All the heroes are from Gorky childhood. The main characters and their characteristics in the story "Childhood" (L

Characteristics of the hero

In the story "Childhood" M. Gorky told about his childhood years, in which almost the main place was occupied by his grandmother. Strange, very plump, big-headed, with huge eyes, a loose reddish nose. In the boy's life, his grandmother appeared when his father died, and until the end of her days she was always there.

The boy sees and understands that inwardly the grandmother is beautiful, she is soft, affectionate, kind, trying to understand and help in any situation.

With her fullness, my grandmother walked very easily, smoothly and dexterously. Her movements were like a cat's.

My grandmother had a very pleasant snow-white smile, her eyes flashed with warm light, and her face became young and light.

Her hair was black, very thick, long and unruly. Therefore, when my grandmother was combing her sparse-toothed comb, she was usually angry.

Grandmother spoke cheerfully, fluently, in a singsong voice. She often mentioned God. Everything she said was warm and affectionate, so the boy made friends with his grandmother from the first day, she became for him the most loyal and close friend, the most understanding person. Later he realized that his grandmother was the person who gives her love unselfishly, she loves the world as it is.

M. Gorky reverently remembers his grandmother, and, perhaps, it was his disinterested attitude towards people that helped the writer later transferred M. Gorky's story "Childhood" is autobiographical. Everyone who surrounded Alyosha Peshkov helped the writer grow up, albeit with pain of memories and resentments, but it was a school.

A tremulous, yet unconscious love was aroused in the boy by his grandmother Akulina Ivanovna. A man of a rich soul, colorful appearance, possessing the wisdom that is characteristic of the Russian people.

Alexei saw his grandmother for the first time when she was "in her sixties of summer and spring." The way she perceived the world grandma, nobody could. From the bank floating by, from the domes of churches sunk in the sky, she could burst into tears or laugh. And who else could tell the boy such tales that the hardened bearded sailors asked: "Come on, grandmother, tell me something else! .." For Alyosha Peshkov, grandmother became the light that everyone should have in life. She became his most faithful friend, "the most understandable and close person." "She's all dark, but she glowed from the inside ... with an inextinguishable, cheerful and warm light."

Alyosha learned selfless love from his grandmother, since his grandfather's family, where he unwittingly ended up, lived according to the harsh rules established by his grandfather the usurper. It seems that a kind person occasionally peeps through him, but the shell snaps into place ... and do not cross it, otherwise the reprisal will be rods. Grandmother knew the character of her grandfather well, was not afraid of him, unlike other family members. For anyone, she could become a mountain if the grandfather was wrong.

The house was filled with her warmth, her love and light, living energy. She put her whole soul into taking care of her children and grandchildren. The Tsyganok, which nobody wanted, thrown under the gate of the house, was accepted by the grandmother as a native, she brought up and left the boy. Working from dawn to late at night around the house, grandmother saw everyone and everything that happened around, paid attention to everyone who needed her.

And her heroism during the fire She was equal to the elements. Both Flame and Grandma fought for the workshop. Who will win. She saved what was dear to her, was her home, economy; the fire burned what it considered its prey. The fire was extinguished, the grandmother received burns, but she also found words of comfort for others.

M. Gorky went through the school of generosity and severity, love and anger, but all his life he tried to analyze his actions, give love, and educate himself. And thanks to fate that he had such a wonderful grandmother.

characteristics of the heroes of the story of gorky childhood

  1. In front of everyone was a small, dry old man, in a long black robe, with a red beard like gold, with a bird's nose and green eyes ... "" ... In the morning ... he washed his face for a long time, then, neatly dressed, carefully combed red hair, straightened his beard and, examining himself in the mirror, tugged at his shirt, tucking a black kerchief into the waistcoat ... "" ... He was all foldable, chiseled, sharp. His satin, silk-embroidered, deaf vest was old, worn out, his chintz shirt was crumpled, there were large patches on the knees of his trousers, and all the same he seemed dressed and cleaner and prettier than his sons, who wore jackets, shirt fronts and silk scarves around their necks ... "". .. quietly stroking my head with a small hard hand painted in yellow, especially noticeable on crooked, bird's nails ... "" ... looks out the window, squinting his eyes, small and sharp all over ... "" ... contemptuously curling his thin dark lips ... "

