Divine femininity. Amaryllis

This article contains: mother of the world prayer - information taken from all over the world, electronic network and spiritual people.


You are the MOTHER of Gods, people and everything that has been, is and will be, therefore, my MOTHER!

All the Forces of Heaven love you. With Your Motherly Love, You illuminate and warm all living things. You are the True, Kind, Compassionate MOTHER of all mankind. You are always in a hurry to help your children. Help us too, so that we remember and love You as the Beloved MOTHER and Beloved FATHER - our Heavenly PARENTS.

I appeal to Your Mother's Heart! MOTHER OF THE WORLD, I ask You, illuminate my earthly paths with Your Light. Warm my soul with Your love. Take all diseases from my birth canal. Help to realize your mistakes and sins. Inspire me for good deeds and guide my life in order to walk only along the path of Light.

Beloved MOTHER OF THE WORLD, turn Your Look at me, at the children, my grandchildren, at every person of our Earth, and stretch out Your merciful Hand, wipe our tears, reduce suffering and help kindle the Fire of Love in our hearts in order to accept the Love of Your Great Heart.

I ask You, Beloved MOTHER OF THE WORLD, to sanctify our Earth with Your Motherly Love, unite all peoples into a single Ring of Fatherly and Mother's Love, the Ring of Happiness. Stay with us, so that our Earth forever blooms and breathes with Love, Peace and Good.

Bless us, Beloved MOTHER OF THE WORLD, cover with Your Protective Robe, save and keep us from everything that is not from God.

In the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Divine Mother. Amen! (3 times).

Prayer has the BLESSING OF THE MOTHER OF THE WORLD. 23.12.2016


From the point of Love that is in the Heart of God, Love flows into the hearts of people. Christ returns to Earth!

From the center, where the Will of God is known, the Goal directs the small wills of people, the Goal that the Teachers consciously serve.

From the Center, which we call the Human Race, the Plan of Love and Light is realized, and the door is sealed behind which evil is.

Light, Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

(getting started)

I ask you for forgiveness for everyone

Who does not believe in You,

Doesn't worship You

Does not trust in you

And does not love You.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one; for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Your Name is Holy - I Am Love! Your Kingdom resurrects and revives - In the Love of Beginnings in the High Light of Perfection, and by this your Will is fulfilled and affirmed on Earth, as well as in Heaven!

You give us earthly and heavenly bread every day, and by Your Mercy you forgive all our debts, just as we must learn to forgive all our debtors, show Love and repent of mistakes due to unawareness and selflessness of what we have done.

Do not leave us in the trials of those sent down, but strengthen us in Faith, Purity and Holiness by the power of the Holy and Life-giving Spirit, protect us from the temptation of everyone, wisely instructing us on the Path of Truth, to His Abode!

For everything is your kingdom: the Power of Faith, and Wisdom, and Your Love. I glorify you in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, which are Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light.

So it was in the beginning, so it is being fulfilled now, so it will be forever and ever!

Our Father in Heaven of Saints! Merciful and eternal Father! To me, who has known the forgiveness of love, for others, let me be forgiveness, Your redemption and mercy, without violating the eternal Law, and fulfill Your will in everything!

Your kingdom shines with a star, its light pierces all the worlds and in the darkness our path illuminates - wherever I am, you are with me!

Our Father! Accept this prayer, let us feel the silver thread of our connection in an unbreakable spirit! Our Father, let Your eternal Light be manifested in me now! May it be manifested everlastingly! May it be manifested forever and ever!

God! I thank You for helping me to see myself in my true light and correct all my shortcomings, cleansing the life around me from them.

God! I thank You for helping me to separate good from evil and stay in peace and firmness of spirit, worthily doing Your will among people.

I thank You, Lord, for the fact that You strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters - both close and unknown to me, allowing me to touch Your true Glory.

God! We are filled with love in our hearts and overcome all obstacles on the way to the Light! And we stretch out our hands to each other, giving the immense warmth of our souls.

God! Your will is done! And there is a single people on Earth, loving their Mother - Nature, reunited with You by their love, going to true spiritual enlightenment and brotherhood, relying on all Your precepts.

And send down compassion,

So that we rise again!

In the power that is given to you

Beams in glory lei

Where the life of the earth is full

And darkness and shadows.

Oh God Light, flow, shine

Get rid of the pain this day.

Raise the people up, Lord

Give them your name - I AM!

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to the Savior, thou art our souls.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray to the Lord for us now and until the hour of true transformation in the Light and ascension into the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father.

It is worthy to be, as truly blessed Theotokos, the Most Blessed and Most Immaculate, the most honest Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, we magnify the Mother of God.

All-merciful Most Pure Mary!

Strengthen the words of love and faith!

Most Holy Intercessor, before the Son

Beg Jesus for the Land!

Maria! Virgo! Purity and holiness!

Illuminate the paths to the hearts that have received their sight,

And in the Great Sacrament, All-good,

Spread the Cover of Love over the world!

Do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not leave me, intercede, ask, hear, see, Lady.

Help, forgive, forgive, Blessed One.

Sending good to the people of the Earth!

You hear our call and do not leave us!

You help in the search for the pure,

You help in good deeds

You illuminate our path

Your will is sacred to us.

We believe You, we love You,

Forever and ever.

Remain hope for Eternity and salvation! Remain in prayer to the repentant Light and be embodied as the joy of rebirth for all the children who have called out at the all-knowing hour!

Coming! The court is joyful and passionate! How many changes are there in the world! May the world be saved by the one prayer of your children, all-merciful Mary!

I am filled with your strength!

Purity! Purity! Purity!

Protect in the divine world!

Purity! Purity! Purity!

Light of the energies of love into the high world!

Purity! Purity! Purity!

I am a stream from yours into the world of origins!

For the entire universe - I am the source of bliss!

For the whole universe, an imperishable essence

let the Light of high purity shine!

Where I Am, there You are!

The light of purity, in my presence, manifest with all your might, enter the reality of God's victory with essential fire, and appear as a flame in all spheres of the universe!

I am the purity of the universal eternal Light, who has come to the world from the eternal throne!

I am purity, there is no blemish in me! I brought the Eternal Light to the world of love!

Light of purity, manifest with radiance, protection of the essence in the innermost spheres! Light of purity, henceforth kindle in my presence with incorruptible Fire!

