Life path of a person: everyone's choice or fate? Everyone goes their own way of life. Everyone chooses their own way of life.

Destiny recipes. Master of Life-2 Textbook Sinelnikov Valery

Lesson 90 The fact that everyone chooses a life path in accordance with their priorities

The fact that everyone chooses the path of life in accordance with their priorities

The desire to live is determined by the desire to act. If a person does not want to act, then he does not want to live. But the desire to act cannot appear without a purpose. When there is a goal, there is a desire to act, which means to live. If there is no goal, there is no desire to live, and then all the vital programs of the body are curtailed. The man himself, by his mood and his goals, establishes certain interactions with the Energy of Life, or, as our ancestors said, with the Living Goddess.

In order for our body to be filled with Living, an idea is needed for what to live in this world.

That is, each person must understand the purpose and meaning of his existence. This will fill him with joy and a sense of happiness. Actually feeling of joy is the movement of vital energy in the body. We, as the masters of our lives, invite I Live into our body for creativity. If we have no desire to live in this world, then Zhiva leaves.

A person's behavior is governed by his desires and intentions. These are the goals that he sets for himself. Without a goal, man could not exist at all. There is no goal - no energy of Life. But not every goal leads him to happiness. Why is this happening?

We already know that one of the main causes of human illness is the absence or misunderstanding of the purpose and meaning of life. It is very important to understand this, as many people have misconceptions about goals.

There are two main types of goals in life.

First option - life for oneself and striving for material wealth. This ultimately leads to a runaway consumption race. Living for pleasure.

The second option is dedicating your life to self-improvement and self-development for the good of the world around you. A life that brings joy to others.

This hierarchy of goals and values \u200b\u200bis based on different levels of understanding of happiness. For one person, happiness is the satisfaction of sexual needs and the presence of comfort and material wealth. For another, it is power, fame and prestige in society. It is important for him to assert himself and gain superiority over people.

Some people work on their character, are engaged in self-development, strive to help others in their problems. They value moral principles that bring peace and prosperity.

For a few, the understanding of happiness is in comprehending the meaning of Life, Truth and in giving this knowledge to people for their common good.

And for all these purposes a certain amount of energy is given.

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Practice according to our ability Most of the time, what we practice and how much we practice is determined by our ability, the situation at work and family circumstances, as well as how much time we have for this - all of this is perfect.

Human life is a continuous movement. The line along which a person moves is the path of life. It consists of events that take place in a lifetime. In other words, it can be called fate. Each person has his own destiny, which he builds himself. Some people believe that nothing depends on them, and go with the flow of life, maybe this is so, because there is no confirmation or refutation of this. In any case, a person makes a certain contribution to his own destiny. Well, for people who want to choose their own path in life, a few tips will help.

If you want to choose the path of life and not make a mistake, you have to give yourself the right to make a mistake, because without trying, it is impossible to understand whether this is right for you. In addition, life goals can change with age and it is not surprising if this question interested you at the age of 30, 40 or 60 - the life path can change several times in life, because only those who do not develop do not change.

Do not forget about the ancient teachings, no matter how strange they seem. If you pay attention to some exotic stories, you will notice that the person himself has nothing to do with the choice of his destiny. It is formed long before his birth.

Stress negatively affects the choice of life path, since a person who is in an insecure state will not be able to concentrate and make the right choice. An angry person is very unbalanced, so his opinion is uncertain and inaccurate. Depression not only worsens the nervous system, but also negatively affects one's life position.

The choice of life path directly depends on the mood, so you need to smile more often and look positively at all the situations that occur. Even the slightest joy must be able to “squeeze out” all the pleasure. If something did not go according to plan, it is worth remembering the proverb: everything that is not done for the better.

Almost every person is familiar with the phrase: if you often repeat a thought, then it is realized. Maybe so. This option should not be ruled out. If a person wants something, thinks about it, moves towards its realization, then it must be fulfilled. People do everything to fulfill their desires, and only confident and purposeful people manage to fulfill them.

But one should not exclude the option that a person chooses his own path in life. After all, he commits actions that in the future decide his fate. Also, a significant contribution to the fate of a person is made by others. They can both positively and negatively influence his development, help him choose a life position, or vice versa.

Choosing his path in life, a person sets a goal for himself, to which he approaches throughout his life. The main thing is to set this goal correctly and not to retreat in any case. The important thing is never to stop. This is the only way to achieve success.

How to choose a path in life and not make mistakes

The search for the meaning of life has worried people for many centuries. But, neither the great sages, nor philosophers, nor ordinary people, could not give an answer to this question. In life, we constantly have to make a choice: profession, university, place of work, spouse. How to find your path in life so that after many years you do not have the feeling that life has been lived in vain.

