What does a rich man look for in a woman? What kind of women attract rich men? You will be considered mercantile

The question that torments many guys is: “Why do girls choose rich men?”. And you can be offended as much as you like with girlfriends who want the guy to be provided, consider them mercantile and greedy, think that they don’t need anything other than money, but this is far from the case. Yes, there are girls who have only one thought in their brains: “Money!”, And for their sake they are ready for any action. But if we talk about most girls, then even if they say that it doesn’t matter to them where and how to live, and that “with a sweetheart and in a hut is paradise”, this is not entirely true. But why? You are sitting so beautiful, creative, not like everyone else, waiting for your mother to cook cutlets, and you don’t understand why these “mercantile women” are not led by your qualities and constantly remind you of your financial insolvency. We will reveal the essence of the problem. And yes, in this article you will read banal things in which there is nothing new, but this is the exact definition of why girls prefer wealthy guys.

How is it in nature?

Let's start with the simplest, namely the animal world. A successful male is one that brings prey, protects his flock from enemies - in general, does everything to protect his female or females and offspring from the outside world. How do females determine that a male is successful? Firstly, by its color, mane, mustache, that is, by general characteristics. Secondly, in terms of behavior. The alpha male behaves impudently, as if he is going to the goal. Thirdly, in terms of physical strength. A weak male is a dead male. And now replace the mane and tail with a beautiful suit, and physical strength with intelligence and wealth, and you will get a typical successful man, on whom many girls hang themselves.

...and in fairy tales?

Since childhood, girls love stories with a happy ending. In such fairy tales, a rich man, most often of royal blood, acts as a protector, patron, reliable character who will save from any trouble, give a long happy life, and behind whom the girl will be like behind a stone wall. A more modern version is the famous film Pretty Woman. This is a very clear indicator of all of the above. Well, the newest fairy tale on this topic is “50 Shades”. After watching such stories, most of the girls begin to think that fairy tales and films contain the whole essence of the universe, universal wisdom, and consciously fly, like fireflies, into the fire. Whether it turns out to be true or false is another matter.

Confidence in the future

A wealthy man is not only a lot of money, but also an indicator that he is a purposeful person. A wealthy man moves forward, stepping over other people's heads, making a career, becoming famous. The girl is sure that in the future it will be at least the same as now, and perhaps even better. And now think logically, who will she choose: a person with whom she feels like behind a stone wall, or someone who only talks about how cool he is and how he is not appreciated, sitting on a worn chair?

The same applies to offspring. Despite the fact that in our time there are more and more childfree, many girls cannot imagine their life without children. And since children are considered the main thing in the family, all resources go to their well-being. First of all, an ordinary girl from our country, looking at a successful man, sees in him the one who will provide a comfortable life for their children.

And what about after the sexual revolution?

And although the sexual revolution took place almost fifty years ago, only distant waves reach our country. Until now, many Russian women look at rich men only from the positions described above, namely from the position of confidence in the future. In the West, many girls are drawn to wealthy men, often for a different reason: common interests or mentoring. Being next to a successful man, a girl gets an incentive to develop, to reach the same heights. A rich person is perceived as an interesting interlocutor with whom you can talk on many topics. Of course, the above reasons do not go away, but they fade into the background, giving way to higher impulses.

When you do not want to go through mandatory rituals

Since we live under capitalism, many girls understand that beauty and sexuality are also an element of commodity-money relations. And there is nothing wrong with that. At least these girls act honestly and offer a kind of barter, where in exchange for their attention, men provide them with a comfortable life. And no, don't confuse it with prostitution. Prostitution is only offering sexual services, while kept women - let's be honest with each other - are a beautiful addition to the image of a successful man. But since it is not easy for such girls to find a rich man in real life, they register in various services. An example of such a service is ". 90% of the female audience is made up of girls from 18 to 35 years old, and the database is updated daily with more than 1000 new registrations. The site contains only real profiles of girls, and each is verified manually, for which the girl must take a selfie with a certain gesture, which will be shown to her by the JuliaDates employees. This eliminates the appearance of fakes. The site is 100% confidential. A man can not upload his photos at all, but simply exchange data with the girl he likes and continue communication in Viber or WhatsApp.

Such services are useful for both kept women and rich men, where the former get the opportunity to find sponsors who will provide them with a prosperous life, and the latter find a beautiful girl who is ready, if not for everything, then for a lot for the sake of her knight in white armor.

