Breeds of dogs that do not shed. Suitable for home and not fading breeds of dogs, small and large, which of them do not smell.

Planting a dog, many are looking for a breed that does not shed and does not have an unpleasant smell. The smell of the dog, besides the breed, is influenced by some other factors that you need to know about. It should be remembered that choosing a dog should be guided not only by its appearance, but also by its ability and ability to properly care for it. Even dogs that do not shed need special care. Any pet is not a toy at all. Before you buy, make sure you have enough time and patience for the animal.

Choosing the breed "odorless"

Are there dogs that do not shed and do not smell? Hardly ever. Depending on the breed, they emit a stronger or weaker “flavor”. Dogs that do not smell:

  1. Hairless breeds. The most common Mexican naked and They have almost no wool, which entails the lack of smell associated with its presence. However, it is very troublesome to care for such a dog: despite the apparent lack of wool, you need careful skin care, including permanent hair removal. In summer, the pet's skin must be oiled with sunscreen, and in the autumn and winter period - wear clothes.
  2. Shorthair breeds that do not have undercoat. These breeds can be attributed Their wool, due to its rigidity, practically does not get wet and does not absorb the surrounding odors.
  3. Long-haired dogs with no undercoat. Today, the most beloved and sought-after breed in this category is the Yorkshire Terrier. He has a coat that is very similar in structure to human hair. In this regard, the smell of dog in this breed is absent, but the wool is very much absorbs the surrounding odors. It is necessary to wash such dogs every week using special means. After bathing wool must be combed and dried. Such dogs, which do not shed and do not smell, need additional care products.

Healthy dog ​​- a pledge of lack of smell

Choosing a dog that does not smell, you should not forget that such a dog will need careful and troublesome care.

Not only the breed of the dog affects the presence of its specific smell. If the dog is healthy, then there is practically no unpleasant odors. However, dogs that have digestive problems or skin diseases immediately smell unpleasant. Any healthy dog ​​that receives proper care is practically odorless. But besides this, many need dogs that do not shed.

Causes of odor

  1. Paul dogs. Individuals of a female have no so expressed smell, as man's. But during estrus the situation changes, and the dog begins to smell unpleasantly. In order to get rid of such an olfactory irritant, it is enough to wash the bitch with a special agent.
  2. The appearance of smell also depends on age. Usually, old dogs that have health problems begin to smell stronger, and bathing for a long time does not change the situation.
  3. Contact with water. If the pet likes to swim in a pond or river, then a week later he will definitely get the smell of dog meat. To get rid of it, you need to wash the dog with dog shampoo. In the autumn, when it often rains and the dog gets wet, the problem of unpleasant smell also often appears. After walking in the rain, the dog must be carefully wiped or dried. Even dog breeds that do not fade emit a special smell after the rain.

Wool is everywhere

Shedding is a process laid down by nature in the body of any animal. Old wool changes to a new one, and this process occurs a couple of times a year. People suffering from an allergic reaction to dog hair are deprived of the opportunity to have a four-legged friend in the house. But there are people who do not want to fight with fallen wool. In this case, there is a way out - to get a dog that does not shed.

There are among the many breeds of dogs that do not shed. By purchasing these pets, you will not every day to remove wool from the carpet and sofa.

Dogs with wool

The Boston Terrier has a hard coat. The molting process occurs only once every few years. With proper care and combing the fallen wool in the apartment almost will not. This is a medium-sized dog that lives only in the house, unpretentious in care. A dog of this breed is suitable for people who have very little free time - for it is enough one half-hour walking a day. Many people are interested in dogs that do not shed. Photos of these animals can be seen in our article.

The Basenji breed has a short coat of wool, but sheds very rarely and scarcely. This dog is suitable for people who are allergic to dog hair. But in order to avoid undesirable accumulation of fallen wool in the apartment, the pet must be brushed with a hard bristle, especially during the molting period. The basenji are very mobile, like long walks on the street. A feature of these dogs is the inability to bark. Dogs of this breed are very sociable, have a good disposition and are somewhat similar to cat habits.

A dog with a long coat, similar in structure to human hair, is a Maltese. However, these dogs shed rarely and, due to the structure of the coat, do not cause allergies in humans. For Maltese requires very careful care. To comb a dog, you need to use several different brushes in order to comb the thick and long hair well. It is necessary to periodically trim the hair in the dog's ears, because it can fall down and impair the hearing of the pet. Bathing a dog of this breed should be carried out at least 1 time in 7 days, followed by thorough combing.

