Dream Interpretation dead cat got him out of the river. Why does a dead cat dream: a woman, a girl, a pregnant woman, a man - interpretation from different dream books

Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that people who are able to see a cat in a dream have good intuition, so it is important to pay attention to its clues. The interpretation of the meaning of dreams in which a dead black cat is present may be different. Often the image of a deceased animal in a dream means not only negative events in the future, but also positive ones. However, after such a dream, it is worth thinking about future plans, especially before making important decisions, as there is a danger of betrayal from the outside. Dreams are closely related to the work of the human subconscious. To find out why the cat who died is dreaming, you need to delve into the details of the dream in more detail. These animals by nature are freedom-loving and individual creatures. Living in a family, they become its members. In the event of the loss of a pet, death is experienced quite difficult, so the dead can appear in a dream.

Animal as a harbinger of an event in the future

The image of a cat in a dream is a difficult symbol. It all depends on the details of the dream. The appearance of a deceased pet in dreams alive means:

  • personification of power;
  • showing independence;
  • the emergence of intrigue;
  • hidden lies;
  • financial difficulties;
  • cunning;
  • manifestation of the disease;
  • the disappearance of something from a person's life;
  • getting rid of bad habits.

There are other explanations for what was seen during sleep, it all depends on the details and individuality of the person.

A dead cat is not always a bad sign - it all depends on the plot in which he dreamed. A cat is often credited with many mystical qualities, for this reason the image can scare a sleeping person. A dead animal without a head means a positive sign, in this case - damage to the enemy. If you stroke a dead cat in a dream, this means that in the near future we should expect an increase in profits. For example, a trade that gives money without risk will be accepted.

I dreamed of a strangled cat

In a dream, a dead animal appeared, which had previously been strangled and is trying to climb up on its hands - this vision means that an old and forgotten ailment will soon resume. If everything happens differently, the cat sits on his hands and tries to jump to the floor - the disease will go away for a while.

The appearance of the image of a strangled animal healthy warns of the consequences of rash decisions and actions. It is important to pay attention to future actions so as not to make mistakes. When problems and controversial issues arise, it is important not to do something that you will later regret.

Dreamed of a black cat

A dead black cat in a dream is an auspicious symbol. The interpreter explains: the image of an animal means that the time has come for a white streak and no negative circumstances will prevent you from achieving your goals. When the dead beast looked sick, it means that the white streak is over, difficulties begin.

If you dreamed of a dead kitten, then impending problems will disappear on their own. Do not worry, as a dream with this image is positive.

Apart from the fact that the otherworldly afterlife is associated with negative and unpleasant events - dead animals that appear in a dream do not always mean something bad. They act as guides or helpers on the path of life, appearing in a dream.

Killing a pet by accident

The unintentional killing of a cat or a cat portends a break in relations with a partner. If a woman saw a dream, then this is the initiation of the end of relationships. When a dying cat dreamed of a male representative, then on his way he would meet a frivolous and rather insidious woman.

If in a dream a cat appeared that pretended to be dead, hiding at a mouse hole, in the near future one can expect deception from loved ones at home.

head and blood

If a dead cat is dreaming, but only the head of the animal is visible, then this portends problems in the financial sector. For example, after a dream, a theft or a bad deal, deception may occur.

In the case of the appearance of a cat's head with blood that calls for itself - a dream means that a risky initiative will be taken, it does not always end in failure, but it is recommended not to make any decisions in the near future.

The image of a cat in the blood with clearly defined eyes

If the dream was with a negative connotation and experiences, this is a sign of betrayal and hypocrisy. It is important to pay attention to all acquaintances and friends who are in a narrower circle, it is worth identifying the traitor in advance before he has time to cause any harm.

The image of a dead cat in the blood is a symbol of poverty after the actions of scammers or thieves, and a loved one will be involved in this. The essence of sleep does not change, regardless of who he dreamed of, a man or a woman.

Dreaming the same dream

It should be understood that each person is an individual personality, and the image of an animal means a certain event that is unique to him. The interpretation of the same dream with the constant participation of a dead cat that is resurrected means that troubles and dangerous moments should be expected not only in the dreamer's life. This is due to those who are nearby, for example, relatives or loved ones.

What is the dream of a dead cat on the days of the week

From Monday to Tuesday. Sleep means: health problems, changes on the personal front, a change in emotional state.

From Tuesday to Wednesday. To see a dead cat - to the emergence of serious problems, conflicts.

From Wednesday to Thursday. A clear dream promises drastic changes in life. Often on this night, dreams are not remembered.

From Thursday to Friday. Sleep gives a hint on how to deal with difficulties at work.

From Friday to Saturday. Prophetic vision carrying a message. Listen to the voice of intuition.

From Saturday to Sunday. The image of a dead cat will indicate a possible solution to problems or the cause of their appearance.

From Sunday to Monday. The dream was good - expect pleasant changes. Bad - get ready for negative events.

After what you see, you do not need to panic, it is important to pay attention to your life, trying to change it for the better. Images should act as helpers, guides or messengers, but in no case as a stopper in decision-making.

Dream interpretation dead cat

Almost every person at least once in his life had a pet: someone loves dogs, someone cats, others are fond of rodents, fish or birds. Animals live less than people, and a person is a priori waiting for a tragic parting with his best little friend. What can a deceased pet dream about, in particular a cat?

It is believed that cats in a dream personify ill-wishers, but this is in general. And why is the dead cat dreaming, which during life was the dreamer's favorite?

Dreamed of a dead pet

I dreamed of a long-dead pet

It is worth recognizing right away that when a dead cat dreams alive, this dream is considered by interpreters as negative. His appearance is compared with the beginning of a difficult financial situation in the dreamer's family. Your expensive equipment may break down, your neighbors will flood, your car will be stolen. That is, something will happen that will significantly reduce family savings.

In a dream, a really dead pet appears

A strange dream in which the deceased cat came to you alive, became larger in size, suggests that a heap of troubles is steadily growing. If you continue not to pay attention to them, then greatly aggravate the situation.

Dream Interpretations do not exclude the fact that a sleeping person has a highly developed intuition. It is believed that these people may dream of a dead cat.

Did you dream of a dead cat that comes to life in the process of sleep? Old grievances, understatements can remind of themselves.

If in a dream you think that the cat did not die in reality, then soon you will have a new strong enemy. Perhaps it will be a person from a close circle.