The loneliness of a rich man is rare. As a rule, businessmen and oligarchs are surrounded by female attention so much that the criteria that a life partner must meet rise to astronomical heights.

What kind of wives are successful men looking for? , and what awaits them in such a relationship?

The ideal woman of a wealthy man - what is she like?

Of course, each person is individual. But rich and successful people live by other "laws": status - it obliges. This also applies to the choice of a life partner.

What kind of an ideal woman is she for a rich man?

  • Age. First of all, the girl must be much younger. To not be ashamed to bring her out into the world and show her friends that she was healthy enough to give birth to his heirs. That is, the younger, the better (as life shows, even a difference of 50 years no longer bothers anyone).
  • Household skills and talents. This criterion is usually not even considered. A rich man has a servant in charge of household affairs, so such abilities of the chosen one as baking pies, cleaning the house, bleaching shirts, etc., do not matter. He can't, and that's fine.
  • Education. Again, an insignificant criterion. A woman can look into the neckline, into her pedigree, and even into her mouth (are the teeth good?), But no one will look into the diploma.
  • IQ level. "Full fool" is good for entertainment on the side. No one will marry a stupid woman. But a too smart wife is a blow to a man's ego, so a wise woman always looks a little dumber than her husband.
  • Appearance. Well, of course, a woman should be breathtakingly beautiful, well-groomed, stylish and smelling delicious. Even if she just crawled out of bed or, conversely, just crawled into it after a hard working business day. A beautiful wife is like a business card for a successful man.
  • Children. Not every successful man is ready for children. Although, it is worth noting that most still strive to expand the family. An heir is one of the moments of self-affirmation, a profitable investment of money and another facet of status. True, governesses usually take care of children - dad simply has no time, and mom is not supposed to by status.
  • Job. Of course, in most cases, successful men choose women who will dutifully and patiently wait for them at home with warm hugs, tenderness and forgiveness in their eyes (upfront for the future, if that). The wife should blow dust off him, always be in a good mood, understand everything and agree with everything. He said that he was at the meeting until 3 a.m., which means he was. He said that there were no women in the sauna at a meeting with partners, which means there were none. Work is an unaffordable luxury. But it is worth noting that the wives of many successful famous men do not just work, but have their own business - and quite successful. So it all depends on the character and wishes of the man - there is no single requirement here. It is clear that a man is more likely to pay attention to a successful, accomplished and “expensive” woman than to a stupid, even pretty, girl who is nothing. Another question is whether he will then leave this successful woman the opportunity to work or put her at home with children.
  • Nobody likes a spender. Especially men who know how to count money. Passion for branded items and pointless purchases will not find a response in the heart of a successful man.
  • social status. Cinderella stories are still relevant today. But this is more the exception than the rule. Of course, status no longer matters as much as it used to, and even the word "misalliance" is forgotten as a relic of the past, but still a successful man is unlikely to look for a wife in a bakery around the corner. That is, a woman of a wealthy man must also have a certain status.
  • Alien children. This exception is even rarer than misalliance. Successful men bypass women with children, with divorce stamps, with a bunch of skeletons in the closet, etc. Be sure that by the time the relationship “starts”, he will already know everything about his chosen one.

Examples of happy relationships - so what kind of women do successful men like?

The well-known former "owner" of Chukotka met a new life partner at a football club party. The girl did not have to be brought out into the world - "Cinderella" turned out to be the daughter of an oil magnate and a completely successful business woman.

In 2009, the couple had a son, Aaron, and in 2013, a daughter, Leah. However, Mendelssohn's march never sounded. Why - history is silent.

Despite the absence of marriage stamps, the couple is quite strong and happy. There is no self-interest in the relationship - both are self-sufficient, rich and famous.

This alliance was whispered around the world: 27-year-old Miss Ukraine and an aging (approx. - 36 years older) business partner of Donald Trump.

It is not for us to judge what exactly connected this couple, but they live quite happily to this day and raise children. The billionaire (220th in the list of the richest suitors in the United States) noticed Sasha at a business dinner and made an offer.

Today, the girl hosts the Miss Ukraine contest, and also helps her husband in his business. Phil himself speaks flatteringly about both Sasha herself and her business acumen.

Yes, the well-known Dr. House. It is impossible to compare his wife with the on-screen lover Dr. Cuddy. Outwardly, Jo (a former theater administrator) is rude and unfeminine. That, however, does not prevent Hugh Laurie from loving her for many years for her “logical thinking”, her mind, the tests she passed and the accumulated experience of family life, which even the actor’s affair could not prevent.