These are the main breeds of dogs that do not shed, but have hair.

Bald pets

A dog that has a small amount of wool is a Chinese crested. Only the ends of the paws and the head of the animal are covered with wool. Because of this arrangement, the dog has a rather exotic look. She sheds extremely rarely and neobylno. Water procedures dog should be arranged once every 15 days, while using special tools for places that are covered with wool. Due to the lack of wool, these dogs are very cold, so it is recommended to buy special clothes for them. Always attract small dogs that do not shed.

Responsible step

If you are going to start a dog, you need to weigh all the pros and cons of the selected breed. If a person is very busy and can not pay enough attention to the pet, then you should choose a more unpretentious dog. If the smell and wool during molting categorically does not suit the future owner, then it is better to completely abandon the establishment in the dog's apartment.

Even dogs that do not shed need special care and attention from the owner. Any animal in the house is first of all a big responsibility. After all, everyone knows the phrase from the famous story about the little prince: "We are responsible for those who have tamed!"

Non-allergic and allergy-free dogs are more popular today than ever before. Allergies to dogs are quite common, so many pet lovers are looking for non-breeds of dogs and sometimes pay rather large sums for them. Dog shedding is a big problem for many owners, but for people with allergies this can be a much more difficult situation.

Despite the fact that no dog is 100% hypoallergenic, because they all dump a certain number of allergens, there are several breeds that are known to be better suited for allergies. And the list of these breeds of dogs that do not shed, perhaps, will help you to make the right choice.

1. Maltese

The Maltese Dogs are known for their magnificent white and silky hair, but you will never find it on your furniture or clothing. These small dogs are always cheerful, playful and very gentle.

Maltese is believed to be related to the Tibetan Terrier (below), but their exact origin is unknown. Both breeds are known as dogs of influential females in ancient Rome, but they were also used to catch rodents in ancient and medieval cities.

2. Tibetan Terrier

Tibetan terriers are evidence that hypoallergenic breed does not have to be naked. These dogs practically do not shed, but they require a lot of care. Interestingly, these furry dogs once served with Buddhist monks and were guard animals for nomadic pastoralists.

The courageous and adventurous Yorkshire terrier should not be judged by its size. The Yorks often do not see themselves as small dogs, and can be quite capricious. Originally, they were bred for rodent hunting, but the Yorkies are also known for their loyalty and dedication to the owners. Their hypoallergenic coat falls very, very little.

It is interesting to note that, although the exact origin of the Yorkshire terrier breed is unknown, it is believed that they were bred in the north of England for catching rats. These first yorkies were significantly larger, but over time, breeding created the current breed standard.

Shih Tzu dogs are loyal and friendly, and besides this, they are hypoallergenic. Shih tzu do not shed and their hair falls only during combing or cutting. An interesting fact about these dogs is that the name Shih Tzu comes from the word "lion" in Chinese. This ancient breed of dog was bred to resemble lions.

The muscular portuguese water dog is always loyal and energetic. Their wool sheds very, very slightly, and they are considered to be hypoallergenic, but the Portuguese water dog also requires regular care. It is interesting to note that these dogs are very rare, and you may have never heard of them.

6. Brussels Griffon (small Belgian dog)

The Brissel Griffins are known for their guard ability and friendly nature. These dogs are also hypoallergenic, since they practically do not shed. Brussels Griffins are excellent pets for families with children.

An interesting fact about these dogs is that they are very expressive, and they are often chosen for various roles in film and television.

The soft-coated wheaten terrier is known for its cheerful and energetic character. These intelligent dogs are known for their dexterity, obedience and, along with hypoallergenic, even healing abilities.

These dogs are distinguished by the fact that they were bred in Ireland as an agricultural "dog for the poor", where they were used for guarding and grazing, and for pest hunting.

These dogs are friendly and always active. They are faithful to their owners, are good guards, and, moreover, hypoallergenic. These dogs shed, but rather slightly.

Poodles of all three sizes are among the most popular dogs in the world. These intelligent and responsive dogs are also considered non-lining and hypo-allergenic.

In addition to its non-fading wool, poodles are also known for the fact that they practically do not smell. With a poodle, you never have a dog smell at home!

