Meaning of life. The meaning and purpose of a modern person's life as factors that determine his attitude to his own health

Today it is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of ecology both in the life of the whole society and separately in the life of each person. Likewise, the state of the planet depends both on commercial companies that generate tons of waste every year, and on the individual who uses the benefits of civilization.

A bit of history

Throughout famous history humanity developed and along with it developed its concepts of the world around it. Very early on, people realized that natural gifts should be used wisely, without destroying the natural balance between man and the planet.

This is confirmed by rock paintings, which speak of human interest in the environment.

From later data it is known that nature conservation was actively practiced in Ancient Greecewhere the inhabitants preserved the beauty of natural forests.

Modern look

Now ecology is interpreted as a science that studies the interaction of living organisms with each other, as well as with the environment.

Any organism living on the planet is susceptible to the influence of many factors: favorable and unfavorable. All these factors can be conditionally divided into two groups: biotic and abiotic. Biotic ones include those that come from living nature; to abiotic - those that are inanimate. For example, an orchid growing on the bark of a tree is an example of symbiosis, that is, a biotic factor, but the direction of the wind and weather conditions affecting these two organisms are already an abiotic factor. All this creates conditions for the natural evolution of living organisms on the planet.

But here another important aspect appears that significantly affects the state of the environment - this is the anthropogenic factor, or the human factor. Deforestation, turning rivers into a different channel, mining and development of minerals, the release of various toxins and other waste - all this affects the environment where such influences are made. As a result, biotic and abiotic factors in this area undergo changes, and some of them disappear altogether.

In order to regulate environmental changes, scientists have deduced the main tasks that ecology must solve, namely: the development of laws of reasonable use natural resources, relying on general principles organization of life, as well as timely decision environmental issues.

For this, environmental scientists have identified four basic laws:

  1. everything is connected with everything;
  2. nothing disappears into nowhere;
  3. nature knows best;
  4. nothing is given just like that.

It would seem that the observance of all these rules should lead to a rational and harmonious use of natural gifts, but, unfortunately, we are observing a different trend in the development of this area.

Why is this happening? Why is the role of ecology in the lives of many people still in the background? Any external problem is just a reflection human consciousness... Most are not even aware of what is hidden behind the result of their daily life.

Aspects of nature affected by anthropogenic factors

The sharp rise in consumer lifestyles has led to the unwise use of natural resources. The rapid development of scientific and technological progress, a large-scale increase in agricultural human activity - all this aggravated the negative impact on nature, which led to a serious violation ecological situation all over the planet. Let's consider the main natural aspects most susceptible to the ecological crisis.


Once upon a time there was a different atmosphere on Earth, then it happened that oxygen appeared on the planet, and after it aerobic organisms formed, that is, those that feed on this gas.

Absolutely all aerobic creatures depend on oxygen, that is, on air, and our vital activity depends on its quality. Everyone knows from school that oxygen is produced by plants, therefore, given modern trend deforestation and an active increase in the population of people, it is not difficult to guess what the destruction of fauna leads to. But this is only one of the aspects affecting the state of the atmosphere of our planet. In reality, everything is more complicated, especially in large populated cities, where, according to medical standards, concentration toxic substances exceeded tenfold.


The next equally important aspect of our life is water. The human body consists of 60–80% water. 2/3 of the entire earth's surface is water. Oceans, seas, rivers are constantly polluted by man. Every day, we "kill" the world's oceans with oil production from offshore fields. Oil spills threaten the life of marine life. Not to mention the garbage islands drifting continuously over the surface of the oceans and seas.

Fresh water most vulnerable to human ignorance. Wastewater, various toxins such as mercury, lead, pesticides, arsenic and many other "harsh" chemicals poison rivers and lakes every day.


The main foundation of life on earth is soil. It is known that in order for the Earth to be able to create one centimeter of chernozem, it will take about 300 years. Nowadays one centimeter is fertile soil, on average, dies in three years.


