How to learn how to cook with inverter welding. How to weld metal products with an inverter correctly

You bought welding machine and want to learn inverter welding for beginners.

You should not be afraid of difficulties! The inverter device is easy to use, any person without experience and knowledge will be able to master the welding process in a short time.

Equipment, outfit, safety

Safety precautions. Welding production is associated with electrical voltage, in the common people - current. The current is invisible, but it can infect a person before death.

We check the welding cables for serviceability and connect them to inverter equipment. Return cable with a metal clip to the negative connector. Cable with electrode holder to the + connector. Insert the electrode into the electrode holder.

When connecting the device to the network, we visually evaluate the current-carrying cables for serviceability. We made sure that the cables are in good working order, we turn on the plug into the socket and the toggle switch on the device, after setting the current regulator to the lowest value. If the cooling fan runs smoothly, without crackling or noise, then everything is fine.

Metal weight. When connecting heavy structures, take precautions. Heavy-tonnage products, if collapsed, may result in lethal outcome or disability.

Equipment. Welding production is associated with high temperatures. The welder must have:

  • canvas mittens (leggings);
  • robe (special costume);
  • a mask with a light filter;
  • respirator for work in confined spaces;
  • boots with rubber soles.

Leggings are used when welding at heights, when the arms are raised up, and gloves in other cases.

Other accessories:

  • welding machine;
  • hammer;
  • brush;
  • electrodes.

Electrodes are selected for the metal (carbon, additives) and in diameter, on the thickness of the metal and technical characteristics inverter.

Inverter Welding Basics

For beginners, experienced welders advise to attach the grip cable to the body, press the hand with the elbow and wrap it along the forearm (from the elbow to the hand), take the grip in the hand. So the shoulder joint will pull the cable, and the hand and wrist will remain free. The method will help you to easily manipulate your hand.

Correct position of the cable on the forearm. WITH with bare hands work is not worth it.

If you just take the grip in your hand without winding the forearm with a cable, then during the welding process the hand will get tired and the wrist movements will cause the cable to chatter. What will affect the quality of the welded joint.

How to cook with inverter welding correctly? We set the welding current on the machine according to the diameter of the electrode, the type of connection and the welding position. Instructions for setting are available on the device and on the electrode pack. We accept a stable stance, take the elbow away from the body (you cannot press it), put on a mask and start the process.

It is better to start welding with an inverter for beginners with metal blanks more than 20 cm.

It is known that a beginner, putting on a mask and lighting an arc, stops breathing, trying to boil the entire length of the workpiece in one breath. With short products, the habit of cooking in one breath will appear. Therefore, train on long workpieces, learning to breathe properly when welding.

Workpieces (plates) on the work table can be placed in a horizontal plane - vertically to yourself or horizontally, no difference.

At the beginning of welding, set the electrode clamped in the holder at an angle of 90 degrees (perpendicular) and move it to the side of the seam by 30-45 degrees. Strike an arc and start moving.

  • If welding is performed with a backward angle, then an inclination of 30-45 degrees goes towards the seam.
  • If the connection occurs at an angle forward, then the tilt of the electrode from the seam.
  • The distance between the surface to be welded and the electrode is 2-3 mm, imagine that you are moving a pencil over a sheet of paper.

    Please note that when welding, the electrode burns down - gradually bring the consumable rod to the surface at a distance of 2-3 mm and keep the angle of inclination 30-45 degrees.


    How can a beginner learn to cook with a welding inverter?

    First, we learn to light and hold the arc. Feel the edge when bringing the electrode closer to the surface to be welded during combustion so that the arc is not interrupted.

    The electrode is lit in two ways:

    • tapping;
    • striking.

    The new electrode ignites easily. A slag film appears at the working rod, which prevents ignition. You just need to knock a little longer to break the film.

  • Inverter devices have a built-in Hot Start function to facilitate arc ignition.
  • If a beginner quickly brings the electrode closer to the surface, the Arc Force function (arc afterburner, anti-stick) is activated, increasing the welding current, preventing the electrode from sticking.
  • When the melting rod sticks, the Anti Stick function cuts off the current, preventing the inverter from overheating.
  • Video: what is arc afterburner on a welding inverter and how to apply it.

