Death from heart failure: how to recognize the signs. Causes of sudden death - heart disease, thrombosis and hereditary factors

Sudden death from cardiac causes: from acute coronary insufficiency and others

Sudden cardiac death (SCD) is one of the most severe cardiac pathologies that usually develops in the presence of witnesses, occurs instantly or in a short period of time and has as the main cause of the coronary arteries.

The factor of surprise plays a decisive role in making such a diagnosis. As a rule, in the absence of signs of an impending threat to life, instant death occurs within a few minutes. A slower development of pathology is also possible, when arrhythmias, heart pains and other complaints appear, and the patient dies in the first six hours after their onset.

The greatest risk of sudden coronary death is traced in persons 45-70 years old who have some form of disorders in blood vessels, heart muscle, heart rhythm. Among young patients, there are 4 times more men; in old age, the male sex is prone to pathology 7 times more often. In the seventh decade of life, sex differences are smoothed out, and the ratio of men and women with this pathology becomes 2: 1.

The majority of patients with sudden cardiac arrest occurs at home, a fifth of cases occur on the street or in public transport. Both there and there are witnesses to the attack, who can quickly call an ambulance, and then the likelihood of a positive outcome will be much higher.

Saving lives can depend on the actions of others, so you cannot just walk past a person who suddenly fell on the street or passed out on the bus. It is necessary at least to try to carry out the basic - indirect heart massage and artificial respiration, having previously called for the help of doctors. Cases of indifference are not rare, unfortunately, therefore, the percentage of unfavorable outcomes due to the late started resuscitation takes place.

Causes of sudden cardiac death

the main cause of SCD is atherosclerosis

The causes that can cause acute coronary death are very numerous, but they are always associated with changes in the heart and its vessels. The lion's share of sudden deaths is caused when fatty arteries form in the coronary arteries that impede blood flow. The patient may not be aware of their presence, they may not present complaints as such, then they say that a completely healthy person suddenly died of a heart attack.

Another reason for cardiac arrest can be acutely developed, in which correct hemodynamics is impossible, the organs suffer from hypoxia, and the heart itself cannot withstand the load and.

The causes of sudden cardiac death are:

  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Congenital anomalies of the coronary arteries;
  • arteries with endocarditis, implanted artificial valves;
  • Spasm of the arteries of the heart, both against the background of atherosclerosis and without it;
  • with hypertension, defect,;
  • Metabolic diseases (amyloidosis, hemochromatosis);
  • Congenital and acquired;
  • Injuries and tumors of the heart;
  • Physical overload;
  • Arrhythmias.

The risk factors are highlighted when the probability of acute coronary death becomes higher. The main such factors include ventricular tachycardia, an already existing episode of cardiac arrest, cases of loss of consciousness, transferred, a decrease in the left ventricle to 40% or less.

Concomitant pathology, in particular diabetes, obesity, myocardial hypertrophy, tachycardia more than 90 beats per minute, is considered to be secondary, but also significant conditions in which the risk of sudden death is increased. Smokers, those who neglect physical activity and, conversely, athletes are also at risk. With excessive physical exertion, hypertrophy of the heart muscle occurs, a tendency to disturbances in rhythm and conduction appears, therefore, physically healthy athletes may die from a heart attack during training, a match, or at competitions.

diagram: distribution of causes of SCD at a young age

For closer observation and targeted examination identified groups of people with a high risk of SCD. Among them:

  1. Patients who have undergone resuscitation for cardiac arrest or;
  2. Patients with chronic heart failure and ischemia;
  3. Individuals with electric;
  4. Those diagnosed with significant cardiac hypertrophy.

Depending on how quickly death occurred, instant cardiac death and rapid death are distinguished. In the first case, it occurs in a matter of seconds and minutes, in the second - within the next six hours from the onset of the attack.

Signs of sudden cardiac death

In a quarter of all cases of sudden death of adults, there were no previous symptoms; it occurred for no apparent reason. Others patients noted for one to two weeks before the attack worsening of health in the form of:

  • More frequent pain attacks in the heart area;
  • Build-up;
  • A noticeable decrease in performance, feelings of fatigue and rapid fatigability;
  • More frequent episodes of arrhythmia and heart failure.