The animal comes to life in the process of sleep

Rarely, but it happens that a deceased pet appears in a dream at the moment when you are unsuccessfully fighting your weaknesses. Maybe you want to get rid of negativity, a bad habit, or, conversely, join the best, but in vain.

Predictions of specific interpreters

It is much more convenient for many dreamers to look for information not on the basis of a specific dream, but in a specific dream book. If a person is interested in dreams, then he already has certain tastes.

Dream Interpretation of Gustav Miller

Miller's dream book is the most popular interpreter. According to the dream book, a dead cat that came to you alive and healthy can symbolize absolutely nothing. These are just echoes of past days that are processed by the subconscious. It is possible that you really miss your furry friend, which is why you see him in a dream.

True, Miller gave an interesting interpretation of sleep with a dead cat for business people. When the dreamer has his own business, and he sees in a dream how the cat died, or meets a dead cat, then he should try to negotiate with his competitors. Miller believed that you will not achieve anything in the competitive struggle, it is worth joining forces. Then you will be able to fly even higher than you hoped.

The meaning of sleep for a girl

For a girl in love, a dream about a dead cat is a good sign. Your chosen one is faithful to you, his love is pure.

Ancient dream book

When you see a dead cat in a dream, get ready for trouble. The interpreter believes that you may soon find out about your relative's serious illness.

Interpreter of the sorceress Medea

The sorceress believed that the deceased cat could dream of the betrayal of a loved one. You will not expect this meanness at all, so it will unsettle you even more. Things will get better again, but you will suffer mentally for a long time.

Big dream book

A pet that is deceased in reality comes to you alive - you think that your work is not appreciated. If at the same time the animal meows strongly, then you will be entrusted with hard and responsible work, and there will be no way to refuse it.

The cat dreams of being dead

Relive the death of an animal in a dream

I dreamed of a cat that died in reality, and you again see his death in a dream? Some interpreters consider such a dream as the end of an unfavorable period in your life. Also, a dream can mark the end of a period of communication with a certain person, he will soon leave your life.

According to the dream book, the death of a cat, dreamed of by a sick person, can promise a speedy recovery. The peak of the disease has passed, now you are on the mend.

Did you yourself kill a kitten in a dream? This does not mean that you are a cruel person. It is rather a sign that you will be able to find the strength in yourself to cope with a certain circumstance that prevented you from living. The interpreters even say that you should take a closer look at the way you killed the animal, it can serve as an instruction for further actions.

Dream - nostalgia?

A dying cat in reality continues to come to you in dreams for a long time? Perhaps this is a reflection of the fact that in reality you have to constantly face unfair situations.

Your deceased pet is a sign that you should continue on your chosen path. Let obstacles and difficulties appear on your way. Do not turn off the intended path, go to the goal, and you will succeed.

Sleep warns of hypocrisy

What is the dream of a cat that died? If you do not turn off the intended path, then your efforts will be fully rewarded.

Don't believe your eyes

According to the dream book, the death of a cat in a dream, if such a sad event actually happened, may simply be the result of your longing for a furry friend. True, if the dream is repeated with enviable frequency, then you should be on your guard.

This night vision can warn a sleeping person: you should not completely trust people. Even the most harmless person can pretty spoil your life. Remember that sometimes, under the guise of a friend, a vile enemy can be hiding, who is just waiting for an excuse to ruin your life.

Interpreters argue that now these people pose a real threat to the health and material well-being of a sleeping person.

There is a dream in which your deceased cat did not die at all, but simply got lost. In a dream, are you looking for him? Then in reality you also want to correct old mistakes, to reconcile with a certain person. True, if you find a cat, then all your efforts in reality will be in vain.

If a black cat is dreaming

cat color

Interpreters consider some dreams as shifters. For prediction, it is important what color the dead animal was:

  • Do you dream about the death of a black cat? This means that a white streak will soon come in life. Your failures will remain far in the past.
  • A black cat will die at your hands - this vision may mean that envious people will take decisive but unsuccessful steps to harm you.
  • When a white cat dies in a dream, then you will have a real opportunity to get rid of the manipulator. It remains only to find out who this person is: an employee, a friend, a relative. Think about who is trying to impose his will on you, forcing you to act in your own interests, and feel free to stop communicating with him. If you do not listen to the signs of higher powers, then you risk attracting a lot of trouble.


Why dream of the death of a cat? A dream can be either just a longing for a sleeping person for a beloved animal, or it can promise some changes. If you believe the dream books, they can be both positive and negative.

Nevertheless, dream books are inclined to believe that financial losses are just waiting for you, and this is not the worst thing in life. In addition, now you are warned, and therefore armed. You have time to prepare for trouble, to protect yourself.

The idiomatic interpreter says that a dead cat can symbolize a meeting and communication with an unpleasant person.

In a dream, they began to bury a dead cat? This means that you are trying to solve your troubles quickly and without much difficulty.

The cat from sleep is an ambiguous symbol. On the one hand, it may turn out to be a bad harbinger that promises a person a meeting with scammers, and on the other hand, it promises him a joyful event. It is best to figure out what the cat is dreaming of with the help of the advice of interpreters.

According to Miller's dream book, a cat that died due to the fault of a sleeping person is a good sign. He suggests that a person will be able to avoid major problems on the path of life. If the pet is alive, then you will have to face troubles face to face.

In the Small Veles dream book it is noted that a cat is always an omen of danger. A man or woman should be more careful walking alone, especially on unlit deserted streets. There is a high possibility of theft or even serious physical damage.

According to the Vedic dream book, a cat from a dream symbolizes a traitor hiding under a friendly mask. He wormed his way into the immediate environment and can greatly harm the dreamer.

According to Medea's dream book, if a woman in a dream associates herself with a cat, then she subconsciously wants to become more affectionate and sensual. And besides, he wants to have sex.

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, a large number of cats that surrounded the dreamer signal to him that many acquaintances only create the appearance of participation and care. In fact, they do not care about the state of a sleeping person. These people think only about themselves and their own benefit.

The meaning of sleeping with a dead, sick or injured animal

Had to hold a dead cat in your arms? A waking person will be able to recognize an ill-wisher or gossip. Soon this very enemy will receive a well-deserved punishment.

An emaciated dirty cat often turns out to be a hint that the sleeper has long been actively eradicating negative character traits in himself. There is very little work left to be able to call their own behavior ideal.

A sick homeless cat is a symbol of unfulfilled dreams. If such a character appears in a dream of a business person, then in reality one should expect a deterioration in business. Consequently, the sleeper will also have financial problems.

