Winning the lottery in the natal chart. Lucky numbers of Aquarius by horoscope

Gambling is the second element of Aries. You believe in your fortune, and you are doing the right thing! Adventurism coupled with conscious faith brings generous benefits. You know how to challenge money luck, and do not waste your time on trifles. Your destiny is big wins, although sometimes they seem too risky and unjustified. However, you prefer to live in anticipation of taking a big jackpot, rather than regret not placing bets on which someone else hit the Jackpot.


You are careful and calculating when it comes to lottery games. You systematically monitor the increasing Jackpots and try to exclude big risks and rash bets. Is not best strategy for lottery tickets, as the philosophy of your sign says: Better a tit in your pocket than a crane in someone else's. Get busy calculating small winning bets. Believe it or not, they have a better chance of making you a millionaire.


You treat lottery tickets in two ways. But what is there to be surprised? This is the essential quality of your mark. You both want and inject. On the one hand, you are tempted by money "from heaven", and on the other hand, it is scary to feel cheated. And when you fill out a ticket, you too are torn apart by doubts. In choosing numbers, you would not be hurt by the advice of the very second Gemini that the horoscope has endowed you with. But since he is not there, and you really want to win, consult a blood relative. The chances will increase.


As strange as it sounds, you need stability in lotteries. You are very upset by the change of the rules in your favorite lottery games. You will feel cheated, which will significantly reduce your chances of winning. However, the passion that lives in you takes its toll, and sooner or later you will return to the game. And then you will study each letter of the new conditions and, with the same persistence, strive for victory. Once you find the "algorithm", lottery luck will not slip out of your "claws".

Winning day of the week: Monday.


You take good luck for granted as an extension of your regal status. Once you place your bets on a lottery ticket, you rarely succumb to fuss and almost never get impatient. You calmly observe the mood of luck. But to someone who is watching you at this time, it may seem that you are indifferent to winning. However, it is not. You know how to be on an equal footing with fortune, and you always know when she will deign to show you her smile.

Winning day of the week: Sunday.


As a rule, you approach calculating the combination of numbers on a lottery ticket with your usual pedantry and thoughtfulness. Nobody expects spontaneous bets from you. However, you know that sometimes such unpredictable excitement instills in you that you can, yielding to the dictates of your soul, place bets with which your mind strongly disagrees. And if you have been playing for a long time, you have probably noticed that it is this kind of spontaneity that brings you luck.

Winning day of the week: Wednesday.


As it should be, your scale in choosing both the lottery itself and the digital combination always fluctuates. Each of your final decisions does not seem good enough to you, and you again begin to weigh the pros and cons. You make your bets at the very last moment, as a result, you choose the numbers that go against any logic, strategy and tactics. You are sure that you are taking a great risk, but you don’t regret your last money on this risk. And he often justifies himself with pleasant sums.

Winning day of the week: Friday.


You are passionate in everything, but passion is one of your main passions. Excitement in the game gives rise to excitement in victory. Having won at least one lottery game, you will never stop. The only thing that saves you from gambling addiction is high level responsibility and innate flair. You can almost accurately determine which "game is worth the candle". Intuition helps you to calmly experience losses. You know your best lottery game won't miss you.

Winning day of the week: Tuesday.


You are an excellent strategist and know how to build cunning labyrinths in which lottery luck will come to you wherever it goes. You will patiently and monotonously buy lottery tickets, regardless of failure. Are you sure that every miss is a new step to Jack Pot. You are not satisfied with insignificant winnings. Dreaming of hitting a big jackpot, you will spend all small winnings on new tickets.

Winning day of the week: Thursday.


You treat the lottery the way you should treat it - like a game. No more, no less. You gamble if you feel that the gambling itself and the excitement bring pleasure to you. Testing your own luck is a certain adrenaline rush and a surge of emotions for you. Having played enough, you can forget about it for a long time. Failures and losses do not upset you, because you rarely make big bets.


In the lottery game, you invent your own game: how to highlight the numbers, what day to come, what color clothes to wear, etc. You have fun creating personal happy omens and rituals. This is a great tactic! This is how you gain faith in your own luck. And where there is sincere faith, there is victory. However, there are no victories without losses. Learn to calmly react to setbacks, and there will be fewer of them.

Winning day of the week: Saturday.