    The appearance of Maxim Peshkov: "... fingers of gentle hands, quietly laid on his chest ...; his cheerful eyes ..., kind face ..." "... combing his father's long soft hair from his forehead ..." ". .. is walking between the apple trees in such a way, in a white shirt, in plush trousers, and barefoot, without a hat, on long hair strap. It was he who brought the woo! .. "" ... He had good eyes: cheerful, clean, and dark eyebrows, it used to be, he would pull them together, hide with eyes, his face would become stony, stubborn, and he did not listen to anyone, only me ... "Father never beat Alyosha:" ... No, Maxim did not beat him, and he forbade me too ... He said that you cannot learn by beating ... "

    Grandmother's appearance Description of appearance in quotes: "... When she smiled, her dark, like cherries, pupils dilated, flashing with an inexpressibly pleasant light, her smile cheerfully bared her strong white teeth, and, despite the many wrinkles in the dark skin of her cheeks, her whole face seemed young and light. He was very spoiled by that loose nose with swollen nostrils and red at the end. She was sniffing tobacco from a black snuff-box decorated with silver. She was all dark, but shone from the inside through her eyes with an inextinguishable, cheerful and warm light. She stooped, almost hunchbacked, very plump, but she moved easily and dexterously, like a big cat, she is soft, just like this affectionate beast ... "" ... grandmother is round, big-headed, with huge eyes and a funny loose nose; she is all black, soft and surprisingly interesting ... "" ... I tug at her dark skirt with printed flowers ... "" ... Baptizing her snow-white, clean chest, she laughs quietly, she sways all over ... "" ... grandmother in a cloak with tails on the collar ... "(cloak is a woman's coat)" ... bows to the I eat, bumping my big forehead on the floorboard ... "

  2. Tsyganok (Ivan) is a minor character in the story "Childhood" by Maxim Gorky.
    Ivan is a foundling, " early spring, on a rainy night, he was found at the gate of the house on a bench. "Tsyganok works in his grandfather's dyehouse, helps with household chores, etc.
    They called him Tsyganok because of his dark skin, black hair and, of course, because he was dishonest: “Grandma explained to me that Tsyganok not so much buys at the bazaar as steals.
    “My grandfather will give him a five-person, he will buy it for three rubles, and steal it for ten. Loves to steal, mischief-maker! Once I tried it, it turned out okay, he took theft as a custom. "
    Gypsy's appearance was attractive: "Square, broad-breasted, with a huge curly head, he appeared in the evening, festively dressed in a golden, slinky shirt, plush trousers and squeaky boots with an accordion. His hair glittered, his slanted oar eyes glittered under thick eyebrows and white teeth under a black strip of young mustache, a shirt was burning, softly reflecting the red fire of an inextinguishable lamp. "
    The Gypsy's speech is cheerful, lively, crafty.
    Tsyganok had a great influence on the development of the character of Alsha Peshkov. He was one of his close friends. Tsyganok taught Alsha to behave correctly during a flogging, helped him in the case of a tablecloth, and so on.
    All the inhabitants of the house treated Gypsy especially "" Grandfather shouted at him not so often and angrily as at his sons ... arranged something hurtful and evil. "
    The author respects the Gypsy for his "golden hands", for his honesty towards the owners (grandmother and grandfather).
    Gypsy died on Saturday, at the beginning of winter. Tsyganoku helped Uncle Yakov carry the cross to the grave of his wife. The gypsy slipped, he was crushed by a cross. They buried him imperceptibly, incomprehensibly.

"Childhood" by M.Yu. Gorky

1) The history of the creation of M. Gorky's story "Childhood". In 1913, Maxim Gorky wrote the first part of his trilogy "Childhood", in which he depicted a milestone in the formation of the personality of a little man, based on his own real facts of biography. Three years later, the author wrote the second part of the trilogy "In People", it describes the hard working life of the working class, and a few years later, in 1922, M. Gorky published the third part of the trilogy - "My Universities."

