Why do many black dogs dream. Why does an evil Dog dream in a dream from a dream book? When a black dog is a bad sign

Many people wonder why the black dog is dreaming, but in order to fully answer this question, you need to remember all the details of your dream, and know exactly what the dog was doing and how you behaved yourself, what you felt at the same time. Only then can you understand exactly what awaits you.

You dreamed about a black dog

People have been trying for a long time to find out what awaits them in the future, and what the coming day will bring them. If you interpret dreams correctly, then there is an opportunity to understand and decipher what awaits us ahead, and what exactly will happen, good or bad. If you interpret the dream correctly, then it is able to warn and tell a person what joy or grief, the birth of a new person or, on the contrary, death, happiness in marriage or divorce.

During the day, our consciousness accumulates a huge amount of different information. Even if our consciousness perceives everything that happens around us, it leaves only the most necessary. Therefore, during sleep, a person at the subconscious level returns previously unnoticed information. And therefore, very often dreams reflect our past, but not infrequently dreams come true.

If in your dream you saw a black dog, then this promises you completely unfavorable news, betrayal from friends, illness and enemies. Even seeing a small black puppy in a dream does not bode well. This suggests that betrayal awaits you. young man full of energy and ambition, and such an act you would never suspect from him.

What does such a dream portend

most often, a dream in which you see a black dog foreshadows your acquaintance with a new person, and your relationship with him will rapidly develop and become friendly. In the event that the dog was crippled or badly injured, this portends you someone's rapid illness, and possibly death.

If the dog came to your defense, this suggests that you have a guardian angel who always follows you and protects you from various misfortunes, and if she attacked, then this is devilish tricks.

How exactly the dog dreamed

A dream in which a black dog attacked you and began to bark at you, it means in real life a spat with a very close man awaits you. If you pet your dog, it means that the friendship will be strong.

Although a dog is considered a friend of a person, if you look at it in a dream and feel strong fear, this means the child is opposed to you, and he has bad intentions. An uninterested dog in a dream says that a gift is waiting for you. If a black dog comes to visit you, then in real life expect nice guests you love to meet.

A barking black dog foreshadows an enemy who will soon appear. When in a dream she bites you and see blood, then expect an offense from a relative by blood, if there was no blood, then just a person close to you.

If you saw that the black dog is running away, this means that a serious illness awaits you. If you only hear that the dog is barking, but do not see its catfish, then this portends you huge troubles in real life. In a dream, where you put the dog on a chain, it promises you new enemies, or betrayal from your best friend.

If in your dream you see a dog barking, then expect good news or news. if a black dog attacked you, then your friends will not leave you in a difficult time for you. Seeing dogs fighting in a dream indicates that a very large conflict awaits you in real life.

Seeing a dream in which you play with a dog suggests that you are taking too much care of your child.

Our experts will help you find out what the black Dog is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Good afternoon. My name is Olga. Today I had a dream that I was running away from a black dog, I was very scared, but I knew that she would not hurt me. And all this was dreamed against the background of my apartment, where I now live with my boyfriend. What does it mean? Please help me to decipher. My e-mail:

    It seemed to me that I was not sleeping. A huge black dog was sitting next to my husband. I asked her: are you guarding my husband? SHE answered something in a bass voice and gave me a small black paw that looked like a cat’s. I didn’t see its head, only small eyes. It seemed to me that my head was lowered, and at that moment, while I was talking, I heard children's laughter.

    From the beginning there was a feast day, then everyone left the winter tents, it seems like I want to find spare high boots, I walk up to the boots, they are soft blue, there are dark and doors like compartment doors and so I turn around and a dog appears like an average height and at the same time looks like a poodle smooth shiny wool dressed in a green vest or komzol looks at me with eyes with gray shining eyes, but eyes are like stones gray and I know at the same time that I can't approach her just at a distance, I need to stand like that

    good afternoon, I don’t remember everything ... but I remember that I dreamed of a dog, even several dogs. one is black and the rest are shaggy gray. I walked past them, that is, I was escorted, and then I ended up in the apartment of the current worker in the same bed, but without intimacy, I lay in three, he and his ex to whom he did not obr, attention

    In a dream, my friend, as it seemed to me, sent me a black dog. The dog was big, came up to me and gave me a paw. The paw was of some strange shape, large and with outstretched fingers. I shook the paw and stroked the dog, and she began to lick my hand.