A wounded bloody animal is not a good sign. A close person of the dreamer will suffer due to the actions of a secret enemy. The sleeper himself will have to help him overcome a difficult life period. If there were no blood stains on a wounded animal, then the decisive actions of a person weakened his competitors.

To dream of a red, black, gray, white cat

The interpretation of sleep is also influenced by the color of a representative of the cat family seen in night dreams:

  • The red cat suggests that the sleeping person will be disappointed in his soulmate after an unpleasant act committed by a person.
  • Dreamed of a golden pet? In reality, you can expect sudden joyful changes.
  • Dreaming of a red cat? The intimate life of a man or woman will be enriched with new interesting experiences.
  • A black cat is a harbinger of the onset of a protracted black streak in the life of a sleeper.
  • Is a white cat sitting in your arms in a dream? The dreamer trusts others too much. His openness will sooner or later lead him to trouble.
  • A gray cat from a dream means that there are serious misunderstandings in the relationship of the sleeping person with relatives or soul mates. If a frank conversation does not take place in time, then a major quarrel cannot be avoided.

tricolor cat

It is the tricolor cats from dreams that usually turn out to be favorable harbingers. You can be sure that such guests of night dreams definitely do not bode well.

If representatives of the cat family with this color run around the house and make a lot of noise, then in reality the dreamer behaves in a similar way. He fusses too often and worries over trifles. You need to become more calm and reasonable, so as not to bring yourself to a nervous breakdown.

Is a big and fat tricolor cat sleeping peacefully in a dream? Such a pleasant plot indicates a lack of free time in the life of a sleeping person. He devotes too much time to work and domestic problems. It's time to relax and remember your favorite hobby again.

A small tricolor kitten from night vision is a sign that a man or woman needs to carefully analyze their priorities again and arrange them in a different order - more correct.

Domestic or wild animal

A pet without a tail suggests that the waking sleeper has lost his freedom and independence. Most often, such a plot is seen by women who got married and found themselves in the complete power of a despotic spouse. The dream he has seen indicates that the new position makes a person weak-willed and unhappy. True, he does not have enough strength to cope with addiction on his own.

A fat, well-groomed domestic cat in her arms is a great sign for a dreamer. He promises a person financial stability in the near future.

A wild street animal with fleas in a dream indicates the presence of a rival or rival in a love relationship. You need to be constantly on the alert, otherwise the third person can seriously harm the lovers.

If a wild cat caresses the dreamer, then his other half is already seriously thinking about treason. It is better to arrange for a partner a few inconspicuous checks, so as not to torment yourself with suspicions.

A talking wild cat indicates an unsettled sex life. You need to reconsider your attitude towards the opposite sex as soon as possible, not be afraid of dating and communicating with the continuation.

Feed, stroke, bathe, play in a dream

Feeding a cat in night dreams means the need to think outside the box in order to get out of the current problem situation. If a person does not have such skills, then in the near future it is worth abandoning new difficult assignments from superiors and assignments from friends.

If both a cat and small kittens dropped in for dinner at the dreamer, then you should wait for a request from younger relatives, which will greatly surprise a man or woman. By agreeing to it, the sleeper will have to try on a radically new role.

Did you have to pet the cat? In reality, a person is waiting for a close acquaintance with his own dark side. The situation that has arisen will extract the dreamer's fears and intentions from the most hidden corners of his soul.

If a person strokes a cat and feels weak at the same time, this is a sign that in reality he “warmed up” an energy vampire on his chest. You need to get rid of such a friend or colleague as soon as possible.

Did you have to bathe the cat? In reality, you need to prepare for a large-scale struggle with a major competitor.

Playing with an animal in a dream - to many pleasant moments alone with your soulmate.

Lose, kill, or save a cat

Losing a cat in a dream - to parting with your soulmate through the fault of the sleeping person. If a person correctly understands the sign from a dream in time, then he will be able to change his attitude towards his beloved and prevent painful expenses.

Killing a cat in a dream portends the successful completion of the fight against enemies. A sleeping person will easily determine the weaknesses of ill-wishers and hit them in time.

Saving a cat in a dream suggests that the dreamer himself is constantly in conflict with others. True, a person does not notice such mistakes behind himself and is convinced that everyone around him is offended. To understand the problem, you need to try to look at your behavior and actions from the outside.

An animal catches a mouse in a dream

If a cat holding a captured mouse comes up in the story, this is a good sign. In any problem situations, a man or woman will receive instant help from friends.

It happens that a young unmarried lady is watching a fluffy cat hunting a rodent in a dream. The discussed plot promises her an early matchmaking.

Get a cat as a gift

Had to get a cat in a dream as a gift? Waking up you need to be very careful with unfamiliar people. They may try to do harm by hiding their true intentions under the guise of virtue. In the near future, you should not even engage in charity and other good deeds. It is better to lie low and wait out a period full of risks.

If a woman is given a cat in a dream, in real life one of the people around will try to introduce her to a man who is interesting at first glance. A young man at the first meeting will try to prove himself only from the best side. If the sleeping person begins a relationship with him, then many negative qualities of the new lover will immediately open up and put all the dots on the i.

Seeing the lifeless body of an animal in a dream is not the most pleasant sight that one would like to see. Waking up, people may wonder what a dead cat is dreaming of, and what meaning such a dream could have. However, you should not be afraid - dream books say that such a symbol is not negative for the dreamer.

Dead cat in a dream

Favorite fluffy pets in a dream always delight their dreamers and charge with positive energy for the whole day. But to see a dead cat in a dream, on the contrary, upsets and even scares some people because of the possible bad meaning of such a dream.

Popular clairvoyants and psychologists, on the other hand, argue that, according to dream books, a dead cat is not a negative or warning sign. On the contrary, this means that all the problems and dangers for a person are now left behind.

Animal color

Nevertheless, it is known that in order to get a more accurate and detailed interpretation, it is necessary to recall all the details of your dream. It is very important to remember the color of the cat's coat, because it is he who will show how auspicious a symbol this image appeared in a dream and should the dreamer worry about this:

Other details of the dream

Oddly enough, but the circumstances of the death of the animal can also play an important role in the interpretation.

In this case, the location of the corpse may indicate events that the dreamer should expect in the future.

But whether they are good or not very good - popular dream books can answer this question:

According to dream books, there are many interpretations of what dead cats dream of..

