What a year before the year of the snake. Year of the Dog: characteristics of people born in the year of the Dog

The eastern calendar, based on 12 animals, was invented by the ancient Chinese. It arose three thousand years ago, long before the appearance of European astrology. But only recently in the Western world it has become popular to determine the character and fate of a person by the year in which he was born. The eastern horoscope has become a serious competitor to the zodiacal system, which is built on the cyclical monthly dominance of signs.

Tiger and Rabbit

When the chimes strike, we are all waiting for a happy life, joyful, new. The Eastern calendar year does not have a fixed start. Therefore, people who were born in January and February should take this into account if they want to determine their year of birth.

People born during the "striped" year according to the Eastern calendar are courageous and purposeful. Tigers are noble individuals, leaders and patriots. The main thing for them is freedom, honor and the fight for justice.

Rabbits are hardworking. They are realists with a sober mind and calculation. They walk through life quietly but confidently.

Dragon and Snake

If the basis of the zodiacal horoscope is the movements and trajectories of the stars, planets and the Sun, then the calendar of the eastern horoscope for years is based on the phases of the moon.

Those who are fortunate enough to be born within the framework of the "dragon" year according to the Eastern calendar are influential, successful, easy-going. They are darlings of fate, often achieve all their goals.

Snakes are real thinkers with developed logic, versatile talents and subtle intuition. They are ambitious from birth, have the gift of magnetism and suggestion. Easily read information from people.

Horse and Goat

Twelve-year cycles form the horoscope. January or February is the beginning of each year in the Eastern calendar. The table below shows the periods of the Horse and the Goat. Although both are classified as pets, they are very different.

Horses are talented, smart, know their worth. They do not depend on someone else's opinion, they always act at their own discretion. Self-sufficient and firm natures.

Goats love to travel. But after each distant outing, they invariably return to their homeland, as they value the hearth. They treat life superficially, do not like problems, they are ambivalent and capricious.

Monkey and Rooster

The Chinese emperor did not trust the development of the horoscope to astrologers, therefore he solely controlled the cycles: the beginning and end of each year according to the Eastern calendar, the process of compiling and decoding them.

Monkeys are self-serving and cunning. They have an analytical mindset, developed logic. Freaky and temperamental, but at the same time the most unreliable and superficial people.

Roosters are creepy conservatives. They work hard and hard to provide for themselves and their families. Active individuals who rely only on their own strength.

Dog and Pig

Which year according to the eastern calendar came into its own, the ruler of the Celestial Empire solemnly announced. People celebrated this event for several days, had fun and relaxed.

Dogs are always straightforward, smart, intelligent. They are deep and sensitive natures, often ironic. Hardworking philosophers. Pessimists who hate crowds and gatherings.

Pigs are decent people. Avoid conflicts. They have many talents. They always know what they want and confidently go towards the goal. Noble and realistic. They will always have money and work.

Rat and Bull

In China, even a marriage cannot be concluded until the parents tell each other the dates of birth of the newlyweds, especially what year they are according to the Eastern calendar. The chart below is the last in our cyclical period.

Rats are pedants. They are careful in life and attentive to all the little things. They are hard to break. Excellent business partners. Savvy. They have a presentiment of impending troubles, so they are easily avoided.

Born during the "horned" year according to the Eastern calendar, they are hardy and strong people. Bulls are laconic, have tremendous energy. Too down to earth. They always go ahead to their dream.

2015, 2016, 2017

The eastern calendar of animals by years suggests that the blue wooden Goat dominates today. Based on this, we can say that 2015 is a calm and balanced year. Sharp ups and downs are not expected, but if you decide to start a new business, you will definitely get the support you want. The goat is good-natured, so it always lends a helping hand. People who are born in 2015 will become extraordinary and sociable personalities.

In 2016, the fiery Monkey comes into its own. Expect career advancement, business success, a chance for a new life, and fireworks of change. During this period, relationships between people improve, personal life is improved. Children born in 2016 will become famous, very active and successful people.

The next stage will become hectic. 2017 - whose year is in the Eastern calendar? It belongs to the fiery Rooster, so you cannot avoid different events. You will continually tackle important issues, troubleshoot issues, and develop new capabilities. Those who are lucky enough to be born during this period will have the gift of persuasion and will be able to succeed in any activity.