2) Features of the genre. The work of M. Gorky "Childhood" belongs to the genre of an autobiographical story. Remembering his childhood, the first years of growing up, the death of his father, moving to the Kashirins' house, rethinking a lot in a new way, M. Gorky creates the story "Childhood", a story about life little boy Alyosha. The story is told in the first person, on behalf of the main participant in the events. This makes it possible for the writer to show the depicted events more reliably, to convey thoughts, feelings, attitude to the life of the character. Alyosha remembers his grandmother as “my dearest heart, the most understandable and dear person - it was her disinterested love for the world that enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life.” In the text of the story, the hero confesses his dislike of his grandfather. The task of the writer is not just to convey the events of which he became a participant little hero, but also to evaluate them already from the standpoint of an adult who has learned a lot and a person's life. It is this feature that is characteristic of the zhaira of an autobiographical story. M. Gorky's goal is not to revive the past, but to tell "about that close, stifling circle of eerie impressions in which he lived - until this day, zhnns: a simple Russian man." The events of childhood are conveyed with a spatula in as much detail as possible, since every episode in the life of the hero has an impact on the formation of character. Alyosha perceives the trials that have fallen to his lot in different ways: for example, after the grandfather beat his grandson for the spoiled tablecloth, “days of ill health” became for the boy “ big days life ". It was then that the hero began to understand better in July, and his heart "became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, his own and someone else's," Gorky's work "Childhood)" an autobiographical character, and all the secondary characters and episodes help to reveal the character of Alyosha, to express the author's attitude to what is happening.The writer simultaneously endows the main character with his experiences, and at the same time contemplates the described events as if from the outside, giving them an assessment: “... yes is it worth talking about it? This is the truth that you need to know to the root in order to rip it out from memory, from the soul of a person, from our whole life, difficult and shameful. "

Remember what an autobiographical story is. How does an autobiographical story differ from a writer's autobiography? (The autobiography is based on the real facts of the life of the writer; in an autobiographical story, fictional fiction plays a special role, although personal feelings, thoughts, impressions of the writer are also important.)

What autobiographical works have you studied this academic year? (J1.H. Tolstoy's story "Childhood", M. Gorky's story "Childhood")

What is an internal monologue? (reflections of the protagonist) What role does the internal monologue play in revealing the character of the main character of M. Gorky's story "Childhood" - Alyosha Peshkov? (An inner monologue helps the reader to penetrate inner world hero, get acquainted with his thoughts, feelings.)

3) Characteristics of the heroes of the story.

How the main character characterizes life in the Kashirin family? ("Thick, motley, inexpressibly strange life")

How does the relationship in the Kashirins' house differ from the relationship that was between Alyosha's mother and father? (The atmosphere in the Kashirins' house was hostile, and the relationship between Alyosha's parents was based on love and mutual respect.)

Who is the head of the house in the Kashirin family? (grandfather)

How do the uncles behave: Mikhail and Yakov? (The guys are constantly quarreling among themselves, striving to quickly divide the grandfather's property.)

What is the relationship between children in the Kashirin family? (there is also no understanding between children)

Who in the house is Alyoshka reaching out to? (to the grandmother, the foundling orphan Gypsy, the half-blind master Grigory Ivanovich)

The image of Alyosha. M. Gorky wrote the story "Childhood", where in the image of the main character he brought out an autobiographical character - Alyosha Peshkova. All events and heroes of the work are portrayed by the writer through the perception of a little boy.

Who is the main character - Alyoshka - riding on the steamer with? (with grandmother and mother)

What does Alyoshka especially like about her grandmother's appearance? (smile and eyes that glowed from within)

How does the mother behave on the boat? (closed, rarely goes on deck, keeps away)

What was the first impression made by your grandfather on Alyoshka? (the boy didn't like the grandfather)

What are the boy's first impressions of the new house in which he will henceforth live? (Everything seemed unpleasant to Alyosha)

Why did Alyosha with such difficulty memorize the prayer that the quiet, meek aunt Natalya taught with him? (Aunt Natalya could not explain to the boy the meaning of memorizing a prayer)

How does Alyosha behave at the time of his grandfather's punishment? (continues to bite, kick, express disagreement in every possible way)

Why does Tsyganok say that little Alyosha will often be flogged? (Alyosha cannot come to terms with injustice)

How does the main character behave during a fire? (observes, analyzes what he saw)

What attracted Alyosha to the freeloader Good Deal? (unusual, different from other people)

