In a dream, a feast with friends. Feast holiday

What dreams of a feast in the company of the best friends or foreign people? Night visions in which the feast was granted, interpreted interpreters mainly in positive light. According to most dreams, the lush and cheerful feast in a dream promises sleeping the beginning of a light strip in life filled with happy changes and positive emotions. But if in his Gresses, the dreams experienced anxiety, was unhappy or depressed, then in reality his life would not be as cloudless, as he wants.

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    Interpretation on modern and Russian dreams

    Modern dream book feast considers a favorable sign that foreshadows happiness, success and good news. If the sleeping in a dream, it turned out that he was preparing dishes for the holiday and covered on the table, then I should not be afraid of the problems. In the near future, it expects financial well-being and stability in all spheres of life. Dreamed to sit for a richly covered table along with other guests? Fate prepared a person with a meeting with good and sincere people who will be faithful friends and submit his shoulder in a difficult moment. If the dreams were at the night's dreams at the table without a tablecloth, then in real life it will face a situation in which he can show its independence and independence.

      A bad omen is a dream in which the dreams during the feast was nervous, angry or experienced any other negative feelings. Such a development of events warns him about the coming misfortune. A dirty tablecloth on the table promises sleeping problems with children or subordinates. A feast with empty tables predicts man financial problems. In the near future, he will have to live on a very modest amount and refuse to itself in the most necessary things.

      The Russian dream book considers he seen in the night Gresses a feast of a merry pastime. A sleeping person in the coming days will take part in a solemn event, in which the tables will be broken from alcohol. The interpreter recommends a dream with caution to take the use of hot drinks, as because of this, he risks to get into the unpleasant situation and to nourished the enemies.

      See yourself in a dream of a guest on a crowded cheerful peer? Dream Interpretation is confident that a person who has observed such a picture in a dream, good and decent people will meet in real life who will help him make conceived plans and get rid of problems. Do not fear in the near future failure - they will be around the sleeping side.

      What dreams Goldfish is dream - interpretation of a dream

      Decryption of Venus Vision, Miller, Wange and Online Dream

      To see a feast, according to Velezova Dream, to favorable events. But if a dream was surrounded on the feast of a dream, then soon his reputation may suffer due to the gossip distributed about it with ill-wishers. Also, a dream, in which there was a large number of representatives of weak gender at the table, often foreshadowed man sadness and tears.

      If a person dreamed of a feast, in real life he is awaited good changes. This interpretation can be found in the dream interpretation of Gustav Miller. The famous interpreter of dreams predicts sleeping faithful friends, happy turns in fate and financial well-being. A married dream night vision promises sincere love of the second half and respect for children.

      Digested feast in the dream book of the legendary prisoner Vanga is a favorable symbol. Farmer This image foreshadows a rich harvest, a businessman is a success in business activities. A young girl to see himself in night Gresses on the feast - to the ambulance wedding. If the dream dreamed of a married woman, then in the near future she learns the news about her pregnancy.

      Did you dream of cooking for a feast? Online dream book promises a man happy family life and material well-being. To be present in night gold on a dinner called and see around himself a lot of guests - to a pleasant leisure in the company of interesting people.

      What foreshadows a feast with colleagues and relatives?

      Sleep, in which the table was covered at work, promises a dream to praise from the bosses or cash prize. If the sleeper walked with colleagues in a cafe or restaurant, then in reality he will perform an interesting job, which will bring him a lot of positive emotions and a tangible increase to the salary. Did you dream of a feast at someone from colleagues? Soon the dream will be able to establish itself at work on the positive side and enlist the support of the authorities and colleagues. If sleeping in a dream, I got a feast with colleagues in my own house, then I will be able to achieve success at work thanks to the support of my households.

      What a dream is a dream of a festive table? To see himself in a dream by pouring surrounded by close people - to the need to take an important decision to appear. Higher forces advise sleeping not to hurry with the final answer. Any doubts will help him dispel their relatives, so he can safely count on her help and moral support. Some dreams of a feast with close people treat as a sign that foreshadows the emergence of any disputes or conflicts in the family.

      A man seeing in a dream at the table solemnly dressed relatives, the danger should beware in real life. Ladies in white evening dresses and men in black suits are stolen to him.

Sleeping about rich and abundant treats is almost always preceded by good changes in life. In the dream, the feast is interpreted as a positive symbol. To properly decipher the night plot, it is important to take into account how and where the event was held, who and what that emotions were experiencing a dream.