    I have a dream that a woman is walking with a big black dog. The dog flies to me, runs away from the mistress to me ... she asks to give her away, but I don’t want to give her away ... the mistress comes for her, I cry, I hug her, the dog looks like tears and I myself roar. in the end, she just covers with a cloth and I wake up.

    Many black animals, in particular 2 black dogs, black horses crowded on the bed where I am lying. Then I dreamed of a ghost woman, very tall with long lilac-white hair who took my hand and lay down next to me.

    the late husband dreamed in a dark suit and took off a large black dog next to him, he sat down to her and said to me I want to put a silver chain on her, and I look and think she’s a small chain and the dog sits quietly so big

    I came to visit unfamiliar girl to visit an unfamiliar place and she had a small black smooth-haired dog and the dog liked me and she gave me one or the other front paw. I was so carried away that I did not even remember the girl's face and the environment. Then I woke up in a good mood.

    Hello! Some kind a strange dream... I dream that I am leading a large black dog by a short leash and I am afraid that it will break free and with my other hand I hold a black horse too and we walked with them for so long .. then I find myself in my apartment, but somehow it’s not so worth it and vice versa. As in the looking glass and some man next to me is trying to confuse me with deceit when I understand this I try to escape from there ... .. and I am saved

    Hello Tatyana, so about a dream, I was walking past some houses, I won't say for sure that something like a microdistrict, and suddenly I saw a huge black dog, she was a little taller than me, and I immediately disappeared behind the house, realizing that the dog saw me , I decided to cross the road, in the hope that the dog would not follow me, crossing the road, I looked back, the dog was standing behind, she did not make a single sound, she grabbed me by the throat in a moment, and said “if you move, I will tear you throat "that strangely I was not frightened at all, and was extremely calm, and slowly raising my hand, I stuck it between my neck and the dog's mouth, thereby tossing it a few meters away, I was surprised by the fact that the dog did not even try to bite me much , but just grabbed me, after I threw her back, she rushed at me again, and I hit her with my fist, apparently very hard, because she bounced quite far, then there was some middle-aged woman, I vaguely remember her appearance, but she seemed very familiar to me, I don't remember further, but it seems like I strangled that dog, at least I won it too.

    a huge black purebred dog (I don’t know the exact breed)
    goes to me. I'm a little afraid of her, but I overcome my fear and stroke her face and say some comforting words. in response, she licks me on the cheek as if kissing, I smile at her still slightly patted on the face and sent away from me. But with all this, the feeling of anxiety did not leave me that suddenly she might bite me.

    A man was standing, opening something, and at first one black wrestling dog ran out, grabbed the hand, but did not tear it, but simply squeezed it with its teeth, then a second ran up and grabbed the leg. Then I don’t remember exactly whether he drove them away, then whether they themselves ran away. In the end I looked at my hand and there were just dents from the teeth. Why would this dream?

    sleep, like two in one, runs black big dog(like a Labrador) wagging its tail, running to meet the owner, i.e. my husband, but this dog just appeared with us .. and my husband runs into it in a car, but everything seems to be fine with her, because. the car, as if almost flew over it, at that moment I was shouting to her to stop. I don't remember further. But on the same night, I don't remember only at intervals or not (I spent the night with friends, the dream was restless), I dream about it again , but only the dog gets more, as far as I don’t know anymore, the dream ends

