Wrap for a tree barrel. Oak barrel do it yourself

It is a product that is intended for storage and transporting products. They are insulated and soaked apples, mushrooms, tomatoes. Quasus cabbage and plant watermelons and cucumbers. There are several varieties of barrels. Despite the fact that they differ in the form, their target destination is the same.

  • Cloud - ordinary barrel of the usual shape.
  • Cuber - bulls of cone-shaped form.
  • Support - elongated barrels.

For the first time, the barrels appeared in Russia in the tenth century. They were made by Bondari. Interestingly, the technology of creating barrels has practically not changed over the past centuries. Despite the seeming simplicity, the manufacture is a rather complicated and time consuming process. Soldering barrels are available in a free sale, so most people acquire these products when they have a need. But you can make a barrel yourself. It will take a long time, but will save money. In addition, making a barrel personally, you can be 100% confident in the quality and environmental safety of materials. How to make a barrel yourself, you will learn from this article.

Production of barrels with their own hands: Choosing materials

In the heart of any barrel lies wood. Therefore, the durability of the product will depend on the quality of the selected material. In addition, various trees breed have their own unique qualities that can be both useful and negative. Best for the manufacture of barrels are suitable linden and oak.

Oak barrels serve to preserve the taste of the soles and for their conservation. Thanks to the tanning substances that are contained in this tree, the products in the barrel are preserved longer and saturated with the useful substances. The most common oak breeds used in the Bondar craft is Russian, Ukrainian and Slavic.

Lipa, unlike oak, does not have any impact on stored products. The lime wood is absolutely neutral. But this has its advantages. Products contained in lime barrels, retain freshness and your natural taste. In addition, Lipa is a natural antiseptic, which provides longer storage of products. In terms of making wood, too, more comfortable oak. It has a softer structure, and, as a result, it is better to be processed.

The most unsuitable tree for the manufacture of barrels is the aspen. This tree gives products an unpleasant taste that occurs as a result of storage. The fact is that the Osin allocates resin, and for a long time. For the same reasons, it is not recommended to produce bulls made of coniferous wood. In order for pine barrels, spruce and cedar have become suitable for storing products, they must be soaked for a long time. But even after such a procedure, it is impossible to guarantee a positive result. After the choice of material figured out, you can go to the next step.

Creating pads for salting at home: making clap

Before making these products it is necessary to determine the height and diameter of the future barrel. This will make it possible to accurately calculate the required number of clans. Deciding with the size of the product, you can proceed to the manufacture of claps.

For this, a wooden chock is taken to a length of a little more than the future barrel (approximately 2-3 centimeters). Chock is cleaned of the bark and put an end to the firm base. Now it must be divided into parts. You can do this in two ways: split or cut. Experts recommend to split the workpiece. This allows not to destroy the structure of the wood, which, in turn, serves as a guarantee of the durability of the product. Wood, from which you are going to make claps, should be dry. Then products are obtained more reliable, in addition, a dry tree is better processed.

If you want to make a barrel according to all the rules, a tree intended for clans needs to be keen over several months. The process must pass under the conditions of the natural environment. The sun and wind will make wood more durable. So, moving directly to the splitting. On the ends of chocks are made notches. Then they take an ax, dripping his edge into the made notch and with the help of lung tapping on the outer they split the workpiece. Please note that the more the fibers are contained in the wood structure, the more gloss. The recommended thickness should not exceed 20-25 mm.

Then the clans are overshadowed before giving them the necessary form. This aspect directly depends on the form of the future product. It is recommended to make a rectangular shape clocks, and an oval, narrowed to the edges, is more suitable for the barrel. The following important item in the manufacture of barrels is the hoop. Such elements are located at the top, bottom and in the middle of the barrel. It is possible to make them from wood or metal. It is best for these purposes a stainless steel. This is quite durable material, which is practically not subject to corrosion. Steel cut to strips with a thickness of no more than 2 mm. Before proceeding with the assembly, the clans need to disappear. It will make wood softer and militia. What will greatly facilitate work with it. After preparing the material, you can start assembling.

Soldering barrel assembly technology

Cloils are inserted into the closed vertically, the ends are fixed using clamps or other fasteners. To begin with, you can fix three claps, and then to attach everyone else to them. If you have calculated everything correctly, then the blanks will get up like this. Then the middle hoop is stuffed, only then the bottom.