Teach me to act correctly and rationally with every name in society, my family, not embarrassing anyone, not upsetting, helping, comforting and delighting in everything. Give me strength to endure the weariness of the coming day and all the events of this day. Guide my will, Lord, teach me to pray to You, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love!

Make me an instrument of your world

And let me transform:

Hate in love,

Resentment in forgiveness,

Doubt in faith,

Despair in hope,

And sadness in joy.

Grant me the ability

not seek solace, but comfort;

not seek understanding, but understand;

not looking for love, but be in love.

For by giving - I receive,

Forgiving - I find forgiveness

And dying - I am born to Eternal Life.

Thank you for the food every day! And for Your patience, and for the forgiveness of sins on Your land.

My father, who exists everywhere, I am Your daughter (I am Your son and), among Your creations I will not allow sin and weakness in myself, I will become worthy of Your accomplishments.

My Father, who exists everywhere, I am Your daughter (I am Your son and), for Your joy I will increase Your Glory. The ages to come will all live in Your dream.

And it will be so! I want it so! I am Thy daughter (after all, I am Thy son), my Father, who exists everywhere.

Prayer of the Mother of the World

Prayer of the Mother of the World

Let there be Light, Blessed Mother!

We meditate on you, we pray, we believe in you!

We worship You as the Progenitor, as Mercy, as Knowledge.

We share your fate, your will.

We are your presence.

Let there be Light, Blessed Mother!

Let there be Light, Blessed Mother!

The harbinger of a new time, once again descended into our world,

Bless your Children to accomplish great deeds,

Not in the name of glory and honor,

But in the name of faith, in the name of devotion to the Father and Mother.

Teach us to serve selfless

Teach us devotion, teach us wisdom.

Discover the great knowledge that you keep.

In our hearts, like an eternally burning Altar, the Flame of Love!

Be with us forever and ever, do not leave your imperfect children,

But lead to perfection

To merge in the name of the Father, Son, Mother, Holy Spirit in the Perfect!

May we be blessed by the Great Mother!

What have we done to our Keeper,

rejecting her bosom! Let us repent, dear ones!

Let us wash away the impurity of our mind, the impurity of thoughts with tears of purification.

And let us turn our face to the Mother.

Let it be your will

Seer, Harbinger, Creator of times and spaces.

Prayer of the Mother of the World. The path to yourself is instruction.

Prayer of the Mother of the World

In the life of each of us there are moments when the soul needs to cling to the Source. Plunge into the Light, cleanse your bodies in it, wash yourself with His grace. To be able to live on. And then the Word saves us. Logos. He bestows the power of the innermost, reveals the clarity of a new vision, helps to gain support and lifts one into his worlds. Below are just such words of address. open heart to the Mother of the World. Active. it’s even impossible to describe how. Healing balm, purifying spring, joyful rainbow. For many years, in difficult moments they served me as a support, help, a source of inspiration. Therefore, I share them with you.

The Mystery of the Universe is hidden by Your veil.

The Seraphim sing Thy Ray.

Your Ray of the World is a Lamp.

Children sing Your Name!

You cover the manifestation of the Name for us.

Countless nations cry out to You and best Name bring.

Heavenly Consonances call You!

White Sisters, on the White Mountain we will raise the image of the Invisible Mother!

Who will see You?

But Thy Light penetrates our hearts, and the rainbow dresses the eyes that seek Thee.

Joy follows You! Mother of the World!

Questions to the mentor not on the subject of the material can be asked on the Dialogue with the mentor page.

Deep audio course internal transformation through healing your Inner Child... Theory + practice: 13 powerful audio techniques for working through past traumas, relationships with parents, replenishing the amount of energy spent on experiencing the past.

Audio-meditations of different Masters to help for self-knowledge, healing and harmonious life. Forgiving yourself and others, establishing a connection with the Source of Love, balancing the chakras - different Masters and traditions for Awakening and Conscious Living.

Do you want to raise your material level? Do you want to know about your talents and abilities? Do you want to improve relationships with people? One of the ways to get answers to these questions is to create your own Matrix of Destiny. The description of the matrix is ​​unlimited. And the payment for the preparation of this diagnosis is your contribution to your happy life, which will certainly pay off, subject to the data in the description of the recommendations.

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This meditation was received through channeling with Kryon.

Fast and convenient compilation and editing of complexes.

This webinar is for everyone (including men) who wants to understand.

Dear Elena, thank you for the sincerity and warmth of your words to mine.

1. Danil, thanks for your opinion and your understanding.)

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different traditions and trends, because they are all inseparable parts of the One.

















































Pray for your accomplishment

I pray for your presence

I pray for unity with you







You must be a member of ESPAVO (International Lightworkers Association) to add comments!

MOTHER Came to us from Heaven!

MOTHER Came to the dark forest!

To ignite the hearts of men,

To preserve the Hearts Native.

Help your heart to become Sweet,

That we are all Creators of Space,

That the Earth is our Brotherhood,

So that darkness falls from the heart,

Everything is done here today

Why is it impossible.))))

The Mother of the World - antimatter -chaos (ether) - Light (Holy Spirit, God-Creator, Son-Co-Creator) and

Darkness (Spirit of Darkness, Creator of Darkness, Son-Co-Creator of Darkness) is true, the second is not to my liking :)))), but the matrix pyramid in opposite directions of growth - to perfection and back to antimatter :))) Well, this is the harsh reality: ))))

From the ether, everything is like a stick with two ends - light-dark, sweet-salty, white-black, soft-hard. etc, all in comparison. There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped :)))) No wonder the proverb.)))

Chaos is impossible even in antimatter — even in the impossible — in the unreality of mixing — it is precisely Order that is distorted. But I agree with everything sensually and emotionally 🙂

There is no primitive chaos - there is only the unchanging Order of Akbolyut - everything else is canceled before nonexistence. Anti-mixing, however 🙂

Born of the Mother of the World

from the Chaos of antimatter,

From time immemorial to the Light named

God in the Triune Empire

God-Consciousness in the Son,

Making us a grain of sand,

what we are now

I spark in animal flesh

So that we self-knowledge

secrets of dense matter,

to the House to the native Pier,

from the Heavenly Beginning,

lower soul and body.

Cleaning out everything that is sinful

what our ego wanted

in the flesh already discharged,

Clear vision, hearing

over the limit tense

Returning the debt to the highest,

So Evolution step,

turning yourself into God ...