    It is better for a beginner to first study on a thread seam, the electrode is led evenly, without oscillatory movements.

    After mastering the thread technology, proceed to welding metal with oscillatory movements. Which are used with thick metal for heating, holding the electrode at a certain point with the help of movements - a herringbone, zigzags, a spiral, or by their own method.

    Types of oscillatory movements

    At the beginning of the connection, we carry out several movements from left to right, forming a weld pool and walk along the seam making oscillatory movements. The angle of inclination of the electrode is 30-45 degrees. After the passage, we beat off the slag with a hammer and clean it with a brush. Take care of your eyes, wear glasses.

    Advice: at the end of the weld, make oscillatory movements to the sides and remove the electrode towards the weld metal. This trick will add beauty to the weld (remove the crater).

    Video: how to cook gusset, butt and overlap.

    The seams are divided into:

    • single-pass (one pass replenishes the thickness of the metal);
    • multi-pass.

    One-pass seam is made on metals up to 3 mm. Multi-pass seams are applied with large metal thicknesses.

    Welders check the quality of the seam with a hammer - they strike next to the seam. If the seam is smooth, without irregularities, then after the impact the slag flies off completely, it has nothing to catch on. It is important to choose the right one temperature regime: overheated seam (hardened) will break, underheated - risk of lack of penetration.

    The current is selected based on the diameter of the electrode, in theory, 30 A per 1 mm of the electrode diameter.

    Forward and reverse polarity when welding with an inverter

    Consider the polarity when welding with an inverter. When connected in direct current, the movement of electrons is constant, which reduces the spatter of molten metal. The seam turns out to be of high quality and neat.

    The device has a choice of polarity. What is polarity is the direction of movement of electrons depending on how the cables are connected to the connectors of the equipment.

  • Reverse polarity when welding with an inverter - minus on the workpiece, plus on the electrode. The current flows from minus to plus (from the workpiece to the electrode). The electrode gets hotter. It is used for welding thin metals, the risk of burn-through is reduced.
  • Forward polarity - minus on the electrode, plus on the workpiece. The current moves from the electrode to the workpiece. The metal heats up more than the electrode. It is used for welding thick metals from 3 mm and cutting with an inverter.
  • The polarity is indicated on the package with electrodes, this instruction will help you to correctly connect the wires to the equipment.

    Welding thin metal with inverter

    The essence of the connection of thin plates is reduced to the selection of electrodes of small diameter and adjustment welding current... For example, for metal with a thickness of 0.8 mm, electrodes with a diameter of 1.8 mm are taken. The current on the inverter is set at 35 A.

    The technology takes place with intermittent movements. Watch the video for details on thin plate joining.


    How to cut metal with a welding inverter

    In order to properly burn a hole in the pipe, we set a current of 140 A on the apparatus for an electrode of 2.5 mm. We light the electrode, putting it in one place to heat the metal and press it in. We move the electrode to a new place, warm it up and press it in. Gradually, we cut a hole in the pipe.

    Pipe cut

    It is better to place the plate vertically when cutting so that the melted snot flows down. If cut horizontally, the icicles will freeze at the bottom of the cut. That's all the tricks!

    Newbies are tormented by the question, which polarity of wires is better when cutting with an inverter?

  • For electrofusion cutting, straight polarity is preferred. The melting zone is narrow but deep.
  • With reverse polarity, the melting zone is wide, but shallow.
  • Video:

    P.S. Text material and video will help you master inverter welding for beginners in a short time. Good luck!

    To figure out how to learn, you must first find out what exactly these devices are. The welding inverter has a rather compact design, it is much easier to transfer it from one place to another compared to an ordinary welding machine based on a transformer. Also, work with modern device much more convenient.

    Weld metal elements with the help of an inverter, it is quite reliably possible only if you know at least its approximate device. First of all, the design of this equipment does not take up too much space: all the necessary parts are placed in a small-sized metal box, which does not exceed half a meter in length, usually no more than 20 cm in width, and about 30 cm in height. The total mass of the structure is about 10 kg.

    The principle of its work is to issue electric current with suitable strength and tension. The inverter gives out in the area of ​​the welded surface D.C., formed from the alternating voltage in the household network - 220 V.

