What noun is related to the common race. List of nouns


When determining the female kind of names of nouns inanimate, consider that they have an end in the form of a case of a single number, -I (wall, will) and zero, if the noun ends on soft sign (rye). For animated nouns, the decisive sign is to belong to their female creatures (girl, cat). In order not to confuse at the end of the nouns of female and male genus, substitute "she, mine" to check the pronoun. For example, a song (she, mine).

Define the male family of nouns on the end of the form: zero words ending on the consonant (house, table), -A, - in animated nouns, male creatures (Uncle, Seryozha). In order not to confuse the genus of nouns ending on a soft sign, also substitute for checking the pronoun "He, My" (stump, day).

Nouns of the middle kind, determine the terminations of the initial form -o, -e, and with the help of substitution of the pronoun "it, my" (field, window). Please note that a group of differential nouns ending with a combination - and also refers to the middle family (tribe, seed, etc.). Among the nouns are almost no animated, their number is very insignificant (child, creature, animal).

Among the nouns are distinguished by several special groups, the genus in which is difficult. These include nouns general Roda, unlock and comprehensive words.
Relate the values \u200b\u200bof the common genus with their belonging to the subjects of women's or male. For example, a girl- (female genus), Boy-Zaknayka (Male genus). The nouns of the common kind include such that indicate the qualities of people (luzhora, neveryzh, plaks) or the name of persons by profession, positions, classes (Ivanov - Architect Ivanova).

Consider that the genus of unclear nouns is associated with their animation / inantence, a species / generic concept. For animate unclean nouns, define the gender (messeniem, miss). Nouns, giving names for animals, birds, belong to the male family (ponies, kangaroo, cacatu). Inanimate usually belong to the average (, cough). Exceptions are the words that are determined by the Association with the generic names: Kohlrabi - Cabbage (female genus), Hindi - language (male genus), etc.

To determine the genus of the unlock its own names of nouns denoting geographic names, choose the generic concept (, city, river, etc.). For example, the city of Rio de Janeiro (male genus), the Gobi desert (female genus).

The genus of comprehensive words (abbreviations) determine by the nature of the leading word "deciphered" phrases: UN - United Nations, the leading word "organization" (female genus).


Some nouns have variant form. At the same time, part of them is equal (aviary - aviary, banknotes - banknote), and the rest have stylistic litters: hall - hall (outdated form), giraffe - giraffe (outdated form).

Helpful advice

The nouns that are used only in the form of a plurality, the category of the kind is not determined (Belil, vice, weekdays).

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To determine the generation of the nouns, you must first determine the word that answers the question of who is that. This is the name noun. In Russian, it can be a male, female and medium kind.


Determine the generation of the noun at the end or ultimate consonant. The male genus includes words to consonant and s. For example, a house, loaf. The female genus includes nouns on -a, -I, -iy. For example, Kuzina ,. The average genus includes nouns on -o, -e, " For example, a window, dress.

See whether this nouns are no exception. These include nouns ending on-one. Such nouns can be both female and male genus. So, the dictionary refers to the male family, and the word notebook to female.

Pay attention to the genus animated nouns. These are nouns that mean living beings. Such words belong to either female or to the male race. Exceptions are a child who belong to the average genus. In animated nouns, determine the genus or natural floors or an animal or the end of the noun. Elephant is a noun male race, and a monkey is a noun feminine clan.

Correctly define the nouns denoting professions. They are male and female. At the same time, most nouns denoting professions belong to the male family: a doctor, engineer.

Special attention Take the nature of the borrowed nouns. Nouns of foreign language often have atypical for Russian-and, -You -U. Such nouns do not change by any numbers or by cases. The male genus includes the names and the names of cities and islands. The feminine belongs to female names and surnames, the names of the rivers and names of the newspapers. The average genus includes the names of inanimate objects.


Nouns for consonants and always relate to the male family.

Most nouns for women foreign origin End to-si.
Nouns ending on the souffactsy -Onok, -Enok always male.

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Definition roda in Russian language - One of the most common tasks for the people studying this language. In Russian language There are three roda - Male, female and medium. In addition, there is a general genus, the definition of which causes the greatest complexity.

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Highlight the end of the adjective and verbs with the desired word. Most often it happens enough to determine. Put the verb in the past time, and the nouctive with the adjective take in the nominative case. Because of the best friend, the best friend came-a, the new thing went-oh. These are examples of the endings of the adjectives and verbs in a male, female and middle way.