    Hello. I had a dream Wednesday to Thursday. Dreams are always colorful and vivid. In this dream, I don't remember the beginning exactly, I remember the middle of the dream: "the sun was shining, I was in an unfamiliar place, I walk the streets, I see very beautiful, chic, two-story and higher, new, expensive houses, I saw shops, I went shopping, I didn't buy anything, then my daughter turned out to be nearby, we walked with her, everything was brightly beautiful and warm, I met a friend with my daughter, she asked to look after her, together with two girls I went for a walk down the street where we were big houses, my daughter all the time pulled me somewhere, she wanted to go into someone else's house that she liked, in the end we went into a house where everything was clean, tidied up, expensive interior, hearing voices that someone was coming, I quickly take the children by the hands and I say "we're running away, we entered a strange house", opening the door, a beautiful big black dog runs, the children laugh and rejoice, at first I got anxiety that the dog might bite, but she began to lick her hands, jump, play with us , and then the owner (man) of this dog enters after the dog, I did not see the exact face, I apologize to him that we entered his house without permission, and I say, "We will leave now, etc.", but the dog does not lets go, licks his hands, jumps in front of us. At first, this dream caused fear that a strange dog might bite, and then surprise that the dog had no intentions to bite us, but even on the contrary played, caressed and licked its hands.

    A big black dog (Rottweiler) did not let me pass, biting my hand, but there was no blood. Then another episode: a rottweiler enters the mother-in-law's apartment, walks into the corner of the room and starts jumping up to the ceiling. Allegedly, a neighbor says that this is the dog of the deceased owner, who wants to get into his apartment. In the episodes of the dream, there was a girl (stranger) who was looking for a meeting with me (by phone).

    I have long wanted a dog of the Jack Russell Terrier breed, but the cost of the dogs does not allow us to buy this breed, and therefore I had a dream that my mother went to the bird market and bought another dog there, black and kind, I asked my mother why Lna bought this one dog, my mother said in response that Jack Russell is more expensive and we cannot afford it yet ...
    Well, in the end, I dreamed about a good black dog that my mother bought me ...

    Good afternoon, I dreamed about a big black dog tonight. I recognized this dog, that is, the neighbors had such a dog. And the dog wanted to bite me, but I managed to escape. And the dog chased with me. And what is this black dog for?

    in a dream of a very good man-woman, a former employee. We were together, went somewhere within the city. I bought a big black good dog... She was sick, but in the store a man, apparently, a store employee cured her, was able to put something large, white in her mouth. The dog swallowed. This meant that she recovered. We went home. I held the dog by the leash with a feeling of joy and warmth.

    Hello, I am 37 years old, I have two children, today I had such a dream: small children of 3-5 years old were passing by and there was a baby in the stroller with them, somehow I realized that they were nobody's and took them for myself and I know that I am all the same they said that I would not pull 5 children alone, but I was sure in a dream that I could pull everything and I could handle it, and then, as the second part, it was incomprehensible: a big black dog sits at the table, humanly leg to leg, and just looked at me, thanks in advance

    hello, I had a dream today as I walk up to the bolkonu-window and see a black dog hanging on its paws, it looks like a Lablador, I open the window and try to take her by the paws, but she breaks down and falls down on 4 paws, I look at her and she again tries to jump again

    I'm looking for a home. The dog is black on the chain. She doesn't bark. Not aggressive. But I'm afraid of her. A mongrel is running nearby. She's aggressive. Still lies white dog... She has zero attention to me. In the end I find the right home

    Today I dreamed about my big black dog. She ran next to me and was aggressive but not towards me. As if she was protecting me from everyone. But I managed to keep him from attacking people.

    in a dream, you have to go through the gardens at night. know about the presence of dogs in this place go long bushes fences darkness. night but noisy as day. I have a plan how to get through, but it rushes past (I wake up) I face nose to nose. the huge dog is silent, stopped and looks away. I wake up) a dream similar for many years. and a feeling of fear for them (dulled. that was two... I see them from afar

    a big black dog rushed at me but did not bite
    I went into the elevator with my son.
    the elevator quickly flew up, broke through the roof and fell down ... but my son and I survived ... the man who is in charge of the elevators arrived ... I tried to hit him in the face ... but there was a dog