In the lottery game, you often go to extremes. Either you cannot live a day without excitement, buying up all possible tickets, all possible lotteries, then you go to the bottom, losing the slightest interest in it. At times like these, you may be tormented by remorse, thinking that you missed out on your Jackpot in inaction. Do not listen to her mercantile tunes, but develop your intuition, and your gain will not go away from you.

Winning day of the week: Thursday.

All people are different, but still there is something in common in us. Astrologers believe that people born at the same time are very similar.

WITH long ago people attach particular importance to their date of birth. The first horoscopes predicting the future were made in the 5th century BC in Mesopotamia. Until now, many believe that a person's character is influenced by the location of the planets at the time of his birth, and this in turn affects his abilities, destiny and success in various fields.

Horoscopes speak about a person's character and events in different areas life: in work, love or play. We will tell you about how your date of birth can influence your luck.

Our horoscope will help you with choosing a lottery depending on your zodiac sign. Photo from the site:

Aries(March 21 - April 20)
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and therefore the leader. Representatives of this sign are active, confident, independent and ambitious. These qualities help them quickly reach career heights and financial well-being. They know how to make decisions and achieve success. For Aries, money is not an end in itself, but a means of achieving goals. Aries are realists. They do not hang in the clouds and rely little on luck and chance - in to a greater extent they rely on their own ability and diligence.

Large-scale goals - large-scale implementation! Aries are the ones who can try their luck at Gosloto "6 out of 45", the lottery in which the largest of Russia win!

Taurus(April 21 - May 21)
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiacal circle. It symbolizes strength and perseverance. Taurus know exactly what they want and will not give up on their plans. They are solid and efficient, you can always rely on them. Taurus go to what was planned, without turning and overcoming all obstacles on the way, and in the end they get their way. The responsibility and reliability of the representatives of this sign is highly valued by others, which contributes to their career growth and the achievement of material wealth. Most often, they get money thanks to their hard work, so they take finance seriously and are not inclined to throw money down the drain. They believe in luck, but only as a nice addition to their own sense of purpose.

Lottery "Gosloto" 7 out of 49 "obeys the most fearless and assertive participants, just like Taurus. Test your strength in the drawing of a guaranteed super prize - 50,000,000 rubles!

Twins(May 22 - June 21)
Gemini is one of the most restless zodiac signs. Curious, addicted and creative personalities, they do not accept restrictions and conventions, they think outside the box, and sometimes paradoxically. Gemini hates any routine, be it the same type of work or a life without travel. Often these are talented, gifted people who can make a good career in the field that is close to them. Often they are so focused on their own creativity that they can work not for money, but for an idea. Emotional, not the most punctual and stubborn, they cannot bear boredom, they are often lucky in life - largely due to the fact that they follow their star and do not change their principles, which is highly valued by fortune.

People with a character like Gemini will surely enjoy not only participating in the lottery, but also watching the exciting Housing Lottery and Russian Lotto draws on weekends, at 8:15, on the NTV channel.

Crayfish(June 22 - July 23)
Cancer is the most cautious and prudent of all the signs of the zodiac. This distinguishes them from, for example, Taurus, who go straight ahead. Cancers prefer deliberate, balanced decisions, which sometimes require workarounds and always lead to victories. These are strategists who prefer to do rather than speak. Cancers do not rely much on luck, preferring to rely on their own thoughts, conclusions and actions. However, if Cancer got something in his tenacious hands, he will not let it go! They are grasping and at the same time thrifty people. This applies not only to areas such as work and money, but also love and friendship. Cancers cherish their loved ones.

Ideal lotteries for strategists are the fast Rapido, Top-3 and KENO-Sportloto, which have many different ways to play. Here Cancers can use their analytical skills in order to play and win as much as possible - up to 10,000,000 rubles!

a lion(July 24 - August 23)
Leos are real stars, they are always in the spotlight. And not only in public, but also at home. Excellent organizers, practical and responsible, representatives of this zodiac sign are born leaders. Strong, proud Leos are often maximalists: if you work, then with full dedication, if you have fun, then to the fullest. The same is in friendship and love: they are generous with feelings and are always ready to help their loved ones in Hard time... Perhaps, due to this spiritual generosity, fate is favorable to them: luck especially favors them. The combination of positive personal qualities and luck helps Lviv's fast career and financial growth.

All or nothing - this is the Leo principle. Therefore, the "12/24" lottery suits them perfectly, in which the super prize is won by the one who guesses 12 numbers or none.