Bichon Frize are social, independent and fairly easily trained dogs. Their hypoallergenic wool is usually easy to clean and does not cause allergies.

Bichon Frize in French means "curly dog". These popular pets used to be sailors' companions, and therefore truly love water.

Both the hairless and fluffy Chinese crested dogs are non-fading and hypoallergenic. Agile and energetic, Chinese Crested shedding is minimal.

It is interesting to note that Chinese crested actually appeared in AFrik. After Chinese traders brought these dogs to China to control pests on their ships, they were renamed Chinese Crested.

Also called the Irish Blue, the Kerry Blue Terrier was bred as a universal dog for working, guarding and hunting rodent pests. Kerry Blue Terrier wool is similar in texture to thin human hair, and it does not fade.

The peculiarity of the coat of these dogs is also that they are born with black color. The coat color changes gradually and forms completely when the dog reaches the age of 2 years.

Independent and even stubborn, the Scotsman will become a faithful companion of his masters. Add to this a very weak molt, hypoallergenic wool and minimal care for it, and you will get an excellent pet from all sides.

An interesting fact about scotch terrier: dogs of this breed are popular in pop culture and are often pets of celebrities. One of the most famous Scottish terriers was the pets of Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and George Walker Bush.

The Cairn Terrier is a hardy and fun breed that originated in Scotland. It was originally used to search for pests on stone slabs, but today it is a popular pet all over the world. Their wool is hypoallergenic, non-fading and, moreover, repels water.

Funny fact about the core-terrier: their wool can change color several times over several years.

The Border Terrier was bred to hunt foxes and rodents, and it's safe to say that this smart and hardy dog ​​will become a favorite pet in his family. Their thick coat is hypoallergenic, practically non-fading, and requires fairly simple weekly care.

Funny fact about a border terrier: this breed has strong instincts. If you have hamsters, guinea pigs, rabbits or other small pets, then you better look to another breed. The hunting instinct of these dogs may be too strong!

This dog was a simple cross between the late 1980s and is currently a popular hypoallergenic pet. A cross between a Labrador retriever and a standard or miniature poodle, Labradudl is not actually an independent breed, but it clearly has a future. Well-balanced Labradudli are inherently friendly and active, and become excellent family pets.

Most Labradudles are hypoallergenic and practically do not fade, but this good-natured breed has many variations. If you are looking for a specific non-extinct dog, make sure that its parents possess this characteristic. As with any dog, they have deviations from the standard, and this especially applies to new hybrids. If you are not ready for surprises, then you can choose a more predictable breed.

Schnauzer is a smart and energetic breed, both standard and miniature. Schnauzers can be excellent watchmen and pest hunters, but they are also popular as pets because of their dedicated nature and non-allergenic and non-shedding wool.

An interesting fact of schnauzers: these dogs have developed many useful functions throughout their long history. They can be police dogs, search and rescue, search for drugs and many others!

Irish Water Spaniel has a long history. A hunting dog and companion, the Irish Water Spaniel is a friendly, active and dedicated breed.

An interesting fact is the Irish water spaniel: their wool needs regular care, but the breed is considered to be non-fading and hypoallergenic, as it has less dandruff than many other dogs.

Like its close relative, the Yorkshire Terrier, the Australian silky, is extremely bold and resolute, despite its small size. Silky terrier is valued for its excellent smooth and shiny coat, which, among other things, practically does not shed and is hypoallergenic.

It is funny to note that the silky terrier is truly Australian. The breed is also known as the Sydney Terrier because of its popularity in the city.

The Basenji are agile and energetic dogs that hail from Central Africa and were bred as hunting dogs. They can be very tricky to learn, but they are smart enough and respond well to consistent workouts. Their wool sheds slightly, is hypoallergenic and requires minimal care.

Fun fact basendzhi: these dogs are unique in that they do not bark, and publish instead a low howl. The basenji also lick themselves in a manner similar to cats.

It often happens that a person who has been dreaming about a dog all his life cannot start it for one simple reason - an animal causes such attacks of allergy that it is already impossible to communicate with a four-legged friend. Of course, allergies to dogs can be of varying degrees. And in the case of a serious illness, experiments with one's own health can end miserably. However, in most cases, you can reduce the risk of allergies or even completely avoid this danger by simply choosing the right breed.