The couple has three children. Joe did not immediately become his wife - the "young" were friends for a long time before realizing that they were connected by a much stronger feeling.

Today, Joe helps her husband in his career, supports him in all endeavors and, of course, provides a reliable home support.

She is a coach (known to everyone) in rhythmic gymnastics. He is one of those who are called oligarchs.

Their acquaintance took place in their youth, but fate was adamant - Irina got married, and Alisher went to study in Moscow. It was in the capital that they met again. Irina, who had already experienced a divorce, was in no hurry to go to the registry office, but gave up before Alisher's pressure.

A cloudless life together was interrupted by the "Cotton Affair" and the arrest of Usmanov. Irina did not give up and did not complain - she visited, waited, worked. While still behind bars, Alisher proposed to her.

After 6 years of waiting, they are together again. In 2000, Usmanov was rehabilitated, and the criminal case was recognized as fabricated. A marriage that can be set as an example for all young couples - honest, trusting and strong relationships, absolute respect, mutual understanding and trust in each other.

If your husband is not a millionaire,

Women love wealthy successful men - but are they ready to be with them?

Life with a rich man is not only expensive cars, dinners in restaurants, jewelry and parties. First of all, family life is life. Which, by the way, for rich people is very different from the life of "mere mortals."

What can wait for the chosen one of a wealthy person? Why be ready?

  • Age difference. It just seems - where 10 years, there are 20, or even 30. "In our time, it doesn't matter!". An no. Not all the same. At first, the age difference is covered by the "benefits received." But over time, not only disagreements (quite logical) enter family life, but also a gradual physical distance from each other. A young beautiful woman begins to look at her husband's younger wealthy friends, and it is extremely rare for a marriage to last "To the grave." Usually it ends with a loud scandal and the division of property.
  • Jealousy. Of course, the husband will be jealous of his young beauty wife for every “pillar”. And the jealousy is completely justified.
  • A rare wife of an oligarch feels happy. Love awe is from another opera. And it’s good if there is simply no romance and this very “awe”. It is worse when a woman is treated like furniture. Which can not only be moved to another room when not needed, but also kicked in a fit of anger.
  • Risks. Wealth and success always go along with crime. Moreover, the risk here is double-edged: the wife (child) can be kidnapped for ransom, the husband can be removed as a competitor, or even put in jail if his well-being is by no means “honestly acquired”.
  • Bankruptcy. No one is immune from these risks. There are many cases when millionaires suddenly remained with nothing.
  • The free movement of the spouse is from the category of fantasy. The oligarch's wife is not only under the guns of the ubiquitous paparazzi, but also under the vigilant control of her husband.
  • Feeling of loneliness. You can't get away from him anywhere. Dear spouse, even if he is really loved and desired, spends most of his time at work, and even in another country. From hopelessness and longing, many wives of the rich find an outlet on the side (which then, of course, pops up) or in a bottle (which also does not end with anything good).
  • Even if the wife brings up the children without the help of a nanny, the husband still does not take part in this process. Because there is no time. The wife's task is to educate them, his task is to be proud of them (or to pull them out of troubles, in which “golden youth” often gets into).
  • Equality is an empty phrase. If a woman cannot boast of her own business, acumen, fortune, then only the role of a “kept woman” shines for her, which sooner or later will become boring and humiliating. Dependence does not give you the opportunity to "dictate the terms."
  • Loss of girlfriends. No, of course, they will be - only new ones. Which will become "equal" in social status. Friendship with friends from a past “poor” life will end as soon as they feel the difference in status. This will happen automatically and cannot be changed.
  • A woman's interests and hobbies will be filtered and weeded out. according to the husband's opinion. Most often, the wives of oligarchs have to receive pleasure only within the framework of what is permitted.
  • Jealousy. And there's no getting away from her either. Young admirers of the spouse will curl around him almost around the clock. And the wife will either accept everything as it is and close her eyes to everything, or constantly drink valerian until the nervous system gives a final failure.

Of course, everything is relative. And there are successful wealthy men who carry their "Cinderellas" in their arms, and "the whole world" is thrown at their feet. But these are rather exceptions.

If you are not from the world of "rich and successful", if you cannot boast of independence, then family life will be difficult and unpredictable. However, everyone has their own destiny.

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“To be rich, beautiful and loved!” - the limit of the request of many girls. If I give you a piece of paper and a pen, will you also write that on the ideal man checklist?

And if not everyone is interested in the characteristic “beautiful”, everyone needs love and money - there is nothing to argue about.