The image of the grandmother. Grandmother is the complete opposite of her grandfather, her husband: affectionate, kind, ready to help everyone. She is very worried about the constant quarrels of her sons, she is unhappy with the severity of her grandfather. Especially on the face of the grandmother, eyes stood out, thanks to which the heroine "shone from the inside ... with an inextinguishable, cheerful and warm light." My grandmother's character is soft, compliant, she loves people with all her heart, knows how to appreciate true beauty, is tied to home: “I remember my grandmother's childhood joy at the sight of Nizhny Novgorod”. It is the inconspicuous grandmother who becomes a kind angel for Alyosha, protecting the boy from evil people and difficult living conditions. It was she who grabbed the hero in her arms when the grandfather punished him for the spoiled tablecloth. Grandmother did not know how to keep a grudge for a long time, to be cruel. People took advantage of her kindness, but she never complained about Life. Living with his grandmother, Alyosha listens to stories about the life of the Kashirin family every evening. When it came to the family's business life, the grandmother "spoke with a laugh, aloof, somehow from afar, like a neighbor, and not the second in the house in seniority." Material wealth was not the heroine's life values. Pity, compassion for people are the main qualities of a grandmother's character, so she worries, suffers after the death of a foundling Gypsy. A wise woman perceives the difficulties in life as God's trials, this is what she tells her grandson about Vanya the Tsyganka: “My grandfather wanted to bring Vanya to the police, but I dissuaded him: let's take it for ourselves; it is God sent us instead of those who died. After all, I had eighteen children ... but the Lord loved my blood, took everything and took my children as angels. And I feel sorry for me, but also happy! " During the fire: "illuminated by fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping up everywhere, giving orders to everything, seeing everything." Having become practically beggars, Alyosha was forced to beg. He brought small crumbs to his grandmother, who "looked at them and cried silently," worried about the future of her grandson. The whole life of the grandmother was spent for the good of people, so her image was imprinted for a long time in the mind of the protagonist. A wise woman smoothes out the "leaden abominations of the wild Russian life", spiritually enriching the difficult life of people.

What role does grandmother play in the home? (Grandmother is a reconciling principle in the house, she loves everyone, regrets everyone, is smart with her natural motherly mind.)

Why do you think the writer originally intended to name his story "Granny"? (It is the image of the grandmother that brings a kind, reconciling beginning to the work.)

The image of the grandfather.
- What contradictions in the appearance of your grandfather can you note? Why does he at the same time seem to Alyosha angry, cruel and at the same time fearless? (Grandfather often acts impulsively, without thinking about the consequences, and then regrets what he did.)

Who influenced the formation of the character of the grandfather? (difficult childhood, difficult life around)

4) The role of dialogue in the story. Dialogues in the story help to reveal the character of the characters, as well as life circumstances.

The answer left the guest

Alyosha Peshkov Alyosha Peshkov is the main character and narrator of the story. In early childhood, he settles in his mother's family - the evil and scandalous Kashirin family. The story "Childhood" is Alyosha's story about his hard life with the Kashirins. >>> Grandmother Grandmother Akulina Ivanovna Kashirina is a kind, energetic woman. She is about 60 years old. Grandma becomes best friend Alyosha for many years. >>> Grandfather Grandfather Vasily Vasilyevich Kashirin is a respected, wealthy man, the owner of a dye shop. He is about 80 years old. Grandfather is an intelligent, but greedy and cruel person. >>> Alyosha's mother Varvara Vasilievna Kashirina (married - Peshkova, Maksimova) is a young woman. After the death of her husband, Varvara leaves her son Alyosha to be raised by her grandmother Akulina. >>> Alyosha's father Maxim Savvateevich Peshkov is the father of Alyosha Peshkov and the husband of Varvara. Maxim Peshkov is a kind, cheerful person. Dies at a young age. >>> Uncle Yakov Uncle Yakov Vasilyevich Kashirin is one of the two uncles of the Kashirins. Jacob is an evil, cruel, stupid, envious person. Jacob beat his wife to death. >>> Uncle Mikhailo Uncle Mikhailo (Mikhail Vasilyevich Kashirin) is Alyosha's second uncle, a cruel, envious, evil person. He beats up his pregnant wife, aunt Natalia >>> Tsyganok Ivan Tsyganok is a 19-year-old boy, a foundling, raised in the Kashirin family. Gypsy is cheerful good person... He dies through the fault of uncles Jacob and Mikhail. >>> Master Grigory Master Grigory Ivanovich is a kind, smart old man, faithful assistant to grandfather Vasily in his workshop. In the end, Gregory goes blind and becomes a beggar. >>> A Good Deed A Good Deed is a man whose name is not indicated in the story. He rents a room in the house of Kashirin's grandfather. Good Deed is a kind, sweet and very lonely person. He becomes Alyosha's best friend, but soon the grandfather survives the man from the house. >>> Aunt Natalya Aunt Natalya Kashirina is Uncle Mikhail's wife, a timid and quiet woman. Pregnant aunt Natalya suffers beatings from her husband and suffers in the Kashirin family. During the delivery of her third child, she dies. Sasha Yakovov Sasha Kashirin (Yakov's son) is the son of Uncle Yakov, cousin of Alyosha Peshkov. An evil, cunning boy, like his father. Sasha Mikhailov Sasha Kashirin (Mikhailov's son) is the son of uncle Mikhail and aunt Natalia, cousin of Alyosha Peshkov. Quiet, sad and lazy boy. Katerina Katerina Kashirina - daughter of Uncle Mikhail and aunt Natalia, cousin Alyosha Peshkova. Nurse Evgenia Nurse Evgenia lives in the Kashirins' house and takes care of the children. Evgeny Maksimov Evgeny Maksimov is the stepfather of Alyosha Peshkov, the second husband of Varvara. Eugene is a nobleman. Having married Varvara, he loses all his money at cards, because of which the family falls into poverty. He beats his wife and cheats on her. Uncle Peter Uncle Peter is a cabman, a tenant in the house of Kashirin's grandfather. Alyosha listens with interest to his stories from the life of peasants. Uncle Peter commits suicide. Death in Igosh's Pocket Death in a Pocket is a blissful person. Local boys offend and beat Igosha. Alyosha, on the other hand, is sympathetic to the poor person.