What just does not dream in a dream. Especially if the dreamer is loaded with work, is going through a difficult life period, or is overly emotional in itself. Sometimes at night there is such a mess in my head that, at times, it’s scary to fall asleep again later. But to understand what dead cats dream of is quite difficult. Would like to come to my senses after this. It is worth understanding what such visions mean.

First of all, the meaning of what you see depends on what is happening. The most common shots:

  • The animal was killed with a weapon.
  • The service for catching homeless animals shoots the cats one by one in front of your eyes.
  • You are driving a car and knocking down an animal.
  • The man kicked the cat.
  • You pinched the animal in the door (or someone did it in front of you).
  • The cat dies in a fight with its own kind.
  • Your pet has died of old age.

If in a dream a person kills a fluffy, and you become a witness - do not rush to worry. The meaning of the dream is not as terrible as the plot itself. What you see promises you an early deliverance from a major problem that has been very disturbing for a long time. Perhaps this applies to work or personal life.

But when you watch a killed animal bleed, but it still does not stop, and you are almost knee-deep in nasty slush - unlike the first interpretation, this portends major troubles. And in huge numbers. They will literally flood you, but you have to deal with them alone.. And it may also mean that you will soon expect a lot of boring paperwork. If an office worker sees a dream, such an explanation, obviously, suits him the most.

In the second case, minor chores await you in the near future. You may have to bring in someone to handle it. It is possible that these worries will appear in home life.

In the third case, the dream suggests that you will cross the road for someone, after which the victim will get a bunch of problems. It could be about work. The promotion will not have to be given to you, but you will pretty much spoil the situation for the one who should have received it. Or you dishonestly receive a thing that does not belong to you. The one whom you deprive of the opportunity to find his own by right will be aware of this. As a result, you will make an enemy for yourself. Think about it, prevent problems that may occur.

The fourth case is gossip behind your back. Moreover, they will most likely slander not only on you, but also on your loved ones. This can turn into useless aggression, quarrels or fights. Take a look at those around you. Maybe you already understand what we are talking about.

When you accidentally kill a cat with a door - most likely, your loved one is cheating on you. Or not far from this very intrigue. Cheating will happen to someone you know pretty well. Perhaps this is a close friend or acquaintance.

The death of your elderly pet - soon you will be able to let go of the situation or person. This burdened you for a very long time, but you did not have the strength or could not, due to circumstances, get rid of the factors that hindered you. You will let go of all the moments that destroy your life and breathe deeply.

Such interpretations will answer the question of why dead cats dream of.

Other possible interpretations

In addition to the most typical plots, a person can see a dream about a dead cat in other interpretations.

For example, why dead cats dream and many of their corpses are not easy to understand. They are also scattered around your apartment. The explanation is as follows: most likely, sleep has a connection with mental well-being. It is undermined by small, stinging thoughts. In another way, it can be called anxiety about everything.

You need rest. Try to relax, stop being nervous and spend time with nice people. It is best to take a vacation from work or sick leave. Go to nature. It would be great to arrange a trip abroad. Another country or city means other people and events. All problems will remain at home. You will come back and be able to solve them with a fresh mind.

A woman who wakes up in a sweat from what she sees may not understand what dead kittens dream of. Do not worry - this dream promises girls a quick addition to the family. Either the children will appear with relatives, or with the dreamer. In the event that there were a lot of kittens in the night plot, maybe the child will not be alone. That's what dead kittens dream of, small and defenseless.

To see a pregnant cat that is dying before your eyes - some business that has been planned for a long time will end. Or, for some reason, an important trip will be canceled. You have the power to change everything. You need to double-check all the subtleties of your affairs and foresee the occurrence of difficulties. Model ways to solve them.

A headless cat is dreaming, which remained alive for some time - you will be greatly disgraced in public. The worst thing is that the one you trust will be the culprit of such grief. Consider how you treat your colleagues at work.

Description and color of the animal

Of considerable importance for the competent interpretation of night dreams is the color of the dead animal that was dreamed of. Most often people see cats:

  • Black. For women, this is unfavorable. With a spouse, problems will begin that need to be taken on time. Otherwise, small difficulties will grow into huge ones. Then it will be close to divorce. For men, such a dream suggests that the dreamer is in harmony with himself and those around him. The next important things will be done perfectly. This also applies to working hours. At the time when such a vision comes, the dream book advises making financial investments. They will surely pay off.
  • White. Animals of this color, even when dead, do not give dreamers a bad meaning. If you see this dream, you can not try to explain the phenomenon. Most likely, everything will just be fine.
  • Various colors (except black and white). Especially if the cat in a dream was speckled or striped, it is possible that the person will get sick soon. Knowing about possible difficulties will allow you to prepare and avoid suspected health problems. Dress warmly if it gets very cold outside and watch your diet.

In fact, cats and cats are mysterious, unpredictable animals, to see in dreams which has always been considered a good sign.

Sometimes you should not be categorical about dreams, because they don't carry any special meaning.. With the right approach to interpreting them, taking into account all the features of what you see, be sure that you can adequately assess your visions.

In addition, there is a theory that you can control any dreams, as well as call the desired ones into your head. This technique requires a lot of work on yourself and concentration exercises. You need to get a dream notebook in which you will regularly write down everything that you see at night. Of course, you will have to learn and remember dreams, because half is forgotten in the morning.

Perhaps this is what will help you yourself, focusing on the state of your consciousness, to determine what certain dreams come to, including dead cats.

In night dreams, you can see very strange pictures, they can shock and leave behind a persistent feeling of fear and hopelessness. Dead animals are not so often dreamed of by the average person. Sometimes a dead cat may dream in a dream, and you will find out why to see it later.

A well-known psychologist considers this symbol positive. In reality, you will be able to end a long conflict, break off relations with some unpleasant person the opposite sex, which has long bothered you.

To strangle a cat with your own hands means in reality, break off relations with your partner for which all feelings have long faded.

The cat has died and its corpse is already decomposing - this is speaks of a deterioration in well-being and poor performance at work. If a small kitten died on the threshold of the house in which you live, it means unexpected losses. It is necessary to pay more attention to relatives and close people, as well as to be more attentive at work.

The clairvoyant convinces that the dream carries a favorable interpretation. All obstacles and conflicts on your way to be resolved, you will be lucky. All ill-wishers and enemies will leave.

However, if you see a lot of dead cats, this says that in reality some situation may occur that you will be ashamed to remember.

In a dream, kittens died in your house - talks about your inner struggle. You cannot decide on which path you should move: spiritual or material.

Connects the cat with the sexual sphere. If a dreamer kills a cat in a dream, this indicates that he has sadistic inclinations.