The totality of all environmental problems leads to a worsening climate. The climate can be compared to the health of the planet. When certain "organs" of the Earth are affected, it has a direct impact on the climate. For many years we have been observing various anomalies in connection with climate change, the causes of which are anthropogenic factors. Human intervention in the activities of nature has led to a sharp warming or cooling in certain zones, to a rise in ocean levels due to the rapid melting of glaciers, to abnormal precipitation or to their absence, as well as to severe natural disasters and much more.

The main thing is not focusing on the list of problems, but the very understanding of the causes of their occurrence, as well as concentration on effective ways and methods of solving them.

Areas of our life affected by ecology

What is the role of ecology in human life? As for absolutely everyone with which we all deal every day, every second of our life; Without what life, such as it is now, could not exist?


Health as a constructor, from separate parts which depends on his condition as a whole. There are many such factors, the main ones are known to everyone - these are the way of life, nutrition, human activities, the people around him, as well as the environment where he lives. Ecology and human health are closely interconnected. If there are violations on one side, then the other reacts accordingly.

A person living in a city is at risk of getting sick serious illness many times more than a person living in the suburbs.


When a person eats incorrectly, his metabolism is disturbed, which in turn leads to more serious problems with health. It is worth remembering that these violations may also affect future generations.

The main problem for human health is chemical substances, mineral fertilizers, pesticides used to treat agricultural fields, as well as the use of additives and dyes to improve appearance products, preservatives to increase the shelf life of food and much more.

There are known cases of adding compounds of heavy metals and other elements unfavorable for the human body, such as mercury, arsenic, lead, cadmium, manganese, tin and others.

Poultry and cattle feed contains many toxins that can cause cancer, metabolic failure, blindness and other serious diseases.

To protect yourself and your loved ones, you need to be careful about the products you buy. Study the composition and symbols on the packaging. Do not support producers who are indifferent to your fate and the state of our planet. Special attention Pay attention to 3-digit E-supplements, the meaning of which can be easily found on the Internet and thus live a longer and happier life.

Vital activity and mood

Health status and quality of nutrition are the determining factors of a person's activity and vitality. As we can see, all these factors can be associated with the state of the environment on our planet, on which we directly depend. Leading a healthy lifestyle, yoga and self-discovery, it is simply impossible to be indifferent to the environment. When we are in nature we breathe fresh air, we eat pure, home-grown products - our life changes its quality. The state of mind is also transformed, which harmonizes the mood and attitude towards life in general.


Everything in this world is natural; everything we do, one way or another, comes back to us, immediately or later - it doesn't matter. If we take care of ourselves and the world where we now live, save resources, thinking about nature, live according to conscience, then the ecological situation on the planet will improve - and we will not have to pay for our own recklessness and carelessness.

Live consciously, eat healthy - only natural products - take care of waste disposal and recycling, use the most necessary - then your life and the life of our entire planet will improve! Great starts small!

Have firmly entered the life of every Internet user. Even those who proudly declare that they do not have a page in any social network, from time to time they still go under other people's accounts to see what is being done there. A social network can be called a swamp, if you bypass it, then everything is in order, and if you get into it, then how lucky - it may not hook, but it can tighten.

The development of modern social networks began in 1995, when the first social network was created, which still remains one of the most popular in the world. The concept proved to be in great demand, and since then, social networks have sprung up like mushrooms after rain. More and more people different ages prefer to communicate on social networks, this is becoming the most popular activity on the Internet. Today, out of the 100 most visited sites, 20 are social networks in the direct meaning, and another 60 are socialized to varying degrees (forums, clubs, etc.).

However, social networks not only have a positive effect on a person. People's addiction to social networks is very harmful. Each person has needs that he seeks to satisfy. For example, the need for communication, increased self-esteem, etc. It's much easier to do this online. Virtual life seems to be something different from real life... Here you can call yourself a different name, create a different image, make many interesting friends easily, say whatever you want without thinking about the consequences. I want to sit and sit on a social network, climb groups, communicate, watch something. A person already eats at the computer, and not at the table. Virtual life is beginning to replace real life. Why meet, go somewhere, if you can talk or see photos of all your friends without leaving your home. Many people, once in a social network, "get hooked on it", automatically refreshing their page, reading news or playing applications. It becomes difficult for such people to live in real life. Some deliberately refuse to meet with friends, saying that they are busy, and they themselves pick cucumbers in applications. And some people pay money to get votes or ratings, or exchange real money for coins in applications. Of course, this will not cause irreparable damage to the family budget, but it can lighten the wallet. And not everyone can realize their addiction.