Before cardiovascular death, pain in the region of the heart increases sharply, many patients have time to complain about it and experience severe fear, as happens with myocardial infarction. Perhaps psychomotor agitation, the patient grasps the heart area, breathes noisily and often, catches air with his mouth, sweating and facial redness are possible.

Nine out of ten cases of sudden coronary death occur outside the home, often against the background of strong emotional distress, physical overload, but it happens that the patient dies from acute coronary pathology in his sleep.

With ventricular fibrillation and cardiac arrest, severe weakness appears against the background of an attack, the head begins to spin, the patient loses consciousness and falls, breathing becomes noisy, convulsions are possible due to deep hypoxia of the brain tissue.

On examination, pallor of the skin is noted, the pupils dilate and cease to respond to light, it is impossible to listen to heart sounds due to their absence, the pulse on large vessels is also not detected. In a matter of minutes, clinical death occurs with all its characteristic signs. Since the heart does not contract, the blood supply to all internal organs is disrupted, therefore, within a few minutes after loss of consciousness and asystole, breathing disappears.

The brain is most sensitive to a lack of oxygen, and if the heart does not work, then 3-5 minutes are enough for irreversible changes to begin in its cells. This circumstance requires the immediate start of resuscitation measures, and the sooner the chest compressions are provided, the higher the chances of survival and recovery.

Sudden death due to accompanying atherosclerosis of the arteries, then it is more often diagnosed in the elderly.

Among young such attacks can occur against the background of spasm of unchanged vessels, which is facilitated by the use of certain drugs (cocaine), hypothermia, and unbearable physical activity. In such cases, the study will show no changes in the vessels of the heart, but myocardial hypertrophy may well be detected.

Signs of death from heart failure in acute coronary pathology will be pallor or cyanosis of the skin, rapid enlargement of the liver and neck veins, possible pulmonary edema, which accompanies shortness of breath up to 40 respiratory movements per minute, severe anxiety and convulsions.

If the patient has already suffered from chronic organ failure, but edema, cyanosis of the skin, an enlarged liver, expanded borders of the heart with percussion can indicate the cardiac genesis of death. Often, the patient's relatives, when the ambulance team arrives, themselves indicate the presence of a previous chronic illness, can provide doctors' records and hospital discharges, then the issue of diagnosis is somewhat simplified.

Diagnostics of the sudden death syndrome

Unfortunately, cases of postmortem diagnosis of sudden death are not uncommon. Patients die suddenly, and doctors can only confirm the fact of a fatal outcome. An autopsy does not find any pronounced changes in the heart that could cause death. The unexpectedness of what happened and the absence of traumatic injuries speak in favor of the coronary nature of the pathology.

After the arrival of the ambulance team and before the start of resuscitation measures, the patient's condition is diagnosed, who by this time is already unconscious. Breathing is absent or too rare, convulsive, it is impossible to feel the pulse, with auscultation of heart tones it is not determined, the pupils do not react to light.

The initial examination is carried out very quickly, usually a few minutes are enough to confirm the worst fears, after which the doctors immediately begin resuscitation.

An important instrumental method for diagnosing SCD is ECG. When ventricular fibrillation occurs on the ECG, irregular waves of contractions occur, the heart rate is above two hundred per minute, and soon these waves are replaced by a straight line, which indicates cardiac arrest.

With ventricular flutter, the ECG recording resembles a sinusoid, gradually alternating with erratic fibrillation waves and an isoline. Asystole characterizes cardiac arrest, so the cardiogram will show only a straight line.

In case of successful resuscitation at the prehospital stage, already in a hospital, the patient will have to undergo numerous laboratory examinations, starting with routine urine and blood tests and ending with toxicological studies for some drugs that can cause arrhythmia. Daily monitoring of the ECG, ultrasound examination of the heart, electrophysiological examination, stress tests will certainly be carried out.

Treatment for sudden cardiac death

Since cardiac arrest and respiratory failure occur in sudden cardiac death syndrome, the first step is to restore the functioning of the life-support organs. Emergency care should be started as early as possible and includes cardiopulmonary resuscitation and immediate transportation of the patient to the hospital.