What kind of women do rich men prefer? First, I will explain what a woman looks for in a rich man.

You will be surprised, but this, first of all, is not money, but a fortune. Absolute female inner confidence that in a relationship with this man she is protected, secured and will not be lost.

After all, if he managed to earn a lot of money, then he is able to solve many problems: from starting a business to finding the best doctor in the city.

1. Light mood

No, we are not talking about prostitutes. Every day a man faces a huge number of tasks. And within the elementary framework, one of them is responsibility for his family, for his woman and children (if any).

Men are tired of women who know everything better than anyone and better than him. All can do themselves and do not need support.

Translating the instructions for the microwave - herself, planning the journey from A to Z - herself, even if she really needs help.

Often such women are simple, therefore, first of all, you need to start by working on yourself.

And that is what attracts self-sufficient and wealthy men. This one needs a woman who gives energy, not takes it away.

And he will pass by every sullen face, but he will keep his eyes on your smile.

A simple example: one of the students of the course The Way of a Woman met a wealthy Norwegian. Women there have built a harsh line of behavior, because brutal Scandinavians come into contact with our girls.

And from him she heard about the main thing: "Don't be so hard"("Don't be so heavy"). You yourself understand - it's not about kilograms.

2. Calm state

The world, where everyone is in a hurry somewhere, running and solving a lot of problems, lacks peace. And this is what a man is looking for in a relationship with a woman and she is with him.

The advantage of any woman is that she has a basic calmness. Remember how you thought when you were a little girl.

The little girl has no worries, except to braid her favorite doll, rock the baby doll and count the candies in the gift. It was at this moment that carelessness manifested itself.

When you create this field around you, you yourself do not lose balance from stress and worries.

And if you let your man into him, you will accept his masculinity and responsibility for you, he will gladly give you everything.

Any necessary resources: money, help, yourself. Such a man will strive not only to give you more, but also to spend his free time with you.

3. Financial intelligence

Anyone knows: income grows as long as money moves. For this to happen, they need to be invested.

A man who built his business on his own, without famous grandmothers and influential uncles, is not wasteful and never squanders money.

He needs a woman who can wisely manage the finances entrusted to her.

And, believe me, with a much greater probability, he will be with a woman who invests them in her development, in her condition, in her favorite business and home comfort.

But not with the one that squanders them on fifty shots and coke in the club every other day. If there are other arguments - share in the comments.

A self-sufficient woman always knows how to get money.

She knows what kind of energy her man needs to succeed in business, and what she needs to do in order to give this energy.

4. Education

In a relationship with a rich man, you should always correspond to his status and position.

There are situations in business when the most important negotiations can be decided by the presence of a woman nearby.

Just like it happens with fishing or business lunches - you know what I mean.

Or maybe he just wants to spend an evening with you in his favorite restaurant in the company of his friends or a romantic one-on-one...

Your education is a plus not only for you, but also for your man. For him, this is a guarantee - his woman can impress, can keep up the conversation, knows how to look appropriate, knows when to laugh.

She subtly intuitively feels the situation and the moment. This is all called female wisdom. And it helps, in principle, not only in relationships, but also in life.

Do not wait! act

Postponing life until later and the right moment is definitely not a strategy for the behavior of rich men.

A wealthy man succeeded because he acted in the moment, because he took risks, and did not stop at the result.

I'm not saying that you need to plow too. You need to deal with your dreams, desires and “want”. You need to know what kind of man to look for in order to find him. Start with this.

With love,
Yaroslav Samoilov.

Today there is an age difference. when a wife is a couple of dozen younger than her husband, no one is especially surprised. There are a great many examples of this. But what makes mature men choose young companions as their wives? It is difficult to unambiguously answer this question. It is better to turn to the recent history of our country.

The midlife crisis is not a myth, but a fact!

Changes in the hormonal background are reflected in the behavior of men. They begin to understand that their "time" will soon end and this greatly affects the psychological state. Whatever age they are, the most basic for them is the degree of "male dignity", which they "measure" with each other all their lives. After all, this is an important indicator of sexuality and success in life.

Today, men who fall into a period of "midlife crisis", those who are 40-50 years old. Our country is 20 years old. By simple calculations, one can imagine that at the age of 20-30 they had to go through the times of the formation of a new business. It was during these 15-20 years that they worked hard and often took risks. Everyone started in the same conditions, but some were able to make a breakthrough in life, others were not.