    I dreamed of three black dogs, two large, one puppy and all black. And as if I wore them in barrels. As if I arrived in my old house burnt out but it was normal from the outside. And she went to the garden. I saw the barrels and decided to come up and saw the dogs, but for some reason in the beginning it seemed to me that they were dead and I decided to check, but she was alive, but one had a break. The buttocks and I decided to help her at the beginning they growled, but then they started to flatter me, but for some reason I knew that there are still many dogs there that are dead

    I dreamed that I was in some kind of house, sort of like mine ... I left it and there was a box with small puppies next to them ... they were handed out ... I bent over ... they were so cute ... but for some reason blue))) One of them jumped out of the box and as if said ... You are my mistress ... The picture is changing ... I go out with a huge black dog into the street ... she is on a leash ... I was going to go somewhere ... But then she let go of the leash and the black dog rushed straight into the minibus ... ... of course I followed her ... Something afterwards said that we could not go for a walk, that we promised my mother to help ... some woman sat next to the dog and said - Mom will wait, she looks at the clock in her hands ... But here is your fate waiting for you ... You need to go ... I sit next to my dog ​​... by the way, this is a boy and very kind ... I hug him, flap, kiss and tell him that he is the best ... He responds with love ... I feel it ... We leave the minibus ... my old friend is waiting for me ... the thought flashed through my head: “This is not my destiny - but the question is not closed with him. We need to do this ”... How we walk and communicate ... Here I look, my dog ​​is limping ... I’m by the front paw - and there is a glass ... I pulled it out and dragged it to the veterinary clinic in my arms ... My acquaintance did not help ... I just walked beside me ... I woke up here ...

    at first I just saw a black dog lying in my old house after him in another room several small kittens grabbed my hands and very tightly, but I nevertheless threw them off my hands and at the end I saw a pheasant and then his chicks aaaa also a pheasant in In the beginning he looked at me very intently, but I carried him to another room and closed the door, and then when I decided to look at him again, there were already his chicks. Something like this

    The dream begins with the fact that I enter an abandoned building with some guy, he helps me to climb some kind of hill, but then I go alone, after I go into the first room I come across and see a large black dog, but the most interesting thing is that she spoke Russian, she said only one phrase "you won't run far" after this phrase I ran, but I just don't remember if I ran away ....

    I leaned as if I was looking out the window and I saw a big black dog, it cuts high to the level of 3 floors and then as if it flies in the wind and smoothly descends, jumped again, and then fell sharply on the asphalt with its back, I heard a direct sound of a blow, then she tried to get up but could not, began to whine, then blood began to flow somewhere in the abdomen, no one helped, they just pushed to the side of the road

    I dreamed that I and my daughter entered the dark entrance of an unfamiliar house (but in my dream I knew that I had previously lived there). The entrance was dark, but there was still some very weak lighting (rather natural than artificial), that is, it was possible to distinguish something in this darkness. The concierge approached me (I don’t know her either), saying that while I was on vacation and then temporarily absent from this house (three months passed), her dog gave birth to a puppy. I immediately saw a dog lying in the corner next to her. She lay with her head raised (she just settled down, like all pets that want to lie down, but not for sleep, but just so that it is convenient to observe everything around). She was non-aggressive, calm, did not touch my daughter and me, did not come up to us, but simply looked in our direction completely neutral. The size of the dog is average, in build, it is medium-sized, lean, mongrel, ears are erect (generally on german shepherd similar, but not so thick wool, and generally smaller in size and constitution). The muzzle is gray for some reason, despite the age (3 months). The sex and name of the animal are unknown. The dream was cut short, but I need help interpreting it. I know that a dog is often associated with a friend, but I also know to take into account its behavior and appearance... I hope very much for your help!