In fact, of course, there are no ideal and absolutely hypoallergenic rocks. The point is that some breeds are more suitable for people suffering from allergies due to their peculiarities. In this case we are talking about healthy animals. If an animal has a skin or other disease, it may well cause allergies, even if it belongs to a "hypoallergenic" breed. The main sources of allergies are proteins that are found in the saliva and secretions of animal dandruff (dandruff, peeling). Therefore, the allergic reaction of people can be different for different breeds of dogs.

Also, dogs that do not shed or shed little, are more preferable for allergy sufferers, because neither particles of saliva, nor dandruff, do not enter the environment, but settle on the fur of the animal. Lack of hair in an animal (as, for example, in Chinese crested) is not a guarantee of complete hypoallergenicity, because allergy mainly occurs, as we already understood, to proteins. “Even if you start a bald dog, it will still produce allergens,” says Dr. Wanda Fipatanakul, a member of the allergy committee of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

Misconception about dog allergies

In the people there is a perception that allergy occurs to the hair of dogs, and, consequently, the dog "hairy", the more allergic to it. As a rule, people with such conviction try to choose smooth-haired / short-haired breeds of dogs (Dachshunds, Dobermans, Pinschers, Amstaffs, etc.), believing that if there is not enough wool, such a dog sheds a little and it will not be allergic . And with horror they find out after a while that their house is full of “small needles” of wool that fall off from the dog. Indeed, short-haired breeds molt year-round and daily. Every day, they have showered dead hair, which, you see, is not the best option for allergies. In order to avoid this daily molting, the dog should, accordingly, be brushed daily with a special brush.

While some very long-haired breeds (shih-tzu, Yorkshire terriers, Maltese, Komondory) do not shed at all. Hair from dogs of these breeds is not showered, and dead hair is separated only during combing.

Otherwise, they fall into the mats (or dreadlocks, like the Comonorus). The second best option is hard-haired breeds (all types of schnauzers, hard-haired terriers), because they have dead hair separated during trimming (plucking). If the dog is regularly trimmed (at least 4 times a year), then there will be no problems with coat throughout the house either. And, of course, an excellent example of dogs with “no-shedding” wool are all kinds of poodles.

Only drooling

As we already understood, the second dangerous allergen is dog saliva. Here, it would seem everything is simple. It is enough to exclude from the list of potential pets dogs with flews and increased salivation. As a rule, these are Molossians (Fila, Mastino Napolitano, Bordeaux Dogi, etc.). But saliva enters the environment not only when the dog’s flew off, but also during barking. Therefore, a silent English bulldog may be less allergenic than a wild barking German Shepherd.

Excessive "talkativeness"

Excessive "volatility" of a pet increases the level of allergens, since saliva and dandruff strive to scatter in all directions during uncontrolled barking. Therefore, some breeds, especially small ones, cannot be recommended for people with allergies, precisely because of the constant barking. A small dog with a balanced temperament would be preferable. Choosing a breed, walk to the nearest dog show and watch which rings have a deathly silence, and where you have to literally plug your ears with your hands.

Size matters

Size is another important factor when choosing a dog for allergies. It is logical that the smaller the body surface of the dog, the less allergens it produces. In addition, a small dog is easier to wash, incl. after a walk, after talking with relatives, the pet can bring their "allergens" to their wool. In addition, the size of your accommodation is important. If you live in a small apartment, the allergens will accumulate more concentrated, therefore, it is worth choosing a miniature dog. If you live in a big house with a plot, you can turn your gaze to large rocks.

Clean - the guarantee of health

Researchers found that dogs that are often washed cause less allergy than dogs that do not wash or wash occasionally. Bathing a dog once or twice a week minimizes or even eliminates an allergic reaction to the animal. Frequent cleaning of the house will also reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions, because the allergens released are saliva, urine and dandruff (peeling) from the skin and are deposited on objects and on the floor. Of course, in case of allergies, you should not allow your pet to sleep in your bed or even enter your bedroom. As a special precautionary measure, you can forbid a dog to climb onto sofas and armchairs and lie on carpets or palaces, if they are in the house. It will not be superfluous to put an air purifier in the house with HEPA filters that catch the smallest particles.