    The devices always have two terminals - the cathode, or negatively charged conductor, and the anode - positive. One of them is used to connect the electrode, and the other is connected to the metal to be welded. After the voltage starts to be applied, a single electrical circuit is formed. If you make a slight gap to it, the value of which will be only a few millimeters (as a rule, no more than 8), then in this place the air is ionized and a corresponding electric arc arises.

    To be correct, it should be understood that the bulk of the heat is released precisely in the electric arc, which burns at a temperature of about 7000 degrees. This allows high-quality melting of the edges of the welded metal workpieces.

    When the arc sparks, not only the edges of the metal melt, but also the electrode itself, as a result all these materials are mixed with each other. If the welding work is performed poorly, then the slag, which, as a rule, is much less in density compared to the metal, will remain in the thickness of the metal. This significantly reduces the quality of the resulting welded joint.

    Usually, the slag comes to the surface and does not allow the elements to be welded to be oxidized by the oxygen contained in the air, or begin to absorb nitrogen from environment... After the molten metal begins to solidify, the formation of a welded joint occurs.

    Main parameters of welded works

    To learn from the experience of seasoned welders, you need to understand the concept of current polarity, because it can be direct and reverse. The first is formed when the current flows from the cathode to the anode. Reverse polarity results in the opposite situation.

    If a person knows how to cook correctly, then he will understand that the highest temperature will form at the terminal, from which an electric current begins to flow. When using straight polarity, the temperature will be higher directly on the workpieces. As a rule, this technology is used by welders who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of this craft.

    With reverse polarity, a higher temperature forms at the electrode. This technology is useful when working with thin metal sheets, as well as when working with metals that do not react too well to overheating, which can lead to damage to the workpiece.

    An important role is played by the thickness of the electrode or welded wire. This indicator directly depends on how thick the parts to be welded will be. In principle, this indicator should be based on when choosing the current strength. It turns out that the higher the electrode thickness, the more electric current must be applied to it.

    It should also be borne in mind that the current strength is directly influenced by the location of the seam - horizontal, vertical, ceiling, and so on. For the gradual development of inverter welding, you should carefully study the table, which shows the corresponding amperage, electrode diameters and other important indicators related to welding.

    What are the main positive qualities of an inverter?

    The inverter apparatus is much more convenient for carrying out welding works... Even most professional welders say that this technology is much better and simpler than a primitive transformer. Through the use of this product it is possible not only to form an arc with ease, but also to get it ultimately as stable as possible.

    This effect prevents excessive metal spatter. The inverter is also good in that it is provided whole line all sorts of additional characteristics. In particular, one of the most useful functions is the so-called "Hot Start", which allows you to make the welding current as strong as possible at the very beginning of work. This allows you to form an arc much easier and faster.

    Another feature is Strong Arc. This element is activated only if the electrode is too close to the elements to be welded. With a similar development of events, the apparatus will increase the current strength in automatic mode... This allows the metal to be melted as quickly as possible so that the electrode does not stick to the workpieces.

    The third useful quality is the "Anti-Slip" option. If necessary, it makes the electric current as low as possible so that the electrode can be very quickly torn off the metal surface and continue to work. The function is very useful for those who have not yet fully figured out how to properly detach the electrode from the workpiece.

    The inverter is a fairly economical device. If we consider electrodes with a diameter of 3 mm, then for their high-quality use it is quite enough to set a voltage with a power of 4 kW - this fully corresponds to the normal parallel connection of two electric kettles.

    The economy of the design in terms of the consumption of electric current allows literally within one season to justify the rather high cost of the inverter welding machine.

    What safety precautions need to be followed?

    To figure out how to cook with inverter welding, you first need to understand the basic safety standards. The fact is that welding works are especially dangerous for human health and life, so they should be approached with caution.