“What is primitive chaos, if not the ether containing in

all forms and all beings, all the seed of the Universal

creation? " H.P. Blavatsky (fiery messenger

White Brotherhood. 19th century It was she who was the great Spirit,

who took upon themselves the difficult task of giving a shift in consciousness

Mother of the World - the soul of the Universe


sorry, I couldn't resist :)))















Thank you, Tatyana, just a balm for your Soul!

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Epoch of the Mother of the World

PRE-DAWN. Painting. Lyudmila Utkina.

The world of the artist, the world of his paintings, the search for techniques for the best, truthful display of images dear to him is amazing. Outwardly, the path traversed may seem simple, as, for example, in the description of Lyudmila Utkina:

“I drew well, in my youth I studied in an art studio, but I did not want to study professionally“ socialist realism in art ”. Still, the creative profession won, I became a graphic designer. "

In fact, the process of shaping an inspirational state of mind, "reification" of subtle feelings coming from the depths of the soul is very complicated. When the artist's heart is filled with images of the Upper World, he seeks to find the correct symbolism, which at least partially conveyed their unusualness, multidimensionality and brilliance.

“Almost in all my paintings the Star of the Mother of the World is present, the entire coming era is associated with Her Name, therefore in the paintings the Star is a Sign of the Future World. Mountains, as always, are a symbol of Spiritual Ascent, and Water is a symbol of Earthly Life. The Lotus Flower is a symbol of Spiritual Knowledge. The color tonality of the paintings is also not accidental - it is the color of the pre-dawn time not only on Earth, but also symbolically - in Space ”.


Every person in life has to go through oppression more than once, go through difficult and difficult situations. But sooner or later, oppression ends, and a person who has adequately passed the difficult segment of his life path, will certainly acquire the Heights of the Spirit.


Symbol of Life - Water, which is a storehouse of information. The Waters of Knowledge are knowledge about Life, which it accumulates and stores in itself. The waters reflect the light of the Star of the Mother of the World and the Height of the Spiritual Peaks. In the Waters blooms the Lotus, the flower of the Spirit of man.

New Fiery Energies come to the Earth. If Their transforming Power is accepted into the consciousness of all mankind, a New Epoch will come and mankind will move to a new stage of its evolution. But if humanity cannot or does not want to enter the New Era of Fire and does not accept it into consciousness, then the Spiritual Fire will be transformed into Purifying Fire. Then the Stars of the Apocalypse will flash in the earthly sky.

When one day his Spirit wakes up in a person and a person sees into his Divine Essence, he begins to feel his inextricable connection with the entire Universe, of which he himself is a particle. A person realizes that he is loved and expected there. Therefore, every person who has realized his Spirit will definitely say one day: "Hello Universe, here I am."

The ancients believed that the Rainbow connects the three worlds - Fiery, Subtle and Earthly. A seven-colored Bridge is thrown from the Star of the Mother of the World to the Waters of Earthly Life, over which the Joy of Existence flows, comprehended by the Knowledge of the Spirit.

Earthly humanity is only at the very beginning of its Star Trek. The Cosmic Mother, just like the earthly mother, endlessly loving her child, carefully preserves and raises Her Child - Humanity of the Earth.


All further evolution of the planet is associated with the spiritual rebirth of Russia. An unprecedented pumping of energies takes place in space for its spiritual transformation. The Mother of the World herself creates a prayer for Russia, creates a prayer for the Future of the Planet.

When the student is ready, the Teacher comes to him. Concentrated, listening only to his Heart, the student will be able to hear in him the Voice of his destined Teacher.

An Angel shining with spiritual light is hidden in every person. A person's life can be outwardly simple and dim, but his Soul, if a person's life is a constant standing before God and prayer, will be a reflection of the Angel in the Waters of Life.


Hardworking Spiritual Path person. Before a person reaches the Heights of the Spirit, a person will have to climb the smaller peaks, like steps, to overcome more than one spiritual height. But the Temple of His Heart awaits the striving and fearless on the Heights of the Spirit.

The essence of man is manifested in his three hypostases: the Angel, the Carnal man and the Shadow. The first hypostasis - the Shining Angel - is his Soul, the second is the flesh, where the needs and desires of his body live, and the third hypostasis is the Shadow, in which the flaws and vices of a person are hidden.

The moon is the creator of the astral shell of man. A person, being under the influence of the Moon, continues to be an Astral creature. But the Soul, the Shining Angel, overshadowing him with Spiritual Light, calls to follow him to the Heights of the Spirit.

Any person is the whole world. Mothers of the earth, giving birth to children, give birth to new worlds. The Mother of the World carries the Universe in Her Cosmic Womb, gives birth to new stars and planets and raises new Humanity on them.


Never, not for a moment

Subtle energies of a person's Aura envelop him, like a light cover. Aura spiritual person looks like a beautiful flower, iridescent with subtle tones and streams of multi-colored light. And the Aura of a person is especially beautiful when he says a prayer. The lotus has been a symbol of the soul since ancient times. The soul, under the spiritual Light of prayer, opens like a lotus, becoming a beautiful spiritual flower.

The time is special now, there is an injection of High Energies for the further evolution of the planet. The darkness rages, trying to counteract them, and more and more violently its attacks.

She constantly attacks a person in his thoughts, feelings, desires. But a person has a powerful Protection that is in his heart. This is his Faith. Christ, who lives in every living human heart, is the Shield Manifest from all the fierce attacks of darkness.

In the very center of the highest peaks of the planet, the Himalayas, their Heart is hidden - Shambhala. The Path is long and difficult to it, it has been paved through many lives of a person walking the Paths of the Spirit. The human heart knows how to tread the Path, and if a person listens to his instructions, then one day he will definitely come to the Altar of the Himalayas - the place where the Heart of the Himalayas is hidden. And where the Sign of Christ - "With the hands and feet of men" - indicates that only through the application of his own spiritual efforts a Man can overcome the difficulties of the Spiritual Path.

The Fiery Angel is a symbol of the New Era, the Era of Fire. He stands at the Guard of the Gates leading to New world... The Fiery Guardian is not formidable; on the contrary, he stretches out his Hands towards those who are going to the New World, to which only the Fiery Heart of a person can be a pass.