List of dog breeds most suitable for allergies
Affenpinscher Does not fade
Bedlington terrier Does not fade
Bichon frize Recommended by the American Kennel Club (AKC) for allergy sufferers. Does not fade. Wool falls off only during combing.
Bolognese Does not fade
Flanders Bouvier Recommended by the UK Kennel Club as a breed that does not shed.
Chinese Crested Very little hair on the body, almost no shedding. However, it is prone to dandruff and may be allergic to saliva.
Coton de Tulear Does not fade
Dandie dinmont terrier Does not fade
Irish Water Spaniel Does not fade
Kerry Blue Terrier Practically does not fade
Lhasa apso Does not fade
Maltese Does not fade
Peruvian Inca Orchid No wool
Pomeranian spitz   Minimal dandruff and small size
Poodles of all sizes Recommended by AKC for allergy sufferers. Does not fade. The minimum probability of dandruff
Portuguese water dog Does not fade
Bullets Does not fade
Samoyed No dandruff
Schnauzers of all sizes Short hair, minimal hair loss. However, schnauzers are known as lovers of bark, while they can produce saliva emissions
Shih Tzu Shih Tzu practically does not fade. Dead wool is removed by combing and all remains on the comb. Shih Tzu - one of the breeds that is most suitable for allergies
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Does not fade
Tibetan Terrier Breed not prone to dandruff and with wool that does not shed with regular combing
Welch Terrier Does not fade
Xoloittsuintli No wool. However, dander and saliva allergies may occur.
Yorkshire Terrier Recommended by AKC as a breed for allergy sufferers. Does not fade. Practically not prone to dandruff

Before you start a dog, you should think about the many different difficulties that you will encounter. One of them is a possible allergy to the wool of your future pet. And although no dog is completely hypoallergenic, there are breeds of dogs that do not shed, which means that you are less likely to cause an unpleasant allergy. The following are some of them.


These well-known decorative dogs, in addition to beauty and mind, have another remarkable property - yes, they do not shed. Moreover, they do not leave the smell of a dog, so your house will smell like anything, but not a pet.

Scottish Terrier

Or scotch terrier. This breed, bred in Scotland and widespread almost everywhere, has a very weak one. This is a lively, energetic and desperately in need of love of the owners of the pet, which will delight you with its loyalty and nice appearance.

Cairn Terrier

And this is one of the little dogs that do not shed. She is smart, has a very nice appearance, and she also has an interesting property: her wool can change color over several years.


It is a non-dying dog of medium breed, bred in Germany, which can be both an excellent pest hunter and a devoted pet. Schnauzers require long walks and good physical exertion, as well as regular removal of dead wool.


This is an ancient breed from Central Africa, distinguished by one unique property: they do not bark like ordinary dogs, but emit a uniquely low howl. Such dogs are ideal for hunting and lend themselves well to various training.


These dogs have a magnificent white wool that does not shed, and they are also gentle and love to play with the owners. Although they react to strangers uneasily, they treat other dogs well and are especially affectionate with children.

Tibetan Terrier

These cute dogs for several hundred years lived in the mountains with Tibetan monks. Now they have become excellent companions and can even be herding dogs. They have thick hair, but despite this, they practically do not shed.

Yorkshire Terrier

Do not be confused by its small size: this dog feels large enough and can fully show its character. But then they are widely known for their loyalty and dedication to their owners, and, of course, for a very insignificant moult.

Shih Tzu

Despite the cute little look of these dogs, their name comes from the Chinese word "lion". But they are not so terrible and proud as loyal and friendly. And their wool will have to be cleaned only during combing or cutting.

Bichon frize

These dogs are very smart! They are easy to train, and they also love water due to the fact that they were previously companions of sailors. Now these are pets, easy-care and hypo-allergenic.

So, many future owners are wondering what breeds of dogs do not shed. These ten breeds, of course, are only a part of a rather large list of non-stopping dogs, but you may choose one of these, as the listed breeds are perfect for families with children and are distinguished by devotion and love for their owners.

Today, there are dogs in almost every family. A huge variety of breeds allows you to choose a pet of any kind and character. However, what if one of the family members suffers from allergies, but dreams of a four-legged friend? Do not rush to give up their desires. Hypoallergenic dog breeds will help resolve conflicts of interest.

How do allergies choose a safe dog?

Pick up a suitable pet for everyone - even for allergic people there are safe breeds

The first thing to consider is that dogs that do not cause allergies do not exist yet. These are natural, natural reactions that cannot be overcome. Hypoallergenic breeds are those types of dogs that are less likely to cause the body’s immune response to a particular irritant. The reason for this is the weak hair loss. It may also be less intensive production of fluids from the secretory glands, which emit a smell that is dangerous for people with allergies.