Regarding the night plot about the feast of different dreams unanimously - this is a good sign.

The psychologist Miller believes that such a vision indicates happiness and well-being, for stable family relationships. And he also adds that the emotions tested at the same time are. If you were easy and joyful at the table, then there will be a meeting with good people.

An unpleasant feelings warn about the approaching misfortune.

The meal, at which there is nothing on the table, indicates the upcoming problems of financial nature.
Wang has interpreted sleep with abundant treat, as a sign indicating profit and excellent harvest. Not floating the table - to deterioration of the financial situation.

Unmarried Girl Sleep with generously represented food promises an ambulance wedding. A poor feast indicates a poor groom, rich - on a wealthy one.

Married Lama Vision foreshadows the birth of a child.

Sigmund Freud refused famous interpretations and tied up in a night plot with female passion. In his opinion, a luxurious treat indicates a temperamental woman. And, on the contrary, a meager or an empty table talks about her indifference to sexy games.

Pyrcy overcrowded by different disasses means that there is no harmony in the married life, and with health there are problems.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer explains the dreaming disinfined feast as an indication of the upcoming joyful events and coming happiness. Navid sleeping expect:

  • good luck in affairs;
  • stability;
  • good income.

When you feel unpleasant emotions in a dream, you need to seriously estimate the real state of affairs and try to correct the errors, threatening the loss of stability.

Female dream book argues that the feast in night gold is preceded by a quick conception in reality.

Flowers gives the following interpretation:

  • a fun banquet in a restaurant symbolizes heavy and fast parting, but if your emotions are in a normal state, then there will be no strong chagrin.

See a holiday without me

A feast in a dream, passing without you, means that there will be decisions that will make decisions, guided by its own intuition, and not traditionally accepted.

In the dream interpretation of Loffa, it is so interpreted with a feast without a dream: if it is ignored, it is not called to the table, in reality the situation may repeat. The relatives and colleagues will turn away from the sleeper. Possible loss of work.

Dreamed a big feast and many people

A feast with a large number of participants dreams of good changes in the family and at work. There is a real probability of winning, assigning a premium or obtaining inheritance.

The noisy company gathered at the table is a very good symbol. He foreshadows a cheerful feast or a pleasant meeting with someone. Unfortunately, this is not always happening.

If you dream a feast with relatives gathered together, be prepared for unpleasant disputes with them. Another interpretation of such sleep is parting.

Wedding celebration predicts a calm and measured life.

The celebration of his own birthday is a disease and trouble, but someone else's anniversary - to joy.

Sleep, in which women in white clothes and men are gathered at one table in black, foreshadows a big trouble.

He dreamed of a feast with unfamiliar people - such a night painting reveals losses and spending.

What does a banquet with colleagues, friends

A dreaming banquet foreshadows that in reality will have to pay expensive for their own well-being.

A fight on a similar feast foreshadows an unexpected and serious problem.

Unpleasant people who gathered at the table symbolize sleeping upcoming participation in the squabbles and gossip capable of harming his reputation.

A feast with colleagues testifies to the upcoming misunderstanding in the team. Sleep Sleep and good events under the following conditions:

  • the table covers a clean tablecloth;
  • guests stayed for a long time;
  • they sang cheerful songs and talked lively.

Festive table without food, with dirty plates, warns about troubles in the team or dismissal.

Sleeping with the participation of colleagues, classmates, friends indicate that there is a pleasant time to realize.

If there were only men in the night vision in the celebration, it means that the dreams will soon receive a serious offer associated with the work.

Trapeza in the church with relatives and loved ones, with other people's people, with classmates, boss, men symbolize the end of difficulties and the beginning of a new life stage.

If we saw a feast in a dream, many people who do not know each other at all, then the situation is waiting ahead when it can be fully appreciated what it means to "be not in its plate."

What dreams of a feast with the dead man

Sit at the table with the dead man - sleep warns about the coming danger. After such a night plot, you need to go to the church, put candles for the rest of the deceased and health of the living.

For a trapez girl in a dream with such a "guest", the pleasant news is promulit.

Not all dreams with the participation of the died people symbolize death, trouble, illness. Beding a night vision, in which the dead man leaves and calls with him.

For a long time, it is known that dreams have an incredible force. They remind of the past, warned against rampant actions, predict the future. Dreams of holidays and feasts are positive and welcome. Let them be more, and our life is better and longer!

Traditional interpretation, what dreams of a feast is a great stormy, cheerful and rich life. Theoretically, people who were with you at the same table are your closest friends. Than a magnificent table, the more wealth will be in real life. Fasting rarely, lush feasts are rarely shot, so this dream is absolutely defined desire.