Seeing the death of an animal indicates the extinction of sexual desire, the appearance of problems in the intimate sphere.

If a man saw a dream, this indicates a cooling desire in his girlfriend or wife. If a woman dreamed of an animal corpse, she needs to check her female health.

To see a dead kitty in a dream indicates that the dreamer has something to do with the occult sciences and he needs to be more careful in this matter.

I dreamed of a dead cat near the house - a good sign, get ready for a family holiday, perhaps it will be a wedding.

It seemed that you killed and ate an innocent cat, in reality, your deception will be revealed and you will be convicted of it.

Dead cat in a night dream - among your household you will find a thief or a deceiver.

A live cat in a dream promises betrayal and many tears in reality. If the animal was dead - you will defeat your opponent, failures and illnesses will come to an end.

Seeing a cat with its throat cut is a bad sign. You have strong ill-wishers who can even use witchcraft against you.

The dream interpretation interprets the vision as follows: an unpleasant acquaintance has disappeared from your life. To torture and kill a cat yourself - in reality you are very much tormented by conscience and a sense of shame.

A dead black cat in a dream speaks of the dark side of the dreamer himself. A white cat promises trouble that will not seem so significant, but will turn into huge problems.

I had a dream about a cat that is already dead: to see such a dream is sad and depressing. However, he does not just come to you in a dream, perhaps the soul of your pet wants to warn you of impending danger. In reality, be careful, be vigilant.

Dead dreamed of your living cat - Postpone planned activities or abandon them altogether. Also, such a dream speaks of the good health of your pet.

It is possible that a cat that has already died dreamed of you bloody and dying - in reality, it is necessary to refuse to communicate with unfamiliar people, do not reveal your plans, feelings or ideas to them. This applies not only to the dreamer himself, but also to his loved ones.

Dead kittens promise only a successful resolution of cases. The prisoner - early release, the sick - a speedy recovery, pregnant women - easy relief from the burden.

If in a dream you saw that little kittens drowned in water - it promises good luck at work, bonuses, promotion, financial well-being, execution of plans.

Black kittens symbolize the end of a black streak of failures, and the beginning of a new one. If you yourself drown kittens in a nightmare - in your hands the fate of loved ones and colleagues at work. But you will cope with all the difficulties and find a way out of the situation.

To personally kill a small kitten - in You will solve problems on your own without anyone's help. If at the same time the kitten bit you, there is a liar in your environment.

They saw the corpse of a kitten on the threshold of their home - avoid quarrels and conflicts, a minor slip can lead to a long and exhausting showdown in the family.

When a dream about dead kittens is dreamed very often, this is a sign that an envious person has appeared in your circle, whom you trust very much.

Why is a dead cat dreaming and is it worth worrying about because of this, many who had to face such a vision wonder. Most people attach great importance to such negative dreams, but not everything is always as fatal as it seems.

Why is a dead cat dreaming and is it worth it to worry about it, many who have had to face such a vision think

Why a dead cat is dreaming and what such a vision means should be understood in detail. If you managed to find an animal near your own home, it is possible that the next of kin will present unpleasant news. When a dead cat dreams on the road, this is a sign of an obstacle to the fulfillment of the goal. You should take a closer look at the immediate environment, because it is possible that there are hypocritical personalities among it.

Why dream of dead cats that are in a person’s apartment or house, many want to know, because this vision is confusing. Some sources interpret such a dream as a harbinger of problems and ailments that a person will have to face. If the animals are scattered on the street and this picture can be quickly passed, then all the difficulties will be solved.

If you managed to find an animal near your own home, it is possible that the next of kin will bring bad news

A cat in a dream is a good sign, unless, of course, it is in good condition. When the animal is aggressive and begins to attack, and death occurs at the hands of the dreamer during the incident, this is a symbol of victory over ill-wishers or over one's strongest fear.

If a dead cat dreamed alive, most likely this is a subconscious signal that should be interpreted as the inability to let go of the past. When a person, under any circumstances, recalls some past events of his life and they do not give him rest, then in this way thoughts are reflected in dreams.

Contrary to popular belief, dead felines do not portend death at all.

According to the Egyptian dream book, a black cat means well-being and protection from the outside. An animal of dark color, graceful and calm - a harbinger of abundance and security. If the cat dies and the dream events leave a negative aftertaste, then the sign cannot be considered as good. More often than not, this will lead to trouble.

Why is the cat dreaming (video)

What else can dream mean?

A dead black cat, which is on the dreamer's bed, speaks of a possible deception on the part of the second half. This indicates distrust of the partner. Seeing a cat on the floor or accidentally stepping on it means forcing a person to do actions that do not correspond to his character.

If the cat died in the hands of the dreamer, this indicates that the person feels extremely uncomfortable in the position in which he is now forced to be. Perhaps these are unrequited feelings or just some kind of discomfort.

If the animals are scattered on the street and this picture can be quickly passed, then all difficulties can be solved

A cat living with a dreamer, who feels great and caresses, testifies to peace in her own home, comfort and well-being. Perhaps this is a sign of the imminent replenishment of the family. And it doesn't always mean a baby. Maybe a life partner or just a close and faithful friend will appear.

A dreaming cat for a man is a symbol of gaining female attention and support, of course, provided that she is alive. When the animal is dead, it is likely that you will have to face serious difficulties in relationships and solve some tasks that require some effort.

A dead black cat, which is on the dreamer's bed, speaks of a possible deception from the other half

Contrary to popular belief, dead felines do not portend death at all. Rather, it is an obstacle or an unpleasant event. However, if after sleep a person feels great, then the task will be simple for him. If the vision was heavy and emotional, then you have to work hard. The outcome of the case will depend entirely on the efforts of the person.

Dream interpretation dead cat

The English writer Terry Pratchett, speaking about cats, mentioned their ability to live in some kind of time stream. As soon as the cats appear in the dwelling, it seems like they have always lived here. The world of people is like a stop on their way to something much more interesting.

Symbolism of dreams

The ability of cats to change the shape of the pupils is personified with the phases of the moon; fertility, the ability to see at night, the sparkle in the eyes - turned cats into mysterious animals, which are dedicated to mysterious forces. This animal in a dream personifies the sharpness of intuition. Dream books are engaged in deciphering these symbols in the captivity of Morpheus.

Alternative interpretation

Many popular dream books agree that pussies in our dreams represent enemies or ill-wishers.