2018, 2019, 2020

After a series of stress and setbacks, a favorable time for all will finally come. 2018 belongs to the Earth Dog. The economic crisis will pass, it will be possible to invest in real estate. This is a good start to family life, harmonious and new. The year according to the Eastern calendar will be successful for marriage. Born children will be harmonious natures, attractive to the opposite sex and gifted.

2019 is full of surprises and pleasant troubles. The Pig dominates, from which one can expect financial prosperity and complete well-being. A good time for businessmen, bankers, farmers. Babies who will be born will be optimistic, cautious and reasonable individuals. They are natural born public figures, volunteers and missionaries.

The eastern calendar of animals by years promises happiness in 2020. This period belongs to the metal Rat, which brings good luck to writers, art critics, and artists. Money flows like a river, but this is the last stage of possible material wealth, after which a long period of poverty and loss is foreseen. Born children are hard and tough. They know what they want and take full advantage of life. They will be able to prove themselves in show business, journalism, any creative profession.

When does the year of the eastern calendar begin, this question came to me due to the fact that I was born in January. And you probably know that our modern calendar and the New Year do not coincide with eastern horoscope (calendar), it is also called chinese horoscope (calendar)... Moreover, those who are born at the beginning of the year according to the modern calendar may have a completely different year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) ...

According to the eastern horoscope (calendar) there are 12 animals representing the year. They follow in strict sequence one after another. And they represent the constellations under the sign of which a person is born. Let's figure it out what is the eastern horoscope (calendar).

Years according to the eastern horoscope (calendar)

  1. year Rats
  2. year Bull
  3. year Tiger
  4. year A rabbit
  5. year Dragon
  6. year Snakes
  7. year Horses
  8. year Sheeps
  9. year Monkey
  10. year Rooster
  11. year Dogs
  12. year Pigs (Boar)

Also, in the eastern horoscope (calendar), five basic elements are used.

  • Earth
  • Wood
  • the fire
  • Metal
  • Water

Another important characteristic of each year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) is the color

  • white
  • the black
  • blue
  • red
  • yellow

Now let's see why all this is needed. Year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) starts differently. The interval is extended from mid-January to mid-February according to modern time. For those who were born during this period of time, it may be especially interesting to know in which year. according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) he was born.

Why did I raise this topic? Yes, I just myself was born at the very end of January and I was tormented for a long time by the question of whether I really belong to that year of the eastern horoscope (calendar) that my parents told me about. Or maybe I have something completely different patron animal according to the eastern horoscope (calendar)... I processed quite a few sources in order to collect truthful and accurate information and post it here in a convenient format, I hope it will be useful to someone else besides me.

Next I quote table of years according to the eastern horoscope (calendar)... First comes the year, in brackets is the date of its beginning according to the eastern horoscope (calendar). The following are animal symbol according to the eastern horoscope (calendar), element and color of a given year. For example, if you see the following phrase: "2012 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, black", it means that the upcoming New Year 2012 according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) begins on January 23, 2012 (modern time) , the symbol of this year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) will be the Black Water Dragon.

start date, animal symbol, element and color.