1) The history of the creation of M. Gorky's story "Childhood". In 1913, Maxim Gorky wrote the first part of his trilogy "Childhood", in which he depicted a milestone in the formation of the personality of a little man, based on his own real facts of biography. Three years later, the author wrote the second part of the trilogy "In People", it describes the hard working life of the working class, and a few years later, in 1922, M. Gorky published the third part of the trilogy - "My Universities."

2) Features of the genre. The work of M. Gorky "Childhood" belongs to the genre of an autobiographical story. Remembering his childhood, the first years of growing up, the death of his father, moving to the Kashirins' house, rethinking a lot in a new way, M. Gorky creates the story "Childhood", a story about the life of a little boy Alyosha. The story is told in the first person, on behalf of the main participant in the events. This makes it possible for the writer to show the depicted events more reliably, to convey thoughts, feelings, attitude to the life of the character. Alyosha remembers his grandmother as “my closest heart, the most understandable and dear person - it was her disinterested love for the world that enriched me, saturating me with strong strength for a difficult life.” In the text of the story, the hero confesses his dislike of his grandfather. The task of the writer is not just to convey the events in which the little hero has become a participant, but also to evaluate them from the perspective of an adult who has learned a lot about a person's life. It is this feature that is characteristic of the zhaira of an autobiographical story. M. Gorky's goal is not to revive the past, but to tell "about that close, stifling circle of eerie impressions in which he lived - until this day, zhnns: a simple Russian man." The events of childhood are conveyed with a spatula in as much detail as possible, since every episode in the life of the hero has an impact on the formation of character. Alyosha perceives the trials that have fallen to his lot in different ways: for example, after his grandchild beat his grandson for a ruined tablecloth, “days of ill health” became “big days of life” for the boy. It was then that the hero began to understand better in July, and his heart "became unbearably sensitive to any insult and pain, his own and someone else's," Gorky's work "Childhood)" an autobiographical character, and all the secondary characters and episodes help to reveal the character of Alyosha, to express the author's attitude to what is happening.The writer simultaneously endows the main character with his experiences, and at the same time contemplates the described events as if from the outside, giving them an assessment: “... yes is it worth talking about it? This is the truth that you need to know to the root in order to rip it out from memory, from the soul of a person, from our whole life, difficult and shameful. "

Remember what an autobiographical story is. How does an autobiographical story differ from a writer's autobiography? (The autobiography is based on the real facts of the life of the writer; in an autobiographical story, fictional fiction plays a special role, although personal feelings, thoughts, impressions of the writer are also important.)

What autobiographical works have you studied this academic year? (J1.H. Tolstoy's story "Childhood", M. Gorky's story "Childhood")

What is an internal monologue? (reflections of the protagonist) What role does the internal monologue play in revealing the character of the main character of M. Gorky's story "Childhood" - Alyosha Peshkov? (An internal monologue helps the reader to penetrate into the inner world of the hero, to get acquainted with his thoughts and feelings.)

3) Characteristics of the heroes of the story.

How does the main character characterize life in the Kashirin family? ("Thick, motley, inexpressibly strange life")

How does the relationship in the Kashirins' house differ from the relationship that was between Alyosha's mother and father? (The atmosphere in the Kashirins' house was hostile, and the relationship between Alyosha's parents was based on love and mutual respect.)