    At first I had a fight with a friend. Then the others turned away from me. Then when I was leaving some kind of black angry dog ​​attacked me. I ran away and closed myself in some shed. This dog was talking (I don’t know what). There was a window near the door from there she considered me. I found some kind of tree and hit him in the face several times. I remembered. The dog said "let's see how long you wait here." Then I woke up

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion.

Seeing her in a dream portends receiving news from a friend or meeting with him.

Small dogs in a dream mean chores, worries, fuss.

A black dog in a dream means your friend who is up to something against you.

A white dog in a dream is your close friend.

A ginger dog in a dream means very loved one, husband, wife, lover.

The breed and size of the dog in a dream characterizes your friends.

A poodle, spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream are a loyal and gentle friend.

A dog in a dream is a big and intelligent friend. But if in a dream he bares his teeth at you, then beware of him. This is no longer a friend, but an insidious enemy.

Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean selfish people who do not hesitate to make money from you or deceive you for profit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then the dream predicts good luck or profit for you.

If in a dream dogs are chasing you, then you should be wary of the traps prepared for you by insidious enemies.

Guard dogs are loyal, loyal and strong friends who are ready to protect you in difficult moment.

To meet a dog in a dream means hearing from a loved one or friend.

A playing dog in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting.

A petting dog means a devoted friend. However, if in a dream an unfamiliar dog will caress you, then you should be wary of deception or betrayal.

To caress a dog yourself in a dream is a sign that you are trying to achieve the location of a loved one.

A snarling, barking, growling, attacking dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, resentments.

If you dream that a dog has bitten you, then you should not lend money to your friends, so that later you do not quarrel with them because of this.

Sick dogs in a dream symbolize a decline in business or the loss of some property.

If in a dream you see that a little dog is sick, then sadness and disappointment await you.

A dream in which you saw that the dog is hiding from you, avoiding you, or running away from you portends discord in relations with a close friend and his cooling towards you.

Hearing loud barking in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. If barking scared you in a dream, then the news will be unpleasant. Hearing the barking of several dogs in a dream is a big scandal or trouble.

If you dream that an accident occurred with some large red dog, as a result of which it died, then soon you will learn about sudden death a loved one who will die in a similar accident.

Gnawing dogs in a dream - to a quarrel with a loved one.

If you dream that your dog was put on a chain or put on a collar, then know that your friend is not free from some obligations and you cannot count on his loyalty.

If in a dream you manage to unhook the leash, remove the collar from the dog, then success in your personal life and victory over rivals await you.

Beautiful white dog in a dream portends receiving good news from a loved one.

A dirty, wet, unkempt white dog in a dream is your close friend who, because of you, got into an unpleasant situation and had a lot of troubles in his family.

Angry dogs in a dream are your enemies. A mad dog in a dream is your fierce enemy. Often such a dream predicts that you will experience shame or humiliation caused by unfounded accusations.

A doghouse in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will find yourself in cramped circumstances and will have to reckon with it.

Riding a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business.

Fighting dogs are rivals.

Walking with a dog in a dream is a sign of a pleasant pastime with your loved one.

If in a dream a dog will protect you from enemies, then know that you have a friend whose help you can count on. See interpretation: animals.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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Since ancient times, people have paid attention to the dreams they saw and tried to guess their hidden meaning. And now we believe that a dream sometimes carries information from the subconscious. We will only have to decipher it correctly, and a person will be able to avoid many fatal mistakes, program his future for success. For these purposes, dream books were compiled, in almost every era of mankind, each of the peoples had this book. But even not believing in the supernatural, having seen this or that dream, we intuitively try to understand whether this symbol promises us good or bad. For example, a dog causes most people positive emotions... Indeed, this animal has become the embodiment of loyalty and friendship over the years. But the dogs? We can no longer consider this sign so unambiguously ...

So, we said that a dog is a friend of man, and therefore carries a positive beginning for our subconscious. But black is negative, darkness, some people even associate it with hell, devils and Satan. Even in reality, black animals look much more mysterious and frightening than their white counterparts. Consider the ancient interpretation of sleep.