At the prehospital stage, the possibilities of resuscitation are limited; usually it is carried out by emergency specialists who find the patient in a variety of conditions - on the street, at home, in the workplace. It is good if at the time of the attack there is a person nearby who knows her techniques - artificial respiration and chest compressions.

Video: Performing Basic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

The ambulance team, after diagnosing clinical death, begins indirect heart massage and artificial ventilation of the lungs with an Ambu bag, providing access to a vein into which medications can be injected. In some cases, intratracheal or intracardiac administration of drugs is practiced. It is advisable to inject drugs into the trachea during its intubation, and the intracardiac method is used most rarely - if it is impossible to use others.

In parallel with the main resuscitation actions, an ECG is taken to clarify the causes of death, the type of arrhythmia and the nature of the heart at the moment. If ventricular fibrillation is detected, then the best method for stopping it will be, and if the necessary device is not at hand, then the specialist strikes the precordial region and continues resuscitation measures.


If a cardiac arrest is stated, there is no pulse, on the cardiogram there is a straight line, then during general resuscitation actions, adrenaline and atropine are administered to the patient at intervals of 3-5 minutes, antiarrhythmic drugs, cardiac stimulation is established, after 15 minutes sodium bicarbonate is added intravenously.

After the patient is admitted to the hospital, the struggle for his life continues. It is necessary to stabilize the condition and start treating the pathology that caused the attack. You may need surgery, the indications for which are determined by doctors in the hospital based on the results of examinations.

Conservative treatment includes the introduction of drugs to maintain pressure, heart function, normalization of electrolyte metabolism disorders. For this purpose, beta-blockers, cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmic drugs, antihypertensive drugs or cardiotonic drugs, infusion therapy are prescribed:

  • Lidocaine for ventricular fibrillation;
  • Bradycardia is treated with atropine or izadrin;
  • Hypotension is the reason for intravenous dopamine;
  • Fresh frozen plasma, heparin, aspirin are indicated for disseminated intravascular coagulation;
  • Piracetam is administered to improve brain function;
  • In hypokalemia - potassium chloride, polarizing mixtures.

Treatment in the postresuscitation period lasts about a week. At this time, electrolyte disturbances, disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, and neurological disorders are likely, therefore, the patient is placed in the intensive care unit for observation.

Surgery may consist in radiofrequency ablation of the myocardium - with tachyarrhythmias, the efficiency reaches 90% and higher. If you have a tendency to atrial fibrillation, a cardioverter defibrillator is implanted. Diagnosed atherosclerosis of the arteries of the heart as a cause of sudden death requires carrying out; in case of heart valve defects, they are plastic.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to provide resuscitation measures within the first few minutes, but if it was possible to return the patient to life, then the prognosis is relatively good. As research data show, the organs of persons who have suffered sudden cardiac death do not have significant and life-threatening changes, therefore, maintenance therapy in accordance with the underlying pathology allows you to live after coronary death for a long time.

Prevention of sudden coronary death is needed for people with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system that can cause an attack, as well as for those who have already experienced it and have been successfully resuscitated.

A cardioverter defibrillator can be implanted to prevent a heart attack, which is especially effective for severe arrhythmias. At the right time, the device generates the necessary impulse for the heart and does not let it stop.

Requires drug support. Beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, omega-3 fatty acids are prescribed. Surgical prophylaxis consists of operations aimed at eliminating arrhythmias - ablation, endocardial resection, cryodestruction.

Non-specific measures for the prevention of cardiac death are the same as for any other cardiac or vascular pathology - a healthy lifestyle, physical activity, rejection of bad habits, proper nutrition.

Video: Presentation on Sudden Cardiac Death

Video: lecture on prevention of sudden cardiac death

Sudden death occurs as a result of a fast-flowing latent or clinically expressed painful state. As medical practice shows, sudden death in adults often occurs due to acute coronary insufficiency, congenital or acquired cardiac and vascular pathologies. Find out what symptoms may indirectly indicate a hidden threat.

What is sudden death

According to international medical recommendations, the death of a person is considered sudden within 6 hours after the first symptoms of a pathological condition appear. Instant death, or sudden death in English, occurs without a known reason. In addition, there are no morphological signs on the basis of which an autopsy can be used to make an appropriate diagnosis of the patient's sudden death.