Determine whether it means the desired word profession or a gene activity. Most of these words formally relate to the male race. For example, a new doctor said (o), a new doctor said (o); He is an excellent specialist, she is an excellent specialist. Note that the names of some professions do not have forms of men roda. For example, the word "ballerina" has the form of only female roda.

Remember that the words of the type "notepad, fidget, jacket, nevezha, Gardda, Umnitsa" and the like belong to the general race. These words give emotional color as the words of male and female roda, and call the way of classes of these individuals.

remember, that roda Abbreviations - the case of a special complexity. In abbreviations formed by adding the part of the word, determine the genus on the main word: New Sberbank, the quality of the Organization. In the event that the word by adding sounds or letters (PTU, RAS), clear rules for determining roda not.

Form the genus of unclean nouns borrowed from other languages, according to the following rule. If the noun denotes the subject, then it belongs to the middle family (coat, couch). If it is denoted, then refers to the male genus (chimpanzees). If it calls geographical object, then refers to the genus of most words of this type in language (Mississippi women rodabecause it is a river). Do not forget that in every such case there are exceptions. Contact authoritative dictionaries if any question causes you.

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Abbreviation (Ital. Abbreviatura from Lat. Brevis - brief) is a word consisting of the names of initial letters or sounds of lexical elements of the original phrase. The name of the term determines the method of formation of abbreviation by reducing (truncation of the foundations). When determining roda Such comprehensive words need to be "deciphered", i.e. lead to a source combination.

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  • - dictionary.


Determine how type is analyzed. Traditionally, 3 types are isolated: - letter type, i.e. Composed of the alphabetic titles of letters of words forming the original phrase (RF, MHT, ORT); - sound type, i.e. Educated from the words included in the phrase (MFA, UN, MCAT). Usually, sound abbreviations are formed if there are vowel sounds inside it; - mixed type, i.e. Compiled partly from the titles of initial letters, partially - sounds (Germany, CSKA).

Determine the original phrase from which the abbreviation is formed. With the difficulty of "decoding", contact the dictionaries or other sources of information.

Determine the knowledge of the lead word. This enshrines this grammatical category Abbreviation. For example, SLE - freely convertible currency. The definable word "currency" of women roda. It means that the SLE is the same roda.

Remember that the genus of some initial abbreviations over time and the peculiarities of their use has changed in speech. If the comprehensive word has acquired the opportunity to lean on the declination of the names, it has acquired the form of a male roda. For example, a university - study at the university. Initially, the word belonged to the middle race, because university -

Nalum name is among the most frequently used parts of speech. At the same time, such words have a genus, which are three in Russian: male (dog, house, onions, father), female (goat, cat, room, pear) or medium (village, sky, harvesting, distance). The category of kind refers to the number of constant features of this part of speech. However, there is a number of exceptions. We offer to get acquainted with the examples of nouns of the common kind.

What is Rod

  • This is a permanent sign. So, if the number and case can change (for example, the words "cat" - un. H. And "Cats" - Mn. H.), Then the genus always remains the same. What kind of number of cats would be speech, this word is always a female kind.
  • In multiple number This category has not been expressed. In this case, if necessary, the word should be put in units. h.
  • Words that are not used in the singular (scissors, stretchers) do not have a kind.

How to determine

The easiest way to determine the kind is the substitution of pronouns. This is taught at school. For example:

  • Table, house, wardrobe, chair - he is mine.
  • Dog, door, skirt, geranium - she is mine.
  • Oil, milk, plant, essay - it is mine.

Sometimes over time, the word can change the generic affiliation, for example, the word "swan" had previously been a female family, now - male.

Common gender

We will get acquainted with examples of nouns and consider what it is. There are a number of words that can be used in relation to the merits of any gender:

  • Slut.
  • Stretching.
  • Crybaby.
  • Yabeda.
  • Quiet.
  • Bore

From the context becomes clear about what kind this is speech. For example:

  • Tanya was a terrible plax and always solved the problem of tears.
  • Egor was a terrible plax and always solved the problem of tears.

The word "Plaks" is an example of a noun in general.


Words that are suitable for the category "National names of the common kind" are quite a lot. We give a number of examples of phrases:

  • The poor fellow is the poor fellow Olga.
  • Vesnay Maxim - Vessenka Katerina.
  • Supply (boy, girl).
  • Dirty (Vanya, Anya).
  • Grooming (cat, dog).