After assembly, the bottom of the barrel is inserted. As a bottom, round blanks are used, chopped or chopped like shields. When they are manufactured, the board is knocked off and fasten with brackets. Paste the bottom in the core as follows. The extreme hoop is weakened, insert the bottom and tighten again. Depending on the design, the barrel can have two bottom, one of which will perform the role of the lid. In this case, the hoop is weakened from the other end of the barrel and the procedure is repeated. After that, the barrel surface is processed by the plane. It is necessary in order to give the product a more presentable look, and also eliminate all irregularities.

The final stage of manufacturing barrels for salting

After the barrel is ready, you need to harden it. There are many ways, but here we will look at the easiest and most effective. This is a firing. Thus, our distant ancestors have handled their products, and, oddly enough, this method remains very relevant today. This option is suitable for those cases if the barrel will serve for storing alcohol. The fragrance fragrance will give wine or moonshine more rich taste and aroma.

This is done as follows. The barrel is put on the side and sawdust is placed inside. Fruit trees are best suited, for example, cherries. The sawmills ignite, and the barrel rolling, it allows you to evenly treat the entire inner surface. Please note that sawdust should smooth, not burn. Breeding open fire inside a wooden product, can lead to fire! In addition, it is impossible to use special fluids for burning fires. They include chemicals that are absorbed into the surface of the tree. If the barrel is designed to store food, then the option with firing is not suitable. In this case, it is best to treat the surface of the tree wax. Thus, wood will share with the products with its healing properties.

After hardening, the barrel should be checked for tightness. To do this, it is filled with water. If the product proceeds, do not be afraid, it is a completely normal phenomenon. The tree will swell and flow will stop. About 1 hour is given to such a check. If, after this time, the barrel will give to flow, it means that clans stood loosely. In this case, it is necessary to find and close the existing gaps. Experienced bondari recommend using for these purposes the stalks of the root. They are inserted into the slots and tamper with a knife.

Preparing a barrel to salmon

As mentioned above, the barrels made from oak are best for storing solutions and marinades. Currently, those hostesses that use products for storage barrels of wood, prefer the oak. This breed of wood allows you to protect the marinades from mold. In addition, the Duba contains a tannin. Due to this substance, salted cucumbers or tomatoes for a long time remain crispy and juicy.

Immediately before use, the barrel is recommended to be processed. This is a very important procedure that will depend on the quality of the soles and other billets. Only accurate adherence to all tips and recommendations will allow you to please your relative and friends with delicious and juicy home preservation products.

Regardless of whether you made a barrel themselves or purchased the finished product, the package must be thoroughly rinsed. Thus, you get rid of sawdust, which remained after the manufacturer of the barrel. In addition, in new products, the concentration of tanning substances is quite high. And if you put food in such a barrel, they may have an unpleasant taste. In addition, the characteristic oak smell will interrupt the natural taste and aroma of products. Washing containers must be continued until the water is clean, and the smell will not disappear.

After that, the barrel is usually soaked. Time for this procedure may vary from several days to 1 month. Water in a barrel is recommended to change every two days. Some after soaking are carried out additional ferry treatment. For this, the barrel is filled with half water, with soda breeding in it. Then steam is served through the hose.

Before placing products in a barrel, the container must be made from the inside with steep boiling water. It will not give wood to absorb the smell of stored products. Thus, the possibility of multipurpose use of the barrel appears. And you can not be afraid that the salty cucumbers will have the smell of last year's cabbage. If the products are laid for a long shelf life, it is recommended to make a fumigation of gray. It will kill all the microbes and serve as a guarantee of long-term storage of packers.

When you first use barrels you need to use more salt when salting. This is due to the fact that the part will absorb the tree. Optimal storage conditions are maintained in cool rooms. The cellar or basement is suitable for these purposes. But storage temperature should not be lower than zero! Minus temperatures are suitable only for meat, cranberries and cabbage.

It is not recommended to put a barrel on the ground. It can provoke the formation of mold. Therefore, the best land under the barrel to sprinkle with sawdust. They will absorb moisture. And the container itself is placed on a special stand. After each use, the barrel must be thoroughly rinsed with water and disappear. It is then recommended to dry the container, while avoiding direct sunlight. Drying barrels using the Sun, can lead to what it will fuse.

Some hostesses in the interruptions between the seasons fill with a barrel with water. This is rooted incorrectly. As a result of the impact of moisture, mold and fungus are formed. If there is no need for a barrel, then the best way to store contains containers in a cool place. And necessarily in an empty form!