Therefore, the image of the animal can inform the sleeping person about the need to hear the inner voice, trust intuition.

Miller's dream book

The cat promises failure, her death is a good sign

The psychologist points out that the cat, in itself, in dreams is a harbinger of failure. But just to see her death promises to overcome obstacles and take off the dreamer's reputation.

Holding a dead animal in your arms means a worthy exit from the dubious enterprise in which the dreamer was involved.

For a merchant, such a dream guarantees the collapse of the plans of competitors who are trying to destroy the commercial undertaking of the sleeper.

If in a dream a snake bite caused death to kittens, then your enemies will suffer from their machinations.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The soothsayer indicates that this animal carries negativity in dreams. Seeing them means expecting contention and abuse with relatives in reality.

If the sleeper runs after the cat, expect a meeting with a very narcissistic person.

Many pussies portend shame.

Only when a dead animal dreamed is a guarantee of a successful resolution of all problems and obstacles.

Freud's dream book

The psychoanalyst identifies this domestic animal with the sexual sphere of the sleeper's life. From here, to see how the dreamer tortures or kills him, speaks of the sleeping person's tendency to sadism in intimate life.

I dreamed of a dying cat, this is a sign of fading sexual energy, the maturing of problems in this area.

Modern interpretation

The current interpretations of dreams with kitties have versatile interpretations. Many of them are based on the intuitive abilities of these pets.

Loff's dream book

Listen to your intuition

The pastor believes that the dreaming pet calls the sleeper to turn to his own intuition in solving an important issue that will soon mature.

I dreamed of a dead kitty, speaks of the dreamer's addictions to the occult sciences. However, their use can be detrimental to the sleeper himself.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

The medium has the opinion that the purrs seen in a dream promise deceit and betrayal.

If it happened in a dream to kill and eat a cat, this convicts the dreamer of infidelity, which will soon become apparent.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

According to the esoteric, a living cat in dreams promises tears and betrayal. And the death of this animal marks the victory over rivals.

Dream plots

Cats are very mobile dynamic animals. They have a lot of mysterious properties. Dreams with images of these animals are also dynamic and diverse. What is the dream of a dead cat?

  • the suit of the beast;
  • dead kittens;
  • many cats;
  • decomposed animal

Seeing in a dream how a black pussy dies, broadcasts about the failure of the treacherous plans of an open enemy. And I dreamed of the death of a white cat, promises to expose the deceit of a close friend. A dead red kitty symbolizes the final victory over an obsessive rival.

Dead kittens are dreaming, this is a long-awaited death to their complexes, which very much interfered with a peaceful life, did not give the opportunity to establish a personal life.

Seeing a lot of dead cats around you in a dream indicates that you are surrounded by a lot of hidden enemies. They do not sleep, but plot against you. But they do interfere with each other. And thanks to such chaos, they drown each other. Therefore, this dream is a good sign for the dreamer.

A warning will be a dream, where a lot of purrs that were dead dream of coming to life. Your enemies have simply lulled your vigilance. You must not succumb to provocations. Do not believe dubious arguments. Connect your intuition.

If a dead pussy dreamed, already decomposed, this indicates the reason for the insolubility of your problems. You are looking for a solution on the surface, but its roots must be sought in old unfinished business, unfinished disputes.

To catch the death of a cat in a dream on the threshold of a house is a guarantee of avoiding a major scandal that threatens with bad consequences. It doesn't matter what, but something will prevent it from happening.

If you dreamed of a lot of dead cats in a box, be vigilant. Some of your colleagues collect compromising evidence on you in order to tarnish your reputation.

We often see cats in a dream and try to find an explanation for what dead cats dream of, sometimes appearing too stubbornly in dreams. The interpretation of dreams, which has now become fashionable and in demand, offered by various sources, speaks unflatteringly about the presence of cats in a person’s dream. The reason for this is the extraordinary nature of the relationship between people and these animals, which has not changed since the time of their domestication.

And are they finally tamed? After all, cats are very freedom-loving animals who consider it possible to do what they want and graciously allow a person to take care of them. These are the only pets that can leave their loving owner and go to another, who promised a richer stew and a cozier couch. This is their nature and resentment towards it lies in the human interpretation of dreams.

A cat in dreams is always associated with deceit, betrayal, and other very unflattering qualities. But to see an animal dead or even kill it in a dream with your own hands is a sign of a happy deliverance from everything negative and unpleasant that has been in life lately.

If a person is surrounded by trouble at work, he suspects that the reason for this is the unflattering attitude of the authorities or the gossip of employees, then there is a logical explanation for what a dead cat dreams of. After the appearance of a dead cat in a dream, he can be calm - everything will be left behind. The authorities will find a new victim. The enemies will calm down, deciding that they have annoyed and slandered enough to spoil life and suppress the leading rival.

Human nature is very envious and many people take the easier path to achieve certain goals in life. They do not try to somehow improve themselves, improve their productivity or engage in self-education. They begin to get rid of a smarter and more talented opponent. Thus, putting forward his candidacy in the eyes of the boss and earning a more comfortable place in the sun. It is the behavior of such people in life that is attributed to the deceit of cats in a dream. And if you gather your strength and strangle the poor animal in a dream, then in real life it will turn out to besiege the envious person, get rid of his slander.

If a dead cat appeared in a dream of a person who has this animal in his house, then the dream means almost nothing. You should not guess for a long time what dead cats dream of. This is just caring for a being who has become very close and dearly loved. You should be careful if the cat in real life is very sick or very old. Then the dream can be prophetic and, unfortunately, predict the loss of a pet.

Do not take the interpretation of dreams too seriously. After all, their nature has not yet been fully studied by man, and a serious attitude towards them can pretty much spoil not only the mood, but also become a setting for negative changes in life. It often happens that an empty, meaningless dream makes a too impressionable person paranoid, exhausted with suspicions not only of those around him, but also of himself.

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Since ancient times, the cat personifies mysticism, magic and the other world. It is believed that they live simultaneously in two worlds: the real and the astral. The symbol of kittens has the same complex, mysterious and ambiguous meaning. Seeing dead kittens in a dream is a sign that everyday problems and domestic troubles will be resolved in the near future. In some cases, this will happen without the active intervention of the dreamer, which will greatly facilitate his life. A dream about a dead kitten speaks of the absence of teenage naivety and gullibility, a person has learned to make informed decisions on his own and is able to stand up for himself.

Many people think that dead kittens are harbingers of misfortune. Rather, on the contrary, they promise positive changes and warn of danger that can be avoided. The dream book announces that otherworldly forces are on the side of the dreamer.