Business in our country at that time was not entirely legal or, quite frankly, criminal. At this time, our heroes married girls who loved them, and the feelings were based on full and unconditional acceptance. It was at this time that successful men looked like Robin Hoods. And in fact, in essence, they were such - they took away from the rich and gave to the poor. It is easy to fall in love with such men! On the one hand, they were bandits, and on the other, romantics. And they knew how to risk their lives and relax.

One of the first indicators of their success was the presence of a wife who quit her job and enjoys life. "My husband does not allow me to work" - this phrase was synonymous with "life is good!". But years passed, and the Robin Hood boys miraculously turned into politicians and respected businessmen. Today they have everything: power, money, pleasure. And in this beautiful picture, one small flaw is missing - youth.

The phenomenon of selection: I look at you as in a mirror

People don't always see their reflection in the mirror, but they do see their wives grow old and their children grow up. Much has been done, much has been built...

The taste of Absolut vodka and Chesterfield cigarettes have been replaced by expensive wines and cigar clubs. And so I want to live beautifully and correctly! "Rich life" and the flattery of subordinates very easily change real life to a fictional one. The new environment, friends, social circle - everything is very aristocratic, that's just one bad luck - the old wife.

Years passed and no one taught to maintain family relations for 20-30 years, but it turns out to be very difficult. How easy it is to get carried away by a charming and seductive young lady! Girls of this generation lead a healthy lifestyle, look after their appearance, are stylish, educated and speak foreign languages. It is not only beautiful, but also convenient.

There is such a phenomenon in psychology, when a person gets into a pack of animals, he begins to adopt their behavior, because he associates himself with them. The same principle applies to people who choose younger partners. They choose the environment as mirrors in which they can see their reflection. That is why it is very important for such men to surround themselves with sports cars, boats, motorcycles, young wives and small children, creating the illusion of youth: “If I see everything around me of the highest class, then I belong to it, everything is subject to ME and my whole life is ahead! "

There is such a choice in life. I would only like to wish happiness to the young wives and wisdom to the first wives!

We are used to the fact that rich athletes, actors and businessmen go out hand in hand with girls of model appearance. Now, Chinese scientists have conducted a study and found out: the awareness of wealth really makes a man more picky in assessing female beauty. With the results of the work, you can familiarize in Frontiers in Psychology.

A group of psychologists from Peking University conducted two experiments involving students (73 boys and 48 girls) in stable heterosexual relationships. Volunteers were provoked to feel that they had more or less money. To do this, they were asked to imagine themselves rich or poor and write a story about their financial situation.

A few days later, the students were asked to participate in a direct experiment, but the students did not know the real purpose of the study. They were told the legend in order to get the most reliable results.

The students were given photographs of people of the opposite sex and asked to rate their appearance. If a person considered the image of a young man or girl attractive, then they were allowed to talk for three minutes.

If an experimental student sat close to a stranger and generally looked satisfied after the experiment, then this was considered as a willingness to enter into a relationship with an attractive stranger.

In the course of the study, the researchers found that men and women who felt financially more wealthy were more likely to demonstrate their desire to start a new relationship. At the same time, men were generally more active: they sat closer to their partners than women.

In addition, students were asked how satisfied they were with the physical attractiveness of their chosen ones.

It turned out that if a man felt richer, he was less satisfied with the appearance of the chosen one, and vice versa. Interestingly, no such dependence was observed in women.

These results are consistent with the results of similar studies, which also showed that, unlike men, women do not increase the requirements for the appearance of their lovers when they become rich. This phenomenon can be explained by Trivers' theory of parental investment.

According to this theory, men and women unequally evaluate the attractiveness of the opposite sex due to the fact that they devote different time to their offspring.

Women spend more time with children due to carrying, lactating and caring for them during the first years of life. Therefore, for a female, reproductive success lies in finding a man with sufficient resources to comfortably raise offspring. But for men, reproductive success is determined by the number of fertile partners, scientists say. Men evaluate a woman's fertility according to her external data. In addition, men have a greater desire for short-term relationships than women.

At the same time, according to the theory of strategic pluralism, a person is able to change his approach to romantic relationships depending on external conditions.

So, if a woman acquires financial independence, then she can begin to pay more attention not to the resources of her partner, but to his external attractiveness in order to pass on “good genes” to the offspring.

In this case, a woman is more likely to enter into a short-term relationship.

Men also evaluate their partner differently when they do not have large resources. Poor men are more serious about their soul mate and less likely to engage in casual relationships. They make fewer demands on women and are generally more satisfied with their partners.