    • Before starting work, you need to clear the surrounding space from wooden objects and other things that can quickly ignite. This moment is very important for those people who are just starting to master welding. Electrodes, slag, molten metal are very hot, which can cause rapid ignition.
    • You should wear tight clothing that, if possible, covers the whole body: long tight trousers, a jacket or a jacket with long sleeves. This is to prevent molten metal droplets from getting on the skin and causing severe thermal burns.
    • The eyes and face must be protected with a special mask with a built-in dark glass or light filter. It will not let in sunlight, but the arc will be clearly visible, and this filter will also allow you to take a good look at how the metal melts and the weld is filled.
    • If the arc burns, but the metal does not weld, then this may indicate a malfunction of the apparatus or insufficient current strength. You can add it on the working panel of the equipment. If this does not help, then the tool should be disconnected immediately, since there must have been some kind of breakdown inside it. It can cause electric shock.
    • It is strictly forbidden to work in wet weather, if too low temperatures and other adverse weather conditions, because this also often causes electric shock.
    • You should not observe the performance or performance of welding without protective glass - this causes a severe burn of the cornea, from which you will have to recover within several days. Burns of this plan are different: a weak degree is characterized by the appearance of light spots in front of the eyes; the middle degree begins with a feeling of sand in the eyes; severe can cause partial or complete loss of vision.

    How to light the arc correctly?

    People seeking to figure out how to learn how to cook with a welding inverter must first practice how to properly ignite the arc and keep it burning throughout the entire period of work.

    At the first stage, the terminals should be connected depending on which polarity you plan to work with - direct or reverse. If there is no experience in welding at the moment, then only the direct connection should be used. It is better for a novice welder to take universal electrodes suitable for most metals: their diameter is 3 mm.

    It is undesirable to use thicker electrodes, as they can cause severe arc oscillation and unstable arc burning. Working with similar consumables requires the best skills.

    At first, you need to set the current strength equal to 100 A. Using a mask from habit can cause some discomfort, but to preserve vision, it can be sacrificed. Before directly igniting the arc, you need to slightly tap the electrode on the metal in order to knock the coating off its edge.

    The arc can be ignited in one of the following ways:

    • striking;
    • light touch.

    If you take into account all the points considered, then figuring out how to cook with a welding inverter will not be too difficult. Moreover, it can be used for various materials.

    Modern welding machines, inverters, represent small device, easy to carry and easier to weld (compared to previous transformers). Learning to cook with an inverter is much easier than with a transformer device. Therefore, welding is no longer the prerogative of professionals, it has become a popular occupation, available to master and use on your own site. Consider how to learn how to weld metal using an inverter.

    The device and principle of operation of the inverter welding machine.

    Welding inverter device: how does the arc originate?

    The inverter is a small metal box (up to 0.5 meters), weighing up to 10 kg. The main task of the welding machine is to generate current given parameters... To do this, the inverter converts the current from the network (alternating 220 volts) into the welding one. The welding current of most household appliances is constant.

    Direct and reverse connection of current.

    Each inverter has two terminals: a cathode (indicated by "-") and an anode (indicated by "+"). An electrode is inserted into one terminal, and the second is connected to the metal to be welded. After the electric current is applied, a common electrical circuit is formed. With a small break in the circuit (with a distance of several millimeters), instant ionization of the air occurs at the break point and a welding arc arises.

    The main heat release occurs in the arc. Its combustion temperature is 5000-7000 ºC. This is above the melting point of all metals used. When the arc burns, the edges of the metals and the electrode are melted and mixed. Slag - more light material, it floats to the surface and protects the base metal from oxidation and nitrogen saturation. After solidification, a weld seam is formed.

    Current polarity and welding parameters - what are they?

    The welding current can move from the cathode to the anode and, conversely, from the anode to the cathode. This results in a different polarity of the current. When the current moves from the cathode, the polarity is direct. In the opposite direction (from the anode) - reverse. What is forward and reverse polarity for?

    The use of different polarity is due to the fact that a higher temperature will be at the terminal to which the electric current flows. If the current is of direct polarity, a higher temperature is generated at the anode (that is, on the surface to be welded). This is the most common type of welding and most novice welders work with it. If the current is reversed, a higher temperature is generated at the cathode (an electrode is connected to it). This is required when working with thin sheet metal and those grades of steel that cannot be overheated (for example, high-alloyed ones).