There is another nuance to use barrels. If the container is intended for storing alcohol or homemade marinades, it is impossible for the packaging for a long time remained dry. If the target destination of the barrel is storage of solid products, then it is not recommended to wet it. Only following all the advice and recommendations for the storage and operation of wooden barrels, you can achieve a positive result. The capacity will serve you for a long time, and the marinades stored in it will retain their juicy taste and an appetizing look. If the process of manufacturing a piece of chips with their own hands seems long and tedious, you can buy a finished product in the company "Alkopribor". Attentive consultants will help you choose the ideal Tar for you, which will serve for a long year!

Oak barrel do it yourself, drawings of products. Before proceeding with the manufacture, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with GOST 8777-80, which sets the main dimensions and parameters to the wooden barrels of fuel and dry-ground.

Consider example, Production of containers per 15 liters, which will consist of twenty rivets.

  1. Rivet.
  2. Dame.
  3. Wrap is a helical.
  4. Wrap bucom.
The entire manufacturing process can be divided into four stages.

Stage I. Sizes and barrel parameters.

For this, depending on the volume of the product:

From Table No. 1, choose the main parameters and dimensions

From Table number 2 Select the size of the rivets

From Table number 3, choose the amount of metal hoops

By simple geometric constructions, flaming rivets.

The length of the riveting in the dismissed form is determined by the formula: L \u003d 2πrα / 360

We substitute the values \u200b\u200band get l \u003d 2 x 3.14 x 1282.04 x 15,69 / 360 \u003d 350.9 (mm)

Determined the size of the billets for the riveting that were 18 x 46 x 351 (mm)

Stage II. Production of the Donette.

We accept the dimensions specified in Tables No. 1, No. 2.

  1. Coupling on the rail.
  2. Applying markings and sawing a circle.
  3. Removing the champers.
Stage III. Making a hoop.

  1. Application on sheet metal.
  2. Washing sheet metal with a thickness of 1 ... 2 (mm).
  3. Compound wrap rivets.
  4. Lock hoop.
Stage IV. The sequence of the assembly of the oak barrel.

  1. Attaching three rivets to the hoop and the insertion of the rest
  2. Installing a cervical hoop.
  3. Sparring rivets.
  4. Stringing riveting gate.
  5. Installing a helical hoop.
  6. Assembly island.
  7. Insert a pedestal.
  8. Installing a helical hoop.

Oak barrel, with their own hands made according to drawings - a wonderful vessel for many years of exposure of alcoholic beverages and billets of the soles for the winter.

Wooden breed - what to choose for the manufacture of barrel

  • Elasticity, flexibility compliance.
  • Easily processed by a household tool.
  • With increasing temperature, it will be completely resolved.
  • A characteristic smell that inside the barrel will be present constantly.


Strength combined with ease of processing.

  • Perfectly bend after the tree is wellguard.
  • Contains fungicides that protect the structural elements of the barrel from rotting.

High value material. For the manufacture of high-quality barrels will have to use a tree by age at least 80 - 100 years.

According to the reviews of those who have already made a wooden barrel, you can use such wood species such as linden, aspen, mulberry.

The choice of material - the question is quite specific. If the barrel is needed for storing wine reserves (brandy, vodka), frans (salts) cucumbers, watermelons, apples, and so on, then the best tree for her - oak. It is indisputable. But to spend such wood (given its value) to manufacture with your own hands the container in which it is supposed to store cement, sand, bulk products, hardly correctly. For these purposes, other breeds are fully suitable, "simpler".

The procedure for calculating the parameters of the barrel

Based on its purpose and installation site, dimensions and design features are selected. In everyday life there is some confusion with concepts. In principle, and the jacket, and the barrel are the capacitance of a certain capacity, which are collected by hand from individual boards (riveting, road in the language of professionals). The difference is only in geometry. Figures are all well explained.

What is determined for the drawing:

  • Height barrel
  • Diameters (big and small).
  • The bend angle of rivets and their number.

To simplify calculations, it is advisable to focus on type data that are used by specialists in the preparation of the drawings of the barrels.

Wooden barrel do it yourself - instruction

The algorithm of action is clear from the drawings, which marks the main stages of work.

But individual explanations will not be superfluous.

Rivets can be made of a log or boards. Preferably the first option, although its implementation is much more complicated. The fact is that only the lower part of the tree trunk is on the manufacture of the barrel, from the roots to branches. You will have to finish a chumbage (decks).

What is the feature?

  • The blade of the ax should accurately get into the center, by diametrical line. This will slightly facilitate work and allow you to get high-quality rivets in more quantities (based on each deck).
  • Boards are obtained by split, squeezing chocks. Treatment of wood is always conducted along the fibers, and not across.
It is desirable to prepare at least 2 - 3 spare rivets.