Virgo(August 24 - September 23)
Virgos are perpetual motion machines. Representatives of this zodiac sign are always busy with something. They always have things to do: workers, household, personal. Virgos are hyper-responsible and always strive for order, so do not be surprised if they brush a speck of dust off the shoulder of an unfamiliar fellow traveler on the subway. With external accuracy and restraint, a fire can burn inside the Virgo! They are masters at hiding even the strongest feelings, and all because of the fear of harming others. Virgos are workaholics, so they often practically live at work. They are frugal and don't rely on luck for financial matters. They always have a supply for a rainy day.

When choosing a lottery for Virgo, high is important, so they first carefully study the statistics, and only then place bets. Pay attention to the new fast lottery "Duel", because here you have the highest chance of winning a super prize! Of the lotteries with TV broadcasts of the draws, Virgos are suitable for the "Golden Horseshoe", in each draw of which the game goes up to the 87th move, which means that the chances of winning are very high.

scales(September 24 - October 23)
Libra is not just the name of the zodiac sign, it is main characteristic its representatives. They are characterized by indecision, heterogeneity, inconsistency and emotionality. They have many interests that fill 25 hours a day. You say there are only 24 hours in a day? But not for Libra! Libra does not divide the world into black and white - their world has many colors and no boundaries. They weigh the pros and cons for a long time, which allows them to make an informed choice in relation to the most important issues, whether it be a job, marriage or real estate purchase. However, in solving smaller issues, they can succumb to their emotions. For example, saving up money for months, they can spend it in one day, simply succumbing to emotions. But luck keeps an eye on them and does not allow them to go to extremes, including in spending.

Variety in everything is the lot of Libra. That is why they will love the Sportloto instant lottery tickets: many design themes, different variants games and big wins. You won't get bored with them! Ask for tickets at the city's lottery kiosks.

Scorpion(October 24 - November 22)
Scorpio is the most seasoned sign of the zodiac, a fighter in life. Representatives of this sign are energetic, strong and strong-willed people, which allows them to easily overcome any obstacles. They are extremely honest with themselves and others, they know how to objectively assess the situation. Scorpios know exactly what they want, and they achieve it. If they are on fire with an idea, rest assured that they will do a brilliant job of implementing it. Luck for them is a small plus to their titanic efforts. They prefer to achieve everything themselves. Money for Scorpio is only a means to achieve goals, but not an end in itself.

With such a character, it is imperative to try to take by storm the super prize "Sportloto 6 out of 49", which starts its growth from 10,000,000 rubles. After all, only the brave obey the seas!

Sagittarius(November 23 - December 21)
Sagittarius is a life-loving sign of the zodiac, capable of infecting everyone with its positive. They are easy to spot even in a large, noisy company: they never sit alone and do not get bored, but, on the contrary, are at the epicenter of events. Witty, courageous and optimistic Sagittarius know how to be happy. They are active, easy-going and a little careless, luck and chance often help them achieve their goals. Fortune loves sunny and cheerful Sagittarius.

Lottery "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 "will add another reason for Sagittarius to be optimistic - here they become millionaires on average once a week!

Capricorn(December 22 - January 20)
Capricorn is a box with a double bottom. Outwardly modest and gentle, Capricorns can become unyielding and unyielding. They do not get into disputes and fights, but prefer to solve all problems through diplomacy. Their characteristic confidence, calmness, and sometimes even composure help to avoid unnecessary risks. Thanks to this, they easily make a career and systematically improve their financial well-being. Good luck for Capricorn - good friend, on which, nevertheless, "hope, but do not blame yourself."

Calmness and patience of Capricorns affects their choice of lotteries: they do not chase frequent draws, but prefer to participate, even in weekly draws, but not to miss a single one! At the same time, Capricorns carefully choose the prizes for which they fight. Fortunately, there is a wide selection of prizes and a high probability of winning in the Russian Lotto, Housing Lottery, Golden Horseshoe and 6 out of 36 lotteries.

Aquarius(January 21 - February 19)
Aquarians are great freedom-lovers. Its representatives value their independence and keep borders with other people. Aquarians cannot be forced to do what they themselves do not want. They try to think freely, outside the framework, patterns and prejudices, which can be embodied in the choice of a creative profession.