With a mighty Power, Spiritual Patron and Protector, stands in the hour before dawn over Russia Her Holy Primate before God - Sergius of Radonezh


Our planet from Space looks like a blue shiny drop, and if you do not protect it with the Power of Divine Love, then in the blink of an eye a drop of life will perish in the fire and coldness of the World Cosmic Energies. Divine Forces protect our planet with care and love.


For many peoples of the Earth, the Fire Bird lives in myths, which, when burned, is reborn from the ashes. The Phoenix bird is a symbol of the eternal renewal of the Soul, its fiery spiritual rebirth


Earth is Living being, she, like any creature, has a Soul. Phoenix is ​​a symbol of Spiritual Rebirth of the Soul. The Cosmic Fire, in the form of the Fire Bird, gently embracing the Earth with its wings, symbolizes the coming Spiritual Revival of the Earth


The era of the Mother of the World is the era of the Heart. The Fire of the Heart will give a person the Fiery Wings of the Spirit for flights to the Far Worlds.

Where a person's thought is, there he is. On the Summits of the Spirit, a person who thinks brightly about the Higher and Far Worlds.

The coming Transformation of the Earth is associated with the name of Maitreya. The Light Energies of the Highest Essence will transform the planet in the blink of an eye ...

The Teacher-Arhat stands with a torch - a Light on the summit of the earthly world. In his hand raised as high as possible, psychic energy is concentrated, which carries the Light of Knowledge from the Highest Heights to all earthly humanity.

Luminiferous, subtlest, primary Matter underlies the manifested Universe. Mother Universe carefully bears her starry veil, creating the Worlds.


The manifested world is based on Two Beginnings; Spirit and Matter, Mind and Heart, Male and Female. But everything is One. Cosmic energies, flowing from one Beginning to another, create Life in its two hypostases, giving birth to two Cosmos - Man and Woman.

Bodhisattvas are Great Souls who give Themselves to the Service of all humanity. White Tara is the Bodhisattva-Savior, carrying the energies of the Feminine Principle.

The great moment of the Earth's Transfiguration is getting closer. The moment is beautiful and menacing. The Great Mother grieves for her children, who are facing great tests of the spirit and not everyone, to Her deepest sorrow, will overpower them.


Earthly humanity, like a child in the womb, is waiting for the hour of its birth into Cosmic Life.

The Archangel, the Messenger of the High Heavenly Host, stands on the protection of earthly mankind from the forces of evil, by its Guardian Angel.


Many times the Arhats brought the Knowledge of the Highest as a gift to humanity. The Crystal of Knowledge resembling a sacred lotus flower, a piece of treasure - the Chintamani Stone, the high Gift of Orion.

My Spirit, on the Star Trek,

forward, fly tirelessly!

You are an eternal wanderer and creator,

you have a beginning and an end

everything that is in the Universe;

your riches are countless.

You are my Mentor, Friend, Father -

a crown of beautiful Truth,

you live in the Divine Fire,

you are the reflected GOD in me.


Mountains are a symbol of the Spirit. Spiritual Forces protect the sleeping humanity, which has not yet awakened for spiritual life.

Each person has his own unique world in his soul - his own Universe.


Each person in his potential is a creator. Man creates both his earthly world and the spatial world. Everyone has their own heaven or hell. After ... the labors of earthly life, or after ... a difficult flight to the Distant Worlds - Rest in a wonderful world created by a light and creative consciousness.


The basis of the Universe is Fire. Fire Tree Cosmic Life, a symbol of a growing, evolving universe. The energies of Evolution in a spiral motion are rapidly growing the Fiery Tree.


Rainbow is called the ruler of the three worlds - earthly, Subtle and Fiery. The purple color is the light she gave to the iris flower, a symbol of spiritual conjugation.

In the vastness of Russia

Temples - candles stand

Spirit - Inextinguishable Light -

they keep it in their heart.

Man is like a fiery flower; fiery passions burn at its base, but its petals shine with the snow-white light of the spirit.


Man is a microcosm, the Universe is reflected in him.

The ancients portrayed the Soul in the form of a young girl - Psyche. The soul of humanity wakes up ... to realize itself.

WITH A ROSCHERKY ONE. Graphics. Lyudmila Utkina

These works can be easily correlated with unique phenomenon Japanese poetry - short poems haiku. Capacious expressive images generate chains of associations, revealing the diversity and universality of being.

“Haiku in classical times has always existed as a part of the world in which poetry merges into a single and complex stream of meditation. Hence the significance of surprise, insight, the ability to see the unusual in the ordinary, the eternal in the momentary haiku in poetry ”(Sokolova-Delyusina).

The magic of laconic expression is subservient to stretch a thread from the human heart to nature, to other hearts and even reach the sky. Lyudmila's artistic works, made on film and commented on by her short poems, will convey the joy of this wonderful touch.

"Reach out"

and will answer your name


My pure heart -

Your living abode.

The Fall of an Angel

an Angel fell from Heaven,

from Light to darkness ...

"I sing joy"

they fell at my feet,

Dancing at Dawn

fervently dancing with me

in the crimson dawn ...

Ours illuminates the world

Through the darkness of the ages.

Boldly flies over the wave

Drowned in cat eyes

New article: prayer of the divine mother of the world on the site site - in all details and details from many sources that we managed to find.

The sun plays with us, sending His smile and blessing in the rainbow rays of light.

All Nature educates us so that we become worthy children of the Great Mother of the World.

Jay, Shri Mataji!

Hosanna in the Most Highs.

Certificate of publication No. 107042702867

"And all the beauty of Nature was created by the Divine Mother for the joy and bliss of Her children. The trees, the mountains, the sun, and the sky give us an example of how to be witnesses. The sky gives us peace and silence of the Sahasrara. The sun plays with us, sending His smile and blessing in the rainbow rays of light. All Nature educates us so that we become worthy children of the Great Mother of the World. And in every leaf, in every dewdrop and in the breath of the breeze, and in the light of the Sun and the Moon, and in the singing of birds, in the scent of flowers and herbs we feel the Love and Grace of our Great Mother. "

Now it seems to me that Shri Mataji is Mother Earth. You can say - the homeland, but not quite. Rather - NATURE, IN ALL ITS INITIATIVES. In my opinion, this is great. If your religion defended this thesis as "the preservation of nature", then it would receive no less strong support among different people... Two terrible problems - unbelief and pollution can be solved with the statement: "Shri Mataji is not a man, but NATURE." I would accept just such a religion with joy, knowing that it brings concrete benefits, maintaining peace and tranquility, forming a balance in Nature and creating a new life.