Nevertheless, in the course of a postmortem examination of a person by a pathologist, comparing all the available data, he can draw a logical conclusion about the instant or violent death of a person. In most cases, such changes in organs speak in favor of instant death, in which the continuation of life for the shortest period of time is impossible.

Causes of sudden death

Statistics show that the main cause of most deaths is heart disease: ischemic pathology, the onset of ventricular fibrillation. At the same time answering, from which instant death occurs, experts often call chronic ailments, which for a long time proceed in a latent form, after which they suddenly become aggravated and lead to an unexpected death of a person. One of these deadly diseases is cancer.

In most cases, oncology develops asymptomatically and makes itself felt when the patient is often already considered hopeless. Thus, malignant liver damage is the main cause of unexpected deaths in China. Another insidious disease that can lead to sudden death is AIDS, which claims millions of lives in Africa every year. In addition, it is worth mentioning separately about Mexico. This is the only country in which cirrhosis of the liver is the main cause of high mortality.

In young age

Today, young men and women are exposed to the negative influences of modern lifestyles every day. From TV screens, covers of fashion magazines, the cult of a slender (often dystrophic) body, accessibility and licentiousness are imposed on young people. Therefore, it is quite understandable that the mortality rate of persons who are just starting their life path will increase over time. The main causes of instant death among boys and girls under 25 years old are considered to be:

  • alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • promiscuous sex;
  • drug addiction;
  • improper nutrition;
  • psychological susceptibility;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • severe congenital pathologies.

In a dream

Unexpected death in this condition occurs due to the loss of special cells responsible for lung contractility. So, scientists from the United States were able to prove that people die in their sleep in most cases due to central sleep apnea. In this case, a person may even wake up, but still leave this mortal world due to oxygen starvation caused by a stroke or cardiac arrest. As a rule, elderly people are susceptible to this syndrome. There are no specific treatments for central sleep apnea.

Sudden infant death

This syndrome was first described in the early 60s of the last century, although cases of instant death of babies were recorded earlier, but they were not subjected to such a thorough analysis. Young children have very high adaptive abilities and incredible resistance to a variety of negative factors, therefore, the death of an infant is considered an exceptional situation. Nevertheless, there are a number of external and internal reasons that can lead to a sudden death of children:

  • lengthening of the Q-T interval;
  • apnea (the phenomenon of periodic breathing);
  • deficiency of serotonin receptors;
  • overheat.

Risk factors

Due to the fact that the main cardiogenic cause of instant death is ischemic disease, it is quite logical to assume that the syndromes accompanying this heart pathology can be fully attributed to conditions that can increase the likelihood of sudden death. With all this, it has been scientifically proven that this connection is mediated through the underlying disease. Clinical risk factors for the development of clinical death among patients with ischemic syndrome are:

  • acute myocardial infarction;
  • postinfarction macrofocal sclerosis;
  • unstable angina;
  • violation of the heart rhythm due to ischemic changes (rigid, sinus);
  • asystole of the ventricles;
  • myocardial damage;
  • episodes of loss of consciousness;
  • damage to the coronary (cardiac) arteries;
  • diabetes;
  • an electrolyte imbalance (eg, hyperkalemia);
  • arterial hypertension;
  • smoking.

How sudden death comes

This syndrome develops in a matter of minutes (less often hours) without any warning in the midst of complete well-being. In most cases, instant death affects young men between the ages of 35 and 43. In this case, often during the pathological examination of the dead, vascular causes of the onset of sudden death are found. So, studying the more frequent cases of instant death, experts came to the conclusion that the main provoking factor for the occurrence of this syndrome is a violation of the coronary blood flow.