Aquarians love to try everything new: they've probably already tried their luck in a quick "Prikup" and can't wait for the first draw of the "6 out of 36" football lottery.

Fishes(February 20 - March 20)
Pisces is perhaps the most mysterious sign of the zodiac. Behind the external calmness, and sometimes indifference and even laziness, there is spiritual harmony, which is difficult to break even with a strong shock. Pisces go with the flow and rely heavily on fate and luck. While not very practical, living this way can help keep you calm and balanced.

Representatives of this zodiac sign trust the recommendations of friends and family, including when choosing a lottery. Especially for those who need tips and tricks, the site has a help function in the selection of the draw. You can choose a lottery based on such parameters as multi-million dollar wins, quick results, apartments as prizes, TV broadcast of draws.

Whichever zodiac sign you belong to, we always have an interesting lottery for you. Play and Win!

People have been interested in numbers since ancient times. Today the science of numbers is called numerology; she is able to tell a lot of interesting things, for example, determine the lucky numbers. Numbers in any of us are associated with mathematics, and this is an exact science. This is probably why everything that relates to them inspires confidence among the majority. The most important numbers for a person are those that accompany him all his life. They can help determine compatibility when choosing a friend, life partner, business partner, and tell about the character of a newborn child.

Almost no one doubts that any person has a certain program for life, which is determined by the forces of the cosmos at the moment of birth. Therefore, it is the date of birth that is considered the most magical number. After all, both the name and the surname can be changed throughout life, but the date of birth remains unchanged.

To calculate the number of the date of birth, you need to count the numbers indicating the year, month and birthday and reduce to a prime number (from 1 to 9). For example, if a person was born on June 27, 1975, then his magic number is calculated as follows: 2 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 37 = 10 = 1.

In addition, a certain planet corresponds to the number denoting the date of birth: the Sun corresponds to "1", the Moon - "2", Jupiter - "3", Mars - "4", Saturn - "5", Venus - "6", Mercury - "7", Uranus - "8", Neptune - "9", Pluto - "0" and "10".

The number-talisman is the number that is obtained if you determine not only your magic number, but also magic numbers parents, count them and divide by 3. For example, if a person was born on July 13, 1988, and his mother was born on August 14, 1965, and his father was on November 4, 1961, then:


If the number is not an integer, it must be rounded. In the example we will get 32. Numerologists say that the image of the talisman-number should always be carried with you. For example, embroider on a handkerchief, write on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket, write on a watch strap, order a pendant with its image, get a tattoo. The talisman number protects against failures and troubles, gives strength and self-confidence, attracts good luck to life.

There is an opinion that such a talisman appears the right moment and helps to accept important decision... For example, it appears as a house number, apartment number, bus, trolleybus. A person stops being nervous in difficult situations; fate and the world present him with pleasant surprises, for example, lottery wins (of course, if the talisman number is present in the ticket number). Whenever a person catches the eye of his talisman, any, even very a difficult situation is certainly resolved favorably.

Another lucky number is the one that is obtained from the name, patronymic and surname. After all, each letter of the alphabet corresponds to some number: a, u, c, b - "1", b, d, t, s - "2", c, k, y, b - "3", g, l, f, e - "4", d, m, x, y - "5", e, n, c, i - "6", e, o, h - "7", w, p, w - "8 ", Z, p, u -" 9 ".

For example, Maria Anatolyevna Ivanova:

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For this woman, the lucky number is 3.

Problems can arise if a person changes their first or last name. Most often, this happens to women after marriage. Numerologists believe that changing the lucky number can radically change not only the character, but also the fate of a person, especially if the values ​​of the numbers differ sharply. Therefore, experts advise, before changing the surname, to determine the number that will turn out after changing the surname.

You can navigate by the following characteristics:

  • "1" - the predominance of male character traits - leadership, independence, the ability to independently make decisions in difficult situations;
  • "2" - the desire to seek a compromise in any situation, to work in a team;
  • "3" - enthusiasm, optimism, creative thinking, sociability, ability to influence others with words;
  • "4" - the desire to overcome difficulties, refusal to build life according to the rules, diligence;
  • "5" - unwillingness to take responsibility, passion for extreme sports, frequent changes of place of residence, work, partners;
  • "6" - a pronounced sense of responsibility for others, striving for balance and harmony, seeking benefits in communication;
  • "7" - the ability to analyze, meticulousness, closed character;
  • "8" - competent handling of finances, the desire to translate everything into monetary equivalent, the desire for power and hoarding;
  • "9" - obedience, submission to the desires of others, inability to make decisions on their own, a tendency to romanticism and daydreaming.