1 What does sleeping with dead kittens mean?

A dream involving dead little cats is interpreted as a successful solution to financial problems, the resolution of intricate and complex tasks that have haunted the dreamer for a long time. The death of these animals portends recovery from a protracted illness, getting rid of life situations that have long been oppressed.

According to some dream books, to see a dead kitten in a dream means that in real life a person will get rid of people who are unpleasant to him (for example, this person will be fired). If the dreaming kitten was strangled or strangled, this is a sign for the dreamer to think about the lifestyle he leads. The dream book suggests that this is the main reason for all his troubles.

Dreaming of killing kittens - you will have to face problems face to face. If at this time they make plaintive sounds: howl, squeak, meow loudly or squeal - this struggle will not be easy, but a person will cope with it.

Killing kittens in a dream - a person will have to confront problems. If at this time they make loud noises, scream plaintively, squeal, this struggle will not be easy. In addition, such a dream can mean deceit and betrayal of a loved one.

A dead kitten in dreams can be a warning of domestic quarrels, a showdown. The most unpleasant thing is that the start of quarrels can be a complete trifle. Such a domestic problem can provoke a nervous breakdown and illness. It is worth listening to the voice "from above" and by all means try to maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Seeing a dead cat in the form of a stuffed animal promises victory over ill-wishers, and the methods will be completely official. This may relate to dismissal from the service or exclusion from the team.

Sometimes the interpretation of such dreams depends on who they dream of:

  • For a prisoner, a dead kitten is a harbinger of early release.
  • To the patient, this sign promises a complete recovery and increased immunity.
  • For children, such a dream portends a situation in which they will have to grow up and forget about their carelessness.
  • Dead kittens in a dream warn young girls of disappointment in reality. This will be caused by non-reciprocal love, betrayal by a lover, or an abortion that they will have.
  • For adult women, this sign can also turn into a negative direction - illness, cheating on her husband, severe disappointment, consequences after an artificial miscarriage, abuse of her own children or younger sisters (brothers).
  • For expectant mothers - the interpretation is favorable and portends an easy birth, getting rid of unnecessary worries.

Little dead kittens in a dream are harbingers of a quick resolution of even the most neglected financial problems and getting rid of obstacles on the way to long-awaited success. The dream interpretation says that everyone who put spokes in the wheels will themselves be in the hole that they dug for others.

Cat cubs drowned in water promise a monetary reward, bonus or career advancement. Seeing dead animals in the mud - the dream book speaks of financial success and material prosperity.

Why do kittens dream of a woman and a man - interpretations in various dream books

2 Interpretation according to various sources

Not many dream books interpret a vision involving dead kittens in a negative sense, some of them are neutral, but most portend good changes and long-awaited events:

  • Miller's dream book: finding the body of a dead kitten on the porch of your house is a harbinger of unexpected losses. The dream interpretation advises to take care of loved ones more often and takes their work and official duties seriously.
  • Vanga's interpretation: watching the death of cats in a house in a dream is a sign of the dreamer's inner experiences. His fate will depend on which path he follows: material or spiritual.
  • A modern dream book: if a dead animal was seen in a dream right on the threshold of the house, the betrothed or betrothed will soon step over it. If the dreamer already has a soulmate, then the dream promises a family idyll and home comfort. A dead kitten found on the territory of the house - to the internal struggle and the upcoming choice, on which the dreamer's future depends.
  • Predictions of Nostradamus: dead fluffy creatures are interpreted as the deceit of the dreamer himself. If dead kittens dreamed in a box, then fellow ill-wishers are preparing a trap for the dreamer, which will cause a lot of trouble in the workplace. He will have to quit his previous job and find another one.
  • Esoteric dream book: I dreamed of a dead pet found near the house - such a dream promises a big family celebration (wedding, anniversary or birth of a child). To find a dead cat on the road - distant relatives will please with their visit. Even if this meeting is short, it will take place in a cheerful and cozy family circle.
  • According to Freud: such a dream speaks of the increased sensitivity and excitability of the sleeping person. The psychologist believed that killing a kitten in a dream speaks of a person's tendency to sadism.

3 Details of visions and their interpretation

An important detail of such a dream is the color of dead kittens:

  • Redheads - portend profit, a monetary reward or a small material bonus.
  • White - a dream suggests the disclosure of a personality that annoyed the dreamer and secretly envied him. If this kitten managed to bite the dreamer before death, then you need to take a closer look at your surroundings - there are many deceivers and scammers.
  • Black kittens: kill with your own hands - deal with the enemy, watch how he dies - the enemy discredits himself. Also, black pets are a sign that there is hidden magical support in the dreamer's life.
  • Smoky or gray kittens are a secret promise of fate that everything will change for the better. This applies to home comfort, order in the family and the well-being of all household members.
  • The tabby cat warns the dreamer of deceit and betrayal that will happen in the near future. The dream interpretation recommends being careful and not trusting everyone.
  • Dead cats of a multi-colored color are a sign of a person's short-sightedness. It is easy to deceive and fool him, which will happen in the near future, if you continue to believe in other people's fairy tales. Because of this, a person will suffer great disappointment in people.

The interpretation of sleep also depends on who caused the death of cats. If an outsider kills them, the sign is very favorable. The troubles and troubles that have been accumulating for so many years will be resolved without the intervention of the dreamer.

A dream where a snake kills kittens speaks of an enemy who tried to harm the dreamer, but he himself fell into a trap and now he will leave him alone, dealing with his own problems.

Finding dead animals in your bed - such a nightmare warns that in real life envious people want to cause damage that will be directed to the dreamer's personal life. Finding dead kittens in the middle of the road is a warning to be careful, otherwise evil intervention threatens to destroy the dreamer's fate and life. Advice from dream books is to protect yourself from others so as not to show them your true feelings.

Dead kittens in the cemetery signify the appearance of unpleasant circumstances. One of the colleagues weaves intrigues behind his back. If dead cats are seen in a ditch - to the hassle and preparation of a festive event. Regardless of the reason for the holiday, the feast will be fun and relaxed.

If the sleeping person himself acts as the killer of kittens, then such a dream has the following interpretation:

  • To drown small pets is to succeed in real life. The dream marks that in the hands of the dreamer is not only his life, but also the fate of the team of fellow believers. With their support, you can cope with any complex tasks.
  • Kill a cat - dream books interpret this as a solution to problems without outside help. If the death of kittens does not overtake in any way (they squeal, scratch and try to escape) - it will be difficult to overcome problems in reality. This activity will take a lot of effort and resources.