    The diameter of the electrode is selected depending on the thickness of the parts to be welded. The size of the electrode and the strength of the electric current are in proportional relationship from each other: the thicker the electrode, the stronger the current. For rough calculations assume that the current is equal to the diameter multiplied by 3.5. That is, for a 3 mm electrode, the current strength will be: 3 * 3.5 = 105 A.

    Since the current strength is also influenced by the location of the seam (horizontal, vertical or overhead), the material of the electrode, it is easier for a novice welder to use the table of correspondence between the current strength and the diameter of the electrode and the choice of the diameter according to the thickness of the welded elements (Fig. 1 and 2, respectively). Next, you can cook the metal with an inverter.

    Advantages of an inverter over a transformer

    Figure 1. Correspondence table of metal thickness and electrode diameter.

    It is easier to master the art of inverter welding with training. Welding metal with an inverter is easier because the device provides a constant welding current (regardless of voltage fluctuations in the network). As a result, the arc burns steadily, the metal is spattered slightly. The value of the welding current is infinitely adjustable.

    Cooking with a welding inverter is convenient for beginners due to the presence of additional functions. For example, the inverter can be configured with a Hot-Start, it increases the welding current at the start of work (which makes it easier to ignite the arc). The other Arc-Force function is triggered when the welder moves the electrode too close to the metal. In this case, the inverter will automatically increase the current, accelerate melting, and prevent sticking.

    In case of sticking, the Anti-Sticking function is activated. It reduces the current and makes it possible to detach the electrode from the metal and continue welding. Inverter operation consumes relatively little electricity. For example, for welding with an electrode with a diameter of 3 mm, a current of 4 kW is required (which corresponds to the operation of two electric kettles). The savings in electricity pay off the relatively high cost of the inverter.

    Welding safety precautions

    Figure 2. Electrode diameter and current strength.

    Before starting work, the space within a radius of several meters is cleared of wood and other flammable objects. This is important for the novice welder. Welding electrode or its fragment has a high temperature, they are able to set fire to boards, boxes that are nearby, paper trash... Clothes that cover the whole body must be worn (long trousers, a jacket with long sleeves). This is also important for the beginner, as the splashing process can cause metal droplets to get onto the exposed skin of the hands or feet. A protective mask with dark glass (light filter) must be worn on the face. This glass is impenetrable to sunlight. The burning of the arc through the light filter will be visible.

    It is dangerous to observe the arc without the protective glass, you can get your eyes burned. A weak degree of burn (once or twice looked at the arc) leads to the formation of light spots in front of the eyes ("bunnies picked up"). With a moderate degree of burn, the eyes ache and itch (there is a feeling of sand in the eyes). Severe burns result in partial or complete loss vision.

    How to light the arc?

    Safety rules for welding.

    For welding metal surfaces it is necessary to learn how to light the arc and maintain it. First, you need to connect the terminals of the inverter. We will work with a current of direct polarity, so we insert an electrode into the cathode terminal ("-"). For ease of use, let's take an electrode with a diameter of 3 mm. Welding with a thicker electrode is more difficult, leads to fluctuations in arc length and unstable combustion, and requires more professionalism. We set a current of 100 A (for an electrode of 3 mm and a horizontal arrangement of the surfaces to be welded). We take the handle of the terminal with an electrode in our hands, turn on the inverter (supply current) and put on a protective screen.

    Welding without a protective shield is prohibited to avoid loss of sight.

    The feeling of some discomfort is not worth the health of the eye apparatus. Before striking the arc, the end of the electrode is tapped against the metal to remove the coating from its edge. This makes ignition easier. There are and are used two types of ignition:

    1. Chirping. It is necessary to bring the electrode to the metal surface and strike it (the action is similar to lighting a match). This is how a new electrode is kindled.
    2. Touching. The electrode is brought to the metal and lightly touched its surface, after which it is immediately withdrawn to a distance of several millimeters. This is how the electrode is ignited when welding is interrupted (sticking has occurred or the welder has removed the rod from the metal surface too much).

    Welding process: how to maintain the arc?

    It is important to maintain a small (3-5 mm) distance between the metal and the electrode. This distance is called the arc length. When it increases, the arc stops burning.