Nothing good about family life does not wait for a woman if, after changing her surname, her number changes, for example, from 1 to 9. After all, the husband loves her not only for her appearance, but also for certain character traits. If an independent woman begins to turn into a romantic dreamer, pleasing others in everything, the husband will be at least unpleasantly surprised.

Numerologists consider 11 and 22 to be special numbers. "11" is a doubled one, but at the same time the number 2. Numerologists claim that all born 11 numbers are psychics from birth, guides to other worlds, prone to hypnosis, alchemy and occultism. They have a well-developed intuition, so they easily adapt to people and any conditions, have knowledge that is inaccessible to others, and achieve success in any endeavors. The only drawback is the desire to divide everything into separate components, that is, pettiness, meticulousness, pickiness.

People who were born on the 22nd in character combine the properties of the number 4 and doubled two. They are contradictory, calculating, logical and emotional at the same time, have an analytical mind and intuition at the same time. They can achieve success both in the economy and in creativity. The disadvantage is too much attention to one's own failures and the inability to discern successes. V Everyday life these people need a partner who constantly reminds them of their merits.

Lucky numbers for everyone

In addition to individual lucky numbers, there are luck numbers for anyone and everyone. For example, if you need to determine what is best to do on a particular day, you can use a table based on the fact that single-digit numbers "command" two-digit ones.

It turns out that every day of the month is intended for some specific work and affairs:

  • 1 (10, 19, 28) - any problem is solved favorably, especially if it is related to the work or the implementation of legal ideas;
  • 2 (11, 20, 29) - suitable for analyzing the past and planning the future, one should prefer cases related to minimal cost energies and satisfying;
  • 3 (12, 21, 30) - these days are suitable for entertainment and adventure, the start of new projects;
  • 4 (13, 22, 31) - not suitable for difficult cases and acute entertainment, it is best to do the completion of familiar, not very difficult cases;
  • 5 (14, 23) - days for risky things and surprises;
  • 6 (15, 24) - days of comfort, harmony and mutual understanding, not suitable for starting new business at work, but favorable for household chores, meetings with family or friends, risk and uncertainty are unacceptable;
  • 7 (16, 25) - days for reflection, study, creativity. Many consider these days to be happy;
  • 8 (17, 26) - designed for the most important cases, solutions difficult problems, making important transactions and investing (investments will certainly be profitable);
  • 9 (18, 27) - to start large-scale, important things in business, finance, art.

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Horseshoe - a sign of happiness

Another way to determine your lucky number is to find out your zodiac sign and the corresponding lucky numbers:

  • Aries –7, 9, 10, 19, 28, 29, 39, 47 and all subsequent numbers containing the number 9;
  • Taurus - 6, 15, 24, 25, 75;
  • Gemini - 3, 7, 13, 16, 25 and all numbers that end in the number 3;
  • Cancer - 2, 8, 12, 26, 72;
  • Leo - 1, 9, 18, 27, 81, 91;
  • Virgo - 3, 7, 16, 23, 25, 35;
  • Libra - 5, 6, 15, 24, 25, 35;
  • Scorpio - 5, 7, 14, 23, 47, 87;
  • Sagittarius - 4, 13, 14, 24;
  • Capricorn - 3, 8, 12, 18, 28, 30;
  • Aquarius - 2, 9,11, 20, 39, 49;
  • Pisces - 1, 4, 10, 14, 19, 24, 28.

Those who are fond of feng shui know that in the East the numbers that bring good luck are determined separately for each number. The most important and lucky number counts as 8, followed by 1 and 6. If you put 2 in front of them, the positive properties are doubled. Therefore, now, not only in the East, but also in the West, there are people who are ready to pay big money to get a number for a car or apartment containing 28, 66 or 88.

Bringing misfortune in the East are numbers 2 and 5 or 2 and 3, but only if they are located next to each other. But the worst number is considered to be 4, which is Chinese pronounced death. To reduce the level of negativity, feng shui experts advise to circle the number in a red circle. An exception is people who were born on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 23rd or 25th.

