What dreams big black dog. What dog dreamed? Evil black dog

What dreams a black dog? It is this question that will analyze in this article.

Sizes of the animal

To begin with, we will understand with the size of the animal. This aspect affects the interpretation of sleep.

  • The black puppy hints that you are not too attentive with relatives. Namely now they need your support. Be kinder and in the right moment Native will give you a help hand.
  • If you hit an evil puppy, then in a short time, you will have a very familiar person. After such actions, you will find a good friend in the face of this person.
  • If you saw a newborn puppy with mom, then this may be a sign that soon you have to become my mother. You are ready for this.
  • Have you seen a huge black dog in a dream? So, soon you will accidentally see an old friend who has now become quite successful person. And this meeting can be the beginning of a successful joint work for you.
  • The desire to kill the dog foreshadows a quarrel with colleagues on material issues. Pay special attention to all documents related to monetary issues.
  • But if the black dog bit your hand in a dream, then in this case, you should talk with close people to you. Since you have accumulated a lot of offended and unspoken words that should be discussed.

Number of animals

What does it mean if there were many pieces:

  • One black dog characterizes having seen her as a strong and independent person. You do not want to listen to what society tells you, and try to walk on your way.
  • A pair of black pieces foreshadows you with a person who can become a business partner, and maybe even a satellite of life. However, if you don't even marry it and you will not go, then you will find a faithful friend for sure.
  • A whole brine of black dogs means that you have an enemy that carries the vengeful plans against you.


Now let's figure out how the animal looked in a dream:

  • Clean dog - pure conscience. Your honest deeds cause respect for others.
  • Dirty dog \u200b\u200bwarns you to view your actions. Is it right and honest you do everything.
  • A gentle dog means that you have good people around you, to which you can seek advice and help.
  • But the evil black dog, who dreamed of a woman, means that she had an opponent. In addition, it can be a very close friend.

Circumstances in a dream

Now remember, under what circumstances you saw PSA:

  1. Sleeping dog recalls the ugly act in the past. Rethink your actions.
  2. The barking and biting dog warns that soon you will witness a quarrel. Do not participate in it, otherwise you will also be guilty.
  3. See a dying dog - an unkind sign. In this case, your dreams turn out to be collapsed for you. Not the most better time To implement any desires.
  4. The dog that gnaws the bone, warns you of significant financial losses. Be prepared for loss of work.
  5. A black dog that rushes on people foreshadows you an ambulance loss. Wait for disappointments in a close comrades.

What did you do in a dream?

Our activity in a dream is also important:

  1. Stroking an animal means that a pleasant satellite will soon appear in your life. In addition, it may be not only a new acquaintance, but also old friend. Get ready for romance, love and attention.
  2. The game with a dog means that in life you are not very serious in your affairs. And your actions are too ramped. Pull yourself together. Since your loved ones are worried about you.
  3. Very nice sleep, if a woman's woman licks his hand. Drain, among your friends there is a person who sincerely and purely loves you. In addition, this person can really become an ideal husband for you.
  4. If you saw the dog in your home, then you will soon wait for the joyful arrival of the guests.

In order to decipher your dream, it is enough to look into the dream book, which is set out detailed information. At this, it is not necessary to get involved in these books, since they are all written by people and interpret dreams completely differently.

If there is a big black hound, which bits need to remember that this is not always a negative painted sign. No reason the dog has always been a friend of man.

However, if you dreamed of dog, which barks - Expect gossip from the people around you.

Dream wounded animal - trouble.

Dreamed a black dog in a dream what it means

If you dreamed big black and angry dog , which also bit you by hand or leg - you took the final decision to change your life forever. This is a good sign that promises you good luck in affairs and in your personal life.

By dream of Miller, I dreamed of a representative of the kind of dog - an enemy or an obstacle that you have on the way and interferes with the implementation of higher goals. It is likely that this is a kind of warning that came to you in a dream and undertakes to revise your surroundings and possible stones on the way to success.

It is not necessarily that big evil black dog - this is visible enemywhich exists in your reality, it is likely that it is a certain law of nature, a trend that may prevent you.

The dog can be shaggy, red, alive or dead, sick, and different colors, by dream book Vangu - This is a meeting with a long-time friend who knows a secret and is quite possible, he will come in handy in the future.

In case the animal dreamed of a woman - you allowed the rival to defeat you.

Why dream black dog big

  • Black dogs dream often enough. By dream of Miller And the esoteric dream book is a sign of good luck, material well-being and faith in their own success.
  • If the animal bite you, chasing or barks - wait for disappointment in a new friend or a familiar.
  • Most likely to rUP Dog Natura is a display of your soul, your confrontation, reluctance to take reality. Dreamed a small individual - small trouble.

If a dog bits in a dream

  • Dream black hound that bites - Expect gossip that may appear from nowhere. Most often, the animal will dream with any person in a pair that personifies his intentions and soul. It is worth reconsider relations with this person and it is possible to beware of it, not to enter into a case, if this is a business partner.
  • The dog bites his hand - An unexpected guest on the threshold with good news.
  • Animal that wants to bite but not solved - Hidden unfriendly.
  • If you dream that you were bitten by an evil dog - Wait for unfriendly guests who can cause you evil in reality.

What dreams black dog woman

If you are a woman and you dream of black evil hound, in large sizes - You will have to move to another city and acquaintance with a new man. However, it is necessary to be extremely careful and not trust the first oncoming, he may have false intentions.

Interpretation of dream dreams, In case you dreamed Hound - The cognitive process, and only you have to make a decision, what kind of dream book give preference.

Kind dog in a dream what does it mean

First of all such Dream foreshadows good health For the next year.

Young girlif you have dreamed of the hound, there is a quick marriage in the dream book, but if she does not have narrowed on this moment - A new acquaintance with a man is provided.

Little black dog in a dream what does it mean

If she bites or pulls you for clothes - bad luck in the matters of heart or unkind evil eye. Beware of gossip from the side.

Nostradamus's dream book is small Hound - foresight of loyalty from the second half.

When, if the animal is a patient or mortally wounded - From your surroundings, who either will be fatally sick or die.

If you believe Dream Freud - An animal that dreamed in large sizes is a secret desire to enter into relationships with minors.

Hound that wins the tail - A quick acquaintance with the opposite sex man. In case the animal is white - fast success in affairs.

Walk - A favorable dream, which foreshadows material well-being.

Big black dog in your dream is a mirror reflection of your decisive mood. Sleep means that you do not want to exchange yourself on what you think unacceptable, "Specifies the dream book. Sleep wants to warn that there is a hard struggle with great, strong and, most importantly, insidious and unpredictable opponent. It's not a fact that sleep symbolizes a specific personality, it may well be another ridiculous law or a social trend that you are trying to confront.

If you have dreamed of a dream in which the black dog attacks you, but can not bite, know: you have a sorny. At the same time, the dream book hurries to calm down that in fact he is not very strong. Gossip for your back, unremitted accusations of your address and small provocations - all that is capable of; So a competitor is a loser or a contender for your position. Keep cool, - I advise dreambook.

What dreams dream like a black dog bites you? The dream in which you surrendered without a fight and allowed you to bite - definitely unfortunately. If you at least tried to fight the latch, the dream book encourages that I can still be able to defend your interests. Sleep, in which, as a result of a dog attack, your clothes came into disrepair, once again emphasizes that there is no avoiding quarrels or struggle. In some cases, the seats obtained in a dream, which can be focused on diseases.

What else is still a black dog in a dream

Let the dream misleading you: a kind black dog can also bite the cheekbone. Dream Interpretation warns that soon you can experience serious disappointment in a new acquaintance, charm and community of which you are at the moment admire. Running into your dream, a black dog warns that he may not be the one who gives out. Sleep reminds that it is now that it should be carefully filtered by tempting proposals and beware of tricks.

The dream in which a black dog bit you is evidenced that your ill-wishers will not stop neither before. Dream Interpretation warns of the possibility of an occult attack, the main signs of which are a sudden and unfortunate deterioration of well-being, inexplicable deeds, depression, frank bad luck literally in everything. Sleep opens your eyes to the true cause, the understanding of which will help eliminate negative consequences. A girl who in a dream was bitten by a black dog, such a dream promises the proposal of hands and hearts, only that is a great marriage, dream interpretation is silent.

To understand what the evil black dog is dreaming, dream interpretation for the start finds out that it was expressed by her evil. Threatening growl and attempt to block the path you mean that the attempt is preparing for you. Loud Lai testifies that your enemies do not know how to keep the tongue of their teeth at all, and soon their unkind ideas will be known to you. A dream in which a black dog is taken on a chain, a leash or another leash also indicates the presence of enemies in your environment.

Dream Dog Doboy

What dreams Dog Dog Dream in Dream?

Dream Interpretation Felomen considers a good dog as setting mutual understanding with close. You can always count on them at a difficult moment. For a girl, a dream is promoting a meeting with a new fan.

A good double-wap dog indicates the presence of a person in your surroundings, full of pessimism and a negative attitude that constantly pulls you back.

What dreams a big black dog?

Big black dog in a huge number of diverse dream books acquires miscellaneous interpretation. It is important to the context in which the animal is in a dream. One thing remains unchanged: to see a dog in a dream - it means to find a faithful and devoted friend.

First of all, the appearance of a dog in a dream makes it possible to think how strong the friendship is. It is also worth thinking about ohowless To a friend, whether it is disinterested. Paradoxically, but see the PSA with a bloody mouth - means to gain a good friend or friend. Conversely, see the sleeping dog - foreshadows the danger, in the form of the exacerbated aggression of enemies. If there is a big dog in a dream - this means a friend with a big position, if the animal is barking - you should expect a quarrel or extra gossip, and see a mad dog - and it means to lose a close friend. However, to fight with the bumping dog and kill it - to win the long-awaited victory. If the sleeping strokes PSA - you should expect a love date.

Large luck is considered to see a dog in a dream, which comes to the house. This suggests immediate success and good luck in the family. It should be carefully reconsidered his surroundings if the dog caused harm in a dream - it says about hidden enmity.

In case, in a dream, a dog fight is - it means that it will have to witness the conflict of relatives. The bad harbinger is a dog, a rodent bone. It implies the need and poverty. If a dog begging in a dream - this means good to arrive from the enemy. There must be a permanent situation, in case the sleeping plays with a dog - in the future it means a bad thing to do with the other. A complex interpretation has a meal of dog meat. Such food meals means ambulance. If the dog lies on the road and prevents passing, then it foreshadows the heaviness on the soul and the flour of conscience. See the pack of dogs - it means to get an obstacle in school or promotion through the career ladder. It can also become an unnecessary fuss.