Important! According to medical observations, even hypoallergenic dogs can provoke a negative reaction of a person, since it depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But such cases are extremely rare.

The main factors of choice

When choosing a dog for allergies, you need to take into account its physiological characteristics - the intensity of molting, salivation, etc.

For those who suffer from allergies, but intend to have a four-legged friend, the following aspects should be taken into account:

  1. The less animal sheds, the better for humans.  The opinion that allergies are harder to get along with a long-haired dog is wrong. What matters is not the length, but the number of hairs that have dropped out. And since the short-haired breeds shed almost all year round, they carry a great danger.
  2. Try to choose a small indoor dog, as size matters. The principle is based on the same - from small pets will be less wool. View photos of dogs of various breeds, ask about the size of the breeders.
  3. The amount of allergens is influenced by the barking of a dog. Scientists have noticed that calm pets are less likely to cause allergies than violent ones. This is due to the fact that with barking more saliva is released, which is a source of allergens.

List of hypoallergenic rocks for apartments and houses

The International Kennel Club has identified a list of names of dog breeds that are most suitable for the maintenance of allergies. The list includes the following types of pets:

  • australian snare terrier;
  • affenpinscher;
  • american Hairless Terrier;
  • bolognese;
  • bichon frize;
  • havana Bichon;
  • welsh Terrier;
  • dandy dinmont terrier;
  • yorkshire Terrier;
  • pomeranian;
  • irish Water Spaniel;
  • coton de Tulear;
  • chinese Crested;
  • cairn Terrier;
  • lhasa apso;
  • kerry Blue Terrier;
  • papillon;
  • maltese;
  • polish Lowland Sheepdog;
  • bullets;
  • portuguese water;
  • poodle;
  • shih tzu.

Description with photo

Chinese Crested is a breed of small dogs that are not susceptible to shedding. However, they need careful care: the hair on the tail, feet and head must be combed daily. In addition, these dogs are prone to allergies, so they need to be bathed using special means without odor.

Rolling Chinese Crested

The Australian Silk-Terrier is a small dog covered with fine long and straight coat. Behind her will require frequent care, in particular, washing and cutting. However, despite regular contact with the animal's hair, this breed has virtually no negative effect on allergy sufferers. This fact can be explained by the silky structure of the cover and the almost complete absence of the undercoat, the small fibers of which cause allergies.

Austrian snail terrier

The American Hairless Terrier is an active and strong medium sized dog. This is a great option for people with allergies. The absence of the coat, which is the carrier of spores of fungi, dust, plant pollen, makes the dog completely safe. In addition, following the opinion that the allergen is located in exfoliated epidermal cells and various biological fluids of an animal, the American Terrier gives a huge advantage. You can regularly wash the pet's skin and enjoy its company without fear of allergies.

Strong and dynamic american naked terrier

Affenpinscher is an inquisitive pet of small size, which is characterized by a weak intensity of molting. Easy to care and safe for allergies. It will be a great friend to your child.

Cutie affenpinscher

Bichon Frize is a breed of small dogs that are popular for their funny appearance. Have a thick coat that grows throughout life. It does not shed at all, which is a positive factor for allergy sufferers. However, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to care and trimming.

Fluffy Bichon Frize

Bolognese is a breed of small dogs, distinguished by good intellect and calm disposition. As in the previous case, the wool of the dog does not fall out, which leads to tangling and, as a result, the owner will need to pay a lot of attention to the care of his pet.

Tireless bolognese

Havana Bichon - a breed of small, kind and curious dogs. They also have a long and silky coat that does not fall out. Owners will need to pay daily attention to combing the cover of their pet with a special brush.

Playful Havana Bichon

Dandie Dinmont Terrier is an unusual breed of dog with short legs. These are gentle, funny and inquisitive pets, whose wool is not prone to loss. She doesn’t need such careful care as the previous breeds, however, once every 2 months trimming is still necessary.

Brisk dandy-dinmont terrier

The Yorkshire Terrier is a popular breed of dog belonging to the “toys” category. Such pets are covered with shiny thin wool, which is similar in structure to human hair. These dogs practically do not fade, but they need constant care, including daily combing, frequent washing with the use of special products, etc.