You are right that each is beautiful and unique in its own way. But if we take it for granted, then competition simply does not exist! Maybe it is so. But why should people strive for Perfection then, if not then? To be the best?

To be saved? Okay, I understand it is. But here you write:

"At present, the percentage of those who will be saved after the reversal of the earth's poles and enter the sixth race is 10%." Where did this figure come from? And shouldn't God save everyone? He is INFINITELY KIND AND MERCEDY, no matter how it may be, he will not allow anyone to stay in hell forever.

The percentage is 100%!

But here you write: "and all their work on the creation of Mankind and its evolution." So Sahaja Yoga is USEFUL for people. But not for those who only participate in it. For all.

I suggest you to introduce the thesis that Sahaja Yoga will save all of humanity, SAVING Sri Mataji - NATURE, not a person. or a person who deifies Nature as Mother and God as father. Or come up with something of your own, but in addition useful to people- then you will have a lot more followers!

Love for forests, fields, rivers and mountains is the most beautiful thing that you have, dear Tatyana! Protect it with your religion.

I am very grateful to you for everything, forgive me for arguing. I just want to be imbued with you, in turn, and also open your thoughts, feelings and heart to you.



You are the MOTHER of Gods, people and everything that has been, is and will be, therefore, my MOTHER!

All the Forces of Heaven love you. With Your Motherly Love, You illuminate and warm all living things. You are the True, Kind, Compassionate MOTHER of all mankind. You are always in a hurry to help your children. Help us too, so that we remember and love You as the Beloved MOTHER and Beloved FATHER - our Heavenly PARENTS.

I appeal to Your Mother's Heart! MOTHER OF THE WORLD, I ask You, illuminate my earthly paths with Your Light. Warm my soul with Your love. Take all diseases from my birth canal. Help to realize your mistakes and sins. Inspire me for good deeds and guide my life in order to walk only along the path of Light.

Beloved MOTHER OF THE WORLD, turn Your Look at me, at the children, my grandchildren, at every person of our Earth, and stretch out Your merciful Hand, wipe our tears, reduce suffering and help kindle the Fire of Love in our hearts in order to accept the Love of Your Great Heart.

I ask You, Beloved MOTHER OF THE WORLD, to sanctify our Earth with Your Motherly Love, unite all peoples into a single Ring of Fatherly and Mother's Love, the Ring of Happiness. Stay with us, so that our Earth forever blooms and breathes with Love, Peace and Good.

Bless us, Beloved MOTHER OF THE WORLD, cover with Your Protective Robe, save and keep us from everything that is not from God.

In the Name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit and Divine Mother. Amen! (3 times).

Prayer has the BLESSING OF THE MOTHER OF THE WORLD. 23.12.2016

Pleykast “Prayer of the Divine Mother of the World. "

To whom: Image of the Word - Beauty

The melody sounds quietly, quietly. The music of Love flows, and our hearts sing to the beat of it. Concerns and thoughts recede. And this song is for God. And there are no words in it. And in the melody of this song there is only Joy, Bliss and a stream of vibrations. And the Earth gives us support and patience in the flow of cool vibrations coming from Her. And all the birds sing to us about Shri Mataji, glorifying Her.

And all the beauty of Nature was created by the Divine Mother for the joy and bliss of Her children.

Trees, mountains, sun and sky give us an example of how to be witnesses.

The sky gives us peace and silence of the Sahasrara.

The sun plays with us, sending His smile and blessing in the rainbow-colored rays of light.

All Nature educates us so that we become worthy children of the Great Mother of the World.

And in every leaf, in every dewdrop and in the breath of the breeze, and in the light of the Sun and the Moon, and in the singing of birds, in the scent of flowers and herbs, we feel the Love and Grace of our Great Mother.

And we are always in Her Divine attention. May our Love and tenderness bathe the Lotus Feet of Shri Mataji every moment.

And may the Grace and Love of the Holy Spirit pouring from Her Sacred Heart change all Humanity, and may the whole World fall at Her Feet.

Jay, Shri Mataji!

Hosanna in the Most Highs.

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Prayer of the Mother of the World

Prayer of the Mother of the World

Let there be Light, Blessed Mother!

We meditate on you, we pray, we believe in you!

We worship You as the Progenitor, as Mercy, as Knowledge.

We share your fate, your will.

We are your presence.

Let there be Light, Blessed Mother!

Let there be Light, Blessed Mother!

The harbinger of a new time, once again descended into our world,

Bless your Children to accomplish great deeds,

Not in the name of glory and honor,

But in the name of faith, in the name of devotion to the Father and Mother.

Teach us to serve selfless

Teach us devotion, teach us wisdom.

Discover the great knowledge that you keep.

In our hearts, like an eternally burning Altar, the Flame of Love!

Be with us forever and ever, do not leave your imperfect children,

But lead to perfection

To merge in the name of the Father, Son, Mother, Holy Spirit in the Perfect!

May we be blessed by the Great Mother!

What have we done to our Keeper,

rejecting her bosom! Let us repent, dear ones!

Let us wash away the impurity of our mind, the impurity of thoughts with tears of purification.

And let us turn our face to the Mother.

Let it be your will

Seer, Harbinger, Creator of times and spaces.


From the point of Love that is in the Heart of God, Love flows into the hearts of people. Christ returns to Earth!

From the center, where the Will of God is known, the Goal directs the small wills of people, the Goal that the Teachers consciously serve.

From the Center, which we call the Human Race, the Plan of Love and Light is realized, and the door is sealed behind which evil is.

Light, Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.

(getting started)

I ask you for forgiveness for everyone

Who does not believe in You,

Doesn't worship You

Does not trust in you

And does not love You.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors, and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one; for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

Your Name is Holy - I Am Love! Your Kingdom resurrects and revives - In the Love of Beginnings in the High Light of Perfection, and by this your Will is fulfilled and affirmed on Earth, as well as in Heaven!

You give us earthly and heavenly bread every day, and by Your Mercy you forgive all our debts, just as we must learn to forgive all our debtors, show Love and repent of mistakes due to unawareness and selflessness of what we have done.