1900 (January 31) - Animal: Rat, Element: Metal, Color: White
1901 (February 19) - animal: Bull, element: Metal, color: white
1902 (February 8) - Animal: Tiger, Element: Water, Color: Black
1903 (January 29) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Water, Color: Black
1904 (February 16) - animal: dragon, element: wood, color: blue
1905 (February 4) - Animal: Snake, Element: Wood, Color: Blue
1906 (January 25) - animal: Horse, element: Fire, color: red
1907 (February 13) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, color: red
1908 (February 2) - animal: Monkey, element: Earth, color: yellow
1909 (January 22) - animal: Rooster, element: Earth, color: yellow
1910 (February 10) - Animal: Dog, Element: Metal, Color: White
1911 (January 30) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Metal, color: white
1912 (February 18) - animal: Rat, element: Water, color: black
1913 (February 6) - animal: Ox, element: Water, color: black
1914 (January 26) - animal: Tiger, element: Wood, color: blue
1915 (February 14) - animal: Rabbit, element: Wood, color: blue
1916 (February 3) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Fire, Color: Red
1917 (January 23) - Animal: Snake, Element: Fire, Color: Red
1918 (February 11) - animal: Horse, element: Earth, color: yellow
1919 (February 1) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Fire, color: yellow
1920 (February 20) - animal: Monkey, element: Metal, color: white
1921 (February 8) - animal: Rooster, element: Metal, color: white
1922 (January 28) - Animal: Dog, Element: Water, Color: Black
1923 (February 16) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Water, color: black
1924 (February 5) - animal: Rat, element: Wood, color: blue
1925 (January 25) - animal: bull, element: wood, color: blue
1926 (February 13) - animal: Tiger, element: Fire, color: red
1927 (February 2) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Fire, Color: Red
1928 (January 23) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Earth, Color: Yellow
1929 (February 10) - animal: snake, element: earth, color: yellow
1930 (January 30) - Animal: Horse, Element: Metal, Color: White
1931 (February 17) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Metal, color: white
1932 (February 6) - animal: Monkey, element: Water, color: black
1933 (January 26) - animal: Rooster, element: Water, color: black
1934 (February 14) - animal: Dog, element: Wood, color: blue
1935 (February 4) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Wood, color: blue
1936 (January 24) - Animal: Rat, Element: Fire, Color: Color: Red
1937 (February 11) - animal: Ox, element: Fire, color: red
1938 (January 31) - animal: Tiger, element: Earth, color: yellow
1939 (February 19) - animal: Rabbit, element: Earth, color: yellow
1940 (February 8) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Metal, Color: White
1941 (January 27) - Animal: Snake, Element: Metal, Color: White
1942 (February 15) - animal: Horse, element: Water, color: black
1943 (February 5) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Water, color: black
1944 (January 25) - Animal: Monkey, Element: Wood, Color: Blue
1945 (February 13) - animal: Rooster, element: Wood, color: blue
1946 (February 2) - Animal: Dog, Element: Fire, Color: Red
1947 (January 22) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Fire, color: red
1948 (February 10) - animal: Rat, element: Earth, color: yellow
1949 (January 29) - animal: Ox, element: Earth, color: yellow
1950 (February 17) - Animal: Tiger, Element: Metal, Color: White
1951 (February 6) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Metal, Color: White
1952 (January 27) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Water, Color: Black
1953 (February 14) - Animal: Snake, Element: Water, Color: Black
1954 (February 3) - animal: Horse, element: Wood, color: blue
1955 (January 24) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, color: blue
1956 (February 12) - animal: Monkey, element: Fire, color: red
1957 (January 31) - animal: Rooster, element: Fire, color: red
1958 (February 18) - animal: Dog, element: Earth, color: yellow
1959 (February 8) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Earth, color: yellow
1960 (January 28) - animal: Rat, element: Metal, white
1961 (February 15) - animal: bull, element: metal, white
1962 (February 5) - animal: Tiger, element: Water, color: black
1963 (January 25) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Water, Color: Black
1964 (February 13) - animal: dragon, element: wood, color: blue
1965 (February 2) - Animal: Snake, Element: Wood, Color: Blue
1966 (January 21) - animal: Horse, element: Fire, color: red
1967 (February 9) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Fire, color: red
1968 (January 30) - animal: Monkey, element: Earth, color: yellow
1969 (February 17) - animal: Rooster, element: Earth, color: yellow
1970 (February 6) - Animal: Dog, Element: Metal, Color: White
1971 (January 27) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Metal, color: white
1972 (February 15) - animal: Rat, element: Water, color: black
1973 (February 3) - animal: Bull, element: Water, color: black
1974 (January 23) - animal: Tiger, element: Wood, color: blue
1975 (February 11) - animal: Rabbit, element: Wood, color: blue
1976 (January 31) - animal: Dragon, element: Fire, color: red
1977 (February 18) - animal: Snake, element: Fire, color: red
1978 (February 7) - animal: Horse, element: Earth, color: yellow
1979 (January 28) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Earth, color: yellow
1980 (February 16) - Animal: Monkey, Element: Metal, Color: White
1981 (February 5) - animal: Rooster, element: Metal, color: white
1982 (January 25) - animal: Dog, element: Water, color: black
1983 (February 13) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Water, color: black
1984 (February 2) - animal: Rat, element: Wood, color: blue
1985 (February 20) - animal: bull, element: wood, color: blue
1986 (February 9) - animal: Tiger, element: Fire, color: red
1987 (January 29) - animal: Rabbit, element: Fire, color: red
1988 (February 17) - animal: Dragon, element: Earth, color: yellow
1989 (February 6) - Animal: Snake, Element: Earth, Color: Yellow
1990 (January 27) - animal: Horse, element: Metal, color: white
1991 (February 15) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Metal, color: white
1992 (February 4) - animal: Monkey, element: Water, color: black
1993 (January 23) - animal: Rooster, element: Water, color: black
1994 (February 10) - animal: Dog, element: Wood, color: blue
1995 (January 31) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Wood, color: blue
1996 (February 19) - animal: Rat, element: Fire, color: red
1997 (February 7) - animal: Bull, element: Fire, color: red
1998 (January 28) - animal: Tiger, element: Earth, color: yellow
1999 (February 16) - animal: Rabbit, element: Earth, color: yellow
2000 (February 5) - Animal: Dragon, Element: Metal, Color: White
2001 (January 24) - Animal: Snake, Element: Metal, Color: White
2002 (February 12) - animal: Horse, element: Water, color: black
2003 (February 1) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Water, color: black
2004 (January 22) - animal: Monkey, element: Wood, blue
2005 (February 9) - animal: Rooster, element: Wood, blue
2006 (January 29) - animal: Dog, element: Fire, red
2007 (February 18) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Fire, red
2008 (February 7) - animal: Rat, element: Earth, color: yellow
2009 (January 26) - animal: Ox, element: Earth, yellow
2010 (February 14) - animal: Tiger, element: Metal, white
2011 (February 3) - Animal: Rabbit, Element: Metal, White
2012 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, black
2013 (February 10) - animal: Snake, element: Water, black
2014 (January 31) - animal: Horse, element: Wood, blue
2015 (February 19) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, blue
2016 (February 8) - animal: Monkey, element: Fire, red
2017 (January 28) - animal: Rooster, element: Fire, red
2018 (February 16) - animal: dog, element: earth, yellow
2019 (February 5) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Earth, yellow