Social media can negatively affect children too. It has been proven that children who spend a lot of time there have problems with the development of speech. Many deliberately misspelled words, use profanity and believe that in real life this is also socially acceptable. In addition, by creating a page on any social network, children get unlimited access to a large amount of information, and no parental restrictions will help. Many children can be found in such groups as "Death, Murder, Violence" or "Club of Maniacs". All this greatly affects the fragile child's psyche. Of course, children can find similar things outside the social network, but when to join such a group suggests

Modern humanity lost our way: the worst thing is that we have spoiled our consciousness: we do not teach a person to be a person, we are not taught to love each other. And to love is the most difficult thing, especially when people have completely lost responsibility for what they are doing ”...

Modern humanity has gone astray: “The most important thing is that we have spoiled our consciousness. People have completely lost responsibility for what they are doing "- Tatiana Chernigovskaya (neurolinguist, provesser, doctor of philological and biological sciences)

“The problem is that there is no love in us. We are not taught to love each other ... And to love is a difficult thing. To love is not to lisp, it is to take responsibility "- Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, People's Artist of the USSR

These are just small fragments from the amazing documentary "Temptation by Civilization"

(302.65 MB / 33:18 min)

6:17 min - what should you really teach in school?

“We do not teach a person to be a person. We teach to achieve success in the material world: we teach to earn money, fame. Provide yourself with material benefits. Education does not aim to bring a person to a higher level of consciousness. ... (Modern people) The quality of life is seen exclusively in the material, and they do not look for it within themselves. As a result, a certain common, gregarious concept is formed, which is based on common stereotyped judgments and advertising slogans. " - Dario Salas Sommer.

"On the quality of development inner peace individual depends on his personal future, and the future of all mankind. " Dario Salas Sommer

8:56 minutes - what is the danger of the crowd? And what drives all the people into the crowd?

11:50 min - the nature of human perception of information and how a person thinks.

“The madness of modern life has deprived man of the will and sanity he needs to act consciously. Mechanical, stereotyped behavior has become the norm and dulled higher abilities, not allowing to give a correct assessment of things and phenomena. " Dario Salas Sommer

15:00 min - human or biorobot: who are you really?

15:46 min - “Talking about making a decision on your own when a person cannot control his emotions and passions is funny” ...

Modern man must spend a lot of energy and effort just to meet the ever-changing standards of today's consumer society. Such a person simply does not have time for deep reasoning and comprehension of his life, without speaking already about the spiritual sphere of a person's life. His whole life is a constant pursuit of stereotyped mirage of happiness and success, implanted by an artificial modern culture of consumption. Such a person does not live, but mindlessly consumes, squeezing all the juices both from himself and from everything around him.

Constant haste and nervousness, headaches and stress, depression and constant fatigue syndrome - what is all this for? And why is this happening now - a time when the level of science and scientific and technological progress is incredibly high ... but an ordinary person feels more and more lost, helpless and unhappy.

"The worst thing is what we say and what we do ..." Armen Dzhigarkhanyan, People's Artist of the USSR

Why do we daily form negative information streams that poison everything around us with their fear, anger, pain and hatred? Do we really think that in this world there are no causal relationships and this will not come back to me?

According to public figures, government spending on military spending in 2008 amounted to about $ 1,500 billion. Only 0.01% of these expenses would be enough to develop scientific methods for assessing the interaction of man and Nature, and to show that both his personal future and the future of all mankind depend on the quality of the development of the individual's inner world. It is precisely such concrete actions that could change the situation in the world, and would allow scientists to restore the lost honor of seekers of Truth, directing their knowledge not to destruction, but to creation.

We are completely confused, lost: we are no longer able to see obvious phenomena, we have ceased to be able to distinguish between causes and effects - the interconnections that permeate our Universe through and through. How did this happen to us?