Do not leave us in the trials of those sent down, but strengthen us in Faith, Purity and Holiness by the power of the Holy and Life-giving Spirit, protect us from the temptation of everyone, wisely instructing us on the Path of Truth, to His Abode!

For everything is your kingdom: the Power of Faith, and Wisdom, and Your Love. I glorify you in the four hypostases of the Holy Spirit, which are Father, Mother, Son and Daughter, and together - the Life-giving Light.

So it was in the beginning, so it is being fulfilled now, so it will be forever and ever!

Our Father in Heaven of Saints! Merciful and eternal Father! To me, who has known the forgiveness of love, for others, let me be forgiveness, Your redemption and mercy, without violating the eternal Law, and fulfill Your will in everything!

Your kingdom shines with a star, its light pierces all the worlds and in the darkness our path illuminates - wherever I am, you are with me!

Our Father! Accept this prayer, let us feel the silver thread of our connection in an unbreakable spirit! Our Father, let Your eternal Light be manifested in me now! May it be manifested everlastingly! May it be manifested forever and ever!

God! I thank You for helping me to see myself in my true light and correct all my shortcomings, cleansing the life around me from them.

God! I thank You for helping me to separate good from evil and stay in peace and firmness of spirit, worthily doing Your will among people.

I thank You, Lord, for the fact that You strengthen the strength of my brothers and sisters - both close and unknown to me, allowing me to touch Your true Glory.

God! We are filled with love in our hearts and overcome all obstacles on the way to the Light! And we stretch out our hands to each other, giving the immense warmth of our souls.

God! Your will is done! And there is a single people on Earth, loving their Mother - Nature, reunited with You by their love, going to true spiritual enlightenment and brotherhood, relying on all Your precepts.

And send down compassion,

So that we rise again!

In the power that is given to you

Beams in glory lei

Where the life of the earth is full

And darkness and shadows.

Oh God Light, flow, shine

Get rid of the pain this day.

Raise the people up, Lord

Give them your name - I AM!

Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to the Savior, thou art our souls.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray to the Lord for us now and until the hour of true transformation in the Light and ascension into the Kingdom of our Heavenly Father.

It is worthy to be, as truly blessed Theotokos, the Most Blessed and Most Immaculate, the most honest Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, we magnify the Mother of God.

All-merciful Most Pure Mary!

Strengthen the words of love and faith!

Most Holy Intercessor, before the Son

Beg Jesus for the Land!

Maria! Virgo! Purity and holiness!

Illuminate the paths to the hearts that have received their sight,

And in the Great Sacrament, All-good,

Spread the Cover of Love over the world!

Do not disdain me, do not reject me, do not leave me, do not leave me, intercede, ask, hear, see, Lady.

Help, forgive, forgive, Blessed One.

Sending good to the people of the Earth!

You hear our call and do not leave us!

You help in the search for the pure,

You help in good deeds

You illuminate our path

Your will is sacred to us.

We believe You, we love You,

Forever and ever.

Remain hope for Eternity and salvation! Remain in prayer to the repentant Light and be embodied as the joy of rebirth for all the children who have called out at the all-knowing hour!

Coming! The court is joyful and passionate! How many changes are there in the world! May the world be saved by the one prayer of your children, all-merciful Mary!

I am filled with your strength!

Purity! Purity! Purity!

Protect in the divine world!

Purity! Purity! Purity!

Light of the energies of love into the high world!

Purity! Purity! Purity!

I am a stream from yours into the world of origins!

For the entire universe - I am the source of bliss!

For the whole universe, an imperishable essence

let the Light of high purity shine!

Where I Am, there You are!

The light of purity, in my presence, manifest with all your might, enter the reality of God's victory with essential fire, and appear as a flame in all spheres of the universe!

I am the purity of the universal eternal Light, who has come to the world from the eternal throne!

I am purity, there is no blemish in me! I brought the Eternal Light to the world of love!

Light of purity, manifest with radiance, protection of the essence in the innermost spheres! Light of purity, henceforth kindle in my presence with incorruptible Fire!

Teach me to act correctly and rationally with every name in society, my family, not embarrassing anyone, not upsetting, helping, comforting and delighting in everything. Give me strength to endure the weariness of the coming day and all the events of this day. Guide my will, Lord, teach me to pray to You, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love!

Make me an instrument of your world

And let me transform:

Hate in love,

Resentment in forgiveness,

Doubt in faith,

Despair in hope,

And sadness in joy.

Grant me the ability

not seek solace, but comfort;

not seek understanding, but understand;

not looking for love, but be in love.

For by giving - I receive,

Forgiving - I find forgiveness

And dying - I am born to Eternal Life.

Thank you for the food every day! And for Your patience, and for the forgiveness of sins on Your land.

My father, who exists everywhere, I am Your daughter (I am Your son and), among Your creations I will not allow sin and weakness in myself, I will become worthy of Your accomplishments.

My Father, who exists everywhere, I am Your daughter (I am Your son and), for Your joy I will increase Your Glory. The ages to come will all live in Your dream.

And it will be so! I want it so! I am Thy daughter (after all, I am Thy son), my Father, who exists everywhere.

Prayer of the Mother of the World

In the life of each of us there are moments when the soul needs to cling to the Source. Plunge into the Light, cleanse your bodies in it, wash yourself with His grace. To be able to live on. And then the Word saves us. Logos. He bestows the power of the innermost, reveals the clarity of a new vision, helps to gain support and lifts one into his worlds. Below are just such words of an open heart addressing the Mother of the World. Active. it’s even impossible to describe how. Healing balm, purifying spring, joyful rainbow. For many years, in difficult moments they served me as a support, help, a source of inspiration. Therefore, I share them with you.

The Mystery of the Universe is hidden by Your veil.

The Seraphim sing Thy Ray.

Your Ray of the World is a Lamp.

Children sing Your Name!

You cover the manifestation of the Name for us.

Countless peoples cry to You and bring a better Name.

Heavenly Consonances call You!

White Sisters, on the White Mountain we will raise the image of the Invisible Mother!

Who will see You?

But Thy Light penetrates our hearts, and the rainbow dresses the eyes that seek Thee.

Joy follows You! Mother of the World!

Questions to the mentor not on the subject of the material can be asked on the Dialogue with the mentor page.

Audio course of deep inner transformation through healing your Inner Child. Theory + practice: 13 powerful audio techniques for working through past traumas, relationships with parents, replenishing the amount of energy spent on experiencing the past.