What year after the year of the Monkey will be next? Many people ask themselves this question. For those who are serious about horoscopes and are thoroughly preparing for the meeting of the new owner of the year, you should know that the next patron will be the year of the Rooster, whose element is fire. It is best to prepare in advance for the meeting, and start well with the information. When the year of the Rooster begins and its main signs. If you know people who were born under this sign or you are about to have a child, it is better to find out in advance the character traits.

Inherent character traits

People born in the year after the Monkey are distinguished by their straightforward behavior and their own expressions, in relation to their companions and interlocutors. Very often they provoke their opponents into involuntary skirmishes, but people perceive this as excessive frankness characteristic of this particular person. But there are good sides to this, for example, the Rooster's companions and friends always know the truth about themselves, because the main feature of people born under this symbol is to say what they think.

The bird endows its owner with leadership qualities that are well manifested in the management of personnel and, in principle, people. They are also distinguished by pride and arrogance, which is immediately visible against the background of the rest.

Men and women born under the sign of the Rooster

Such men are not committed to external manifestations of affection and warmth, but this does not mean that they are insensitive. It's just that, like many Roosters, they think that there is nowhere to rush. Therefore, if your partner was born this year, of course, you can wait for the expression of emotions, having gone through many tests and trials, but do not think that everything will change radically.

As for women who are born in the year of the Rooster, in order to keep your beloved, you need to know her food preferences, take time for her love of shopping and go for walks with her. It is even possible to jump with a parachute, but at the same time, be extremely careful with the equipment for the jump, balancing the stable inattention of your chosen one.

How do children born in the year of the Rooster behave?

So, we found out what year after the year of the Monkey, namely the Fire Rooster. What to expect from a newborn? Children who have come into the world in such a year are characterized by infantilism, restlessness, fuss, inconsistency, inconsistency, which affects the habits of taking on everything at once, but then giving up halfway.

Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster are active, impressionable and curious to such an extent that it affects sleep when the child is afraid of missing something important at night. With age, this problem will only get worse, because curiosity will grow faster than a baby. A taste for variety will manifest itself even in the first years of a baby's life, in moments of feeding and playing, leisure. Do not be surprised that you have a difficult time when you eat. Like all Roosters, the child does not like to swim, but favorite toys can be an excellent solution in terms of hygiene. Such a child is a real "why" when he starts talking. He asks a thousand and one questions, which helps to satisfy the inquisitive mind. But all this makes you too easily overexcited, so you should not tell scary stories at night.

Character of the child

As for personality traits, these children are quite stubborn, and forcing them to do something is completely pointless. At the same time, such an action will not cause a negative reaction in the form of hysteria or discontent, most likely, the child will show cunning and find a way to evade an undesirable task. Their curiosity allows them to learn new things very quickly, but the trait to grab onto everything and immediately interfere with the development of new skills in sufficient volume. Given this character trait, you need to cultivate an unlimited supply of patience, which will be useful when you start teaching a child born in the year of the Rooster to focus on one lesson. If you are persistent enough in this difficult endeavor, your child will be a successful adult in the future.