In order to relieve the bend of rivets, the wrong geometry is given. Thickness at the ends of each board should exceed the same parameter in the center of about 0.2. That is, if it is assumed to assemble a barrel from the boards of 10 mm, then they are clothed with the calculation so that their thickness is at least 12 in the lower and upper part of the tank.

Drying rivet

In various sources, the deadlines are indicated that are measured months, and even years (up to 3). Under this item, it is necessary to navigate the local conditions, the initial moisture content of the wood and its porosity. Recommendations for artificial acceleration of this process, with their own hands, are not entirely useful. Without practicing, it is difficult to determine the optimal mode for the same email and the excerpt time in it. Experienced masters advise to wait until moisture evaporates from wood naturally.

It is only necessary to place it indoors with proper conditions - the temperature is at least +20 ºС and good ventilation. Perhaps you will have to wait 2, and 3 years. But the high-quality barrel "in one day" is not made, and it needs to be understood.

If we are talking about the container for economic purposes, then you can sit riveting at least on the stove. But in any case, the barrel is not going from raw boards. Already after a couple of weeks (because of the shrinkage of wood), gaps will begin to appear between them. Verified.

Basics of the Bondar Business

In order to master the work of the bondar, and make your first aupport, it is necessary not only desire, but also a room for work, the necessary materials and tools, devices.

Reviews from the network about Oak barrel

  • beech. Less wear-resistant, but looks beautiful, and as an alternative, it is suitable,
  • coniferous species of trees (spruce, cedar, pine). Before use, they are soaked for a long time, because they release the resin that affects the taste. But the soaking procedure does not always help. But they are great for font and bath. Spruce barrels are suitable for salting mushrooms.
  • Types of coopers and appliance types of clans

    All tableware made by bondar is made from special boards of small sizes from wood, which are called clap. The dimensions and configuration of such dishes depends directly from the magnitude of these claps.

    Different types of coopers correspond to the following types of clamps:

    What instruments need

    For the manufacture of wooden barrels, you need to purchase a certain list of tools and fixtures:

    • workbench for a joinery
    • bondar Fuganok. You need to choose longer
    • circular Gorbach Circular
    • fixtures for planing edges of boards,
    • machine-gate (for tightening cock),
    • chain screed
    • pillars,
    • stroke
    • babel and a driver,
    • packed and patterns. Define the shape and sizes of the produced barrel,
    • metal and wood clips,
    • userman. We are needed for cutting a helical groove in which the bottom insert,
    • keys from metal, wood or combined,
    • tension for hoop
    • clamps for the cooler case,
    • planchings and solid sizes.

    How to make a pits for the soles

    It is best to begin to engage in the cooler products, since the technology of its manufacturing is more simple. The most running size of the site (diameter of the Niza / height / diameter of the vertex in mm):

    • 280x300x260 with a capacity of 12 liters (bucket),
    • 360x390x340 by 36 liters,
    • 420x460x400 by 42 liters,
    • 440x500x420 by 72 liters,
    • 460x560x440 by 96 liters,
    • 540x570x520 by 120 liters,
    • 600x700x580 per 180 liters.
    For the first manufacturing it is better to choose a row of small size.

    Cloak billet

    It is best to make a cloth from the bottom of the old trees (clospeter). Fighter will be quite suitable. For cream, most suitable raw long wood.

    In the manufacture of claps, the following steps are performed:

    1. Chock is chosen by 5-6 cm longer than the height of the clap. Then neatly chopped it with ax in half. Each half, in turn, is colole again in half, and so far will not get the workpiece of the necessary thickness. During such a ring, it is important to fall into the core and good if there are core rays, which can be split. Since it is simply so an ax in the core, it is installed on the face of chocks in the right direction and hit on top of Chekmay (wooden beater of large sizes). Thin chocks are usually colole on eight parts (single-row method). From thick chocks, clans are harvested in two rows (two-row method). For this, the 1/8 part of the rings in half along the annual ring. Out of half of the smaller size, 1-2 blanks are usually obtained, and 5-6 pieces are obtained from most.
    2. From the blanks, wedge wood from the heart side and a bark with young wood - from the outer part of the workpiece. As a result, such a ring should be rectangular in the cross section of a plate. The thickness of them should be 2.5-3 cm, and the width is 8-10 cm. For the Donette you need a plate of 15 cm wide.
    3. Billets should be keenly dry. Usually, it is enough for 3 months of summer or a month indoors with good ventilation.
    4. Make a template, given that the taper (ratio of nose to the top) in the row is 1.08, but for greater decorativeness it is sometimes increased to 1.7-1.8. The template can also serve as an old swallow. The number of pieces for chubs or barrels is considered according to the formula 3.14 * d / w, where D is the diameter of the nose of public, and W is the width of the nose of clap. Since the width of the clans may be slightly different, the easiest way, calculating the perimeter of the Niza (3.14 * e), to try them to the segment of the corresponding length.
    5. Make a markup on the skip.
    6. The edges are mounted using an ax, and the outer surface is slightly curled.
    7. Treat outdoor side on a cooler bench with a straightstone. If you have a joinery, you can use the plane. In this process, it is necessary to constantly check the template.
    8. It is plasted by the inner part of the clap kallet. You can use a humpback. The smaller the diameter of the product, the deeper it is a fount.
    9. Sleep the narrow edges of the slim, controlling the size of the template.
    10. Align the same edges of Fugansky. The accuracy of the fuggling depends on how tightly they will lay down to each other clans.