These are the words of the general kind. Most often, they possess a pronounced emotional color, express the attitude of the subject of the subject described by him.

We give examples of proposals with existing common kinds:

  • Crouch Son constantly asked many questions.
  • The soiling of Julia often put his parents in a dead end.
  • Summary Cyrill so often got into ridiculous situations that it was already tired of laughing.
  • This man entered the story as a queuy.

Examples it can be seen that in their form such words resemble nouns of the female genus, the endings point to it, but when combined must be considered, from the word of what kind they depend.

First example

Petrov's worker received a premium. The word of the general kind of "worker" characterizes a man, therefore also refers to the existence. male. The agreed definition should be chosen appropriate: "Good, executive work".

Another example

Self-taught Aksenova achieved significant success in scientific activity. Here, "self-taught" describes a woman, so the word should be attributed to the female genus, the agreed definition will be like this: "Talented, intelligent, workable self-taught."

Examples from texts

We give examples of nouns of the common kind from the work of Krylov "Elephant and Pug":

So behind the elephant crowd Zewak went.

I can get into big gabbs.

There are two words of the general kind - "ZEVAKA", "Zabyaka"; Both first declines, plural.

In the Basna "Cat and cook" there is another example named after the noun total kind:

Oh you, Grooming! Ah, Villain! -

Here Vaska Chef stakes.

It uses the word "income" of the common race.

Another example is the fables of the "Mirror and Monkey":

From the grooves of my such crusher five to six.

And again before us an example name of the noun common kind.

How to prevent an error

Often, without a context, it becomes difficult to reveal, to the face of what gender the noun has a noun. For instance:

  • Well, you and jack!
  • You are loner, do not know how to work in a team.

Words mean a qualitative characteristic of a person, however, do not give instructions on its floor. If you add examples of support words, the meaning will be clear:

  • Well, you and junk, Misha!
  • Katya, you are loner, do not know how to work in a team.

Thanks to the support words, we understand that in the first example, the word "starfish" refers to the boy, therefore it is a noun male race, and in the second - to the girl, because it is a female.

The words of the general kind should be attributed to the male race in the case when they denote the face of the male, or to female, when they denote the face of female.

Common Error

Often, schoolchildren may mistakenly adopt for the words-nouns of the general kind of lexical units that denote professions:

  • doctor;
  • professor;
  • geologist;
  • archaeologist;
  • librarian;
  • paleontologist;
  • surgeon.

They can relate to both men and women, however, they are always male: Dr. Ivanova, Smirnova surgeon. If necessary, agree with them adjective should be remembered that they are combined with the form of a male family: a talented surgeon Smirnov. The combination of "Talented Smirnov Surgeon" will be a mistake.

Most of this vocabulary does not have a parallel shape of the female kind, but sometimes in colloquial speech can slip turns like "Doctors Ivanov" "Librarcha Savinova", in literary speeches are unacceptable.

There are in Russian and words of women's kind, meaning the name of persons by profession: typist, ballerina. If you need to designate a male face, descriptive speeds come to the rescue: the ballet artist.

Own names

As examples of nouns, the common genus can also be given their own names - the unclear names of both Russian and foreign origin: Sidorenko, prominent, Grodas.

The general genus has both dimensional-lad-storey forms that may relate to people of both sexes: Sasha, Shuraka, as well as abbreviated forms of names: Valya, Sasha.

Nouns groups of general kind

Based on the above material, three groups of common-sort groups can be distinguished:

  • Menantive nouns, with their shape resembling the words of the female kind, on which the end indicates - and / me: the sirota, oddity, the passage, sweet tooth. Most often they possess bright emotional color.
  • Reduce names are own, related to both boys and girls: Sanya, Valya, Zhenya.
  • Unclear surnames: Savchenko, Duma, gray.

The nouns of the general kind are important to use properly in speech, but most often the native speakers understand the meaning of the statements due to the supporting words or on the basis of the general meaning of the dialogue.

    Nouns general kind are a group of nouns names, which, depending on the context, can perform noun male genus, and noun feminine clan.

    Among them, both nominal names are nouns and their own names.

    Examples of the nominal names of the common genus: orphan, dirty, quiet, orphan. It can be said as unhappy orphan; and unhappy orphan.