With heart failure

In 85% of cases, an instant lethal outcome is recorded in persons with structural abnormalities of the organ that pumps blood into the vessels. At the same time, sudden cardiac death looks like a lightning-fast clinical variant of ischemic disease. Medical practice shows that a quarter of people who die instantly, before the onset of primary symptoms, bradycardia and episodes of asystole are observed. Death from cardiac arrest occurs due to the launch of the following pathogenetic mechanisms:

  • Decrease in fractional ejection of the left ventricle by 25-30%. This syndrome significantly increases the risk of sudden coronary death.
  • Ectopic focus of automatism in the ventricle (more than 10 ventricular extrasystoles per hour or unstable ventricular tachycardia), arising as a result of ventricular arrhythmias. The latter mostly develop against the background of acute transient myocardial ischemia. The ectopic focus of automatism is usually classified as a risk factor for sudden arrhythmic death.
  • The process of spasm of the vessels of the heart, which leads to ischemia and contributes to the deterioration of the restoration of blood flow to the damaged areas.

It is worth noting that tachyarrhythmia is a particularly significant electrophysiological mechanism due to which sudden coronary death occurs in a person with heart failure. At the same time, timely treatment of this condition using a defibrillator with a modified pulse configuration significantly reduces the number of deaths among patients who have undergone sudden cardiac arrest.

From a heart attack

Blood flows to the heart through the coronary arteries. If their lumen closes, the formation of primary foci of necrosis, ischemia in the heart occurs. Acute manifestation of cardiological pathology begins with damage to the vascular wall with further thrombosis and arterial spasm. As a result, the load on the heart increases, the myocardium begins to experience oxygen starvation, which affects its electrical activity.

As a result of a sudden coronary spasm, ventricular fibrillation occurs, after a few seconds after that, the blood circulation of the brain completely stops. At the next stage, the patient experiences respiratory arrest, atony, and the absence of corneal and pupillary reflexes. After 4 minutes from the onset of ventricular fibrillation and complete cessation of blood circulation in the body, irreversible changes occur in the brain cells. In general, death from a heart attack can occur in 3-5 minutes.

From a blood clot

In the venous bed, these pathological formations arise due to the uncoordinated work of the coagulation and anticoagulant systems. So, the beginning of the appearance of a clot is caused by damage to the vascular wall and its inflammation against the background of thrombophlebitis. Perceiving the appropriate chemical signal, the coagulation system is activated. As a result, fibrin threads are formed near the pathological site, in which blood cells become entangled, creating all the conditions for the detachment of a thrombus.

In the arteries, the formation of clots occurs due to the narrowing of the vascular lumen. So, cholesterol plaques block the path of free blood flow, as a result of which a lump of platelets and fibrin threads is formed. It is important to note that in medicine, floating and parietal thrombi are distinguished. Compared to the first type, the latter has a small chance of breaking off and causing blockage (embolism) of the vessel. In most cases, the causes of sudden cardiac arrest from a blood clot are due to the movement of a floating clot.

One of the serious consequences of the separation of such a clot is the blockage of the pulmonary artery, which is expressed in a strong cough, cyanosis of the skin. Often there is a violation of breathing with subsequent cessation of cardiac activity. An equally serious consequence of the separation of a blood clot is a violation of cerebral circulation against the background of embolism of the great vessels of the head.

Sudden death diagnostics

A timely physical examination is the key to the success of further measures for cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). The diagnosis of instant death is based on the symptoms characteristic of the natural death of the patient. Thus, the absence of consciousness is determined if no external stimuli cause reactions from the reanimated person.

Diagnosis of breathing disorders is noted when in 10-20 s. observation fails to catch the coordinated movements of the sternum, the noise of the air exhaled by the patient. At the same time, agonal breaths do not provide adequate ventilation of the lungs and cannot be interpreted as spontaneous breathing. During ECG monitoring, pathological changes characteristic of clinical death are detected:

  • fibrillation or flutter of the ventricles;
  • asystole of the heart;
  • electromechanical dissociation.

Clinical manifestations

In 25% of cases, sudden death occurs instantly without any precursors. Some patients, a week before clinical death, complain of various prodromal manifestations: increased sternum pain, general weakness, shortness of breath. It is important to note that today there are already methods for the prevention of a heart attack based on the early diagnosis of the preventive symptomology of this condition. Immediately before the onset of sudden death, half of the patients have an anginal attack. The clinical signs of the patient's imminent death include:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • lack of pulse in the carotid arteries;
  • dilated pupils;
  • lack of breathing or the appearance of agonal breaths;
  • discoloration of the skin from normal to gray with a bluish tinge.