Sleeping of the starving is when you dream that you made one single luxurious chicken, sourcing divine flavors, and you must have time to eat it earlier than your neighbors on the table. You make a desperate jerk, knock off the best friend and his mom, drive into the fragrant leg and wake up with a blanket in your teeth in the middle of the pillows torn in shreds.

If you are bothering like such dreams - visit the good nutritional nutritionist. A total of half liters of oatmeal in the morning will get rid of hungry horrors.

  • You see one dish and should compete - hunger, metabolic disorder.
  • Many heterogeneous dishes are cakes, sausages, cutting, salads, fruits, all on the same table, around a lot of fun people, half of whom you know in the face - Favorable times are expected.
  • To cover the feast - wait for expensive guests.
  • Wedding, the wedding table is a good event. For young women to see a feast in a dream - to fertility. Being a guest at the wedding is to get a profitable offer.
  • You do not know all these people and have fun on a feast with an outsider - an alarming mark. Tibetans would say that you fell on the feast of hungry demons. Carefully keep track of your condition, throw off the annoying thoughts and ridiculous ideas, fight the rage attacks - it helps a few sips of mineral water, tie with any dependencies.
  • Quarrels and fights at the table. If familiar people are fighting and swearing - look at them. Perhaps there is a protracted conflict that has become understood only in a dream. The fight and quarrel of strangers - you are waiting for serious troubles and failures. Watches attentiveness and caution, reduce the total degree of gulling.
  • Wedding feast - to great luck.
  • Purchase feast - you are trying to deceive fate. It is quite possible that you will succeed. Keep sad face, hide joy from successful transactions for a while. You can complain about hard life and a difficult share, but not too long, do not get drunk. Screaming longer than 5 minutes attracts failure. Finish the nagging moderately optimistic "Well, nothing, nothing we will cope, probably."

Placement of places on the feast

The layout on the feast is very important. You have fun with everyone, sing, eat, talk, you have a nice society - everything is fine, the relationship of mess, but even. You are safe.

If you are on the edge of the feast, periodically go out of the table, to see from the side that happens rather does not like it, the faces seem to be unavailable, the behavior of guests is vulgar. This means that you personally look better than your place and your company. You do not quite trust others.

You are at the head of the table, give orders, first try all the dishes - you need to take egoism a little and take interest in others.

For unknown reasons, you turned out to be the main dish and with horror, or indifference you understand that you will be eaten now. Such a dream means that you are used, and no one is ready to reckon with your opinion. It is possible to see in a dream a feast from a meal position only at high temperatures, or in a desperate situation.

If you see close people who do not pay attention to you - this fact should be noted. For example, see your half in a pair with another person - to the ambulance, cooling of relationships, the appearance of unpleasant secrets.

If your children are sitting with other people, do not see you, you should pay attention to health. Especially for the treatment of chronic diseases.

Masives the presence of an invitation for a holiday. If you have an invitation - you can consider yourself adopted in society. If you wander around the table and do not find your place - it is worth thinking about the circle of communication.

Meaning of a feast in dreams

  • Wang's dream book assures that sleep with a feast - to serious and significant changes in life. Merry and noisy feast - to change for the better. Fights, quarrels, Swarren - to problems.
  • If in a dream you are younger than in life - you will find a good surprise and reward for good deeds.
  • Female dream book treats a feast in a dream as a slight course of pregnancy and a good healthy child. Sit at the table next to the chosen one - to the ambulance wedding.
  • The Wanderer's dream book promises good luck in business and help faithful friends, relatives. Quarrels and Swarren during the feast, a feeling of anxiety - we are afraid of deception from friends. Perhaps the meaningful information was hidden from you.
  • Classic Miller's dream book interprets sleep with a feast as an important invitation to the right company, a significant event. Strange people at the table - forerunners of interesting turns of fate. Friendly feast in a close company means close bond and mutual assistance of friends.


A feast is your life, in all its diversity. People at the table are important in your life, the total flow of a feast is friendly or scandalous shows your character. There are often cases when looking at a feast in a dream with a description of your life, a person resolutely changed everything - work, family, lifestyle, because the former suddenly turned out to be unbearable. Any dream is a sign.