    Assets assembly

    Now proceed to assembling the product in such a sequence:

    1. Make the coax of a future tub, attaching to the hoop of a smaller size at an equal distance from each other three support clans.
    2. Insert other closes between them, filling the entire design. If the last planner is not included, it should be sized to the desired size. If it is less than necessary, then you should use the reserve of rolls for claps and make a cloth of the desired size.
    3. With the help of the nabbean and the hammer hesitate the hoop so that all the claps firmly closed with each other.
    4. Tensioned on the resulting structure of the lower hoop, which has a larger size. Put the previous operation for closing the elements.
    5. The resulting cake is worn. To do this, at the edges of the reysmus there are risks to designate the removable surplus. Then, at this risk, they scream all the excess saw.
    6. All irregularities are scraped by a special breakfast, especially paying attention to the joints between clans.
    7. The edges of the product obtained are placed by the Roban Gorbach.
    8. From the inner side on the edges, direct structures are removed to prevent the ends of the ends and facilitate the bottom insertion process.
    9. With the help of the usern, at the bottom of the inside, there is a special groove (under) of about 3 mm, in which the bottom will be inserted. You can use the cutter.

    Assets assembly


    Before exploitation, the oak barrel should be soaked to get rid of the surplus of tannins that may be too affected. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. The product is filled with hot water (about 80 ° C).
    2. The barrel rotates in different directions so that all the inner wood is impregnated with hot water.
    3. Water merges.
    4. Cold water will be filledside for a day.
    5. The water is replaced by fresh and so repeats two weeks.

    Examples of creative ideas of using barrels

    Now in fashion ecosil, so the use of wooden barrels in the interior is very relevant. Often choose such cooled products when implementing designer ideas for giving. So from the barrels you can make a minibar for alcoholic beverages. To do this, you can cut down a part of the barrel and fade the handle on top.

    From a wine wooden barrel, you can make a table for a living room or veranda. For this purpose, it is cut into two equal parts and fill with hay or other materials suitable for design. From above placed glass round shape. Under the glass you can decompose different items that are suitable for the interior (corks, cones, shells, and so on). Instead of glass, you can take a tree. It will also look very stylish.
    This product can be used as an outdoor vase for indoor plants, as well as for growing colors on a household site. If you put the barrel of the side and place on wooden backups, it can be used as a dog booth. It perfectly protects the guard dog from the rain and cold.

    You can make an unusual sink. To do this, you need to pick up the appropriate washbasin and place it on top of this cooled product. It will look good if the bathroom or kitchen is made of wood or materials imitating it. If the barrel is cut into parts (approximately 15-20 cm) and put on the wall, and it is an interesting organizer for storing different items inside.

    Musicians can redo the barrel into a stylish drum, pulling the appropriate material. If you cut off the side part of the barrel and hang it on the ropes by the edge, you will get a pretty cradle for the baby. Wood products can also be redone in garden furniture - table, chairs, chairs, and so on.

    If you decide to engage in a cooler case, you can provide yourself with the necessary and beautiful life objects that can be used for different purposes (for pickles, wines, decor). This case can become a profitable business, but it is quite difficult and it should be started by a person who have certain skills to work with the tree.

    The wizards of the cooler case left today not so much, but the tradition of doing salmon in the tubs, or to keep honey and wine in the barrels remained in Russia so far. It often happens that there is no possibility for one reason or another to acquire a wooden packaging. Then you can make an oak barrel with your own hands. Let it be not the easiest occupation, however, if you put a clear goal and comply with all the features of the technology, you can make a decent wooden container for storing products and drinks. About how to make an oak barrel with your own hands we will talk below.