If there is a pack of dogs in a dream, which is trying to surround a person - it is necessary to abandon the proposed work, whatever profitable it is. To see in a dream a fictional animal with big eyes, remotely resembling a dog - means unforeseen circumstances associated with a dead person. Being in a dream by the owner of the purebred PSA, means a quick enrichment and a full life. A dirty and thin dog will not bring health, but most likely deterioration of well-being. To dream of a fight of a cat with a dog - means a quick disappointment and failure in love. The famously running dog means a loss in the trial, and the lever - the appearance of an intriguan and a detractor. If in a dream you have to watch how the dog gets into the ghost, most likely it is worth sacrificing a small amount of money on the temple.

To see a dog for girls - means the appearance of the groom. Depending on the breed and sizes of the PSA, one can judge its appearance and well-being. What dreams a big black dog in this case? Most likely, this means that the groom will be grew and statute.

A disappointing omen can be the fact that a large black dog can bring sadness, anger or betrayal. However, if a black puppy dreams - it can talk about a new or young friend. In any case, with interpretation of sleep, you must pay attention to the day of the week, which was a dream, and on emotional condition Sleeping.

What dreams dog dream, dream dog see in a dream What does it mean?

Dream of Gypsy Serafima

Dream Interpretation: Dog - tamed instincts; obedience; It may mean both friendliness (the best friend of a person) and non-bubbies (the dog can be wild and fierce) in man; Positiveness and negativity, trust and distrust; Negative qualities - the dog bites, growls, snaps; Positive qualities - trust, humility, cheerful temper. Dalmatian - black and white color mean the right point and fallacy. Senbernar - Rescuer. "It is impossible to train an old dog with new tricks." "Do not wake a sleeping dog," according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation Healer Evdokia

Why dream dog dreams?

To dream dog means - a dog: peaceful, muddy - good luck, good friendon which you can rely on; The attacker, evil - failures, the cunning of opponents, if they curbed it, tunted or drove it - overlook the top over them. Being in a dream by the master of the purebred PSA - to plant a decent state. A black dog is a nuisance, white - luck. Be a branched dog - to betrayal. Doggy dog - To news, evil bark - bad news. See fighting dogs - to a quarrel. A big dog is an influential patron or a big friend. Shepherd Dawn to well-being, success in affairs, you will be pleased with the faithfulness of your friend. Your trail goes to the oscolda - temptation and, if you do not resolve, there will be a lot of trouble. Skinny, dirty dogs - to failure, illness. If you scared big dog - unfair attitude of others. For a girl, a small gourmet dog is a squeezed fan, windy, but cheerful. Hunting dog in the house - to success in affairs and family peace. Hear the growl behind the back - the threat to your interests. Walked with a dog, and she defended you (for example, from the snake) - to a big strip of good luck. A mad dog - to a meeting with a taught, failure in affairs, unfair accusations. Dog and cat fights - to failure in important affairs, if you dispersed them - problems are allowed. To see a big dog for an unmarried woman - find a worthy husband, many dreams so pushing such a dream.

Collar - addiction, danger, deprivation.

Dream interpretation housewife

Dog to what dreams in a dream:

By dreams Dog see what means - a dog is a sign that reflects opposite qualities: aggressiveness and friendliness, good and evil. Sleeping dog characterizes uncertainty, unpredictability of the situation. If a dog bites you - this is the forever of quarrels and troubles; Also may indicate the place of future bite. Friendly dog \u200b\u200b- support for friends. White dog - welfare. Black dog - treason of friend. Puppy - You take extra care. Play with a dog - you will be happy. Train the dog - you will be able to protect yourself in a difficult situation. Walking a dog - to a safe outcome of litigation. Run from the dog - the danger lies you. Pursing the tail and the dog running away is the forever. The dog on the chains in Konura - you cater for yourself enemies and envious. The hunting dog means the success achieved thanks to hardworking and loyalty to his idea. Watchdog dog - be careful in choosing friends. Room decorative dog - to family quarrels. Dog Kura - you must limit your requirements

Kura - if in real life your work in one way or another is not related to the dogs - then the disintended loaf personifies the poor, close house. To see Konur - to experience a lack of living space, searching for your angle. Empty Cruar - You cannot afford the purchase of the most necessary things

Psychological dream book

What dream of a dog in a dream?

Dream: Dog - a bright dog next to you - a true friend; The barking, black, attacker dog - on the contrary, the enemy that should be fear. Hear the growl of the dog behind his back - the sign that the intrigue is spoiled against you, as a result of which you will seriously affect

Dog - see a big beautiful dog, who himself is aware of his greatness and nobility, "you will have a chance to satisfy your ambitions. Dreamed that you come to someone else's house, and there is a dream about you? This warning is not to poke your nose in other people's affairs. For a young woman, a dream in which she plays with a dog, means: she will be able to achieve love men, about which others do not have to dream

A muzzle is a dream in which you see a dog in a muzzle, reports: Only the chance of the accuracy of you from serious troubles. Buy a muzzle - to the complication of relationships both with households and colleagues

Modern dream book

By dream dog what a dream means:

To dream dog - an evil dog dreams of failures and insidious miscarions of your enemies. Affectionate dog promises good luck and loyal friends. If you saw yourself by the owner of a purebred PSA, then it is easy to be able to put a solid state. Going for you on the trail dog - the sorridge warns you against dangerous temptations. If the dog bit you - do not wait in the near future of the world neither at home or in service. Skinny and dirty dog \u200b\u200bdreams of failures or illness. Heard in a dream of a dog dog foreshadows bad news. The appearance of hunting dogs in your home means favorable circumstances in affairs. If in a dream you were scared big dogYou will have to resist our surroundings. After all, you have so great desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity! And a woman like a dream is a very worthy husband. If in a dream you heard the growl of dogs in her back, then some intrigue can intervene in your interests. For you, this dream can mean both defeat and victory in the event of your active resistance. Suddenly thrown on top of the cat and the dog will dream of failure in heart matters. But if you managed to pour drapes with water, then everything will work well. White dog, friendly with the tail, foreshadows a huge luck in affairs and love. If in a dream you pursued a mad dog, you will have to mobilize all the forces to stand in a serious struggle. If you have driven or killed it, then it will certainly end safely. Walking with a dog, especially with breastned, dream of happiness and prosperity. According to Nostradamus, the dog is a symbol of devotion. Absolutely white huge dog - a symbol of a worsening of a living stand. A man in the appearance of a dog - a symbol of new discoveries. Bulgarian Justice Vanga interpreted dreams about dogs as follows: seen in a dream homeless dog - a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a predicule. He does not apply to you for help only because it does not want to burden you with your problems. If you dreamed absolutely white dogIn real life, you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream will give a meeting with the old friend with whom you have not seen many years. Saw in a dream a black dog - in reality you will have bitter disappointment in a person you for a long time considered their friend. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also uses your secrets in order to properly defams your good name. Seen in a dream dog giant sizes - evidence that in the future you have to get acquainted with a person who will later become your big friend. Sometimes such a dream will proper support for your old friend. Feed the dog in a dream - in real life you can rely on you. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others resperate and love you. Sleep about the wounded or killed dog is a bad omen. Soon you will get a very bad news of the deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend. If a dog is protected in a dream, then you are under the auspices higher Forces. You have nothing to be afraid, because the angels are defended by the guardians who are watching all of your thoughts and actions from heaven. If the dog attacks you, then in real life you will have an ambulance with unfriendliers, but you will be able to confront them if you contact your friends.

Dream Pastor Loffe

What dream of a dog in a dream?

By dreams to see "Dogs - a dog (apparently, the first domestic animal, a friend of man) personifies devotion, courage and vigilance. Symbol of protection and self-sacrifice. On the other hand, the dog is not accustomed to clean and often personifies evil, that is, is a "unclean" animal. Therefore, the dog do not let the Christian temples. Black dogs often symbolize the devil, so, Mephistopheles is to the doctor Faust in the form of a black poodle. In Zoroastrism, the dog belonged an exceptional role. In that part of the Avesta (Holy Book), which speaks about the ritual, religious and legal parties and which is called Viddat or Vidovev, two chapters are entirely devoted to dogs. In Chapter XIII, it is said: "The world is a reason for the dog." Of course, the Holy Book speaks of sacred dogs, but in fact we are talking And about dogs at all. Therefore, the words of the holy book that the dog is the most pure animal, distributed on all dogs. And all of them, as Avesta argues, have a mysterious force in the fight against the gloomy deity of Angro-Menia and his spirits. Therefore, it was categorically forbidden to kill dogs, they were buried with honors in special graves - ints, in clay boxes, as well as dead people. And even when in some countries of the East, Zoroastrian gave way to Islam, declaring dogs "unclean" animals, according to which they had to be expelled from human dwelling and keep away from themselves when they began to persecute dogs, Bedouins (nomads) did not want part with your friends. And in order to somehow leave the position - not to lose a four-legged friend and at the same time do not freeze Allah, - Bedouins simply decided not to call a dog's dog! - Dogs in a dream can symbolize both faithful friends and worst enemies. A dog as a dream symbol is a confirmation of reliable and trusting relationships between you and your friend. Wild dog is attempts to resolve an unresolved conflict at first glance. (Of course, in both cases, your dream can only be a repetition of a life situation with a dog - angry or good.) It is believed that the dog's viciously barking on you indicates the presence of an enemy in your life under the larger friend. BUT good dog - This is a friend who will save and sabs from problems. "

Old grandmother's dream book

Why dream dog what does this mean?

To see a dog in a dream - to success, luck, win; black - trouble; White - to luck; Be a branched dog - a betrayal of a friend.

Dreamed dog running (dog). - Watching dog runs in the old film means that friends will turn away from you.

Autumn dream book

What to see in a dream dog?

What dreams of a dog run is to see in a dream dog run - suffering for a long time from loneliness.

What dreams of a dog running. Watch the dog runs - to the loss of cavaliers for a long time.

What a white dog dreams. To lead about the death of a friend.

What dreams of a mad dog dreams. To an irreconcilable lover enemy for life.

Male - to revenge.

Having (dog). - To see in a dream, how little Bologna is born on you, - to the evil bites unpleasant to you.

Ship - to see how the dog shies, - to some profit.

Collar - buy in a dream a new collar for a dog - to start a dog for those who have no one; Who has a dog - to dog sickness.

Like - see the Siberian husky in a dream - to a faithful friend.

Crane - if you see in a dream, how the dog grinned on you, is an evil enemy.

Pribroud dog (dog). - To see in a dream of a pribrid dog - to trouble with a friend.

Tie a dog (dog). - Tie a dog in a dream - to a cunning enemy.

Crossed dogs (dog). - The adultery will pop up, which will enter you into a shock state.

Foolish dog - it is possible that you will be expelled from work.

Summer Dream

What dreams of a dog in the dream book:

Mavel (dog). - To see in a dream of a huge black dog - to the damn.