It is not necessary to blindly obey signs, but it happens that the solution has already matured by the time of receipt of the sign. In this case, do not postpone the actions for later. Wait for the most convenient moment for you, and take your own solutions. Be careful, too sharp turns of your destiny can harm those who depends on you, and you will get a mirror response from fate. Take decisions, just thinking well with all the consequences, preferably several times and from different positions.

Dream Miller

Why dream feast in a dream?

Feast - fortunately, good, well-being and stability in family relationships.

Dream Wander (Terentia Smirnova)

Interpretation of a feast of your sleep

The feast is to cover on the table in a dream and cook festive dishes for a feast - to joyful, stable life, profitable business, good luck of relatives in the case. If, preparing in a dream to the feast, you experience unpleasant sensations, sadness or anxious - in reality you should be afraid of unexpected turns of fate - the trouble will come not in time and from there, from where you think about it.

Universal Dream Interpretation for the whole family


Feast - if you dream of a feast in which you participate as one of the guests - a dream says that very good people will meet you soon. On your way there will be only good and people who wish you happiness. Everything is bad will bypass you.

Large dream book Natalia Stepanova

Why dream feast

The feast is often dreaming of women to pregnancy, long-awaited and easily flowing. For a woman, this is a very good sign.

The feast will dream of a saturated life full of joyful events, which awaits you soon. If you have dreamed of a lush feast with a lot of guests - you have an important event ahead, you can enhance the service or marriage (for girls). Such a dream becomes a precursor of your insane popularity, you achieve unprecedented heights in any case for which we will take. Feast with you at the head of the table symbolizes universal recognition and honor.

Dream Vangu

Why dream feast

To dream in a dream feast - to abundance, good crop, arrived. The girl feast dreams to the wedding. A woman is to the birth of a child.

Modern dream book


Feast - dream of a lush in the evening, dinner or event where you will take alcohol-containing drinks. Be careful - such a dream is a warning that you may have serious problems because of alcohol.

Dreaming Dictionary / Stern Robinson and Tom Corbet (Rus. Perevodode)

I solve why dream feast

Feast is a difficult period in the dream of a dream. Also, the feast symbolizes a noble and generous person. Sit down at the table - means the arrival of friends. If the dreams sees himself at the table in the company of other men, he expects joy in friendly relations due to the fair resolution of the dispute between him and his interlocutors.

If the sleeping sees bread, unfolded throughout the table, during the feast - means that it will come to someone in conflict. When in a dream you see a rich table - it symbolizes the level of the belief of the dream. Prepare dishes and tow the table to the festive feast - to stability and well-being in life. But if there are empty tables during the feasting tables, then it is to poverty and misfortunes.

Newest dream book George Ivanova

What dreams and what does it mean to a dream

A feast is a very ambiguous interpretation. On the one hand, a feast in a dream predicts you participation in some kind of entertainment event with the mandatory separation of alcoholic beverages. But on the other hand, the feast often warns that you should be more careful with the use of alcohol. Obviously, your body is too susceptible. And if you continue the same further, then it will end with the development of alcoholism.

For a dream, which dreamed of the 11th, in most cases should not pay attention. The thing is that from the dreams of this number, only individual and extremely clear storylines will be. If the sleep was not fulfilled for three days, it makes no sense to wait, it will not be fulfilled. Special attention should be paid to dreams, in which relatives and other people close to you are present.

Feast in the interpretation of experts

Why dream feast

Dream Vangu

Interpretation of sleep: the feast will dream of abundance, good crop, arrived. The girl feast dreams to the wedding. A woman is to the birth of a child.

Why dream feast

Newest dream book Ivanova

A feast - to the entertainment event with drinking alcoholic beverages; Sleep Caution: You need to be very careful with alcohol, you can easily sleep.

Why dream feast

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that you are preparing dishes and cover the table to the festive feast - your life will delight you with stability and well-being.

If in a dream, the feast causes you anxious sensation - the trouble will come when it was least waiting for it.

Being among the guests invited to the feast - means that there will be mental people in life.

If you dream that you eat at the table, on which there is no tablecloth - then you are self-independent and independent.

To see the appointed tablecloth on the table - means disobedience of children or subordinates. To see the empty tables predict poverty.

Why dream feast

Eastern Dream

Prepare dishes and tow the table to the festive feast - to stability and well-being in life.

If the feast causes you an alarm - know: the trouble will come when it was least waiting.

Being among the guests invited to the feast - means: you are waiting for many meetings with mental people.

Empty tables - dreams of poverty and misfortunes.

Why dream feast

Universal dream book

Feast - dream of a lush in the evening, dinner or event where you will take alcohol-containing drinks. Be careful - such a dream is a warning that you may have serious problems because of alcohol.

