of the Soul receive experience in embodiment as husband and wife, then this is a great blessing, since there is an opportunity to work out relationships at all levels, at all chakras. It is important to understand that the lower chakras are as necessary as the higher ones.

It is at the level of the tailbone, the second chakra, that the Kundalini energy is born, which helps to reach a new level of well-being and prosperity of the Soul. This is a new level of development, a force that helps to develop the higher chakras and connect with God.

The soul returns to the place from where it began its Path. By itself, the Kundalini energy is the flow of two dualistic energies that have united together to help the Soul return to the Path of conscious development.

Yogis, saints, do they have their other halves

This is already a Single Soul, which has gone through its development lesson and found its second part. She no longer needs to be in a relationship. Coming to Earth, the One Soul sets an example with its life spiritual development, to become a Mentor on Earth for other Souls.

Choosing the body of a man, since it is the male body that is more enduring in the physical plane, ready to perform austerities and service. And also the mind in the male body is calmer, not subject to the influence of cyclicality and is more emotionally restrained.

It is important. Conclusion

If in this incarnation your partner is not your twin flame, this does not mean that parting and the search for your true soulmate is necessary. No. The soul chose this experience and chose to go through it with this particular partner. Development is important for the Soul.

When interacting with our partner, there is a mutual development. We help and help us. This is a mutual decision and choice. At the same time, another part of us passes its own Path of development separately from us.

With any partner, it is necessary to develop on all chakras. But with a twin flame, this development is faster. But this does not mean that the process will be easier. It is not always so. But anything is possible.


Our ancestors believed that every person on Earth has a second half, and this half is the only one, since it is part of one soul divided into two, divided into male and female.

And only by finding your true spiritual soulmate, you can gain integrity and harmony, thereby reaching the state of the Creator in your development. Uniting with your soulmate is the main meaning of a person's life.

Whether this judgment of the ancients is true is up to you to judge. If there is a need to understand yourself, come to an individual session:

You can sign up for an individual regression session HERE

What decision will you make, stay inactive and keep getting bumps out of the blue, or take simple steps to help yourself?

I provide individual consultations on DIFFERENT life topics:

  • FAMILY (relationships, parents, children, personal growth, neighbors);
  • FEARS AND PHOBIA (terrible dreams, fear of something or someone);

And I wish you to find yourself regardless of whether you have met your true love or are still in a creative search!

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