Why do black dogs dream according to the Mayan horoscope?

This people developed one of the first dream books in the world, and the predictions of the ancient Indians are believed until today... If you look at what a dream about a black dog means according to their ideas, then you will see that it has both good and bad value... For example, seeing an animal with a bloody mouth was considered a sign that you would meet a reliable companion capable of protecting you from enemy attacks. The dream in which the dog slept was considered bad. Be careful: your friends will be powerless against the intrigues of your enemies.

Interpretation according to a noble dream book

What black dogs dream about is also written in the book by N. Grishina - the compiler of such mystical literature for a certain segment of the population. According to her, an animal of exactly this color symbolizes a sad event that may soon occur in your life. This dream has other meanings as well. For example, it was believed that seeing a black dog in a dream is a warning that excessive aspirations for rebellion and disagreement with the actual state of affairs will do you a disservice. Having seen such a dream, you should beware: someone holds evil in their souls and will soon betray you. Don't be in a hurry to share secrets and personal information with people you don't know well. But a black puppy predicts a meeting with a new friend, perhaps a girl who had such a dream will have a fan younger than herself.

Let's turn to the East ...

They were also interested in mysticism, astrology, the interpretation of symbols that a person dreamed about. Moreover, it should be noted that in the literature of Eastern sages, a nuance about a dark-colored dog is also highlighted. In the Japanese dream book, for example, there is an entry: if you dreamed of a black dog trying to bite, then your enemies are also ready to attack. By the way, other eastern peoples have the same interpretation of this frightening sign. The black symbolized the enemy, while the white symbolized the friend. According to their behavior in dreams, people built their guesses about what awaited them. A meeting with a black dog in a dream could also mean betrayal of friends who will turn their backs on you at the most unexpected moment in life. In some sages, you can see another meaning of this sign. So, that was a bad news warning dream. But the white dog did not always symbolize the bright beginning. For example, in the ancient astrological literature you can read, portends an imminent serious illness for a person.

Slavic dream book

The most famous soothsayer among the European contingent was the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga. Sometimes people learned from her and interpretations of frightening dreams that were incomprehensible to them. After the death of Vanga, a dream book was left, compiled on the basis of her predictions, where she explains why black dogs dream and much more. According to this book, seeing such an animal is a symbol of disappointment. After such a dream, even close friends whom you previously trusted can betray you. Perhaps your good name will be tarnished the moment you need their support the most. Lying traitors will not fail to take advantage of your weakness, and all your secrets, once entrusted to them, will be turned against you in an insidious way.

Modern interpretation of sleep

Astrologers now regard the black dog not only as a symbol, they have learned to decipher this message from our subconscious mind more accurately, based on the context. What does it mean? Pay attention to how the animal behaves and how it looked. For example, if a too big black dog came to you in a dream, it means that you will meet a rich man, and he will become your friend. But if its size seems frightening, then you should take a closer look at the people around you - they are plotting something unkind. For a young girl, such a dream can promise a good profitable marriage. In some cases, a giant animal can symbolize an impending disease. Unfortunately, it will affect you, loved ones or friends. We advise you to take more care of your health during this period.

If you have been bitten by a black dog in a dream, then this, in most cases, is a bad sign. This can serve as a warning of bankruptcy or an impending financial crisis. You may have a falling out with a person over money. It can also mean an unseemly act of your friend that will offend you. If you inspect the bite site and see blood, then you may have an argument with your significant other, so try not to provoke negative emotions. You can also see a black dog in a dream as a sign of the readiness of your enemies to open action against you, and the more you suffer from an attack in a dream, the more dangerous the situation in reality will be. If the animal easily grabbed you with its teeth, it means that your friend will decide to criticize your actions, even if he did not show displeasure before. Treat the situation thoughtfully, listen to him, and do not be offended right away.