In Chinese, the number 8 is pronounced the same as the word for prosperity and growth. The sign "8" is very similar to the sign of infinity, drawing positive energy from space. Especially happy are people who have a phone number or number credit card ends on 8. Number 28 (according to feng shui) gives success in all endeavors, happiness and a lot of money. In China, all spells are recited exactly 28 times. For people who were born on the 28th of any month, luck triples.

The critical age (when the energy changes) according to feng shui for women is the age of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 ... years, for men - 19, 29, 39, 49, 59 ... years. It is believed that at this time it is impossible to go on long trips, move, do operations with the use of anesthesia.

Each sign of the zodiac has its own mascot numbers and auspicious days a year. What are they for Gemini - Stoloto will tell.

Characteristics of the sign

Gemini (from the Latin Gemini) is the third sign of the zodiac. According to Western astrology, the Sun is in Gemini from May 21st to June 21st.

People born under this sign can tell you a lot about themselves. And all because they love to talk. And this is not just chatter - the driving force behind Gemini's conversation is their mind.

Gemini are intellectually developed, inclined to search for interesting information. They love to listen and learn. Gemini's mood changes quickly, but this does not prevent them from being flexible and adapting to their environment.

The element associated with the Gemini zodiac sign is air. Air signs usually represent thinking people. In their professional activities, they can come up with logical and well-thought-out ideas. This quality makes Gemini a good asset for any team. But these people are not inclined to take the initiative.

When it comes to sports, Gemini naturally opt for paired sports like table tennis.

The most famous and successful personalities born under the sign of Gemini: Peter I, Alexander Pushkin, Paul Gauguin, Marilyn Monroe, Angelina Jolie, Anna Kournikova.

The mythology of the sign


In Greek and Roman mythology, Castor and Pollux are twin brothers, also known as Dioscuri, children of Leda. Castor's father is Tindorey, and Pollux's father is Zeus. Therefore, the first brother is mortal, and the second is immortal. Castor was killed in the battle, but Pollux shared the gift of immortality with his brother. Since then, the Dioscuri have been immortal for one day, mortal for another. The brothers were considered the patrons of sailors and were associated with the art of horse riding.

What numbers bring good luck

Numbers-talismans for Gemini: 4, 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50. Favorable months: January, March, April, June, August, November. The shape of the numbers reflects their character. For example, 4 is a square, 5 is a symbol of dynamic movement.

In numerology, the number 14 represents independence, unity and justice. The great need for life for people of this number is to achieve balance, harmony and moderation. If they act with caution and foresight in money matters and business, then they will surely be lucky.

The number 23 comes down to five. Representatives of this number consider hands-on experience to be the best teacher. 50 is the achievement of stability, symbolizes the principle of plurality and passion.

Number 23 is one of the most popular in the "Gosloto" 5 out of 36 "lottery: it was drawn 406 times during the entire game (almost 14.4% of the draws). Number 14 appears most often in the first round of the Russian Lotto (about 12.5% ​​of the draws). In the State Housing Lottery, the favorites of the first round are numbers 32 and 50. In the KENO-Sportloto lottery, statistics show that numbers 5 and 41 were drawn more often over the entire time of the draw.

Wednesday and Sunday are considered good for Gemini. It is on these days that it is recommended to make important appointments, sign contracts and ... plan the purchase of lottery tickets.

The most auspicious days in 2015

Try to associate your zodiac sign with good days in 2015 and test your own luck in the lottery.

Gemini can pay attention to important years lives that depend on the date of birth

2015 for Gemini

Gemini's hard work will pay off in 2015. On the way to success, you have overcome enough obstacles during recent years... The first half of the year is to consolidate professional activities and interesting business cooperation. The influence of Jupiter, the planet of fortune and abundance, will push you to new heights and achievements. But your job can suffer if you get too caught up in non-career activities. In the second half of the year, start making plans for your vacation.

Be careful with your finances and do not waste money on unnecessary things, even if you won a large amount in the lottery.

Tips for Gemini

- Manage your personal time correctly - it will bring satisfaction both at work and at play.
- Try to lead healthy image life.
- Manage profits wisely, including sudden winnings.
- Don't overload yourself daily activities, communication, new interests. Remember that everything requires moderation.
What to give a woman under the sign of Gemini
Gemini ladies are glad to any sign of attention, because they are interested in almost everything! When choosing a gift for twin women, do not forget about the original packaging. If you are buying a basket of sweets, wrap them individually. Gemini's natural curiosity will make them find out what is inside each bundle - such a present will be remembered 100%.