Collar - buy a collar in a dream - to tie my destiny with someone.

Laika (dog). - Waika seen in a dream - to some trick.

Crash (dog). - See in a dream grilled dog - someone is very angry with you.

Crusted dogs - to the court case into which your child will fall because of his friends.

Welvish dog - you will scold someone for the provinity.

Spring dream book

What to see a dog in a dream?

By dream of a dog that means in a dream - a dog - to the treason of her husband.

What dreams of buying a dog - to a new friend who will subsequently betray.

Dreamed / Dreamed Having (Lai). - To see in a dream, how the dog is a gavage, - to a quarrel with neighbors.

Having - hear gavages of dogs in a dream - to a loud, unpleasant conversation.

Dreamed / dreamed of shifting - to see how the dog shits, - to the meanness of friends.

Ship - to see how the dog shits, - to the sublits from the friend's friend or girlfriend.

What dreams of hounds of dogs are dreaming - to shock friends who can use you for their own purposes.

Dream Dream Hound - resentment on a competitor, enemy.

Collar - to marriage.

Laika - Baba, with which you are afraid to get involved, take the throat.

To gripe. Cool in a dream - to the scandal.

Craise - cool down in a dream - to the scandal.

Tail the dog (tie, dog). - You are very loved and fear to lose.

Crusted dogs - to betraying her husband with your girlfriend.

Foolish dog (dog). - A relative without money and health will declare you for help.

Dream book big kind dog

What dreams a big kind dog in a dream in a dream?

A big kind dog in a dream indicates help in a difficult situation from an old friend. Your suddenly ceased communication will not prevent him from helping you in a crisis situation.

Large friendly dogs symbolize the presence of patrons that you dream of all the time, now they may appear and reveal.

Large black dogs

Dream book big black dogs Dreamed, what dreams in a dream big black dogs? To select a sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dreaming in the search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get online interpretation Dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see large black dogs in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online Sonnikov Sun houses!

Dream Interpretation - Large teeth, black, dirty

Illness and poverty.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Dream - Dogs

Dream - Dogs

Good black dog

Dream Interpretary Dream Black Dog Dreamed about what dreams in a dream good black dog? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a kind black dog in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream dreams at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dog

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion. Seeing her in a dream foreshadows receipt of news from a friend or meeting with him. Little dogs in a dream mean troubles, care, bustle. A black dog in a dream means your friend who started something against you. White dog in a dream is your close friend. And the redhead dog in a dream means very close man, husband, wife, sweetheart. The breed and size of the dog in a dream characterizes your friends. Poodle, Spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream - this is a faithful and gentle friend. Dog in a dream is a big and smart friend. But if in a dream it will grind on you, then take care of it. This is no longer a friend, but a cunning enemy. Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean mercenary people who are not ashamed to make money on you or to deceive you for the benefit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then sleep predicts you good luck or profit. See Interpretation: Hunting. If in a dream dogs pursue you, then you should fear traps prepared for you with insidious enemies. Watchdow dogs are faithful, devotees and strong friends who are ready to protect you in difficult moment. Meet the dog in a dream means receiving news from a loved one or a friend. Playing dog in a dream - the harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting. A causing dog means a dedicated friend. However, if there will be an unfamiliar dog in a dream to you, then you should be afraid of deception or betrayal. I myself caress the dog in a dream - the sign that you are trying to achieve the location of a loved one. Thrown, barking, lever, attacker dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, resentment. If you dreamed that the dog bit you, then you should not give money to your friends, so that it is not to put up with them because of this. Sick dogs in a dream symbolize decline in affairs or loss of some property. If in a dream you will see that a little dog fell ill, you will be waiting for sadness and disappointment. The dream in which you saw that the dog hides from you, will avoid you, or runs away from you, foreshadows disorders with a close friend and cooling it to you. Loud Lai to hear in a dream - the fores of success in affairs. If in a dream, Lai scared you, then the news will be unpleasant. To hear a bark of several dogs in a dream - to a large scandal or trouble. If you dreamed that with some big redhead dog there was an accident, as a result of which she died, then soon you will learn about sudden death A close man who will die as a result of a similar accident. Dogged dogs in a dream - to a quarrel with a close man. If you dream that your dog was planted on a chain or put a collar on her, then you know that your friend is not free from some obligations and you cannot count on his devotion. If, in a dream you will be able to push the leash, remove the collar from the dog, then success in your personal life and victory over rivals. Beautiful white dog In a dream, it foreshadows the receipt of pleasant news from a loved one. Dirty, wet, neglected white dog in a dream is your close friend who came into an unpleasant position because of you and had a lot of trouble in my family. Evil dogs in a dream are your enemies. Mad dog in a dream is your bullie enemy. Often, such a dream predicts that you have to survive shame or humiliation caused by unreasonable accusations. The dog booth in a dream is the forever that soon you will find yourself in cramped circumstances and will be forced to reckon with this. Ride on a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business. Dog fights are rivals. Walking with a dog in a dream - a sign of a pleasant pastime with a loved one. If in a dream the dog will protect you from enemies, then you know that you have a friend to help you expect. See Interpretation: Animals.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

It's no secret that the dog is the best friend of man. It personifies such excellent qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many folk expressions related in one way or another with this pet: "The dog is a constant friend", "the dog is sinful to click the human name," "Do not kick a dog: the cramps pull", "the dog of the dog is for eternal peace. Night dog howl - to the dead man "," Kolya Dog in at night will turn the pillow under the heads, saying: "On his head!" - And she will silence, "if the dog does not eat the crumbs after the patient, he will soon die", " The dog rises to the owner - unfortunately "and many others. So, the dog's image that arose in your dream is most likely, is a transformed friend of a friend. Walking in a dream with a dog - you can envy. You have a beautiful friend who, in the most difficult moment, you will always substitute your shoulder. Hear in a dream dog Lai - evidence that you have unreal friends. They are discussing you for your back and build a goat against you. If in a dream, the dogs decide on you with Laem, then such a dream says that in reality to you will be able to solve the intentions of your imaginary friends and prevent them from harming you. If your own dog is barking on you, is a sign that you envy evil envy. Wine is your durable financial situation. Watch in a dream for dogs of dogs because of a piece of meat - a sign that you should not be greedy. Perhaps such a dream says that in the future you will come across a very greedy man. If in a dream you assure your dog to the slaughterhouse, then such a dream indicates that in the near future you will seriously affect the robbers or hooligans. If you dreamed of a dog with a feline tail, then in real life, that person you consider your friend is actually such a thing; You will be outraged by his irresponsibility. If a dog bit you in a dream, then such a dream means that in the near future you will listen to the reproaches of a friend's dissatisfied with your act. To see in a dream dying from the bite of the snake dog - evidence that in real life you do not appreciate your friends, which will later regret very much. If a dog is protected in a dream, then I will be very surprised by the courage of your friend.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The evil dog dreams of failures and insidious miscarions of your enemies. Affectionate dog promises good luck and loyal friends. If you saw ourselves the owner of a purebred PSA, then you can easily be a solid state. Clearing you on the trail of the dog's dog warns you against dangerous temptations. If the dog bit you - do not wait in the near future of the world At home, nor in the service. The next and dirty dog \u200b\u200bdreams of failures or illness. Breaking in a dream of Lai dogs foreshadows bad news. The appearance of hunting dogs in your home means favorable circumstances in affairs. If you were frightened in a dream, you will have to resist everything with your surround. After all, you have so great desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity! A woman like a dream is a very worthy husband. If in a dream you heard the growl of dogs in your back, then some intrigue can intervene in your interests. For you, this dream can mean both defeat and victory in the case of your active resistance. The cat and the dog will dream about the failure in heart matters. But if you managed to pour drapes with water, then everything will be good. White dog, friendly with a tail, foreshadows a huge luck in affairs and love. If you have a mad dog in a dream, you will have to mobilize all the forces to stand in a serious fight. If You have driven or killed her, then surely everything will end well. A row with a dog, especially with pioneering, dream of happiness and prosperity. According to Nostradamus, the dog is a symbol of devotion. Absolutely white huge dog - a symbol of a lifetime. Symbol. New discoveries. Bolshnaya Jersey Vanga interpreted dreams about dogs as follows. A homeless dog has a bad sign in a dream. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a predicule. He does not apply to you for help only because it does not want to burden you with your problems. If you dreamed of an absolutely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream prophesies a meeting with the old friend, with whom you have not seen many years already. In a dream, a black dog - I will have a bitter disappointment in the person who you have known for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also uses your secrets in order to properly defams your good name. Seen in a dream dog giant sizes - evidence that in the future you have to get acquainted with a person who will later become your big friend. Sometimes such a dream will proper support for your old friend. The dog in a dream the dog - in real life you can rely on you. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore the surrounding respect and love you. Sunday about the wounded or killed dog - a bad omen. Soon you will get a very bad news of the deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend. If there are a dog in a dream, you will have a pretended of the highest strength. You have nothing to be afraid, because you are defended by the guardian angels who follow all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If the dog attacks you, then in real life you will have an ambulance with unfriendly, but you will be able to confront them if you refer For help to friends.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The dog causing sympathy is good / friend. Having an antipathy, hostile - bad / your enemy / your shameless attractions and animals passion. Wishes in a dream a dog that does not show your interest or waiting for handout - Happy Case / Profit from Enemy. Guest / Happiness comes to the house - a guest to hear - danger / gossip. Cabinets on you - anger / harm. Male dog, barking on you, but not causing fear - quarrel, misunderstanding, temporary enmity. , slander. Sobbaka bites to blood - slander, hostility from relatives. Not to blood - hostility from a close man. The factory bite is a hidden fellow. After the struggle - obvious. It threatens to bite - slander without damage. Dogs are fighting - you will witness a quarrel. White dog is a pleasant acquaintance. Avenue, anger, anger. Cherry dog \u200b\u200b- sadness / betrayal / evil / wakeful forces of metension, denial, skepticism. Poted - surprise / faith friend / unclean power. If the black puppy - new friend / Young friend. Bashed dog - danger, failure. But kill her - victory. Supported caresses - Friendship. But the unlimited - the secret thoughts of your friends, a certain win at the expense of a friend. To play with a dog - do bad to do with the other. Danger CAUTION. There is a dog meat - a quarrel / illness. The cat with a frighteningly meaningful look - anxiety from the feeling of guilt in front of another or close man. Horse on the dog - you can unscruitably exploit friendly feelings / behave shamelessly The cargo on the conscience. The Sophisticated dogs, which is linked to you, accompanies your way with jumps and lames - life vitality, interference with spiritual development. Surrounding you and forces you to fight back - the consciousness of the need to temporarily abandon necessary work / The need to "plunge into life". Fantastic dog with flaming eyes, huge size trying to swallow you, pursuing you - some circumstances related to the recently deceased person.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Angry dog \u200b\u200b- failures, insidious actions of your opponents; affectionate dog - good luck, faithful friends; Be the master of purebred PSA - you will be able to put yourself a solid state; Iznikka goes on the following you - warning against temptations that can become disastrous for you; The dog bit you - do not wait for the world in the near future or in relations with business partners, nor with his wife; skinny and dirty dogs - failures or illness; hear dog dogs - bad news; Hunting dog in your home - favorable circumstances in affairs; Pretty gourmet dogs - you will have a frivolous silent fan (for a girl); To be frightened with a big dog - your willow will resist the whole environment, the desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity; For women - this dream is a very decent husband; Dog's growl behind your back - some intrigue is selected to your cherished interests, a defeat, but always this dream is a motivation to active resistance; Suddenly thrown on top of the cat and dog - failure in heart matters; Spilling dramuns with water - a good sleep; White dog, friendly circling around you - a huge luck in affairs and love; Multi-headed dog - do not get carried away by many things immediately, it turns into a fuss; The pursuing mad dog is a warning to mobilize all the character forces to resist in the struggle; Running or killing a mad dog - a good sleep; Walking with a dog, especially with thoroughbred, and see how she kills the snake - a favorable sleep. Also, see Bulldog, Cat, Snake, Lai, Hare, Rage, Hunting.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