Ser Arthur Elington said that a person can only see what is in his mind. Those. a person sees not what is outside him, but a kind of photograph taken by his consciousness. If we see something, it is only because we already know something about it. A prime example is dolphins, or a man and a woman. Indicatively, children can very easily see dolphins, while adults can see a couple hugging.

Can we see what the world looks like in general, in fact? Can we see the whole picture of the world as a whole? And without seeing the whole picture, is it possible to act correctly and unmistakably, so that all actions and actions lead only to a positive result for everyone? For this it is necessary to be guided by the instructions of the one who created this World.

Without changing the morality of society as a whole, the world will face global catastrophes: financial, environmental, economic and others

“Order in the Universe is based on the interaction of all its parts, as in a living organism: everything affects everything, everything is interconnected with everything” - Aristotle. Those. loss of connection is death. In the human body, this is cancer - a group of cells that begin to live by themselves: they consume an unlimited amount nutrients organism, taking food from other cells. And what are we, the masters of the body, doing with cancer? And what do you think the Universe will do with those living beings (modern man) that literally destroy the Earth? ...

25:02 min - why are large enterprises, countries and associations ruined?

“Society, humanity as a whole, does not recognize itself as a single family, in which the life of everyone depends on the actions of everyone ... I am surprised by the madness of modern humanity: we have no other territory, we have no other planet to which we can move. ... "- Tatiana Chernigovskaya (neurolinguist, provesser, doctor of philological and biological sciences). And even if there was another planet, how long would it be? The quality of life determines the consciousness of a living being.

Today, in our time, a lot of people with higher education, with first-class diplomas ... but the world has never been so bad in terms of brotherhood, the ability to live next to each other, the highest spiritual values.

But the worst thing is that a person has completely lost access to himself, trying to drown out his own emptiness with cheap and affordable pleasures. Whom are we trying to deceive? ... The world is so arranged that we can get happiness and success only through communication with the environment, but modern society is constantly trying to bypass this law, to isolate people from each other.

28:58 min - What to do and where to look for answers? What is considered a landmark?

"The best thing we can do for ourselves is to have time to get to know ourselves." - Tatiana Chernikovskaya
"Know yourself, explore yourself ... gain a deeper vision of life"

At present, a huge number of problems and questions are dumped on a person. Psychology explains how a person behaves when solving them. Each inhabitant of the planet is individual, and therefore it is simply unrealistic to foresee everything possible options... This suggests that today it is very difficult to be in a modern society without basic psychological knowledge. After all, each of us is in direct contact with others, whose behavior and mood are extremely unstable.

The role of psychology is extremely important in times fresh technologies and progress. Modern psychology helps a person to solve vital problems. For many people today, psychology has become a vital need. It helps a person to self-actualize, develop as a person, and help other people. A good modern psychologist with the help psychological trainings, analyzes, different methods does not allow the person to stand still.

People who still have doubts about what is in his life important role psychology plays, you should think about what would happen if there were no social Psychology, there was no business dialogue technique. If it were so, then a person would not understand the meaning of the words "society", "community", and many others. Therefore, modern psychology provides vital knowledge.

Thanks to this knowledge, any person can easily adapt to new conditions, which were previously an incomprehensible secret for him. He will be able to adapt correctly to them and his psyche will not suffer. It is difficult today to overestimate the role of this knowledge in life modern man... Therefore, the life of modern society is impossible without psychology today. It is important that everyone understands this in time and takes appropriate measures.

There is no other science in the world today that could study a person like psychology. The most important thing in any person's life is success, joy, happiness, peace of mind. It all develops only in a psychological way. A person who does not know this will not begin to study himself. After all, modern psychology is not only the study of others, but also of oneself. By studying yourself, you can easily study those around you.

The benefit of psychology today is that most people in modern times need help, and, oddly enough, it is psychological help. After all, only she helps a person create a happy, successful, material world, changing habits and ways of thinking. Feel free to study psychology, seek help from professionals.

This clip of the GREAT MAN, Nick Vuychich, will allow you to look at the WORLD in a different way!

The word "instinct" is usually associated with the basest, evil deeds of a person. In fact, according to biology, this word denotes innate programs of behavior. People are born with a huge number of instincts, the best of which are passed down from generation to generation.