    Examples of the names of their own common kind are the names of Sasha, Shura, Zhenya and others that can be used in relation to a woman and in relation to a man. This also includes foreign-language surnames with the end of the vowel (for example: Morua) and some other names (for example, with the ending: greyhound).

    The genus of the nouns in Russian is a lexico-grammatical category, which directly refers to the aggregate of the words of the male race (TV), the female genus (antenna), the middle kind (sun) and the so-called common genus (Plaks, clever, hype).

    The last group of words includes many classic examplesWhen the noun externally looks like a female word, however, it can be correlated and semantically agreed with the words of various parts of speech having the forms of any of the birth.

    for example.

    • Petya Zabyaka is the case conflict with classmates
    • Masha's gabble constantly swear with the neighbors
    • Sun-Zabyaka no longer gave calmly lying in the last snow and made deep holes in the Nm.

    Nouns general kind are such words, looking at which it is impossible to determine which kind they are. But you can talk like this, for example:

    In the first context, the word rVA Used as a noun male race. And in the second context - as a noun female kind. Sun depends on the meaning of supply and total text with nouns included to it:

    • Zina Zina cried and cried. RVA - she is Rum.
    • Rva Kostya cried all day long. RVA - he is RumA.

    The nouns of the general kind of sometimes relate to some universal Names Own (Zhenya, Sasha, Valya, Shura, Sima, Bondarenko, Cool, Gherdyayi). In the same group you can situationally Include a number of words denoting professions (he is a doctor; she is a doctor; he is a janitor, she is a janitor).

    But it should be noted that the latest examples (with professions) are far from classical and in many cases erroneous. In the dictionary Word dictionary; doctor;, for example, it will be subject to a litter about belonging to male family. Just with the janitor. So you can only say that such words sometimes take on some features Nouns common kind, while not being.

    Nouns common kind in Russian, these are such nouns that can be used both in men's and in women's birth and both grammatically and in meaning are both nouns of the male and nouns of the feminine (and the average too). For example: Umnitsa, well done - these words are nouns of the general kind.

    In Russian, usually nouns belong to one of three clans: male (city, young man, apprentice), female (Mattroke, girl, nanny) and middle (lake, crossroads, mums). But among the noun first declination with the end -but Allocate words general Rodawho matter the value of a male or female genus depending on the context:

    Tom's confused forever looking for a handle. Crashing Kolya asked me a gum.

    In the first example, the word rubbing has a female race because it is indicated female name, in the second it is a male race.

    To the words of the general genus traditionally include nouns: orphans, plaks, grooves, trash, sludge, gourmet, crumpled, sainted, mound, zubrila, tramp, etc.

    The common genus of nouns is that, depending on neighboring words in a sentence, similar nouns can become both male and female or medium kind of not changing the writing.

    Similar words include a number of nouns, for example, plaks, working, Sasha, Valya, doctor, incognito, nevezh, etc. Thus, similar nouns are immediately visible to the unarmed look, because it is impossible to say to what kind of specifically they relate.

    An example of using noun common kinds:

    Such nouns in Russian mass. Depending on the context in the sentence, they may be a female, then male genus. And let you do not confuse the typical female ending a or his absence in some cases.

    Examples from professions: doctor, judge, cook, secretary, brigadier, director.

    Multicipable surnames and abbreviated names: Sasha, Valya, Zhenya, White, Chernenko, Size.

    Emotionally painted nouns, giving some characteristic of a person: a clogging, sludge, stretchable, hard worker, clever, irrelevant, insecurity, ruin, passage, misfortune.

    There are also unchangeable words, such as: visa, incognito, protege.

    Examples of nouns general Roda In russian language:

    sonya, Nehohhukha, Zadira, Well done, clever, clever, sludge, slope, evil, worker, orphan, kroch, fidget.

    With these words, we can call people of both sexes:

    Katyushka Sonya. Pavlik Sonya.

    She is somewhat. He is slug.

    There are such nouns in Russian that do not apply to any male women's semi. These are nouns in common. Such a nouns include, for example, words such as well done, bully, sonia, sovereign, ignorant, ignoramus and others

    In Russian, there is such an interesting concept as nouns common kind.

    These are nouns that can be both in male genus and in feminine kind - depending on whether they are associated with the object.

    These nouns have 1 decline - that is, ends on a And on y.

    They are used to indicate the characteristics of the nature of any creature.

    For example, dirty, imagine, purely, etc.

    These words can relate to any living beings, whose behavior can be somehow described - that is, to people, animals ...