To dream a homeless dog - a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very predica. He does not apply to you for help only because it does not want to burden you with your problems. If you dreamed absolutely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream will give a meeting with the old friend with whom you have not seen many years. If you saw a black dog in a dream, then I will have a bitter disappointment in a person who have long considered their friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also uses your secrets in order to properly defams your good name. To see the dog of giant sizes in a dream - evidence that in the future you have to get acquainted with a person who will later become your big friend. Sometimes such a dream will proper support for your old friend. Feed the dog in a dream - a sign that in real life you can rely on you. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others resperate and love you. If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, then such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will get a very bad news of the deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend. If a dog protects you in a dream, then you are under the auspices of higher strength. You have nothing to fear, because you are defended by guardian angels who follow all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If the dog attacks you, then such a dream says that in real life you will have an ambulance with black forces. Satan servants will try to make your life unbearable, causing you one misfortune after another. If you reflect the attack of the dog, it means that you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but it will happen only if you contact God for help.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The dog is a friend, friend, but how bites it is unkind, someone will "bite," will be some kind of attack. The dog is an enemy. How to dream a wolf or a dog, then someone will attack. How dreams dream, then you will argue with someone. If it dreams that the dog is harvested, it means the woven. If the girl dreams that the dog bit her, then this is an accurate sign that will soon marry. The dog will break a girl skirt - she will marry. Dog Lay - some kind of attack. If a dog in a dream River and bites, then it means beatings in reality. How to dream puppy, then soon you will meet with a friend of childhood or he will come to you in Guest. Dogs - People will talk about you something like. Black dog - see a friend; fidelity. Dogs of all other masters are enemies. The dog is harvested - the breast of the neighbor is biting - to be trouble through a neighbor.

Dream - Dogs

If you dreamed the evil dog - wait for the failures and insidious actions of your opponents. Affectionate dog - promises good luck and loyal friends. If you are in a dream, the owner of the purebred PSA. You will be able to brand a solid state. If the bloodstand goes on the following you - the dream warns you against temptations that can become disastrous for you. If the dog bites you - do not wait for the world in the near future or in relationships with business partners, nor with my wife. Socket and dirty dogs mean future failures or illness. If you hear barking dogs - you are awaiting bad news. Hunting dog in your house foreshadows favorable circumstances in business. Honey dogs of the gourmet breed - a promise of a girl, a frivolous silent fan. If you are frightened with a meeting with a big dog - your willow will resist the whole environment, the desire to rise above the vulgarity and mediocrity. Sulit is a very worthy husband. Dogs in your back - a sign that some intrigue is selected to your cherished interests. Sometimes this dream foreshadows your defeat, but, always he is a motivation to active resistance. The cat and the dog are thrown on to each other and the dog are stuffed in heart matters. Favorable sleep in which you spill dracans with water. White dog, friendly circling around you, foreshadows a huge luck in affairs and love. Many-headed dog - warns you so that you are not interested in many things right away: it turns around a bustle. The long-haired dog is a warning By mobilization of all the forces of character, to resist in the fight. Good dreamIn which you drive or kill it. Honey with a dog, especially with breastned, and see how she kills the snake - both plot are extremely favorable.

Dream - Dogs

If in a dream you start your dog - it foreshadows disagreement with her husband in real life. To see a puppy, leaving a puddle throughout the apartment, - We take extra care, for which you even thank you will not say. Play with a dog - in reality to experience soul joy. Dress the dog - you will be able to protect yourself in extreme situation, walking - to the prosperous outcome of long walks on numerous instances. The rest of the attacker on you a huge evil dog - the hidden danger is in reality. The mad dog who bubbing you - incur damages, enjoying it unallowed. Biting around you and testering, like a Pug on an elephant, a migratory savage with a cat with a cat - miss the ears of the echidial remark to the person who is unfriendly tuned to you than to cause even more irritation. The dog running away from you is the forever of the disease. The dog's dog on the chains in Konura - you cater for yourself enemies and enviousings. Hunting dogs mean the success achieved by hard work and devotion to their idea; Watchman - be careful in choosing friends; Indoor decorative dogs - to family quarrels; White Color - will head a new acquaintance or groom; Black dogs - deception and treason. Bolon in a dream foreshadows the help of friends in a difficult situation, Borzaya - to the change of work or place of residence, Bulldog - will achieve success, overcoming delusion. A hound dog foreshadows offended from the enemy, Dog - to a meeting with good old friends, Pug - do not wrap troubles around the house, Shepherd - Hurry up to protect you dear people, Poodle - you will find protection from a mighty patron, Spitz - will find a faithful and devoted friend.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Dog black big kind

Dream dog black big kind Dreamed, why dream in a dream Dog black big kind? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a black big dog in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses at the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dog

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion. Seeing her in a dream foreshadows receipt of news from a friend or meeting with him. Little dogs in a dream mean troubles, care, bustle. A black dog in a dream means your friend who started something against you. White dog in a dream is your close friend. A red-haired dog in a dream means a very close man, husband, wife, lover. The breed and size of the dog in a dream characterizes your friends. Poodle, Spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream - this is a faithful and gentle friend. Dog in a dream is a big and smart friend. But if in a dream it will grind on you, then take care of it. This is no longer a friend, but a cunning enemy. Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean mercenary people who are not ashamed to make money on you or to deceive you for the benefit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then sleep predicts you good luck or profit. See Interpretation: Hunting. If in a dream dogs pursue you, then you should fear traps prepared for you with insidious enemies. Watchdow dogs are faithful, devotees and strong friends who are ready to protect you in a difficult moment. Meet the dog in a dream means receiving news from a loved one or a friend. Playing dog in a dream - the harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting. A causing dog means a dedicated friend. However, if there will be an unfamiliar dog in a dream to you, then you should be afraid of deception or betrayal. I myself caress the dog in a dream - the sign that you are trying to achieve the location of a loved one. Thrown, barking, lever, attacker dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, resentment. If you dreamed that the dog bit you, then you should not give money to your friends, so that it is not to put up with them because of this. Sick dogs in a dream symbolize decline in affairs or loss of some property. If in a dream you will see that a little dog fell ill, you will be waiting for sadness and disappointment. The dream in which you saw that the dog hides from you, will avoid you, or runs away from you, foreshadows disorders with a close friend and cooling it to you. Loud Lai to hear in a dream - the fores of success in affairs. If in a dream, Lai scared you, then the news will be unpleasant. To hear a bark of several dogs in a dream - to a large scandal or trouble. If you dreamed that with some big red-made dog there was an accident, as a result of which she died, then soon you will learn about the sudden death of a loved one who will die as a result of a similar accident. Dogged dogs in a dream - to a quarrel with a close man. If you dream that your dog was planted on a chain or put a collar on her, then you know that your friend is not free from some obligations and you cannot count on his devotion. If, in a dream you will be able to push the leash, remove the collar from the dog, then success in your personal life and victory over rivals. Beautiful white dog in a dream foreshadows the receipt of pleasant news from a loved one. Dirty, wet, neglected white dog in a dream is your close friend who came into an unpleasant position because of you and had a lot of trouble in my family. Evil dogs in a dream are your enemies. Mad dog in a dream is your bullie enemy. Often, such a dream predicts that you have to survive shame or humiliation caused by unreasonable accusations. The dog booth in a dream is the forever that soon you will find yourself in cramped circumstances and will be forced to reckon with this. Ride on a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business. Dog fights are rivals. Walking with a dog in a dream - a sign of a pleasant pastime with a loved one. If in a dream the dog will protect you from enemies, then you know that you have a friend to help you expect. See Interpretation: Animals.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The evil dog dreams of failures and insidious miscarions of your enemies. Affectionate dog promises good luck and loyal friends. If you saw ourselves the owner of a purebred PSA, then you can easily be a solid state. Clearing you on the trail of the dog's dog warns you against dangerous temptations. If the dog bit you - do not wait in the near future of the world At home, nor in the service. The next and dirty dog \u200b\u200bdreams of failures or illness. Breaking in a dream of Lai dogs foreshadows bad news. The appearance of hunting dogs in your home means favorable circumstances in affairs. If you were frightened in a dream, you will have to resist everything with your surround. After all, you have so great desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity! A woman like a dream is a very worthy husband. If in a dream you heard the growl of dogs in your back, then some intrigue can intervene in your interests. For you, this dream can mean both defeat and victory in the case of your active resistance. The cat and the dog will dream about the failure in heart matters. But if you managed to pour drapes with water, then everything will be good. White dog, friendly with a tail, foreshadows a huge luck in affairs and love. If you have a mad dog in a dream, you will have to mobilize all the forces to stand in a serious fight. If You have driven or killed her, then surely everything will end well. A row with a dog, especially with pioneering, dream of happiness and prosperity. According to Nostradamus, the dog is a symbol of devotion. Absolutely white huge dog - a symbol of a lifetime. Symbol. New discoveries. Bolshnaya Jersey Vanga interpreted dreams about dogs as follows. A homeless dog has a bad sign in a dream. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a predicule. He does not apply to you for help only because it does not want to burden you with your problems. If you dreamed of an absolutely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream prophesies a meeting with the old friend, with whom you have not seen many years already. In a dream, a black dog - I will have a bitter disappointment in the person who you have known for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also uses your secrets in order to properly defams your good name. Seen in a dream dog giant sizes - evidence that in the future you have to get acquainted with a person who will later become your big friend. Sometimes such a dream will proper support for your old friend. The dog in a dream the dog - in real life you can rely on you. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore the surrounding respect and love you. Sunday about the wounded or killed dog - a bad omen. Soon you will get a very bad news of the deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend. If there are a dog in a dream, you will have a pretended of the highest strength. You have nothing to be afraid, because you are defended by the guardian angels who follow all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If the dog attacks you, then in real life you will have an ambulance with unfriendly, but you will be able to confront them if you refer For help to friends.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Angry dog \u200b\u200b- failures, insidious actions of your opponents; affectionate dog - good luck, faithful friends; Be the master of purebred PSA - you will be able to put yourself a solid state; Iznikka goes on the following you - warning against temptations that can become disastrous for you; The dog bit you - do not wait for the world in the near future or in relations with business partners, nor with his wife; skinny and dirty dogs - failures or illness; hear dog dogs - bad news; Hunting dog in your home - favorable circumstances in affairs; Pretty gourmet dogs - you will have a frivolous silent fan (for a girl); To be frightened with a big dog - your willow will resist the whole environment, the desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity; For women - this dream is a very decent husband; Dog's growl behind your back - some intrigue is selected to your cherished interests, a defeat, but always this dream is a motivation to active resistance; Suddenly thrown on top of the cat and dog - failure in heart matters; Spilling dramuns with water - a good sleep; White dog, friendly circling around you - a huge luck in affairs and love; Multi-headed dog - do not get carried away by many things immediately, it turns into a fuss; The pursuing mad dog is a warning to mobilize all the character forces to resist in the struggle; Running or killing a mad dog - a good sleep; Walking with a dog, especially with thoroughbred, and see how she kills the snake - a favorable sleep. Also, see Bulldog, Cat, Snake, Lai, Hare, Rage, Hunting.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