First of all, decide what exactly you want from life. It can be a strong, friendly family, a fast-paced and successful career, monotonous everyday life, devoid of violent emotions, or, conversely, a life full of passions and dangerous adventures.

Sometimes we just follow the wishes of others (for example, parents) who determine the fate for us. It is not right. Everyone has the right to make independent choices and mistakes. Intervention, even if not a stranger, can cause significant harm to the psyche and self-esteem. The habit of shifting responsibility for your life to others cannot lead to anything good.

In order to choose the path of life and not make mistakes, decide for yourself what exactly gives you pleasure. Perhaps this is what will push you on the right path in life. Perhaps you enjoy drawing, or playing music, or communicating with children, maybe you enjoy treating people or just doing good deeds. This will be a hint on how to find your path in life.

Try to devote as much time as possible to what you love. Do not put duty ahead of your own interests, so you can forever give up your happiness.

Take risks, do stupid things, do not be afraid to change your life. Open up your life to the new.

Which movie or literary hero impresses you the most, with whom you associate yourself. In order to choose the path of life and not be mistaken, select several options, this will help to establish what you really want from life.

Don't give up on problems. Overcoming obstacles will only temper you on the difficult path to your intended goal.

And remember it's never too late to change your life path. Even if at sixty years old you realized that your life does not suit you at all, and you were doing something completely different, you should not despair. It is never too late to change ourselves, and by changing, we ourselves change the world around us.

And finally, do not forget about your loved ones, because their fate is inextricably linked with yours, therefore, they are not at all indifferent to what life path you have chosen for yourself. And if somewhere, in something you made a mistake and regret it, do not be afraid to admit your mistake and move forward.

How to find your creative path

Sometimes it seems to us that all talented people have absorbed talent with mother's milk and spend absolutely no effort to achieve creative heights. This is not entirely true, every talented person is talented in their own way, and it takes years of hard work to develop natural abilities. How to find your creative path? Undoubtedly, every person has talent, but how to find it?

We can live and be unaware of the existence of talent in ourselves, therefore we do not realize the creativity and energy inherent in us by nature. It is very good if parents from childhood direct a child on a creative path, engage in his aesthetic education, send him to an art or music school. It is easier for teachers to figure out what the baby is most inclined to.

If the development of creative abilities in childhood was not given enough attention, talent can sleep for a long time. How to understand that you have not realized your creativity.

The first sign of a need for creativity is boredom. Daily activities do not give you pleasure, but you are also reluctant to do anything else. In this case, you need to realize your inner resources, and determine what kind of creativity you have a penchant for.

There are several methods for finding your own creative path.

You need to remember what you were fond of in childhood, what business brought you joy and pleasure. Get rid of the thoughts about the profitability of this business from your head, just enjoy the process. A new hobby will become a wonderful vacation and fill your life with energy and happiness.

If the first method does not help, try reaching out to your subconscious mind. Psychologists say that in our subconscious mind you can find the answer to almost any question, you just need to ask it correctly and hear the answer. Get into a comfortable position, relax, and look inward. Ask a question in your mind. Don't expect an answer right away. It can arise as an idea or thought after a few days.

If the previous two options did not bring results, you should use this technique. To choose your creative path and not be mistaken, just observe the people around you and note for yourself what you admire or just like. Write down all the things that captivated you, and after a while, review the notes made and choose what exactly you would like to devote your time to.

Do not retreat before difficulties, only hard work can achieve mastery.

We bring to your attention aphorisms and quotes from great philosophers and thinkers about the path of life, purpose, meaning of life, success, self-realization:

1. If you know your path, then good luck and bad luck will move you forward. (Laws of the Universe)

2. All paths are the same - they lead nowhere. Ask yourself, does this path have a heart? If there is, the path is good; if not, it is useless. All paths lead to nowhere, but one path has a heart and the other does not. One path brings joy, and as long as you walk along it, you are inseparable from it; and the other way makes you curse your whole life. One path empowers you, the other deprives you of it. (Carlos Castaneda)

3. There is no single path for all living things. There are many paths in the world and each has its own. The path that brought you happiness can be disastrous for another. Do not drag on, but if someone has a desire to go one path, be a good fellow traveler. (Amu Mom)

4. To reach the goal, a person needs only one thing. Go. (Honore de Balzac)

5. Difficulties increase as you approach the goal. But let everyone make his way like the stars calmly, without haste, but continuously striving for the intended goal. (Johann Goethe)