    We make billets

    To make the container you need to start picking material. If you want to store inside bee products, pay attention to the lime or aspen raw materials, Chinar. Not bad honey is stored in a strawberry barrels, alderwood, winds. Oak barrel is ideal for salting, fristed or urine.

    If you deal with raw materials, it is worth choosing an old tree. His lower part is best suited for clap. During the workpiece, be sure to follow the chirak to be a couple of centimeters more than the sizes of the future barrel. This stock is needed for ground grinding.

    Wood must be raw. Initially, Chuzura splits into 2 parts. To do this, use an ax and a small lounge, which are neatly tapping on the okuhu. Each half is repeatedly splitting. It is necessary to ensure that the separation takes place radially. With each subsequent half come in the same way - the number of blanks depends on how the diameter will be an oak barrel. With your own hands, raw materials prepare simply, the main thing is accuracy. Please note that the blanks can have a different width, but it is not scary.

    Clopes dried indoors where good natural ventilation is established. The term is at least 1 month, but ideally even about 1 year. After drying, it is processed by special tools. It may be:

    • stroke;
    • shirbel;
    • plane.

    First handle the outer side of the clap, be sure to check the degree of curvature according to a predetermined pattern. It can be cut from a fine one by attaching it to the finished product. After all the exterior surfaces are processed, you can start the side. They are also leveling the pattern, and after processing - fell. The inner surface of the clutch is processed by the plane.


    To make the hoops can be used both steel and wood. The last option is less durable, so it is better to immediately give preference to the metal. For the hoop, hot-rolled steel in the form of a tape is used. Its width is about 3-5 cm, and the thickness: 0.16-0.2 cm.

    It is necessary to make a measurement in place where the hoop will be stretched. After that, the width of the strip is added to a certain value, increased twice. With the help of hammer, the workpiece bends, purchasing the shape of the ring, and then the holes are made on or drilled and the bores are put. The material for them serves as a soft steel wire, the diameter of which is 0.4-0.5 cm. One of the internal edges of the hoop is necessarily collapsed by a sharpened end of the hammer.

    Subtleties assembly

    Production of oak barrels with their own hands requires patience. However, the result is worth spent time and effort. So, to collect booms for salting, a smooth surface is needed. To get the finished barrel you need:

    The core does not need to do or disappear before tightening, although there are those who insist on this. There are cases when the workpiece can crack. Then experienced bondari replace it with a new one.


    To make the bottom, first you need to cut the groove at a distance of 4-5 cm from the edge of the end, its dimensions can be 0.4-0.5 mm. To do this, use a special tool - a sprue. On both sides of the groove with a chisel, you need to make a chamfer from 0.1 to 0.2 cm.

    The bottom is made from a special shield. It is collected using metal studs or nails. Having drawn the circumference, you need to retreat from it by 1-1.5 cm and cut the future bottom. After that, it is inspired by the Barbell, and the chamfer is cut along the edges. As a result, the thickness of the clap will be not more than 0.3 cm. This ensures complete tightness of the design.

    To make the fitting - loosen the bottom hoop and put the bottom. It is introduced into the groove from one side, and from the second - it is adjusted by the hammer to the desired level with light tapping. With a tight course, you can weaken the hoop some more if it is too loose - the hoop is betterressed.

    Next, the hoop is quenched again, and the barrel is checked for tightness. To do this, it is poured some water. If flowing between claps - you need to slightly reduce the bottom. If the water is seeping through the bottom or groove, you will have to disassemble the core and narrow out one of the blanks.

    Before installing the second bottom, make a hole in it, the diameter of which is not more than 3 cm and make a plug under it. The correct sizes suggest that it will be slightly more bottom thickness and will not speak for the core. That's the whole sequence that needs to be observed to make an oak barrel with their own hands.


    Can I repair the old barrel? Of course. If an alcoholic drink was kept in it for a long time, it is necessary to disassemble the design and remove the layer with a tree, with a thickness of about 2 mm. Further, the drink does not penetrate the wood. After that, the clans are processed and they are going again.

    Repair of the oak barrels can be carried out with their own hands, even if it proceeds. To do this, you need to repeat the same manipulations as in the manufacture of containers - to fit the hoops.

    That's it, a cooler case. You can make wooden products yourself, but this requires quite a lot of time and effort. But is it worth spending them if today you can order via the Internet, on the website of the company "Russian Bondar"?