    The length of the arc is approximately equal to the diameter of the electrode. That is, for stable combustion and a smooth weld with an electrode of 3 mm, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 3-5 mm from the surfaces to be welded.

    If the electrode is too close to the metal surface, short circuit: the electrode sticks to metal. To detach the electrode from the surface to be welded, it is necessary to tilt it to the other side or turn off the inverter. When the supply of electricity is cut off, the electrode will come off.

    The angle of inclination of the electrode can be different. For the novice welder, it is best to stick to about 70º from the metal surface (that is, with a slight deviation from the vertical position).

    Figure 3. Trajectories of movement of the electrode in arc welding.

    In order to cook efficiently, it is necessary to learn visually (through the filter flap) to assess the size of the welded pool. The width of the reddish puddle in the filter should be 2 times the thickness (diameter) of the electrode.

    The size of the bath is influenced by the speed of movement of the electrode. If it moves too slowly, it creates too much molten metal and a wide weld pool, which prevents the arc from interacting with the base to be welded, resulting in lack of penetration. If the arc is moved too quickly, there will be insufficient edge melting and, as a result, also lack of fusion.

    First steps in welding

    You should try to perform the first welding operations on any unnecessary metal surface. After the arc has been ignited, it is necessary to lead the electrode over the metal, trying to get an even welded trace. When it has become stable to ignite the arc, you can start welding the surfaces. They are placed end-to-end to each other, an arc is obtained and an electrode is drawn along the connection line. In this case, the movements should not be rectilinear (along the seam), but oscillatory (now to the right, then to the left). A typical pattern of electrode movement during welding is shown in Fig. 3.

    After cooling, the slag layer is knocked down from the outside with a hammer and the quality of the joint is assessed visually. A good weld bead should be of uniform thickness, with no visible voids or gaps.

    After exercising for one to two hours, most novice welders are consistently able to light the arc and keep it burning. Can be done simple connections metal surfaces. When you learn how to work with a welding inverter, you will be able to perform various works on your own plot on your own.

    V household often there is a need for reliable connection any metal parts. In such cases optimal solution is welding that allows you to do the job quickly and efficiently. Inverter type welding devices are about twice as efficient as their classical predecessors. You can learn how to work with them on your own after studying the proposed instructions.

    What needs to be prepared:
    • Welding inverter;
    • Protective clothing and footwear;
    • Mask;
    • Steel brush;
    • Hammer;
    • Electrodes.
    To power the unit, even of a household type, significant power is required from the electrical network. Therefore, initially we are determined with the possibility of connecting an inverter. If everything fits, then we prepare a site suitable for welding. We put on special uniforms, unwind the connecting wires. We adjust the required current with the regulator, which depends on the thickness of the workpieces being processed. This information can be found in the table on the body of the device. Choosing an electrode, for example: for 2-3 mm steel you need a "troika" (electrode with a diameter of 3 mm).

    We connect the mass terminal to the workpiece to be welded, and insert the electrode into the holder. On the front panel, turn on the power of the inverter, lower the mask. The first step is to ignite the arc, for which we bring the end of the electrode to the metal surface at an angle and strike it along it - we ignite the electrode. Further, in the process of work, we maintain a distance to the workpiece equal to the diameter of the electrode.

    During welding, check the penetration of the metal and the quality of the weld. Inverter units allow smooth adjustment of the welding current. If the current is too high, the metal will burn through, and if it is insufficient, the joint will not be welded. The scale on the seam is tapped with a hammer and cleaned with a brush.

    In welding, as in every worthwhile business, everything comes with experience. With constant practice, the weld joint will come out better with each successive time. Mastering the intricacies of welding will make it easy to solve many problems that always appear at home or in the country.

    Today welding equipment is presented in many varieties. But the most popular among home craftsmen are inverter devices due to their compactness and versatility. The welding inverter is an equipment that allows the master to perform all kinds of welding work. But in order to carry out them efficiently, it is not enough to have an expensive unit, you also need to learn how to use a welding machine.

    To use an inverter efficiently and safely, the first step is to properly prepare it for operation. This process is carried out in several stages. The first task is to install and connect the unit. Inverter installation must be performed according to certain rules:

    • the unit must be placed so that it is at a distance of at least 2 m from walls or any objects;
    • the device must be grounded;
    • the place of welding must be chosen so that it is away from flammable objects;
    • it is recommended to cook either on a free site or on a metal table.