Medical care for sudden death

Typically, most cases of unexpected cardiac arrest occur outside the hospital walls. For this reason, it is extremely important to master the technique of providing emergency care in case of sudden onset of clinical death. This is especially true of subjects of society who, due to their official duties, are in contact with a large number of people. Remember, well-executed resuscitation actions right in the first minutes after the onset of symptoms of cardiac arrest will help buy time before the arrival of medical workers.

Urgent care

The main problem that occurs in unconscious persons is the obstruction of the airways with the root of the tongue and the epiglottis due to muscle atony. I must say that this condition develops in any position of the body, and when the head is tilted forward, it develops in 100% of cases. Therefore, the first thing to do is to ensure proper airway patency. For this purpose, you need to use P. Safar's triple technique, consisting of the following sequential actions:

  1. Throwing back the head;
  2. Moving the lower jaw forward;
  3. Opening the mouth.

After the patency of the airways is ensured, you should switch to artificial ventilation (ALV). When providing first aid, this measure is carried out by mouth-to-mouth method. So, one hand is located on the victim's forehead, while the other squeezes his nose. Then the resuscitator fixes its own lips around the mouth of the person being revived and blows in air, while controlling the excursion of the patient's chest. With its visible lifting, you need to release the victim's mouth, giving him a chance to make a passive exhalation.

At the next stage, artificial support of blood circulation is carried out, for which an algorithm for performing an indirect heart massage, or chest compression, is used. For this purpose, it is necessary to correctly lay the resuscitated person on a flat surface. Next, you should determine the points of compression: by palpation of the xiphoid process and deviating from it by 2 transverse fingers up.

The hand must be positioned on the border of the middle and lower part of the sternum so that the fingers are parallel to the ribs. Jerks are performed with the limbs straightened at the elbows. Compression of the chest is performed at a frequency of 100 clicks per minute with a break for artificial ventilation. The depth of the shocks is about 4-5 cm. Measures to restore cardiac activity should be stopped if:

  1. Pulse appeared in the main arteries.
  2. The actions taken do not have the desired effect within 30 minutes. The exceptions are the following conditions requiring prolongation of resuscitation:
  • hypothermia;
  • drowning;
  • drug overdose;
  • electrical injury.

Resuscitation measures

Today, the concept of CPR is based on strict rules that ensure the complete safety of the activities for human life. In addition, an algorithm of actions of a resuscitator in case of sudden cardiac arrest or a sharp loss of respiratory function in an injured person is presented and scientifically substantiated. With the development of these states, time plays the main role: only a few minutes separate a person from death. The algorithm for cardiopulmonary resuscitation involves the following actions:

  1. Determining the condition of the victim, on the basis of which the range of measures necessary for revitalization is selected
  2. Early-onset CPR, involving the performance of two procedures: chest compressions and mechanical ventilation.
  3. If the second stage is ineffective, they switch to defibrillation. The procedure involves the action on the heart muscle with an electrical impulse. In this case, direct current discharges should be applied only if the electrodes are correctly positioned and their good contact with the victim's skin.
  4. At this stage, as a rule, the victim is provided with specialized medical care, including the following early treatment measures:
  • artificial ventilation of the lungs with tracheal intubation;
  • drug support involving the use of:
  • catecholamines (Adrenaline, Atropine);
  • antidiuretic hormones (Vasopressin);
  • antiarrhythmic drugs (Cordaron, Lidocaine);
  • fibrinolytic agents (streptokinase).
  • intravenous drip of electrolyte or buffer solutions (for example, sodium bicarbonate is injected with acidosis)


According to medical statistics, 90 percent of sudden deaths in people between 25 and 45 years old are from pulmonary embolism associated with varicose veins.

- In our country, every second woman and every fifth man suffers from varicose veins, so pulmonary thromboembolism is more dangerous for women. According to scientific data, in the USA 250-300 thousand people die from this diagnosis a year, in Europe - 150 thousand people, in Russia - much more, the figures I quoted can be safely multiplied by two. Although statistics may indicate the opposite, because often sudden deaths from pulmonary embolism in our country are attributed to a heart attack or other heart disease, - says Yuri Khafizov.