    How to make a wooden barrel with your own hands, drawings and a detailed description of the manufacture.

    The figure shows a barrel in the context:

    1. Cap.
    2. Small hoop.
    3. Boards (riveting).
    4. Big hoop.
    5. Bottom.

    The process of manufacturing the product under consideration can be conventionally broken into several stages.

    Selection of material

    The most common material is oak. In oak barrels, well withstand alcohol and harvesting pickles for the winter. You can also use cherry, mulberry, lime, aspen or ash.

    Design calculation

    Any design is determined by the following dimensions:

    Height (H) - 600 (mm)
    Small diameter (d) - 420 (mm)
    Large diameter (d) - 465 (mm)
    Number of rivets (N) - 20
    The angle of inclination of the side faces to the center of the correct polyhedron (φ) - 360/20/2 \u003d 9 °

    By geometric constructions, we obtain riveting dimensions.

    To significantly alleviate the assembly, the riveting is preferably from above and slow down the thicketer than in the center by 1/5. If the thickness of the riveting in the center is 10 (mm), then in the edges it will be 10 + 10/5 \u003d 12 (mm).

    Preparation of material

    The lower part of the barrel is shedped on chocks, is well suitable for billets. Chocks of the desired length, it is necessary to split on the boards in the direction of fibers. Prepared boards send to drying to the ventilated room for a period of two months.

    That the boards were well blown up, it is better to fold them in a checker.

    Making a hoop

    Hoops can be made from the strip of instrumental hot rolled 3 x 30 (mm). Ideal if the band bend to, but you can and manually. We drill two holes and connect the ends of the hoop rivets, as shown in the picture.

    Assembly of the bottom

    Dno we collect from the boards and planks. In the boards milling the grooves along the entire length of the end surface. In the grooves insert the planks, and the boards fit to each other.

    From the resulting shield, cutting the bottom of the calculated diameter.

    The end surface is at a low angle.

    How to make a wooden barrel with your own hands, drawings at hand, all the details are made, you can proceed to the assembly of the product:

    1. We collect rivets around the perimeter of a small hoop, while using small homemade clamps.
    2. After inserting the last riveting, move the hoop to the center of the barrel length.
    3. Preheat in hot water for 15 ... 20 (min) bottom rivets.
    4. Install the prepared design inside a large hoop, preferably on a flat surface.
    5. The twine is tightened with the design and move a big ring to the center of the barrel.

    6. We continue to push the design by the design, after the riveting completely strung out, put a small hoop on them on top.
    7. The core is assembled and it is necessary to burn from the inside, any of the proposed methods: a gas burner; blowtorch; Small fire.
    8. Align the edges of the barrel.
    9. Loosen the bottom metal ring, insert the bottom in the grooves of the bottom, and heat the small metal hoop at the starting position.
    10. Similarly, do this operation with the lid.
    11. Check the product to flow, if necessary, close the gaps of a barrel grass.
    12. Collect the outer surface of the product and cover it with a thin layer of bee wax.
    13. If the barrel is made of oak, it must be flushed with water until the fluid is transparent. This procedure can stretch to two weeks.

    People engaged in the production of own wines, or even by the pickling of cucumbers, know perfectly - there is no better packaging than a wooden barrel. Why? First, the tree is an environmentally friendly material, secondly, wines contain alcohol, it means that interacting with synthetic materials - plastic or a bonor, it can dissolve the chemical composition of the container, and it is mixed with wine components.

    The process of producing oak barrel is not complicated, but it requires a clear compliance with the instructions, accuracy and attentiveness.

    Buy barrel is not a problem, however, if there is a desire and owner of the home wine factory, it is preparing for quality, then the wooden barrel will be the main proof that wine and brandy are made using the right technology. In addition, the manufacture of wooden barrels is the process of time consuming and long, but without wisdom.

    Stages of work

    Oak, ash and cherry are considered the most suitable trees for the production of barrels.

    It is well known that the most reliable material for the manufacture of wooden barrels will be oak. It will suit both for wines and cognacs and for the soles. Oak - Natural Antiseptic, Zaku and mold there will not arise. But if this is a problem, you can change the oak of the cherry or ash - in these trees there is a blue acid, which will also not develop pathogenic organisms, although their properties are weaker than oak. It does not need to be afraid that the acid will fall into the products: first, the barrel is carefully soaked in front of the filling of wines, and secondly, some percentage of blue acid is contained in the wines itself, it is not dangerous.