6. A person can make great the path that he follows, but the path cannot make a person great. (Confucius)

7. Each of us has only one true calling - to find the way to ourselves. (Hermann Hesse)

8. A waddler on a straight road will outrun a runner who has gone astray. (Francis Bacon)

9. The one who starts walking confidently will end with doubts, and the one who starts his journey with doubts will finish it with confidence. (Jonathan Swift)

10. When you reach the goal, you understand that the path was the goal. (Paul Valerie)

11. Always choose the most difficult path - you will not meet competitors on it. (Charles de Gaulle)

12. The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. (Lao Tzu)

13. Any path is only one of a million possible paths. Therefore, the warrior must always remember that the path is only the path; if he feels that this is not to his liking, he must leave him at all costs. Any path must be looked directly and without hesitation. (Carlos Castaneda)

14. Either I will find my way, or I will pave it myself. (Philip Sidney)

15. On the path of attaining wisdom, one should not be afraid that you will turn in the wrong direction. (Paulo Coelho)

16. A person with a clear purpose will advance even on the most difficult road. A person without any goal will not advance along the smoothest road. (Thomas Carlyle)

17. The main thing in this world is not where we stand, but in which direction we are moving. (Oliver Holmes)

18. The one who carries the lantern stumbles more often than the one who follows. (Jean Paul)

19. He who walks slowly and unhurriedly has no long road; who patiently prepares for the journey, he certainly comes to the goal. (Jean La Bruyere)

"Any path is only one of a million possible paths"
Carlos Castaneda

There are a great many ways ... which one to choose? Speaking about the purpose and its search, one cannot ignore the entire human life path... This is a more capacious and long-term concept extending throughout the entire human life. Someone lives by inertia "let everything go the way it goes", rejoices in success and gets upset when they go around him, saying that this is such a fate ... And someone is looking for the right path for themselves - their own path. So which one to prefer? Choosing a life path or let your life take its course?

Faced with another setback in his life, probably every person wondered, is it possible to change something at all? As a rule, we attribute all problems and consequences of mistakes to fate. And we write down every good luck. But maybe, worth analyzing and failures? See your mistakes, wrong deeds in them? Observe the children: one, having tripped over a stone, will look at it, draw conclusions and will go around the next time, and the other will constantly fall in the same place. Such an ingenious example can be stencilled on any human action. And this is not the ability to think logically - it is, first of all, a desire to understand "why did I fall." It is unlikely that an adult would seriously think that fate put this stone under his feet. And, perhaps, choice of life path and consists in first learning to analyze what consequences are coming for what actions.

After all, few people think that human life paththe way he walks is not only the presence or absence of work, income, success. This is both a worldview and the ability to build harmonious relationships both in the family and with business partners, the ability to rejoice and be constructively sad, the ability to LIVE. Agree, our perception of everything that happens depends on our attitude to the world around us. You can create, but you can destroy everything ... Obviously, these are two opposite poles, but the road between them is very short, since it depends only on our thoughts and feelings. And we can control these matters, well, or at least we can learn.

Do choice of life path yourself, compare:

  • Destruction - this is irritation, fear, melancholy, dissatisfaction with oneself, disappointment, jealousy and even a sense of guilt, which entails punishment (of oneself). All this not only makes a person destroy relationships, his life, but also himself, since thoughts and feelings tend to materialize.
  • Creation - it is responsibility for their actions, feelings and thoughts. This is the understanding that our own subconscious mind controls human life path... This is the road of development.

Someone might say that the answer is obvious, but how to find yourselfyour way, and not the principles of life, even after doing the right choice of life path? After all, the feeling of unfulfillment is also a destructive force.

“Each of us has only one true calling -
find a way to yourself "
Hermann Hesse

Find yourself like no matter how it sounds to skeptics, people have been striving at all times. But in the entire history of mankind, no one has found an answer to the question, how to find yourself, your own life path. A person thinks about this all the time, although it is difficult to solve the issue by mere reflections.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step."
Lao Tzu

As with achieving a goal, you need to be able not only to think / analyze / draw conclusions, but also to act. You have already taken the first step - you have decided what you need find yourself. how you will do it - that's another question.

"Either I will find my way, or I will make it myself"
F. Sydney

Finding yourself means feeling fulfilled, in demand and, as a result, happy. The components of happiness for many are health, family and, of course, success in work - in a business that gives pleasure. It is precisely the last component that is the most difficult for most: how to find yourself - your place in life, your vocation, your business. Returning to the question of how to find your vocation, it should be understood that no one can answer it unequivocally, but a number of specialists offer trainings and a variety of exercises that help to find clues, responses in oneself to what may really become your business. life.

How to take the next step in finding your calling, your life path, you will find in the next article, in which we will talk about.