Feast - if you dreamed of a feast, in which you participate as one of the guests - such a dream says that very good people will meet soon. On your way there will be only good and people who wish you happiness. Everything is bad will bypass you.

Why dream feast

Dream Interpretation Stewart Robinson

Feast is a difficult period in the dream of a dream. Also, the feast symbolizes a noble and generous person. Sit down at the table - means the arrival of friends, and there is at the table. If the dreams sees himself at the table in the company of other men, he expects joy in friendly relations due to the fair resolution of the dispute between him and his interlocutors. If the sleeping sees bread, unfolded throughout the table, during a feast - this means that he will come to someone in conflict. When in your dream you see a rich table - it symbolizes the level of the belief of the dream. Prepare dishes and tow the table to the festive feast - to stability and well-being in life. But when you dream that there are empty tables, then it will take off to poverty and misfortunes.

Why dream feast

Female dream book

Feast - often a feast will dream of women to pregnancy, long-awaited and easily flowing. See in a dream a feast for a woman is a very good sign.

Feast - a feast dreams of a saturated life with joyful events, which awaits you soon. If you have dreamed of a lush feast with a lot of guests - you have an important event ahead, you can enhance the service or marriage (for girls). Such a dream becomes a precursor of your insane popularity, you achieve unprecedented heights in any case for which we will take. Feast with you at the head of the table symbolizes universal recognition and honor.

Why dream feast

Online dream book

Reduces cooking to the feast - in your family will reign peace and wealth.

If you are among those invited to a dinner, you have to communicate in a circle of pleasant and interesting people.

Why dream feast

Islamic dream book

With the topic of the feast, the story of one man is echoes, who heard reading the next Ayat from the Quran in a dream: "O our Lord! We dropped from the sky to the meal. " He told his dream to the interpreter, who concluded that at the moment of the dream, the dream had a difficult period of life and he prayed to the Most High to help him get out of him. Allah won his Moluba, and the request was performed.

Interpretatives are not united in opinion regarding the explanation of the dreams associated with the meal at the table.

Some argue that the feast - symbolizes a noble and generous person.

Sit at the table - means the arrival of friends, and there is a profits at the table.

If the dreams sees himself at the table in the company of other men, he expects joy in friendly relations due to the fair resolution of the dispute between him and his interlocutors.

A large amount of white bread and abundant food on the table - indicates a strong friendship between guests present in the dream scene.

It is also said that a rich table - symbolizes the level of the belief of the dream.

As reported, a certain man once came to the prophet Muhammad, and he bless him Allah and welcomed, and he said to him: "About the Messenger of Allah! Yesterday, in a dream, I saw a green meadow, and in the midst of it a covering table and a tribune with seven steps. And I saw you, about the Messenger of God, standing on the seventh step and the guests of the people to the table! " The Prophet, and bless him Allah and welcomes, so this dream explained to him: "The table is Islam. Green meadow is a paradise! The tribune and seven of her steps mean the age of this world - seven thousand years. I am on the step, meaning the seventh millennium. As for my invitation to the table, this is my call for people, so they accepted Islam and chose Paradise for themselves! "

Other interpreters believe that a feast is a symbol of the consent between people of some city or housing in welfare issues.

And finally, they say that the table symbolizes a woman.

They say that a certain man saw himself at the feast. Whenever he tried to eat something, a light dog popped out from under the table and took this food from him. Then he asked the interpreter the meaning of this dream, to which he answered like this: "This is one of your slaves-Slavs, which shares with you and a meal, and sleep, and your wife." Then the dreams made a surveillance and found that the interpretation of sleep was true.

If the sleeping sees in a dream bread, unfolded throughout the table, during the feast - this means that he will come to someone in conflict.

If at the table for which he was invited, the dreams eat bread much more than usual - he will live for a long time, depending on the time spent by this table.

If he sees how to be removed from the table, after a feast - he learns about his ambulance.

If he sees one or two dishes - he and his children will receive unexpected profits, according to the words of the Most High: "Our Lord, we drank a meal."

Why dream feast

Dream Veles.

Feast - to good.

A feast, where many women are gossip and tears.

Sales and value of dreams

Sleep from Saturday on Sunday

The picture seen tells about people who play a leading role in the dream of a dream, or his secret desires, which he successfully suppresses. Dreaming with a pleasant emotional coloring promises good changes, unpleasant sleep - depletion of forces. Stop sleeping should be expected before lunch.