    Wood calculation. The boards wearing the name of the riveting have bicon-like sides to give a coolery of the bulge. To make them, you need to take the lower part of the tree trunk and split the cutting of firewood. If it is gently cut, then the natural integrity of the fibers will break, which is bad for such a product. Immediately proceed to figure drinking, it is not worthwhile - the lamps need to dry for 2 months. And dry not under the scorching sun, but in a dark cool room.

    Maintenance treatment for future barrels is done using a planer. Giving them the right shape, top and bottom need to be thicker than the middle. As far as the owner decides. Typically, it is 1.5 cm. The movement of the plane is strengthened by the middle of the lounge, then you can get such a form as in classic barrels. Basically, the shape of the barrels can be given any - puzzy, paddle, trapezoidal. The main thing is to do everything right.

    Preparation of fastening hoops. They can be both iron and wooden. Wooden have advantages on beauty, protection against corrosion, but not as strong as iron, but the width of the wine cellar will be important to keep wines and barrels, including mechanical damage. Therefore, iron is preferable. So, stainless steel cuts into strips, for better bonding it can be sampling in places of connection with each other. After that, the ends are made by holes for nails, which will play the role of rivets.

    Stuffing ready-made hoops and preparation island. Three prepared boards are cling to small in diameter with the help of locks. It is necessary to position them at the same distance from each other. If the calculation was faithful, the remaining boards will enter back. After the full insert, using the hammer and the nozzle, should be sieved to the hoops until they cannot be removed. Tapping from the opposite ends, you can achieve a good effect.

    But it is impossible to overdo it: the boards prepared by a long way will be cracked, the process will have to begin again. Also crapped prepared dies can be from a long crossing. So it is prepared one edge of the barrel. Larger diameter hoop needs to wear immediately after the first edge, acting with a hammer. Now the queue of the second edge: the workpiece before mounting the second end is long batted. This is done so that the tree becomes soft and pliable. After that, the workpiece is turned over the open side up and the rope is thrown onto the steaming tree, which twisted so that the ends of the rivets come together. Not vacation ropes, you need to wear a hoop. Such work is not done alone - someone twists the rope, and someone puts on the hoop.

    Completion of work

    When the ends are ready, it is hardened.

    There are many ways, mostly firing. At the same time, the smell and tartness of a burning tree will be transferred to the guilt, which will also be assessed. This is done like this: inside on the side of the ready-made island put into the chips of any fruit tree - preferably the cherry. Ignite and slowly rolling with a side on the side for uniform tension. There are no need to breed fire inside the workpiece, it is possible to burn the product. It is impossible to use any liquids for ignition - they in their composition have chemical elements that the tree will absorb. You can use a soldering lamp, but with caution - a strong fire can leave unnoticed with unnoticed, why the product burns.

    The final stage of the creation of the barrel is considered to be its grinding outside, drill holes for the bay and cutting of the gutter for DonEv.

    Next, the process of manufacturing the barrel is as follows: the workpiece is treated with a tool - rough ends are cut, they grind outside, drill a hole for the bay and cut the gutter for DonEv. The bottoms of the barrels are two circles cut from the like shields. Shields are preparing like this: the brackets of the mustache are proper and fastened additionally with brackets. Circles are sharpened so that their edges go to the SCOS. You need to accurately calculate the diameter of DonEv. This is done after the final assembly of the island, because it will not be possible to do this right away. Then the bottoms are inserted by weakening extreme hoars. After inserting one, you need to fill the hoop again, then act in the same way and with the second bottom.

    Check for tightness. Naturally, the barrel is checked with liquid, that is, with water. It will take the first time while the tree does not swell. The time is given to the fact that the barrel stops flowing, no more than an hour. If she still flows, you need to find the gap and close it. Bondari are used for such purposes the stalks of the root. They are plugged between rivets with a sharp and subtle subject, for example, a knife. In addition, it is possible to cover the barrel outside - wax. Just need to take really bees - products should not be with chemistry.

    After the manufacturer of the barrel is almost completed - it is hardened, burned and tested for tightness, it is hugged or allowed to stand with water so that all foreign smells can be taken from the tree, which can be taken and wine. You can treat the inner surface of the barrel of hydrogen peroxide or manganese.


    Barrel to make your own hands is easy if you carefully follow the recommendations. Its care is extremely simple - it is necessary to regularly disappear or boil it, and then dry it very carefully if its use is postponed.

    Another important rule: if the barrel is intended for liquid products - brings, alcohol or water, it can not be left dry for a long time. If it is used to store dry products, it cannot be wetted.