To avoid such a dangerous disease - varicose veins, you need to watch your feet. The doctor called the first signs of varicose veins the causeless swelling of the legs, often only one of them, spider veins, nodules on the veins of the legs.

- If you notice such changes in yourself, I advise you to see a therapist or phlebologist. By the way, there is no shortage of these narrow specialists in Chelny, - Yuri Salmanovich told us.

In addition, you need to engage in the prevention of this disease, do special exercises, wear compression underwear.

- These exercises are completely easy, they can be done whenever possible - sitting at work, standing at a stop (see diagram). And modern compression underwear - knee-highs, stockings, pantyhose - looks quite attractive, sometimes even more beautiful than usual, - says the doctor.

But there are other risks of sudden death from pulmonary thromboembolism. Among them are long flights on airplanes, travel to the mountains, non-compliance with the water regime, pregnancy. To protect yourself, Yuri Khafizov advises wearing compression underwear on planes, drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of water a day, not forgetting about the drinking regime in the mountains, and pregnant women also wear special underwear.

Heredity also plays an important role.

- A young girl recently came to my appointment, she is a little over 20 years old. She said that the family buried her father when he was 30 years old, brother, who turned 27. They suffered from varicose veins and suddenly died of thromboembolism. In the patient, we found the initial stage of varicose veins, which we managed to bring under control, now the risk of developing the same disease scenario is significantly reduced, - says Yuri Salmanovich.

There are other, less common diagnoses that provoke sudden death from thrombosis - these are obesity, atrial fibrillation, and hypertension.

As the doctor says, varicose veins and thromboembolism are humanity's payment for walking upright. And most of all, the disease strikes those who, due to their professional activities, are forced to stand a lot - surgeons, hairdressers, salespeople.

Cause of death (causa mortis)

1. Small Medical Encyclopedia. - M .: Medical encyclopedia. 1991-96 2. First aid. - M .: Great Russian Encyclopedia. 1994 3. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medical Terms. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. - 1982-1984.

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The death of Lenin - from what Vladimir Ilyich really died. Cause of death

Throughout 1923, newspapers reported on the state of Lenin's health, creating a new myth about a leader who staunchly fights against an illness: he reads newspapers, is interested in politics, and hunts. It is known that Lenin experienced a series of strokes: the first turned 52-year-old Ilyich into an invalid, the third killed him.

In the last months of his life, Lenin hardly spoke, could not read, and his "hunt" looked like walking in a wheelchair. Almost immediately after his death, Lenin's body was opened to determine the cause of death. After a thorough examination of the brain, it was established - hemorrhage. The workers were told: "the dear leader died because he did not spare his strength and did not know rest in work."

During the days of mourning, the press in every possible way emphasized the sacrifice of Lenin, the "great sufferer." This was another component of the myth: Lenin really worked a lot, but he was also attentive enough to himself and his health, did not smoke, and, as they say, did not abuse.

Almost immediately after Lenin's death, a version appeared that the leader was poisoned by order of Stalin, especially since no analyzes were made that would allow to detect traces of poison in the body. It was assumed that syphilis could become another cause of death - drugs at that time were primitive, and sometimes even dangerous, and venereal diseases in some cases, indeed, can provoke a stroke, but the symptoms of the leader, as well as a posthumous autopsy, refuted these speculations. Detailed report The first public bulletin, which was released immediately after the autopsy, contained only a summary of the causes of death. But on January 25, the "official autopsy results" appeared with numerous details.

In addition to a detailed description of the brain, the results of the study of the skin were given, right down to the indication of each scar and damage, the heart was described and its exact size, the state of the stomach, kidneys and other organs were indicated. British journalist, head of the Moscow branch of the New York Times Walter Duranty was surprised that such detailing did not make a depressing impression on the Russians, on the contrary, "the deceased leader was the object of such close interest that the public wanted to know everything about him."

However, there is information that the report caused "shocked bewilderment" among the non-partisan Moscow intelligentsia and they saw in it a purely materialistic approach to human nature, characteristic of the Bolsheviks. Such a detailed anatomy and emphasis, shifted to the inevitability of death, could have another reason - the doctors, who “failed” to save the patient, were simply trying to protect themselves.