To dream a homeless dog - a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very predica. He does not apply to you for help only because it does not want to burden you with your problems. If you dreamed absolutely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream will give a meeting with the old friend with whom you have not seen many years. If you saw a black dog in a dream, then I will have a bitter disappointment in a person who have long considered their friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also uses your secrets in order to properly defams your good name. To see the dog of giant sizes in a dream - evidence that in the future you have to get acquainted with a person who will later become your big friend. Sometimes such a dream will proper support for your old friend. Feed the dog in a dream - a sign that in real life you can rely on you. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others resperate and love you. If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, then such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will get a very bad news of the deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend. If a dog protects you in a dream, then you are under the auspices of higher strength. You have nothing to fear, because you are defended by guardian angels who follow all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If the dog attacks you, then such a dream says that in real life you will have an ambulance with black forces. Satan servants will try to make your life unbearable, causing you one misfortune after another. If you reflect the attack of the dog, it means that you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but it will happen only if you contact God for help.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The dog is a friend, friend, but how bites it is unkind, someone will "bite," will be some kind of attack. The dog is an enemy. How to dream a wolf or a dog, then someone will attack. How dreams dream, then you will argue with someone. If it dreams that the dog is harvested, it means the woven. If the girl dreams that the dog bit her, then this is an accurate sign that will soon marry. The dog will break a girl skirt - she will marry. Dog Lay - some kind of attack. If a dog in a dream River and bites, then it means beatings in reality. How to dream puppy, then soon you will meet with a friend of childhood or he will come to you in Guest. Dogs - People will talk about you something like. Black dog - see a friend; fidelity. Dogs of all other masters are enemies. The dog is harvested - the breast of the neighbor is biting - to be trouble through a neighbor.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

It's no secret that the dog is the best friend of man. It personifies such excellent qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many folk expressions related in one way or another with this pet: "The dog is a constant friend", "the dog is sinful to click the human name," "Do not kick a dog: the cramps pull", "the dog of the dog is for eternal peace. Night dog howl - to the dead man "," Kolya Dog in at night will turn the pillow under the heads, saying: "On his head!" - And she will silence, "if the dog does not eat the crumbs after the patient, he will soon die", " The dog rises to the owner - unfortunately "and many others. So, the dog's image that arose in your dream is most likely, is a transformed friend of a friend. Walking in a dream with a dog - you can envy. You have a beautiful friend who, in the most difficult moment, you will always substitute your shoulder. Hear in a dream dog Lai - evidence that you have unreal friends. They are discussing you for your back and build a goat against you. If in a dream, the dogs decide on you with Laem, then such a dream says that in reality to you will be able to solve the intentions of your imaginary friends and prevent them from harming you. If your own dog is barking on you, is a sign that you envy evil envy. Wine is your durable financial situation. Watch in a dream for dogs of dogs because of a piece of meat - a sign that you should not be greedy. Perhaps such a dream says that in the future you will come across a very greedy man. If in a dream you assure your dog to the slaughterhouse, then such a dream indicates that in the near future you will seriously affect the robbers or hooligans. If you dreamed of a dog with a feline tail, then in real life, that person you consider your friend is actually such a thing; You will be outraged by his irresponsibility. If a dog bit you in a dream, then such a dream means that in the near future you will listen to the reproaches of a friend's dissatisfied with your act. To see in a dream dying from the bite of the snake dog - evidence that in real life you do not appreciate your friends, which will later regret very much. If a dog is protected in a dream, then I will be very surprised by the courage of your friend.

Dream - Dogs

If you dreamed the evil dog - wait for the failures and insidious actions of your opponents. Affectionate dog - promises good luck and loyal friends. If you are in a dream, the owner of the purebred PSA. You will be able to brand a solid state. If the bloodstand goes on the following you - the dream warns you against temptations that can become disastrous for you. If the dog bites you - do not wait for the world in the near future or in relationships with business partners, nor with my wife. Socket and dirty dogs mean future failures or illness. If you hear barking dogs - you are awaiting bad news. Hunting dog in your house foreshadows favorable circumstances in business. Honey dogs of the gourmet breed - a promise of a girl, a frivolous silent fan. If you are frightened with a meeting with a big dog - your willow will resist the whole environment, the desire to rise above the vulgarity and mediocrity. Sulit is a very worthy husband. Dogs in your back - a sign that some intrigue is selected to your cherished interests. Sometimes this dream foreshadows your defeat, but, always he is a motivation to active resistance. The cat and the dog are thrown on to each other and the dog are stuffed in heart matters. Favorable sleep in which you spill dracans with water. White dog, friendly circling around you, foreshadows a huge luck in affairs and love. Many-headed dog - warns you so that you are not interested in many things right away: it turns around a bustle. The long-haired dog is a warning By mobilization of all the forces of character, to resist in the fight. A good sleep in which you drive or kill it. Honey with a dog, especially with thoroughbred, and see how she kills the snake - both plots are extremely favorable.

Dream - Dogs

If in a dream you start your dog - it foreshadows disagreement with her husband in real life. To see a puppy, leaving a puddle throughout the apartment, - We take extra care, for which you even thank you will not say. Play with a dog - revealing soulful joy. To make the dog - you will be able to protect yourself in an extreme situation, walking - to a safe outcome of long walks on numerous instances. The restraint of a huge malicious dog attacking you - the hidden danger is in reality. The mad dog who bubbing you - incur damages, enjoying it unallowed. Biting around you and testering, like a Pug on an elephant, a migratory savage with a cat with a cat - miss the ears of the echidial remark to the person who is unfriendly tuned to you than to cause even more irritation. The dog running away from you is the forever of the disease. The dog's dog on the chains in Konura - you cater for yourself enemies and enviousings. Hunting dogs mean the success achieved by hard work and devotion to their idea; Watchman - be careful in choosing friends; Indoor decorative dogs - to family quarrels; White Color - will head a new acquaintance or groom; Black dogs - deception and treason. Bolon in a dream foreshadows the help of friends in a difficult situation, Borzaya - to the change of work or place of residence, Bulldog - will achieve success, overcoming delusion. A hound dog foreshadows offended from the enemy, Dog - to a meeting with good old friends, Pug - do not wrap troubles around the house, Shepherd - Hurry up to protect you dear people, Poodle - you will find protection from a mighty patron, Spitz - will find a faithful and devoted friend.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

"Do not wake a sleeping dog" (caution, warning), "Dog life" ( bad life), "Gnaw like dogs" (feud, quarrel), "Dog Moroz" (in a dream cold in relationships). "Dog of a friend of man." "As a dog's dogs" a lot. "Chasing the dogs" (idleness), "you will not find dogs" (search futility). "Caution, in the yard an evil dog." "I ate in this dog" received experience, special knowledge. "Dog work" (difficult, small, heavy, useless). "To penetrate the dogs" to attribute to man what he is not peculiar.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Black dog asks for food

Dream Black Dog asks Meal Dreamed what dreams in a dream a black dog asks for food? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a black dog asks for food by reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dog