    1) Masha is quiet!

    What are you from me quiet! - Mom said her son.

    2) I have a daughter - Plaks! - My friend complained

    Ivan, so you, it turns out, Plaks! - Laughing classmates above the boy.

    3) Katya, well, you and Sonya! - Mom said

    Get up, Sonya! - Buddle grandmother grandmother.

    Under the existing common genus in Russian, there are those words of nouns that can be equally well combined with the words of both male and female genus. You can say this is a kind of intermediate words. Example: Vanya - Sonya; Tanya - Sonya. Sonya word.

    It is also such words as fidget, quiet, dirty, tramp.


Examples of nouns common. What is nouns common?

January 11, 2018.

Nalum name is among the most frequently used parts of speech. At the same time, such words have a genus, which are three in Russian: male (dog, house, onions, father), female (goat, cat, room, pear) or medium (village, sky, harvesting, distance). The category of kind refers to the number of constant features of this part of speech. However, there is a number of exceptions. We offer to get acquainted with the examples of nouns of the common kind.

What is Rod

  • This is a permanent sign. So, if the number and case can change (for example, the words "cat" - un. H. And "Cats" - Mn. H.), Then the genus always remains the same. What kind of number of cats would be speech, this word is always a female kind.
  • In the multiple number of nouns, this category is not expressed. In this case, if necessary, the word should be put in units. h.
  • Words that are not used in the singular (scissors, stretchers) do not have a kind.

How to determine

The easiest way to determine the kind is the substitution of pronouns. This is taught at school. For example:

  • Table, house, wardrobe, chair - he is mine.
  • Dog, door, skirt, geranium - she is mine.
  • Oil, milk, plant, essay - it is mine.

Sometimes over time, the word can change the generic affiliation, for example, the word "swan" had previously been a female family, now - male.

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Common gender

We will get acquainted with examples of nouns and consider what it is. There are a number of words that can be used in relation to the merits of any gender:

  • Slut.
  • Stretching.
  • Crybaby.
  • Yabeda.
  • Quiet.
  • Bore

From the context, it becomes clear what kind of reason is. For example:

  • Tanya was a terrible plax and always solved the problem of tears.
  • Egor was a terrible plax and always solved the problem of tears.

The word "Plaks" is an example of a noun in general.


Words that are suitable for the category "National names of the common kind" are quite a lot. We give a number of examples of phrases:

  • The poor fellow is the poor fellow Olga.
  • Vesnay Maxim - Vessenka Katerina.
  • Supply (boy, girl).
  • Dirty (Vanya, Anya).
  • Grooming (cat, dog).

These are the words of the general kind. Most often, they possess a pronounced emotional color, express the attitude of the subject of the subject described by him.

We give examples of proposals with existing common kinds:

  • Crouch Son constantly asked many questions.
  • The soiling of Julia often put his parents in a dead end.
  • Summary Cyrill so often got into ridiculous situations that it was already tired of laughing.
  • This man entered the story as a queuy.

Examples it can be seen that in their form such words resemble nouns of the female genus, the endings point to it, but when combined must be considered, from the word of what kind they depend.

First example

Petrov's worker received a premium. The word of the general kind of "worker" characterizes a man, therefore also refers to the existence. male. The agreed definition should be chosen appropriate: "Good, executive work".

Another example

Self-taught Aksenova achieved significant success in scientific activity. Here, "self-taught" describes a woman, so the word should be attributed to the female genus, the agreed definition will be like this: "Talented, intelligent, workable self-taught."

Examples from texts

We give examples of nouns of the common kind from the work of Krylov "Elephant and Pug":

So behind the elephant crowd Zewak went.

I can get into big gabbs.

There are two words of the general kind - "ZEVAKA", "Zabyaka"; Both first declines, plural.

In the Basna "Cat and cook" there is another example named after the noun total kind:

Oh you, Grooming! Ah, Villain! -

Here Vaska Chef stakes.

It uses the word "income" of the common race.

Another example is the fables of the "Mirror and Monkey":

From the grooves of my such crusher five to six.

And again before us an example name of the noun common kind.

How to prevent an error

Often, without a context, it becomes difficult to reveal, to the face of what gender the noun has a noun. For instance:

  • Well, you and jack!
  • You are loner, do not know how to work in a team.

Words mean a qualitative characteristic of a person, however, do not give instructions on its floor. If you add examples of support words, the meaning will be clear:

  • Well, you and junk, Misha!
  • Katya, you are loner, do not know how to work in a team.