A dream in which a person buries a deceased kitten is a sign that in real life the moment has come when you need to put an end to past grievances and try not to envy other people's successes, but to deal with your own plans.

And some secrets...

The story of one of our readers Irina Volodina:

I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness? But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

But how do you rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I learned - not less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radiolifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when to find the time for all this? Yes, it's still expensive. Especially now. So for myself I chose a different way ...


Seeing a pure white cat in a dream means some kind of confusion, uncertainty, which can cause grief and loss of state. The dream book of Nostradamus gives such an interpretation. If you believe this book, then dead cats that were in the blood portend misfortunes. But they will not touch the dreamer, but his relatives and friends. It is worth looking after them and taking care of them.

The dream book of Nostradamus reads as follows:

A dead cat - to the disappearance of an unpleasant person.

A dead animal, according to this book of interpretations, portends the disappearance of that person who is unpleasant to the dreamer. Was the cat black? You should be prepared for the fact that someone wants to do harm. Perhaps the ill-wisher is in the circle of close people, as the dream book assures. Women's dreams.

Loss of a pet. What is the dream of a dead black cat, these cute animals dream not for good. they are the harbingers of deceit and betrayal. if a girl dreamed of a cat, it means that her chosen one is sly and unreliable. a cat or a cat dreamed of by a young man will also not bring him happiness. the girl he loves will become a real vixen in the future and will not bring him to good. it’s bad when cats come to a merchant in a dream, which means that his servants are no good, they are deceitful and thieving. you can also use a combined dream book. a big family promises you a dream about a cat family. but your life will be empty and vain. a dream in which you kill a cat means that you will soon reveal the vile plans of your enemies. dead cat according to the dream book.

Sleep results:

A cat in a dream is a petty nuisance in the service or problems with his wife. The black cat is a danger. Try not to take risks unnecessarily if you dreamed of a black cat on the night of Monday to Tuesday. If you see such a dream on the night from Friday to Saturday, fate is favorable to you, soon you will receive an unexpectedly large amount of money. A black or white cat crossing the road portends an imminent collapse of plans and hopes. But do not believe in a dream if you see a bow or collar on an animal. It's an empty dream, a fake dream. A cat lying quietly on a rug - you can relax, your ill-wishers hid for a while. A cat jumping out of the bushes, grinning, attacking - do not expect anything good. In an unhappy house, cats do not live and do not dream. Understand what dreams that you are

To hear a cat's meow, but not to see it, is a hoax.

The interpretation of the plot of a dead cat can vary significantly for men and women. What does a dead animal mean in women's dreams? This is the image of an envious or rival. A dead cat indicates that they have disappeared from the dreamer's life or are unable to cause harm. However, if you see blood stains on the carcass of an animal, scandal and conflict cannot be avoided.

A woman dreamed of a cat - to the appearance of a strong rival.

A skinny, miserable and dirty cat dreams of bad news: one of your friends will get sick. I managed to drive the cat away - a friend will recover.

Also, killing a cat can symbolize the dreamer's waiting position in an extended conflict situation. You are waiting for the right time to attack enemies and enemies.

A victory over the enemy, which will not bring satisfaction to a sleeping person, but only devastation and irreparable losses are promised by a cat and a dog who dreamed of the dead.

Medea's dream book, in turn, assures: dead cats lying in the mud in the middle of the road are harbingers of prosperity and enrichment. But animals hit by a car are in danger. If they were poisoned to disappointment in old friends. And strangled cats promise the resurrection of long-forgotten problems, conflicts and grievances.

True, such an interpretation is given by a modern dream book. Dead black cats according to Miller promise only loneliness, defenselessness and depression. Symbols have a similar interpretation in dreams.

The cat meows - to minor troubles.

Playing with a cat is infidelity.

According to most interpreters, a dreaming black kitty promises big trouble or a serious fight with the enemy. It is easy to guess what a dead black animal is dreaming of. For a woman, such a plot portends a victory over a rival and a normalization of the climate in the family circle, for a man - a favorable outcome in the work sphere.

To strangle a cat in a man’s dream is to break off relations with an annoying companion, in whom interest has long been lost. How to look younger: the best haircuts for those who are over. Girls in years do not worry about the shape and length of their hair. It seems that youth was created for experiments on appearance and bold curls. However, already

What is the dream of a dead black cat in other dream books

  • Assyrian dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Azar
  • Dream Interpretation of David Loff
  • Wangi's Dream Interpretation
  • Lunar dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
  • Ukrainian dream book
  • Miller's dream book
  • Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo
  • Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

Dreams for pregnant women

Anchor points:

  1. see blood
  2. dead cat on the road
  3. See the kittens of a dead cat
  4. drowned woman
  5. The cat came to life
  6. Headless

see blood

The cat was covered in blood- it means that one of your close relatives will face misfortune. If possible, you should warn all people dear to you about this, let them be careful and do not trust strangers, do not leave their personal data anywhere and do not neglect medical examinations by specialists. Health is very important and right now it is at risk for several people close to you.

dead cat on the road

I dreamed of a road on which a dead cat lay - an unpleasant person who spread gossip and intrigues will leave your life. Most likely, he will move to another city, quite far from where he is now. With the loss of this person, your life will become richer and more emotional in a positive way. No one else will put a spoke in the wheel and your business will go smoothly.

See the kittens of a dead cat

Cat with kittens- this dream symbolizes dissatisfaction with oneself and the struggle with one's own imperfection, which will never end. You should learn to accept yourself the way you are, because no matter what you try to change in your appearance or behavior, there will always be even more reasons that do not suit you. Learn to live in harmony with yourself and not show the complexity of your character to other people.

drowned woman

Dead cat in the water- your relationship with your partner will cool down, serious family quarrels and conflicts are possible, which can end in disappointment in the person you have chosen as your life partner. If you part with your chosen one in the near future, then you will not have a new relationship for a very long time. Remember and take into account your mistakes and do not repeat them with a new person.

The cat came to life

Dead cat that came to life- promises the return of old unfinished business and activities that will cause you a lot of trouble and problems. Also expect news from relatives who are currently far away from you.


Without a head - a serious struggle awaits you for a place that you really want to get. Winning will mean career growth for you and a big step in terms of developing your personality, so it is worth making every effort to come out as a winner.

Go to main interpretation- what is the cat dreaming of

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