Symbols to Watch Out for

Killing a black dog in a dream is a very negative omen. Your relative or close friend will soon become seriously ill and this will lead to his death. This is always a warning dream and should not be taken lightly. But to kill a rabid animal means victory over the intrigues. You will be able to emerge victorious from a dangerous situation.

A dog barking is always a warning sign of intrigue or gossip. You may not be aware of this yet, as they trail behind your back. Perhaps after such a dream in life you will have to face an unpleasant person who will try to slander you. Do not worry, his arguments are "sewn with white thread", and you can easily defeat this gossip. But in any case, hearing a dog barking in a dream is a sign of unfavorable news and events in real life. Be more attentive at times like this.

As a conclusion

So, now you know what black dogs dream about and whether you should be afraid of this sign. Even if you think this behavior is prejudice, it was not superfluous to read this article and find out Interesting Facts about dreams.

In general, a dog in a dream means a friend - good or bad - and is a symbol of love and devotion.

Seeing her in a dream portends receiving news from a friend or meeting with him.

Small dogs in a dream mean chores, worries, fuss.

A black dog in a dream means your friend who is up to something against you.

A white dog in a dream is your close friend.

A red dog in a dream means a very close person, husband, wife, lover.

The breed and size of the dog in a dream characterizes your friends.

A poodle, spitz and other decorative dogs in a dream are a loyal and gentle friend.

A dog in a dream is a big and intelligent friend. But if in a dream he bares his teeth at you, then beware of him. This is no longer a friend, but an insidious enemy.

Hounds and hunting breeds in a dream mean selfish people who do not hesitate to make money from you or deceive you for profit. But if in a dream you know that you have hunting dogs, then the dream predicts good luck or profit for you.

If in a dream dogs are chasing you, then you should be wary of the traps prepared for you by insidious enemies.

Guard dogs are loyal, loyal and strong friends who are ready to protect you in difficult times.

To meet a dog in a dream means hearing from a loved one or friend.

A playing dog in a dream is a harbinger of a joyful or pleasant meeting.

A petting dog means a devoted friend. However, if in a dream an unfamiliar dog will caress you, then you should be wary of deception or betrayal.

To caress a dog yourself in a dream is a sign that you are trying to achieve the location of a loved one.

A snarling, barking, growling, attacking dog in a dream predicts quarrels, scandals, resentments.

If you dream that a dog has bitten you, then you should not lend money to your friends, so that later you do not quarrel with them because of this.

Sick dogs in a dream symbolize a decline in business or the loss of some property.

If in a dream you see that a little dog is sick, then sadness and disappointment await you.

A dream in which you saw that the dog is hiding from you, avoiding you, or running away from you portends discord in relations with a close friend and his cooling towards you.

Hearing loud barking in a dream is a harbinger of success in business. If barking scared you in a dream, then the news will be unpleasant. Hearing the barking of several dogs in a dream is a big scandal or trouble.

If you dream that an accident occurred with some large red dog, as a result of which it died, then you will soon learn about the sudden death of a loved one who will die as a result of a similar accident.

Gnawing dogs in a dream - to a quarrel with a loved one.

If you dream that your dog was put on a chain or put on a collar, then know that your friend is not free from some obligations and you cannot count on his loyalty.

If in a dream you manage to unhook the leash, remove the collar from the dog, then success in your personal life and victory over rivals await you.

A beautiful white dog in a dream portends good news from a loved one.

A dirty, wet, unkempt white dog in a dream is your close friend who, because of you, got into an unpleasant situation and had a lot of troubles in his family.

Angry dogs in a dream are your enemies. A mad dog in a dream is your fierce enemy. Often such a dream predicts that you will experience shame or humiliation caused by unfounded accusations.

A doghouse in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon you will find yourself in cramped circumstances and will have to reckon with it.

Riding a dog in a dream means the strength of your position and good luck in business.

Fighting dogs are rivals.

Walking with a dog in a dream is a sign of a pleasant pastime with your loved one.

If in a dream a dog will protect you from enemies, then know that you have a friend whose help you can count on. See interpretation: animals.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family dream book

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