Who is the head of the house in the Kashirin family? (grandfather)

How do the uncles behave: Mikhail and Yakov? (The guys are constantly quarreling among themselves, striving to quickly divide the grandfather's property.)

What is the relationship between children in the Kashirin family? (there is also no understanding between children)

Who in the house is Alyoshka reaching out to? (to the grandmother, the foundling orphan Gypsy, the half-blind master Grigory Ivanovich)

The image of Alyosha. M. Gorky wrote the story "Childhood", where in the image of the main character he brought out an autobiographical character - Alyosha Peshkova. All events and heroes of the work are portrayed by the writer through the perception of a little boy.

Who is the main character - Alyoshka - riding on the steamer with? (with grandmother and mother)

What does Alyoshka especially like about her grandmother's appearance? (smile and eyes that glowed from within)

How does the mother behave on the boat? (closed, rarely goes on deck, keeps away)

What was the first impression made by your grandfather on Alyoshka? (the boy didn't like the grandfather)

What are the boy's first impressions of the new house in which he will henceforth live? (Everything seemed unpleasant to Alyosha)

Why did Alyosha with such difficulty memorize the prayer that the quiet, meek aunt Natalya taught with him? (Aunt Natalya could not explain to the boy the meaning of memorizing a prayer)

How does Alyosha behave at the time of his grandfather's punishment? (continues to bite, kick, express disagreement in every possible way)

Why does Tsyganok say that little Alyosha will often be flogged? (Alyosha cannot come to terms with injustice)

How does the main character behave during a fire? (observes, analyzes what he saw)

What attracted Alyosha to the freeloader Good Deal? (unusual, different from other people)

The image of the grandmother. Grandmother is the complete opposite of her grandfather, her husband: affectionate, kind, ready to help everyone. She is very worried about the constant quarrels of her sons, she is unhappy with the severity of her grandfather. Especially on the face of the grandmother, eyes stood out, thanks to which the heroine "shone from the inside ... with an inextinguishable, cheerful and warm light." My grandmother's character is soft, compliant, she loves people with all her heart, knows how to appreciate true beauty, is tied to home: “I remember my grandmother's childhood joy at the sight of Nizhny Novgorod”. It is the inconspicuous grandmother who becomes a kind angel for Alyosha, protecting the boy from evil people and difficult living conditions. It was she who grabbed the hero in her arms when the grandfather punished him for the spoiled tablecloth. Grandmother did not know how to keep a grudge for a long time, to be cruel. People took advantage of her kindness, but she never complained about Life. Living with his grandmother, Alyosha listens to stories about the life of the Kashirin family every evening. When it came to the family's business life, the grandmother "spoke with a laugh, aloof, somehow from afar, like a neighbor, and not the second in the house in seniority." Material wealth was not the heroine's life values. Pity, compassion for people are the main qualities of a grandmother's character, so she worries, suffers after the death of a foundling Gypsy. A wise woman perceives the difficulties in life as God's trials, this is what she tells her grandson about Vanya the Tsyganka: “My grandfather wanted to bring Vanya to the police, but I dissuaded him: let's take it for ourselves; it is God sent us instead of those who died. After all, I had eighteen children ... but the Lord loved my blood, took everything and took my children as angels. And I feel sorry for me, but also happy! " During the fire: "illuminated by fire, which seemed to catch her, black, she rushed around the yard, keeping up everywhere, giving orders to everything, seeing everything." Having become practically beggars, Alyosha was forced to beg. He brought small crumbs to his grandmother, who "looked at them and cried silently," worried about the future of her grandson. The whole life of the grandmother was spent for the good of people, so her image was imprinted for a long time in the mind of the protagonist. A wise woman smoothes out the "leaden abominations of the wild Russian life", spiritually enriching the difficult life of people.

What role does grandmother play in the home? (Grandmother is a reconciling principle in the house, she loves everyone, regrets everyone, is smart with her natural motherly mind.)

Why do you think the writer originally intended to name his story "Granny"? (It is the image of the grandmother that brings a kind, reconciling beginning to the work.)

The image of the grandfather.
- What contradictions in the appearance of your grandfather can you note? Why does he at the same time seem to Alyosha angry, cruel and at the same time fearless? (Grandfather often acts impulsively, without thinking about the consequences, and then regrets what he did.)

Who influenced the formation of the character of the grandfather? (difficult childhood, difficult life around)

4) The role of dialogue in the story. Dialogues in the story help to reveal the character of the characters, as well as life circumstances.