Gift certificate to your favorite store - another one perfect option for Gemini, so they can do independent choice the things they need.

What to give a man under the sign of Gemini

Gemini men are friendly and open, they are ruled by reason, not feelings. Therefore, everything that will be associated with intellectual activity and self-development - board games, books, certificates for training - will be an excellent gift.

In general, modern gadgets that will allow Gemini to communicate anytime, anywhere are ideal. If you decide to donate a phone, then install the Stoloto lottery application and be sure to tell us that you can win millions of rubles with it. Remember that the originality of the gift is important to Gemini. And the prospect of becoming a millionaire will increase the value of your presentation.

Numerology is ancient science... She claims that there are numbers that bring good luck to each specific person and it can be easily recognized by making a calculation using your name.

Calculate your lucky number using a simple formula. Look in the table which number corresponds to each letter and make the calculations. It will take some time. The fact is that all letters in numerology have their own numerical meaning.

An example of how to find out your luck number.

Sergey Petrovich Andreev - 1 + 6 + 9 + 4 + 6 + 2 = 28 (this is the sum of the name).

Patronymic - 8 + 6 + 2 + 9 + 7 + 3 + 1 + 7 = 43.

Last name - 1 + 6 + 5 + 9 + 6 + 6 + 3 = 36.

Now we successively add all three rows of numbers, we get: 28 + 43 + 36.

According to the laws of numerology, in the end we should get a single-digit number from 1 to 9. Therefore, we continue to add, but not 28 with 43 and 36, but all the numbers separately.

Like this: 2 + 8 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 6 = 26.

And again: 2 + 6 = 8.

Having learned how to calculate the number of a name, it remains only to find out which numbers are “yours” to attract good luck.

Often, intuitively, you know personal numbers that bring good luck and money, unknowingly you are looking for them in your life, in a date, house or car number, in the lottery and in various events. After calculating, you will know for sure which numbers will help you quickly achieve success in any area of ​​life.


For owners of units - 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55. To win the lottery numbers 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55.

For holders of twos - 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56. To play the lottery: 11, 20, 29, 38, 47.

For triplets - 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57. In the lottery 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57.

For fours - 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58. Luck numbers in the lottery are 13, 22, 31,40, 49.

For fives - 5, 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59. For success in the lottery 14, 23, 32, 41, 50, 59.

For sixes - 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60. Lottery - 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60.

For sevens - 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61. Pay attention to these values ​​in lottery tickets: 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61.

For eights - 8, 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62. Will attract wealth 17, 26, 35, 44, 53, 62.

For nines - 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63. 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63 will help to win a large sum.

Calculating the number of luck code by date of birth

According to the law of numerology, there are ten vibrational numbers. Each digit corresponds to its own vibrational flow.

0 - the symbol of the Absolute,

1 - vibration of the planet Sun,

2 - vibrations of the Moon planet,

3 - vibrations of the planet Mars,

4 - vibrations of the planet Mercury,

5 - vibrations of the planet Jupiter,

6 - vibrations of the planet Venus,

7 - vibrations of the planet Saturn,

8 - vibrations of the planet Uranus,

9 - vibrations of the planet Neptune.

Your luck code consists of a combination of numbers and can be calculated using the following formula:

Add the numbers from the day, month and year of birth in turn.

We summarize: 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 25 = 2 + 5 = 7. Therefore, the lucky number of a person born on this day will be 7.

Horoscope of good luck numbers by zodiac signs

The zodiac constellations have their own favorable numbers.

The meanings that will attract good luck in 2017 are the following signs:

Water element

Cancer - 2, 4, 5, 8.

Pisces - 6, 7, 11, multiples of 7.

Scorpions - 4, 5, 8, 9.

The elements of air

Libra - 2, 7, 8, 9, multiples of 6.

Aquarius - 9, 11, 13.

Gemini - 3, 4.

Elements Earth

Taurus - 2, 4, multiples of 6.

Virgo - 3, 7 and their combinations.

Capricorns - 3, 5, 7, 8.

Fire Elements

Aries - 4, 7, 9.

Leo - 3, 8, 13, multiples of 3.

Common lucky meanings recognized in astrology.

Luck number 7 (seven) is a true talisman.

13 (thirteen, or a damn dozen) - if you believe, then it will definitely bring good luck.