Audio-meditations of different Masters to help for self-knowledge, healing and harmonious life. Forgiving oneself and others, establishing a connection with the Source of Love, balancing the chakras are different Masters and traditions for Awakening and Conscious Life.

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Icons and prayers

The Miraculous Power of Mother's Prayer

1:502 1:507

"A mother's prayer will reach from the bottom of the sea" - this proverb has long been a proverb in the tongues. It was not said for the sake of a catchphrase. This is a truth that is relevant at all times, confirmed by countless examples of the amazing power and effectiveness of the prayers of millions of mothers. Holy motherly love is able to overcome any obstacles, achieve the impossible and work real miracles.



The parent-child relationship is modeled on our relationship with God, our Heavenly Parent.


Therefore, the Lord gave parents special authority over their children:


Children, obey your parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord(Col. 3:20).

2:970 2:975

The commandment to honor parents is not only a precept, failure to comply with which is a sin. The Lord connected our longevity on earth with the fulfillment of it: Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord thy God gives thee.(Ex. 20:12).

2:1487 2:1492

The holy apostle Paul says that this is the first commandment with a promise(Ephesians 6: 2). A son or daughter who offend parents, openly disregarding their authority and power, will face a sad fate. The eye that mocks the father and disregards obedience to the mother will be pecked out by the ravens, and the eagle chicks will devour!(Prov. 30:17).



The special power of the mother's prayer is connected with the power that the Lord God gave to the mother over the children. One of the most edifying examples of great maternal love and prayer for a spiritually perishing son is the prayerful feat of Monica, the mother of blessed Augustine, who was in captivity for ten years in the captivity of the disastrous false teaching of the Manichaean sect. The son she prayed for not only escaped hell, but also became a saint.


In his Confessions, Blessed Augustine shone on his mother the most touching words: “You stretched out Your hand from above and“ drew my soul ”out of this deep darkness, when my mother, Your faithful servant, mourned me before You more than mothers mourn for dead children. She saw my death because of her faith and the spirit that she possessed from You - and You heard her, Lord; You heard her and did not despise the tears that streamed the earth in every place where she prayed; You heard her "(Confession. Book III. 11.19).



Mother's prayers for children

The mother's prayer is the strongest and most powerful, which can save her children from illness, misfortune and rash acts. "A mother's prayer will reach from the bottom of the sea" is a truth that is relevant at all times, confirmed by countless examples of the amazing power and effectiveness of the prayers of millions of mothers. Holy motherly love is able to overcome any obstacles, achieve the impossible and work real miracles.

The word of the mother is especially powerful. There is nothing lighter and more selfless than a mother's love. From the first birthday of the child, the mother lives with his breath, his tears and smiles. The child needs a mother. This is the meaning of her life. Love for her baby is as natural for her as the blossoming of gardens in spring. As the sun sends out its rays, warming all living things, so the love of a mother warms a child. The mother introduces the child to life. She puts her native language into his mouth, which has absorbed the wealth of the mind, thoughts and feelings of the people. She fills him with spiritual strength, helps to comprehend eternal values.

Many good believing mothers have had to worry about their children dying in the whirlpool of a vicious, confused life. Some have had to spend many years in sorrow, humbly waiting and hoping. Their holy tears and prayers were not in vain.

In case of illness of children, you can pray not only to Christ and the Mother of God, but also to numerous Orthodox saints... Among them, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Martyr Tryphon, the Great Martyr Panteleimon, Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, St. Matrona of Moscow and many others are famous for their special help.

3:3322 3:4

If Prayer Doesn't Help


Sometimes the help expected from God never comes, as if He does not hear prayers. But you shouldn't despair anyway. From the point of view of the Christian meaning of life, it is better for some people to die in time and be saved for Eternal Life than to survive, but then destroy their souls. Nothing happens by chance with God, and He takes a person to Himself at the moment of his best spiritual state and the greatest readiness for salvation in Eternity. Or when the spiritual fall is already irreversible.

And it also happens that God, it would seem, for years ignores the pleas of a mother asking to help her child in trouble, but in the end the story has a good ending. And the reason for "deafness" is God's desire to correct a person, for whom premature indulgences can only do a disservice.


Mother's prayer for her child

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, hear me, sinful and unworthy of Thy servant (name).
Lord, in the mercy of Thy power my child (name), have mercy and save him for Thy name's sake.
Lord, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, committed by him before You.
Lord, instruct him on the true path of Thy commandments and enlighten him and enlighten with Thy light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.
Lord, bless him in the house, near the house, in the field, at work and on the road, and in every place of Your possession.
Lord, save him under the protection of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly ulcer and from vain death.
Lord, protect him from the visible and invisible enemies, from all sorts of troubles, evil and misfortune.
Lord, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.
Lord, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity.
Lord, give him Your blessing for a godly family life and godly procreation.
Lord, grant me, an unworthy and sinful servant of Thy, a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights, for Thy name's sake, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.
Lord have mercy. (12 times.)

O Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, save and preserve under Thy shelter my children (names), all the youths, young women and babies, baptized and nameless, and worn in the womb of the mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and obedience to your parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son, that he may grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy motherly gaze, as if Thou art the Divine cover for Thy servants.

Lord Jesus Christ, wake Thy mercy on my children (names), preserve them under Thy roof, cover from every evil lust, drive away every enemy and adversary from them, open their ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.

Lord, we are all your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance.
Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Thy Gospel and guide them on the path of Thy Commandments and teach them. Savior, do Thy will, as Thou art our God.



Daily prayer for a child:

Lord Jesus Christ, wake Thy mercy on my child (name), preserve him under Thy roof, cover from every evil lust, drive away every enemy and adversary from them, open his ears and eyes of the heart, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my child (name) and turn him to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my child (name), and enlighten his mind with the light of the mind of Thy Gospel, and guide him on the path of Thy commandments, and teach him, Savior, to do Thy will, as Thou art our God.

Do not forget to contact your child's Guardian Angel.



Prayer to the Guardian Angel for children

Holy Angel to the guardian of my child (name), cover her with your cover from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer and keep her heart in angelic purity. Amen.

8:349 8:354

9:858 9:863

There is also a parental prayer "For the blessing of children"

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child by the power of Thy Life-giving Cross. Amen.