Thanks to the support words, we understand that in the first example, the word "starfish" refers to the boy, therefore it is a noun male race, and in the second - to the girl, because it is a female.

The words of the general kind should be attributed to the male race in the case when they denote the face of the male, or to female, when they denote the face of female.

Common Error

Often, schoolchildren may mistakenly adopt for the words-nouns of the general kind of lexical units that denote professions:

  • doctor;
  • professor;
  • geologist;
  • archaeologist;
  • librarian;
  • paleontologist;
  • surgeon.

They can relate to both men and women, however, they are always male: Dr. Ivanova, Smirnova surgeon. If necessary, agree with them adjective should be remembered that they are combined with the form of a male family: a talented surgeon Smirnov. The combination of "Talented Smirnov Surgeon" will be a mistake.

Most of this vocabulary does not have a parallel shape of the female kind, but sometimes in colloquial speech can slip turns like "Doctors Ivanov" "Librarcha Savinova", in literary speeches are unacceptable.

There are in Russian and words of women's kind, meaning the name of persons by profession: typist, ballerina. If you need to designate a male face, descriptive speeds come to the rescue: the ballet artist.

Own names

As examples of nouns, the common genus can also be given their own names - the unclear names of both Russian and foreign origin: Sidorenko, prominent, Grodas.

The general genus has both dimensional-lad-storey forms that may relate to people of both sexes: Sasha, Shuraka, as well as abbreviated forms of names: Valya, Sasha.

Nouns groups of general kind

Based on the above material, three groups of common-sort groups can be distinguished:

  • Menantive nouns, with their shape resembling the words of the female kind, on which the end indicates - and / me: the sirota, oddity, the passage, sweet tooth. Most often they possess bright emotional color.
  • Reduce names are own, related to both boys and girls: Sanya, Valya, Zhenya.
  • Unclear surnames: Savchenko, Duma, gray.

The nouns of the general kind are important to use properly in speech, but most often the native speakers understand the meaning of the statements due to the supporting words or on the basis of the general meaning of the dialogue.

This class is component animate nouns with the value of the face. This term and the concept of general kind introduced in grammar for the first time M.V. Lomonosov: "Some names derived from the verbs: plaks, Drunka, Hangethe essence of the genus is common. " Most of these are words that are qualitative characteristic Persons (most often negative): hugs, ignorant, laughter, dirty, bantushka, godlyuga, turkey, crumple, zublila, Zabuldiga, Gulelen, Porodyetc.; These are expressed painted words.

The words of the general kind have necessarily ending -and I.Similar nouns denote persons both male and female, i.e. Their type depends on the specific semantics of the word. All words dependent on these nouns are consistent with the semantics: our slug is our sludge, my boasting is my boast.

The words of the general kind include a small group of diminutive names: Zhenya, Valya, Shura, Sasha.

A special group is the names of the type Hugo, Zola, Shevchenko, White, Chavchavadze.

From the words of the general kind should be distinguished by words like snake, Saw Hat, Foxet al. which are used in syntaxable condition for the name of the expressive characteristic. Such words, denoting people both male and female, do not change their genus, and in speech all the words dependent on them are consistent with them formally, and not within the meaning, as the words of the general kind. Wed: round orphan - round orphan.But: Black pearl was removed from the field (About Pele football player) (from newspapers).

Also in Russian there are words with non-markedthe value of the kind. These are words that indicate both male and female sex. For example, in the class of words of a male genus there is a group of nouns that may mark the face of both male and female: teacher, Philosopher, Professor, Engineer, Head, Doctor, Doctoretc. This group is large and productive, it includes first of all the nouns with the value of the person by profession, the nature of the classes.

In some cases, the correlators are formed from such words (correlate - a member of a couple of mutually determined, correlate linguistic units) of the female kind, but in such a couple the word of the male race acts as the general name of the person in the specialty, without specifying its gender: teacher - teacher.

Correlant of female kind to such a noun may be neutral stylistically ( teacher.), but can be stylistically reduced ( boss -conversational doctor -spatrical). In speech practice, such nouns are syntactically expressed: The doctor came - the doctor came.

Another group of words with a non-marked meaning is nouns, denoting animals, fish, birds, insects. These include nouns male komar, Sable, Drozd, Carpetc.; noun women's kind chicken, pike, cuckoo, flyetc.