    The inverter can be connected both to a household network (220 V) and to a network with a voltage of 380 V, which is usually used in production. If you intend to use the machine away from electrical networks, then it can be connected to a generator, diesel or gasoline.

    Electrical connection

    Connecting the welding machine to a household power supply often causes problems. The reason for their occurrence may be old wiring or insufficient diameter of its wires. Typically, the wiring is designed for a current of up to 16 A. And since all the included devices in the house can exceed this value, for safety reasons they are installed circuit breakers(machines). Therefore, when connecting, it is necessary to know the power of the welding machine so that it does not trigger the machine.

    Connecting the inverter to the household network

    You should also pay attention to network drawdown... If, when you turn on the inverter, you notice a decrease in the voltage in the mains, then this indicates an insufficient cross-section of the wires. In this case, it is necessary to measure to what values ​​the voltage drops. If it falls to values ​​below the minimum with which the inverter can work (indicated in the instructions), then the device cannot be connected to such a network.

    Using an extension cord

    The mains cable connected to the inverter meets all power requirements and does not cause connection problems. But if its length is not enough, then you should select an extension cord with a wire cross-section of at least 2.5 mm 2 and a length of no more than 20 meters. Such parameters of the extension cord will be sufficient for the inverter to operate with a current of up to 150 A.

    It should be remembered that when connecting the device to the mains through the carrier, the rest of it should not be coiled up, since when the unit is turned on, it will turn into an inductance coil. As a result, the conductors will overheat and the extension cord will fail.

    Generator connection

    In cases where it is not possible to connect the device to the mains, you can connect it to a generator that runs on either gasoline or diesel fuel. The most widespread are gasoline power plants. But not all of them are suitable for connecting welding machines. For the inverter to operate efficiently, the generator must have a power of at least 5 kilowatts and provide a stable output voltage. Power surges can damage the welder.

    It should also be taken into account with what electrode diameter you will work. For example, if the electrode has a diameter of 3 mm, then an operating current of about 120 A with an arc voltage of 40 V will be required. If we calculate the power of the welding inverter (120 x 40 = 4800), we get a value of 4.8 kW. Since this will be the power consumption, a power plant capable of delivering only 5 kW will operate at the limit of its capabilities, which will significantly reduce its service life. Therefore, the generator must be chosen with some power reserve, about 20-30% higher than that consumed by the inverter.

    Connecting welding cables

    There are 2 terminals on the front panel of the inverter, near which there are markings in the form of “+” and “-” signs. Welding cables are connected to these terminals, one of which has a metal clip (clothespin) at the end, and the other has an electrode holder. Both cables can be connected to both terminals, depending on the welding method, which will be discussed below. After connecting the cables to the device, one of them, which has a clothespin, is connected to the welding table or to the workpiece.

    In some cases standard length the cables may be missing, for example when working at heights. In such situations, the question arises: is it possible to lengthen the welding cable? Professionals do not advise doing this, especially when it comes to an inverter device. This fact can be explained by the fact that each cable has certain resistance characteristics. Therefore, voltage and current “leakage” along its entire length are inevitable. Therefore, than longer length cable, the stronger tension subsides.

    If you try to compensate for the voltage and current losses by adding values ​​on the unit panel, then this measure will most likely damage the inverter electronics. It turns out that it is easier to bring the device closer to the welder's workplace than to spend a considerable amount on repairing the unit after lengthening the cables.

    Setting up the machine

    The quality of welding depends on whether the setting of the welding inverter is correct, especially when it comes to the right choice electrodes. You should also consider:

    • the depth of the weld;
    • the location of the seam in space (vertical or horizontal);
    • brand or type of metal being welded;
    • metal thickness, etc.

    You should be aware that the appropriate electrodes are produced for each type of metal. Electrodes up to 5 mm in diameter can be used with inverters. But for each thickness of the tooling, it is necessary to select the appropriate welding current strength. To correctly set up the welding machine, you can use the table below.