There is also a special mother's prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.

O Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, save and preserve under Thy shelter my children (names), all the youths, young women and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of the mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son, that he may grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy Maternal gaze, as Thou art the Divine Cover for Thy servants. Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly Motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord, Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure, heavenly patronage. Amen.

10:1353 10:1358

11:1864 11:4

Prayers for the health of the child

Prayer to Jesus Christ for children (Prayer for cover)

Lord Jesus Christ, may Thy mercy be on my children (names), keep them under Thy roof, cover them from all evil, take every enemy away from them, open their ears and eyes, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts.

Lord, we are all Thy creatures, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, Lord, and have mercy on my children (names), and enlighten their minds with the light of the mind of Thy Gospel, and guide them in the path of Thy commandments, and teach them, Father, to do Thy will, as Thou art our God.

11:1032 11:1037



Prayer to the Trinity for children


O Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Soul, worshiped and glorified in the Inseparable Trinity, look upon the blessed one on Thy servant (s) (name of the child) on the sickness of the possessed one; release to him (her) all his (her) sins;

Give him (her) healing from the disease; return to him (her) health and bodily strength; Give him (her) a long-lived and prosperous life, Thy peace and great blessings, so that he (she), together with us, bring (a) grateful prayers to Thee, the All-Bounteous God and my Creator. Holy Mother of God, by your omnipotent intercession, help me to pray to your Son, my God, for the healing of the servant (s) of God (name). All saints and Angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick (sick) servant (name). Amen

12:1328 12:1333



Prayer to the Mother of God for her children


Oh, Merciful Mother!

You see the cruel sorrow that torments my heart! For the sake of the sorrow that You pierced, when a terrible sword passed into Your soul during the bitter suffering and death of Your Divine Son, I pray You: have mercy on my poor child, who is sick and fading, and if it is not contrary to the will of God and his salvation, seek his health bodily in your Almighty Son, the Physician of souls and bodies.

Oh, Loving Mother! Behold how the face of my child has turned pale, how his whole body burns with illness, and have mercy on him. May he be saved by God's help and serve with joy of heart Your Only Begotten Son, Lord and his God. Amen.




Mother's prayer for the health of her son


Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I put my trust in you and ask for my own son. Deliver him from disease and illness and heal a sinful soul from the wounds of mistrust. May it be so. Amen.

14:382 14:387

15:891 15:896

Mother's prayer for the welfare of her son


Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. I implore you for the welfare of your son and his deliverance from the death penalty. If he sinned, forgive and send down Orthodox blessings from heaven. Thy will be done. Amen.

15:1326 15:1331

16:1835 16:4

Mother's prayer for the marriage of her son


Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Help my child in a righteous marriage that goes for the good of his sinful soul. Send down a daughter-in-law who is modest and reveres holy Orthodoxy. Thy will be done. Amen.

16:428 16:433

17:937 17:942

Mother's Prayer for a Drinking Son


I beg you, Lord God, and ask for a holy absolution. Help my drinking son get rid of alcohol cravings and protect him from imminent death. Thy will be done. Amen.




Mother's Orthodox prayer for her son


Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Send my son good health, mind and will, strength and spirit. Protect him from harmful influences and direct him on the path leading to Orthodoxy. Thy will be done. Amen.

And when you feel your mother's grief, remember that you have 5 Orthodox prayers through which we communicate with God.

18:918 18:923

Mother of the World

Mother of the World, like the eternal Mother- e it is a permanent post in the hierarchy held by the one whom the Father has entrusted to give birth to the Buddhas. She is the spiritual mother of all Christ beings and Buddhas of all times. After Atlantis, the Mother of the World hid Her Face and forbade to pronounce the Name until the hour of the Luminaries struck.

Helena Roerich in her book “Mother of the World” describes the Mother of the World as “the Great Spirit of the Feminine Principle”, which is sometimes personally manifested in embodied avatars, those who are “saturated with her Ray”.

For Nicholas Roerich, the Mother of the World was the highest symbol of world unity.

In his paintings, Nicholas Roerich often depicted her with her eyes closed with a veil, which symbolizes the existence of some mysteries of the universe, for which a person is not yet ready to open.

Now the Mother of the World is no longer hidden, she manifests herself on a planetary scale. She is looking for her children, wishing to save the burden that oppresses them ..

The Mother of the World said: “I AM in the worship of the Son, for I AM the Mother. I AM at the heart of the lily of your soul, and I AM at the core of the purpose of life. I AM at the center of the unity of your flame, child of my heart. I am everywhere and nowhere. Come and find me. I am the Mother's light, which breaks through the clouds, hides and peeps through the trees and birdsong.

I live in your most cherished dreams and your highest goal. And I am by my side as you stir up the coals of the old state, trying to find in them the consolation that they cannot give. For the consolation of your heart is hidden in the eternal striving for my heart, so that, soaring like an eagle, there will open there the joy of your soul, eternally, eternally striving for the new individuality of your higher self.This higher self is the eternal striving, eternally surpassing and accelerating God, that lives in you and brings eternal consolation. "

Adapted from the work of L. Profet Elizabeth Clare Prophet

"The Lords and Their Abodes"

Prayer of the Mother of the World

Foremother of the World,

We are children of Your Heart.

We were separated by empty pettiness,

And we are separated

From Your universal delight.

Freedom is denied to us, but a person desires it,

Blinded, chained, we are enslaved by sensuality.

We are forced to fight each other

God-opposite to do deeds,

The bodies feed on garbage

Defective skills soaked in evil poison

The nonsense of illusion is always near.

Silent Foremother, enlighten

As children, devotion to You is only baptized

Live without committing fatal sins

And the mind is not terrifying with a mortal darkness,

To preserve hearts for a higher purpose,

To forge an alliance with you in reality.

The endless night lasts in vain

And it will not shine with the Light of Thy Son;

Although we stand in the Sun of a lasting union,

We feel the loss of happiness, we see it.

Your pure Light knows no rivals,

They will not doubt him. Let people gain

With the blessed Spirit in alignment,

They will assimilate every plan of the saint.

Your Love flows from the Bright Heart,

Cosmic dreams without melting,

And cleans the air from our ethereal dreams,

That separate us all

Until we ask ourselves the question:

What are we wrong and what prevents us from living,

And will it forever amaze us

Do not take wishes into account