They are quite sociable and do not suffer from a lack of communication, they easily get to know each other and find friends. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of thinking and mind, children begin to read early, but interest is attached more to information about the world and interesting facts than to fiction. The best book for these children is an encyclopedia or a collection of interesting facts about the world around them. It is worth noting that there may be an addiction and inclination to foreign languages, which should be started to develop from early childhood. To help overcome hyperreactivity, you can try sending your child to music lessons, which can help them learn attention and perseverance.


When Roosters become teenagers, communication barriers sometimes arise, but if you establish a strong connection at an early age, this problem will never be. Since children have a sufficiently developed intellect, do not lie to them, otherwise you can lose respect and trust, which will ruin your relationship for many years.

What are Roosters in their "chicken coop"?

Like any general, the Rooster loves to control everything, so the morning and evening formation of all the household is an integral ritual. If the Rooster took place in the material sense, then, most likely, his "chicken coop" will be located somewhere in warm countries and will become the main subject of his pride. It should be remembered: it is this sign of the eastern horoscope that belligerence is inherent from birth.

Harmony for the Rooster

People under this sign always remain special, no matter what year it is. After the year of the Monkey, responsibility falls on their shoulders, which is not inherent in the patron of the previous year. Against this background, Roosters often think and feel their superiority and righteousness, even if they are not. The feeling is reinforced by frequent situations from which Roosters find the right way out.

Eternal doubts in others and even in ourselves constantly haunt these people. Gourmets of a special kind, true adventurers with good taste. Constantly exposed to a huge number of ideas that may resemble pure absurdity, and most likely turn out to be just dreams. In what year after the year of the Monkey a person would not be born, but it is very important for Roosters to maintain their own balance.

Professional characteristics

He will never sit on the bench if certain circumstances arise that will require decisive action. Courage and courage, too, does not take, the Rooster is never afraid to take risks, and will do it with tremendous pleasure.

A worker with a capital letter, there is nothing to say. Roosters are guided by a desire that makes them want to do more than they can, and take on everything, even if it completely exceeds their level of strength or knowledge. But if the task is not completed at the level, they feel upset and dissatisfaction.

When it comes to activities in life, Roosters love financially risky business, even if there is no reason for this. In this sense, anything can happen to them: ruin and crisis. All this is about them, a kind of assessments of life for excessive daydreaming. It is immediately clear that such people cannot be economists, the position of a middle-level clerk is the best fit for them.

The Rooster is the tenth character from the 12-year cycle of the Eastern (Chinese) animal calendar. It is associated with the yin energy and the metal element. The corresponding zodiac sign is Capricorn.

The rooster symbolizes: self-confidence, sociability, straightforwardness, courage, hard work, brightness, honestyvanity, impudence, irascibility, stubbornness, conservatism, wastefulness

Rooster Years Table

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Rooster

The characteristic gives a general description of the sign, introduces the positive and negative qualities of its character, the peculiarities of building personal relationships and a career. It helps to better know people born in the year of this animal.

Character traits

Positive. The rooster is a bright personality. He is confident in himself and is not afraid of anything. This character allows him to achieve a lot in life. His sociability and gift of speech attract people to him. He is always in the spotlight and is happy about it.

Characteristic positive qualities:

  • self-confidence: the Rooster is always confident in himself and knows how to present himself; thanks to this, as well as the gift of speech and effective artistic presentation, he has an advantage in situations where the first impression is important (hiring, etc.);
  • sociability: this sign is constantly in the spotlight; openness in communication and the brightness of the image make the Rooster the soul of the company; he prefers an active social life and does not like loneliness;
  • straightforwardness: not afraid to speak the truth; his manner of communication borders on harshness, which is not always pleasant to those around him; despite this, he is respected for his directness and frankness;
  • courage: always ready to defend the weak, and so that it will be noticed and appreciated by others; is not shy even in the face of obvious danger;
  • hard work: he achieves everything in life with his work; does the work thoroughly, carefully works out every little thing; does not trust others what he can do on his own.

Negative. The Rooster's self-confidence and courage sometimes turn into vanity and arrogance. At the same time, much is forgiven him and is attributed to his eccentricity.