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion. Seeing her in a dream foreshadows receipt of news from a friend or meeting with him. Little dogs in a dream mean troubles, care, bustle. A black dog in a dream means your friend who started something against you. White dog in a dream is your close friend. A red-haired dog in a dream means a very close man, husband, wife, lover. The breed and size of the dog in a dream characterizes your friends. Poodle, Spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream - this is a faithful and gentle friend. Dog in a dream is a big and smart friend. But if in a dream it will grind on you, then take care of it. This is no longer a friend, but a cunning enemy. Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean mercenary people who are not ashamed to make money on you or to deceive you for the benefit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then sleep predicts you good luck or profit. See Interpretation: Hunting. If in a dream dogs pursue you, then you should fear traps prepared for you with insidious enemies. Watchdow dogs are faithful, devotees and strong friends who are ready to protect you in a difficult moment. Meet the dog in a dream means receiving news from a loved one or a friend. Playing dog in a dream - the harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting. A causing dog means a dedicated friend. However, if there will be an unfamiliar dog in a dream to you, then you should be afraid of deception or betrayal. I myself caress the dog in a dream - the sign that you are trying to achieve the location of a loved one. Thrown, barking, lever, attacker dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, resentment. If you dreamed that the dog bit you, then you should not give money to your friends, so that it is not to put up with them because of this. Sick dogs in a dream symbolize decline in affairs or loss of some property. If in a dream you will see that a little dog fell ill, you will be waiting for sadness and disappointment. The dream in which you saw that the dog hides from you, will avoid you, or runs away from you, foreshadows disorders with a close friend and cooling it to you. Loud Lai to hear in a dream - the fores of success in affairs. If in a dream, Lai scared you, then the news will be unpleasant. To hear a bark of several dogs in a dream - to a large scandal or trouble. If you dreamed that with some big red-made dog there was an accident, as a result of which she died, then soon you will learn about the sudden death of a loved one who will die as a result of a similar accident. Dogged dogs in a dream - to a quarrel with a close man. If you dream that your dog was planted on a chain or put a collar on her, then you know that your friend is not free from some obligations and you cannot count on his devotion. If, in a dream you will be able to push the leash, remove the collar from the dog, then success in your personal life and victory over rivals. Beautiful white dog in a dream foreshadows the receipt of pleasant news from a loved one. Dirty, wet, neglected white dog in a dream is your close friend who came into an unpleasant position because of you and had a lot of trouble in my family. Evil dogs in a dream are your enemies. Mad dog in a dream is your bullie enemy. Often, such a dream predicts that you have to survive shame or humiliation caused by unreasonable accusations. The dog booth in a dream is the forever that soon you will find yourself in cramped circumstances and will be forced to reckon with this. Ride on a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business. Dog fights are rivals. Walking with a dog in a dream - a sign of a pleasant pastime with a loved one. If in a dream the dog will protect you from enemies, then you know that you have a friend to help you expect. See Interpretation: Animals.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The evil dog dreams of failures and insidious miscarions of your enemies. Affectionate dog promises good luck and loyal friends. If you saw ourselves the owner of a purebred PSA, then you can easily be a solid state. Clearing you on the trail of the dog's dog warns you against dangerous temptations. If the dog bit you - do not wait in the near future of the world At home, nor in the service. The next and dirty dog \u200b\u200bdreams of failures or illness. Breaking in a dream of Lai dogs foreshadows bad news. The appearance of hunting dogs in your home means favorable circumstances in affairs. If you were frightened in a dream, you will have to resist everything with your surround. After all, you have so great desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity! A woman like a dream is a very worthy husband. If in a dream you heard the growl of dogs in your back, then some intrigue can intervene in your interests. For you, this dream can mean both defeat and victory in the case of your active resistance. The cat and the dog will dream about the failure in heart matters. But if you managed to pour drapes with water, then everything will be good. White dog, friendly with a tail, foreshadows a huge luck in affairs and love. If you have a mad dog in a dream, you will have to mobilize all the forces to stand in a serious fight. If You have driven or killed her, then surely everything will end well. A row with a dog, especially with pioneering, dream of happiness and prosperity. According to Nostradamus, the dog is a symbol of devotion. Absolutely white huge dog - a symbol of a lifetime. Symbol. New discoveries. Bolshnaya Jersey Vanga interpreted dreams about dogs as follows. A homeless dog has a bad sign in a dream. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a predicule. He does not apply to you for help only because it does not want to burden you with your problems. If you dreamed of an absolutely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream prophesies a meeting with the old friend, with whom you have not seen many years already. In a dream, a black dog - I will have a bitter disappointment in the person who you have known for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also uses your secrets in order to properly defams your good name. Seen in a dream dog giant sizes - evidence that in the future you have to get acquainted with a person who will later become your big friend. Sometimes such a dream will proper support for your old friend. The dog in a dream the dog - in real life you can rely on you. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore the surrounding respect and love you. Sunday about the wounded or killed dog - a bad omen. Soon you will get a very bad news of the deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend. If there are a dog in a dream, you will have a pretended of the highest strength. You have nothing to be afraid, because you are defended by the guardian angels who follow all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If the dog attacks you, then in real life you will have an ambulance with unfriendly, but you will be able to confront them if you refer For help to friends.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Angry dog \u200b\u200b- failures, insidious actions of your opponents; affectionate dog - good luck, faithful friends; Be the master of purebred PSA - you will be able to put yourself a solid state; Iznikka goes on the following you - warning against temptations that can become disastrous for you; The dog bit you - do not wait for the world in the near future or in relations with business partners, nor with his wife; skinny and dirty dogs - failures or illness; hear dog dogs - bad news; Hunting dog in your home - favorable circumstances in affairs; Pretty gourmet dogs - you will have a frivolous silent fan (for a girl); To be frightened with a big dog - your willow will resist the whole environment, the desire to rise over vulgarity and mediocrity; For women - this dream is a very decent husband; Dog's growl behind your back - some intrigue is selected to your cherished interests, a defeat, but always this dream is a motivation to active resistance; Suddenly thrown on top of the cat and dog - failure in heart matters; Spilling dramuns with water - a good sleep; White dog, friendly circling around you - a huge luck in affairs and love; Multi-headed dog - do not get carried away by many things immediately, it turns into a fuss; The pursuing mad dog is a warning to mobilize all the character forces to resist in the struggle; Running or killing a mad dog - a good sleep; Walking with a dog, especially with thoroughbred, and see how she kills the snake - a favorable sleep. Also, see Bulldog, Cat, Snake, Lai, Hare, Rage, Hunting.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

To dream a homeless dog - a bad sign. Such a dream is a warning that your friend is currently in a very predica. He does not apply to you for help only because it does not want to burden you with your problems. If you dreamed absolutely white dog, then in real life you can always count on the help of your close friend. Sometimes this dream will give a meeting with the old friend with whom you have not seen many years. If you saw a black dog in a dream, then I will have a bitter disappointment in a person who have long considered their friend for a long time. In a difficult moment, he will not only turn away from you, but also uses your secrets in order to properly defams your good name. To see the dog of giant sizes in a dream - evidence that in the future you have to get acquainted with a person who will later become your big friend. Sometimes such a dream will proper support for your old friend. Feed the dog in a dream - a sign that in real life you can rely on you. You are an independent and serious person, and therefore others resperate and love you. If you dreamed of a wounded or killed dog, then such a dream is a bad omen. Soon you will get a very bad news of the deadly disease or even the death of your very good friend. If a dog protects you in a dream, then you are under the auspices of higher strength. You have nothing to fear, because you are defended by guardian angels who follow all your thoughts and actions from heaven. If the dog attacks you, then such a dream says that in real life you will have an ambulance with black forces. Satan servants will try to make your life unbearable, causing you one misfortune after another. If you reflect the attack of the dog, it means that you will be able to resist the forces of evil, but it will happen only if you contact God for help.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

The dog is a friend, friend, but how bites it is unkind, someone will "bite," will be some kind of attack. The dog is an enemy. How to dream a wolf or a dog, then someone will attack. How dreams dream, then you will argue with someone. If it dreams that the dog is harvested, it means the woven. If the girl dreams that the dog bit her, then this is an accurate sign that will soon marry. The dog will break a girl skirt - she will marry. Dog Lay - some kind of attack. If a dog in a dream River and bites, then it means beatings in reality. How to dream puppy, then soon you will meet with a friend of childhood or he will come to you in Guest. Dogs - People will talk about you something like. Black dog - see a friend; fidelity. Dogs of all other masters are enemies. The dog is harvested - the breast of the neighbor is biting - to be trouble through a neighbor.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

It's no secret that the dog is the best friend of man. It personifies such excellent qualities as devotion, courage and observation. There are many folk expressions related in one way or another with this pet: "The dog is a constant friend", "the dog is sinful to click the human name," "Do not kick a dog: the cramps pull", "the dog of the dog is for eternal peace. Night dog howl - to the dead man "," Kolya Dog in at night will turn the pillow under the heads, saying: "On his head!" - And she will silence, "if the dog does not eat the crumbs after the patient, he will soon die", " The dog rises to the owner - unfortunately "and many others. So, the dog's image that arose in your dream is most likely, is a transformed friend of a friend. Walking in a dream with a dog - you can envy. You have a beautiful friend who, in the most difficult moment, you will always substitute your shoulder. Hear in a dream dog Lai - evidence that you have unreal friends. They are discussing you for your back and build a goat against you. If in a dream, the dogs decide on you with Laem, then such a dream says that in reality to you will be able to solve the intentions of your imaginary friends and prevent them from harming you. If your own dog is barking on you, is a sign that you envy evil envy. Wine is your durable financial situation. Watch in a dream for dogs of dogs because of a piece of meat - a sign that you should not be greedy. Perhaps such a dream says that in the future you will come across a very greedy man. If in a dream you assure your dog to the slaughterhouse, then such a dream indicates that in the near future you will seriously affect the robbers or hooligans. If you dreamed of a dog with a feline tail, then in real life, that person you consider your friend is actually such a thing; You will be outraged by his irresponsibility. If a dog bit you in a dream, then such a dream means that in the near future you will listen to the reproaches of a friend's dissatisfied with your act. To see in a dream dying from the bite of the snake dog - evidence that in real life you do not appreciate your friends, which will later regret very much. If a dog is protected in a dream, then I will be very surprised by the courage of your friend.

Dream - Dogs

If you dreamed the evil dog - wait for the failures and insidious actions of your opponents. Affectionate dog - promises good luck and loyal friends. If you are in a dream, the owner of the purebred PSA. You will be able to brand a solid state. If the bloodstand goes on the following you - the dream warns you against temptations that can become disastrous for you. If the dog bites you - do not wait for the world in the near future or in relationships with business partners, nor with my wife. Socket and dirty dogs mean future failures or illness. If you hear barking dogs - you are awaiting bad news. Hunting dog in your house foreshadows favorable circumstances in business. Honey dogs of the gourmet breed - a promise of a girl, a frivolous silent fan. If you are frightened with a meeting with a big dog - your willow will resist the whole environment, the desire to rise above the vulgarity and mediocrity. Sulit is a very worthy husband. Dogs in your back - a sign that some intrigue is selected to your cherished interests. Sometimes this dream foreshadows your defeat, but, always he is a motivation to active resistance. The cat and the dog are thrown on to each other and the dog are stuffed in heart matters. Favorable sleep in which you spill dracans with water. White dog, friendly circling around you, foreshadows a huge luck in affairs and love. Many-headed dog - warns you so that you are not interested in many things right away: it turns around a bustle. The long-haired dog is a warning By mobilization of all the forces of character, to resist in the fight. A good sleep in which you drive or kill it. Honey with a dog, especially with thoroughbred, and see how she kills the snake - both plots are extremely favorable.

Dream - Dogs

If in a dream you start your dog - it foreshadows disagreement with her husband in real life. To see a puppy, leaving a puddle throughout the apartment, - We take extra care, for which you even thank you will not say. Play with a dog - revealing soulful joy. To make the dog - you will be able to protect yourself in an extreme situation, walking - to a safe outcome of long walks on numerous instances. The restraint of a huge malicious dog attacking you - the hidden danger is in reality. The mad dog who bubbing you - incur damages, enjoying it unallowed. Biting around you and testering, like a Pug on an elephant, a migratory savage with a cat with a cat - miss the ears of the echidial remark to the person who is unfriendly tuned to you than to cause even more irritation. The dog running away from you is the forever of the disease. The dog's dog on the chains in Konura - you cater for yourself enemies and enviousings. Hunting dogs mean the success achieved by hard work and devotion to their idea; Watchman - be careful in choosing friends; Indoor decorative dogs - to family quarrels; White Color - will head a new acquaintance or groom; Black dogs - deception and treason. Bolon in a dream foreshadows the help of friends in a difficult situation, Borzaya - to the change of work or place of residence, Bulldog - will achieve success, overcoming delusion. A hound dog foreshadows offended from the enemy, Dog - to a meeting with good old friends, Pug - do not wrap troubles around the house, Shepherd - Hurry up to protect you dear people, Poodle - you will find protection from a mighty patron, Spitz - will find a faithful and devoted friend.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

"Do not wake a sleeping dog" (caution, warning), "Dog life" (bad life), "gnawing like dogs" (feud, quarrel), "Dog frost" (in a dream cold in relationships). "Dog of a friend of man." "As a dog's dogs" a lot. "Chasing the dogs" (idleness), "you will not find dogs" (search futility). "Caution, in the yard an evil dog." "I ate in this dog" received experience, special knowledge. "Dog work" (difficult, small, heavy, useless). "To penetrate the dogs" to attribute to man what he is not peculiar.