The word "instinct" is usually associated with the most base, evil deeds of a person. In fact, according to biology, this word denotes innate programs of behavior. People are born with a huge number of instincts, the best of which are passed down from generation to generation.

© Marcos Rey

Each person has a love for the Motherland - his country, in which there are hundreds of cities, thousands of villages, millions of people. For the sake of her prosperity, everyone works and endures adversity. We feel conscious feelings for this Motherland, consciously strive to instill in it the love of all those around us.

But each person has another homeland, to which no one consciously instilled love. And you don't need to. This homeland is a tiny dot on the map of the country, the place where everyone was born and began to grow up. Although this place, perhaps, practically does not differ from thousands and thousands of others, it is the one and only. A person carries the image of this homeland with him all his life, not forgetting for a second. Is love for the motherland an instinct? Yes. Exactly. This was found out with the help of migratory birds: the chicks were taken away from the parental nest, and they were detained until the fall, before migrating to warmer climes... After winter, birds were expected at both addresses. The result is striking:

matured birds in most cases returned “home” (to a new place), except for those that reached a certain critical age - these birds returned to the places from where they were originally taken away. Consequently, birds become attached to a specific place on earth during childhood ... This is called "imprinting", which means "imprinting" information into the brain. The instinctive homeland is not a place of birth, but a place where the most emotional period of childhood passed. In modern people, the most vivid imprinting is carried out from 2 to 12 years old, therefore, the greatest experiences and joys are best remembered precisely during this period of a person's life.

Everyone has such acquaintances who have been engaged in intellectual work all their lives, fiddled with papers, traveled on business trips, but did not like to work with their hands, and did not know how. At home, not just fixing a shelf - nailing a hook is a problem. We retired ... and changed. Trees are planted and replanted, the beds are in perfect order, and what compotes have begun to turn out - a delicious taste. They say about such: the craving for the ground has woken up. In this case, if you say: instinct, they will not be surprised, it is too obvious.

So why did a person have a gardener's instinct, and even more so it survived until today? The fact is that it took tens of thousands of years to develop the whole process of turning the land that does not bring food into a fertile field. About nine thousand years ago, slash farming appeared, which in fact is a product of the human mind. The forest was burned out, cut down, sown; the land bore fruit for several years, and then the fields were again burnt, chopped, sowed ... "Burn and chop" is the name of this method.

Several tens of thousands of years of farming could not disappear without a trace, which is why even modern people can see this instinct, this incomprehensible, but only at first glance, craving for the earth.

Love for dogs is an instinct too, which appeared among people in primitive society. The dog was needed for survival - a mutually beneficial alliance of two weakly armed predators. Man walks hunting - dogs look for prey, and a man kills it and leaves his "helpers" not completely gnawed bones, so that these animals have a craving for a kind of cooperation. For long thousands, maybe the same tens of thousands of years, man had only one friend - a dog, therefore modern people (not all, of course) have an unconscious attraction to dogs.

Dogs and people were practically not at enmity, but in antiquity there were enough leopards and tigers - the enemies of man; modern people actively pay attention to yellow-black stripes, regardless of where they are applied. It's an instinct ... What if a tiger ?! We must run!

There are no such dangerous animals on the streets, but the yellow-black color is used in many places where it would be worth focusing your attention, for example, “speed bumps” and other artificial irregularities. The Beeline mobile telephone network operates on the territory of Russia. Her logo is black and yellow horizontal stripes. The instinct forces us to focus attention on this ... And since there is attention, there is also interest. This is how a large company “played” on “human feelings”.

Instinct works well with reason. The ancient master of behavior does not require blind obedience, but directs desires and thoughts, allowing the mind complete freedom of choice. Life changes, the instinct is ancient, and therefore the mind is given to us in order to find landmarks in various unexpected situations.

People have a feeling that they are acting the way they were brought up, but the thought never comes that something ancient, alien to reason, is the motivation for action. It's so hard to believe that instincts are involved in motivating behavior. You know and know more - you live and survive better, the most ancient instinct, which is currently in great demand.

We humans have almost stopped fighting instincts. Instincts do not muffle the mind. It's better to collaborate, right?published