The main negative traits of character:

  • vanity: excessive self-confidence makes the Rooster rush headlong into rash scams or "attack" a stronger opponent; sometimes he really comes out victorious in such situations; however, losses also happen;
  • arrogance: gives advice where he is not asked; often creeps into the wrong business; such behavior is caused by his excessive self-confidence;
  • irascibility: quickly lights up if points of view differ from the opponent; likes to argue, and it is the dispute itself that is important to him, and not its result;
  • stubbornness: he never listens to others and does everything in his own way; ready to prove his case, even if he does not understand the issue;
  • conservatism: adheres to the "old" views; nothing can make him change his mind.

Love and relationships

It is important for the Rooster that the partner understands him and admires him. He expresses his feelings violently and obsessively. If he is rejected, he is more concerned about losing the image of an irresistible lover than about breaking off the relationship.

The rooster easily makes acquaintances due to its eccentric nature. After the goal is achieved and the marriage is concluded, he sheds bright "feathers", and the partner sees him from the other side. Therefore, it is important for the Rooster to maintain the interest of his chosen one after the wedding, adding color to the relationship.

Thirst for new experiences, love for companies take over, so often the family life of representatives of this sign does not last long.

Career and profession

The Rooster has all the necessary qualities to climb the career ladder. The only thing that can prevent this is advice or guidance from others. Therefore, he prefers to work without direct superiors and not in a team.

Needs praise and approval from the outside. After that, he works even more productively to hear pleasant words addressed to himself again. Often takes on more work than she can do.

In parallel with the European chronology, there is also the Eastern (Chinese) calendar. In its structure, it has 12 animal symbols and five elements, which repeat after a certain cycle. The Chinese almanac of time reckoning is becoming more and more popular in the latitudes of our country, but due to ignorance, people ask the question: "After the year of the rooster, what year is 2018?" During the reign of the yellow "friend of man" no threats are expected. Astrologers recommend directing all energy to creative activity, the attention of fortune will be received by those who are inclined to honest work, or are ready for a serious relationship.

What were the predecessors

. In the mentioned chronology, the same totem is repeated every 12 years. The same symbol was inherent in 2006, 1994, 1982 and so on. The last "Polkan" was hard for the residents of the Russian Federation. Let us recall that 11 years ago, relations between Moscow and Tbilisi were tense to the limit, due to low-quality alcoholic beverages. As a consequence, riots and clashes took place. Moreover, at the height of the summer of 2006, there were a lot of fires and demonstrations on the basis of "dry" Rospotrebnadzor regulations. In short, 2006 turned out to be extremely difficult for the citizens of Russia. The fourth year of the 90s also did not please with good news. The loudest were the events associated with Grozny, as a result of which the city itself was destroyed to the ground, and relations with the world community were ruined. Remembering past events, one can assume that the coming year of a person's friend will not be as supportive as the previous ones.

How to appease "Tuzik"

The best place for NG to meet will be a circle of relatives and friends. We advise you to spend the holiday without bright pomp and alcoholic championships. A dog is a pet that loves home comfort and peace. Try to spend it modestly, avoiding frivolity and binge, this advice is useful no matter what year 2018 comes after the year of the Rooster. As much as possible, try to have yellow tones at the holiday (the color of the element of fire). The main dishes, according to experts in feng shui, will be meat dishes, which include:

  • chicken and pork liver;
  • chops;
  • kebab, etc.

It is believed that fate will be more favorable with such a choice. It also makes sense in what guise the holiday will be held. Since this is the year of the "fire dog", it will be useful to have an outfit of the following colors: sand, fire, olive and others. It's a good idea to decorate your look with fur products. Such accessories can be: gloves, shawl, scarf, etc.

Specialists do not have a single and clear opinion,however, it is believed that the allotted period of time will not differ by turning point or significant incidents, not only for the Russian Federation, but for the whole world as a whole. It is assumed that the next 365 days will pass in peace and creation, not devoid of conservative views.

As the main conclusion, it can be argued that 2018 "will be good" for all hardworking people who do not rely on one fortune. Financial well-being is promised to those who will work tirelessly. Moreover, a significant result will be realizable in the second half of the year. For careerists who fight for the position with honest work, this year will bring good luck and financial replenishment, as well as for entrepreneurs.

But no matter what year astrologers and experts in eastern culture promise us, we wish all readers joy, goodness, health and other benefits. We hope that next year will be better than the previous one and will bring a lot of good news.