Dream Interpretation - Dog

Sleep is very favorable. The dog is even evil and barking - means a dedicated friend who will help you in any misfortune. Hear a dog Lai - get a news from an old friend. If the dog licks your hands - a friend will comfort you in sorrow. If in a dream you fed the dog, in reality your friendship will be strengthened. The dog goes to you - spend the evening in the company of the best friends. Only the most pleasant memories will remain from this meeting. Hunt with a dog - the thing you start with my friend will bring both a good profit and make friends even more. Hunting dog in the house means favorable circumstances to start business. A huge dog with big paws and frightening teeth - your influential friend will protect you in any trouble. If this dog in a dream bit you, revealing your friend will help you avoid great danger. If such a dream has dreamed unmarried girlThis may mean marriage with a decent and reliable person. If in a dream you walk with the dog and suddenly it begins to growl - your friend will warn you about intrigues that are drunk behind your back, and you will have time to react. Folded, well-kept indoor dogs - unmarried girl such a dream throws a lot of young and beautiful fans. If the dogs dreamed of a married woman or a man, it means a trip to the company of funny friends. Puppies will take off to receive unexpected gifts from a generous and eccentric person. Beautiful thoroughbred dog - with friends you will be able to braid a solid state. Dog-Iznachka - a friend will help you find the right decision. Wide a mad dog - someone from your friends will make an extraordinary discovery. If the dog does not allow you somewhere - a friend will warn you against a dangerous step. Drive in Sanya with a dog harness - you have a long journey in the company of friends. If the dog persistent on you - you will have a meeting with a stranger who will become good friend. Skinny or dirty dog \u200b\u200b- friends need your help. If you dreamed of such a dog, imagine that you were waved and fed it well.

In a dream, various events, people, even animals can appear. What dreams of a black dog? How to express such a dream? It is worth understanding.

What dreams of a black dog is a basic interpretation

Dream interpretation interpret the appearance in a dream of a black dog as a new unfavorable sign. It is worth paying special attention Sleep details:

Where did the dog come from;

Whether this was your dog;

Did you bite your dog;

Did someone appeared in a dream?

What emotions cause you a dream.

If you dreamed a huge black dog - you are awaiting major troubles. They can touch any sphere of your life, or all areas right away. It is important to calculate solely on your strength. Dream Interpretation predicts you difficulties that like natural disasters will hit you. Most likely, you yourself provoked such a situation.

You previously could negotiate your official duties, could be skouring hand Perform work, negligently refer to the duties of the house. Now all your flaws will be released. You will be difficult to correct the shortcomings. Most likely, trouble will be delayed for a long time.

If you see a huge black dog that sits on the threshold of your home - it means you are awaiting troubles of all sorts, homemade troubles. Some unfavorable events shook your home. It is worth seeing to the rest of the details of sleep, they will most likely give basic tips, as you better flow in the future.

If you dream that a black puppy sits on the threshold, and you take it to your hands and put into the house - you yourself attract troubles and adverse events. They themselves let the problems at work, with friends in your home. Dream Interpretation advises not to do this. Share a professional and personal sphere.

If in a dream you see how someone gives you a huge black puppy - take a look at who it was. It is from this person that you should expect trouble and betrayal. Do not be discouraged if someone is close to you. You can still fix it.

If the puppy gives you your beloved, you should expect deception, betrayal from him. The man most likely has already planned something evil. You do not change the course of events, but you can change your attitude towards them, and stop communicating with that person who hurts you.

If in a dream, a black dog causes you emotions of fear and horror, then in reality you will be very frightened. You will miss the order in life, you will start searching for a new life path. If it causes you a sense of security. Then it is worth understanding that all changes in your life, even the most negative, are needed to you for a speedy change in your life for the better.

If the black dog is barking on you - you will get into the center of the scandal, not wanting. Do not take any parties, try to defend our own interests exclusively, otherwise your reputation will suffer because of the scandal.

If you dreamed that the dog bit you - your ill-wishers will damage your reputation. You will incur losses from the project, which was very expected. If you just start to emerge the relationship and you have dreamed of such a dream - you will be expected quarrels and disagreements. Most likely, you are waiting for breaking relationships.

If you spend big in a dream black dogIntroduce you to enter the place of revenge. Dream interpretation warns you from being harmful to someone. Even if a person is wrong, you are not entitled to judge him, you are not entitled to punish it. You should more carefully treat his needs and understand the motives of his actions.

If you dreamed that of two puppies in the store you choose exactly a black puppy - such a dream means that you reveal to choose a difficult path, complex task, complex relations. Dream interpretation warns you from this. Do not thicken the paints, try to go the simplest and affordable way.

If you dreamed that your black dog was lost, and you are looking for it - you will look for hidden meaning in the actions of a person. Dream Interpretation advises at the beginning to think about his moral look, and only then condemn the other. If you dreamed that a black dog is watching from darkness - the secrets will open. Something unexpected will occur in your life.

What dreams of a black dog in the dream book Freud

Freud's dream book says what a black dog is dreaming. Such a dream talks about the secret hidden from prying eyes, the sexual desires of man. You may be afraid to reveal to your partner, be afraid to be ridiculous. You can also fear for your reputation and not engage in contact with that person who has long liked.

If a girl dreamed that she plays with a black dog - such a dream means that she will play with the feelings of a man who really loves her. Should not be doing that. You must appreciate those people who send you life. Soon they can leave you, and then you will understand that they really loved them.

If a man dreamed that his beloved plays with a black dog - such a dream means that it will flirt with other men. If he dreamed, as she leaves the dog in the distance - such a dream means that she will be seriously thinking about the break of relationships. It's no longer to associate your destiny with this person. Dream interpretation does not advise you to lose heart. Perhaps it will be a temporary gusting of the girl and she cares.

If you dream that a black dog leads to the house of his puppies - you will still have to dream about the offspring for a long time, the dream book clearly indicates that you still have no time to have children, you should wait.

If a pregnant woman dares a black dog, and she will cause fear from her - such a dream speaks about the presence of detractors who will try to harm her and her child. Dream Interpretation advises anyone to not talk about his plans for the future and try to keep track of his health and health of his baby. If she is comfortable in the company of a black dog, she will seem big and affectionate - a woman will receive patronage. Someone will stand on her defense.

What dreams of a black dog on esoteric dreamy

In esoteric dream book, it is said if you dreamed a black dog that is good wishes a black tail - such a dream says that you will be new. You could not even imagine that this person will become you a comrade.

If you dreamed that you feed the dog with your hands - such a dream means that someone will get into your trust. Look at all who will be your friend in the near future. You may immediately calculate the traitor, the person who is friends with you from the pearly.

If you dreamed that someone led you a huge black dog to the threshold - someone will deliberately create trouble in your life. It is not impossible to fight with them, now it is important to foresee their appearance and do everything so that they do not harm you.

If you dreamed that you are a child and play with a black dog - some unpleasant memories from the past will let yourself know. If you dreamed that someone hits a dog, and you hear her Lai - you will become an involuntary viewer of other people's problems and scandals. Try not to perceive other people's problems at your own expense. Do not interfere in other people's conflicts.

What dreams black dog in other dreams

Nostradamus's dream book says that the dream of a black dog foreshadows you loyalty and a new friendship. You can also conclude an alliance with devotees and good man. If you dreamed that the black dog wins the tail in front of you - you can easily leave the danger and problems.

In the dream book, Vangi said if you dreamed a black dog - the trouble would happen to your friend. You will not be able to help him, because he is immediately not recognized in his problems. Dream interpretation advises you to clarify you from a friend if it needs in your help and support. If you dream that you just go down the street, and towards you a huge black dog - such a dream foreshadows you a meeting with old and kind familiar. It will be a very useful meeting for you.

In the dream room, Hasse says that a black dog dreams as a forerunner of new events, new beginnings. If she bits for your hand - you will incur losses. You can also be overwhelming. Dream interpretation advises not to spend too much. Try to count everything to the slightest penny. Do not panic if you dream of an unfavorable incident. Dreams only warned by a person. But he himself, the owner of his own destiny and himself disposes of it as he considers it necessary.

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    Good day. My name is Olga. Today I had a dream that I was running away from a black dog, I was very frightened, but I knew that I evil would not cause me. And it all dreamed against the background of my apartment, where I now live with my young man. What does it mean? Help, please decipher. My e-mail:

    it seemed to me that I did not sleep. A huge black dog sits with my husband. I asked her: you guard my husband? She answered something with bass and gave me a little black paw, like a cat. I didn't see her, only my eyes are small. It seemed to me that the head was lowered. And at that moment I spoke while I heard children's laugh

    From the beginning There was a Praznik then everyone left the winter tents like I want to find spare Unputs to the bouts. They are gentle blue color there Darks and doors like jewery and turn around and appear dog like the average growth of the Iprie, it looks like a greek wool shiny and comawned looks at me with eyes with gray brilliant eyes but eyes look like stones gray And I know how much it is impossible for me to approach it. It is necessary to stand so much

    good day, I do not remember everything .... I remember that the dog had even a few dogs. One of the black color and the Ost.Lound gray color was passed by them t, E.Ma, and then I was in the apartment of the present in today Beds, but without sex, I lay in Troy, he and his former on which he is not condemble, attention

    In a dream, my friend, I thought it seemed to send me a black dog. The dog was big, went to me and gave me a paw. The paw was some strange shape big and with floating finger, I shook my paw and stroked the dog, and she began to lick my hand.

    i dream dreams, as if the woman goes with a big black dog. The fool to me so go, runs away from the hostess .... I ask her to give it, but I don't want to give her away ... The hostess comes to her I cry hugging her, the dog seems Tears and I am roaring. In the end, it just covers the cloth and I wake up.