Dignified Yorkshire Terrier

The Irish Water Spaniel is a very rare breed of dogs in our time. They are quite large, have a thick curly wool that does not shed. They are undemanding in care, as it is necessary to comb and cut a pet less often - it is enough to carry out these procedures 2-3 times a month.

Irish Water Spaniel Kucherushka

Cairn terrier is a breed of small hunting dogs. They have hard wool of sand, wheat, gray and other shades, which does not fade. This pet will need to be trimmed 3-4 times a year, which greatly facilitates care.

Faithful and brave core terrier

Kerry Blue Terrier is a medium-sized breed of dog whose body is covered with soft, curly hair. They are characterized by a complete absence of undercoat and moulting, which minimizes the risk of allergies. For animals requires daily care in the form of combing.

Curry Blue Terrier

Coton de Tulear is a breed of small dogs that is quite rare. Their coat is shaped like a soft and fluffy cotton wool. Despite this, pets are not subject to shedding, which makes them a good choice for allergy sufferers.

Noble Coton de Tulear

Lhasa Apso is a breed of small dogs that have a hard thick and straight coat. They are not susceptible to moulting, but need regular care: the owner needs to daily comb and wash the pet, less often - trimming.

Attentive and affectionate Lhasa Apso

Maltese is a breed of small toy dogs with silky white hair that does not have an undercoat. With proper care, these pets almost do not shed.

Playful Shy Maltese

Papillon is a breed of decorative small dogs with characteristic large ears. Such pets have a long, silky and fine coat, not prone to loss. This factor makes the dog suitable for keeping allergies.

Tireless and sociable papillon

The Polish Lowland Sheepdog is a medium-sized pet breed. These dogs differ fluffy, hard and thick coat. Although animals have a soft undercoat, they are perfectly safe for people with allergies. Getting such a pet, get ready for regular care and frequent walks with the dog.

Calm and patient Polish lowland shepherd

The Portuguese water dog is a service breed. Such pets are covered with thick, stiff and tightly spun hair, not prone to loss with proper care. In addition to combing, such dogs need physical exertion, in particular, swimming. It is best to keep in the house, not the apartment.

Active portuguese water

The Poodle is a popular breed of dog covered in curly hair. They have no undercoat, but moulting susceptibility is moderate. Poodles need frequent grooming and grooming. Perfect for content in the apartment.

Smart poodle

Bullets are a breed of small shepherd dogs, covered with stiff, long hair, twisted into tubules. These bold and active pets are not dangerous for allergies, and, moreover, they are unpretentious in the care. Wool cords do not need to comb. The only thing you need is to keep them clean.

True and unruffled bullets

Shih Tzu is a breed of miniature dogs with a short face. Covered with shiny double coat. These pets are also suitable for people suffering from allergies, due to the fact that with proper care, their hair does not fall out. However, have patience, as shih-tzu need constant care, combing and trimming.

Gorgeous Shih Tzu

Dwarf Pomeranian Spitz - a breed of miniature dogs, also belonging to the category of "toys". Their body is covered with long thick hard hair. There is also a soft undercoat. But the lack of molting saves allergy sufferers and does not cause any special problems if you trim in time. Currently, many breeders call it one of the most beautiful hypoallergenic breeds.

Sweet and playful Pomeranian Spitz

How to reduce the risk of allergies

Observing simple dog care rules will minimize the risk of allergies.

Choosing a safe breed of dog is only one of the factors for minimizing the risk of allergies in humans. In addition, you must follow certain rules for living with a pet:

  1. First of all, the dog needs regular care. This is a must. The amount of dangerous protein in saliva and on the skin can be significantly reduced by washing and cutting the pet often.
  2. Do not neglect combing wool. This will allow you and the dog to feel comfortable.
  3. Wet clean the house as often as possible. Remove all surfaces, especially “collections” of allergens and dust - carpets, curtains, etc.
  4. Isolate your sleeper from the dog. Communicate with your pet, enjoy the games and care for him, but do not let him in your bedroom.
  5. To reduce the concentration of irritants in the air will help household cleaners. Regular airing of the room will do.

Important! It is advisable that the animal is not cared for by an allergic person, but by any other family member.

Thus, each of us can make a four-legged friend, even those who are prone to allergies. There are a whole variety of dog breeds that practically do not cause a negative reaction of the body. They all differ in appearance, character and way of care, but choosing a pet is not so difficult. Good luck to you!