    For example, if you have to weld 5 mm thick mild steel with an inverter, then you should select a 3 mm electrode, and set the current strength on the apparatus to 100 A. After test welding, the current strength can be corrected, that is, reduced or increased.

    Safety measures at work

    The established safety rules, one might say, are written in the “blood” of the victims, and therefore it is strictly forbidden to neglect them. The health and life of not only the operator of the welding equipment, but also the people around him depends on their observance. So, the following can be attributed to the safety rules.

    If the safety rules have already been studied, then you can begin to familiarize yourself with how to work correctly with electric welding.

    Polarity selection

    It is no secret that the process of metal melting occurs due to the high temperature of the electric arc that occurs between the material to be welded and the electrode. In this case, the cable with the holder for the electrode and the earth cable (with a clothespin) are connected to different terminals of the device. To properly connect the cables, you need to understand in which cases they are swapped.

    When welding with an inverter or any other welding machine, the direct and reverse polarity of connecting the cables to the machine is used. Straight polarity it is customary to call a connection when a cable with an electrode is connected to the minus, and the metal being welded to the plus.

    This method of connection allows the metal to warm up well, which makes the seam deep and of high quality. The straight polarity method is used when cooking thick metal products.

    It implies connecting the electrode cable to plus, and the earth cable to minus.

    With this connection, the metal heats up less, and the seam learns to be wider. It is customary to use reverse polarity when welding thin metal products in order to exclude through-burning of the part.

    Selection of welding current

    The welding current is selected taking into account the thickness of the metal to be welded and the diameter of the filler. For simplicity of calculations, you can use the table that was given above, in the section where it was said about setting up the unit. Also, when choosing the optimal current strength, one should remember the rule: the higher the current strength, the deeper the seam turns out, and the faster the electrode can be moved. Therefore, it is necessary to achieve an ideal ratio of the speed of movement of the additive and the current strength so that the seam has the required bulge and depth, sufficient for good welding of the edges of the parts.

    Methods for working with different metals

    Since the welding process is impossible without igniting the arc, you should know that there are 2 methods to do this:

    • you need to hit the metal with the electrode several times until the arc strikes.
    • you need to strike with an electrode, like a match, several times on the metal.

    Each master selects the most convenient and suitable way arc ignition. But you need to scratch not just anywhere, but along the line of the weld, so that no traces remain on the workpiece.

    The place in which the metal melts under the influence of an electric arc is called welding bath... To move it along the seam line, use one of the methods shown in the following figure.

    For normal bath movement, the electrode tilts at an angle of 45-50 °. By tilting the additive under different angles, the width of the bath can be controlled. Each master selects the optimal angle of inclination to obtain a seam of acceptable quality.

    Advice! The movement of the bath is facilitated if the device has an “arc afterburner” function, which does not allow it to be extinguished.

    The electrode can take the position angle back or angle forward... To obtain a wide seam, tilt the tool with an angle forward, since this method produces less heat. This method is used to boil thin metals. It is customary to weld thick metal with a backward angle.

    For welding non-ferrous metals, you will have to connect argon burner to the welding inverter and use an already non-consumable electrode (tungsten). In this case, metal rods are used as an additive, which are placed on the seam line and melted with an electric arc. During the welding process, the pool is blown with an inert gas.

    Inverter maintenance rules

    Maintenance of the inverter type welding machine includes the following items.

    1. Visual inspection... It must be carried out every time before starting work and after it to detect possible damage to the insulation of the welding cables and the power cord. Also, during an external examination, the absence of damage to the case and controls is checked (you need to check the current regulator).
    2. Internal cleaning of the unit... It is carried out after removing the casing from the apparatus to remove dust and accumulated dirt from all its nodes. Cleaning is carried out using a directed compressed air flow to dusty parts.
    3. Checking and cleaning the terminals of the device... Periodically check the places to which the power cables... If oxidation is found on the terminals, it should be removed with fine sandpaper.

    Also, avoid droplets of water, water vapor and other liquids that can penetrate into the unit and cause a short circuit of electrical circuits on the inverter welding machine. If any liquid does penetrate the device, then remove the cover from it and remove all moisture. Dry the electronic board of the inverter especially carefully using a regular hair dryer.