    Many black animals, in particular 2 black dogs, black horses crowded on the bed where I lie. Then a woman had a ghost, very high with long lilac white hair that took me by the hand and lay down next to me.

    dreamed of the late husband in a dark suit and a dreaming a big black dog sits he sat down to her and tells me I want to wear a silver chain on her, and I look and think she is a little chain and a dog sits smarter so big

    i came to visit unfamiliar girl I liked a black little smooth-haired dog and a black small smooth-haired dog and a dog and she gave me one more front paw. I was so passionate that I didn't even remember the face of the girl and the surrounding environment. Then I woke up with a good mood.

    Hello! Some weird dream ... to dream that I lead for a short leash a big black dog and I'm afraid that she didn't break out and the other hand holding a horse, too, and we walked so much .. In my apartment, I am in my apartment, but everything is not so worth it and vice versa. As in the castorical and some man next to me to confuse deceit when I understand it, I'm trying to escape from there ... .. and save

    Hello Tatiana, So about a dream, I walked past some houses, I will not say for sure that something like a neighborhood, and suddenly saw a huge black dog, she was growing up a little higher than me, and I immediately disappeared at home, realizing that the dog saw me , I decided to go across the road, in the hope that the dog will not follow me, going the road, I looked around, the dog stood behind, she did not publish a single sound, she grabbed me for her throat, and said "if you move a throat "What strangely I was completely not frightened, and I was extremely calm, and slowly raising my hand, I drove it between my neck and the mouth of the dog, thereby drove it for a few meters, I was surprised by the fact that the dog was not even time to bite me , but just grabbed me, after I dropped it back again at me, and I hit her fist, apparently very much, because she bounced pretty far away, then there was some kind of middle-aged woman, vaguely remember her appearance, but She seemed very familiar to me, then I do not remember, but It seems I would strangle that dog, in any case, and she won it.

    huge black dog breeding (I don't know for sure)
    Go to me. I am afraid of her a little, but I overcome the fear and ironing it in the face and sentenced some comforting words. In response, she licks me on the cheek as if kisses me, I smile her even slightly fell across the face and sent from myself. But with all this, the feeling of anxiety did not leave me that suddenly she could bite me.

    A man stood, something opened, and first one black fighter dog ran down at first, but he didn't rush her, but he just closed his teeth, then ran the second one, and clung to the leg. I don't remember exactly, then he moved them, then Lee sought themselves. In the end I looked at my hand and were just dents from the teeth. What would this dream?

    sleep, like two in one, runs a black big dog (like Labrador) wags the tail, runs to meet the owner, i.e. Musha. But this dog just appeared .. and the husband on her car runs. But it seems to be Everything is fine, because the car, as if almost over it was flying, I shouted to stop her at that moment. I don't remember it. But on the same night, I don't remember only with the intervals or not (I spent the night with friends, sleep was restless), I dream again , but only the dog gets more, as far as I do not know, sleep breaks down

    Hello. I had a dream of a wednesday to Thursday. Dreams always play colored and bright. In this dream, I don't remember the beginning, I remember the middle of a dream: "The sun shoved, I'm not familiar with the place, I walk through the streets, I see very beautiful, chic, two-story and higher, new, dear houses, I saw shops, went shopping, I didn't buy anything, then my daughter turned out to be near, together with her walked, it was all brightly beautiful and warm, I met a friend with my daughter, she asked her to see, I went along with two girls went walking down the street where were big houses, daughter all the time I was pulling me somewhere, she wanted to go to someone else's house which she liked, eventually we went to the house where everything was clean, removed, dear interior, having heard the voices that someone goes, I quickly take children by hands and I say "Lean the run, we went to someone else's house," opening the door runs a beautiful big black dog, children laugh and rejoice, I first have anxiety that the dog can bite, but she began to lick his hands, jump, play with us , and here, following the dog, the owner (man) of this dog is included, I did not see the exact one, I apologize to him that without permission entered his house, and I say, "We are now we leave, etc.", but the dog is not He lets, licks his hands, jumps ahead of us. At first, this dream caused fear that someone else's dog could bite, and then surprise that the dog had no intention to bite us, and even on the contrary, it was played and licking hands.

    A large black dog (Rottwell) did not miss me, bites his hand, but there was no blood. Then another episode: Rottwler comes in the apartment, it comes into the corner of the room and begins to bump up to the ceiling, alleged neighbor says that this dog of the deceased owner, who wants to get into his apartment. In the episodes of sleep was a girl (unfamiliar), which was looking for a meeting with me (by phone).

    I still want a dog breed Dog Jack Russell Terrier, but the cost of dogs does not allow us to buy this breed and I dreamed of a dream that my mother went to the bird market and bought there another dog, black and good, I asked why Lna bought this particular The dog, mom in response said that Jack Russell is more expensive and we cannot afford it ...
    Well, as a result, I dreamed of a black good dog that I bought my mother ...

    Good afternoon, I have a big black dog today at night. I learned this dog, that is, the neighbors had such a dog. And the dog wanted to bite me, but I managed to escape. And the dog is hitting me with me. What about this black dog?

    in a dream, a very good man-woman, a former employee. We were together, they went somewhere within the city. I bought a big black good dog. She was sick, but in the store a man, apparently, an employee of the store of her cure, was able to put something big in the mouth, white. Dog swallowed. It meant that she recovered. We went home. I kept the dog for a leash with a feeling of joy and warmth.

    Hello, I am 37 years old, there are two children, today I had such a dream today: the little children took place by 3-5 years old and in the stroller with them there was a breast child, somehow I realized that they were a draw and took them to themselves and I know that I was all They said that I did not pull one 5 children and I was sure there was something to pull everything and cope. And then how the second part is incomprehensible: at the table there is a big black dog on human leg on the foot and just looked at me, thanks in advance

    together with me today I dreamed a dream as I walk to the Bolkonou, I see how the black dog hangs on the paws. I look like a lablador, I open the window and trying to take it behind my paws, but she breaks down and falls down on 4 paws. I look at her and she again trying jumped

    I'm looking for a house. On the chain of the dog black. She does not bark. Not aggressive. But I'm afraid of her. Near the dock runs. She is aggressive. There is still a white dog. She is on me zero. At the end, I find the desired house

    Today I dreamed of my black big dog. She ran near me and was aggressive but not to me. As if I was protected from all. But I managed to keep it from attacks on people.

    in a dream, there is to pass the gardens at night. I know about the presence of dogs in this place I go long bushes Darkness fences. Night but noisy as day. I have a plan how to pass but swears past (I wake up) I come across the nose to the nose. The dog huge silent stopped and looks away. I wake up) Sleep similar many years. And the feeling of fear to them (I was stuck. It was two. I see them from far away (they bright the backs I hear Lai .. They run. Sometimes it was in the building and I am with my children. And the last time the dog is simply quiet standing fine

    a large black dog rushed to me but not bitten
    I went to an elevator with my son.
    The elevator rapidly flew up, pierced the roof and fell down ... But my son and I stayed alive .. a man who is responsible for the elevators ... I have dropped to fill the face ... But there was a dog

    I dreamed of three black dogs two big one puppy and all black. And as if I took them in barrels. As if I came to my an old house burnt but he was normal. And went to the garden. I saw the barrels decided to approach and saw dogs but for some reason I had the dead at the beginning that she was dead and I decided to check but it was alive but one had a broom. The berical part and I decided to help her they at the beginning of the rugged but then they began to harm me but for some reason I knew that there are many more dogs there are dead

    I dreamed that I was in some kind of house, it seems like mine ... I got out of it and there was a box with little puppies ... They were handed out ... I leaned ... They were so cute ... But for some reason blue))) One of them jumped off the box and how the bud then said ... you are my mistress ... I change the picture ... I go out with a huge black dog on the street ... She's on a leash ... I gone somewhere ... But then I let go of a leash and the black dog rushed right into the minibus ... ran ... I'm certainly behind her ... Something that I said that we can't go for a walk that we were my mother to help ... Some woman was sitting near the dog and he says - Mom will wait, she looks at the clock on her hands ... But your fate Waiting for you ... You need to go ... I sit near my dog \u200b\u200b... By the way, this is a boy and very kind ... I hug him, we can crack him, kiss and tell that he is the best ... he is responsible for love ... I feel it ... We leave the minibus ... by turning I am waiting for my old familiar ... The thought was swept in my head "it's not my fate - but the question is not closed with him. You need to do it "... We wander like and communicate ... Here I look, my dog \u200b\u200bis lame ... I'm behind the paw front - and there the glass ... pulled out and dragged the closest in the verticknik ... The familiar did not help ... just woke up ... I woke up here ...

    at first I just saw the lying black dog after him in another room in my hands clung to some little kittens and very hard, but I still threw them from my hands and at the end I saw Pheasant and then his chicks aaaa also pheasant The beginning of me was very closely watched, but I was taken to another room and covered the door and then I decided to look at him there was already his chicks. Something like this

    Sleep begins with the fact that I'm with some guy I go into an abandoned building, he helps me to climb on some kind of hill, but then I go alone, after I go to the first thing I got a room and see a big black dog, but the most interesting thing she spoke In Russian, she said only one phrase "You will not run down" after this phrase I ran, that's just I remember whether I ran away ....

    It was looking like looking into the window and see a big black dog, it comes high at the level of the 3rd floor and then it seems to fly in the wind and smooth down, once again jumped, and after a sharply fell on the asphalt on the back of the back, I heard the sound of the impact, Then she tried to get up but could not be able to whine then it went blood somewhere in the abdomen, no one helped just moved to the side of the road

    I dreamed that I would go with my daughter into a dark entrance of an unfamiliar house (but in a dream I knew that I had previously lived there). The entrance was dark, but some very weak lighting (rather natural than artificial) was still, that is, it was possible to distinguish something in this darkness. Concierge turned to me (I don't know her either), saying that while I was on vacation and was absent then temporarily in this house (three months passed), her dog gave birth to a puppy. I immediately saw the dog lying in the corner. She lay, lifting her head (just settled, like all pets who want to lie down, but not for sleep, but just to be comfortable to observe everything). She was a non-aggressive, calm, did not touch us with her daughter, did not fit us, but simply looked at our side completely neutral. The size of the dog is the middle, the complex is a small, facing, migratory, ears with a bitter (in general on german shepherd It is similar, but not such a thick wool, and in general, in size and on the physique in bed). For some reason, the muzzle for some reason, despite age (3 months). The floor and clicch of the animal are unknown. The dream was cut off, but I need help in his interpretation. I know that the dog is often associated with the other, but I also know that its behavior should be taken into account appearance. I hope very much for your help!

    At first I quarreled with a friend. Then the rest turned away from me. Then when I left some kind of black evil dog pounced on me. I ran away and closed with a shed. This dog was talking (I don't know what). Near the door was the window from there she considered me. I found some kind of tree and hit him in my face several times. Spomnil. The dog said "Let's see how much you will wait here." Then I woke up